DR. TALMAGES SERMON. SUNDAY'S DISCOURSE 3Y THE NOTED DIVINE. latent: "Knouth Better Than Too Much" Certain Superfluities, Both l"hjr*ical ami Mental. Are a Hindrance Katlier Thau a Help 1" Life. TEXT: "A man of great Mature, whose Augers and toe? were four and twenty, six on each hand. suJ -non each foot: and he also was the soa of a giant. But when he detted Israel. Jonathan, the sou of Shiaiea, Psvid's brother, slsw him."—l Chron. n., 6. T. Malformation photographed, and for what reason? Pit! not this passes* slip in by mistake into the sacred Scriptures, as sometimes a paragraph utterlv obnoxious to the editor gets into his newspaper dur ing his absence Is not this Scriptural er rata? No, no; there is nothing haphazard about the Bible. Tais passage of Scripture was as certainly Intended to be putin the Bible as the verse. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." or, • God s - loved the world that He gave His oniv begotten Son." And I select it tor my text to-day because it is charged with practical and tremendous meaning. Fv the peopleot Got the Philis tines had conquered, with the excep tion of a few giants. Tae race of giants is mostly extinct, lam glad to say. There is lio use for giants now except to enlarge the income of museums. But there were maDy ofthem in olden times. Goliath was. ac cording to the Bible, eleven feet four and a ha',! inches high. Or. if you doubt tais, the famous Piiny. declares that it Crete, by an earthquake. a monument was broken open, discovering the remains of a giant forty-six cubits long, or sixty-nine feet high. So. whether you take sacred or pro fane history, you must come to the conclu sion that there were in those times cases of human altitude monstrous and appalling. David ha t smashed the siail of one of thft-e giants, but there were other giants that the Pavidean wars had cot yet sub dued. and one of them stands ;n my text. He was not only of Alp is* stature, but had a surplus -of digits. To the ordinary lingers was annexed an additional flager. and tiie foot hat also a superfluous addendum. He had twenty-lour terminations t. hands and feet, where others have twenty. It was not the only instance off the kind. Vav.r nier the teamed writer, says that the Eca p<M«t off Java ha I a s:a endowed with the same nuts be? of extremities. Volcattns. the poet, had s.x fingers on each hand. Maui. ertu:s. itihbcelebrated letters speais of two families near Berlin similarly equipped of hand and foot. Ail of which I can teiiere.for I tare two cases of the same physical superabundance. Su; this g-.act o'f tae text :s in battle, and as Pavid. tae striding warrior, had despatched one giant, the nephew of t'avid says this m :ti ster of my text. an.', there he lies after the battle la Oath, a deal giant Hu stature did not save him and his superfluous a~- uendices of baud and foot did not save aim The pro'ta'r. icy was that in the battle his sixth anger on his hand made him rium.sy in the use of his weapon, and his sixth toe ' and malformed giant of the text: "A man of great statute whose Angers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hind and six n each foot, and heals: wis the sen of a r.ant. but wren he ieied Israe Beho.ld how superfluities ar- a hin drance rather than a hel; ' In ail the bat tle at Gath that day there was not a mac with ordinary hand and ordinary foot an.l ordinary stature that was not better off than this physic a ! curiosity ,-ff my text A dwarf on tie right s. is is stronger than a giant on the wcoi o side and ali the body and mini a/_i est.it-. and opportaaity tilat yvu cannot use for God ».ud the better ment of tie world is % sixth dager ani a sixth toe ani a tome.* itadraare. The m."is* of th- good done in the world and the most -f those who win the battle for i the right are ordinary pe : t .,e. Count the . fingers of their right hand, and t ley have i just Ire-—no more and no less. One Doc- . tor Duff among missionaries, but three thousand miss;, varies that wo uid teii yo . they have only common eniowment. Ore F.orea-re Nightingale to nurse tu-'s.. 