"TV w mt i- a aawa turn aj a ai nayMaaww aaru.aj j naui in m' tru --BY-- rr. ii. ii.vitTKii. RuWrijition i?1.50 IVr Year. PATES OF ADVERTISING: fine I'elamn, lint Year, lMlMT'iini lint IMr, M It mI M A W ' i v' ' 1 " " " - ' t'tl '- 1 , t It II I r, K!2.iT- lir.lf'hl, u.iud aid 1 iftitli. The " , ho ly to which ho hdim-jed win mi l! , , J Ti - " ii T"MT.T n a.l,,,:, ,i,si JJl Uy orgauizatioo W ITU MIT, AMI T.'ll.N 1.1,111 lili.J ... , . i.imi!. j wli.rh r nt it.i piTUPutrn into every Hr.irru. Atk, Apiil 2"."Yotttr- nok niiil C'irtitr wLiro tho pioneer day morion;' Miss Ida, lJvi, ! fat tf.or, luiiibt rnmn or tuiucr bud yvuug lady i f Lib social Ktau.linsf.'pt-nctraJo-U ;u!iorisin produced an J b. 1'HH'i'iL' to ono vi t!ia bi. st ! lii-uble men uud omou loafed tr.'ty wlioio sho it. .Oo V m, tlne-l,!r.ti I ulainn. 1 1, e Vear 1 '3 , (t I f'r...lontn,r.,.rrj.r .M o I fumilii.s in the Aatlltnr. ..sainlnr. A.lnilnlaiiatnr. ,i n 1 I jifl' Nutlet ... u .- ; i,j, ?i , f; ,or homo in H , liver coun- n.i pl l rf ,.f nt rt mrK. nil) Krtv.rtlmc tie tnaert ,1 lor iti tan ni...(i.. (y MiHhin-il l i, Oil h'jre '. b'lrk and ni,Mi a, t.r i.mu or 11 ,nr I n i . m wtr '. iri' .n.l I ,-rr I .ii id I T "eriti lor earn faMAtiant l-ia-titlon. IfqmbliiNtn Ticket. r. ", UU'M K. A TKIXSOX, .f .lutiiut'k t'oiiMy. Fur A 'I'l.lv. U. Al.FIilMi j'i'M ((.'!!, of Mulcll. iKir'h. For thriff, JiKIUt. midhlkswahtii, of Went Hoover. For Tminirnr, CHAM.ES A. iMLl"NlKtt, vt KrHiikliu. Krr t'o:iniiliiliif r, JtUlN MOtfN of (Vntrofuiil JAMES . tlOL'MEU ct I hi, ,n. Fit Aiulilorn, AltAM SMITH of pouv.r mm) (. W. HI K It K 11 t.f Wen IViry. For (.' roner Dh. K. W. TOO!.. of Frvrhiiry. A. ' 1 . - - A iliflj'Rtcb to tho Pink klpbin Times enyn : Doputtits of nilvor nl copper ore have bona lately discov ered on the land, of a Mr- Miller, if ltichtiold, iu JnnintA county, tienr tho Snyder county lin. ineutg of tho iro h ive hesn dot u to Tiit ;i fiiMhhor. Her rtR.J ':iy thrciii:,,li 1 lotu'ly woo,1, with h di'Ufi hi'i'V ji''K'rt ''H ioio ti le, mid it oi. lit hi iko mi tho o'hi r. Jo1 & llfiidi'iiioii. a hnily nj;ii, toi k no two vf her ilepni turn and tho diiec tioii in which nhohud (jone, nn l sin fi tu'd hiibsclf in tltn woiil. to nwMit tur return, Aa Mien Djin wnn hmtfoiinR liocie to dinner, and when dhout midwny butweeii her house Rnd the plunttliou which .ho hnd visited, llendorHon sprang from his lair, Hcizod the bridle, and dragio,; Miva Davis from hef saddle, curried her to a secluded Epot, and aaaultcd her. Mr. lUvid. becorninjj ftlirmol a! his duiightti' protmctod ahFence. rodo ov-r to tho neighbor's planta tion, nnd tht-re nceit:iined tbU Khe lutd ntnrted for homo an hour before. Iu turning (j iii Lly ahni the road hifl daughter ha.1 tuken. he camonp on her hoi ho, but could discover no traces of its l idor. His worbt ap prehensions vvero nroufled, aud he hastened to piocure anHiMtaiico and favoied lvO ilitiira better tho world Imih isevir eeen but MethodiHiu rcni'li.'d and h dpnj the mnsses of men in every hmulrt and Ettllciteiit in the whole broad laud. 2i 1- Xrfv 2 LAW. a p ick of hounds to aid him in tin pc'-i j starch. liiduruin to the wood f nl i in 1 1 J w i t 1j a ill. 2oii or bo fiitudii, the do- er owner of ndjicont land may at As this in tho season of fenee re pairing, it Miiylit bo of udvantao to firmi'iu to know tho fenoa law Here it i : "When any two pctbons uhall improve l.iud aoj icent to each other, or when nny person sh,'.ll cloS! any land nr jo!nii, anotiiei's filrcady fenced bo that any part f tho firnt pcreoti'n f,!i:ca becomes the partition fence between them, iu both these cases the charge of such livmion fenco bo far as is enclosed on both tid(s, shall bo cqnully borne and maintained by both parlies. Ftiidoti's Dietit, l'ae 37-'. Section VII. An occupant is not bound to join 10 a division lenco. Jie may set his feuoe not on tho lino, but within it nnd it is a treuRpnss. 2, llarr, 433 and a party, who on tho destruction of a partition fenco by accident reredes from the former line and oroets a fenco on hie own land, is not bound to maiutaio the fence. 2. Hair, 1JG, II. 3C7. Nelh led to tlo inspiclion of competent , Worn put on ll, e ti ul nnd follow -in pleasure erect u partition funce and mineral i'iMts. who prun.r.itico it of naickl v t tho paitv froon came iipon!tho occupation of hia neit-hboi's txcellent rpi il ty. ! tho ticro anl Ins victim. Hi nd r hind for that puiposo ii not tress . . . . . . 'hou in ado a ruf-li for tho raiiehieuk, ' pass, whi n tho char'o as asHebol enio in nci'ipt nf a cominuntca- ! , , lt , i i , ,, . ., ,. hut wui fo elo.-Kly pmsued by tht bv the fence viewers is nnswered.it . . . i." ii . i i i doj that ho was foicid to tuho to a risburg rve niHl Lur Hospital and'. n . . . ... ... , ii i , ilieo. Alter cuini' lor .lna imvik Jnfirmarv. of ilarnsburr, l'a , re ..... ntnl loviviu' i.er us lar a poto-iLlo, questing this paper to call the at tention of tho public to tho fact that a l'roo Dispensary has been attach ed to that iustitutiou of tho (uatiiit ons Treatment of the poor, who are uuaolo to tear the heavy cxpenm necessuilv inenrro I in un treatment for tho varicm of tho eye and ear, au.l laoso itPl 1 1 ed in this manner will do we!l to bear thin announcement in mind. Oratitjo J od l, '. or of tin AoimV'm Arirulturint for some thirty years, hut unconnected will, its business rnauagomeijt for u yeai or t wo pant, im lati ly K tiic l froni its editorial department and iocatctl in the West. He desires to gather ftcomplito ,tl'o--f(il-('ur'l Allnim' of bis oi l Headers and Ft iet d, au 1 requests them all to send 1 i.o t.ow a the father cull ied her iu unns to hia home. The remainder of Iho parly foiced the t)i'fro to descend fro'ii tho tree, hound hi in hand and foot, placed n , ' tope about his neck, and tin; u the ho -'.imp nll'-cfi i h ' l'"oCC's fc'oW ttranpnlation was luyjun. Lhaw n bun up ar.tl ullow- becomes common property. 2. Ihirr, 1 SS, Iu s..iuo townships there aro special laws for funco viewing. fur i,.ive him aud draw him up ngaiu l'ltirj opeintioii was ripeatid until death was nearly luconipliwhod, and then tho patty riddled his body tviih buckshot, slumped his feutures into a jelly nr.d rended him limb from limb. Tho dismembered body was strewn over tho nooJi nod lift to tho vultures nnd crows. Miss Davis, it is ftared, will die of her injuries. This is the second Petal civioz their present I catiou;cos0 0f jtfl hind in MisMssippi within , the Inst twtlvo months, swift retri an 1 allrcss, uaminfj alx whet convenieLt. the years in wLieli ILrx butiou following in each case. wer his snbsctibers. llr. Juddt U:CrS is Chicitjo, lllinr in. ' Slavery is fast passing away in Finil, The dissruction of tho in- Btit i'i.n iu this couutry awakened l'-iazil to its euormity. When thi rebellion hero was critshod a nunib'-r of Sutherners who thought they could not live happily without slav ery, went to Uracil to ieido that they still might enj iy it, but the bavo seen emancipitiou growing theio, until slavery is almost gone When slavery fell ia the I'uited State", its death knell was struck thnahout the world. fcw wiicitr i r CO finis i inc Mimics and I UK OliliA 1' inl.l MVSlN MID m in: AM. "'Vh:,l II tp.iulllill I ri.itf,' l,ctnr, tl ,, I in;,' mil I -nihllim, I H ri'I.K',,11. il it I til ul i ( ti v tlT I'i.i'.l i , ;-it, with e.iij.'r hi,, I i,,r-l,'i i-ii',-r In? '!!. itii, I 1 1 l.ilii.l.i.ly. mi ,iii ill I im I id!. Hi .'I ,', .'ii3 hi.'X I , j'i'fitrj ninl ,,rti , ul- I M'.l- I. . in 1 : :u , t ;i .1. !' l.f 11 1' ill, I if 1 1,1:, HI ' iuu him to hang until life wa3 hull ' ' s-' . u .m,r i.:; u. , in u-. -s,riiuf ' S ,TV." extiuct, they would then lower and v-. i.ut i.-i k-.n- n n'. ifM. i.i. I i. I . I r .. ..I I,,. d II. .I V In -I, .....I UU.I..I . r. I...M ltii,'ii:li will 1 Hi, K.l.l ,!ttirr-iln-li mi-I rarin , i!, i',l ' .l.ii i, .ti. I'r -r :n,,l f T-l'i. ii'iu., ! , ii i yii.-t.ti.. ll," i. N ii.ii. ' rni.,1 r, '..f ,, ii-t p.. Hii-ti.,!., n hi-'M-itili it ,l hiii.iiii itrt iit.,1 4t.ui leu I . r.r it 1 ! ll;.' r-i.-lll-,. l.tlTl. 1-1,1. ii ilrn: l."-t .-s- itij .1:1! t lii llm lux llf 11:1 u,..,.! im O ,' , t nun,'! w'.int.i 11,- h i- i,i.i. ,..l ii-i.l. r I .-1 r 1 ii:, .1. .N.iV r tin i fiil.i li.i-tf.tl 'I ,'ir r..Oi,T.'- IM,r lit," ! I 1,1.111 . rt'l tin- l,t,f III I r. .'l-t I Til nr ln;u Ml tl.",M will u!t,-r II, ir I. y ll.,, n'i';hl ,,l , in c;i i;r;,i!i. V'-itn -,. ,1,1.1 iirl 111. -I tli ..'ii laith Hii.l jtr.iyrr U On' ,r.lcr 1,1 l..it.'n ilj,.t. I,tli.nv' hr.l. II. r ..I uli .if :i, iit, mi l ll. ii.'rmj iitt- Ilir ,ir -.tttMit-- ,,; in.,:i : u,,t ill," .,ui;, n'ii.,m t in -nr- i,l j.'. jt,'inrM.,., I. 1.1," :t ln;r,,.,i to y, 11 . II. l.n.c tll.U 1' t.Mir 1 ,,,t r I j ' w.lli Hie d (.r..','.iil i.n.l .l,il.! t." i'-iiu. '.' .',1 iitt ii-I t..'.l. ,nir 1,1,, ,1 -l-iuL-.-i, :i.n , l,,-i' ' : r .!i en 1." m i! Bin . t.iij.-'l f t.,rk."t. 1 1, l.,,l 11, iy hit f l.ik.11 Hi t .,r f ! l'-:'i. (lit 111111111-111, if, mi 1 , 111 ,lu, la. .it 1 iij 111 Hi,. M. 111. nil, ,'l,r.,-i,.! I,, "i, In. 'I.,', ,.r bmv ,,l a ,, ."ii ,Oi,iill. r. KK IKS'S 1 1 Mi ' will liivi'Miiii). yni. us I,, -!i iiir int iu,,, ul.--. Hi..-,, tth , Ii tt,- I h hi nt ii 111 .1:1,,,,, l"l.'l . . II. l! Ih 'i l.il, enr,1 ,1. I . -. :,','.ll In-, i-.ltf-t'in I.,...-, ,,11,' , I II,, ..-.nr; a c!, ft Hit) I rhltfe ol lilo. ins :.:etiiol:c-t ge::eial cc rsrtSiTCs. One hundred years njjo next De ceruhtr tho loligious body kuownas I ho Methodist Kpiscnpttl Church of ihu lTr.itid Slates was organized iu tho city of 5a!tinmrn ami Thomas dike ami I'liincis Asbury weieehos on its Superintciidoiits or libh ps. I'hu newly organized societv num bered at tliat time 11,5)8? members, less than two thousand of whom wero umIIi nf Masmi ami Dixon's line, S 1 preachers and 40 ciicuits. During the present wei k tho (ieneral Conference, which is the groat h-gis Ar,ii''.!i l'y IT. A. o, l, ) t-r. F. II. H.. rin. snl!l!ii; 1 , en, Nf lii.y tl ..;n. nil jr .1 s,,. l,'iy. l'.'ik'imi.l. :!in,H tmlv n ir. .,n ,, i,:ir;M..i In lilat-uw. II hill l'i:ili:iin'l,i'l..t. 'Ili-K M el 1 !.,'!. iii,',,. 11 c.'li nf Ni,rOir:,n,lt!i:i. In v wi I ul-, t.ii .i,', ,1 is r. 1 it n. ili.n'i mi;iji!v hi, r'i. 0., Ih" h'ur. 'Ili.il l-t in ,';-.t 1 f in .Ii ;int:i l,il!il,, -.l. .Nul III',',' "11 ,tr.! it-ill l:.UiV,IIH T,,r bin,, 1 in '. I ..11 1 1 nr., t 1 1.,- l,r.'ti,l. N,,i,,.i":i. nit... uiilinni iu.. ualc-iuuii ol tUe UuO. Mi tl. ,t4,Vl4 liitW ll. WTi'i M-t.r r. ii-rrlt t1man-,iy,.l 1 ivy .-.r j l'n "i! isf,M,ntei Twenty years nga Jaes t Jutcbiti- soo of Spriuutown, Ducks cjimty. Jlntivo bodv of tho Church, v ill moet gave so acqu.iiritarjce ten cents an i ijD hiladolphii for a live week's ses- Tf linte l him to Uing a packige of ion. It wid witness tho mont mar velous growth as th rosalt uf the tohir.co aljrg from tua store to which the man was gJing- He brought tho packago and tho all'iii was foigolteo nttil last week, when the mm wrote to Mr. lluchiu son, inclosing tweuty-livo ceuts and a postul caro, which ho said was in pa mout for one cont chaogo which he had recoivo and had failed to le (um twcr.ty year ago, tho tobacco being ouly nine cents. Ho furthoi stated ho bad joiued the Dunkard Church, and hie coiiBcionco would givo him uo rest until ho had roturu od it with full interest. Erom the N. Y. lribuuo: We hive uover soea in tho most degrad ed form of machiuo politics auythiug so bud as tho ehucklo of curtain per sons in l'ennsylvauia ovor tho as sumed fact that eoiuo of tho dele gitos iu that fitato sought their po nitious undor ftaudulont pretences, Bud with expross design of betray ing their constituents Tho ohnoklo is founded on falsohood, but is noi.o tho less indicative and suggestive. These geulleiuou are already receiv ing the appropriate warning in I'onn eylvauia papers that any euudidale nominated by fraud and bad faith at Chicago will bavo a bard road to travel auioug the ilepublicans of tho Bluto. They are ready to support jt a i--t.'iit. isr,iu.ii!i 1 l-i I'll?- Mil''i..,Hr. ,1 JT V it Mnanv i'-tt,v. ri lii.i":;'i. l'W.-.Vx bnr! -e-K work of a century over accorded to any religions body which wrought by enc'a Method and insisiol on its riid requirements as preroipiisite to churc'.i membership. Its fourteen thousand members have grown to 0 million and threo-quirteia m.d t eighty-four preachers urn suoceedod by nearly twenty-fivu thousuud. The few seatteriug plaos of worship of a cautury ago are sneoeoded by nearly nineteen thousand church buildings, valued at seventy millions oj dollars Ilo Sunday schools, iiuknowu as n bnncli of church woilc at that liuiu. contains nearly to millions of scholars and teachers. To tho.-n auiiuing ligines should bo added thoso of the Methodist l'pituq al Church South, which needed fum tho parent body ou tho blaveiy question aud which con. prises iu the neighborhood of a, milliou of com municants, with preaohors, bonnes of worship aud Sunday schools in proportion. Tho Mothodist body in its oiigin more nearly resembled tho (ukor than any other in point of simplioity of sol vioo and in tho plaiuuess of lifo, dress and surroundings requir ed of its converts. It had from the very outset, bowovor, what Quaker ism lacked- tho aggressivo misHiou- any man fairly uomiustod, but they ary fpirit. To the early M,ethodist will not be dragged at tho heels of a machiuo soiled with chentitig ut,d ;carrirao5.'i Vr-i',-r-!KJAt1 iCUXV'.l CULL DURHAM SMOKIM TOBACCO 'n'l lltWrla.l mfffii F'!if!"!?l fviri'k tl'OCtfl! f-r-Pr'-: Owin to ill health & would an notice to my patrons nnd citizens of the surrounding community that I have to disbaudon the mercan tile business, till improvement of health. Would extend this time six mouths to my patrons to settle up their nccouuts aud would say that I will keep a full stock of mer chandici) for the next 90 days and will positively sell cheaper than any other store iu the county. Very ESespectfully J. W. SPECHT. leaver Springs, May 1, '81 A SPECIFIC Fon ma i? BLOOD, AMD A O ma Irlyour LtniiiuL-t .cTFuad. yen to 'a' f nmcnln-j elm, but If ho lios not got It, u4 hrlll not mai'l for il, write to tin ami we tf.ll send tt U Toil t7 express, jiTrpnUI, on receipt of prlco. One to tliro witli of Miuinit!fl pTHir 0, loWrllie njrftom r-f lli'.v, unit rnro nnf iffe f lit- i tSrv POSitiVQ CUTC 'uuln,'or','r Acuto Ilhemur.nuji, tr Kcnra'.A, 9 vl Ton j m mm sciatica, limbaco f n il -.I'fi.rv I r 1 1 J' aspecific rgriin W.' . T - w'- ."ft . .Thrre to flvo tcttlis will euro nryalpelM In IU wont form. Fonrfo 1r Tmi i iii mo wrTuttl to turc corrupt nJ ruuuiug I'leent, Four lo ! twilllvs ro warmnt-itl to cur. iinjrcuc of Salt Uluum. An tnniUllilo rvmcAy f-.r1 ill n'MMti of the hkln .tii'l Vlo.d, lueb m Trllpr, lllnjcwnrm, M-rttfulK, i:t-lrli. rimr'" llli-ti i., nnd In OiB l,ot Urmoly i.li.li.U i , " wiikJ""". 1" no ,0 J-Kouragcit, ft-r niKumalk nr. It ni rtn-cllympwlUrnro you. llrvii'i'X ol Iho M'; frlcc, IP1.00 prr h,ltlr 0 bottlrs for fS.OO. lfK'!lSSuics Lav'-l for our r.n,t,U t of TcllmonlnK c. . fBllc.1. Kit El'M AT1C SYIU'P CO., R.x-tiol,'r, M. Y. Tlrp to cltfht fjvttlui w!',l core the womt I'liao of S ruluia. Fri'Tn Iwo to f.tnr n richr' wrff Ulirnmullr ?vrnt, will runt mir t'jtsr t,r Cliroui. lOieunmiihii, t.f itrrniy yearn' rtunil.i.i!. Ktou tinvc bctn mifrrer fi.r yor, n4 hurt iictl nil the ri'ini'illis you coiilil hear of, with no FOllSALKHY DIUJUUIST!) l'rice 1.00per Bottel orrt Hottles lor i.cJ. trr THE POrULAll or MIFFLIN COUNTY. Every depaitmcnt full and readv for biif-iness. Tho Largest and mout Carefully Selected Stock of WALNUT Si rAlNTHDCHAMHKK SUITS, ovor shown in Lewistown. Sixty Chamber Suits, prices from f 25.00 to $125,00, beiog twenty-five suits more than ever on hand at any on time beforo These snils ore all gotten tip in gooJ style, mske tDd fin ish. None Bettor, and will bo sold low for cash. Call aud inspect goods and hear prices. UKDS, CIIAIHS, liUHEACS, SINKS, SAFES, TA lll.KS all kinds MATIUSSSKS of all kinds. FORTY LOUNGES from $r.7o up. Heps, ISrussols. Torry's Hair Cloth, nnd Velvet covers. Wo take the lead iu lheo goods. SIDEBOARDS, handsome and elegant. Our own make. All 1'iiees low for Cash. Our desito is to please. Oik Motto : Good floods, bow Prices, nnd No Trouhlo to Show Coods MCTUUErf, riCIUKHrUAMES, etc., for tho million. W. H. FELIX, Pro. 2m a m jnii"i.iiaf'w S. OPPEN11ELMEU; BELINSQEQVB, PA. Wider Foha Draw. Won dor AudamundoAfo obes gawiht hedda furn Solly Opptnheinier 6oiio storo wo cio im gor da gawest woia don hotlu siesich net gabodden d mi l laub blotter, for boo hotla gl ider grega kauua dos soo net ma gakust hetta nnd wato ma wee biesuess gawctst. Are but glader fur bova fer 1 .'to de suit, un fer mennor ijons weuich mair. In hem mer beat nie ollas tlou ich toi lava gnimnui In p Wisee hctnmer fer Stindog, un oily eotlu fer war dog, fc'i goods is alftrt iA vr.uu- sr gt dos ce i-", uu ich kuu forhoflich gor net euua wen do lite see eo wolfile Tnocha keoa. Aro hut no aw Luis dichcr, Furnishing goods, Salchels.',Trunks, Jlevulvirs, un on lot oneta socha dos ich net waso wto mere es deitch hast, ovor ich waso dos seo wo! lilo siu. ich bop euo gafroght was uto will mit so feel bttow hoet, no 1 ut nre os moul uf garissa doH erne der buto opgafolla ia uu hut gaioghl : "Deso will I o all sold bofore do season il ecs tr I nm a liar ! ' SEEBOLD & RUNKLE Having jnet opened a magnificent stock of General Merchandise desire to cull the attention of buyers to a few facts that will not only pleaso but Astonish the Public ! They aro row offering good brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all other Grnceriea at crinfpondiug prices, in D.UY GOODS thoy have au unlimited varioty of everything, Womens' Hose at 5 cts. a pair. 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS int (.it g in plico frc m 8 to 7T cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Oottonades at fit uu H to 2.r' ct ids r yaid. They have also the finest lot of Stone Iron Chinaware in tho county, whilo their 6tock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS, CAltl'ETS. DOOT3 & SHOES, nATS A CAPS.&o., iu fact t vciythit-g iu the lino of General Merchandise found in Groat Va inly and ut Bottom Prices. Follow tho crowd and yon will find tho plaoo. MIDDLEBUUGH, PA. w. jmju. wrawf .a rw HirrMaii mm I'.jMrMjjuj'uMiM iw THE MlDDLEBUimil 4Zs. F3P. KMM It T ICENSK NOTICENotico 1.1 b,.r' v KlvuU thai .11,1111 r Ho III I, IS Wlilliiu I'liltzaurth, . tj ii iiiiiiit.ii, .lull n ll Ko-kler Oaui.l H,lu,l.r, lo- hol,t. ilntira " Mnltn K .l.rrl Ml.Mle.warth lienry Hotn V J illolilit .Inun W.mlt, Slinoli l.unii. .1 net Li M.if.r, li.vl'l Her, 1,1,1. I Hlifilno Kiili.rmel, .1 N ll' nm r !.iii,u,. liiuiil, fh I . lit l ull II IU I Hill 11 K.HI,l,tll Kit;, lor , 1'. t I ' .Sflilifil K.llnniirov. Borough kllilillel.urKh ll.avttr roimtil it it Monroe ' t! It i it Clupman, 11 .. t, !l II l'nlon .. ti UMil'efrerk " fi'iitre " IVrry " Wtihlilntitoii t lint t, nit .1 tiit'lr i.t'tltlnnit tr I in , rn, llcufr in.,' t.ipit hi itiitti'i-r , .H-i,ng ul .M,y,it,r o. uiiiv.iiti I Hit, uiii v ID ho ,ruKui,t. tur iiu lnovsl ii IM,,u,ln, li.o '.Mli itny ,, May ncxi. An I n, ,w. .laiiii iry l-ili, i 7, it la r,liT,.l t'ui t Ilia i lurk l Urn t-.iiirt Insert In iho i'ul.11 rilmn nl l isorn Ijovuki.. linretfior a iliIIoo tleiltill l.i-r,.sB. k ru in it i uy n,e Cuirl will I,, null mi. I v 1,1, uul.a H o a ,,ln.t ut .liull lilt tlion in.o ttiililn uii.en ,l.iy uliur Hi. itini. h,t'l Im to l.i'on KntiiiO'l. l.y Hi. ,r, , .1 u , 1 1, , , l a rft-l,t ln.ui I he c.'unty 1'r.ie aror to tlio Hiork til il.l L'uurt, that Ilia l,t,iei,o f, Uag heun l'l'l. II 11 fllllAM. J. t llOtlSt, t'lorkU- H. A DMINIsritMOlt S NOTICE l.ui er at Aiiru rilntra inn on ! ..,. of Dm. cl lli.iinKur, l.t to ,, Won Ho.r n,w,,ilnt, Snytlor l.'oiinly, !'.. ir! ',l, h.vliu l,.en irraiitetl In Ilie uoilur.lix.il. nil I, r,,ii kiiuwinii ih.i.u hc4 lieloiii.il tonal. I .nato aie r..iieiite, io mako luiuieiliato ,yuiont, While niu.o un ,ny maiui. win iireroiu lu.ui duly au. luulloilOd to KAMI I. I). M AHslNdKII. . . "tNUV M. UAhKINUKK. May 1, SI, AliuluUtrtor. in b;;i,ii:s iiiiu'lit with Itoekwootl J-'os ter's iNnw ElMt triu Uuryliir Altirin, "H rents. Hew ritifliin 'nil. 7ir.t Nw Annnnni,!,,. ni-pnnhf ilia avAraCA man wua n Inal K..l, 7., Now htuii.or, l.nu: Now M-ll-rliHuuv i " " "",ivy, 7i,. rMi i,i,u,,iu. vo, i,r,ii;Uil! a nlu ot.. til oo. Aamtla wauutd. boh . who eouIJ not la mih, u- 111. '"' 0,,n,i' t.. oo. Ak.i.u waui. , . - rtduo uiouoy with vuur r.l, , .,.... vr.. i t I liliud t,r. i u- i,..... .7."" 11.11 LlPllltVflll 11 I ' out couvorsion. I'Okaraa a i-,t HI rrH KowMvw Vork. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the ninth r tUt KM- f liril Unit niuiter, dmuMil. l b. unnnrali'0,',1, Auillior. i ,olnlel l.y Ilia Oipliaim' I'uurt ol Si ji'er C, ui.tr, to report OlKirlbiUl 'ii of Hie limit r- niHinliiK In In. haoila of I.oulaa llaaalm-er, Atliulnlairatrlx of vaia et.i. to ami nui ntit th un eutitloil Uicrero, will Kit Ut lha ,uri,ona ol liln Bioint- li. nt at the ,1110,' t, r-iollli k n uninnj, MhIiiI. Unroll, Pit . on TueiiHy, May I J, A ll . IhM, at lo o'clock A. M , wl.en an.l where all I'uriloa In Interna may a,.ar, otiierwia. they may L. delarretl Ituui trtlcti allng Iu halil I i in M. . .. Apr 'is, H H. 11. U KIM si, auouor. rpiAL LIST-HAY TZLM.lSSi .Inlin t'rnlUslmiik. i-t ul vx U W Mao, ut. ul. Ann Kll.ii ltowi'a, t Win U Mi t'arty, cl al. I'. I' ll.il,l,;ii'k. .l W ll,lllul,T. lUornu I Milt, S -it. va W in II I.nOi. rr.iul.lln ninl ".i tt'tiii I Irltii, l,,ii:im in i nm. inun va '1 hi1 I.uiouali ot St-llii-arut t. Ifuus iinj Mm j I'linirrumii, i Ahr Hii.l Clutr- llio Kr-.O-ht -. Jt-rt:tii Iii li mi,! i:nm.iSnyrlor, TB.l.icib ami Mary llouilrlrke. Kill in k .1 II on, mn. now Helm, S tin ami lie. ll,riiiiiM. John W nn,1 Surili M Sn,,ke, va I'.tvlJ lUlolily mi. I II ll,n Mm. Charlna Krnu.-p. 1 l.t ii I ol HulrnuVr. San, e, vs Jtt'iii S W i ll' S iino. va I rn l llt'inlrli-ka. .luhii Mi'l li'..iv .t 1. H 11 iini'iM 1. I IkiS i I h.iviiK l lln.l.luu A'-ooialliin, va II S Ii t l i.l. Ilirliii.'l.ni 1( Knlp, ft ul va S.iiiiiii'I llnwen el nl. '1 Ii,. .,l,ve ,'n.tA uro ut isMit, uuj ,,r trial at M.i) 'i'tiim ll. .1. 1'Kul'Si:, l'rothy. I'toihya. tHH -c April 'J2, lst. i VOTUM-lis hereby given that tho fnl'nwiim Wtlt'tttr. A a;t';llaitllll,ta 11 n-lti r Hie fiuo hut, have L,m nit-,1 Willi the l', rll l tin, t ii-pl, ana' Court of Suytlnr t-ounly, ,,r ,-,ii. ill in iilmi ou ."Uutulay, the U!th tluy of May u.-xi. Al iirnlainr-ut nl I.v.llu lioiiah whlnw of Simon Ki,u.,ll, Im. ol aiiu;nl,,n luiMilii,,tlt'i-fa.,l. A,,,.iiM,ni.'iit of lttinry lliinnii.'l iin.l Mnrln 1 1 it in in l. to, 1 1 1 rt-n un. I fiolra of lll'.im Hum mi'l lute ul t'liiipiii.tu l,wuhlp, it,o.'ii-c,l. Apnilt,!ii,iil u M.uy .V tl ll llnw, wl,,,w t,f.Tt I Ituw, 1., la ol M idillet-rook lntvutlil)i, iKct'iiKi tl. ,rit l He nifii t ill I'lilli'.irlno llrnuao l,l,,w nf liitl.Kl lirnUM', l.i I u t, I'cuii tow lulilp, ilu. t iiMnl. A,,riiit,.ini.iii i.f i:iU.il,illi Troup wi.low ol John I' 'liuuji Into ot Wukhliiittuii t,nvii-lilp, do,-i'i ,1, May 1, 'Hi. J. OltOUSE Clerk U. V. Tiiolrotit Lrt'iitR of History in Ono Vulumtt, JiMv'lUll MU n U1UUU Q11U0 JJJ oi tiu: wmiLH. iv jv i si. IllSl'DHV I HUM THK HAITI.!-: KIKI.IV Show, how nation, have bemi minlo or Unnroy tl In a ilnv How Kama or I'luaalvr lia. turut-il on a aiiiKlii i) intent. A Oruint Ilt-ok lnrtHtlor Voiiiih Suvtia '1 iiiio Aldi the mitinnrv Uln-a I It utnic uuii lonlrtu tlou Mupa autl liuolllua- traiini,.. AUI.NTS WANTKD EVEUTWHEKK Hand fur full dceoriptlon .nr tenui. ArltlreM. ., J.lUvOCHlVltCii.!hUi. Li:t cf Grar.i Jurors Drawn for Hi'uular T.rm. eomm.oolog Uon tlay. May 1 IVtl, Adam. John F. Zeehinan ll.4ver-P. II. Kno,, 'l,arat Homlg. II. -aver Wet 'l'h,,iiia Kerhaler. t'hapinao .lain. K. Ilohrer. Kranklln Aaron UoIIk, (lonrat Snyder. jaoUion Jor.inlah Spaoglor, Uo'irx. F. I'ru'nuan. MldJI.burKh-Uei.ro M, Bhlnd.l, John M. M'atlS. fttldtlleorrek-Jtihri Klel.la, J.enh HollB.r. lianl, I Hunkolheraer. Monroe !aan l lth r, l .lward ilunael. I'ern Sliunn Harmon. "lliiKrnve .Uinoa A. Ilnrrett, Jeha T. Mark. i pi ,ii i.aao in. Pel. Aukor Waahluijtuu I'atld Arhonabl, Jobs tttclBo, lieoti'Q Mraut. List cf Petit Jur:rs. ilama Chrti lei Vh'mill. eavor John W'alki'r Charle. I.lnjd. Aa.tlu HifiKaiiian. A. N. ll..rner, RJward Fr..l. ll.iver Wiwl-Henry Krc-La. l'hlllu J.Manh.t-k Til lta L. ltolU, Oeurg. buyder, Jacoh Miit-k. fUapmai.-F. W. W.UIa, John (. K.r.t.llor. j.ilin ,. Kr"lizr. rei.tiv Keulmii 1 -aler, I.thD K. Kltaak.l. . rank'in Hnnry Ktu.li, aailali Kr.ager, raew-oii n. it,-ni m. JacVa in n.trnliari H line. Jarue. II Kilter Mlil,H';, re,l:ii, a. 4lel,.r, Ptiiry II i, Rnh.rl iveimr. Mnnii,,. ,l,.r,'inUli App. 3eu,il !,. Ann I'.i n ili om U. Un. e r rini'i, a it ,,,rr. I'virv Alii'hitil Wumrr. J,.u,i hrii.r, ,l-ieph I.. I.U, iieiuy urJIh'. retry ll.uu, J , n. I , L,. II . ferry Wei-J. II. Willi. tt lin.j,,v Mil. a W.ii-I. I. tl, I.. Shlmlel II. K iMi'Kaltr.y.tlharlee ll IX yr A B ka.-ii, Waller Uouiisvl, Kdward Fl.li.r, It J I'ti, a l'nlon .leremiali Hlraub Waelinml t 11,-niy J s. hne. Simon K.unlug ti- vr it uiuuiu, njiunn iioiut gUEUIl'F'S SHLE. Hy virtue nf Sundry wild Uiuetl out of the lloui I ol i "Uiiuon r-lea. ol hnyder I ountr. and to ii, e illr- ced, I Hlil H lo I u 1 Itt ue, at tho I'uurt in, us In Ml.1,11' buriih, on S A l l' II. UAV.MAV17, lasl, al M o'olurk, a. in. tl.. lollowtiiK tii.urii,e,l l(,-ai ratmi,: a cert. Hi lot bnuoded hy I ta ii it ol A. K. tlilt, Mirbael MH , it'll and uthtira, whaienn It a Drain lli,ii. cat Yard, a.o, Alan a New HrloU llntiae and l,i, t. Iiouiidi'd l.y ,la ol Suiiiuul II. Waltor Jeremiah t)roua, hy a l'uldlo llnu.l, and an Alley. lh, ae,roiertioa era Mtunltil Iu I rank II u Towut.hip, Miy.lor 1'i.uniy , l'a. h.lzi.,1, taken In entnuituu I) bo lold ti the prvporiy ol U. II, UuuUloi.oru.r OAV1U liKlOIILY. April S2, 1HK4. bh"rl(r. ADMINISTHATOns'NOTICK Letter, ol Ailiiilnlalrail io on the r.late ot Mary Aun Arbuuaat, I iib ul r.rry inwiialni Mnydor Do., l'a., .ivieaaed, liavlna been uranl ed to the uud.ralKiied nil ).raoi,i hunwlng thi'Uiaolvea ludubtad to laid talaia are mini a. I- ed lo make Iu mediate payin.iit, while ihme uavn g oiaiuil win ure.eni lu.m uuiy auin.u u IV cm Sr (Iii oltl Itst oilit e viHim). DR. I. QRIER BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps onjhnud a full lino of pure Drugr3, Chemicals, Patent EXedicines.Perfunies and other miscellaneous (roods geuorally found in a first class Draff r 4 . At Mill- ototo. Also a mil nuo oi CIGARS AND TOBACCO. CHE WINKS AND LIQUORS for medioal purposes. Pbysiciang pr- r.ciiptroui carefully compouadud at all hours aud at reasonable rates. I. 6BIER BARBER. Residence onenraer, opposito U. B Church, Middleburgh, Pa. 1 - - -I. J!5 J. B. REED HUNUURY, 1V. healer in Breech & Muzzle Loadina Shot Guns. nxic una Eilfiiul AVADS. Vi.-" TAPE It SHOT SHELLS Brass Shot SIie;Is & Ammoaitioo. CARTltlDQR BELTS & LOADING li 1 r J j Vjm & IN lb. CALL AND SEE M V STOCK. Foreign anQ American Doslile ana SIeeIb Breecl-loaii SHOT OUKS. CONKTANTIA' OIV IlvVlVjO; Full line of PISTOLS, CA11TIUPGES $ REVOLT! &B ti J. It. liKKJ) is also ono of iho largest STOVE AII T1NWAKK DEALERS in UiU section of the StU. lloated May 1 NATHAH ARBIWA8T, Aauilnleliator. a. fl. WW M MB'ilkaBiliBfkiaaBwaU IBLEY'SEEDS lUit ALL CL.UIATU.. AU rlOllJS, AIX DKUl'H.i 3 1 884 CATALOGUE FREE tut UlU. , uttiritfut. HIRAM tlCLCY & CO. nocheiter.N.Y. CMcsgOilll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers