I s1 THE YOUNC AMERICAN. 1 1 mlRlity stock! Of Iron, hearts of oak. with unfllnnlilnR trend ijthe noble lathers ldl f with steady eye, tnd pare slmpllolty, mt Rnntly wlnnetb hearts, ubsll be thy ouly arts. rrudnnt In the eonndl trnln, psttntlesg on the buttle tdnlii, Bendy nt the oountry's need For ber glorious cause to bleed. Bo shall Teiieo, n chnrmlnij Rucst, Dove-like In tliy bosom rest. Ho stiitll Honor'? stescly bln.n Beam upon tby eloslu days. sssiHiBiaisia! D AND HIS PANTHER. .nnnnnnnronKon cvwn r. 5S" ?J7 v" V 1 urn r w r) t D yon hear the panther ' last night, Sergeant?" 'asked Tad, the captain's ( son. 41 the sergeant, an he cut : of a f!!e-l)rnsli with the i. f the lariat hanging at his i'I didn't hear it, but it n?ss. Billy Murphy was down at Tost No. 12, aud are walk the length of his ; f '. there to-night ami fetch , the boy. 1" :4er raroly spoke in so post tner to his younger cora- hey had grown to be quite ,ds. Ho Sergeant Gore 1 ) trim figure by his side d as a cavalryman would iture in the saddle. And 'sod down the long road to ' ja the shingly ledges of pacthor they had been was said to prowl at night r the"eohoes in that fearsome I a well-born, well-trained s w who had enlisted in the ie regular army at a time (ileus and discouraged, as 1 bother son of a good family. 'I peonliarly attractive to ' Tad admired Gore because erer than tho others. Gore , shot and a better horse- ie was the host wrestler in i.Bnd there is nothing that to the soul of the boy as i, that close struggle of I tat einbraco of gladiators, h comes, the triumph of the inds, the victory of tho un les and skill. father, the captain, had aged an association which . n pleasure and seemed to d mora mnuly. I 't wo kill tho panther, Sor- . 'ght, and wo might not. i iu in the troop who wont out A other camo back iu as.Ung "jwo paok-mules; and ,ho ( -f off siok-repoi t for three "frow; see hero, Tad. Get o ont of your brain! How jk for mo to risk the cop- 'Oit thero, ou the bluff at ,r tw would I go to the cap- :ond eiplsin it if " eft need auy explanation if rthe panther." '.would I square matters iptain whon tho captain's as lying iu bed and sur 1 r all over him?" ''bice thing to kill a pan- in-., . , : ' ,a then. " vlt, are you afraid of hor?" 'vl afraid of auything alive," K:geant, calmly. t ore not afraid, why don't I-' ; 'ft do all tho things we dure i. ' lor instance?" " dare tell Higglns, when we ' '.), that I won't mount guard ' ::hy uo'u't you?" .,i it is my duty to monnt lever he details me. lie's sergeaut." S6u' throw him one timo," ii. lrrelevant ly; and then he , -laugh at the recollection. a very strong man; "!y in spring, before uionut- ' t begun, the Boldiors got nient on the parade-grouud, ' tirderly sergeant challenged I'wrestle. Tad remembered . jptauoe, and how the big- s,d strutted to the eucouu li.ie two had gripped to tne art how presently Gore had I; huge weight on his hip, and 1 he other heels over head iu weep, and had landed lain Jnally, was months ago. Tad " at the, distant bluff while - wen, wowing a retreat, fuu m, - iub attitude ot a t Jen the rla; came down to ,v oi iuo ovemng gun , I he made his bed on the j unpeg porch, and lay there i-rottha stars till long after i! j ami again lie caught him -U.aorosa the bordor-land of ' ad it (Bcemed to him, the muigiit must have pussed (Duml for which he waited '' ears. And thon the sud It, the stivoge strength of "' jliov's . cry, startled tho IliHl fellow till his heart ,;Tho bftlf-human quality of it,tlded to the terror of it. j breath carao back, and daring. And tho next time l raised he knew the shingly ii'ihe blii IV were then a prom Mihe punthor. I'ght Sergeant Oore was on tho next after ho was free; f'Jl asaiii ho wondered i" iiuiiug; lor ue nau e uoy suco diuuor-coll. d Warner were up the an eight-mule team, and u ut suudown with a load 'hiiil they had unharnessed i'I found Hergoaut Gora ,i hid buuk, trying to read ', said tlin T.Afl liliif ait MIRACLES OF M0M0N7 EFFECTS BROUCHT ABOUT WITH THEATRICAL METHODS. Tad had calculated the note might not be delivered until otter dark; aud he crept nloug the slaty shelves until ho found a little recess where the looso earth had been worn away bj the wind oud tho rain, and ho climbed down there and backed in. Abont si foot below was a broad lodge which reached far around to the right. Hj lying flat his faoe just came to the edga of his narrow shelf, while hi feet were pressod to tho farthest spaces in his little refuge, lfe pulled his rifle within ensy reaching dis tance, and thon looked out aad dared the panther to come. (Straight before mm. down tno val ley, was the fort. He wotchod th twinkling lights go out iu tho mess hall, aud kuew the belated tenmsters