Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 14, 1901, Image 3

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"^TirfP 3
A Varied Ui«t Tor I lie Cow.
Never depend upon a single food for
an animal. The cow prefers a varied
diet and will give more milk when her
food is of a kind to tempt her to eat.
A good cow necessarily consumes more
food than an inferior one.
Clover anil Fertilizers.
it is claimed that land can be recu
perated by the growing of clover, as
it derives nitrogen from tho atmos
phere, but clover will not thrive un
less the soil can supply lime, potash
and phosphoric acid. These sub
stances will bo removed from the soil
by clover, and if the clover is har
vested and sold the land will lose the
plant foods that go with the clover,
hence, if the clover is plowed under
It returns to the soil only the mineral
matter taken from the soil, the gain
being in nitrogen. To secure large
yields of clover, therefore, there must
be given the soil a liberal application
of the mineral substances, potash and
phosphoric acid especially, while lime
is always beneficial. When drilling in
the wheat, and using fertilizer at the
same time, apply extra fertilizer in or
der to assist the clover in the spring.
Quality l>etermino* tho Price.
Quality in poultry controls the price,
and prices are often reduced because
of tho large supply of inferior stock
that reaches the market. Farmers who
seek to reduce the number of in
dividuals in their flocks by selling off
the surplus males and females mane a
mistako in not fattening them before
shipping. If fed on a variety with
corn as the leading article 01' food the
fowls intended for market will gain
considerably in 10 days. The extra
weight secured is an advantage, but.
the largest gain will be the increased
price for quality. Those who suppose
that a coop of fowls are sold without
ff ;ard to the individuals will learn
t 1 sir mistake by observing the com
n ssion merchants and retailers, who
a< vays assort the birds when it is pos
sib'e to do so. If sold as a coop of
fowls the price of the whole will be
reduced if one or two poor birds are
in the lot
Improvori Methods of Corn Harvesting.
The past few years have seen wonder
ful improvements in the methods of
harvesting corn. Several large agri
cultural machine manufacturers have
been putting corn harvesters on the
market. The demand for tho machines
when well understood was greater than
the capacity of lhe factories. In many
sections it is a rarity to And a farmer
without a corn harvester. The great
advantage in using these corn harvest
ers is the saving of labor. Any one
who has tried it knows that cutting
com by hand is one of the most la
borious of farm operations. Then, too,
the corn harvester binds the stalks in
bundles and the fodder consequently
Is much easier to handle. Better
shocks can be made and more desirable
fodder results.
As a complement to the corn binder,
the modern husker and shredder is a
great success and has come to stay.
Different sizes are manufactured and
they work so perfectly that not only
Is a large amount husked each day, but
the husks are taken off completely.
The shredded fodder is in excellent
condition for feeding, and if properly
stacked or stored in the mow is al
most as good as hay, provided the
corn has been cut early.—Elbert
Wheeler, in American Agriculturist.
I'roparing the Seed I'.ed for Wheat,
Experiments in deep and shallow
plowing for wheat at a largo number
of agricultural experiment stations,
show that the depth of plowing is not
of so much importance with tnis crop
as a firm seed bed, the upper three or
four inches of which is mellow and in
good tilth. As with the other cereals,
subsoiling has not been found finan
cially profitable.
Early plowing for fall wheat has
been found especially desirable at a
large number of the experiment sta
tions. In many states it is a com
mon custom among farmers to sow
wheat after oats. Where this is done
the earlier the soil is plowed after the
cat crop is removed the better the re
sults will be. This point has been well
brought out by experiments at a num
ber of different stations in all parts of
tho country.
The value of early plowing for fall
wheat has lately been summarized by
the department of agriculture as fol
lows: Early plowing, followed at in
tervals by harrowing, prevents the
growth of weeds, conserves the moist
ure of tho soil, keeps the soil in good
tilth and results in the formation of i
seed bed best suited for the prompt
germination and growth of the seed.
The cost of preparing the ground is
lessened, the yie.u of grain is in
creased and the practice is financially
Many farmers roll the seed bed. On
heavy lands this is of no advantage,
but on lighter soils it firms down the
Bced bed, thus insuring a more even
germination of the soed and a more
certain contact with the soil water
contained in the subsoil, and would
seem to be desirable, especially In dry
seasons. In Utah rolllngand harrowing
after seeding increased the yield a lit
tle over three bushels per acre. On
the value of rolling wheat lands in
the west the United States department
of agriculU'-e has this to say: A roll
er should never be used on the western
plains, except in the case of lata plow
ing, and even then It should be used
only before drilling. This Is owing to
the fact that roughness of surface is
valuable for holding moisture and
checking the Injurious action of dry
winds. The seed bed should be made
\ery fine and mellow before drilling,
and whenever possible the drill rows
F.liould run east and west. Strict at
tention to such general principles as
Hie foregoing will result In an increase
in certain seasons of as much as five
or 10 bushels per acre. —C. B. Smith, in
New England Homestead.
Organic Matter In Soils.
Scientists who have given their at
tention to soils devote considerable
discussion to humus and its formation.
The soil Is largely composed of clay
lime, silica (sand) and humus, and,
according to Mr. Freer-Thonger of
England, who has devoted much of his
time to the investigation of soils, all
vegetable matter which grows and dies
on the soil is transformed Into humus.
Formerly it was supposed that humus
alone furnished food for plants, hence
the fertility of a soil was estimated ac
cording to its content in humus or or
ganic matter. Thero was some truth
in the belief, for in organic matter un
dergoing decomposition there exists ni
trogenous matters which are gradually
converted into ammonia and nitric
acid. Carbonic acid gas is also a prod
uct of decomposition, which acts pow
erfully in rendering soluble the min
eral elements of the soil. Humus soils
have the property of retaining the sol
uble mineral salts, which are so easily
washed away into tho subsoil. Soils
containing much humus are easily
worked, and owing to their dark color
are easily warmed by the sun. Such
soils give good returns when dressed
with phosphate, although on clay soii3
less potash may be required than on
light sandy land. The application oi
lime favors nitrification of the nitro
genous organic matter. It is claimed
that humus soils are rich in nitrogen,
poor in phosphoric acid, with varia
ble quantities of potash. Sandy soil 3
are poor in all the plant foods. Clay
soils are rich in potash, poor in phos
phoric acid, but vary in nitrogen.
These claims, however, depend largely
upon the characteristics of soils, their
treatment and the kinds of crops that
have been grown thereon.
Humus is formed under many con
ditions. Eeaves, roots, straw, manure
and green substances that have been
turned under all assist in the work.
The value of humus does not depend
exclusively upon its content of plant
foo<l, but mostly in the influence it ex
erts on the soil in relation to its phy
sical condition, and its acid in render
ing the plant food of the soil availa
ble for the sustenance and growth of
plants. The upper portion of the soil
usually contains more humus than the
deeper portion, which marks or con
stitutes the difference between soil and
subsoil. Humus is the great reser
voir which retains the soil moisture
and nitrogen. It absorbs moisture like
a eponge and prevents escape of mois
ture that would otherwise be lost; but,
while it stores up nitrogen and other
plant food it slowly and constantly
gives out carbonic acid gas as a result
of decay of vegetable matter. This
acid acts on stones, soils and all in
soluble materials, setting free the pot
ash and phosphates contained, thus
providing plant foods for crops. Be
sides carbonic acid evolved from hu
mus, other vegetable acids are formed,
which combine with lime, potash and
other substances to form humates. All
of these processes are constantly oc
curring, the plant foods of the soil be
coming available even when the farmer
does not assist in the work, for it is
well known that one of the most di
rect and effective methods of adding
to the humus of the soil is by the plow
ing under of green crops, which collect
carbon from the atmosphere, and If
clover, peas, beans or other leguminous
crops are used a large amount of nitro
gen is also added to the soil. The use
of green crops is almost necessary in
order to promote the formation of hu
mus. although It has been demonstrat
ed that when the ground is covered
with sod or any other covering there is
a formation of humus under proper
Every farmer should endeavor to so
rotate and cultivate his crops as to
promote the formation of humus, but
it may be stated that it has been found
by experiment when the soil was well
.supplied with the phosphates and pot
ash there Is more humus formed than
when such mineral substances are de
ficient, hence no farmer should depend
upon green manorial crops exclusively.
Even barnyard manure, which pro
motes the formation of humus, will not
give as good results as when both ma
nure and fertilizers are used. It la
the duty of the farmer to keep his land
well supplied with all the essential
elements so necessary for plants, for it
is often a grave mistake to allow any
substance to be lacking, as there Is
such a thing as a superabundance of
one substance with an Insufficiency of
others, in which case the crop will
make excellent progress for awhile and
then fail to utilize more of the partic
ular plant food with which it has been
overfed. Humus assists in providing
all the fods, and also holds the mois
ture for the supply of the crop. There
is constantly occurring in tho soil more
or less loss of plant food. Exposure at
certain seasons is injurious to soils.
Shade Is one of the conditions re
quired by soil bacteria, and shade con
duces to the formation of humus. In
fact, all farmers know that when a
heavy sod is turned under the result 1s
a large addition of humus to the soil.
Such sod land may have been closely
cropped by grazing cattle, but It gained
in fertility, due to the shading of the
roil, and also to the prevention of loss
of soluble plant foods by leaching from
rains and melting snows. Any kind of
crop that covers the soil, therefore, as
sists in the formation of humus in the
soil.—rhiladelphla Record.
" Straws Show Which Way the Wind
and the constantly increasing demand for and
Iteady growth in popularity of St. Jacobs Oil
Iraong all classes of people in every part of
Iho civilized world show conclusively what
tho people use for their Hheuraatiein
and bodily achei and pains. Fucts speak
louder than words, and the fact romninu un
disputed that the sale of St. Jacobs Oil is
greater than all other remedies for outward
application combined. It acts like magic,
:ures where everything else fails, conquers
Boston was the first city in the country
to establish free public baths.
Permission has been [riven for the erec
tion of a crematory in Madrid, Spain.
It requires no experience to dye with PUT
NAM FADELESS DYES. Simply boiling your
goods in the dye is all that is necessary. Sold
by all druggists.
Between the years 1760 and 1776 100,000
pounds of silk were exported from Geor
gia to England.
It doesn't take an agriculturist to raise
a row.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c abottl e
There are 30,000 Portuguese in Massa
chusetts, Boston having over 3000.
"SPEAR H EAD" <9 .° 2 '
"jolly TAR" BgwyS
yar "standard navt
fsnl OUITCR KMF& Hoatts. 60 TAGS'
|u|| '1 I flj'lll' SUCAU SHtli'AOC£*S" SO TACS.
°'S ®1 "HORSE SHOE" ft .a rife
O£mJL "OLD PEACH phoney" iJsZ
XSP *ord* V.// x\ V^V
i— . "UriDDVCDIIII Dm r
" E. Rice, Qreenvllle," "Qood Luck," "Cross 3irJ
Bow," •« Master Workman," •• Sickle," •• Brandy-
wine," "Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tic," " Ole
' (TWO " Granger Twist" tags being equal to one of others mentioned.)
j»ArcH a Our new illustrated IfL^
will include many articles not shown here. It will contain the /w W$ M " A "i>iis.
T most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and. will i uui w ' ■
1 \/jy/F be sent by mail on receipt of postage—two cents. 4 / iff /, if lL
(Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January Ist.' 1902.)
Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902.
S5^~ : H Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages -
containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to
' C. Hy. BROWN,
The musical crank is always ready
to do a turn.
We want intelligent Men and Women a 9
Traveling Representatives or Local Managers;
salary S9OO to SISOO a year and all expenses,
according to experience and ability. We also
want local representatives ; salary $9 to sls a
week and commission, depending upon the time
devoted. Seud stamp for full particulars and
State position prefered. Address, Dept. B.
THE BELL COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa.
Best Cough Syrup. Tantes Good. Use »
In time. Sold by druggists. H
"Tin l Sauce that innde \Ve*t Point I'mHons."
SOZODOHT for the TEETH 25c
SOZODONT Tooth Powdar 25c DROPSYSS.^
~ easts- BOOK of testimonials and IO days' traatmaot
J* x—43 Pf. Dr. ■. ■. QBBSW'S BOMB. Baa B. Atlaata. Oa.
1 - : "1 . UNION MADE -ftv I
F/14 A 1 O L?\ VW. L. Douglas S4 Gilt Edgo Lin.
a Cannot bo Equaled at Any I
I / 1 • c\l \ "}■ " Far laralhaa a Quarter afaCeatary # , fe'y?" M\ l
I JfC3--•AwmJr \ * he reputation of W. L. Douglas sß.ooand 33.W ff IsSi
B Mi? ȣ| /c in Jr shoos for style, comfort and wear has excelled M EHr} VF*.
~2%l fr Rat s other makes sold at these prices. This ex-■ !W?f V fm&jr
fm&jr * ' cellent reputation has been won by merit alone* t 1 v Jt// ■
HHS fr\ fa? lllm AiJ|a4i W.L. Douglas shoes hare to glre l»et- I 1 ■ /-V I
IK? t? ter satisfaction than other $3.00 and I yf/aas&jK Ls m
WNkL_-.:Jk 60 hoes because his reputation for ■ NugHjmgk JT fT
F> : . • dt&w the bests3.oJ and $3.50 shoes must be main-■ j*]
ISITV\ I*B* 5° high that the wearer receives more valued r iV i
ID l l*f\ |o i or l " 8 money in the W. L. Douglas $3.00 A Kb*. #
w3'j£ x> \ fe>? Q*i(v -L $3.50 shoes than he can get elsewhere. W. V*. •' M
Msfr \ n T>o"«la 9 makes and sells more $3.00 and $3.50 shoes tha ,; /AETiPIJ
-IT any other two manufacturers In the world. my
Eyelet* tiat*«l. W, L. Douglas St BadlS.6oik«M irfaiitc üb" 7
LA in of k'fh frrait* leather* aaed la Si aid SB «hora, and l &^
ISL'; MR * * AUT ** ** OD '■ WO '- CATALOG FBU.
l«sv ] _ / Sold by 63 Douglas stores in American cities selling direct from factory
~2f {§ &_/ to wearer at one profit; and the best shoe dealers everywhere.
la j£k laalst apoa Aaviag; W. L. Donglaa ahoca with aiat k
1 JUI LLL'L !L" a 1 ;i' PRICE •lamped oa botioa. Shoes sent any- Bjs^
where on receipt of price and 26c. addi
.A aHatT-.-'-Ky, ' Itlonal for carriage. Take measure-
ll ' e " tS j° f as otate style^^^F^ff^Ja
** toe; heavy, medlani , , B o , ?light < Boleß! >la n ° r Cftl