«y 1 ~w fMTEItEIALV! .** v*. - iffi: *& - «* j 112 , iu food causes t.M •-- w Il .tr i / stomach disorders—lts con- , , #fm j :|pr tinued use means permanent W injury to health. ,| C. 'ollowing the advice of medical :| scientists, England and France have «\»vo||&- §|Bi } passed laws prohibiting its use j in bread making. «, '■■'• housewives! L ■j should protect their house- Bk ! i hold . against A1 urn's wrongs _ jf| . buying pure Graj» y 1 * Cream of Tartar Baking | . Powder. i ; ; t- Pure Grape Cream of | Tartar Powder is to be had | for ,he asking- ffWVW 4 Buy by name— .'-r<■ ■> fi" 112 '*■ '■■ "■■"■ '■ '• .iM 112 —*//mk«&- rjay TO :i, xrou. .vat*.- wkj—cm—TiaeMM—w—n -« k | I Opportunities in California The trade in the Orient is opening up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplied I during the last year. o •/ There will soon be a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far | East. Big opportunities ior the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29* 3°' 3 T > 3 une: 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, j and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour- : ist sleeper from (Chicago to San Francisco, Los Ang( les, Santa Barbara, and many other points -111 California,only $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the o & » 1 Chlecr >, Milwaukee & St. Paul, • Unjon I'y ';c tM Southern Paslfic Line - ' This is ii. : route o The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passt.nger Siaiion, Chicago, 6.05 p. m..and The California Xxpre-":i at ic. 25 p. m. The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars -o California every day. Both trains carry through standard sleepers. | | Complete information sent free j | on receipt of coupon with blaui: { 2 lines filled. i N.aiflc - W. S. HOWELL, I strcet a ,i . ress '} i'l Easter: Agent, 3.1 Broadway, t | NEW YORK CITY, ; City Sl*te | F. A. MILLER, j P;obable Jestinat i on j , General engrr Agent, • { - —— 1 ■ !j ' c UCACC I L '"'"'' LllX IJ J | n is. -ifr-m'fS fi—i:i —r i » >«* c*»>- *y: / : S"F' "?? 1 "pt I j Dyspepsia Curej ; t>iges*s what yon sat. This pre.pi ration contains all of the I digest?nts and digests ail kinds oi i t'ooC. itjrives instant relief and never j fails to cut •. It allows yoi. to eat all i '.he for lyci> Wiint. I'bo ;n«w -.ens Hive I iloriaclis cm tak; it. I!y its use many i thousands of dyspeptics h;ive been i car d alter everything e'~o failed. Is jne.iuolled for the stou.dch. Child ] •en with w >ak stomachs thrive on it. '.first dose lelieves. A diet unnecessary, j I -3KI*CS £'U STOMACH TROCMNS ; 'rei iroiionl;-hy E. C. llrWit & Co. , CLILC ! Thf SI. MJM.I •«-"G it:i.tn>i 2M. tioi»iH thos(V- si«V \ . |» ly S.ays So. Crv,n*-•• vi .-lit uid refrosirns to tiie taste, act. sent V j .I'd >o3ilively o kidneys, li- er and bowc s | eloa: sine Mr- entire sv.-.tom, dispel eof'sl ' ure tie. ctaotie, l ;vr , iu.lii!n:il cnnr.iipalion ' d bilK.i'encss. Pi. j.sc bn.v ami try it !; ;x fC C. G. to-dii.v; 10, f>o cents. (S jiuaut' i .;im. antfed to cure by ail druugiste. O^SDIfTEfiENT THE NORTH AMERICAN (PillLAUEl^piiia) | ITS DtFFF.KIiXT. because It prints 1 all the news, and all the news it prints j | is true. ' nt Fl'-KU EXT. because It's bright and briSK, up-to-date and vigorous, but I not yeliow. ' IT'S IUFFERKXT. because its only j policy Is to tell the truth, it has r.o 1 covert o • personal interests to prcmoie. ) , it serves no political ambition, no creed, j | no class prejudice, no meri partisan j I purpose. JTS DiFFERKNT. because it j equal taxation and battles tiie existing system, which favors the rich i corporation at the expense of the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer , and the wage-earner, i IT'S DiVI'KWKXT. because it elands j for Republican principles, and makes war upon ail who, uncer the stolen name of Republicanism, are disloyal j to those principles. IT'S r>; !