had arrived iu camp. And his faith was so firm in Sergeant Gore that he never doubled tho Boldior was coming, l'resently ho heard the dull beat ol hoofs ou the Ion? road. But it wot from unshod feot, and not a cavalry horse. That chilled his courage n little. And just as he tried to con vince himself that ho was wrong, and searched for hope t.mt an army horse and not a pony was galloping toward him, a shriek not fifty feet awny rent the wonderful silence of the hills. His little body was positively lifted and shaken with the shock of it. And then, because he was a cap tain's son, Ted hammered his baro knuckles against the stone, and forced his courage to coine back. He peered over the edge of his shelf at the broad ledge below; he looked straight down thore a hundred feet to the foot of the bin IT; and he could not tell for the life of him from what direction that thrilling cry had co mo. Then a pebble was loosed, aud fell down the bluff, around somewhere to tho light of Tad's refuge and he cullod: "Sergeant!" He heard something rnb gently against the rocks ou the ledge below, nnd theu ' another pebble bounded away; but no strong word of cheer came iu answer. In another moment, though his wide eyes had bean watching all the time, the panther lay below him. She kept well to the farther edge. 8ho saw him, aud seemed gathering for a spring. It was seconds before he thought of the ride. Then he fired, aud she leaped. He felt her claws strike at him, and catch again aud again. But he withdrew far into the little nook, and there was no foothold for her. She toppled back, and he could hear her breathing plainly. Then Rhe tried again. As she stood on hor hind feet, her olaws caught in his clothing, but he fought free; and time and again she scratched him, but he did not cry ont. Once or twice she withdrew het paw, stretohed very high, and pushed her black muzzle up till he could see tho. two red eyes; and he knew the two red eyes oould very well see him. But whon she struck she must with draw her head to give tho paw a greater reach, and by shifting a little he conld (lodge her. But all tho time, as she tiiod foi him, first with ono fore-paw and then with the other, hor bind feet were clawing at tho bluff for a foothold. II she had found it, she would have lifted aud have reached him instantly. She did not find it; but she was looseuiup soil and stones with every effort, oud theso were forming a growing plat form which brought her nearer. When he knew the next fling r.f s pnw would reach him ho saw the bare blond head of Sergeant Gore on the lodge.' The back of her head was toward the soldier, for hor left paw was at the bosom of Tad's blue coat. "Cling tight!" said Gore. And a wonderful thing happened, Tho sergeant Btepped close to the panther's Bide, fuoing outward. His left arm flashed about tho extended body. He made that splendid ful crum of his hip. He swung just ouae, aud swiftly; and the panther went as Higgins had once gone heels over head, aud helpless. She Hung both paws wildly, but alio made uo sou ml as her dark body shot over tho odge aud was swallowod up iu tho dark ness. They listened what seemed a vary long timo, and heard her strike at tho foot of tho bluff. "Great throw!" cried Tad, aud he crept exultant from his nook, ojid clambered out whero Sergeant Gore ooulcl lift him down. But ho had to bo carried. Wheu it was all over his sturdy legs refused to boar him, and he staggered very helplessly. Gore laid him on tho pine-needles at the summit, for a few imuntes. And pres ently they went dowu the long road to the warm spring, where ho washed the duet from Tad's faoo aud hand' aud arms. Later, they draggnd to tho captain's porch a monster pantbor, whose vel vet skiu not a single bullet hud marred. ' But even at that, when Tad saw his father's whito face,' aud caught tho wordless welcome of his mother's em brace, he knew ho had puid for the panther far more than it was worth. St. Nicholas, y ,1. 1 tt the nonnilml 1! i st: I am up on the ron i; n't come and get me. 'I pauper will. Xad. J l"ny was picketed baok uiuu-i master's store, and ui umk. a turn of the ropo nm al'a jaw, leaped to the and gulloped to tho hills. ii is caibino, aud a belt of 1 buoklod about him. ' 'ela of his splendid v i for he loved tho America In Afi-loH. Amerieau refrigerating machines, American pumping machinery, an American dynamite plant, 150 inilei of American railroad, luid with Aineri can rails ou California redwood bleep ors and American water Hues, ar some of the Yankee products to bt seen at the South African mines. TkuiIiik Uuull, A Morgan County (Mo.) young mac has built up a large busiuess iu tame quail, which he claims are more easilj raised than chickens and fur uiort profitable, selling for $i per dozen foi meat, or at $5 per pair as pets. The eggs hatch well, either under quail oi common hens. Open Proofs of FnndThe Mlrncleq of Tlinttder, Ufflitttlng nnd 4nll That Converted Many Lndlcroos Attempt to Walk on the Water., Viewed in the large, two impres sions survive a study of the history of the Mormon Church. It is a record of misguided enthusiasm and of gigau tio imposture. The two motives in terwoven in the story of this peculiar people, presenting a drama of human nature, sometimes with the sordid, sometimes with the heroio uppermost. The cpio of flight of the Saints from New York to Ohio, from Ohio to Mis souri, from Missouri to Illinois, and thence across the unknown plains of tho Great West into tho mountain strongholds of tho Rockies, will some day bo set forth in tho high lights which it demands. The tale of that pilgf imago will resound with the ad jn rations of crafty leaders, tho curses and blows of hostile mobs, tho pray ers of multitudes toiling painfully through a desert wilder less. It will show designing mon plotting guile in secret chambers, aud with unabashed brows exploiting their preposterous revelations to their followers, ond it will show the rude shock of disillusion ment with its bitter frnii of apostacy and fidelity, and a still more painful spectacle tho moral decay of a com munity given over to n religion of grossness. was bmitii riiscEivr.D? It is not a pleasaut tusk to tear away the veil behind which stand the pro phet and his chiefs and expose to their followers hundreds of thousands of the grim cynicism of their impostures. In tho religion of tho Latter Day Saints, as iu many other false religiou, has beou lodged a volume of humau aspiration that one. hesitates even to seem to assail. Sometimes one won ders if Joseph Smith, himself, was to himself the perfect fraud that ho seems to others. Ho was beaten, stripped, tarred and ducked, and he met his doath ot last fighting a mob with tho courage of a man, if not the consecration of a saint. THE OTIKAT CONSriKACT. Tho history of the Mormou Church reads like a great aonspirncy. livery step in its progress, every stopping place in its pilgrimage across the con tinent is marked by somo hugo impos ture If one could forget tho suffer ing of its followers, if ono oould stop his ears to tho cries of tho outcasts, wanderiug hungry and shelterless along tho Missouri's banks, to tho psalms of a brave and cheery people tenting westward in the wilderness, one would call it only a dismal, a dreary ond a sickening recital. But always iu the background of tho stage, whero the trickster's red fire is blaz ing, oue sees devout faces gazing, rapt as if the vision of the burning bush was vouchsafed, and tho columns of wandering religionists marching stead fastly, as if a flaming pillar was mov ing before them. These pitiful, duped, orodulous men and women give to the recital a deeper interest. They are human documents telling the ol les son that error sometimes , takes upon itself the babilinments of truth. THR rilOOP OF FRAUD. When Joseph Smith began his work as prophot, he held little meetings in tho modost dwelling of Lis parents in a wood near Palmyra, N. Y., and sometimes his followers thought they heard thundering overhead, as if the Lord was answering their prayers from heaven, Tho family moved to Ohio with tho prophet, and wheu the building was torn down afterward sev eral cannon balls were found con cealed under a false roof over the raft ers. They could be moved by n string so as to givo forth a rolling sound as of thunder. AVhat use did Joseph make of thorn? The Prophet removed to Kirtland, Ohio,. and there n "Stake of Ziou" was established. Prior to that time missionaries on their way to labor with the "Lamanites" Indians of the far West had halted at Kirtland, and almost instantly had converted Sid ney Bigdou, who took part in tho com position of the Book of Mormon, but who had remained in tho background while that book was introduced to the world and the beginnings of the church were laid. A flourishing . community was established iu Ohio, oud its ceuter was a bankiug house conducted by Joseph Smith and Sidney lligdon. It was in the days of wildcat banks, aud the two worthies put a great deal of doubtful currency into circulation. But to all who questioned their ubility to redeem it was shown iu the vaults a number of hugo copper caldrons, each with a capacity of a barrel aud each apparently full of gold aud silver "ns. TRETEXDED REVELATIONS. A revelation came to Joseph Smith that induced him and lligdon to fly on horseback at midnight from Zion s stronghold. The Sheriff had secured a warraut for their arrest the preced ing afternoon, ond tho next