Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 14, 1901, Image 7

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IS South America destined to super
sede the United States as the
great provider of beef for the
world? Each year South America
Increases in importance r.s rival to the
United States as a producer of beef.
'There are now in the Argentine, Para
guay and Uruguay fully 30,000,000 cat
jtle. and in the United States 44,000,000.
SWhile the cattle ranges of the United
States are becoming more and more
restricted each year, there are in the
South American countries named vast
regions suitable for cattle raising
•which have not as yet been utilized.
In Texas now the cattle no longer
roam over vast ranges, but are practi
cally kept in pastures, the grazing
grounds being inclosed in miles upon
miles of wire fences. The old-time
cowboy, too, has become largely a
"fence rider," patrolling the outside of
the inclosures to see that the fences
are not broken down, and that the cat
tle are not lost, strayed or stolen. Many
cowboys have emigrated to South
'America, where they hnve taken up
their old free life alongside of the na
tive gauchos on the wide-swept pam
In Paraguay a large region called
the (.'haco has just been opened up to
stock raising. It lies in the north
west corner of Paraguay, between the
'Paraguay Biver, a navigable stream,
the Pileomayo lUvcr and the Bolivian
boundary. The climate is healthful,
nnd though it is warm there in sum
mer, it is never as hot as it was in New
York last summer.
The prairies are clothed with a va
riety of good grasses .and the Chaco
lands are acknowledged to be the best
fattening grounds in all Paraguay.
<>ood land can be bought in the Chaco
for? 1000 a league, and one league will
support 100 cattle, and two herds of
1000 each can be fattened on it In a
year. All the expenses of raising cat
tle there are ridiculously small com
pared with the expense In the United
States. A man can put steers on the
range in Paraguay, all expenses paid,
at a cost of $8.50 a head, and these he
■can sell when fattened for $12.50 a
THE CAOCHO'S htTHor> fjf
bead. Experienced cattle men In the
Chaeo have cleared as much as SBOOO
the tirst year on an expenditure of
$10,500. They putin SIOOO for land,
SBSOO for cattle and? 1000 for labor
and other expenses. Living and la
bor in Paraguay cost about one-eighth
ns much as they do in the United
States. The gauchos are paid $3 a
month in the Chaeo. In the United
Stutes the cowboy's wages used to be
|:t<» a month Th# gaufliu't food,
whit-it la supplied to Ulni. iiwu üboui
f:t it muiiiii. Cowboy* art* furnished
with food ctifttiug 41" u lliolilh.
I'm- cattle of Nonluru i'utaguujr are
similar to the Texas cattle, being of
fully as good stock and much tamer
and more easily managed. Though
there are now in Northern Paraguay
only enough cattle for a small beef
industry, their numbers are rapidly In
creasing, and In three or four years
this region bids fair to be the centre of
a great beef industry.
All that is needed to "boomi' the cat
tle raising industry of this part of
Paraguay Is an outlet for the beef.
With the extension of railways and
the increase of river navigation this
can readily be obtained, and the cat
tle of the little interior republic will
.loin with the herds of the Argentine
and of Uruguay in furnishing the
"roast beef of old England" to the
world in competition with the United
States. Excellent "stocking cattle"
can easily be brought onto the ranges
of the Chaco from the Brazilian prov
ince of Matto Grosso, which adjoins
the Paraguay border.
Cattle diseases in the favored land
of Paraguay are seldom seen. In the
uorth they are unknown. In the south
one occasionally runs across cases of
"black leg," but even then only among
calves, and ine percen*age of such
cases is nev— alarming. Loss of cat
tle owing to the cold of winter or to a
dry season is unknown.
It will be seen that Northern Para-
guay is au ideal piaco for the raisins
of cattle. As yet, of course, these
South American regions have not the
facilities for transportation which the
cattle districts of the United States
possess, but it is only a question of
time when they Will have them, and
theu can the United States hold its
own in the export of beef? Just now
a combination of capital is said to
bavo acquired practical control of the
Ti-xua cattle iudumrie*. If Oil* com
bination attould put up the price of
beef then- would In* au additional lu
cent! v« (or the dcvelupmcut of Uie
South American cattle Industries. Th«
South American field is just now ap
pealing to cattle men in a manner
which promises the most Important re
sults ultimately.
Cheapness of production down there
Is an especial Inducement to Investors.
One does not need to have a great
deal of money to start with either. It
is no piace for a poor man, on account
of the low wages, but a man with a
capital of $2500 has an excellent op
portunity to lay the foundations of a
Many people in Paraguay have good
cattle lands, but not the money to
stock them, and these lauds they will
sell cheap. So great Is the demand for
money to Invest in ranching in Para
guay now that capitalists command
their own prices, and sometimes get as
high as thirty or forty per cent, for
their loans. Carrying foreign cattle
to South America to cross with the
native breeds is already a big business.
When the native breeds are crossed
with a foreign one the cattle grow
larger and attain their full develop
ment sooner.
That great land of cattle ranges, the
Argentine Republic, is as large in area
as Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Okla
homa, Montana. Wyoming, Colorado,
New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Cali
fornia together, and how much of the
country still remains available for ex
ploitation may be judged from the fact
that only about six per cent, of its
240,000,000 acres of land available for
agriculture—ls,ooo,ooo acres—is under
cultivation. The value of animals and
their products exported by the Argen
tine increases at the rate of about $4,-
000,000 a year. Uruguay, though a
comparatively small nation, has excel
lent grazing grounds, and" four years
ago was reported as having 5,551,402
head of cattle on its ranges, a number
which has increased considerably
Southern Brazil joins with the Ar
gentine, Paraguay and Uruguay In
competing with the United States for
the cattle trade. In the State of liio
Grande do Sui the cattle industry is
already important, rnd is growing
every year. The country is favorable
for cattle raising, labor is cheap and
living costs little compared with liv
ing in the United States. Land for
cattle raising purpose! can lie bought
low and ports for shipping cattle
abroad are easy of access.—Net York
The Development of ltailromiln
From the earliest times until the sec
ond quarter of the last century there
was no change in the methods of arti- I
ucial locomotion. The maximum speed
per hour under the most favorable con
ditions was ten or twelve miles. Then
came the railroad and steam locomo
tive,and in less than fifty years speed
had been raised to fifty and sixty
miles an hour.
Not only that, but it was made possi
ble to carry hundreds of passengers
safely and promptly for enormous dis
tances. Although the steam engines
of to-day dates back to 1784, , when
Jatnes Watt obtained his patent, yet
all its principal improvements are of
American origin. The total steam
' horse-power of the world is estimated
at about 05,000,000, of which the Uni
ted States can lay claim to almost onc
' third.—New York World.
The Velocity of Light.
The first attempt to measure the vel
ocity of light was made in 1549. In
ISfS'J n more careful and extremely
elaborate experiment was made by
the same scientist with tho co-opera
tion of another, both being French
men, whereby the velocity of light
was found to be 185,157 miles per sec
ond. This result seemed so startling
that American scientists attempted
similar experiments, which only served
to confirm Professor Foucnult's re
sults and to make his nccurary and
care seem the more marvellous.
This once determined, It was adopted
as the only adequate means of meas
uring the distance of the earth from
the sun, and It is in its applicability
to this that the chief importance of
this very importaut discovery con
sists.—New York World.
War Too Eiprmlve to La»t.
War ami conquest do not pay. The
appreciation of the fact Is more vivid
than ever It was before, and out of
the turmoil of the close of the nine
teenth century has couie a tlrui aud
stable adjustment of Ideals which
holds high promise for the twentieth.
Itussla, lout; regarded as the meuaeu
to European diplomacy, under tho
young Cxar shows unmistakable as
pirations for peace ami industrial de
velopment. The (J*rman Kmperor has
changed the role of war lord for that
of the promoter of enterprise and the
foster-father of commerce. What the
preachers of |>eace could not Impress
upnii the nations the precipitator* of
war have wrltteu In hlood and tire, anil
the lesson U leuruod.-KiglutH-rlitf
Great Future Predicted For the Invention
of a University Professor.
Ocean telephoning Is not only feasi
ble, according to electrical engineers
who have studied the discovery of
Professor M. I. Pupln, of Columbia
University, but the prediction is made
that within the lifetime of the present
generation the sound of the human
voice may be made to encircle the
(Attachment used by Professor Pupln to
his telephono.)
globe. Officials of the American Bell
Telephone and Telegraph Company
maintain profound secrecy as to tho
invention and the experiments which
they have been conducting, but admit
the purchase of Dr. Pupln's patents.
The price paid Is said to be between
$400,000 and $500,000 In cash, and an
annual royalty of $15,000 during the
life of the patents, which is seventeen
years. This would aggregate nearly
three-quarters of a million dollars, and
is probably the largest sum ever paid
for any invention.
"In my estimation the invention of
Dr. Pupin is the grentest since that
of the telephone," said Stephen L.
Coles, managing editor o' the Electri
cs.! Review, who has been watching
tlie development of Professor Pupin's
work for five years and is familiar
with the theory and its application to
commercial uses.
Dr. Pupin is one of the foremost
scientists in the United States," Mr.
Coles said. "His experiments have
been thorough, and he has demonstrat
ed beyond a shadow of a doubt that
telephoning any distanc- over land or
under water is practicable. At pres
ent we can talk, say, one thousand
miles over specially constructed land
lines and short distances under water.
"It was considered a great achieve
ment when we first talked with Chi
cago, but with Professor Pupin's sys
tem of induction colls at regular in
tervals along the line it will be possi
ble to talk under the Hudson River,
but telephone cable messages are limit
ed to short distances. By using Dr.
Pupin's system a telephone cable to
Kurope or any distance becomes prac
"It is difficult to summarize his in
vention so that it can be grasped by
the lay mind, but it consists in taking
the elements of Impedance In an ordin
ary telephone or telegraph line and
balancing them against each other so
that their effect is neutralized and a
clear passage is left for the transmis
sion of electrical waves
"In all probability the first use of
the new system will be on long dis
tance land wires."
Accoruing to the Electrical Review
"the essential feature of the invention,
following the elaborate mathematical
analysis of the subject by Dr. Fupin,
consists of the application of induc
tance and capacity to such a circuit
In a way that is, to all intents and pur
poses, equivalent to a continuous dis
tribution of these qualities, but which
is, at the same time, practically pos
sible and commercial."
Professor Pupin's experiments were
conducted at Columbia University. He
constructed an artificial line two hun
dred and fifty miles Icag and tested It
with various forms of induction or
"choke" colls.
A Cruel Plutocrat.
"Mister," said the large, strong man |
who inherited his pride from a long
line of noble ancestors, "I hate to ask j
you for' it, because I never done a \
thing like this before. I've been around
lookln' for work all day. I wouldn't
lie to you about a thing like this, mis
ter. But If you ever tried to find a job
iu a bank, or some place like that, aud
nobody would offer to you any kind ol
work except drivin' a team or shovel-
In* coal, you know how It is yourself.
I ain't no common beggaar, mister.
I've been used to better things. I wa9
brought up refilled. I know I ain't
got no right to ask you for help, but
I'm ashamed togo home lookin' this
way, and if I can only get a little as-
I slstance now I'll show you some day
I tiiat you done right when you let your
I heart be touched. If you can let me
have twenty-live cents to get a clean
collar and a "
"Well." the man who was about to
step into his carriage, interrupted. "I'm
like the German Emperor to-day."
"How's that, inlstor?"
"I've decided to give no quarter.
■ Drive ulicud, Johu."—Chicago Times
An Ararrlrnn Clrl'. Sang-Frold,
A remarkable iwitunee of sang-froid
occurred In Paris a few days ago, says
the Paris Messenger. A fire broke out
it bout :t a. m. iu a house of the Square
de I'Opera. Long before the arrival
of the lire brigade the lady who occu
pied the room had saved herself. Hho
was aroused by a smell of smoke; she
perceived the curtains In the room In
a blaze, and she Immediately opened
her bedroom window, nud. without the
slightest ceremony, pitched Into the
street her clothes. She then, simply
dad Iu her chemise, descended Into
the street by means of a ro|»e she at-
Inched to the balcony of her bedroom.
I'.y the time the tire brigade urrlvcd
the lady had dressed herself aud was
noun the worse for her descent, except
sore hiinds, from which the skin hail
l» «'n removed In her Uarlug descent.
The lady In question was an Ameri
can. who had only arrive J Iu l'ari» •
t«w day* before.
Kales for Feeding Stock.
Each farmer must make his own
rules for feeding, as the amount of
food required by animals, even when
of the same breed, and of nearly the
same age and weight, differs widely.
Some animals are very dainty, while
others will accept any kind of food of
fered. The standard rules for feeding
according to live weight are valuablo
to a certain extent, but in all flocks
or herds some animals will eat much
more than others, hence the wants of
each individual must be observed and
the animals fed accordingly.
An Important Crop.