•'F?■'.K I' XT. because it believes manhood and not money should rule. Therefore It upholds the ri£:i;s of a!!, as against the aggressive power of the | privileged few. I'fS 1)' F" HRKXT. because no r.o corporation, can control one line of it? J j space. IT'S DIFFERK.NT. because It is non j sectarian and broad; every party, every j faith, every class, and the workingman 1 equally with the millionaire, gets a fair j hearing in Its columns. IT'S DIFFERENT', be- cause it upholds faith in ONE I humanity, and tiie pro- C£NT gress of mankind toward Ewerv higher Ideals, larger , % hopes and better living. wnarc TV'S 111 r, "F '■* R KXT. It will continue to be different. Watch The North Amert- j can and see it grow. j' " "" ~~ ~~ " ~ " ' 1 • iij Ist./ A Brand Isew Idea in j „ |! J^^^ fvlachines | Si price*, des- j cribe I type machine, you have longed V • 'J'- WW ranted for j to possess oue. And now we - -3-ff. .\yJfeA lg ~ • have so equipped our factory \ 4' "W •, stit 'h; no tw- ttn;.; o. thread; bobbin case easily removable; tension automat- j ical.y ol -adjusting for differeuce in length of stitch and thickness of goods; i I, j -ji feed 'utciy posi' .ve aud most reliable know.n; tension release automatic; J \V i J face r'.ate removable without screw driver; take up is positive and auto- j 3 m;.tic ail'' handles properly any kind or size of thread, sHk, cotton or linen; I&«..»£. >•- rc.ua ' needk' bar saves oil aud wear; stitch regulator marks Cto 32 stitches | ' r ''' , l rH | to thi inch; finc .t finish, nickeled, enameled and ornamented; high arm t-w c *' w ' l ' l ample room for tiie most bulky work; and many other exclusive ( £j| IvJ | tl- it . 'Ol xi ■ 112 tuv.' , making it the most desirable and up to date machine, and the lift _rjlL t -|P Sh'ttu as I.SCU 01 j only one to buy. Shi? 0 I 1 " J ' To.-"- A *J- to send you by return mail a copy of the finest Sewing OTIR | %\ ° U ' : - US Machine. Book and illustrated catalogue, jnst outTT^ By„ • 8 !S«.ifa *h it k. •'' ' in(l - most elaborate book of the kind ever issued in the world. About 40 larce - .-, 11 xl 4 inches, with illustrations in t-.vo colors, full and accurate descriptions of ]L y. i , . . "Zict- —v ■« »«.' .* I £■'* * i T• "> j~" 7T-;- «. O\ OU I > •** • : T *. *"■ IT r an ordinary sew- MONTGOMERY WARD & Co., Chicago. !-., ; y I-HV-- Send me thdt Ni w Si:WTNO MACHINU Boor FREE. | 'j ... . book :vr lue to evsry worn aa, J ' '•••' ""f, ,»V Vi* -* • v ' 1 ' intends to b-iyn Name I •» V-- 'SI * t .■*„ • , i: mac now or tint. Dcn't « / re • V » Mav it. send »» tn« 1 „? % ' »••*'« ' ( cou?-» ti,i-.:refully tilled ont, or P» .R. F. D.. 112 " ;. . t. s]i : th next order yon send S \ * v - - t!'!sbeautiful,valuable Co State 5 '4|fc X* 3 ' ' h ' i: jIS l - >tiVC book Will bo L—.. 3 '"wi 4 *-. « i. J., sent f'y r: *.urn mail. JQ J Montgomery v r ard & Co., Chicago Baryft ■zrermr«- i»rr u -n..' t. j.a»- -.&■ ■ ■ - ttwt nßirannx iMWrffT— — Cvi!: olt iliac cough with j J ej .i bronclutis and consumption. *' '' C wor^'s Standard Throat, and Lung "JWWitvs Medicine for 75 \ cars. Get i: ot* year - ' v' ir always ready in the house. HHHHMBewcira'. ;*•; '•* ww. :w•••■$3FJEJ"cr-'.' i w.-5»- V' '• i THE GF S/.TEST OF ALL MUSIOAL i.« '...XTiONS-TKE TWO-HORN ® T\ imf O A Oil I LfUPIL./. TKREE DAYS' FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME ; QThe Duplex is the birjest. finest fi .ishe'l, loudest, clearer,t, sweetest-toned instrument jakr , ever put on tSe Amnvin M.-.:'tet. li :: ' 'i t. ir.d so!J iKj" JHk t DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU oa SF' | Easy Faymects I The Duplex is the only phonograph 'liat jtveayou all t lesound vibrations and *.->vL pets all the volume of music. 1 .lis :'■> because oi its cL i'';!e vibrating j- K diaphragms in the IK. :, an I th * Other phonographs art* hk- the ont eye J, <£■ l di»2«n pr';>lc of the moat v.**riS» 'Mi rc! • ions but not the best. Don't How air >ne to ''• t4*, Jr> : jk\ 'j|, / ocr.t.nn the be»t band and crche*tr; ' to buv another make olphon > » , <. , - 112 j 1 .91f./£' •?!#*« ttfsAjsCSv a nve k^»o\v FREE CATALOGUE which«pi»»Mi,.K, t ,™, T ;»«..( 'jTas-s- :fc - ;, f the Duplex* we are the only C*orop&-y y C u, vi'Krui hu>«:ia toother cents worth, 160 days aud a actually manufacturing pionov.splu and fajV > 112 1 '■? K 7 yt7 H I e> eni:n»»f taier;ammfnt,»ndwrgiveyoinixir.rnlh«topi>y 112 selling direct from factory to user. Ail other con- H> faii.ar.. .i-n .. M .™.l monthly, cm. are either jobber, and deal*, who do not ' K-: c«. ©AYS' FREE TRIAL P manufacture what they sell, « are »mu|acti ,r ; „,.; 0u :< lhc ~ „„ a i, -moment q y , rr .„ t0 huy lhe Duplex Bn(1 Horr(? Con . h who do not sell direct to the user, but m Xt N. .. u . J, :. 112 - X n : • wnte fur rl Co j'-:U'-.i unseen" as we used to trade jack- 112. their output through jobbers and dealers. Hence, C. ... I v ■, r.v :Un;r. m»» r* t .nc .tJdrcw es- t nivrJ whan boys at «rhool. We allow you a full three days' j; we can and do ** * A Save All The Dealers 4 7070 Prrfit h«- e t"oi .zc.'t Collection s iid l.a •'». by froiuht ."»t oar expense - and we'ii pay your ad- j J nhi hv r seii on Easy Payments. consi. . ;> ho »o«.-.t rof this T r.per, vho is autfaoiizcd to receive M make you pay a profit to the manutavturei. a , pro . ~j L . , 4i:nJ Sox> ai d monthly ~i);meuts and send them,m. And each thirty days nroftt to the bif iobber or distributor, ano .mother r.»td - ill* . His . ace. and our weight make a M ~\y payment untd all the insla.lmentt arepaid. U " r 1 f' '| \vr , . 1, . \i . 1•« tli- nr ' >st rr. I'd This is u.» L'v.est snnp in phonogisphs ever oirered »o ihe r. profit to the dealer. We have tlO ag a t; ,. ~v ii..-niec t o»h'1 ?e : exclude public. N - harm in invettmating it. at any rate. Talk to i: the Editor OI this paprr hat made mvc Ig on (c'tuie; .M 1 DU >lex and can ot U I-.>d the FC'itrr of this paper: ark him to aerd N for a cata.ogue and is «ali»fi«d that we give ail cur c: ;ton.m o.i »:» cti 1 ph.Mk.-aph ill* Home and tuna for you. or write direct, rnentkiung lint paper, lo A DUPLEX PHONOGRAPH CO, 31 *». ».. Kalamazoo, Mich, j (iiibW ,-Wk jmsm. S.irovKvv« mm iMßßinrair u.ai*M«'u«ii -; icw.' n aaiMMi NOTKnie undersigned has taade c ireful uiY *ti ,'ati 'it an-.l finds that the l)u;: ; "x I'honojrraph C ompany tjivo their custom tert? fair and honorable trcatii Mil, and adviees readers of this pa; -or SOTKI for catalogue and further particulars. It costs 11 >thin{ butapoe. 't;o sit nip or a postal • ard to trj. Tf yotl do not wich to take the trouble to write, give me your name and addrt :t aud I'll do the asking. -•' nd 111 see that jou a square deal Always mention tkis paper when you write. ' '.'HAS. L \\ liditor.