morning he sent out after them with an armed posse. Ho pursued them for 2UU miles, .ileal- to tho western border of the State. It was found that tUe caldrons contained only a single layor of coins; the rest was suud. Aud the two heads of the churoli had made away with $10,000 that did not belong to them. Another Ohio scene introduces tho same figures. The time is four years previous, aud a respected Christian lady in Clinton, la., who was an eyo witnoss as a girl, is my authority. The two mon had been conducting a iuooessful revival. At an afternoon ir meeting, ou a clear day, Bigdon was urging that tho era of miracles was not yet passed. He pointed to a largo tree aud said substantially: "If Uod should strike that with lightning from an unoloudod sky it would attest the truth of our religiou," The peo ple looked at the tree oud he went Hi. . A little later he repeated tho itatoment, when, sure enough, there was o mighty report and the tree wont Into a, thousand pieces! Some persons tainted, oud a multitude was ready to oo converted, but a fow long-headed men made au investigation and found that the tree had been blown up by powder plaaed there the night beforo, ud that Joseph had operated the (use. This scene ends like the fore going, with the two heads of the church iu flight from the community. "MIRACLES'' THAT FATT,t. I wondering workings of the Prophot. Twice he essayed to walk upon the water, in imitation of our Lord upon tho Sea of Galilee, and each timo the announcement brought a crowd. The paraphernalia in each caao was the same. A platform of planks was se cretly constructed just uudcr tho sur face of turbid water, but Providence intervened in each instance to con found the plans of the head of the church. The first instance was in Western Pennsylvania, and the spot solected for the miracle was the still watei just below the breast of dam. Some mischievous boys surreptitiously re moved u plank whore tho pool war deepest, nnd Joseph, walking forth on the water with the greatest assur ance, suddenly disappeared with loud splash as if the devil in the shape of some gigantic crustaoean had pulled him under. The second at tempt was in Canada, nnd a membei of tho Baptist Churoh at Evanston, Canada, who witnessed it as a girl, if my authority. Iu this instance the rapidly rnnuiug water had destroyed the integrity of the invisible platform aud the Prophet hod a narrow escape from drowning. When Joseph Smith died the epoch of miracles reached its reducio ad absui-dura. Twenty-five of tho Saint; had direct revolutions each that he was to sucoeed Smith. And iu twon-ty-four instances the Church "turned down" tho Divine message. MIND OVER MATTER. CURIOUS FACTS. Iron cloth is auuounced. Oue hundred spoonfuls mako one quart. The fashion of rouging tho ears hat been adopted in Paris. A Louisville (Ky.) man has a little house dog that chews chewing gum with a relish. Bain has never been known to full iu that part of Egypt between tho two lower falls of tho Nile. The last Government census of In dia showed 170,000 girls, betweonfivc aud nine years, who are widows. An entire fatrily in Kentucky hns been wiped out within the lust nine yours through death by aooideuts. Eleven years after burial tho bodj of a Niagara (N. Y.) womnn was dis interred aud found to have been petrified. A ship of only 2500 tons brought from Pura, Brazil, to Now York City n cargo of rubber which was insured for 3,000,000. A clock is being constructed foi Liverpool Street Statiou, iu London. Tho interior of its case could allow five persous to dine comfortably. The world's births amount to .30, 7S)J,000 every year, 100,800 every day, 4'300 every hour, seventy every ruin nte and one aud a fraction overy sec ond. A New York man claims to bav shot o crane up iu the Adirondack that had forty-tivo trout iu its stom acb, none of which weighed less thau u pound, Whon a native of Abyssinia desire!" to pay a delicato attention to a friend or guest he produces a pieoe of rook salt and graciously permits the latter to lick it with his tongue. A Calcutta paper contains on no count of tho workhouse or asylum for iutlrm beasts oud birds that was es tablished some thirteen years ua'o by a society of influential Hindus. A Chicago gas company has put its collectors into uniform. The distinc tive featnro about the dress is the vest, which is of brilliant yellow, with the company's name, i'l black letters, across it. In remote parts of Sootland the old Covenantors' love for long services on the bare hillsides still lingers. At Dingwall a receut communion service iu the open air lasted from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. ( A squirrel with four distinct tails, oaoh growiug directly from the body, was shot by. n hunter iu Chautauqua County, N. Y., recently. Ono tail, six iuches long, grew direct from the spiual columu; two were ou tho left aud one ou the right side of this, each being five inches long. The X-rays, besides-being usod ass detective for living smugglers, ore coming into play as a mummy illumin ator oud will prevent tho Arabs from palming off plebiau clay as tho genu ine, if not ouly, daughter of the Pharaohs, eveu. the amulets on tho breast beiug plain, ly visible. Colloc-tliiK American Coin. "Strange as it may appear," said a leading numismatio expert of Wash ington recently, "tho best Aiuori cuu coins for collections come from abroad. This is because tho best preserved coius are those which have been hoarded. Foreign ship captains tiro very likely to receive them in the course of business, aud having diffi culty iu passiug them iu their native laud, aro likely to put them aside, partly as savings aud partly as curi osities. Years later, wheu tho captain oud his collaterul' heirs are dead, they are fished out aud get into tho hands of dealers. Mauy years ago, besides, it used to bo tho practice wheu a child was born to set usido a complete set of the smaller ooius of that date, and frequently they were secured fresh from tho mint. If they were carefully kept and have beou handed dowu a couple of generations, they are likely to havoa premium value," Nov York Post. lloei-e Aro Kot ArllllerUli. All of tho Boor troops except the comparatively fow artillerymen, aro what in this oouutry would bo termed mounted infantrymen. They carry no side arms, mi oh as cavalrymen have, but depend wholly on their rifles, Tho Boer artillery service is extremely poor compared to that of other nations. Itecently German heavy orduanco ex ports were engaged to train gunners and organize au efficient service, but thoy have not hud time to accomplish much. That, too, has boon boruo out strongly in the war thus fur, aud its future effect will probably be serious for the burghers. The talk of a sea port ot this time is a serious drawback to the Boers. They are unable to ob tain anything outside of their own country, oud ore obliged to depend on their own resources, Chicago Beo-ord. tlow Bovy of GU Is Mite a Tonne Man Vneoinforlalil. "I hone that fashions1 for women Save changed since last winter," soid t young man the other day to the edi- ;or of this page, "lheybave? mots jood, for I was really made very misor ihle last cold weather by some of thorn. "You see I boarded in a large horse, then, where there were numbers of foung women. I studied them very juriously, for I haven t ony sisters, nd I thought their ways rather pleas int. One thing I noticed particularly was that the first oool day in the fall they rushed off oud bought dark frocks ind got out their furs ond put featu- srs ou their hats ond looked warm snd coirfortnble altogether, ond very attractive, for yon know I like the winter girl. In the evenings they seemed to wear a good deal of red, or some such bright color, oud I tell you they were pretty. "All weut well, os the novelists say, nntil we had some very cold weather. I come in oue snowy evening to din nor, wheu the thermometer was near ero, ond found the dining-room-well, not overheated. While I was standing ou the register trying to thaw out sufficiently to enjoy my soup, the door opened and in came the girl who sat next to me ot the table. She was dressed all in white. Not party white, but just what she worn in the afternoons iu summer, pique, I think they call it. "It's not good form to comment, so didn't say a word, but that rustling of whito stuff made mo feel a thousand limos colder, just to look nt it. She chatted unconcernedly enough, but I bclievo sho was half frozen just the lamo. As each of the other girls came iu the dining-room sho looked at my iivihuui, nmi iuii, luubon a(iiiii, 11 i i . i i it it . ii.: . . I .. nUtS USD lUUIlUb Ul DUlUVlUlUg I'll'US- ant, oud weut on to dinner. "Would you believe it, the next evening every young woman in tho house had ou white or palo blue or i something summery of that sort. I ve been trying to discover ever since why thoy didn't freeze. Each ono when approached ou the subject averred Bho'd never folt warmer, but I no ticed they all kept near the register and more than onco I heard chatter ing teeth. I'll tell you this, I Buf fered, if they didu't, and I hopo I wou't have even to look at such chilly subjects this winter. "Do yon think I will?" ho qucriod, anxiously; but uufortuuatcly, even a sister woman cnu hardly prognosti cate, with any degreo of certainty, what the members of her sex will do, sotheyouug man is still unassured. Baltimore News. Mldililpmlte r tho Old "Oak Walls." Among other