'tu conspicuous places, tae ten thousand women who .ire just as good nurses though never heard of. " Tie Swam •. Angel was a :g g-in to it iurtng the Civ *'Var ma I; a c;g a: se out r uskets off o rdi na.ry calibre and she Is of ord nary heft did the si ecu tin. Pres dent Tyler and an I iu Cacin-ec go down toe Pot oiao one day to expert meat with tie • Peace- j -net a great iron gun Mat was ti ! affright with its tinnier foreign navies • I'he gainer touches it off. and t explodes and leave Cabinet Minsters dead on the; dec'i waile at that time, at up and down | our coast were cannon of ordinary bore, able to be the defease of the nation. an-i readv at the 2 est toe eh to waken to duty i "he curse of tae * '.'rid as .-g «ntas. After the. politicians who have saie aii the : a-.-s.se. g'.' home . .arse from •insous- l si :a on the evening of the Srsc Monday .a No reciter the next lay the people with the s.. eat "a :c.s wu. sectie everything S3 i settle tt right 1 m:.. ion of the whit; siiss of pager they drop staking about as Sw.'U se as the fall off an a;, p-.e- Clear ha :it in the country' to-day there ace mothers m plain aero as. and shoes 'ash.-oaed on a to -gh. l«s by a sil.eoi.ia.fr at the end of the Ime rodi.m,r babies that are to oe the Hartm Lathers aid the Far-a iays and the Edusoas and tie Biamarete • and.the Gladstones an i the WasJklagtoas and the George WVtsiiei-is of the f 4 it ire. ; ibe longer t ive tile more I like cocoon on tolas. they do the world's work, bearing the w ; rid s hardens, weeding the worlds sympathies. nirrving the won t's toa.si.ia-! tl'.'n. A l:. .l.c iawers we see rise i i Srafiw Choate. <r i WUliaia Wirt, or aSam uel L. ioathari. h'it socle try would goto pieces to-morrow if there were 3',-t thoa •audis of ..'onunon iawysers to see that men -and women get their rights. A Valentine ! Ittott :r a W ..l.ird Parker rises a.:; eminent '.a. the meiiioal ?«i. , f , M«too. hut what an an touted i vsep would gneumooiii and .Jiph tueria and scartetl fever have in the world if it were aoc for ten the iaau i common ■ioctirsi The old physi'.'iaa in hi» g-g iriying up the lane of the :armh-M.se. :r ri'long :n l :*:.i ;a his medicines ,;i the -a»id,e-oags. arrt»ing m the amth !a > :f the fever, aa-i comJaig m to tats hold of the pulse of the patient. wh_e the famj y. sale v-c.h iniiecv" and .ooalng la and w-iu-iag it bus iecij-i.-'n in. regard to the patient, md henrmg him say. "Thank Gtjd. C have . mastered the sue. ae is getting weu '' ex cites ui me an admiration unite equal t-: Che mention of the names at. tile gr««.t metriipoiitaa doet -cs of the past or the j. i.sfctiou.s living men .-f the present. Yet; whan do we see in ai depan.meut.i' j People aoc satis/led with onEijiary spheres of work and ocltosury duties. Instead of; irytng t j see what they -:in L-: wich a hand 112 h.ve lagers, they -vnar six Lastea.i off usual endowment of twentv manaa. and . coa. addenda, they wanr twenty : JILT . A •erta.'.n amoiint of m-?nev fur llvelm■;*j»l_ and jt the supply utjpihi>»*t* whom we eave eh nd u» after v« havo departed tii.s i?e. ! s im oorcant ' f :r we have the leer, a.irilt.-rilrtf rsa J '.i,£ • tl<i chat pr-jviiletii aoc t-:r ujs . Wa. lild especially those ;f h s .'wn li.nise haftl. is worsts than an mil.lej. hue the iarg<» ami 'atliiious sours for which inanv i struggle, if ohtnined. wouiii he a hUaiteance rather than an a iivan ag-*. I'he uotiecies jjJ annoyances if chose whose sstutes 'lave oecome plethon.; ..ju on;y he told hy those who pose«tßß them. 1:: wii ii« a good thing when, t'lrongii your i<iu.scry anT BroupenCy.. you- can iwa the houdeiu which, you li ve. Euc suppose you ewu Hty houses, .ami you lave ail those rents to coilegt. iind. all those tenants to Suppt.-se Suppt.-se you tlune hr>mche<l out in uusineso successes iniiil in i*moei eTerv ll -eeciiia you have m>estmenx.s. TUe Oeil mug;? at nighs, jour-ash u.isuiir to ioun oat of the window, to m« It It U any ot your mills. Epidemio of erime comes, and there are embezzlements and absconding In all directions, and you wonder whether any ot your bookkepers will prove re creant. A panic strikes the financial world, and vou are like a ben under a sky full ot ! hawk-, and trying with anxious clock to get your overgrown chickens safely under Wing. After a certain stage of success has 1 been reached, you have to trust so many important things to others that you are apt to become the prey of others, and you are swindled and defrauded, and the anxiety vou had on your brow when you were earn : ing your first thousand dollars is not equal i to the anxiety on >our brow now that yoa have won your threa hundred thousand. P israeli says that a king of Poland abdicated his throne and joined the people, i and became a porter to carry burdens. And some one asked him why he did so, and he | repliedi "Upon my honor, gentlemen, the lead which I east "oft was by far heavier than the one you see me carry. The weighti est is but a straw when compared to that weight under which I labored. I have ! slept more in four nights than I have dur img all my reign. I begin to live and to be ; a king myself. Elect whom yoa choose, i As for me, I am so welt it would be madness | to return to court." | 4 "Well,''savs somebody, "such overloaded i persons ought to be pitied, for their worri ! meats are real and their insomnia and their 1 nervous prostration are goncine. I reply that they could get rii of the bothersome 1 surplus bv giving it away. It a man has more houses than he can carry without ; vexation, let him drop a few of them. If ! his estate is so great he cannot manage it wichout getting nervous dyspepsia from having too much, let him divide with those 1 who have nervous dyspepsia because they ; cannot get enough. No! they guard their sixth linger with more care man they did : the original live. They go limping with what they call gout and know 'not that, : like the giant of my text, they are lamed ! by a superfluous toe. A few of them by ! charities bleed themselves of this flnancial obesity and monetary plethora, but many of them hang onto the hindering super fluity till death; and then, as they are ooui ; celled to give the money up anyhow , in 1 their last will and testament they gener ! ousiy give some ot tt to the Lord, expect ing. no doubt. that He will feel very much obliged to them. Thank God that once in a while we have a Peter Cooper, who. own ing an interest in the iron works at Tren ton. said to Mr. Lester. ■ I do not feel quite easy about the amount we are maiing. Working under one of our patents, we nave a monopoly. w_ich seems to me something wrong. Everybody has to come to us for i it.and we are making money coo fast." S** they reduced the pri 'e. and this white oar philanthropist wis building Cooper In stitute which mothers a hundred institutes ' of kindness and mercy ali over tae land. Bat the world had to wait rive thousaii eight hundred years for Peter Cooper! I am glad for benevolent institutions that get alegi.-y from men wno during their life were as stingy as but who ' in their last will and testament bestowed money on hospitals and missionary socie ties. but fo-r such testators I haven: re | specs. They w:uli have taken every cent ■of it with them if they could and bought up half of neaven ani let it out at ruinous ' rent, or loaned the money to celestial ctti rens at two per cent, a month, and got a ' -'corner" on narps ani trumpets. They 1 lived tilth is world ifty aal years in the presence appalling suffering and want and made nb efforts for their relie'. Ice charities off such peoo.e are in the Paulop-.'st future tense, they are rotng to do them. Toe probability Is t uat if sn :h a one m his iast w„l by a donation to benevclent societies tries t. at'ne for his ! life-time close-tlsiedness toe heirs-at-law ; wi . try to break tae wtU by proving chat tae c.d man was seuus or crajy. and the 1 expense of the litigation will about leave m the lawyer's han is wiat was meant for ! the Bible Society. O ye :v*r-we.gated, suc resaful business men. whether this sermon i rea :u. y. u ear or your eyes, .et me say Chat ; if you ar* prostrated wit It anxieties about ' keeping or investing these tremendous j fortunes, lean tell y".u h:w vo-i can do ; more to gee your health back and your | spirits raised than by itrinting gallons ot | bai tasting water at Saratoga. Homourg. ■ Carlsbad Give to God. humility ani the Bib ,e tea per cent, of your income an! tt will make a new man ot you, and from : resti<« wi-imgof tie floor you saa.. have | eight hours s-.eer.-. without ths heio off ! bromide of potassium, an..': from, no apje : tite you wi„ hardly be able to await your regular meais. and your wan cheek wul CUi I a;:-, and when vou lie the b.essiagsot those wo . out for you won! i have perished will . ,om aJI over your grave Perhaps stoaie of you wil_ take this ad vi :e, but tfte moss of you will not. An i you wiU try to cure your st ea h.ani by getting on it store Angers, and your rheu matic foot by getting la tt more toes and there will be a sigh of relief wuen you are gone out of the w ocld, and when over your remains the minister rec-ies the wocis " Blessed are tile lead wa-o ie m the Lord persons who have a-een appreciation of the .l iicrous wiii hardly be a: ,e to aeep their ia.-es st.ra.gu:. du: whether m that -iirec tion my weeds do good or not £ am. anx ious that a.. who ha»« only .ordinary mutg men: be thankful for what th<»y aave and rightly emp-.oy iC. I think you in have, igurativ e.y as well .is Angers en. igh D o not long for hindering super fluities Standing in the presence off "this fallen giant of my text, and m this post *-. rtsin eaammataon of hum. et as .eara how much better oil we are with j jt tae ns'iai hand, the usual toot. You have thanked God for a thousand things, but I warrant you never thanked H. a for those two implements of work ani loco motion, that no one but the LaJlnitsaa i Omn-pocent God could have ever planned or ma ie—the hand and the foor Only that so.dier or that mecaa-iiC wao .n a battle, or thnough ma.:n;nery h.is 1 .sc them knows inyth.ig adenuarety about the.r value, ,-aa-i oolt tie . Christian set'statist can have any apprecia tion of what divine m isterpteces they are. Sir Charles Beii was so ;impri»ss<eii with the wondrous construction of the human h.ind that when the Eari of Brvige water gave forty thousand, dollars tor essays oa the wisdom and goodnass u-f God and eight books were written -jir Charles Beii wroce his entire book on the wisdom and goodness fGod as inspiayeu ta the haaiaa lan.i The twentv-saven bones in the hand and wrust with cartilages and liga ments -no pfeaianges of thus lagers all make jiusJi ready to anit, to sev. t.o build up, to puli io v-h. to weave, to write, to plow., to jo ami, 11 wheel, to battle, to give ieiKUitiy saliatation. Che tips of its Jagsrs •are so maay t.iiegraph offices by reason of their sensitiveness of touch. Uhe bri.iges, tli«e tuaneJs. t is cities of tae whole earth are the victories of the hand The hanis «e aoc iamb but often speaa is taetlaotiy as the lips. With our Hands we invite, we repel, we iavoae, we entreat we wring them m. grief, or clap them la joy. or j spread them, abroa.i in beaedn.rtioa. The •naUSonnadion of the giant's hand in the text gioctliits Site usual hand. IT uiiioned of God more cx;ulsiceiy and wooitoo'usly than my ftiaman mechanism that was ever con- ; trived. I chargt you to use it fur G»id and tile nftiag of the worid out ot its moral preiiicamsnc. Employ il ui tae sublime work of '.rosnei ian.lisoaa.ng !£ou cna see tta h.ind is just made for that Four lingers ju»c set rghc to touch your neighbors haaii on oc e side, .and your chum): set s<o us to ciench it oa the other side. Bv ali its bones imiioiats and muscles ani cartilages md ligaments the voice «112 Sarare jjrttis with the voiiie of i-i-)d commaniling you to shaits haads. "he :ustoin us as old us the Bible, I anyhow Jehu said BuJslloamlai) Is thine leant righc jus my heiart is with thina-heart? D1 t be. gr ve ;ne thine laad. ' When han.is join m ClLristln.il salutation a Gospel eiec trioity thrtlis acrtoss the pal.re from heart to i heart, and floom the shoulder .C ane co the shuulilei! it che other. liV fllruilui(p» ui Ciiniißim *Maiulc. Et isrep-irted that there has oeeu a shrink- i ige of over mil. Mill tn tile value of Ameri- ] an L' ihuiiua. s .Tmnm.m <n i..n A TEMPERANCE COLUMN. THE DRINK EVIL MADE MANIFEST IN MANY WAYS. The Man Whom It Dtdo't Hurt—The ••Beer-Can nine Indnetrj" A Sl*ht That Dishearten* the Temperance Worker—Mothers Who VUlt Saloon*. These goody-goody mortals," lie vehe- j mently declared. "Who never tasted liquor and who never j smoke or chew. Are always matin' efforts to get other people scared Atout the things tobacfo and strong | beverages do. | ' They say that stnokln's harmful—that it knocks the nerves ail out. And that chewin's just an awful thins inde.l; They say that whiskv's poison- rankest ' kind, without a doubt. But I've always drunk in reason and I also use the weed. ■ I've chewed aw3y for sixty years, and j I'm a smoker, too. I takes quid last thing a: night. before I goto twd; When I want a drink I take it. as a mans a right to do. And I'm jost as sound as ever, aal I've | just as clear 3 heal." Aai this was all the solemn truth: He j stood up. straight and strong. But there were yellow spots upon the ragged shirt he wore— -1 His ancient shanty swayed before each breeze that came along. And strip- of rastv leather served as hinges tor the door. —S. E. Kiser. iQ Cleveland Leader. Women in Saloon*. If there is one thing more than another calculated to disgust and dishearten the temperance worker it Is the sight of worn- . ec. in saloons—en .'there of families making periodical trips tor beer. Some of these women have the appearance of extreme i poverty, se ma.'l so that it is a puzzle to the observer how they *an afford money for drink. Some staii. boldly int > th-* bar room among drinking swearing men. as if en: nasoious that there ever existed sn -h a thing as wo'maniv modesty, while others *i:ak in and ©a: furtively, as though ashamed to be seen in such a place. S :me are old enough to be grandmother*, and others are yoring women upon whom the ha' it of drinking '.s ;ost beginning to fasten itse.f. There are many a -oas in Boston and ; other cities waich'coti i cot exist were it not for what is knows as ti-»ir -'caa" O-asi ness. In other w.ris but for the women, a number of drinking places would bare to close up for ia.-kof bcstMM to keep them ope-, becaise i: U the w:men mainly who are wspoas;' .s for what someone fa.-etijusiy termed tie 'beer-.-anning in dustry.' This is a as.»st deplorable state of af- j fairs That it does ek-st must be paten: to •ay city dweUer That its-;.;li t>: ex ist sftoutd o* the convict', a of every: a- Sacred Heart Eevfew. Soai? fi g a res. A writer ia tike Chicago Inter-«>»aa ■'ays Of all thefti.-vs in tie reform-set :oi at P-.atiar. lit.and tathe various refiraa tor.es aoout the city, ninety- lie :eat I are the childrea of paten - - wis ? died drink, or tecane criminals through til* sam- -ause. OS the insane :r defeated j <.-as*» Itsposed of. a moderate estimate is that ninety per .-eat ar* .-ansed :■>" a.'oh.- I saw estimated :ther lay that tier" wer* L>j.dest'.tuv boys :a Chicax: wi are not »on.'aed at a.l it are running a; Urw. I ti-.ak that it is a »»i . estimate Meiare sent;: jni ' r irunitecm -s» aid *a« Wws« .-•ft'i-ir fax, ies The warty .Lad poorhoase provide "• r - me It U a direct expense to tie rom aialty. Gen erally s-eaiing these families g>*: .• de struMton rhe boys turn out thieve*. and tie girls an I the i. -tiers general* resort t:■ sl-iois Tie s.vad-b.aggers murderers and thugs generally -f to~lay id «» prosecuted in tie police courts ml :rim tnal -'O'irts are the sons :f men who fei. victims t: drlat The percentage m thus ease Is I.v sixty-dve ;or rent. rTova. 3«»«s ti-» &E .< w aia altlcal'* ot i?OiJ !««: til? of t&-» «»a. is proa i o£ C«a< us mi frxn a -isizx of tiwf Th;s •:< T»W » SW utxisisut* is ititetiy •«i Am •jr. Ma." 3 vi. i:t a (iaaiil.y of '.onifn "vrtii itTiaip tlwr*. Ttl* **U»ty :a witi<!4 ti" »w a feaiit is oa# mi ■; wta* xai :*•; loa«r :a al. «•!■«« by Hills, AS ao *w(::fe -a* :? tatu xi-r»Oag liquet* las r'uwl Cot w*r fifty yi;iarj. swr* w aay •triaisiuKss ta ttw t-.-in Liii ptt.ioerisai xi i 'rijn<» »« nJaxost an.~ IWIIR-I of tix* TiiU#«rs. Tlwy lAP port i J'v-ft'of ns-? F*a.n» OS JH tai a aweary pa ju.; bat ♦} Litti* Lfei;fatioix to .ar rw«i oa t'iat ao ..inrytc iaa bf*a it if to a lina£ :Ser*. S<iT Yocic Uribiuw. X.O. %pp«iaX c» sli« Sal.hjci. * »pevaj{l<ui Rupmbli'jia «ay»: Th»» Cooi w'x : Lasists -a irai-ix vtcltik* rn- Dira-iii ''.'i'i'fr is alr*a.iy ia wi-l-Mb:!* ta tM» -try. A: l*<a*n sir: costss wnt» ofo ■mrttHi :a Sariffcty aiifii: of S«f«;oat • ®-»a viio a.ui inna broatfixi: aa-i-ft tlx* LaiJiumuM of ti<vaoc by elwir i:oaxpiaaioas. rtwrf aotfi jjp wocs« toe tiw n-fa ia :~*bi :".4Cfii '(Mr * tllaai aay la-iilirttw* :t tins kiflji aa-i site «i-s>.'c. itwpifps of eliite '!ity Jttoai'i Sarr-* tix® m.aa- ! iiooii t: ntiae to bm;oai>» pu«a>»» la stu» «o« of 'irimiaai uini'tatpitfim. .Lut d<*ay HJTUOP CO pairct»« :£ CLIIS tiaii. M u'•'> * l\£ t'jniy«fc*fcct*. 3 . '-.Lrj.i iiiis mtffi>)as cocai ab»tia«ia':i; »o «i<tsi<is *ir rii i:v law aa ajppwifats o< above iwt.mm awmossk TIXHW 'i» oa«» sn-m n:i:wtv inioax sil* :C Ctr»<!llt Cai- . varsity wilicfi. »v«a years i^o. I.L.i oaiy ! s« r«a tn<fijiA«a», irHiifi aow b.u <&v<faty H'jtliuui lias liso sca£t«>i a a)3stia'*a<:« «o<n«ty a.-noax mxiiixial m« vitli a ntun btißsiUfl: of fifty toe j. beg'jLQiag S«t« iwt ct« Cmtsuii<«~ r'A-» vti:iiisoa K:ULI tiliaits taat ' 7i!>*a a TI.LI wttto !i;is iis looacry tpscs ii-j v urf irriaJi lw is is bi4f a is aayboily." Wi Itiiarx 'rom a siwc.fit o£ cixs 4at<wt<«iaa «'u!ptoc. J .wi-s i£. Eaily, cix.in tfiis <•«!«- njtttoe. milo lias >«« a Mijlrtit iunr ftiii'H fiisKi. ciaa ux DBoaau .tad axajrbie, " is a prtunniai o£ wnapanaa^i*. ONRT •?{ OAJRWTIMNXXII LIOARNMPUCJARI'W «Tl aLiaßiw tiliii: pnocirt a.tvi; n;>inn t^l. ilHil. liHI ji VT4m noatiis (or b>«r aioat? Ct ;i!xi;ns tiiitt Mfrr sofiai; ■fjpitns« to c!i« punpiK od CLXIJ :ity BJCIIHUIJES is iSM.iIUU.iiUI) a Y»iar Einploy'frs ir'f ca.jrM aa.il axoc; ta f'nuir" jtriut foon-tcy a cii« pure of tfi« ! m-jn v!]<: lo cixnir w;rlt. Ciiiit oaly tlxas ::aa f:ut.'Lftxi aail so»ii -wrvins b» liaii. Clto v;tlun <)t ai3sciaim'!« Cpxn. linnoc is pmHiiaps I'.'C nutiirmibin ta a i.iy or ta. a y-iixx. But •♦vita ijx a 'luinpiuririMniy jttoet 1 timw tiiß ntr<»i!E if t«nrpt»r:aa>!<» <i.poa a nun. bodi spintiuiliy uxil iiuilily. will iiiiJti? it- i »«*!' lapparmxi: to tiiomt w'io iiavu uy«s to ] T!lt«r>» ia plenty of lliair-spiittiaif is tit I vuir is LaCoxjcaCiaif lirinJa aait »!iat is dot. . Bitot ■Hil'Mt rv'Vf foe oub wiiii ixas ioniits ! •ilimic ia r«rt:tia toilJl is M til Binuili it. an i n;u:tKc Till- mys m is ':all rijiftc.'' TtxinJj if aad "roi?ciu« tliis pxiu: La msh of louftt. ! : luu t. • Five Dollar* Postage For Lctlera. W. F. Bailey contributes an article to the Century on "Tha Pony Ex press," from St. Joseph, Mo., to San Francisco. Mr. Bailey says: The letters, before being placed in the pockets, were wrapped in oiled silk to preserve them from moistare. The maximum weight of any one mail was twenty ponnds; but this was rarely j reached. The charges were originally j So for each letter of one-half ounce or ; leas: but afterward this was reduced ' ! to $2.50 for each letter not exceeding j one-half ounce, this being in addition ■ | to the regular United States postage, j ! Specially made light-weight paper was j j generally used to reduce the expense. Special editions of the Eastern news- ! papers were printed on tissue-paper I to enable them to reach subscribers on > the Pacific coast. This, however, was more as an advertisement, there be ing little demand for them at their ! necessarily large price. The King of Bells. The two biggest bells in the world are the one in Moscow and the one at j Mengoon, Upper Burmah. TLe ; former is the bigger, but it is cracked, while the latter is in working order. The weight of this hnge bell is about ninety-eight tons, the circumference ! at rhe base being fifty-one and one half feet, and at the top twenty-six feet. It averages over a foot in thickness and is over twelve feet high. The bell was east about the beginning jf the century by King Bodawpayn as an accompaniment to the huge brick pa goda which he never finished. It is said to have been cast on an island and raited across. >"0 proper means yet exist for striking the b«U. bat when hit with a heavy piece of wood it gives ont a deep vibrating boom. The Icoffen*!ie Barclar. Householders, particularly tkey of the weaiter sex, wbt'j Live in perpetaal terror of burglars, will be pleased to read a reassuring statement m the September Pall Mall Mazaziae. to the effect that only ta one instance ont of every 33ii burglaries is violence i offered to the inmates of a burgled house. Moreover. a.s more than one , third of all convicted borglars are youths between the ages »>f sixteen ani twenty-one. the average burglar may not be so formidable a person as he may be pictured by the startled imagination of a householder wflo is preparing to "'go downstairs" at three o'clock a. m. The.>.[«* Ring of cb« Lester*. Harry and Ethel, twins, aged £ve reside in Cincinnati, an I are descend ants of a soldier gran iiather. Dur ing the recent Grand Army er..:aiap ment held there a banner with the let ters G. A. R. was displayed on the house opposite their home. "I wonier what those tetters stand for?" asked Ethel. ••Why." replied Harry, "it means that gran'pa s ail right. '—Philadel phia Inquirer. U1.4 <ab««njrti»e. One morning a gentleman called ap ; on Poizg'as Jerrotd to solicit a sub scription on behalf of a mutual friend ia want of money "'Weil." sail Jerrcld. "how taach does Smith -vans this simef" "Why. just :':ir and two naaghts will. I think, put him straight.' "Very weiL"* answered -J err old, ' put me down for one of the naughts tills time —san Francisco Argonaut .1 T«» w i o 112 CinfvW. The town m England best provided with places of worship is the ancien* one of Bochiale where there are Ifcl churches ani chapels Fifty belonj to the Church of Engiani an i ninety dve to the Xou Conformists. A G-Lamn A pLoac2£r!iCii is tzjl*it ici use at the Paris Exhibituia of 190€ which us etpe<:se«i to be of suSciear dimensions to be heard by 10.000 per sons. A laifbkac. Fnint.'.:<*• Jlf.c.i. Eariy :a Xivemhar. IStWi. says Frana Long,who Liv«» near Leaaso. L£i:h. -JO. starting to ap from ti>* dinner taaie, I was taaea with a gain la my huca. Tie pain and! was :hi.ged to taie Is my bmL The physician wao m Btmn ondd prjQoujitied my citse m iscn ,ar rh.eiiai:irism a.!t!ocipiuaieil by i'-imMg" He rive axe remed-ess iad ixiiecteii moe:: xiae into 311 arm to euaa the pa.i. My iiseifcse} gsaaiuaiiy baiiarae worse on tii £ thought thiit death would he weicoai« reieiise from my Besides aj ' rsgaiiir p&yswuwi £ also coostuted an ;cher' bat aa ga«e me no entiotusMeemanc. <'ht V«ti.'i;iui Cjf 111. .'lit £ iv:uj dually induced through rea-i.ag s<)ine ,u!<!onac» ia the reirird io«r t!w woQjiacf'i cares wrcughc }y Dr William*-' Plait PUia foe Paie People, to trj j tilem. E took, this piii* to iirei: tlon« mdi si>oa heir-ta to nonce Lngco-we meatia my 'oiuiirinn. Sefocithe irsc UO3 w;w aaed £ could x«t aoour tile house, and after nsta;f :It* ho.tes was entirely cured ■ • stiice chut time t lave Belt no reenru of . til» riieamane poiiis. £am coaJldeat thar Dr. Wlllituns Plnii Pills saweil my life and £ try to induce my Crienils v-*o ire siuit r, ; try Che same remedy. £ wtil .till tly aas-.ver ; laniiiriuscunoerninjr my siititaese m>i won- JtetUtiraaw, jpovuled scunp is emiiiiseit fat | regiy. t [THoim ; Sworn, toi i)e£or» me 'it Ueniue. Mic.il. tilie | Istil lay of April !d!». St. 3. <4««uJ*arrTir. tifill# t The Etarnal Cycle. 1 A friend bands in the following, j calling it "Perpetaal Motion." The 1 more yon read it and think of it, the more there seems in it: "The dock eats the worm, The man eats the dock. The worm eats the man. The duck eats the worm." —Akron Beacon Journal. . The skeleton of a man was an- i earthed recently near Elkwood, Ind., j with an Indian arrow imbedded in the jawbone. Follow It I'p. Sit down and coo! off srsddenly. and then j regret It, forstiffness aad soreness Is bound I to follow. Follow it up with St. Jacobs Oil ! :\nd you will haven )thinK to regret from a ' prompt cure. The Wyoming wool clip this yearweighed 14,000,000 pounds. Beaatr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. So beauty without it. Cascaretst, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy hver and driving ail im purities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, ind that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug, fats, satisfaction jjuaranteed, I'JC, £SC, 5>K. Germany Imported ♦22.300,00') worth of 1 petroleum last year. I)ea?nw» Cannot B< Cured oy local appl .-ations, as they cannot reach the iisease«l portion of the ear. Tten' Is only one * ay to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remeiii-s. L> afness :• caused 'OS- an n- , tamed condition of tte mncon lining..; the Enstachian Tube. Wh»a this tiiOe £-'• in * med y.xi have a rnmi>t,n< -I.rind or imper fect hear-lsi. and *hen it 1- <* tirely c.i—e>i Deafness i the result and the 1 niam nation •-..•in be taitea out and this tub" re *tore«i to its normal :or.diti -n.hear.nj vtU be iestro,- *i i,r vtr. Nine --a.se- • c". of nen are lauseil by catarrh, which is nothing 'tis at n- We wtllsr ; ve t>ne Hund ed I>iiia-- for any *■llll TT H 1 n 11 « that Cat- : not be cared by Halt's atarrh t ere. -en.l for cirealarsi. 112 rev. F S. A Co To' -dx, O. Hail's Fam .y Pili s ire the best. There are about ?-.!0 female blaiksmith in Great Britain. Special Rates Tii- - itherr. Railway j rates to A -b- ...le. S. 1 .. a. ; .0 o J >! -.. .a. As«s :a:i in Mississippi Vai.ej. Vi-h. vtlte. Tenn.. '>-ti>ber lltb to Ittb; CTlri-- ran rhurrh. t'/onffention. HK.tober Lkh to list. F-j * f-... par-'.': ..i:< a . ■ r A.Mr u --. Ale:: - Tiweatt. E.««"..-rn Passenger A,*eit. XI Bro<»i N'ei» Tort. Bai.ey's Mistake is tie tame if a post ■ ffi.ee in i£ain->. Cnre Coa-*:i3n'.ion Ctite Cascarets Candy Caskmie ioc orSc If C C. C. fait 10 .-rre. .irmajisss refnnii money rtte loftiest eaff :-a the ■ ;..v«t of Enr at 1 U Beaciiy Hea i. heixit itie feet To Care A Col l la Oot D-ay. Take Laxative Brocic it.line liicii .-. sts re 112 1 nil m*i ney 1 f.faixs to c ire. -I*- Great Brttun srenis n to:ac. ai.l ~ i;es aooot S"; iKO BSG ereiy year. Edscace Tom Bowels W;-h Caseareta Candy Cathartic, cure cnn.sttpii."..cn ' ■e - Mc. 2c. If CCC fail, dru«rj»ss re find m.:ne j 3® : ja recognition ta J ipan. " Mrs. WSns.ow-*a«aotiMng - :r-: > for oiliiiren tii* ifttßt*. rcii'loiM A-jjkfi pifcia. *ni'i ir l staia««i La v-xr. :»ii ;■■:! :r- %aioag lile Kill n. TAPE WORMS "i Uf« worn eighteen feel lent at jtaat :ame ;n -.he scene aiser 1? -.a*:jig :*c CA.S<-'aiJlT*?. rh.s I am >ii.-e iaa caused x. 7 3a! lea. 1.1 .'at -.he ;ajii snree years. 14mam . laiing Caacarets. the «n.y tashartx worthy if jy skos. : jh pe.iple G«o W Bowl» Ba-rd. Maja. ATHwmc um < «mm tnmmrmtu 1 fMatkur.. P*vlu.r, < 4jLt». nHtt. r-wr-* Cunt He ir;i:iX. Wfiui*u. sr (*rw. Sir.. J&u. jUg. CURE COMSTIPATIOW. ... trurtliMf laamtT t—mmr. 112 mi toil_zmu?Mcmnt if Irij- I • rflata -w Ciftl ?'jQai!cn HOAL-.. 6 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS Payablefetai-aaaaally a: cae Globe Trnst Co. T Chicago, 111. TSiese boa'is are a first raoitgage apoo the entire pLaa;. baildiazs, land and other property of an Industrial Company located close So Chicago. The Company has been established for many years., is well known and doing a large and increasing business. The officers of the Company are men of high reputation, esteemed for their honesty and business ability. They haTe made great a success of this business that the bonds of this Company are rarely ever offered for sale. A tew of these bonds came into our hands during the hard times from parties who had purchased them aeieral years ago. We offer them ia issues of fIQO.QO each for $30.0) and accrued interest. For security and a large interest rate these Industrial Bonds are recommended as being amony the best. Firat-oLwa ioa.li and MOUHSM af ail '<*- **+ bougli: aad sold. Kendall A Whitlock, Bankers and Brokers, U Flac*. Tori*. SAPOLIO Is Like a Good Temper. "It Sheds a Brightness Everywhere," I Sffini to G«l Ripe. | One complaint scorns to get ripe In au -1 tamo, and that is neuralgia. To sooth* ■ the pain, strengthen the nerves and rid the system of it, ase St. Jacobs Oil, the test known care. The maximum annual rainfall at Manila is 102 inches, the minimum 82. Drat Tataen B»it ia4 Saatc Taar life 1 way. ' ' To quit tobacco easily and foreTer. be ma*. ' aetic. fnll of life, nerre and vigor, take No-To ■ Bae. the Winder-worker. that makes weak men nrocf. All druggists, 10c or H. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Ariinaa . Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago cr New York The parchment of the test " anjos Is male I ot wolfskin. iMlrAT^Q^Lf^ THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FlfiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and <skill with which it U manufactured by scientific processes known to the CAUFOESIA FIS Sratrp Co. only, and we wish to impress opin ail the importance of purchasing the true 2nd original remedy. As the jenaine -Syrtrp of Pigs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIO CO. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in a raiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALX FORSM FIG Srht'p Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Symp of Fi*rs has giTen to million..: of families, make* the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in adrance of all other laxatives, a.* :t acts on the kidneys, liTir an.: bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it d.jes not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial efiicts. please remember the name cf the .oi~. z&iny rU.IFORVIA FIG SYRUP CO. « IA C«L L#n%Trmz. tf. SEW TORS:.. jf. r. JOHNSON'S HAPPY PILLS. ftie titulary o( |OI< NKON ft i»rx foi M.lmia, Chill* «<ut K«y»r,aM l-ivn Com l>laii>lelo it 11 1 >,* i « I1 c I fit til the toltlirtta »*c «» lit* TMKY CURK. NOMt UCUHY. THE HAPPY MEDICINE CO.. Wr=i Np* Biightim, t ! . I . Ilcmiigli .'I Rli'tiuu nil N, y. --PATENTS kr~--.rnr*tt i*n ••jut: c frinati »*»%&.■♦, V<. AI..E :r". liN". lrn>un * rtocu*7 * - 1 " vi v >• V DROPSYSJSSE s :m«m. J«ail «r l.w.a »112 rMiiiniii.t,a *u-t O 1* irerwc Frg< >ll >1313 i fOfl A .**£*. «• Ttitß«tMßJvgvwi».i;;.K^ • xonaiv ~ lln*rr*r.«ti pru* >-•*-. inr u r.tt7 *muhnn • ~W'. uuuutJ ikz ■*: r.: ~li»* 1 •riujiti K:n-a.; v* N 3 '.t.i V l>« O ."«ry„: »• "-ii" J iaa .mim iatft if. *. /■• - * 1 r*-i a«:r !i*n*tlT.. Smrf »• •n*.n.: ftxpaaM^ T« Tlioasjswa's £vt Wiitt pi 2n«r. ..nii|!x-rnu. raaws C« UU m limn. S'.ul -iw .tpuimita. *#*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers