V Local Correspondence. WIIII'S COVE. Mr. David A. linker U building n house, and will have It under roof In a few day. Dennis Hurt anil wife of Hartford City, Indiana, and Henry Desliong and wife of Sipes Mills, were visiting relatives In this pi (ice recently. Clyde Hess, of Needmore, wan vis iting the families of Kphralm Hurt nnd AllH'rt riessingcr Suturduy nnd Sun day. Hurvey Sharpe, teueher of Lcxuist Grove school, spent Suturduy and Sunday at his home on Timber Hldge. Vincent Hart and John M. Truux, an Jurors, will attend Court this week at McConnellsburg. Belle Dtehl is visiting her sister, Mrs! James Pee, nt Kays Hill. Oak Grove school opened lust Mon day. Kmelino Mellott U very ill at this writing. Truyer meeting lit Whips Cove church lust Sunday. We had quite a black freeze, or heavy frost on last Saturday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clayton Hixson, of Amurunth, were visiting in the Cove Sunday. The Fulton County News Is just the puper the people have lifen needing. Diehl's finished threshing lust week for this seuson. Kd L. Diehl hus gone to Bedford county, where he will open his school on the 2nd of Octol)cr. I'reuching ut Jerusalem next Sun day. AMARANTH. Si. .(it I Klu.rc leitvr this (Momliivl ! inornlntf for Philadelphia where he is iv student In the veterinary department of the University college. King Jack Frost Is getting hi good work In now. The client nuts here are beginning to open up, and brown nuts peep out nt daylight, and ut the fellow who tries to knock 'em. Home of our people who were over flowing with patriot ism, braved the cold weather nnd snow storm to attend the J. A. It. picnic, held nt Three Springs, last Suturduy. We leurn that the "vets" of thut plnce ure going to give a hnrd-tuck supper soon. Thut Is where we all shine, "Savy him." .1. Howard Kdwurds Is the happiest man this side of McConnellsburg. A little girl came to his house last week. Howard, that calls for a blow out the next time you come to town. We all smoke on such occasions. Quarterly meeting of theM. K.church was held at Ion Saturday night und Sunduy. The preacher In charge, Kev. W. J. SchettlTer, preached Sun day night. He also entreated his con gregation to contribute 1llerully to ward the cause i f Methodism. The sad Intelligence of the death of Mrs. Mary Stunkurd, wife of Commis sioner Stunkurd has just liecn receiv ed. The particulars have not been learned yet. She had typhoid fever. THOMFSON. to of Ladies nre beginning to tnke a deep interest in winter millinery. Winter clothing Is being nlred iret lid of the disuirrceiible odor moth bulls. Ho fur, no poet has written anything about the "woman and the rolling pin." The trouble Is thut men who possess information on the subject don't care to write anything about It. It Is snld of some people with bud memories, thut whut goes In at one ear goes out lit the other. This Is not so bud as the case of more people of whom It miiy In said thut what goes In at one ear goes out of their mouth. All kinds of stoves nt W. H. Nes blt's. Cull, examine them, und get prices before you buy. Among the mnny beautiful tropical plunts at the home of Mrs. M. Cromer, of this pluce, of the most attractive just now Is a veritable llg tree on which are rupldly maturing sixty-two tigs. HltriiAKK.U & Co., have just com pleted a commodious photograph gal lery In town, and ure now prepurcd to do tlrst cluss work in every branch of the art ut reasonable prices. They guuruntee perfect satisfaction. tiHAIIAM OIL COMPANY. A cold wave passed over this terri tory lust Suturduy, and Sunday morn ing, wus the first that unything was frozen. Kvery thing now looks as though it was ripe. Seeding, picking apples, and digging potatoes seem to be the go among the farmers. Our school made good progress lust week under the management of W. E. Stein. Frunk Hess is udding to his im provements by putting a new roof on his dwelling. Kdward Smith nnd wife visited Mrs. Smith's father, Henry Ward, of Hobi sonville, Sunduy. Wm. Spude, of Sipes Mills, is vis iting relatives in this community. Joseph HooiK-ngardner und wife vis ited the fumlly of Kobert Carson, Sunduy. Christopher W. Spude und brother Frunk, of Kmmaville, were the guests of Jacob Spude and family lust Fri day und Saturday. Jacob Kerns and daughter, of Pine Grove, Md., visited the family of Peter Mellott Sunday. Cupt. Geo. L. Fisher and wife, of Ilugerstown, spent part of lust week in this place. Luther K. Lynch lost a line colt lust week. Mrs. Rebecca Sipes and Mrs. Mar tin Sipes were the guests of Mrs. 13. F. Scrltchfleld, Sunday. Dunlel Strelghtitf nnd wife, of Ilob Isonvllle, visited Mrs. Streightiff's parents of this pluce last Thursday. Nathun Spude, and wife are visitinir relatives near Emuuiville ut present. Jucob Mills, of llobinsonville, was seen in this community Sunduy even ing. Hev. John Bennett, of Artemus, preached an able funeral sermon ut the Brethren church Sunday, upon the death of Leonurd, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Spude, of Sipes Mills. The child wus burled at the Lutheran cemetery in Buck Valley, some time ugo. Mr. Thomas Puylordied at his home in this township on the UUd nit. He leaves four brother und sisters. Mr. John Hess und Miss Ll.zle Gregory were the guests of Mr. Kph ralm Gregory lust Sunday. Mr. S. A. Hess, of Deadwood, S. I)., Is visiting his muny friends in this community. We are sorry Prothonotury Lynch was not in when our young bachelor friend culled to get his marriage li cense. We hope It is all right now. Miss F.mma Pittman is staying with her sister, Mrs. Rhoda Gregory. Miss Clyde Hess, of Needmore, spent a few days last week with friends ut Dickeys Mountains. BIG. COVE. Hurrah for the pumpkin pie! Misses Ellit Johnston and Edith Kendall, accompanied by A. V. Johnston, Jr., spent a pleasant day in Chambersburg last week. Hon. D. H. Patterson, of Web ster Mills, was in town on Tues day. We were glad to see him able to be out again. Seth and Merril Allen, of Chambersburg, drove to Mrs. K. C. Johnston's on Tuesday for their mother, Mrs. Thomas Al len, who has been visiting friends in Wells and Ayr townships the last two weeks. Misses Nell and May Johnston made the county seat a llyiug visit on Monday. Harry Ott hits entered the store of G. W. Reisuer & Co., to till the vacancy caused by George Comerer quitting the counter for the creamery at Webster Mills. Harry is one of our promising young men, and we wish him much success. At u recent meeting of Its stockhold ers, the Grahuin Oil Company decided to sell more stock and resume opera tions on their property near Franklin Mills, this county. While ubout sev en years have elapsed since the com puny first liegan operation, ajjd while a well has been put down a tew hun dred feet, yet there is not u spot in the best oil territory In Pennsylvania where a hole the depth to which that one at Franklin Mills has been drilled, Would be uny test nt all. Let money be raised und the well put down 2iHKJ feet If necessury. The company was chartered by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1H!)2, with a cupitul stock of $."iOH); i'I)0 wus paid up und certilicutcs issued. The property of the compunv Is now vulued at li"0, which Includes engines und drilling machinery nnd has lenses covering ubout 3000 acres of land. The liabil ities of the company amounts to JltiTi.HU to dute; $12ii.".8;l hus lieen expended for labor etc., in prospecting and drill ing for oil. 1 Clothing MEN'S AMI BOYS Our Store is the Place to Go. ftf & carry twice the stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING we had three months ago, and we are going to sell twice as much. Our large stock and low prices will do it easily. This is not only talk but a business truth and we can convince all who come. Vlo have more piece WOOLENS than you will find in the entire county, and we can make you, WE know, the best fitting and the cheapest SUIT.OVERCOATorPANTALOONS to be found anywhere. Gome A. U. NACE & SONS. RELIGIOUS NOTES. P.ev. Francis M. Baker will preach in the Presbyterian church at this pluce, next Sunday morning and even ing, and at Green Hill ut 3 o'clock in the ufternoon. Hev. Lewis Chambers will preach in the M. K. church at this place next Sunduy morning ut half-past ten. 0 uestions Answered Just now the Indies of MeConnellshiirK und elsewhere are asking this question: Where Is the Place To get the most fashion able and the best Hat for the least Possible money Af Si.i t imrMiire In McCnnnctlshtirs,, where wchnvejust VVC AnSWer received from the eastern cities a full line of all The Latest Things In ' Fashionable Willlnery. You are respectfully invited to call soon and see our new goods. MARRIED. Stinson Lyon. On the 2.1th of September ut the Cooper House by Rev L). P. Druwbuugh, Burton I. Stinson of Murkleshurg, Huntingdon county, to Miss Nora Lyon of Huston town, this county. Butkhhaugh McFaddkn. On the 2Hth of September nt the Luthern par sonage by llcv. D. P. Urawbuuge, William Buterbuugh of Mercersburg, to Miss Blanche McFadden of Full?.. a; j. irwin & co.; McConnellsburg. TAYLOR. BACK RUN. "The frost is on the pumpkin And the fodder in the shock." Mr. .1. M. Tritle of near Ft. Loudon spent lust Thursday with friends here. A numlier of young men from this section spend "the hours 'twixt dark and duwn," in hunting coon. One gentleiuun suys coons are more source than deer. (Hedidn't spell deer, how ever. ) G. B. Mellott spent Suturduy night in Knobsvillc. Many of our citizens ure court at tending. Jock Peek, of Rock Hill llidge, vis ited his nephew, Miner Peck Oct. 1. Prof. Kmery Thomas husmoved from his brother's home to that of his sis ter in Thomustown. Kven bachelors are not exempt from the trials of mov ing day. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tritle, and two children spent Saturday lust with friends near Ft. Loudon. Our old friend Davy Goodman Is visiting his many friends here. Misses Kate und Winnie Metz ler attended the festival at Fair view Saturday evening and spent Sunday with their uncle Hiram Clevenger. V. R. Johnson nnd Mrs. Lee Johnson liave. gone to Greene county to spend some time with relatives. The frost and ice of Sunday und Monday morning blackened sweet potato vines and wilted the standing corn. George Hockensmith is sick, threatened with typhoid fever. James Foreman is able to be out a little after an illness of two months. Quito a lot of upples have been picked and many more bushels to pick. NEW GRENADA. Mrs. F O.Cook, of K. Broudtop, is visiting her father, S. T. Orlssinger. Mrs. (i. H. McCoy, of our town, is visiting friends in Newville, Newburg, and Hurrisburg. Miss Myrtle Sipes, of Wells Tan nery, was the guest of friends In our town lust week. Charles Thomas, who handles the yard-stick for C. B. ('rum, of Saltillo, snout Sunday with his parents in this place. John Mills, who has been handling the rod of correction und training the young mind how to shoot, ut Hurre, Huntingpon county, has closed h school for an Indefinite period on uc count of ill health, during which timo he will remain among the choseu peo ple of "N. (1." Li..le Baker, Cora Stunkurd and her brother Muck, of Wells Tannery, spent Similar In mil' quiet town. Beginning October iJ, and end ing November (5th, every post master in the United States is re quired to weigh separately every clttss of mail matter as well as the pouches, sacks and locks, sent out from his ofllce, and report the exaet total of each day's send ing in pounds and ounces. This work is required once every four yenrs, tne result or which deter mines the compensation of rail roads for transporting the mails. For offices which dispatch a num ber of mails each day, the thirty- live days' weighing represents a great amount of extra work for which there is no additional compensation. Goldsmith the Tailor. The picnic seuson is over. MlllerWashingMachlnesut Mulloy's Trouble Is the greatest stimulus to good work. The trouble which murrled life is, there Is no umpire. The screen door und the straw hut retire together. A grateful dog is better tjiun an un- grateful man. Kverybody in New York now swears, "By George!'1 Patron ie the merchants who adver tlse in the News. Friday, October 20, hus been named as Fall Arbor day. The person who has no scruples about tuking almost everything else is often conscientiously opposed to tuking a hint. The statement thut gout's lymph hus est-bHshed Itself as a cure for insun- ity will doubtless meet with many scl enlific huts. Science will prove itself reully won derful when. In this age of chainless wheels, horseless carriuges, etc., it crowns its achievements by producing a boneless shud. J Cool weather meins bitter uttcn dunce ut chiii-clic. Uidges. ei;. S3 B SPECIAL PRICES IN tiKANH AKIIAV OF X FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY THIS V KICK our iton- X uurt X we ure now ready In nhow yon our new Hue of Full uud Wliiler(ioMti,r flsiiiur of llahliuore. New York riifhuMlihlu styles. The komK Neleut el lor tie- lull uud wluter un- exuep llouull! -ut In (IcnIko uud uttruutlve In style. e, with our Hue of uoodx rei- L reseut the lurtrest mlllluery estublUii- i men! lu the eouutry. You huve the uil- X vuututfe of IIiIm Htore by huylutf your X ko.hIn of us. Look through our Hue lie- fore iHiyluu your full or wluter hut. We X iriiuiuutne nullNfuetlou unit our price X ure below ull uompetlllun. You mux! be KuliNlied wllh our wmmU or huve your mouey buek. We huve trimmed huts X from Soo. up. mitrfiiimed huts Jftii. up. X Oolf huts uud Suitors iu ull color uud X prleeN. Children's I'outH, Huin, I'upes und Hoods, iiuhv lioot und Shoes. X Hut Pins. Ileuuiy IMns, Melt und Ntek X lluekles, Hut Ilueklex, HuudkerchlefN, X Neekties. Vellluu. Swuusdown. I. miles X uud Oeulleiueu h Hose, llmltlx, Silkauud X Velvets ull colors und widths. T Yours respectfully. I MRS. A. F. LITTLE, t .MuOonnullshurg, l'a. X WA60NS and BUGGIES. T. J. COMERER has on hand from his summer stock a few good Millburn Wagons, Buggies and Surreys which will go at special prices. Give him a call before they are all gone. JOHNSTON'S COLUMNS, J. K. JOHNSTON VERY IINTERET1N6 BARGAINS 3 T" p-1 STOVES! STOVES! FOR SALE. D. EDWARD FORE oilers his Store und Proiierly for sule. roHHesHion Mlven ut ouee to the buyer of properly uud woods. I offer my line of vood for hiilo ut the lowest euh prlee. Kult felt boot, "Uuele Sum." with cover, ut f.'.MI; others ut i.c). Shoes ut the lowest priues without re uurdiuv to udvunue of lu to An per cent, lu miiuufuelurei-H prloo. All itoods gold for cush ut u reduetiou of ft to lo pur eeut. I Wil l. NOT III-: l'NIl l(S()l,l, uud will ullow you 'i ueuts perdo.uu mine for eitxs, In trude. thuu uny huckster pays; ulso Oiled Fruit of ull kinds, fr'ui liiiuulit In seusou. You will Hurt my sioek, uousistluK of Dry Ooods. Notions, Hurdwure. (Jtieetiswure. Tobueeo, (" Kins uud Keuerul Hue of koimIs eoui .plete. I'rloes low for oush. Hcmeiuber 1 will nut be undersold. O. KlIWAHII FlIIIX. KnobrtVillu, JMi. I respectfully nunouueo to tho sTihthI pubiic thut sinco moving into my new room I have replen ished my stock nnd have now on hands a complete liue'of Cooking. Heating and Oil Stoves, Ranges, Stovo Repairs of nil kinds, Stove Boards, Stovo Piiie, tho celebrat ed Climax Stove Polish, Iron Ket tles, Oil Cloth Rugs, Tinwaro from tho cheapest to tho best, Anti-Rusting Tinware which I guarantee not to rust for two years, and will wear for eight years. Every piece is guaranteed to me not to rnst and I will guar antee it to you. If it rusts bring it back and I will give you anoth er piece. In Fancy Goods I have a largo assortment. Butchering Supplies such as Lard Presses, Meat Cutters, Butcher Knives and Hog Scrapers. Also a full lino of School Supplies which I will sell during Court week (it tho lowest possible prices. You will find mo in my new room opposite Patterson's store where I will bo glad to have you call and examine my stock. . A, Sxonku. To Start the Fall Season. trl ar Boots for fall. A specially fine whole stock kip $2.7 o Light weight calf dress boot $2,75 The famous "conductor" boot $2,00 The "Mohawk"1 boot $,109 A nice light split boot at $1,49 A woman's heavy shoe $l,li' Heavy school shoes fQs misses, 13-2, M1'1 f Children's heavy schoat shoes, 9-12, Sllnt id An odd lot (19 pairs) ladies' flexible tine kid shn; worth 53,00 at RS M Fi Jf I ini' vrr 140 Fei?rs of Large Cotton Olm iy Icets ot 49 cents. Is in 3111 u las SEE OUR SUPERB LI OF Fx Ladies'Wraf 0W en IN OUR Fall Opening Prices to sunt Every Buyer ! OS Men s and Boys CLOTHING? It t Notice ! Fine All-wool Tricot, long, dp mm h'j-m 'mi' lift -If 1 no, be Oxford Mix., Round Sack SiiL oiugiis-urcasiGU, oiiiiii ripe Facings, Well Made and Trimmed .fFiilly Worth ! tl0 CA & ipO.uU. jjKh Our Price for Jhe Suit 4.5" pm BLACK COTTON CLAY WORSlt warranted fast black. If traveled the country over v wouldn't find the equal of tr value, for it is worth 4.' Our price $2.90. . N A special drive in an ilh All-wool Black CLAY WORSTf'f Extra fine trimming, French tl fc ing, elegantly tailored, and 4U!, suit the most particular man.p Our special price is only $Qy A pretty child's suit, 75 cents. f " ( A good suit for a boy, $lv Men's underwear, 25 cents. Ladies' soft fleece lined heavy underwear, 25 co Children's union suits soft fleece. lined, per suit, 25 f; ' Ladies' beautiful skirts all pi I ml; la (i Shi. AvAvAvr'WWW AvW A WWW'
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