improvements iu the li t of war, us attained by the world iu these later years, is the abolition of the practice of sending childron to ea, us was tho case wheu the mid shipmen of the old "oak walls" of England often were boys of less thau fourteen years. The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, in telling about the siege of Bomar sund, in the Crimean war, which ho witnessed from the frigate Penelope, tells this story of one of these little fellows: "What pleased me most during the wholo business," ho says, "was the gallant behavior of o little midshipman, o more child, twelve or fourteen years of age. About the timo wheu the fire became protty hot I happonod to come across him, aud, as he seemed to be as luuoh out of a job ns myself, I touched my cap, and took the liberty of observing that it was n fine day, to which he politely replied that it was. Encouraged by his urbanity, I ventured to ask him how long he had been at sea, to which he answered, 'I have ouly left my mamma six weeks, but I ain't going to cry ou Her Majesty's quarterdeck,' a remark whioh I think as worth re cording os many a one made by more illustrious heroes. Soon after this, however, a man was killed close to him, aud tho little fellow faintod, aud was taken below," "HE WILD DUCK AS A MQTHfcR. neer Daoes Relented For Neatlng-, Which Are Jealonely Watched. The wild duok is apt to be rathf r (uaint os n mother. She often seem n have the most singular idea obout lites appropriate for the nursery. It is practically on essential for the voll-boing of her babies that the nur lery should be close by the water's tide, for the little ones like to take to he wator as soon os hatched. They lave small nre for the land except to est ou ond they ore rather restless. Tho water is their element, ond yet die old mother duck will sometimes jhoose for her nesting place o spot re note by more thon o hundred yards !rom ony water; sometimes she will ;ven choose the humble, but yet eon iiderablo, height of a pollard willow, ind how she conveys her young brood :rom those situations to the water is ao of those problems of natural his tory which, like the cuckoo's way of conveying her egg into a wren's nest, will probobly go on vexing till the end of timo. Thore ore theories in plenty, but no Titaiuty. And often sho will moke her nest or lay her eggs, for her no tions of'nest architecture ore primitive, in a spot that seems specially selected or its nbsenoe of cover. And yet do one cun say that she is not on affec tionate, even on over anxious, mother. When you come near her nest ond ilai tlo hor off it she does not go away, ns a wise woman would, stealthily, se cretly, so as not to reveal to you its existence, hut with a Hutterand a com motion ond ofteu with an affection of a broken wing (as if to lead yon off in pursuit of her rather than leave you looking for her eggs), that tells you as plainly as if she had quacked it out, "I liavo a nest there; please do not go looking for it but come aud catch me, I haVe o broken wing." She has a charming idea of humau simplicity. Sho has only too many reasons for hor over-anxiety. It is quite pitiful. She is a pitiful object herself, os she goes nbout in hor lame ond incompe tent fashion. But the real dangers that menace her young family are many ond terrible. On shore, os soon as hutched, or even while still in the sholl, they ore the most attractive prey of rats, both gray rats and water voles, nnd no sooner do they take to the water than o hungry pike is looking out to gobble them up or a heron, os tensibly bent ou fishing, is not at oil above skewering one of them on his bayonet beak if it should come his way. So all theso adequate causes for most poignant anxiety more, than ex cuse Mother Duck for her fussiness, even if they be no excuse for her habit of pitching her unrsery tent iu sites that really ore not very eligible. But this mother has chosen a fairly secluded spot. For the most part she will be found sitting closely, if she be npproaohed with caution, or else will move just a foot or so from her nest and romain watching jealously lest her eggs take any harm. And close be side her iu the same covert is Mother Pheasant ou her nest, less suspicious and more trustful, for she is some thing of a domesticated person, hav ing been brought up under a barndoor hen aud so learning the ways of civiliza tion. If the wild duck mother could learn only a portion of her trustful ness she would bo a more contented person. Country Life. WORDS OF WISDOM. CHRISTIAN 11 DECEMBER 31. Old Map of tho United gtatei. State Librarian Galbreath has just Bccured another valuable addition to the collection of relics at the library, a map of the United States, made in the year 179(5. The map was found in an old book shop at Philadelphia, and was formerly tho proporty of a gentleman who was for years iu the employ of the l-'oderal Government. It is made from copper plates aud is mounted on heavy linen. Ou the chart Ohio is a territory with ralhor vogue outliues. Cleveland is not to be found, and Cincinnati is designated as Fort Washington. Sandusky is the only city of uuy great promiueucp. Tho Eustern States aro shown with substantially tho same boundaries ns thoy have to-day. Georgia extends as far West ns the Mississippi Biver, and tho Southern portion ot Florida is apparently unknown. Luke Michi gan is much too narro v and Luke Huron is far too broad. At tho lower corner is a curious picture of Niagara Falls. Mr. Galbreath has discovered another chart of the United States, drawn in 1774, ond it will soon be sent to Columbus. Columbus Jour nal. Where Learning Went Wrong. Some Vienna savants were lately oonfrouted with a language difficulty. According to tholudopeudauce Beige, a young girl, unknown, was found uncouscious iu o street nt Presbourg, and was oouveyed to the hospital at Viouna, where ttbo recovered con sciousness, and begun to speak iu a language which no one present could understand, Tho doctors came to the conclusion that tho young woman was o native of an Eastern country. Con sequently some professors from tho Oriental School were called m, and they were till agreed that the girl did not speak o correct language, but o dialoot. The Professor of Persian hold that sho spoke a Persian dialect, ond that he understood it. Another professor was of the opinion that it ' was an Abyssiniau dialect, A third I was convinced that it was a Turkish patois. Sinco the savuuts wi re not agreed, tho police deemed it necessary to make inquiries, with the result that the stranger was proved to be a Hungarian, who had esouped from a prison, aud who did not understand a word of Persian, Abyssiniau or Turk ish. London Globe, Our foster nurse of Naturo is re pose. Shakspore. Peace rules the day where reason rules the mind. Collins. Our hours in love have wings; in abeonoo, crutches, Colley Cibber. Wheresoever the search after truth begins, there life begins. John Bus kin. Nover regret what you 'can help or what you cuu't help. Sir Charles Trevelyan. What do wo live for, if it is not to make life less difficult to each other ? George Eliot. Be your character what it will, it will be kuo.vn; aud nobody will take it upon your word. ChcBterfield. Character is tho stamp on our souls of the free ohoice that we have made through life of good and ovil. Gci kio. Our chief want iu life is somebody who shall make! us do what we can. This is a Bervico of a friend. Em erson. Whosoever is satisfied with what ho does has reached his culminating point; he will progress no more. F. W. Boberlsoi). k By flight alono wo cannot overcome, but by pationco and true humility wo become stronger thuu our eucmies. Thomas a Kompis. Thore is iu man a higher than love of happiness; he can do without hap piness and instead thereof find bless edness. Thomas Carlyle. Our ideals are framed, not according to the measure of our performauces, but according to the measure of our thoughts. A. J. Balfour. When you find yourselves overpow ered, as it were, by melancholy, the best way is to go out and do some thing kiud to somebody. John lia ble. Though the star should be quenohed in o moment forever, it is good that the star should shine its brightost to the last. This is the instinct of the brave and healthy heart that is faith ful to its truest impulses. Phillips Brooks. flearrhllKUt at Vlre. The New York Fire Department will soon have os part of its equip ment a complete electrio searchlight plant on wheels, whioh will otteud fires with tho other apparatus, and, it is expected, will perform au important part in saving life and property. The starchlight will bo used to illiiininato dark parts of tho street oud aid the ineu iu laying hose, erecting ladders nnd also to light up the fronts of buildings where people may be in danger, and to throw light into tho buildiugs themselves to aid the fire men in their work. The apparatus will resemble o fire engine in appeur ance, oud will consist of o boiler, o direct-coupled engiue and dynamo aud two searchlights, eueii with an eightoen-inoh projecting lens. The lights can be used either from too machine itself or curried to any conveuieut point, couueotiou boii maintained by meaus of llexiblo etc Lies. Ti'oolrioul Beview, The Hiavsnly Record. Luke y. 27; Rev. FA 1-5. (A New Year's Muehng ) Pcrlpftire Versru. Mat. III. 1(1: Krrl. l. 9: Matt. x'l. M: xvl. 27 21: rr: ,11, 32; Horn. 11. xlv. in, 12; 2 Cor. v. It); Meb. Ix. 27; Jude l:; Itcv. xvl. 5-T; xx. 12, J.I; xxll. 12. I.KSKON THorotlTS. Our very thoURht, word, and drv-d Is entorpd In tin" book of Ood's record. Think of It! All the prood and the hid; the kind and thp cruel: the thnuehtful and the careless! All to he revealed In the last dnv; snd the blood of Christ Is the only thins; that ran ever blot out a single record of evil.- If you should bo rnlled this moment to Judgment, would your name be found In the book of life? would It b confessed before the Father and his nnsjels? Not unless you are now con fessing; ChrlFt before men. HKI,I0CTlONH. When the leaves of the book shall bJ unrolled, FIvery soul shall kr.nw what It hnth produced. And whosoever shnll have wrought an atom's wilglit of Kond shall be hold It. And whosoever shall have wrourht an atom's veiKht of evil shall behold It. From the Koran. Kvery man. says a Turkish allepory, has two nn.Tcls, ono on the rlKht shoulder and another on his left. When he does anythlnK K"ol, the an Kol on the rlRht snuldrr writ.- It down nnd seals It, because what Is done lit donp forever. When he docs evil, th" anirel on the left shoulder vrltes It down. He waits till mldnluht. If be fore that ttrr.o the man h-'U-s down his head, and ex Inlms. "(Jtn'-'ous Al!:h: I have Hlnneti: forgive nic!" the angel rubs It out: atvl If not. at midnight he seals It, ond the angel upon the right shoulder weeps. The grent stone book of Nature re veals many strange records of the past. In the red sandstone there are found marks which are clearly the Im pressions of showers of rain, and these so perfect that It can even be detected In which direction the show er Inclined: snd this, age ago. Even so sin leaves Its track behind It. and Hod keeps n faithful record of all our lives. C. K. Gospe, Hymns. 36, 1S3, 175, 121, 1. 172. Cospel Hymns, 1-4. .US, 79, 233, 377, t. 97. enm In California. San Francisco Chronicle: It is a well known fact that several hundred dia monds of commercial size have from time to time been found In connection with gold placer workings In certain portions of this Btate. Within twelve months twenty-seven stones have been found In one placer mine on the Feath er river, all but one being In the rough and globular.whlle tho twenty-seventh showed a well defined crystalline struc ture. The largest of these weighed but a single carat, and the small octa hedral brilliant weighed but a quartet of a carat, hut all were stones of purs water. The recent discovery of zlcron sands close to the limits of Oakland has already been announced In the Chronicle, but the discoverer Is not yet prepared to define the locollty, prob ably for commercial reasons. Neai Manvel, San Bernardino county, tur quoises have been found which In color and quality sumass the Oriental gems. There are little Industrial ecmnr ties In Bmall Massachusetts towns that are practically without any work to do as a result ot the policy of the trusts In closing down the smaller or the less pretentious mills. Tho public nas heard but little of these cases, as generally the mills ore not large enough to secure much notice in any single case. Boston Advertiser. MARKETS. rjtiTiMoiia, OIIA1N KTO. ri.orn niiito. lieHtriit. &n llluli flrn.le Kxtrn 00 WHKAT-No. Sited 71 72 COll.N No. a White 35 a (lain Southern i, 1'ena... 2H : 9 II YE No. 2 f 5 II AY Choice, Tiini.lhy.. 1160 1.1 U0 flood to l'riuio '.. 1:160 MO I M1IAW live In ear Ids.. IS B0 14 00 lVhent Itl.'.i-ks 7 00 7 M Ontllloeks '.100 1150 cann fd noon. TO.MATOES-Blnd.No. at 70 No. 2 81 I'KAH Stnudurds 1 10 1 40 HeeomlH HO COliX Dry Tuck HO II olst 00 mpRs. cm s i n: us im,' of n City Cows 9'. in.1.; 1'OTATORS ASO VKnaTAM.KS. rOTATOIX liirlniiilN..t rtf 40 ONIONS 35 3 M'.OVIHIOSS, hoo ntonucTS-siiis.1 t 7 Clear ribsldus 7 7.1,' Hums 10,'j Ilia Mess Pork, pur bar 10 50 T.AItll CrmlH 4 llt-Ht refined 7 Mime a. BUTTEIl Fine Criny....O 2 . J t inier Fine 27 W CrenuiHry llolls 2S 39 CIIEF.HFi N. Y. Fancy. ,. H l!l N. Y. l-'laut l:l",' 14 bklin CIuhwh,. ., 6.' 7.', KOOS, EOOH Hint f 20 m lit North Carolina IS IV MVS rOtTLTRt CniCKENS T Ducks, pr tt bi TOSAOOA. TOnACCOMd. Inter's.. 150 if 150 Hound eominuu 3 ''0 4 50 Middling sO.I lOU liuiey 10 ill 120 J Lift STOOC PF.FF Beel Beoves 4 20 9 470 Blll' l'.P .' U 50 4 2S llog-s 4 40 4 60 runs AMD KINS. M UBK1IAT 10 9 11 IliiueooD 40 45 Bed Fox )00 rkunk lllm-k. . HO OlIOHHIIUl 1J SI llluk HI Oitur 100 KW VOBK FLOUR Southern t M 4 20 WHEAT Nn. iillad 7S 74 HYt Westuru til 6i coiiN No, ; a t OA1H No. S - Hi BUTTKU Stato Id S5 F.OOH Htuln 24 26 CIIKliHE tttiito IV-t IS 1u11.An11.run. FI.OUB Southern... . ,. t5 WIIKAT No. illtod 71 Tt OOltN No. 0 7 88 OA'I No. a St S BUTl'lilt Stale 20 IW 1.006 yeans ft aO i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers