The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 04, 1918, Image 7

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emon Juice
For Freckles
1,1 Mk beauty lotion at
. m . ...i. r... ii
h(m( for " venie. r iw
,ippze the J"lce of two lemons Into
Iitle containing three ounces of
"ar(j white, shake well, und you
'jquurUT pint cf the best freckle,
, ur0 nnd inn louon, aim complex
i.hHenr, lit very, very small cost,
ar grocer 1ms the lemons and
int store or toilet counter will
Ily tlirne ounees of orchnrd white
Hot l",,n ,nl 1110 '", necK,
J flOQ w ii .inn,
nm and inn disappear nna now
, mid white the skin becomes.
I it s harmless. auv.
Not a Winner.
, mother home from Hie bridge
rtvtt" nkcd the daughter.
Ki. my li'iir. She Just got hack."
fat her.
,, win ii prize?"
I ililnk nt."
I'.lmw! I'ldn't Nile bring anything
, with her?"
,1, yes; she brought lioine a
i Willi her."
"fume-hack" man wu rcullv never
i...iH.nut. Hi wrakencd condition
k-x ,if overwork, luck of exercise, im
,r eatinir and living demand stimula
te to BtiKfy the cry for a hculth-givinK
tite and the refreshing sleep essential
iiirnfth. (iOUJ WMML llnnrlem III I
I-akt, the National Kemedy of Holland,
do the work. They are wonderful.
b of lliro capsule each day will put
I ,o on hi feet before he know it:
L'hrr Wm troulilc come from uric acid
evnmir, the kidney, uravel or iitone in
(Madder, stomach derangement or other" that lx fall the over-zcalou Amer
e) The best known, mot reliable rein
k W thee trouhle i COLD MKDAL
airlcm Oil Capsules. Thi remedy ha
. the tet for more than 2iX) year
t' it (li"enrery in me ancicni inoora-
rn in iwuanu. it arm nueciiy ana
ah relief (it onre. Don't wait until you
Iflitirrly unwn-ann-our. dm rune mem
if Your drupgist will gladly refund
m mnnev it they ao not neln you. Ac-
m no nihstitutes. Look for the name
Ql.D MKDAL on every ho, three
srv ire the pure, original, imported
rem Oil Capsule. Adv.
J Keeps Aviator Warm.
ii aviator's suit with u current of
inn tiir circulating through it has
ii ilevised. The lllr is heated oloe-
1 When Behy it Teethln
M-iimirb and Bowel tmubles. Perfectly fiarm-
atealncUouoB the bottle.
A St. Louis spinster was recently
ll-i'il in n ilurk hull, nnd she hnsn't
lii llslit there since.
old by Herself. Her Sin
cerity Should Con
vince Others.
Oirtonpher, 111. "For four years 1
tiered from irregularities, weakness.
nervousness, ana
was in a run down
condition. Two of
our best doctors
failed to do me any
good. I heard so
much about what
Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Com
pound had done for
otners, i tried it
and was cured. I
am no longer ner
vous, am regular,
a n A In ovnal Innt
U). I believe the Compound will
Jfetny female trouble." Mrs. Alices
Jer, Christopher, 111.
ffvousness is often a symptom of
Msneis or some functionul derange-
E'"s which may be overcome by this
r finkham's Vegetable Comnound. as
pmnands of women have found by
rnkMm Medicine Co.. Lvnn. Mass.. for
'(m..n: . 1 . ' .. ' .
canons in regard to your ailment.
I,-- .suii or. us ic
i your service.
its long experience ia
j Mow lUchmml, but
:C?M?' wil'6c ImplriMnt Clumlhilmh
d.Tdth dehorn lha pouioauwill
S., ' j "H "! "'l- Adpm.ble whKb
mnM n.r. i rii i.: r
9 I
r7 r wrihnt lot Jfc-feS? U
HHI KILLER Placed anywhere.
all flies. Kt,eltaa,
ornutiMiUl, eon-flDi
rhtap. Lwb tit NWB.
r?WV. S d.tltrf, ur Ml br
ki -i&aair srau, ptp'4, cor i.oo.
