jr -.mar -mmSrntTi -rr h3liAlthurf!13oM. - m-- i ii. iisviti'izit. For the IV isr. I .E2 pssisr? ts:;l2itcy of, ........'... J. .4... ".At. MM' Tj tho S. S. W.rkera of Cricr Cj. HKAvr.urow.x, Ph., May rt, 1. Alio me to cull yeitr uturitiou to Those who have taken tlio (rouble , lLo 1 Uli nnt.nnl convention of the JHulwrHptioil l.fiO Pit Yrtir. to f lammo do pages of our story 'hnydir Coouty Snuday JMiojI Aso ip-ipr-ts nn.l mn.'siurs. Love no ciftioo, lo bo LeM at beliurgioo, in FATE'S OF ADVERTISING: ,4' cc I .. "tf .U Ml I . 'li. doubt been f (ruck I v tho 1d uw:u -il . ilio I'v. Liiiht'iun church, con.oi' tc 20, I?Si. We The ing Tin sdny, Ms v seems al-1 liust you nre nwsio lh.it thin i: nn icndeticy vt their literature. ui.itW'i iMi.lr.iiictl in il-.cin it.'nt ii.vitmb'v tr l t f nn inferior mliivly vluutiv nnd ii.1.mmi:!i:'i i f. Column. Dai Tt ir me h.ti t'o'iimi on leaf OM-lmirili i ulcmn. ii e liar I ri'l,Ml'in ' it". f r lear Alirtllur. I ili f, A Im l-ilrir.ti-ir A.tn S.iMoit 11 'k ..'!::rJrJ:V.::.,!?..,.''.",: I? I"-..." I order, sml sunn ,,f it i,. tioi.l owiu:'.ttbo--:iii niMuUrsbio i' fiiio (i .i rer men i.r ii I . e r I n I n K.r ts nit In.. r lou au I ! ccot lor i. i' cjattn I .jertion . I ,J. l' ' . 1 ... ,nBioyficemBri:. ItquiMican Ticket motu! 11,.. ir-t ten Tears I av.. "coin-isls of nit whol.ih Fur I'oiijfrcM. lOPlM p. ATK l.H.1. of Juniata comity . For A mMy. M A I. F ft K I ) MUl'lH'lt. f Mirl.ll.-luirf.-ti. For Sheriff. Mill IV muii.i;svaith i f West licuv.r. For Treasurer, CHAKI-r:- A. lH.KM)tH. ( f l"ri.j.s.lni. t'or (o:iiiii-ioiit. JOHN M i It N i ( I'l ntrn i, ini .I.Ml vtu V Hol S;K .f I nil. ii. I Yi r A ii. liter, ADAM SMI I'll .f H.-uvi r n-,. SlIi.U'.Kof Vil 1'rrry. For 'nr.iiK r t). II. V. 'I'omI.F.. t I'rerluuv. .viti:cr..l a fctnrtliiipr imilli.liMl in v ':tv tuc n t of Clirinl"H kin.l. m, by To KCL'omplis'j ItiM cti.l it nccdu f o'ocv imcrn. ti jli''.) fr-i- t tc- 1 iteaus ol luitbful Jtiolo instruction I . t -- O , The Stuto Tn-Hury r-tfitctctut f r lift f.ioiith shows tlio t jt:il nii) init in tho Kiu-ial fut.il tj bo ?l,l."o-a-Li I . I:J Sainl.iy r.tis, nu.l tlm hl.o, al! looming ilh litoraluio of i li.;ht. llishynnl v( ntrato chnrnctcr. j in1 iioirly all of lheo jnihliciliuns boifrt of ciiculutions ttinjbfiiiitf m irjy tlioun.iliJ-), showing thai they i.rc wi ll pftlrotiioil nn.l well kh.1 ull over tho conutiy. It is news In no one. iniWJ. that rcaling multtr of t i. tn lin-1 I i.i 8 becu coruli mucil by our iclncited iuo no J woiutn nmJ that a tort of fluginu ar hiot bt-i-u j wiigul ngiiinst it I3nt yd fw. if thoi-o ho nio lumynl ..i :t i ..... .'t i ('iiiiini ii, nuu u i.i.i voiujii ei'dlMul) jefthe tone of tho btoiics ooJ ooviln l iihlit.h il by tLoto iaHis, and of (ho Inn ni they aro caueinp. This is true Mmj,ly fio:u tho fuel that fuw of our ucuer cuius oi rtiutcru lake up these shallow productions nuJ rem tho liciuty co'0x rntinii of ull iutcr- stiil in tho grout woik. V,'o o(.L w ilh coofi b oco to tho coiuii g cou veiiUon to bo one of udusimI inter- -t nful Micpi'ts ou nccount of ite chociful onil prompt attcnilicce, hui! mo h' o that all who havo 'UcstiocB assigooil for iliio.is-.iou will b ia at t inline If however thcro mny be thoKe providenti.il'y ilotainod ploaso tjolify tho oxreutivo ccunmilieo nt Stliosjrove in bic tinio so there vt i 1 1 be lo break in the program. Vtij Truly Yours, A 31. Caki t NTEtl, Cor. Sec Owing to