Grass is always an important crop
and also an evidence of good farm
ing, as no soil will produce a large
crop of grass every year unless the
land is well manured or treated with
fertilizers. Grass is the foundation for
all other crops, as it not only pro
duces pasturage and hay, but furnishes
sod for the assistance of the crops
that follow. When the land is in grass
It is really mulched and humus accu
mulates. The shading of the soil by
the grass is beneficial and the roots go
down deep into the subsoil for plant
food which is brought to the surface,
deposited in the plants and thus ren
dered available for another season.
Menu for tlie Hens.
Laying hens like a variety of food,
and with sufficient exercise and good,
comfortable quarters will be much bet
ter on a varied diet than on one made
up of the same kind of food each meal.
Here is a bill of fare for one week for
25 hens: Sunday, breakfast, mash;
dinner, one pound given cut bone: sup
per, one quart wheat: Monday, break
fast, mash; dinner, a little wheat
scattered in litter abcut 10 a. m.; sup
per, one pound green cut bone; Tues
day. breakfast, mash; dinner, one
quart oats scattered in litter at 10 a.
m.; supper, one quart cracked corn;
Wednesday, breakfast, green cut bone;
dinner, one pint barley scattered in
litter; supper, one quart wheat;
Thursday, breakfast, mash; dinner, i
buckwheat scattered in litter; supper, j
one pint cracked corn; Friday, break- j
fast, mash; dinner, green cut bone;
supper, mixed grain; Saturday, break
fast, mash; dinner, chopped vegeta
bles; supper, one quart cracked corn.
To prepare the mash, take equal
parts of bran, ground oats and corn
meal, with one-third as much clover,
one large spoonful of pulverized char
coal and a little salt. Pour boiling
water over it, cover and let it steam
over night. Mix the vegetables in it j
before feeding. Chop potato parings, j
cabbage, beets or other vegetables, any i
one of which will do for feeding. Lse j
onions sparingly. Do not mix the i
mash too soft, but have it crumbly, j
Feed while warm and give warm wa
ter to drink in cold weather.—New
England Homestead.
Worthless I.anil Made Valuable.
A large swamp near Lima, N. Y.,
which a few years ago was not consid
ered worth $5 per acre, has been
drained at considerable expense and
is now considered worth from SIOO to
S2OO per acre. It has been mostly de
voted to growing the two crops of cel
ery and onions. These swamps may be
used for many years without applying
fertilizer, as the muck is a deposit of
decayed vegetable matter further en
riched by the washing of fertilizing
j matter from the surrounding higher
lands. Celery and onions both like
this kind of soil, and the onions can
j lend their fibrous feedingroots down as
deep as they please. There Is another
advantage in growing these two crops
together. There can be scarcely too
much moisture for the celery short of
absolutely flooding the ground for days
at a time, which Is prevented by tlie
drainage, and consequently if there Is
too much water for the onions the cel
ery will make a good growth, while in
a hot and dry season like the past,
the celery crop may be small, but the
onions will make all the better growth
and yield a tremendous crop, 1000
bushels to the acre having been grown
on gome plots there. It is said. Thus,
If one crop falls to yield a profit, more
may be expected from the other, while
in an ordinary season both may do
well, the celery finding water enough
at the surface, and the deeper rooting
onions plenty lower down.
Proper I.oration of I'arm l'.ulltltngs.
When stables run east and west and
the animals are arranged In two rows
facing a central passageway, those an
imals upon the south side get the
benefits of all the sunlight, while thoso
upon the north side get none at all.
In combination barus used for storage
and stable, where the cattle are kept
under the scaffolds, It is better to give
them the southern exposure rather
than the northern, for the objections
to the wide range of temperature do
not offset the stimulating effect de
rived from direct sunlight upon the
animals or the disinfecting action 't
has In the stable. In the storage of
excrement about stanlcs every precau
tion should be taken to guard against
contamination of the air of tne stable
or the air Introduced Into It to take
the place of the foul air removed.
To secure effective ventilation In sny
i building, two *et:» of openings Hre nec
essary, namely, Inlets for tin admis
sion of pure air and outb t* for there-
Imovat of Impure air. When the artl
flclal sytitem Is employed, especially
where heated air Is the motive farce.
the Inlets should be located In th»
walls near the ceilings, the outlets in
the floor on the same side of the room
as the inlet. In natural ventilation,
where cold air is brought in, the inlet*
should be in the walls near the floor
line, the outlets in the ceilings, roofs
or walls above.
The inlet and outlet most commonly
met with is the shaft or duct. In it9
construction there are certain general
rules that should always be observed.
A round shaft is preferable to a
square one, as It has greater carry
ing capacity, there being no dead cor
ners. A smooth one is better than one
that is rough, the velocity of the cur
rent, all other conditions the same, be
ing greater in the former than in the
latter. To insure action a duct should
be as short and straight as it is possi
ble to have it. Those of too great
length are usually useless unless ar
tificial heat be used in them to create
a circulation of air. Those placed on
the south side of a building, where
they are exposed to the heat of the sun
are more efficient that those placed on
the north side. The introduction of
angles should be avoided as much as
possible. Each right angle putin re
duces tne velocity of the current one
half. When it becomes necessary, aa
it frequently is, to change the direc
tion, a rounded elbow may be us<
good advantage, it being claimed that
it will not lessen the velocity as much,
there being no square angle for the air
to strike against.—J. B. Paige, in
American Agriculturist.
Death from Handling Fertilizers.
In view of the general use of bone
dust as a fertilizer by farmers and
gardeners, the following case of an
thrax is of interest. Anthrax is a very
fatal disease due to a special bacte
rium. It usually occurs in animals,
chiefly cattle; but sometimes the germ
gains entrance into the human body,
and almost invariably causes death.
Owing to the trades in which it usually
occurs, it is commonly known as wool
sorters' or rag pickers' disease. This
man was a farmer, who had soma
slight itching eruption on the chest,
which he frequently scratched. For
two weeks before his death he had
been engaged in sowing different kinds
of grain along with artificial manure
in the shape of bone dust, his hands,
of course, were covered with the latter,
and he frequently used them for
scratching. In a few days he noticed a
small pimple. This gradually grew
larger and became swollen and in
flamed. The skin grew darker, being
almost black in patches; his face was
dusky and livid; he suffered greatly
from difficulty of breathing and died
four days after the onset of the dis
ease. The physician who had charge of
the case, after a careful examination
of the possible sources of infection,
concluded that the man had infected
himself by scratching some of the bono
dust into the skin on his chest. The
obvious moral to be drawn is that great
i care should be used in handling arti
| ficial manures, and tjiat especial pre
cautions should be taken when there
j is an open sore or cut on any portion
i of the body likely to be brought in
contact with the fertilizer.
Winter l>alrylng.
Duriug the winter months a wise
dairyman will always give his cows
winter care.
I mean by this that his attention to
| his dairy will not be governed by the
; vagaries of the weather.
Some men let their milch animals
run promiscuously over the fields ev
ery bright or warm day during the
cold season, but even if they own and
I control cows it would be a misnomer
to call such persons dairymen.
I wish to place a great emphasis on
the importance of warm housing, and
1 regular feeding and watering of cowq
| from now until grrss grows again.
On account of the possibility of in
viting tuberculosis, do not tolerate a
damp or poorly ventilated stable.
I think that bovine tuberculosis is
propagated more extensively through
the mediums of unsanitary stablea
! than any other cause. Of course the
winter months when the cows are
closely confined gives rise to the most
danger in this direction.
Pure, healthy milk must be obtained
in order to make flrst-class butter, ro
you see the hygiene of the stable is all
i important.
Healthy cows cannot long remain so
In unhealthy surroundings, nor when
fed or watered irregularly.
Never trust the care of your cowa
to a cheap or Inexperienced hand; that
is, If you are In the dairy business for
Improvement In milk products and for
personal profit.
The dairies throughout the land that
are paying the best profits today aro
those that are minutely supervised in
every detail by their owners.
The dairyman who assists in his own
milking, and personally does or as
sists in all of the care and feeding of
his cows, is, If he is truly In earnest,
seldom forced to declare that dairying
is a failure.
Mix plenty of energy Into your dairy
* ark this winter, and never go to bed
at night without feeling absolutely cer
tain that every cow in your stable in
not hungry or thirsty, or forced to He
upon a damp, filthy floor and breathe
vitiated air.
In your laudable efforts to maintain
tlable warmth do not sacrifice ventila
tion. but happily combine the two. to
the end that pure, healthy and profita
ble milk may result. George K. New
<ll, In American Cultivator.
Commissioner of patents Duel I I* au
thority for the statement that "hun
tiled* of application* for patent* oa
automobile* and pait* are received at
the patent office c»ery wee*."