Additional Local. COUNTY I M TU t i l .. December,, t I.I5 IS'l'l. I NHTIU'l'TOKH. 1W. I. 1). (iivsh, J)r. A. U. 1 Ionic, Dr. (!. M. 11. lkK Dr. .1. l liar ton. DiKKCTous' Day. Thursduy u usual w ill In- Directors' Duy unil many Interest inn it ml timely topics nre down for 'discussion ly di rectors unrl tciichers. Lkitvhks. Monday rvi-niiitf "The Man of Nerve,'' ly Clitirles K. Odeti. Tuesday evening "The ('online Man," by Hon. (!. A. (icarhart. Wednesday evcniiiK "Sunshine in Labor," by llev. Thomas McClary. Thursday cvcniiij); "The House that .lack iluilt," by Dr. Ward Hcech er 1'iokaril. Tim finest lecture, course ever booked for Fulton County. .1. S. Arnold of National Hureau. Tickets at Troufs. K. It., $1.2.".: (). N. It., X cents: O. N. (!., 2" cents, Children under twelve years of into excluded unless accompanied by older persons. All people are invited. Kespectfully, CI, KM ClII.SNUT. There Is quite a good deal of soft coul coming to town just now. llun of mine brings 4. (Mi, and lump 4."0. Seedless Kaisins, Tapioca, Celatine and Condensed Milk Ht Ilobinson's. Mrs. M. V. Cromer of this place has hail" in bloom for several days u Cac tus with eighty-live beuutiful (lowers. Money to loan in lots of $400 und upwards on first mortguge. Apply in person to M. 11. ShulVner. Thk News olllce Is turning out line job work at reasonable prices. Orders filled promptly. Mason L. Thomas, of Hroml Top, and Miss Annie Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels, of Licking Creek township, were murried on the 1 lib inst. , by 1). 1. Dishong, Ksq., ut the residence of the officiating Justice. The Nkvvs ollice takes this method of acknowledging the receipt of a bas ket of fine apples, the gift of our little friend Miss Metu, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. It. N. Fryman of the Cove. The family of the Kditor are living on turnips this week through the gen erosity of David Denisur who lives on one of the Dr. Trout farms. They haiY it big crop und a crop of big ones five or six that weighed twenty pounds. 1 Th(i one he brought us weighed four f pounds und from that fact we reason i thut the weight of foinUir.Wulutal'to i!lIiJj)'JIi!';'i,r!nght us would equul twenty pounds. It. Sewell Wright, a prominent citi zen of Bedford, died in Washington, D. C, Wednesday night of last week. For two or three years Mr. Wright had been in the employ of the Bedford Springs company, und it was while traveling in the interest of that com puny that he contracted a violent eold in Cincinnati, thut brought on con sumption and finally resulted in his death. Abraham W. Ockor, of Murion, Franklin county, sixty years of age, formerly sexton of Ifeidelburg Ke formed church, arose from his bed about two o'clock last Sunday morn ing, left the house, locking the door to prevent any of the fumily from fol lowing him, walked about a mile to a mill dam, where he plunged in, drown ing himself. His body watt found and taken from the water after dayliget. He had been in bud health for some time. Kelly Strait und Henry Wultz ure now in a position to put down wells in greut shupe. They have a new drill ing machine und a traction engine. People need no longer build their dwellings down in some inconvenient hollow just for the sukeof being ncur a spring. The most beuutiful site on the farm is now selected, and with the perfected drilling machinery, un abun dant supply of pure wuter 'muy be had ut the door with u comparatively small outlay of money. When the dug wells shall all bo abandoned, tho greutest breeders of typhoid fever will be re moved. Two Mormon elders came to Frank lin county a few days ago seeking con verts to their religion, At Upper Slrasburg they asked permission to hold services in the church, but were refused the privilege. At Jtoxbury they made similar requests with the same 'result. At lust they tried Con cord', but were Informed by, a commit, tee of citizens thut they would not bo tolerated In the town. When lust seen they' were heuding for 1'erry county. The furin in Chester county on which the old Warwick furnace was built in 17. 10 has just been sold. It contains rl" acres und brought only $12,000. At the. Wurwlclf furnace many of the cannons used In the 1 Involution were cast. Some of these were burled in the meadows to prevent them from fulling into tho bunds of the British in 1777. Several of these canuou were dug up inlH'll for exhibition at Urn Centennial Kxpositiou. Itev.ltobcrt Lowry, I). D., one of the lest known hymn writers in the world, died ut his home in l'lulntleld, N. .)., Saturday morning. He was seventy three years old, born in I'hiladelphiu, March 12, N-tl. Ho was graduated froiy the University ut iewisburg in JM52. His first pustorute was In the First Baptist church in West Chester, ufler which he successfully filled pul pits In New York, Brooklin und I'luiu lield. Dr Lowry was better known as a composer of sucrcd songs than a preacher. Some of hU best composi tions ure: "Shall Wo Outlier at thy Hlvi-iO"' "Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight'" "I need Thou Kvery Hour," "Weeping Will not Suve Me' He left a w idow und three sons. INSTITUTE 1 V AND-- & G. C. BENDER'S STORE ,Will he the great centre of attraction week alter next. The linest Candies for the ladies and Uest Cigars for the gentlemen. ! Then his store is just chock full of Fancy Articles, Notions, Christmas Goods generally. One door west of Fulton House. n n RFNOFR " ' ' SI . 1. (,U I AKK AV Ol FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY this wi;i;k & We nre now renrly to nhnw you our new line of Knll nml Wlnterdoorts.eoh Klsiliitf of lltiltlmort. New York nml Vliiludrlptiln HtyW. The tfomls NP.Itt pl for tliN full iiwl winter lire pxppd ttnnnlly npiit In (IpnIkh n1 niirnettve In Mtyle. We, with our linn of Kimds rep resent the Imvest millinery estiiblish tiH'tit In the country. Ymi huve the ml viintiiKe of this Htore hy buying your KomNor ih. Look through our line he-fore- huviiiK your full or Inter hnt. We Ktmruntee Mitisfiietion und our prlees nrrtM'low nit competition. You must he NuMslleil with our kooMs or have your money Imeli. We htive trimmed hutH from ftoc. up. untrlmmed huts up. (iolf hats und SuHom In till color mid prices, t'htldren' Coals. Hutu. Cape and Hoods. Unity Hoots and Shoes. Ilatrins. Menuty Pins. Helt and Neck Ifnckles. Hiit Miiekles, Ilundkerehlefs. Neckties, Veiling. S wnnlown, Ladles and (ientleinen'H Hose, ltruids. Silks and Velvets all color and widths. Your respectfully, MRS. A. F. LITTLE, .M cC'onticllshiii'A, I'll. EDWARD BRAKE. ."Fashionable Barber, One Dour F.:it of "Kultoii Hoiiso," MndONNKI.I.SIttTKO. I'A. Klrst-rliiM Shiivliiu nml Mulr ('uttlnff. Cleiin towel for every customer. 0000000000000 00000 00000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 EVANS, THE JEWELER, 8 7 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 o 3 Will not have any Special Prices during Institute week, as his prices are always SPECIAL; Watches, QocKs, Jewelry, Spectacle's," Talking Ma, Talking Machine Supplies always on hand. Special attention to tine Watch and Clock Repairing. He ex pects a call from you. o 3& Evans, The Jeweler 0 0 c: 00tf00000'0'0'000 It 00 0P 0 00 0 U 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 f 0'00'0000 000000 000Vk04l',00iJ00000 X AkConnellsburg & Ft. Loudon Passenger, Freight and Express Line. R. C. McQuade, Proprietor. Kii.n Daily uktwkrv McConnkuwmjimi ani ltHT IxULMtN. Leaving MeDonnellslturtf at V2:'M o'eloek. I M., muking eouueetiou with afternoou train on S. I u. U. Returning leave Fort Loudon on the arrival of the evening train on S. V. K. H. I am prepared to earry passtingerM and px press to make eonueetloii with all trains ut Ft, Loudon. 1 . , H F. M. TAYLOR, I I Surveyors Engineer, s S McCONNRLLSBURO, PA. S S S 1 , All kinds of , Tl' Surveys fa carefully Ob. A? Rnd ( it v f AS S acrurately ? S $Mht,kwM takon l II. j8i-iWitlffl, I In fiUm'M calculating I DafUnp I . . If mi.. I copied. 1 Office: S REPUBLICAN BUILDING. 5 A 1'IOL'S TIIIEF An Old Soldier Arrested For Stealing. llohci't Myers is an old soldier rep resenting himself as living in the west ern part of the State and having rela tives down Kast. For several years he; has been mak ing visits to his eastern friends, pass ing through this county on foot, and depending upon the generosity and hospitality of the old soldier people in thiscounty for lodging. Last Wednes day morning early, he left Everett, came up through Hohm's Gap, over Sideling Hill, and reached Thomas Hash's on Timber Uidge about one o'clock. After getting his dinner, and resting awhile, he walked across Scrub Uidge and stopped for the night with Comrade George W. Ilishong, of Ayr township. Although about sixty years of uge he had walked that day a dis tance near thirty-two miles. On Thursday morning Mr. Dishong had two more callers. These were Krvln 11. Davis, of Indian Head, Fay ette county, and Nelson Mossholder, of Lichty, Somerset county both con stables. They had been following in close pursuit of Mr. Myers and had a warrant for his arrest charging him with having stolen 1:50 from a farmer in Fayette county. It Is said that the soldier asked lodging for the -night from that farmer, and repaid the grat itude of his host by going through a bedroom and stealing the money. When taken into custody by these of ficers, he admitted his guilt. The olli cers started back to Fayette county with him. Myers was formerly an in mate of tho Dayton Soldiers' home. George says he would not have thought so much of it if the old sinner had not seemed so pious aiid couldn't eat without saying grace. A GOOD COW, T. J. Thompson, of this place, has a small, red, short-horned fumily cow, fresh May lHOfi that has continued from that time to the present to give her regular quantity of milk, furnish ing the fumily with milk, vrcum, and butter. Airs. 1 liompsou churns once each week; and, if the cream is at a proper temperutur.), she gets butter in from ) to m) minutes, r or.four veurs und a half the cow has given milk ri;lit along every day. Since July 1, lH'.iH, to the present, the cow has been In the stable fourteen months of the seventeen months of that time. We were shown a roll of line butter the product of last week's churning. HONOR ROLL. McConlicllshurg I'uhlie Third Month. Schools r- "iT":mrm"m " t i ; Ji i ' . a i . J i : S j I t ; ' . Take Notice! , t I 1 ; i ( ' -1 i. ; ( Hi .. JOHNSTONS COLUA i VERY INTEREST! BARGAIN To Start the Fall Seaso Boots for fall. A specially jivwiv nip kji tine whol Light weight boot The farnous boot For the next ten days I will sell all my stoves I have now on hand at greatly reduced prices to make room for other goods. Box Stoves, Economy Stoves, Impe rial Air-tight Stoves; also a few soft coal stoves, which 1 will sell very low. Come and price these stoves and compare prices with your Western catalogue, and see if you can do better by sending off and running the risk of breakage. I am now making a large lot of 50 lb. Lard Cans, that aje worth 60 cents at any tin store. I will sell them at 35 cents each. That is cheaper than the worthless city cans you get. Try the Universal Meat Choppers. j Does better work than the Enterprise, and one dollar J ) cheaper. These goods must go. Give me a call. ALBERT STONER. Mohawk" boot $.169 nice light split boot $1,49 i !i l'HIMAKY. Kli.aheth t'ooper, Hessie dress, Lily Iloupt, I lose Iloupt, Mary I'eck, Hessie Taylor, Wulter Hluck, Oscar (Iress, Clifford (irissingcr, Daniel tirissinger, Wilmer Hays, Laurence Miller, Oscar Lynch, Wit Mason, 1'aul Shinier, Waller Shinier, Kussell Stevens, and Oram Wible. INTKKMKWATK. Walter Sloan, Walter Lynch, Geo. Summers, Scott Dickson, Max Irwin, Kills Unger, Karle Taylor, Kugene Rider, Alice Hays, Laura Wagner, Mary Kelley, Annie Sheets, Nellie Dchurt, Nellie (Iress, Clara Doyle, Iluttie Sloan, Nora Watson, Annie lleisner, Cora Peck, Coldie Mason, and Until lloettger. Ohammah. Olive Shinier, Nellie Sheets, Olive Cooper, Ilattie Doyle, Grace Shinier, Jessie Dickson, Bessie Irwin, Lillian Grlssingcr, John lleisner, Winlleld Doyle, Holmes Thompson, Maurice Trout, Hurry Dulbey, Henry Watson, and Clarence Seville. Hunt. Harry Irwin, James Patterson, Todd Skinner, Charley Seville, Harry Se ville, Harry Grlssingcr, George Gris singer, Wilbur Grissinger, Murk Dick son, Nathan Kverts, Sidney Gittens, Mabel Kendall, Jessie Mason, and Gertrude Sloan. ! r if1) SPECIAL PRICES Amonif our many oonn hujtei'H,none enjoy the nport more tluin l'rothono tury Lynch und Frum-U M. Doylu, foreman of the Democrat odU-c. Late Mimtlay nlyht or e arly Tuesday njorn Intf they earne lugylntf in one from the Moadowyround mountain thut weigh ed lews than a two-,veur ol calf. No wonder you can't Bell them "itiy meat, License Notice. IN THK CorU'P OF OUAUTKU SKSSIONS OF Fl'LTON COI'NTV. II sonified thut nil umiltcntlimH fur IIlhmuch fur the suit of vinous, nii-Uoiis, malt, or bicw cd liquor, wliolesiilu or rtitull, for the yt-iir Hkmi. will lf heard on Tuesday, the iUIi day of Jnuuaiy, K at Id o Vlorlt u. in., at whlrh time all piMMtiiK uiplvitiK or limiting olijeoti.itis to iiiplirallns, Mill ht heard lv evident', pe tition, reiuoiisi ranee or oounsel. There uniM tti no eoiiiuuiuii'titlon at any time with tlm Judges iHM-soiufl'y upon the Kuhje(!l. hy letter or any other private way. The petition, verified liy urtldavit of upplloanL, Ih in eoiiformiiy with the reiiiuiement s of Die aets ol Aseiuliiy. .tudkrinenl bond shall be exeeutt'd in the penal mud of if:Jttnt), with no h-ss thai) two reput a' tie freeholders of I he eome ty us sun -ties, each of them to he a bona tide owner of real rstalt in the eoiiuiy of Fultou worth, over und ubove all ineiunhruuoes, tin; sum of X. Hond eoiulitio'itiil for the fuiili till observiiuee of all I bo laws re hi Linn to the se.ium or furnishing of lltimKx and to pay el1 diunajfes whieh -.hall be reeoered UKiiinst V:3 and till eo.--tM. lineH und penalties, which may be imposed on him under any Indict ment for vloh' t In; said Iuwh; and the htiretits Uiav be required to appeur In Court und Justify under oat it. 'I'he t.'ourt shall In tdl e:isrs refuse the tippll eatioti Vtlieiiever. In ilie opinion ol the t'out t. havinvr due regard to t he number and character of the petitioners for and UKUinst the applica tion, such lleense Is not ntfeessury fur Hie ae eoTiiinotlallou of the publle and entertuinineni of Nirauuei-Kund lraveleiN. or that t he applleant Is not a at pen-on to whom suuh lieeuse should be yranleit, I'etitlons to be tiled with the Clerk of the Court, not Inter than Monday, the IHili day of Oeeeiuher, I MM, Objections und remonstran ce to tie tiled not later than Tuesday, the vital (lay of Januury. IU(ie. t'pou sutlieleut uuuse lie UH shown or proof helm: made to the Court that the party holdiui lieensu Iihn yloluted any Jaw of the Commonwealth relaitnw to the muIij of jl(UorH, the Court shall, upon uotiee belm ftlv en to the person licensed, revoke tho lieentte. Hy the Conn, MAMUKLMuC. SWOI'K, Attest: F. J. FKANK V. LYNCH. Cleric S. Niv. IH. ltn, i WA60NS and BUGGIES. T. J. COMERl'H has on hand from his summer stock a few good Millburn Wagons, Buggies and Surreys w.hich will go at special prices. Give him a call before they are all gone. The " I A at m i it i !. i ' ! f W I ( iw ill C Ciiif Mm J MM 1 v-. calf dress $2,75 conductor" $2,00 A woman's heavy sli Heavy school ; misses, 13-2, Children's shoes, 9-12, heav An odd lot (19 ladies' flexible fine II worth 3,00 at 140 Pairs of Large Cotton B kets at 49 cents. SEE OUR SUPER OF mm la Ladies' 1 IN OUR .Sim - K". , V1. Fall Ope Prices to suit Every Buyer Men's and Boys CLOT H Clothing MEN'S, AXI) BOYS Our Store Is the Place to Go. Notice ! PINE ALLrWOOL TRICOT, LONG, DARK OXFORD MIX., ROUND SACK SUIT, SINGLE-BREASTED, SATIN PIPE FACINGS, WELL MADE AND TRIMMED. FULLY WORTH $8.50, Our Price for the Suit 4.50. BLACK COTTON CLAY WORSTED, warranted fast black. If you traveled the country over "you wouldn't tind the equal of this value, lor it is worth 4.00. Uur price X carry twice the stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING we X had three months ago, and we are going to sell X twice as much. Our large stock and low prices will X do it easily. This is not only talk but a business truth X and we can convince all who cjme. AI& luve more piece-WOOLEBS than you will find in X the entire county, and we can make you, WE KNOW, the best fitting and the cheapest SUIT,0VERC0ATorPANTAL00NS to be found anywhere. Come All. A. U. 1NACE & SONS. X A special drive in an ALL-WOOL BLACK CLAY WORSTED, Extra tine trimming, French fac ing, elegantly tailored, and will suit the most particular man. Our special price is only 10.00. A pretty child's suit, 75 cents. A good suit for a boy. Men's underwear, 25 cents. Ladies' soft fleece lined heavy underwear, 25 Children s union suits soft fleece lined, per suit, 2 Ladies' beautiful skirts all
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