ill health I would nn oi iic (3 to my pntrotis and citizens ofihc surrounding community that B nave to dishandon the tncrcan (ili business, till ininrovetucnt or r iu ,ho nl heklth. Would extend this time si months to my patrons to settle up their accounts and would way thitt I w ill keep a full stock ofmer chaudico lor the ncxi days and will positively sell cheaper than any other store in the county. Very Kespectfully J. W. SPECHT. Cincinnati $nt of ono of its I j murderers, Friday by the unusual Ujmu. Knotting that they mo of Pent ofthe gnllow. Tbnro ro ao iofciior standard they do not euro to w.nto time Upon this, or if they do attempt to renl theiu they bo- 1 '' 7 " como eo thoroughly di.guted that Tho plain f.ctM juht thin: Mr.ltljl.y lJtvor lxn vciy flir WtT(, IMaino wonl.1 cm ry Now Y.uk just!tb),y llllWBVl!ri l() t.x,lluill0 llltm lh(lj. hh snnly as any Republican, and ho would llud tho plots of th. so stories is tho only lb publican who can be ,f tl,0 most loasatit nud enticing t-lcctyd withwut New Yoik. jkiu.lull if ahsuid io'uics of unieid " j life, glowingly pain'cd in fi.lso col- ExSenator Kellogg haH been no- i urn i i ich with sentimental fodish- ncHs ; ph nty of immorality nud MickednesN for pic", and virtue piittrd of tho star route chargo nl bribery, tho Court holding that the Jirosocution was burro ! by tho st;it uto of limitation. It will require 111 votes to i.ouii rmto at tl o ChicMg j cuiivcnlinn. of which lilniijo now hie iiiii h cUnji fitjly 47 votes of a iiiuj ii ity en l'ni I periodicals mains somo twenty odd in tho jail who daily link upon themselves moro and iuoio in tho light of vic tims cf tho late Cincinnati riots. wiikhk i r rortiiKs tiik shoiiks and THIS UHKAT (iil.I'MNS IX M I i THKAM. 'W'Snt n lioiiii'ul trlilif" hi-twrrn oil mi ihp.I i'li.l.lli....i i ii.'ihi.i'i. . ,n hiluillti lv tl.u iiin I . jf ii ; mm i i,y r mm wnrntiip nn cii'it i t.it uli'. ,iii I !i.i Inl'iiiui ly. m, ,.ntlliiic litu. I ho i .1 in. 1. 1 turn .i .r.iy.T nn. I -rrh i. ill ll.llf lillll' Ii -i, i ii l Ii. In nilo with ll.o I it . " n-iii.iili-Sir i;. Hulm-r l.jliun, m hm S:riio Specific ron iiia BLOOD, A7(D A Positive Cure rou RIKUMISa Neural ft I-, vzi?mvr nvr.icr. mmm '..f iL'' 'iir.r.-. . 'i!m' Vswl j i1'l l.!iiol,ucll M An Inrsllliilc rm- ly for nil ili'i ii cf Hi. Skin cm: of i no not let your lrutlst ionmiulo . . u U Ukt lomnhlng clw, Utl It h. tM r.ct t't it, o1 will not semi for It, wr!t. to c r.r1 we will sml lit tn you hj .zprcM, prepktil, on .nvclpt of prtoo. Cinp to thr hri'lln r f r.'irr.mntlc Sy nip wtll r',er tho Fjrtcni of lillo, nn.l riire nr o f lii llMnmiitorjr or Acuta iLho'.iiiili.m, vr Neuralgia. Thro to flT.bfitllts wl'.l uro ErjJlpeliul In IU wont fonn. I rnnr to al Viti.sr warmntM to mrr oorruptoi.il ruiui'Tii; L'lctrv Tour to rli VoltlM aro wrrrr.ntcl to fure .nyiixiff"'; i l.in'n. Flvo to i IkM tottim wPt enre th wont blnftwnrin, Mrr-'iit9, l:ri 1:i.1aii. rtmrl : ltiitlnf. r"n two to four tiioutW "f HV Omntlr 'yru' ' '.I nrr" n'iv rui f I l.itrjuic lllicuiotiun f I rfi titjr ri'r!' Miili'llnr. , , . ,."-i iti.r nil rmi ti iArli'llLl'-Wlivf.ilnlBlnU ami Wr I .-. 1 JH'Pf. It 1 llin -'J'kW'-"iy'ht n.w-illi-1 lii' mmiiV f i li'you linv Iimti aMiilVrr f r j-pnr. n"l lmrc iic ! r.U Iho tr nielin you cntiM hpnr f.f, with ni " nvnil, tin not l0 flbKOUraicod, for hhctimutlr I -yrun HI riiru yoa.a, '",h!r, W1.00 prhUl. O bot'Jn for f fl.Of). Scml for our iimptiM of Ti timonlul. tie. l:lir.fMATleSYltrVCO., Rochrtr, JJ. Y. t'OU SAl.li HV Jlkl'ilM!Ts I'rico t'l.oupt-r llottvl ortt boltlt-s fur .i.iiJ Doavcr iprirp, May 1, '?4 THE POPULAR OF MIFFLIN COUNTY. t - I'M SPRINGS n SEEBOLD & RUNKLE Every derai tmpnl full and ready for business. Tho Largest and most jriV;ng openi'J a magnificent stock of General Merchandise desire lo Carefully .Selected Steel cf WALNUT & PAINTKDCHAMIJEH SI I u attention of buyers to a fow facts that will not only please but which Miahl'fpet'O Would liken t"' l"" '"Iw'-ti li:tn aliutmc-nt' tin , I t rl.l .'i' i.l I Ii iiiiiny ti i.-1, ;ivl nnlnl r. li- ' two grains 01 Wheat, hid in two H'ronuli M -I tin .i.l I imii.th ,ln-li nn.l ri.irlu builut. 1 hat in what' culled 1 Mai t) h) haiiia. The inter-nutioiial wnllcieg closed iu New Yuik city m il iy -one of tLo coL,tctt..u'B, match Sat hi- Ixinht Is ef cli.'iir. you shall seek ull lay no ymi tiud them; and when havo them they nro not worth tho si inch." lively pngo of these abound with impure tin- . in rtniui ii'. I .1 i.i:iin ii. I'r.iM r ;itnl nnr-lili n I.i n it I'Kiiiin th" ! N il ir .'n fuliil m ix ii ihi In iiii.li.il.i'ii I'lMHMtli. n .i limn in nrt mill .ill ii.i;-i r :i' I'll I nil. Illy tin hiriii'iuri. i.m rln i t. l.ll i.l lXl-lr,,i,. . f. :i, , li.i" in nl" u.rt ri ii'iin . Kin. in Hi. Inn .l,n -, ii i.-r Hi. lr ici. l. N.- il. r tin.. i hiil' tr.ii! il ii i r r.iini.." tnr Oil- i.l 1 in. in tt "I'l.riiiit in imt i'i Id nn .! I I'Hiii' i ii li i in 1 1 1,--, will ultir tin l-j- On' . .jl.l nl . iiijli- ur.uh. S. 'ii'ii . n:'.l nit lii"l-th -ii Uilli uml HMV..r- ! On- i r.li r i.! Ilfivn HmII. I i t it.it v ' lien 1.. I !.r .ni; h il .'ii I , ii 'ii! I l"i -I 11 , i' ii ;i ri ' t 'ii il . "nirni' i.l in in : n"Min' uinni' ntiiinn 'cnint i. n .ii.Mir - 'i'i". I III" :i lni'ili' i 'i)i.ii T Ii . turn mk I M"ir nnvr t' r ;.ti' Willi lili.'t i ri.i.'i'ln hi,. I .liilii, . ik.MHil '.' Vt i.i nn' ii . t '."ll. Vnlir I'll" 'I I" I'lUI-'l Ii mi, I :u ll'l'.l. .r. 'in 4 : T -"Hi" t;;ij..'l in' "'1 i.i : t.iri'iil ninur wink'. I. I Ii . I.i' t ii n liii" tiki"i I1!" I. inn. r .1 eji' ;il'l. III! 11 ruti t . U . l'i'.t. I:', l l'ill, .:il', III tl." -t' lil-n Ii. "I,t' in" !: i. l"l '-, i.i .iiiv i.l ii ilui'ii gerald making tho impnei Kiitca i nic.l n n virfnr. ml ., . l -: r it:-. i'.i;m.k'. ri.u-w.u ti....ia' " " 1 I pieiill I'll OS a Mrule, f.u.1 gOUil Ir yi"i. ti-'n'i :r n,-u.n.,1.-th - nli.i lin.'i n ii II .... . :1' t 1 I. I -ll'il I'I' HI 't.mii'. 't t.l I'.'!'". II I" ".iTlu!, l.'n.' uiii iiji I'j 1 1 iiciiio iiil'l KCOIll, l'u .l.'i"'i-. i. nil,.', -nl.. tl, k.-iMi.ti ol the sou il uht thiiH 7 Siiniilv read a thoughts. Yico, tin and ciiine arc lield up f , r admiration, ai d the modesty nud virtue of wtmtn ir lrng,'t d from itsshiine mid tumbled in the filt I) ai d mire of ILh dia liti'i-itiiio. Immorality i' lecold of 1 1 1 J CLlllH iu hiX il.lYH, f.Jl which ho realizes nearly $!1.".'U. ' '' Ibnlical i I Tho drcreasu in tho national debt for tho teu months of lh iiti-ul yt ai ulrea ly ex iied ih in round iiumbi it-5- 7.IMI) .Oi) It the a vii ag.i is luaiiitiined fur .May and.luiio tin ntinu'il reduction f t l'l. though considerably loss th in for tho two Intel veiling jcurs. It is iii!e av fitii-fiictoiy, all tl.iui coimi lered that the debt piymoiit cii jwn a d cieaHt', ar.d it might evt u be n .hie. 1 advantagojuily oi.e-hlf ir two- t'.iidri, as, ut I'liyiiieiit, wo ears no boiidi available ti'itislatinn of sumo French seiinl, to lief. mud in aliunst tiny of theso pa- lorn. If dial iiotiu uol conviitvv j .u, nothing will. Nowtuin f.r moment and see what illVct tho reading of this liltra ture has upon the mi ml, especially iu tho case of the young. In every i iiiMancu it is periiieioiH. In read ing the miud iisfiiuil'ites certain pur lion aud stoics thenj up. It it ev idtt.'t, of c ou so, that notliitig good or of nnv valuo can be derived from i ntiiii a i h nl lliv lirl.lv ol l,i', - . t i t.. . 'i.i 1'i'js iur vvuieu iue uju-rnmeui nui ,.,.,,,1;,,., ,lj:,u.ii.il of this kind have to uso. our prc-etit Mto 't ; tLis lw cl.,ss of liter.it.ire ; but on bii'ill hao iu a fc.v : it,,. ,,ii,.. i.,..i n... ;, ii, ,.v... . nww il' liill'li HO' IUiH4VJI.U U I l foP ilUne L. 1 . c ll.n nm 1 .if mi ir.ini Ii.ik diilo payment, and an annual sur- :,,,, Bll,i t i weaken it. I!v it fin- i-dlv giiim' a bold upon tho mind to I such an i-!e!,t that it bcejMos U Tho tiW-.r of Krio lb rail c -; ui,ibid d.-siio. 'J'oeio is a craving pres::rs a tiuo sentiment concnui, , . til)K0 f iSCi1Kltii.g stones, which tho usu of j ivenilo books, pa pei s ami ih,. will of the young re tder is tin. toys. Ho says that the dime i.ovtd I ul ,. 0 n-si.-t. As in intemperance, did toy .pistol in o twin evils by whiebjih,, body craves at.d demands slim youths oro instrucled in crime and uh,nts, so the mind ruled by alike fuuiiblied with means in pine. icing lai pctitc, 1 n- i f ,r this bteiataro, all 4 V m i -i 1 T W hT rivnt rr BlfMl.OOO.CO Ir i1'r "n t-'T It III '" tin' li'irliani L.im rt . .,i r Irn.l' -',-31 X. I I,,'.' .,' 1 .i:v .. i, t. ,ii.) ii , i, ."i ..M .1 ,,' i ,11 l:i t:i- wi.r. l Now it i-uii.lii i.i n.ii"ii 1:1.1 n i i.!1''! t'lt-l 1-. tr t lilm ft tli.ir' Hi'-y .f 111. II 14 H t I.l. HI I.l, III KM 1 Tn. Imrrit, i.f ,liirli liu in 111" ri .-..-"lit it:i v 'I lite lil.VI' stiiuiklim Tobiii'i'ii mr muile. mm 13 r 55i m '1 Ivi'n fr v s tl ttr f hi ni r I'i in1 ti i tile VerM -I'l-i l mv ii ,t I '! ti, Ulnl Will , th- hrnt tliit .Hi 1- n-i.-t- All tbnl-r . 'L bow (to hi.Ddlo de,.d!y weiipi)iis.,sto f.r sound, soli I matter bein ThcsoinstrunientBof ovd nro p.cii:i-,e(4tived. Asa res-ill tho mind nrly Ameriom in production and ,mst nUHlly b.-c-.mo d-basol This snmo tendency to tho sensa tional is slightly beginning to mani fest itself in our daily papers. Aud I A I ' . I , . . ii )r ii. is iue readers nro lo a great coubuu ption. 'I I o European di mi-mum- uli 1 tiu irchist never had the hchooling utl'ord' d by the dime nov-t-. lie is educated whi le tho wrongs c f gtiu lotions stimulated him to ut tempt the righting of himrv.-lf The l- liii V H"liil, wiuu'u iioit.wortii, i: il II n llu.n, .l.ihn li i.i: klor I'Hninl llnleuiler, Mom .Sn c lit, ilnrx. 'I suilto IOiIiiti Ml.l.llu.wiirtU llunrv Si,tlii A .1 lllokl" .liilm Woii.lt, Slnwin I. unit. J ti Ii M. r', l.ol I Her, i.l.l, I ,tl.rl..a l.'..lli.tmal eti tit to blame. Cnless tho articles i n U'ne'ir . . ... I Siimiol Kuuilnctl in iho iipnrs aro uiiien in a sensa W Ttl'VL'tl V1T1.I1 tt ,. Llll.AOll .MJJllwl. lOtlC0 19 lu r.'i y (JlvuD till! ever shewn in Lewistown. Sixty Chamber Suits, prices from ttz.uv to $123,00, being twenty-five suits more than ever on band fit nny one time beforo These nils nre oil golten up in good eljlo, make ond fin ish. Njno Uettor, nnJ will be sold low for cash. Call nud inspect goods nnd Lear prices. HHPS, CHAIRS, KUKKAUS, SINKS, SAFES. TA BLES all kinds MATRISSSK3 of all kinds. FOUTY LOUXQES from $.).75 np. Heps, BiupsoIb, Terry's Hair Cloth, and Velvet coveiB. We take Iho lead in these goods SIDEBOARDS, handsome nod elegant. Our own mako. All Trices low for Cash. Our desiro is to please. Ota Motto : flood floods, Low Prices, and No Troublo to Show Goods l'lCTCItKS, riurUHK FRAMES, etc., for the million. W. H. FELIX, Pro, lJU.r.... . . . .. . S. 0PPEN11ELMEU; SELINSGROVE, PA. Wider Fona Draw. Won dor An Jam un do Afe obes gawisl Ledda fatn Solly Opponhoiraer seitn store wo Bie ira gor da gawest wora don botta siesich net gaboddored mid lanb bletler, for soo betta glader groga kanna dos oo netnia gakust betta und ware ma wee bissucps gawest. Are hut glader for bova for $1.3") do suit, un fer menncr 30ns weuich mair. In hem mcr beat are oil as dos ich mi lava gasanna hop Yisco bemmcr fer Sundog, un oily sotta fer war dog. f"'i goods is alfurt u.i t waaio Rogt dos cs is, un ich kon forhoftich gor net snna weo de lite nee so wolGle mocha Lena. Are hut no uw hola dieher, FurnishiDg goods, .SatchelSt'.Trunks, Revolvers, un u lot oncra socha dos ic'a net waso wee mere es deilch hast, over ich waso dos boo woltile siu, ich bop eno gnfroght was nre will mit eo foel etrow boet. no hut aro es moul uf g iriss da erne der buto opgafolla is un but gnoght : "Peso will bo all sold before do season closes or I am a liar ! ' Astonish the Public I They are now offering good brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all other Groceries nt corresponding prices. In DRY GOODS tbey have an unlimited variety of everytlriig, Womeiih' Hose nt 5 cts a pair. 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS I sring in piico from 8 lo 75 cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Cottonades nt ficm 8 lo 25 cr nla per ynid. They Lave also the finest lot of Stone Iron Ohinaware in the county, while their stock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS', CARPETS, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS, An, in fact everythicg in tho lino of General Mcrchnodiso found in Gio&t Va. riety mid ut Bottom Prices. Follov the crowd r.nd you will find tho place. MIDDLEBURGU, PA. t-'.llDisroT Il'rouKh MIli11elurKli ' Jlc.vnr Towmblp it it Monro 11 it it i it t'bnraan, " .. it ti it I'ulon Mi.l.l'eor.i-k I't'iitr. 1'errr Wiinlilnnloo " 1: ... l 1 . .'.l ui.ee uove, au i toy p.Mo, are Hot ( til)ul h() ). nnuy lbrow tlj0 pBper .MiutiuuirHd wioiir. i-U to , jt . (1 .... .'P.. . ' . I : t ... , ' I . . ' ( rauiy miscuiet, nn.l miscniei witii i, ,,,,,, n,,,,, ..... i r., it ri. . l r""n,y.'"''' ,"""' " pruttntmi n.r p ' . ... i 10 "iolo llilltl It lit tillllly portluVOl. proiHliiu .Mun.lHy, tli.idtli iluy ol My iient. A meilOilliS IS Vital. ,, 1 ; t I An l now, .laniury Mb, In;?, Il In oriltrB'i tmmMm ticoan.l immorality must not be Ui,t tu.nurkoi u, court iim.rt in m .iii.it covered by a veil i 1. llyron llnnuinn r.i i,m, heilcr I lull' Si'liimo I...UMI..1 .l.nl. .....I.l.... ... " ' - - . I , (, . u..n ll.r'i tllU'l I'.'t II. U 1 III IT, 111-CllFH I IIUI) must Willi tli. Cl.rk nl uuurttir s.rnliini ol Miy.l-r e . hi ii i y ,h u I thmiu lll b. primfntel lor p- icit. Itrcl List of Grand Jurcrs AUDITOR'S NOTICE, la Hie mutUrof Vie K'rt'ttc of Jhiril Un miiii;;, ili finsi il. TL utiitrl(.'ni it, Amllior. rmlnteJ ty tlm CiritiKiK lttirl uf Hnyiler County, to report iliKtrlliutl'.n ol tli. turn! r inmiilnK In tlia tiamlHOl l.uul Huf titit'er, Ailmliilmratrlx of lit .tt. to anl am mmt tb .iintl.il tb.rrro, will lt (ur tli. rurpoi. ol bli apeoint- i'ii'i'iiibiir ii.' on Tu.liiBi May l' I'V Mi,,u...,ur.h-o..:".n'M. sb.n.i... John m. I Ridenc8 on comer, opposite U. R Church. Middltburgb, l'a. IHh4, al 10 o'clock A, ,M , Wti.O anil Wli.r. all. Mll, 'mimMrxmAmmmmm,mm-mm I'arilei In Intered tnay.pi .nr, omorwii. il lilli'rcek-.1obn Kiel In. .laoob Holmner Iirawn r r K'unlar Term comm. oolng Mon day. May ao mil. Ailami .totin K. Zee b man Hoover I'. II. Kn..i, I'liarai Komlj. II. aver Went Tbi iuan li.rbal.r, l'biinan .lain.. KJ Hobr.r. Kr.nklln Aaron Hulla-, U.org. Sny.ler. jaoliuo Jur.mlah SpanKlor, .ors Our merchants aro as t nteipiis l inif u 1 1 1 irrnT ai.,1 ita . . 1 .1 ! .vi ,t . . aj I t'aobo of nny other place. Their tioodrt tiro purchased from tlio sam i tho details ond r it I,. ii nl Tnvurn l.li'.iinca b.reuli.r aii'ild'O ir.ntnll I .l'uhf a iiraniuil by the Court will be l. . i . ..,.. ...i.i t i . nuil mi'l vol. I. union U. ii.nllo.tit iliall lilt mi i i. u in ui vtviy Buinnnu luusi uu the nam. within mien .Uja afier tli. tame oin-..f,illu .,.,Il,.,.l.,.l . ...ill ...i lill b.iv. bun nri.leil. by tli. prmlti' I Ion ol a !.... t-.i.t., titiivi'ivu , io ii. iii nut jruru,i iroiiuliB c, u ii I Traamirar to tba Clerk Hiiiiuio reader, itecocinzmg tljis;"'; ' u, ",, "i ,.,.r,', 7" . i KDl'M,, Clork U. S. feeling on tho part of the majoritv iiianuf.ietoriLS an 1 iobbitig hiJiv-tes. nf ita i,.n,l,.ru ii,n ,,i,i,vi,.a t u and their guarantees made to cus- I im,K.r endeavor to mako it "spicy" tomers iu tho sa-.no gjo l f lith j ,,,! .'lively" as they nte pleased to Their wenhh, or tLo fruits of tin ir ' torm if. Tho press can create nn trado, i-i devoted to tho upbuildiug other order of opinion and is to bo f f onr towns. As they prosper, as their business increnKes, just in that j iep irtion aro they dependjnt upon others for Bssi.tancn in conducting it. Their prosperity gives employ ment in various wnys to onr unem ployed labor, and, unless wo m e ull Interested iu Ibis, wo havo not the r al good of the community at heart Look nt the subject in ny light we phase, we should feel bound by ev rry duty to give the best support we ran to our owu meichnnts and busi ness men. City merchants aro con tinually publishing flaming ndver lisements to catch tho country trade nnd we me sorry that they loo often bticered. Don't go away from borne to buy jour goods. censured for not pursuing such a plan. America is threatened by a number of evils, mil prominent among theso with degeneracy of its liteinturo. Thcro must bo a remedy of some kinj, or the thing will grow at tho vitals of our institutions un til it bus caused irreparable injury. W. L. K un ., Five mombors of tho School Hoard of Foster Township, Schuyl kill Cotiuty.nre charged with accept ing bribes. B 1 U It .MwaiFijayaMffyi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE l.Ktieri af Ailintnlntratlon nn th. vital, ot D.ini.l llmrinuer, Int. n W.it llsai.r mwi alilp, Snjiler Comity, Pa., ilacM, blu l.ein Kraute.l in th uii.lpr.lt'Oe'l, all i. ron knowing tlioi.il vea In lolile i to lalil eilate ar. re.iie,i..l to make liuin.itiat. payment, bll. tlmio bavlnn olaluii will praront Ib.uiiluly au. lbontloat.il lo MNIH, . H ASNINOEII, HtNKY .U. II ASMMlk.ll, Mtyl,l. pl Ailinlnliiralori. lliislly ('mmht wltli hoekwood it Fos ter's New Klor trio Hitrglur Alarm, 73 cents. New I'loctrlP Cull, Tie.! N'.'ir Annunciator n lion, ira , now nuiin lor, SI.IU; Kmw .Nnli-clnsiun In y. 7f ; I'nrli Unit. "in. uu, .r. .n. : o limp Aniiiiiii Intur, i'i.Ml.tt. ) 00. Ak.iiIh wanU'l. Soinl nioiivy with your orilert. I'.ituma un. pheil lor. 0. W . I iikki tat Co., VI Park How Now Vork. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, In tli. t:tnt.ol Mury ia tliliritani Cnurl liulluaKi-l, il.c.aieil. t of huU.r County. Th. Aa.lltor appolnteil l tba Court, to inak. iluirlouilnn ol ih lun.l arnnn out of partltloool tb. K.al H.tat.ol lary llullnas nl, ilocM, to ami union Oioh. le.illi .mill. 4 tb.reto, will ne .t lb. part Im in Inler.vt, for Ih. Nirpoi..il Inaaiipolnlinent, at ika Court ii..a-.., in .ni i iioiiiirun, I a,, on MONDAY tb.r may be il.bair.il Irota p.rtlcli.atlOK Iu val.t film!. Apr'il, K. H.OHIilM, AuiUtor. rrJAL LI5Tj'"CT3at.'l88i Juliii Criilk-I unk, el nl v l W Klae. c t. al. Ann i:iia in. won, v Win 11 McCarty, ut al. i; I' Kill, h ii, k, vJ W Uuiiitlnr. liitorue 111. II S"ii. M Will It l.H'h. Kraukllii an.l Newton t lrb'li, lenanta in i om iih ii v Tlm KoioukIi ol Si'liiinurov. liaao ami Mury '.linnieriiuin, vt Abr ami filar liilm krtil'lii r. Jereiiioih nn.l KiiiniuKnyili'r, va Jacob ami Mary lfii.in.let. Ktumn .1 lloiuiuo, now Helm, va .Sam ami ttoo. It wrinit it Jolin Wan. I SarOi MSnoko, va Iiavla Kolcbly ami W 11 lini'kuii. Cliarln. KmuKii. v Dinlvl Dolendcr, Same, i .Inn n S Woll squill, ioi,iii K HunilrlckK. . I I it M"l 1,'irv va I. U 1 1 urn niel. I huS i snvinu ami lluibllns Awoolttlon, va II S 11.. i.r. et ul. Diirlluitton li Kulp, et al va Samuel Hnwcn nt al. I rna niH-ive caau. aro al imuo anil lor inaiai May Torm last. J. 1'KOUSK, Itothy. fiotbya. (llll.-e April 22, NOTICE is hereby given that the fnpnwIiK Wlilowa Apnralaement. uniler the 1UU Law, bava been Sleil wltb tb. I'lnrk ol lb. Iirpliaua' Court of SinydiT county, for con. nruiatiou ou Mouilay, lb. Wth day of May ouxt, Aiiirnliinent nfl.y.ll.i Itounh wl.low of Hlnion Itourli, lute ol Wanblnirton towmlilp, dweHWil. Appraliuiiieiil of Hnury Huiiini"! ami Mtrla llniniii.l. cbllitren ami Imlm of Wlll'iim Hum mel lnt.ol Cliupiunii towmlilp, decrft'oil. Aiiprulacmi'iit ot Mury Ann Itow, wlilow of Joel Itow, Int. ol Miihllocri'iik towanblp, ilm'ouiniij. ApiriilieiuMiit ot Callmrlno llr nme wlilow of lhiniil l.roum, Into ol 1'eon townablp, Uociuieil. Ai.niUi nicnt of Kllmlintli Troup wlilow of .lolui I. Truuy lata ul WuililiiKton lowiwblp, ilet'"aa -tl. May 1, '81. J. CHOUSE Clark O. O. Tbolliuat KvenU orillKtory In Uno Volnino, mma Ml Danli-I Dunk.'lli.riier. Mor.roe I-iao Klfb-r, fcilwaril UuDim.l. I'.nna Simon Harmon. SrllniKrova .lam.a A. Hurrott, John T. Mark. I'Di.io laaae 1 1 1 111. ft. Auk.r' WaiblDtiton Davlil Aiboi;ait, Jobs StelBo, iienioo sirauu. List of Petit Jnrcrs- dira-("harltia Vaitnetl. aver .loUu Walker 1,'harl.i t.loj.l. Ao.tln HitiKaiuan. A. ri. Horu.r, Kdwaid rr.l. lleivcr Weal llenrv Kr.ba, I'lillin J.Manb.rk Toiilaa K. Holla, O.ors. atoydnr, Jacob mil. a. Cbapman K. W. Wallla, Jobn (. K.iat.lter, Joliu C. Krellz.r. Ceutr.t H.ulien l'..lnr. John K. Kbcnknl. pranklin llonry Itancb, Aaarlab Kr.nger, rtnw'nu H. H ii'iin th. .lacka.in Haruliarl Klin.. Jamea H. Bitter Ml.lill"! r..ik II. li. rileiier, ferry Hjw, Kub.rl aieiU'r. Monroe lurom lab App. Samnol I4. App Pennl Ui'Oihh C. tliiHtur. Cbarlea Hunter. ferry 'Michael Womer. John puller, Joeapb I.enirf, ii.ury llardiuu, r.rry u.iai, j , o. UrfVblll. Ferrv Went-J. H. W I Ilia. WeliD-Krov-MlliI W.IZ'I, I. O. It. Shlndnl, II. K M. K.lver.Cbarl.a IJ nt ner A H Kock, Wali.r Uumiu.l, Kdward I'labar, M j iiuna Union J.r.uilab Slranb Waabluyt r Henry J Hobae., Slmna Kaoolng- ar vv u ufiuin, nauiau uoiui gnE RIFF'S SHLE. By virtu of Sundry wrltt lnued out of th. ourt of Ci'inruoi, .aa of Hmdrr Countr. and tu iu rtlri cti il, I will eioa. iu puldle ial. at J. B. REED HUMIUIIY, 1V. Dealer in Breech & Muzzle LoadiLO Shot Guns. P1XK and ULAOK Ktletl AVAUS. rAPi-nt SHOT SHELLS OKTHK WIIKMi, liv UiT. Kisi, HISrOlfY i noMTHKIUITltK I'lKMl. Sbnwa bow nalloiia have lin n uimle or dontroy ed 111 a day Itnw luine or tlnHlfr baa turneil Court of l.'oinnino I'leai of Snyder County, and tb Court Home In MlddloburKh, on BATCH- PAY, MAY W, lkhl, al in o'clock, a. m. tli loll. .win nracriiieii 11 -a 1 raiaia: a e.rum lot bounilm) by laDd nl A, K. tlllt, Mlcha.l Hohoeh and olbor., wb.r.on Ii allralu liouaa, t oal Yard, 4.0, Alio a N.w llrlok Home an I Brass Shot Shells &. Ammunition. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING 1M1 LEA1EN TS. CALL jm SHE MY STOCK. 1 SHOT GUNS, CONS TANTLY OIV 11VIVD. Allay. 'Ibfaepropertiei ar. altualfd Iu frank- . . ' " lt RTOArn Af , proprt,oio.H.ii..kio.o?raj.rKiiouLY TIN WAKE DEALERS in this section of tho Stoto. f April ita, HM. bhi.rltf.l M N ! .11 1 in fin 1 J MAY 12, it'll, at V u'olock, a. in, wbau anJ "' aluslo 'nlaat. A tlrand lt ok lnrlHdnr a. - m. - a i. . . I .. a.' ... 't '1 a 1 Ma , (VI uan.aa.af. fllauai A DM INISTRATORS' NOTICE Xjlb.iitl Adailntitratlin n tb .atat of Mary Ann Arboaaai, lat. of P.rry lowoehtp.l Snydar Co., Pa., Jao.aaad, bavins u Kfnt. d to tb und.mlnoed all peraonl bnowlogl A German farmer, living near Pittsburg, has invented a method by which whisky can be manufactured , uau'.uu0; 'ro"' eom-1 uwrw w antkh kveuv whkke. I iVrtAM?'"' wUl,,,D, uU,, ... It. .U ! , . I 1 ' .. .... . I .... . . .. ... 1 'v.. " .w.i.w An dim 4 am iu niq nag cuqwiuu tuouego. I. u, muuuM A K, 1 Bond for run 4irtplion ant laniia Auiior 1 - -. - uvi.'v.. ut.. 111 on .nil " . . - - - -- . - -- - - a 11 u. wb.r. all ere.lnori and n.r ilea int..,.i.,i 1. 1 YounaT-'avca lime A Ida th. Memory (Uvea . 1 h.mieleai Indebted toaald aaiat. ara r.uu.t a. I I iilntrlbulliu. ar. r..(ulred 10 pi. nntand 1'loa.ur aud liiairuotlon Mupa auil t lnelllua-J ad tu mak Imui.dlal paym.nl, wUII. iho.. mm April U. .M. -U. im. Adilr. J. O. MoCchov Av Co.,mUa. ISM 1 '(. NATUAH A B BOO A ST. . A4uioiititor. IBLEYfS FOR iU, CIJJMATKM, AIX SOILS, AXX CBUPH.i M084 CATALOGUE FREE VT1' il'V LIIB A mm am Mt tataj m a. a n .... . . if latfiiiHiii, ninrti iiubfti wu,njjnemf,f,,y, hlciH11 mm THE MIDDLEBURGU DRUG ST (III old Tost oliico room). DB. I. GRIER BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps onjlmnd a full line of pnro Drugs, Chemicals, Patent liledicine.3, Terfumes i ASA. "fjfcj V3 utio S3 and othor miscellaneous goods generally found ia a first class Draj - ntoie. AUo a full lino of ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. V VKE WINES AND LIQUORS for modinal purposes. Physicians pre scriptiona carefully compounded at all hours and at reasonable rates. t I. GRIER BARBER,: -if -A if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers