Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 08, 1909, Image 4

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    «y 1 ~w
.** v*. - iffi:
*& - «* j
112 , iu food causes t.M
•-- w Il .tr i
/ stomach disorders—lts con- , , #fm j
:|pr tinued use means permanent
W injury to health.
,| C. 'ollowing the advice of medical
:| scientists, England and France have «\»vo||&- §|Bi
} passed laws prohibiting its use
j in bread making. «,
'■■'• housewives! L
■j should protect their house- Bk !
i hold . against A1 urn's wrongs _ jf|
. buying pure Graj» y
1 * Cream of Tartar Baking
| . Powder. i
; ; t- Pure Grape Cream of
| Tartar Powder is to be had
| for ,he asking- ffWVW
4 Buy by name—
.'-r<■ ■> fi" 112 '*■ '■■ "■■"■ '■ '• .iM
112 —*//mk«&- rjay TO :i, xrou. .vat*.- wkj—cm—TiaeMM—w—n
k |
I Opportunities in California
The trade in the Orient is opening up.
Our exports to Japan and China multiplied
I during the last year.
o •/
There will soon be a tremendous increase in
the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far
| East.
Big opportunities ior the man who lives there.
Why not look the field over?
Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los
Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
29* 3°' 3 T > 3 une: 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, j
and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days.
Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour- :
ist sleeper from (Chicago to San Francisco, Los
Ang( les, Santa Barbara, and many other points
-111 California,only $7. Through train service from
Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the
o & »
1 Chlecr >, Milwaukee & St. Paul, •
Unjon I'y ';c tM Southern Paslfic Line
- '
This is ii. : route o The Overland Limited, leaving Union
Passt.nger Siaiion, Chicago, 6.05 p. m..and The California
Xxpre-":i at ic. 25 p. m. The California Express carries tourist
sleeping cars -o California every day. Both trains carry
through standard sleepers. |
| Complete information sent free j
| on receipt of coupon with blaui: {
2 lines filled. i N.aiflc -
W. S. HOWELL, I strcet a ,i . ress '}
i'l Easter: Agent, 3.1 Broadway, t |
; City Sl*te |
F. A. MILLER, j P;obable Jestinat i on j ,
General engrr Agent, • { - —— 1 ■ !j '
c UCACC I L '"'"'' LllX IJ J |
n is. -ifr-m'fS fi—i:i —r i » >«* c*»>-
*y: / : S"F' "?? 1 "pt I
j Dyspepsia Curej
; t>iges*s what yon sat.
This pre.pi ration contains all of the I
digest?nts and digests ail kinds oi i
t'ooC. itjrives instant relief and never j
fails to cut •. It allows yoi. to eat all
i '.he for lyci> Wiint. I'bo ;n«w -.ens Hive
I iloriaclis cm tak; it. I!y its use many i
thousands of dyspeptics h;ive been i
car d alter everything e'~o failed. Is
jne.iuolled for the stou.dch. Child ]
•en with w >ak stomachs thrive on it.
'.first dose lelieves. A diet unnecessary, j
'rei iroiionl;-hy E. C. llrWit & Co. , CLILC
! Thf SI. MJM.I •«-"G>i 2M. tioi»iH thos(V- si«V \
. |» ly S.ays So.
Crv,n*-<n£ (Jamtv Cathartic. the rnonl,.-j I
ieivjl medical "tiscovt rv of tiie usi;, ;>•• vi
.-lit uid refrosirns to tiie taste, act. sent V j
.I'd >o3ilively o kidneys, li- er and bowc s |
eloa: sine Mr- entire sv.-.tom, dispel eof'sl '
ure tie. ctaotie, l ;vr , iu.lii!n:il cnnr.iipalion
' d bilK.i'encss. Pi. bn.v ami try it !; ;x
fC C. G. to-dii.v; 10, f>o cents. (S jiuaut' i
.;im. antfed to cure by ail druugiste.
| ITS DtFFF.KIiXT. because It prints 1
all the news, and all the news it prints j
| is true.
' nt Fl'-KU EXT. because It's bright
and briSK, up-to-date and vigorous, but
I not yeliow.
' IT'S IUFFERKXT. because its only j
policy Is to tell the truth, it has r.o 1
covert o • personal interests to prcmoie. )
, it serves no political ambition, no creed, j
| no class prejudice, no meri partisan j
I purpose.
JTS DiFFERKNT. because it
j equal taxation and battles tiie
existing system, which favors the rich i
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer ,
and the wage-earner,
i IT'S DiVI'KWKXT. because it elands
j for Republican principles, and makes
war upon ail who, uncer the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
j to those principles.
IT'S r>; !•'F?■'.K I' XT. because it believes
manhood and not money should rule.
Therefore It upholds the ri£:i;s of a!!,
as against the aggressive power of the
| privileged few.
I'fS 1)' F" HRKXT. because no r.o
corporation, can control one line of it? J
j space.
IT'S DIFFERK.NT. because It is non
j sectarian and broad; every party, every j
faith, every class, and the workingman 1
equally with the millionaire, gets a fair j
hearing in Its columns.
cause it upholds faith in ONE
I humanity, and tiie pro- C£NT
gress of mankind toward Ewerv
higher Ideals, larger , %
hopes and better living. wnarc
TV'S 111 r, "F '■* R KXT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Amert- j
can and see it grow.
j' " "" ~~ ~~ " ~ " ' 1
• iij Ist./ A Brand Isew Idea in j „
|! J^^^ fvlachines | Si
price*, des- j
cribe<l ' n our new
® EW " , I
desire, the simplest aud ■J 1 1 90 Days* |
t' sewing machine made. t 1 vsr '
If you have evei sen a Rotary f' *s, j /v "j 1 Hal. Wai> I
type machine, you have longed V • 'J'- WW ranted for j
to possess oue. And now we - -3-ff. .\yJfeA lg ~ •
have so equipped our factory \ 4' <?••' <)<; £ '&»»£ ® term Of
as to produce an abundance of \ .j'o $' |1 Years. i
sewing machine ever offered at u»—————
any price. Kotnry construction
(see illustration below) is mechanical perfection. It is the only radical change in sewing machines in twenty
yiars. Superior to all other sowi-.-j machines, whatever the name it bears, or the price it costs, is our
Damascus Crand Rotary Shuttle Sewing \
Among its many bene, ts to the operator are: speed; noiseless; easiest to operate; double thread lock I
t>"W •, stit 'h; no tw- ttn;.; o. thread; bobbin case easily removable; tension automat- j
ical.y ol -adjusting for differeuce in length of stitch and thickness of goods; i
I, j -ji feed 'utciy posi' .ve aud most reliable know.n; tension release automatic; J
\V i J face r'.ate removable without screw driver; take up is positive and auto- j
3 m;.tic ail'' handles properly any kind or size of thread, sHk, cotton or linen;
I&«..»£. >•- ' needk' bar saves oil aud wear; stitch regulator marks Cto 32 stitches |
' r ''' , l rH | to thi inch; finc .t finish, nickeled, enameled and ornamented; high arm
t-w c *' w ' l ' l ample room for tiie most bulky work; and many other exclusive
( £j| IvJ | tl- it . 'Ol xi ■ 112 tuv.' , making it the most desirable and up to date machine, and the
lift _rjlL t -|P Sh'ttu as I.SCU 01 j only one to buy.
Shi? 0 I 1 " J ' To.-"- A *J- to send you by return mail a copy of the finest Sewing
OTIR | %\ ° U ' : - US Machine. Book and illustrated catalogue, jnst outTT^
By„ • 8 !S«.ifa *h it k. •'' ' in(l - most elaborate book of the kind ever issued in the world. About 40 larce
- .-, 11 xl 4 inches, with illustrations in t-.vo colors, full and accurate descriptions of
]L y<? • tl/5 nvv stand be -1 in the new type Rotary and the other standard machines, at prices
r.tAM eqt. -led.
'?' ... This Book is FREE KIII ihuc«iip«u M«II to »Todi>.
i , . . "Zict- —v ■« »«.' .*
I £■'* * i T• "> j~" 7T-;- «. O\ OU
I > •** • : T *. *"■ IT r an ordinary sew- MONTGOMERY WARD & Co., Chicago.
!-., ; y I-HV-- Send me thdt Ni w Si:WTNO MACHINU Boor FREE.
| 'j ... . book :vr lue to evsry worn aa,
J ' '•••' ""f, ,»V Vi* -* • v ' 1 ' intends to b-iyn Name
I •» V-- 'SI * t .■*„ • , i: mac now or tint. Dcn't
« / re • V » Mav it. send »» tn«
1 „? % ' »••*'« ' ( cou?-» ti,i-.:refully tilled ont, or P» .R. F. D..
112 " ;. . t. s]i : th next order yon send
S \ * v - - t!'!sbeautiful,valuable Co State
5 '4|fc X* 3 ' ' h ' i: jIS l - >tiVC book Will bo L—..
3 '"wi 4 *-. « i. J., sent f'y r: *.urn mail. JQ
J Montgomery v r ard & Co., Chicago
Baryft ■zrermr«- i»rr u -n..' t. j.a»- -.&■ ■ ■ - ttwt nßirannx iMWrffT— —
Cvi!: olt iliac cough with
j J ej
.i bronclutis and consumption.
*' '' C wor^'s Standard Throat, and Lung
"JWWitvs Medicine for 75 \ cars.
Get i: ot* year - ' v' ir always ready in the house.
HHHHMBewcira'. ;*•; '•* ww. :w•••■$3FJEJ"cr-'.' i w.-5»- V' '•
T\ imf O A Oil I
QThe Duplex is the birjest. finest fi .ishe'l, loudest, clearer,t, sweetest-toned instrument jakr ,
ever put on tSe Amnvin M.-.:'tet. li :: ' 'i t. ir.d so!J iKj" JHk t
Easy Faymects I
The Duplex is the only phonograph 'liat jtveayou all t lesound vibrations and *.->vL
pets all the volume of music. 1 .lis :'■> because oi its cL i'';!e vibrating j- K
diaphragms in the IK. :, an I th *
Other phonographs art* hk- the ont eye J, <£■ l di»2«n pr';>lc of the moat v.**ri<J it'.ia can be v 'i
I one-legged- or.e-lungcd dr u ctiv< . «]&'&% V ft'*? J&feT nn | w »;.on« 112 r.t-,iUiiuii«it at your home K
66 » r i • ,I • ; ■ Ml- -.«! '* !T 112. 1 , and esch will be sure to Irar ».t lea?* one or mere I.
seen capable of comg something, it u true, ->S» 'Mi rc! • ions
but not the best. Don't How air >ne to ''• t4*, Jr> : jk\ 'j|, / ocr.t.nn the be»t band and crche*tr; '
to buv another make olphon >
» , <. , - 112 j 1 .91f./£' •?!#*« ttfsAjsCSv a n<!gus'trttes, talking piec.-s, comic 6t«c«. sacrecl 112
graph have sent ior ami fcceived |»i«'ces, c«»-- e ;nakt the «eTection», hecauie >ve k^»o\v
which«pi»»Mi,.K, t ,™, T ;»«..( 'jTas-s- :fc - ;, f
the Duplex* we are the only C*orop&-y y C u, vi'Krui hu>«:ia toother cents worth, 160 days aud a
actually manufacturing pionov.splu and fajV > 112 1 '■? K 7 yt7 H I e> eni:n»»f taier;ammfnt,»ndwrgiveyoinixir.rnlh«topi>y 112
selling direct from factory to user. Ail other con- H> .i-n .. M .™.l monthly,
cm. are either jobber, and deal*, who do not ' K-: c«. ©AYS' FREE TRIAL P
manufacture what they sell, « are »mu|acti ,r ; „,.; 0u :< lhc ~ „„ a i, -moment q y , rr .„ t0 huy lhe Duplex Bn(1 Horr(? Con . h
who do not sell direct to the user, but m Xt N. .. u . J, :. 112 - X n : • wnte fur rl Co j'-:U'-.i unseen" as we used to trade jack- 112.
their output through jobbers and dealers. Hence, C. ... I v ■, r.v :Un;r. m»» r* t .nc .tJdrcw es- t nivrJ whan boys at «rhool. We allow you a full three days' j;
we can and do ** * A
Save All The Dealers 4 7070 Prrfit h«- e t"oi .zc.'t Collection
s iid l.a •'». by froiuht ."»t oar expense - and we'ii pay your ad- j J
nhi hv r seii on Easy Payments. consi<U of v«i»ce money back. But (OJ wr feel sure it will) if a pleases
for our customers. We arc content Wlin a ir tV. D>. . ;> ho »o«.-<oi) th . ' the Ut?st you. kcc.'i'ii'.J vntc usard say so; and t.r.Hy a^tcr
/ « r. \f/L 1*,.«, rn 1 n.\« i r,. ■»i ,i If r wiiich if- W4id *"i«d us yo.if hr-t ir.oulhlv pi.yment. n pay rt over to v
manufacturer S profit. Whin you buy . y . J' i£ j 'j n 'll Vi' :\u ;<• work of the I>.t rof this T r.per, vho is autfaoiizcd to receive M
make you pay a profit to the manutavturei. a , pro . ~j L . , 4i:nJ Sox> ai d monthly ~i);meuts and send them,m. And each thirty days
nroftt to the bif iobber or distributor, ano .mother r.»td - ill* . His . ace. and our weight make a M ~\y payment untd all the insla.lmentt arepaid. U
" r 1 f' '| \vr , . 1, . \i . 1•« tli- nr ' >st rr. I'd This is u.» L'v.est snnp in phonogisphs ever oirered »o ihe r.
profit to the dealer. We have tlO ag a t; ,. ~v ii..-niec t o»h'1 ?e : exclude public. N - harm in invettmating it. at any rate. Talk to i:
the Editor OI this paprr hat made mvc Ig on (c'tuie; .M 1 DU >lex and can ot U I-.>d the FC'itrr of this paper: ark him to aerd N for a cata.ogue
and is «ali»fi«d that we give ail cur c: ;ton.m o.i »:» cti 1 ph.Mk.-aph ill* Home and tuna for you. or write direct, rnentkiung lint paper, lo A
DUPLEX PHONOGRAPH CO, 31 *». ».. Kalamazoo, Mich, j
(iiibW ,-Wk jmsm. S.irovKvv« mm iMßßinrair*M«'u«ii -; icw.' n aaiMMi
NOTKnie undersigned has taade c ireful uiY *ti ,'ati 'it an-.l finds that the l)u;: ; "x I'honojrraph C ompany
tjivo their custom tert? fair and honorable trcatii Mil, and adviees readers of this pa; -or SOTKI for catalogue and
further particulars. It costs 11 >thin{ butapoe. 't;o sit nip or a postal • ard to trj. Tf yotl do not wich to take the
trouble to write, give me your name and addrt :t aud I'll do the asking. -•' nd 111 see that jou a square
deal Always mention tkis paper when you write. ' '.'HAS. L \\ liditor.