The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 09, 1916, Image 6

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Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It.
Quartermaster of the McDougal Tells of Swift Race of American
Destroyers to the Scene of the German Submarine's Opera
tions Off Nantucket Lightship Sees Dutch Steamer
Blown Up by the Giant Diver.
New Y.irU. 1 liuvo rend n good deal
ntHMit Hi.- ilolns of the U S) In the vi
cinity f Nantucket lightship, and no
ticed Hint very little has been publish
ed regarding the movements of our ite
atroycr force mid the part It played In
tin; rescue work. I therefore lake this
mu nn of telling what actually oc
curred from the time we left port un
til our return, writes Qunrtcrmiistor
Nathan Levy, U. S. N.. of Hie 1'. S. S.
llclougal. In the New YnrU Times.
As tlm world now Knows, Hie ljrst
rntlnuition we received of iietlvliy on
the luirt of the L'-M whs n radio re
ceived at Hie naval radio station on
oat Island. At iihoiit l'J :..'. while on
wntch, the Kirinlngluiti), our flagship,
ont a seinni'liore message to nil de
utroyi'rs, Including our mother ship,
the Melville, to prepare to pet under
way and to report when ready. Then
begun one of the most wonderful races
known to the 1'uited States navy. n
rnco to see whleli ship would he ready
lrst and vhl'h would he the first to
leave. Almost Instantly hunt recalls
were hoNted; heavy Mm 1; smoke be
gan to pour out of numerous stacks
so thickly that the city of Newport
was almost hidden from view. Ahoiit
nix minutes after the signal was made
the Jarvis stood out to sen. hound for
Nantucket lii-'ht vessel, making lit the
ulart a speed of 'J') knots. The won
derful work of the .larvis will Ions he
rememhered ns breaking records for
Retting under way.
Now tho race was on. In n short
time then; came n toot from the tor
pedo station. This was Hie Praylon
tinder way. Almost Immediately an
other, the Krlcsson, moved out; then
another, the O'ltrien.
Thrilling Race.
Out the ships steamed. I cannot re
member the exact order of leaving, he
rns on watch, and very hiisy, hut I do
know, on account of the return of our
mnall boats, we were fifth from the
last to leave. We then commenced
eur pursuit of the destroyers ahead.
My! what n beuutiful and thrilling
race It was!
About two miles away, off our star
board tiow, was the destroyer Conyiii:
liam, and dead ahead, about throe
miles, the limit of visibility, due to
heavy haze, two other destroyers. Slow
ly we gained on the Conytighnin. but
lost our advantage In a few minutes
on account of slight trouble In the for
ward flroroom. Soon we were at It
again, while in the meantime th Win
Flow had passed us and the Nh-holson
was now close off our port quarter. No.
2 boiler was now cut in. and as our
upeisl was by this time .Inict maxi
mum we practically flew (.y,r the wa
ter. The Nicholson was soon left be
hind and the t'onyncham was rapidly
being overtaken.
Soon we passed her. The ship ahead
ilrew nearer to us. the crpM'n at this
time sighting a destroyer hearing off
our port bow. With the aid of power
ful clas-., s I mm,, her out to lie the
Mcf'i.U. Kweopiv; r.retiud. I made out
two r:ori, wlib-ii were soon :i"'"l by
lis. 1'oar destroyers were tmw pnod,
U 53 Is Sighted.
All 'old. we j ;!-s"d at h-iM ten de
stroy, rs which hud left Nov-port bi
for i.- and were -: j .: i f making as
liiueh 1 as tlie M, I .ii:g:il nailer or
dinary ci trillions. The last three ships
were overtaken within sight of the
light ws ;cl, of which we Were now
nlieani. .1 i t three nnd oiu-haif hours
lifter t:i';i;iu' our ilepartnre from New
port. A ::i::t kable run. yen nnit ad
mit, ft d,:.i:e e ,,f plil laijes covered 111
the time mentioned above, from a fold
start Mil with linif !! .rev and (. Hi
rers lh!:niv.
With tic Ku-l.t 1 I,! we !.:;.;
the lir-i opp. .nunity to vitv-s part
of the tirctdy. A short t
Hie fnstwnri! of lie li.!j-l,ii :i
large I i:(. !i M, , the y.y.;.
(l:jk. She hud bea : !''.! I! i for a
fM::!:! r. I'lying frota 1.. r t, r . -is
t ,i .A
'1 he photograph shows a euslolu on Hie vvesiern Iron! among the uliies.
After every buttle the knapsack of every fallen soldier and all Ids belonging
re collected und sent Lack to his home.
Eldest Heir of Lord Gleneonner Among
Latest Vlctlmt of th
Iiiidon. Fifty-fivc sons of I'.ritlsh
jner have fallen on the battlefields
of (he Furopetin war. Hue of the lat
it was Lletfl. Wyndham Teiinant,
nineteen, eldest son of Lord C.leticon
oer, who was killed l:i Fiance Septem
ber Only a few days before the
death in action of Ids cousin, Lieut.
a lure Dutch ling, anoihcr Hew from
her signal slay, nnd on her sides was
painted her iiiiine, the name of her
homo port, and the I Mitch liar:, all In
conspicuous letters. To the left of
her and close to us the (Senium sub
marine 1'-.",'? was sighted, towing
ship's bont, painted while, r our
captain hailed this boat and invited
Us occupants to come aboard. The
r.lommersilijl; appeared to be deserted.
In spite of this fact her lluhts were
all htirnln::. The Invited boat came
iiloneshle, and her occupants we:,,
helped (Hi board by our crew.
They were the chief ollicer, ('..
Klaasse; I'.oatsualn 1'. N. Van der
Sluys, and Seamen II. II. INoh! h,
('.. Zeevtiart, (!. Ileildenui, and (!. Vil'l
losr. It is quite needless to say that
they were all received wil'.i welcome.
Does Some Tall Diving.
The boatswain, Van der Shns, could
spcal: lliilish very well, having served
on beard rng'i-h ships, and froi:, him
we rcci Ivi d news as to what actually
happened. I will not repeat his exact
words, but will give a brief descrip
tion of what tool; place. They had
taken their departure from the lluht--v..
when a submarine was sighted
living the Interna'ienal T. A.
CT.rlng your papers on board.") The
lili'iiiinersdij!;, heliu' n slow-nioviiu:
vessel, lowered a boat, whose crew
were the ollicers and men named
Chief Oflieer Klaasse was Informed
by the submarine commander that bis
ship was to be blow n up at ( :".i.
I luring Hie time that the tw o offi
cers were parleying' the 1' ell sighted
one of our destroyers standing toward
her. She immediately dived. I asked
the man who told me this if It took her
very Ions to dive, and be answered, i:i
a very sober manner: "i'h, no; only
about "it seconds. Ye .idsl but she
can do some tall divine. .shortly af
ter this i urrence we came upon the
scene, sihtin the submarine wi'h til"
r.lotnmersdijk's boat In tow. At this
time there were about four des'royers
close aboard the liuht vessel, uppar
ditly taking off survivors, ljuite a
number of small boats wen- tied up
astern of the lightship. We stoo I over
toward the sulunariiie untli we hailed
the boat's crew, as I !.ae al.vady
We then stood toward iin ither ves
sel, the Stephalio, about I .mi miles
away from the nionmorvli jk, to ren
der assistance t" her survivors if nec
essary. This vessel, like the I Hitch
ship, was ready for s'au;:h!er, abso
lutely deserted, but with all h'T lights
biirnliij: brightly. Ti make sure that
there was no one left on board our
captain ran close to her and had our
forward seaivhliid'.t turned on. The
li'-lit was swept fore and aft without
a living soul beliic visible.
Dutch Ship Dies Hard.
At this the t'-'l! was runt. in"
back and forth between the I'.loiu
t'lersdij'.; and the Slephano, followed
closely by one of our destroyers, which
apparently d'd not to iais any
lliiti'. The submarine ;ept I'eutiimal
!y moving about. W!. ether it was in
decision on bis part I cannot say; :iny-
way. at about 7:1" our time (,, vou,v
! fifth meridian) the V '' to-l. siatioli
I about. '"HI anls off the ; ort b'-mn of
! the I!loininei-aii;i:, bow i u. Il'.pcet
I inu be would t!:-.'. our captain (many
Uianks to him) lie. j !, d to rut; over
1 and ob-erve the effect. We had taken
i ...
station about 1. ..!' yards
I the doolie d ship when, at
I iline) we heard a terrible -,
in.' toward tile I'.loun: rvh j
1 hr-h flood of Watef
I i dr. bl::her than tie- sl.ip. I ut
:- ('
:-. I.o
a '.v
si.- !!
r,.,.i;ia cocksu:-.. :!. ;t tl;.-ir '"rpedo
j -or v. it a l. : "r ; : heps a
! i iit:..'.' would f.i.i I: .IV N I. !c:ilt
.-hip. the I!' it i:.i, I I ...! I, b: I. Mid
1 itii.-d a- ay. 1 w ,-c. the I'.lei.'.-
.Mark Tennnnt, was reported.
Lieut. Wyndhnm Tenminl had been
with the army Just over n year, having
Joined us soon nsj he reached the legal
age. In a letter to his mother, dated
Just before polng into action, ho wrote:
"This Is written In case nnythlng
happens to nie, for 1 liouhl like you
to have Just a little message from in?
own hand. Your love for me und my
love for yon have made my whole life
one of the happiest there has ever
been. This la a "rent day for me. 'Jligli
heart, high speech, high deeds, 'mid
. 2 I,,,-J
is .
( .' Vjt'O X
.Mine. .M. A. r.rault. a member of an
arisim ratle family of France, now In
this country, will return to 1'ratice to
seek out war orphans for the purpose
of sendiiii.' them to Tallin island, now
faelni; depopulation from the heavy
draft the war has made on the young
yes I did praying that if she must
t down she woul ! at least ulve her
executioners a run lor their money.
Still the Cerinaii continued steaming
away. Ild sic, I thought. Inlend to
allow- the liutcb.taati to r.'iiiaiu alloat?
I'.ut no; when within u few hundred
yards of the Stephano she lut-ncl
about ami stood back to the rdomniers
di.ik. Takiir.' station this time about I.IK")
yards from the r.lonimersclljk, which
had listed t port sliu'htly from the
effects of the cyploslon, that was nil,
with her port rimiilu li'ht toward
us, which convinced us that she had
stern tubes, the l'-,".' II red another tor
pedo, striking the HlommcrsdiJI; aft,
under the living quarters and the fire
rooms. The second explosion was far
more violent than the llrst, the cloud
of water about twice lis hi-h, the vibra
tion eluded by the explosion b"lnc felt
very distinctly on our vessel. This
time we could plainly see that the
food ship was doomed.
Makes Sure of Victim.
Making sure that her victim was
Mulshed, Hut Cerinan doused till lights
and stood away. Tor a short time
we lost her. While si'iirchiu to pick
her Up aeaill I sighted the sideliehts
of a ship about four miles away. She
seemed to be rakish In nppiaratico,
but I am sure that she was not another
submarine; but why, if she wasn't, did
not the r-'.t hail In r? Always will
this remain a mystery to me. She
was easy prey, and there was no dan--er
of the Stephano runnim: away, as
she was deserted. A short time later
th V was sighted with her how
against the starboard quarter of the
Stephano, apparently haviir; sent some
members of the crew on board.
I'l'll- ntly we waited, but the men on
the Stephano were in no hurry. At
about ;i-,ii (our time) we steamed
away. Looking around, ve saw a
Lumber of ship's boaH ll mling about
with no one In thou. (Jolng close to
the I',:,!ch - ihe senior ollicer of i ;ir
force being her captain we reeeivitl
orders to proceed to Newport at dis
iTetioii. Tubing . iir departure from
the built vi ssel. which had figured so
prominently in Hie rescue work, we at
rived at Newport at about three n. in,
ictober 0.
The rescued men were sleeping
soundly below i.nd were not called un
til live ii. m., at which time a small
boat came alongside to carry Ihein to
the training station. At ." :l!0 they left
us, titst shaking hands and thankln.r
everyone In s'fit. I must pay a trib
ute to the wonderful optimism of the
rescued men. Not one complained ei
iher against their fate or the Cerinun
California Ducks Quack With Joy
When Water Is Sprayed Over
California, Mo. The birds on a poul
try plant here are real high flier
They have one convenience that no
monarch could have enjoyed .10 years
That convenience Is electric fans.
The fans nnd running w ater have bet n
j Installed in the large feeding station
of the A. 15. Colo & Sons plant.
Fmler the spray of n fountain In the
feeding station Is the favorite haunt ;:f
the ducks and geese. The manage
ment has found the fans and water of
economic value, as It saves the lives
of many fowls and makes them fatten
faster In the hot weather.
honoring eyes.' (iod Mess you nnd
give you peace."
Four cabinet ministers, Mr. Asquitli
Lord Lansdowne, Like 1'euse and Ar
thur Henderson have lost sons in t lit
war. und Lord Crewe a son In-law. Mr
Henderson Is Ihe labor party lejider
mid his son was a captain. Lieut
llaymond Asquith gave promise ol
holding us high a place at Hie bar n
his father. He had mi appointment
the staff, hut Insisted on service In Hi
lighting line. Mr. Asqulth's youngei
son was wounded nt tlm Dardanelles.
ATj (jL.g1Y I
hi'', f , il J
-V7 i, ti I ovv v( V' 418
Two of the New
I'erhiip.s you are looking for a coat
which you will enjoy wearing In Hie
evening and expect to press Into serv
ice for afternoon occasions. In this
case you might turn attention to velvet
with the assurance that your Judgment
is dlrotted to the right quarter. Vel
vet stands midway between cloth and
fur, having a restricted following of
Its own. At its best It Is fur-trimmed
or made so that it can be convenient
ly worn with a fur set.
It almost goes without saying that
"velvet" Includes velveteen and that
most of the coals made of either ma
terial are Intended for evening wear.
They are sumptuous affairs. In new or
fnmilliir colors, Including robin's-egg
blue, moss and light greens, coffee
color, chartreuse, sapphire, etc. Near
ly nil are trimmed with furs in Un
usual colors, or tmdyed, and white fox
prises on coats In the lighter tones.
For those who like eccentricities there
are furs dyed In unusual colors.
A coat of velvet, trimmed with skunk
Something New
Faille sill; und no end of work, with
yarn flowers nnd kolinsky fur com
bined to make a hat nnd muff. With u
narrow scarf, or high collar, of ko
linsky nbout the neck, the wearer may
achieve u very original und elegant
set that no amount of money cun ex
ceed for smartness.
There ure mnny such sets, usually
of two pieces (a neckpiece and muff)
i.uide by putting together fur and
cloth, fur and velvet, or fur nnd silk.
A lint Is brought Into the scheme of
things by a collar of fur, or, as In the
set pictured, the hat Is made to match
the muff and the neckpiece Is adapt
ed to these two pieces. Collars are of
ninny varieties, and muffs are fash
ionable in Ihe pillow nnd the melon
shapes. None of Hie latter are very
lurge, although Ihey may bo draped
with extra pieces of fur by way of lidd
ed enrichment.
The cloths used Include broadcloth,
velours, Poll vi n, nnd other wenves, and
color Is an Important consideration
when one conteinidnles u matched set.
Pretty Blouse Model.
One of the prettiest blouse models of
the season Is ulso so simple that almost
any girl could innUfl It herself. From a
shaped oval neckband, which Is cut
strulght across Hie haelt and curves
downward n trifle la front. Is set the
straight back nnd front of box-pliiltod
Georgette crepe or silk voile. The fas
tening Is In the hack. The sleeves ure
sewn nto the ariiiliules without full
ness nnd tire cut in bell shape nt the
bottom. A piping of wl lte crepe Is put
around 'he neck. Thin blouse is la-
V -' i h TL 'i-- til
Long Coats.
fur, Is pictured, and one of velveteen
trimmed with silk braid, to he worn
with ii separate set of furs. In the
fur-trimmed coat handsome buttons of
dark lnollier-of-pearl and sliver llllgree
accomplish the front fastening; one of
them ut the collar nnd one ut the
waistline. The coat fastens fl Ilttlo
to one side. Except for n novitl man
iigetnent ut the shoulders there is noth
ing unusual in the manner of construct
ing It. Here Hie hack Is extended,
overlapping the front In rounded anil
corded edges. The skirt portion Is set
to the body with n heavy cord. The
lining Is of old-gold satin, but Its color
may he left to the discretion of the
The brief description of the vel
veteen coat Is given In the picture.
It Is full and straight hanging and Its
owner may or may not like to add to
these entirely correct details a men
tion of plain bands of silk braid which
would not be missed If they were not
in Matched Sets.
Linings ure In contrasting colors, und
soft, plain satin is used for them.
Having disposed of the mutter of cloth
and lining, Hint of color must be con
sidered. It will ho determined partly
by the kind of fur to be used.
There small sets offer u promising
wiiy to make the best of old style
furs that show signs of wear or are
too antiquated to be worn and too
good to be discarded. And they hold
out enticing possibilities to the clever
woman who would mid a siiiurt ussct
to her winter wardrobe.
In the set shown here faille silk Is
clos"Iy shirred to make a covering for
Hie bat crown und the muff. It Is In
n saffron t-lindo nnd the decorative
flowers and foliage are miiile of yarn
In the same color. The hut Is faced
w ith fur and the c nils of Hie muff tin
Ished with bunds of It. The collar Is
the simplest Imugintible merely ii
straight, wide bii'id fievned near tin
back of the neck, where two slmr
tails finish this particular bit of fash
Ion's history.
tended to lie worn with n fine white no
long-sleeved gulmpe, which may In
iiuiile with u high dlrectolre collar am
plaited Jabot, or with a broad, rollint
coliur which covers the neckband.
To Pack Dresses f Silk.
When packing dresses und wulsts ol
silk, snllil or crepe, roll Instead of fold
lug. Hy this method articles cun hi
packed in n sinuller spare and win
bettor results. Actresses use thU
method, and their clothes ure put to
the Bevcrest test.
Nsture warns you when the track of
health is not clear. Kidney aud bkulaer
troubles cause many annoying symptoms
and great inconvenience both day and
Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumbago,
rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, pain
or dull ache in the back, joints or mus
cles, at times have headache or indiges
tion, as time passes you may have a sal
low complexion, puffy or dark circles
under the ey?s, sometimes feel as though
you had heart trouble, may have plenty
of ambition but no strength, get weak
and lose flesh.
If such conditions are permitted to
eontinue, serious results may be expect
ed; Kidney Trouble in its very worst
forta may steal upon you. ,
Prevalency of Kidney Dieeaee.
Most people do not realize the alarm
SPECIAL NOT- You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by eneloin
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y. This gives you the opportunity
to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you a bonk of
valuable information, containing many of the thousands of grateful letters received
from men Bnd women who say they found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed
in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Ewamp-Root are no
well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Addrem Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, H. Y. When writing be sure and mention this paper.
a Liy
33.C0 $3.59 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 tJSWSZL,
Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas
shoes. For sale by over DOOO shoe dealers.
The Best Known Shoes In the World.
W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They coit no mors in San
Francisco than they do in Now York. Tliey are always worth tlie
price paid foe them. ,. .
TTie quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed" by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in tlie Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled stioemakers, under the direction and
iuoervision of experienced men. all workinz with an honest
determination to make the best shoes for
can buy.
Auk Tour .tin ri.nW for TV. t Ponrlos
Dot suiiity ynn with tlm bind ymi want, tnke ni nthvr
timk. VVrltA for IntArr.tlti booklet plalnlug how to
wet .hoc of the hlirlirnt it hi. lard of quality for the price,
by return mall, pontile free.
LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas
name and the retail price
tamped on the bottom.
War Has Enabled Organization to
Gain a Foothold in Both Austria
and Russia.
The Y. 51. C. A. Is one of tho hlR
jost nnd most ciliciciit rcllxlmi-t lliidiT
tnkliiKS In tin; world. So luiictlcul is
lh nnturo of its work, nnd so cure
fully nri Its linuices iidinlnlslcrcd hy
rompi'tont business men (lint It Is eus
ier to raise money for Y. 51. C. A.
I tin for nny oilier religious work.
I'liius for Its world-wide activities next
venr call for the expenditure of $1.."00,
.00. Tho wnr bus eiilnred Its Iiuro
lieilll Held, mid ?2.0IX),(XH) nf tho budget
will ho spent there. From Switzerland
to central ltusshi the association Is
now inaliitalnlns 2."0 graded schools
and colleges which the Instructors sis
well ns students are prisoners of wur.
The total enrollment approximates
.'l.2."i0.0iH) men. For the His,' time In
Its history the Y. 51. A. has gained
n foothold in Austria and Itussiu.
There Is no other religions tirgnnlxn
lliui that could have so promptly mid
so ellicieiitly taken up the opportuni
ties for service offered by tho Euro
pean war, ministering to Jews, Catho
lics and I'rotestants, nil on equal foot
ing. Along the Texas border where
American troops have been stationed,
the Y. 51. C. A. has founded stations,
and nearly 40 schools in which Span
ish Is the most popular course. Half
n mill ion dollars bus been laid out for
the work in Te.cas, und a million for
the Industrial department In various
railroad centers throughout 'the coun
try." id's.
Suffering From Itching, Burning
Baches, Eczema, etc. 'Trial Free.
Give baby a bath with hot water and
Cutlcura Soap, using plenty of Soap.
Dry lightly nnd npply Cutlcura Oint
ment gently to till affected parts. In
stant relief follows nnd baby falls Ttito
a refreshing sleep, tho first porhapS
In weeks. Nothing more effective.
Freo sample each by mall w ith Book.
Address postcard, Culicura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Awful Good Time.
The children returned from the
party, where they had been guests of
Johnny nnd Susie Wilklns.
"Did you behave yourselves nicely?"
mother nsked.
"Sure we did."
"Then you had a good time, didn't
"We had nn awful good time," they
answered. "Johnny and Susie both
got lickings." Newark News.
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up nnd
dinniipcar with Doctor I'iiTco's Colden
Mi'dn-nl Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
-Adv. J
Valuable By-Products.
The value of tar. itinniiuiiu and ben
zol products reiiioven l In the inaiiu
fucture (if nriilH'lal gas In municipal
plants and nt by-product coke ovens In
this country In HU.'i was nearly U."v
Wrlrbt'B Inilian Vrfrrttabl PliU hare utood
the leKl of llmr. ""l't't them .vuili a. lf tl.'W, Bead
lor Butuuiu t fiiri Nuuvb, n. i. au
No man ever gets discouraged In
trying to live without labor.
Buy materials that last
MjakefMiVWt..WLi tiki
Fully guaranteed
Ceneral Roofing Manufacturing Company
. . s . . iK.thUttn Pfitr
Ori.... Lm (
lT H.
ing increase apd remarkable prevalent
of kidney disease. While kidney di
orders are among the most common dis
eases that prevail, they are almost the
last recognized by patients, who utually
content themselves with doctoring the
effects, while the original disease Buy
constantly undermine the system.
If you feel that your kidneys are the
cause of your sickness or run down con
dition, try taking Dr. Kilmer's hwamp.
Ro..t, the famous kidney, liver and blal
der remedy, because as soon as your kid
neys improve, they will help the other
orpans to health.
If you are already convinced that
Swamp-Hoot is whnt ymi need, you can
purchase the regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles st all drug stores.
Don't mnke any mistake but remember
the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot
and the nddrewi, Binghamton, N. Y,, which'
you will find on every bottle.
'mr &? xsn baa
the price that money
shoes. If he ran.
Boys' Shoes
Bait Is the World
President O
$3.00 $2.80 & $2.00
W. I- Koiicln. ?hra Co.
Rrocfrton, Mum.
Dairymen ni Stockmen
A Great Opportunity Awaits Yon
The South Is tho place to raise stock.
Tho South Is the place to start a
A I'.nnsrry market Is waltinff to buy
nil thut can be produced ut funey
prlccK. "We offer ehi-np low
tnxis, excellent year round climate
line rmcls. convenient murki-t.
rhenp triinsinrttlnn. InvrstlKate
Illustrated booklet telllntf you more
about It. sent freo fur your nanu
und adilrens. t'rlto to
irk i irjiriuTfr imrifT r 'x- 3 :
1 Iit lar.l
V ttlltilU Jill Biilo. iJVV,l,
j. d. nnsuri
Mecbne till Me.
Church Workers! IXIIWi
H"i W"i rhllnclolnhla. 1'n. fur n iHiuhli. Ni'N
IIITO CDICUfl? I"" bncnlPK Ton' tnbM nS
AU I U I fl 1 1 N U 0 nii.n.'T tip. tjpnil il V tor rnrt
mippir Bclf-TiiH-anlilnn "'Iit.. Tilo" rcpiilr. M-mr
ri.ftind gaarentr. No rrri-tiiiKt. nor lcaliii. AtifinS
wanU'U. Conbumori Hupplj Co., Uoi bprioiii.. Ari
Mil I I0.NC H It Tt snnu.llr ont of oil In Oklahoma
nULUUlljIllIL't Tin, ,pl..n(lio:.'hiinrf..r.nijl
InTMtmnt Yield iir.'at rmurns. Kor imrtloamfl
wrlto, iatriraa Uduulil Oil (.., Ollsli.H O'l.
.nice Tho Istcut l.bor irrr, (li rnwnt-t-LSIL.3pa
I Mist H.'iilrr ...nt pr.'(inl
JJayi.r bales Co., Ilia lliulinlck Ave., 11 rook. fu. N. 1.
M KM. WOMKN. Cbnrrh or Club IVmlm, Krc
.'niuln. His l.fMIt hi-ilins hiu hoid lierflllf.
'IDWNUS KOVULTT Ul, Uux U7ti, Uli'liuiond, fc
tVatann E.rolrnnnn,W"S"
lnvton.O.C. llook" tn iv llli'
em nilereiicu.. lleht ri'bu.ifc
Entertaining Was Too Strenuous.
A llve-yeai'-old hoy hnd spent the
morning at the home of a nelglilmr,
who owns n beautiful collie pup. Th
youngster nnd little dog had romped
about the lrt'.vn In high glee until. In
piny, the collie scratched the lad's h'2
with Its teeth. Hurrying home tho
child told his molher the dog had Mt
him und that he was not going over to
see Its owner again.
"You should he ashamed to talk Mint
way, son," the mother replied. "You
know you love (lie puppy nnd the. I-'s
have been lovely to you. Tliey Imva
entertained you all morning."
'Entertained! Knlertalned !" ex
claimed the hoy. "They have elder
tallied mo for the dog over there to
chew on."
One Way to Do It.
"Father, how lo you fill a fouutnln
pen?" nsked Johnny.
"Well," asked his father, "Is It your
pen that you want to nil?"
"Yes. sir."
"Well, then my hoy." thoughtfully
answered father. "I would nil the bath
tub with Ink, and then get In and All
the pen." Rochester Times.
Chesterfield of the Fields.
"I'nther. what do they menu by gi'n
tleinen farmers?"
"f'.entlemen fnrfiiers, my son, nre
fanners who seldom raise anything ex
cept their hats."
Quite a Different Thing.
The beautiful girl's smiles cluing
lo u dark frown.
"Vou deceiver 1" she hissed. "I hale
you !"
The young man dropped his l"lt 10
astonishment. "
"Hate we?" he gasped; "why It wis
only yesterday you said, you loved
every bnlr on my hend."
"Yes. villain; but not every hair oil
your shoulder I" ns she held aloft u
long golden one. Stray Stories.
i-or Mlo by deal"
I'M l1i....i-.'l. Atl-M
L Vis " 1 j"iT'n'iD
vjy r,'"B