Itching Rashes
" U" "f "r"'lr,.. H... H i,
f ATEfiTS Kft,0B ".Cowman,
i Unmbl. m-i. . Airi ! booki free,
t - - Oigbeiuef.r.nce. UeatierrloM
(Hy ItKV. I'. 11. KITZWATISH, 1. V.,
TMi'lier of Kntjllxli Rlbla In the Moody
lilule Inatlluii) uf (Jlikugo.)
K.'opyrlielit. 191S, Western Newspaper
?,' Vr.n ii " 't Tide
HBIiii' !.'" PaninnTf L" S a rn proportion. wo. V.rdllllO
' rauu, gaiuuruis
N- u - BALTiMoiro77nTm
IJ--JJSON TEXT Acts 16:13-34.
GOLDEN TEXT-Whoauever will, let
Urn taka the water fcf Ufa freely. Hovelu
tlon H:17.
TKACHEIia-Acta 2:17-17; S:2G-0; I'omaut
PRIMARY TOPlC-Lovln and tn.sUng
Jesus. John r.Sb-M.
MEMOUT TERSU We love becaus-i hf
OrM lovatl us. I John 4:19.
I. How Uydla Began the Christian
Life (vv. 13-15).
Lydla was the first convert to
Christ In Europe. Hers wns a typical
conversion. Note the xtuiHi therein:
1. Attonduuce at the place of pray
er (t 13).
Hie accustomed place here was at
thu river side. The accustomed place
tntkiy Is in church. God can und does
save men and women without any
seeming connection with places of es
tnbllshed worship, but he appears to
most ieople at such places. The very
fact that he has established and sus
tains churches here nnd there is an
urgent call to all men and women to
Iilnce themselves In the way of salva
tion. While no one can save himself,
yet nil can put themselves In the way
uf salvation by uttandlng church, rend
ing the Bible, etc. The very fact thut
iiich opportunities are placed before
i:icn and women Is a presumptive cull
of 5od.
2. Listening to the preuchlng of the
Word of Cud (v. 13, 14).
Pnul took ndvantuge of the oppor
tunity which was given hlin by the
assemblage of this group of devoted
women to preach Christ to them. He
was alert for and prlred highly the op
Mrtunlty to tell the people ubout
Christ He knew also how perilous
It was to neglect to witness for Christ
at a time when unsaved people are
together. The opportunity Is God's
cull to preach Christ. It Is a greut
thing to huve faithful men and wom
en who ran intelligently minister at
such times.
.". I lor heart was opened by the
Um (v. 14).
The individual may pluce himself
hi the way of sulvntlon by coming
near to tho means of grace, and the
preacher may preach the Word of (Jod,
hut there Is no hope of sulvutlon until
the heart is opened by the Lord (John
(1:44, 45). While the salvation of
every one Is dependent upon this sov
ereign uct of the Lord, yet we cun be
suro thut he Is willing at all times to
do this for those who, like Lydla,
place themselves In tho way of his
saving grace.
4. She was baptized, (v. 15).
This ordinance follows belief In
Chlrst. The Invariable rule In tho
curly church was for believers to be
buptlxcd. While there Is no salvation
In the water of buptlsm, yet hearty
obedience should be rendered In this
reniieet (Acts 2:38-41; 8:12; Murk 10:
1C). Lydlu brought her household to
Christ. This Is us It should he. She
showed signs of tho new life, In thut
she expressed gratitude towurd those
who hud been Instrumental In her con
version (v.. 15) by constraining them
to shuro the hospltullty of her home.
II. How the Philippian Jailer Be
gan the Christian Life (vv. 25-34).
1. Tho occasion (vv. 25, 20).
The custlng out of the spirit of di
vination from the diunsel lunded I'uiil
end Silus in prison. The pain of bleed
ing bucks, und of feet In stocks, kept
them from sleeping; but not from
praying und singing. The Lord heard
their pruyers and sent an earthquake
which shook the Jail, opened the doors
of the prison, and loosed Jhe bonds
from the prisoners' hands.
2. The method (vv. 27-34).
(1) Visitation of the supernatural
(vv. 27-29). Tlje Jailer was awakened
from his sleep by the earthquake. This
earthquake was unusual in that It
loosed the bonds from the prisoners'
hands. In his desperution the jailer
was about to commit suicide. This
was uverted by l'liul's ussurancu that
all were safe. The fact thut the doors
were opened und the prisoners free
and yet no one escaped, showed him
lliut something unusual had occurred.
Therefore, he nunc trembling and
prostrated himself before 'I'uul and
(2) The great question (v. 30). In
the presence of the supernatural he
cried out, "What must 1 do to be sav
ed?" due's salvation Is not fur off
when he utters this cry with sincerity.
(3) The vital answer (vv. 31, 32).
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,"
Is the only way to be suved. "There
Is mum other name under heaven giv
en among men, whereby we must be
saved" (Acts 4:12). Though the way
of salvation Is restricted, It Is simple,
and easy. No one who has believed
on Christ has failed to receive It. The
jailer's f tilth was not blind faith, for
they spake unto him the word of the
Lord, und to all that were in his house.
They were taught the meaning of be
lief in Christ.
(I) The evidence of a transformed
life (vv. 33, 34).
(a) He was baptized (v. 33). As
soon as one believes on Christ ho
wants to be baptized.
(b) He tenderly washed the stripes
of I'uul and Silas, showing that he
was no longer the brutal jailer (v. 34).
(c) He rejoiced (v. 34). Tho one
who really uccepts Christ Is tilled with
(d) A transformed home (v. 34).
He believed on Christ and was bap
tized, and his household.
There Is one lorm of hope which Is
never unwise and which certainly does
not diminish with the Increase of
knowledge. In that form It changes
Its name, und we .Oill It patience.
(Conducted, by llio National Woman's
Christian Temperance Union.)
Oh, ye; oh, yea;
Dear Uncle Bam,
We women are willing;
To help all we can.
We'll eat leaa bread
And save the wheat.
Add flh to our diet
To auve the meat;
We'll uho lesd auRar
And still keep sweet
We'll ave cur money and buy a bond
For Liberty's cause the world around;
But, Uncle Bam,
Please, won't you clote the brcwerleaf
Oh, yea; oh, yea;
We hear the cry
For conservation
We'll do or die
We'll talk and try.
We'll iklmp and gave
And work and alave.
Corn bread for every men! we'll eat.
And give our atllea tho best of the wheat.
We'll save oiir money for ntnmna of Thrift
To Rive Liberty's caime a hearty lift
Tint. ITnrle Bnm,
We can't unilerntancl
Why you don't elope the breweries?
-MarKarct I. Tlatt.
The Life Kxtenrlon Institute, of
which Trof. Irving Fisher of Yale Is
chairman, and ex-President William
ITownrd Taft Is president of the board
of directors, published a report of the
actuaries of 43 Amerlcnn life Insur
ance companies covering a period of
25 years from 1885, showing the In
creased mortality of moderate users of
nlcnhollc liquors. These records were
kept without nny reference to the pro
hibition Issue, nnd reveal thut!
1. Very moderate users of liquor
increased their death rate by 18 per
cent over the normal rate.
2. Moderate users of liquor with an
occasional excess. Increased their
death rate by 50 per cent over the
normal rate. '
3. who drnnk more than twn
glasses of beer or more than one glnss
of whisky per day nnd yet were con
sidered acceptable standard risks for
Insurance, Increased their denth rnte
by 80 per cent above the normal rote.
These three classes of Insured mod
erate drinkers Increased their mortal
ity by ii n nvernge of 51 1-3 per cent.
The denth rate recorded by these
companies Includes only men suffi
ciently tempernte to secure n life In
surgnce policy. If we add the thou
sands of heavy drinkers who ennnot
get life Insurance the death rate from
liquor will be largely Increased.
The comparisons In this report nro
with the nvernge mortality of all In
sured men. Including the users of
liquors. If It hud been made with the
total abstainers the difference In mor
tality would hnve been even greater.
A worklnginan, almost ruined by
drink, was induced to sign the pledge
for a year. When the year wns out,
he went and renewed it for life. Ho
had just received his wuges, and had
the money In n bag In his Inside pocket,
when he met the saloonkeeper nt
whose place he used to drink,
"Well, old fellow," said the saloon
keeper, "how do you do?"
"Pretty well," the worklngmun an
swered, "only I've got a hard lump
here on my side."
"Oh !" snid the other, "it's cold water
does that ; if you'd drink some good
liquor, it would soon tuke the lump
"But," snid the man. "I have Just
renewed the pledge for life, and I
enn't do It."
"Then, mind what 1 say," snid the
saloonkeeper "that lump will go on In
creasing, nnd very lilly before an
other year you'll hav another on the
other side."
"I hope so," snid the worklngmun,
taking out his money bog and shaking
It. "It's cold cash."
The time Is not far distant when
n prohibition will surround mills
nnd factories, even as schools' nnd
churches are now protected, within
which no liquor will be sold. It Is big
business that Is now talking, not mere
ly preachers and reformers. Largo
financial interests are at stake. Com
petition is so close that the very ex
istence of factories In the race for
trade and mnintennnce Is threatened
pnless the field be a clear one with no
mill discounted by lower standards of
efficiency than another. No business
will tolerate the drink habit today.
Trust companies presided over by
boozers are tnhooed by the Investor.
Time was when the brilliant nlcnhollc
could hold his place In almost auy
Job or profession. Thut time Is past.
Industry nnd education hnve come to
realize that dependability Is better
than brilliancy Itself and that bril
liancy is more common with men of
clear heads than with those whose
brnlns are muddled with alcohol. Yar
mouth Times.
The directors of the California
Wine association Included In their last
nnnnnl report recommendations thnt
wine stocks he disposed of nnd thnt
wine men prepare for prohibition.
The report declares the directors have
decided thnt further pursuit of a
business with n future so uncertain Is
not wise. Wise men!
Women of the suffrage states, when
the wets solicit your votes Just remem
ber that If they bad their way you
would have no votes to give..
No alcohol Is used msdlclnnlly In
my hospital wards. Beer or wine Is
not permitted to convalescents. Cnses
of delirium tremens receive no alco
hol. Among my colleagues the employ
ment of alcohol ns a medicine hits
diminished nt least 75 per cent In the
past fifteen years. Dr. James P. War
basse, Chief Surgeon Germnn Hospital,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The liquor trafllc produces lawless
ness nnd you cannot muke an Institu
tion lawful thnt produces lawlessness."
Doan's, However, Restored Nr.
Roulston to Good Health.
Results Have Lasted.
"MorninRS I waa no ct iff and eore
I could hardly got up," nays A. C,
Roulwton, prop. bluckKiiiith uliop, 2810
WnHhington (St., Hoxbury, Mukh. "The
aharp minn through my l.iilncvx were
bo had 1 often thought I wouldn't be
able to get to work. I
couldn't rent comfortably
and turned and tomcil
from one iile to the oth
er, with a dull, dragging
backache. There were
puffy upotn under my eyes
nnd I felt worn out all
the time. The kidney se
cretions pasped too often
and were otherwise un- m, !...
natural. Four or five Hr'
boxes of Doan'l Kidney Pills cured
me. 1 can honestly recommend Doan's
for they have turcly dune me a world
of good.
Mr. Houston gave the above ptatc
ment in 1!U5 and in March, 1IH7, he
paid: "My cure i nt ill laxting. I take
Doatl't occasionally, however, to keep
my kidneys in good working order.
Cue can depend upon Doan't to cure
kidney ills.
Cat Doan't at Any Stare. 60c a Bos
a Gift
Secretary ot Corrnpondence Department,
Moody Bible InttltuU, Chicago
Cutting Out Things.
Mrs. Church Is your husband doing
his bit?
Mrs. Gotham I should rather say
"Cutting out things these war days
Is be?"
"Well, rather. Say, didn't you know
niy husband was one of the olhVlul
One's Life Revealed.
"Through u thousand unnoticed
openings our Inner life Is Hashed up
on the world."
Patience Is Peggy In jour college
yet ?
Put rice Oh, no, she bad to leave.
"Why so?"
"Vou know she's tongue-tied, and
she never could hope to give oirr col
lege yell."
Doesn't hurt at all and costs
only a few cents
Magic! Just drop a little Freezono
on that touchy corn, Instantly It stops
aching, then you lift the corn off with
the lingers. Truly! No humbug I
Try Freezonc ! Tour druggist sells a
tiny bottle for a few cents, sullicleut to
rid your feet of every liurd corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, und
calluses, without one particle of pain,
soreness or irritation. Freezone Is the
discovery of a noted Cincinnati gcuius.
I hippy is the individual who sees
Ihiligs as they should be instead of us
they are.
If Worms nr Tapeworm persist In your
arstem, It Is lirsue you have not yet tried
the real Vermifuge. Dr. 1'cery's "Dead Shot,"
One dose does the work. Adv.
The average man Is always glad "to
meet ihe fool killer for the purpose of
sending -him next door.
Grove's Tsstrlets chill Tonic
restores vitality and enerpr by pnrlfylnff nn4 en
ftchlns the blood. Y"n can Rxn feelnsSireogto
eolOK, Invigorating Kflct. Hrlce tlx.
War Bread.
riatbilsh How did you like my se
rial story?
Itciisonliurst - About ns well as I
like my wife's cereal bread.
Paradoxical Evasion.
"Why don't you answer that fellow's
charges If you can?"
"I would not dignify Diem with a
"That sounds us If a reply wouldn't
Just a Small Matter.
Salt Is carried down year lifter year
Into the sea, where It accumulates. If,
then, e can divide the entire amount
of salt at present In the ocenn by the
amount carried down In u year, the
quotient will he the prohuhlu age of
the earth. Simple? Ob, yes. Profes
sor July has worked It out to 09,000,
IMMI years, hut to he on the safe side he
reduces that number In !H),KM,000
years. A liitle matter of 10,000,000
years Is negligible to those who can
think in surh tiuinliers.
Kultur in 1871.
The Kultur of Cernums is shown
In the following passage in "Life of
Pasteur," dealing with on incident
during Ihe rrsnco-l'nissliin wur:
"Itcxuiiult had lett his laboratory
tools in his room at the Sevres por
celain nianiifnctory of which lie was
manager. A Prussian, evidently an
expert, hud been there. Nothing
seemed changed In that nbode of sci
ence and yet everything was de
stroyed. The glass tubes of barom
eters were broken; scales und other
instruments had been carefully
knocked out of shape with a hummer,
In a corner was a heap of ashes, the
register's notes manuscripts, all Keg
nault's work of the last ten years."
(Made Of Corn)
4Dad says
Eat 'em up Bob
YouVc saving
f the boys in
TEXT Ami I give unto them eturnal
life.-Jolin 10:28.
Jesus Christ said that ho hud come
into this world thut men might have
eternal life. Tho
bestowal of eter
n a 1 life was,
therefore, the
purpose of bis
coming. A cer
tain young man
asked, "(iood sir,
what must I do
to Inherit eternai
life?" Christ's dis.
clples had some
conception of eter
nal life for the
said to Jesus,
"Thou bast the
words of eternal
What Is eternal
life? Jesus himself gave an nnswer
In his great Intercessory prayer, "And
this Is life eternal, that they might
know thee, the only true (iod, and
Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent!"
With the ordinary student of the
Hible, the Idea of eternal life Is a life
of endless duration, the word "eternal"
being made synonymous with "ever
Inst lug." lint eternal life is not alto
gether u question of duration but of
quality. The proper conception of
eternal life embraces both quality nnd
quantity. Terms of Inherent value and
time measurement must be In mind.
The man who possesses eternal life
then has something that Is far raised
above anything that the earth has to
offer. It Is a life that may be realized
this side of death nnd bus Its thou
sands of Illustrators In all the world
nnd among all classes of persons with
out respect to age, race, pecuniary
condition, education or social stand
ing. Now the question arises, presuming
the man does not possess this eternal
life. How Is he to get It? The rich
young ruler thought It was by doing
something to Inherit It, or rather merit
It. And despite the protests of those
who would not do violence to the
words of Jesus In our text, probably
the vast majority of people have that
Idea. It Is thought man must do
something to win eternal life, as a
kind of trophy of his efforts, or make
himself n worthy recipient of it. Un
fortunately, the nobility of liinn Is
often appealed to, a If mnn hnd
something of merit to offer (iod. Prc-
i clsely the opposite Is the situation.
Man must come to the place where he
will see his utter helplessness and ac
cept salvation as a gift.
Man is not In a position to have
eternal life offered to him, and to ac
cept It or reject It, as in any true
sense an equal of the offerer. He Is
not In a position to deal with God.
Ills standing before ("Iod Is one of
hopeless need. He stands before God
us one guilty, unworthy nnd hell-deserving.
The only thing thnt he can
do Is to look upon (iod us offering to
him salvation out of his mere..
The comparison of eternal life with
what the best man could do to merit
It would be ridiculous. Some conclu
sion might be readily arrived at with
respect to what eternal life means In
this life, but as before stated, tho
value of eti-rnul life beyond is fnr
more than man can calculate.
Ilesldes this, there Is already an
adequate equivalent to eternal life
presented to man In the Infinite mer
its of Jesus Christ himself, the Son of
God, the infinite one, who lived n
most marvelous life and died a most
wonderful death. It would seem to
be something almost umountlng to di
rect Insult to God to make any sug
gestion that man could merit eternal
life, when It Is clearly proclaimed in
tho Word that Jesus Christ has al
ready merited It, and stands offering
It to us. As the text says, Jesus
Christ gives this life, nnd this because
be purchased It with a surrender of
his own precious life.
The Word of God emphatically and
categorically teaches us that eternal
life is a gift Support to our test is
given In thnt remarkable saying In
Isaiah 55:1: "Ho, every one thnt
thlrsteth, come ye to the waters ; yea,
come, buy wine nnd milk without
money and without price." Certainly
John 3:10, "God so loved the world
thnt he gave his only begotten Son
thnt whosoever belleveth on him
should not perish, but have everlasting
life" Is In place, as also the words of
Pnul. "The gift of God Is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord." The
text Itself says, "I give unto them
eternal life." And another considera
tion Is that those who give evidence
of possessing eternal life, are those
who concede thut what they l.nve has
been the gift of God.
This grent fact of the Gospl may
seem to humiliate man, but nothing is
needed more. We are living In an
age when men glory In their shame.
They demand notice on the ground of
merit, nnd nothing Is needed more
than something to make man feel bis
Absolute dependence upon God ; In
deed, feel that he is deserving only
of God's wrath and the visitation of
his Judgment. Whether men think It
or not, they are dully recipients of
God's gifts. The atmosphere they
brenthe the sunshine, the continuation
of life, the health they possess, are
nil the gifts of God, for which mnn
can give nothing In return.
War-Time Geography of Paris.
Thu city Is bounded on the north by
supply depots, on the south by hos
pitals nnd on the west by airdromes.
Its principal imports und exports are
bandages, crepe, wooden legs and
colonials; its products are war bread,
war literature, faith and hope. Wil
liam Heche In the Atluutlc.
It is better to lose n ring than a
Cutlcura Is 80 Soothing
To Itching, burning skins. It not only
soothes but heals. Bathe with Cotl-'
curn Soup and hot water, dry gently
and apply Cutlcura Ointment For
free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. AdT.
What Ihe modern airship navigator
needs Is a safely anchor und some
thing to anchor to.
Bore Eyea. Blood-Shot Eyes, Watery Kyee,
Btlrky Kyee, all healed pro in inly with night
ly applications ot Human Kye Salaam. Adv.
Any actress can paint, but only a
few can draw.
Mastery to Love Thy Neighbor.
It Is no mastery to watch and fast
till thy head uche; nor to run to Borne
or Jerusalem on pilgrmlnge upon thy
bnre feet ; nor to stir about nnd proueh.
os If thou wonldst turn nil men by thy
prenchlng. Nor Is It nny mastery t"
build churches or chapels, or to feed
poor men and build hospitals. But it
Is a mastery for n man to love his
neighbor In chnrlty, and wisely hate
his sin nnd love the man. Wult
Hilton (11100).
The Effects of Opiates.
HAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its varlota
preparations, all of which are narootio, is well known. Even in th
mallest doses, if continued, these opiates cause change in the funo-
tions and growth of the cells which are hkely to become permanent, causing
Imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life.
Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lock of staying
powers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet
In their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never .
receive opiates in the smallest doses for more ' than a day at a time, and
only then if unavoidable.
The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and
other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly
decried, and the druggist shoald not be a party to it. Children who ar ill
need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing leas than a crime to
doaa them willfully with narcotics.
Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears the
signature of Chos. II. Fletcher. .
tienalne Castoria always bears the signature of1
Both Walked Alike.
Our little neighbor boy had been
hurt In nil accident and was obliged
to walk 011 crutches. Beaching his
little bauds through the fence nnd put
ting our dog on the head, he said to
him: "Topsy, we're bos' alike. We bos'
has to walk wif four legs." Chicago
It's Different Now.
Bacon You know we used to call
him governor before he got married.
Kghcrt Well, don't you now?
"Oh, no; be married a governess,
you know."
Modern Love.
"Will you love me always?"
"What do you mean by 'always?'
Ten or fifteen years''"
Surprised the Mail Man.
Under stress of war enthusiasm
many odd things are done. A Minne
sota woman give her letter carrier
1xk pound of buffalo nickels the oth
er day, uiiiotuitiiig 10 $1,000, nil in ex
change for war savings certificates.
The poor man, after counting them,
found he didn't have enough xckotrt
to hold the money ami Dually hud to
dump 1 h Ills into his leather mull
sack. ( 'upper's Weekly.
"Are you willing to die for your
"I'll have In lie if the cost of living
gets any higher."
Women who marry for a home al
ways get the short end of a bargain,
M-M Ueaiher!
tomach iff?
No Appetite? Mouth Dry? Tongue
Stiff and a Fierce Thirst?
Here's Relief!!
Hot, heavy foods ami Iced drinks
often play havoc with bud stomachs
In hot weather. The weak ones haven't
got a chance. A quickly chilled or
overworked stomach Is a starter of
untold misery for Its owner.
When yon hnve that dull, depressed
feeling after eating stnmuch pains,
bowel disorders, heartburn or nausea,
belching, food repeating It Is tho dan
ger point. You want to look out and
be quick about it in this hot weather.
A way hns been discovered to make
sick stomachs well and to keep them
cool und sweet. It is a cotumonsense
wny. No starvation plan of diet Is
needed. Mnke this test und see how
'Itilckly you get a good appetite in
hot weather nnd enjoy the things you
like without misery to follow.
KATONIC Tablets hnve amused
people everywhere wlih the marvelous
benefits they have produced for thou
sands of stomach sufferers. Start the
test today and let your own stomach
tell you the truth.
KATONIC works quick it absorb
find neutralizes hurtful, poisonous
acids, juices und stomach gases caused
from undigested foods. Thousands
testify thnt It quickly puts the stomach
ill n clenn. RU'.tiit- ftiimllHnn rnfimnf
builds up the lost uppetlte and makes Ufa
ii.iiik tui 1 11,? iiiuii will) linen Rjufiu
thing's but who suffers every time he eata
EATONIC Is absolutely guaranteed to do
nil tlila and you are to be the JiiiIkh. If It
doesn't rid you of stomach and bowel mis
eries most common In hot weather you
Ret your money back at onee, rlRht from
your own dniKglst whom you know and
nn Ir V n I . -. .11
..urn. i-,F iiTTi-u ui your iiikiiih; a
chance of sufferlns;. Start EATON 10 to-
uuj. iuu win see.
The Strong Wit list ant! tho
Heat of Summer Better
Than the Weak
Old people who are feeble and younger people
who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to
go through the depressing heat of Summer by taking
Tasteless chill Tonic
It purifies and enriches the blood and makes
you Strong. You can soon feel its Strengthening,
Invigorating Effect.
ceptionally good general strengthening tonic for pale,
sickly children, for delicate Mothers, for Old Folks or
any one of the family who has poor blood. It is
pleasant to take. Price 60c.
Perfectly Harmless. Contains no
Nux-Vomica or other Poisonous Drugs,
that's what thousands of farmers
say. who have gone from the U. S. to
settle on homeste:ad9 or buv land in Western
Canada. Canada's invitation to every industrious worker to settle in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta is especially attractive. She wants
farmers to make money and happy, prosperous homes for themselves
cy Helping ner raise immense wheat crops to feed the world.
You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free
or other lands at very low prices. Where you can buy food (arm
land at $15 to $30 per acre that will raise 20 to 43 bushels of $2
wheat to the acre it's easy to become prosperous. Canadian farmers
also grow wonderful crops of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farm
Lift ia fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. The excellent
grasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either
for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches;
markets convenient; climate excellent' Write for literature
and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Im
migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Cor. Walnut ft Broad Sts.. Philjrfc!ph!a, Pa.
e Pnnnil'nn Clovernment Acent