Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING -^_Company, Chan. P. BiUamboz, AcrentS. D. H. Lorah, " SONESTOWN PA FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF DU SHORE, PKNNA. CAPITAL - " gO.OOO. SURPLUS - " SIO,OOO. Doea a General Hanking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M - "■ SSN . President. ( GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHEK, Prop. Warm meals ami lunches at nil hours, Oysters and game in season. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected witli the Commercial Hotel. First-class llorses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE TIIOS W. BEAIIEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been reccntlv"l^j" 1, furnished throughout i nivt ,ij ni r public. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. TIIOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop- LAPORTE PA. This largo and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this Motion HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, < v > " SHUNK, PA. W. E. POUTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEI'E, Proprietor. DUSIfORK, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Ri.tes 1 .00 dollar per day. Large Stiibloß* Professional Cards. J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining countieß LAPORTE, '>A £ J. MULLEN, Atto r n e y-at-La w. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. YY M P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of estates and other legal business will recent prompt attention. I J. BRADLEY, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, OFFICE IN COUNTV BUILDING NKAKCOUUT lIOUSB. LAPORTE, I>A Momlay ol'eacli week at Forksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNEYB'»AT"LAW, OFFICES7I4-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. l&J So. 12tli Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office' of 'I lilted \States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNKY^AT-LAW: OPPICK IK,PUBLIC BUILniNd COURT HOUSK SynAltK. LAPORTE, PA. J # H. CRONIN, NOTARY PUBLIC. orrica ox MAIN RTRCRT. DUSIIORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Coimllpatlon Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or'Jf>c If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money Educate Your Bowel* With Cuacaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure conntipation forever. 10c, 28c. It C. O. C. fall, druggists refund money. ? Cleaning House <> Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and lind that J 112 we are overstocked with i LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST I d EAR RINGS, SETS, ✓ J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ N IX7K HAVK filled one sliow ease with tliein and will close them out \ J W at one-lialf or less flian (lie regular |irice« lor cash. II vou are in need ot anything in the assortment it will pay you to look them otcr. We also have a lot of second-hand watches that we will sell 112 112 Respectfully, etc., J y BETTENOTJRY, \ DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / (7aU< * f 4 4 The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy fiardware ... . "£*£•* $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High . . Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade ;y\ Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully Wood rims, I Reversible rIS Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, Guar- I 2 piece crank hang s|sf Detatchable sprocket • anteed M <**• Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars. Saddles, Bells, Locks, Brakes. I'eddlea, Cranks. Kiwis. Tires, hoth single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple • Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Harbed Wire, Nails. Poultry Netting. Milk Pan-, and Pails. Harden Tools. Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done l>y competent workmen. Write for prices or give us u call wlienevcr in need of Hardware. Qolcs* Hardware^ DUSHORE, PA. % MM THIS SPACE RERERVED FOR n.A.Rogers & Son., PA. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER (i, 1898. Bernice Echoes. The Noble Outcast way played, at i Lope/, Wednesday evening under l the auspices of the Citizens' Military j Hand of this place, to a crowded house. The band joined the com pany and an excursion train was run to lticketts and return. The play was repeated again at this place in the K. of L. Hall Thursday evening. The hoys have met with good suc cess. Edward Line and wife of Pittston, are visiting his parents I Ton. and Mrs. J. S. Line of this place. \V. 11. Plight is putting a boiler and engine in ins meat market to furnish power to grind meat. When completed it will be one of the finest plants in this section of the State; The following from here atten ded the Towanda fair: Mrs. Joseph' llelsman, Mrs. It. 11. (iuy, .Airs. 11. Hampson, Mrs. <i. E. Daughcrty, Mr. and Mrs. 11. \Y. Taylor, Messrs. Julius Vogel, ('has. Hurst, 1). Purk, N. Cunningham, E. Rexford, W. May, A. White, Samuel Hurst,Thos. Wright, J. S. Taylor, Mrs. William Barlew, Mrs. John Harvey. Mrs. Martin Wright,who has been visiting friends inScrnnton, returned home Saturday evening. Miss Katie Cunningham of .Mil dred and Mr. Frank Murphy of Shincrsville,were united in marriage at the St. Francis church by Rev. J. A. Enright, Wednesday evening, September 28, at ">:!{<>. The bride was attended by Miss Nellie Haley and the groom by Mr.Robert Mctiec. After theccrcmony the happy couple left on the train for Buffalo and the Falls amid showers of rice and good wishes of their many friends. I'pon their return they will reside at this place. The ITKM ex tends congratulations. Miss Ella Cahill, who has been j | visiting friends at Uenoldsville and returned ■-'••n - day. The following from here went to New York on the excursion Satur day: U. 11. (iuy, Harry Hampson, Ed Manix and son, Thos. Finan,Jas. F. (Jilligan, John Kinsley, John Howies, Carl Klintgart,Lewis Thurs ton, Wm. Alley, (ieorge Morter, Wm. Hrown, Wm. Parr, David Hutherford, Mrs. John Hrogan. Hernice vs I Inshore crossed bats |on the Dushore grounds Saturday, and the drubbing that the Jierietc predicted did not come the right side lof the fence. Now we know that Fred is a good foreteller of weather forjudge on peppermint drops but he can't tell a ball player when he sees one. If he could he would nev er predict a drubbing for our boys l>y the Dushore team. Why the Dushore team couldn't even catch a cold if a ball player threw it at them. When the smoke of Saturday's bat tle cleared away the score stood 2,'l to (i in favor of Hernice. That's the drubbing they got. Friday evening there was a neck tie party held in the K. of L. Hall by tlu' young men of town. There, was a large crowd present and a good time enjoyed by all. The music was by llobt. Mathews and daughter of Sayre, and Prof. James Rutherford of this place. C. K.Jackson the popular landlord attended the Dallas fair last week. Miss Maggie Cadden of Dushore, visited friends at this place Saturday. Dr. Christian of Lopez was shak ing hands with his many friends at this place Friday. Edward Hrown of Montana, is visiting his brother William. Dushore. —Dr. Nutt of Williamsport was called here on Monday to perforin an operation on Miss Hanniway i'or appendicitis. —Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Farrell are visiting their son in New Hampshire. —Thos. Pealer, father of Charles Fealer of this place, died on Friday last at the age of eighty-four years. Funeral on Monday. —Mrs. P. Tuhach of this place died on Sunday at the age of fifty-two. Inter ment took place on Wednesday. The remains of Harney Dunne ol Albany Twp. were brought here lor burial on Sunday. Mr. Dunne was well known through this section, having been engaged in business here about twenty-five year* ago. Court Proceedings. The second week of the regular September term of courts (civil list) convened at the Court House, La porte, on Monday, September 2<i,'9B, at 2 p.m. Hon. I]. M. Dunliam, President, and the Hons. John S. Line and Conrad Kraus, Associates, on the Bench. The list of traverse jurors called. The trial list was then called over and disposed of as follows: Mitchell; Young & Co. vs A. J. Ilackley; certified case. Continued. James McFarlane vs W. C. Mason; certified case. Continued. A. ('. llaverly vs Benj. Kuyken dall. Continued by agreement of parties; ordered at the head of list for 1 h'cember term. Merritt Shaffer vs Josephine Fitz patric; Feigned Issue. Jury called. After case had been opened, the Court ordered a jury withdrawn,and certified this ease for trial to another Judge. A. L. Smith vs Robert McEwen. Case settled by agreement tiled. Durwood Saddlcmcyer vs Lope/, Mfg. Co. Jury called and case on trial. After plaintiff had closed their case, defendant's counsel moved for a compulsory lion suit, which after argument, was granted, with leave to the plaintiff to move the Court in /xincx to take off the same. Martin Mercle vs K. V. Ingham; certified, continued. F. M. Lewis vs J. W. Ballard; certified, continued. James McFarlane vs Josiali Hem bury Deft., and Henry McGibbens and John <i. Scouten Terrc '/bxuits. Jury called, case tried. By direction of the Court jury find as follows: "Non suit as to Tern- Tenant* and judgment against Josiali Hem bury for $211.91. Viola Jennings vs Geo. 11. Moore. Settled by agreement of p;ir.,t> on terms filed. Russel Karnsvs Harry Paulhamus. Jury called, case tried. Vertlict for I'lff. for WSt. This was tin action brought to recover rent for si house at Lake Mokoma that plaintiff alleg ed the defendant rented from him on March 1, 1H97, for one year. F. A. Tomlinson vs Jacob A. Meyers and Wm. 1. Taylor. Contin ued bv agreement. John W. Buck vs .John and Win., Defts., and Hush J. Thomson and Geo. ('. Jackson, Gar nishees. The attachment in this case discriminated and withdrawn as to llush J. Thomson by agree ment. The argument list was disposed of as follows: Potter vs !{eeser,'contilined;Mosier vs lleeser and Bates, continued; Cherry School Bist. vs F. Midden dorf, el il, continued; Tlios. ,J. Ing ham vs Joseph R. Walburn, rule discharged; Henry Hunsinger vs L. V. R. R. Co., continued; F. Mitten dorff vs L. V. R. R. Co., continued; Overseers of Poor of Cherry Twp. vs Executors of James Fitzsinunons deed., continued; Dennis Dorsey vs Ann Lewis and Albert Lewis, to be submitted on briefs within ;10 days front Sept. 28, 1898; Overseers of Poor of Davidson Twp. vs Overseers of Poor of Muncy Creek Twp. Ly coming Co., rule to pay cost, argued and C. A. V. In re: Estate of Fdward Sharp, deed., rule for attachment, contiued. Tlk> following aliens presented petitions for admission to citizenship and after being examined by the President Judge, were duly admitt ed and sworn in open court: Jose]ill Cooper, Laporte,and Anthony Rosh, Dushore. Sheriff Swank after due proclama tion, acknowledged the following deeds poll in open court: To A. Walsh for two lots in Cherry Twp.; Dennis Palmatier for two lots in Davidson; Mary Watts for 200 acres in Fox Twp.; John <i. Scouten for two lots in Cherry Twp. Ransom Thrasher, Treasurer of Sullivan county, also conies into open court and acknowledges 40 deeds to various parties for portions of the lands sold at tax sale at the June sale 1898. 1.25 Per. Year Number It Emma M. Boyd vs Win. H.Taylor and Lizzie F. Taylor. On hearing petition and on motion of counsel for l)efts. a rule is granted on the I'lff. to show cause why the writ of Sci Fas. issued in this case should not he quashed. Returnable Nov. 10 IKOK, at 1 o'clock )). in- F. I'. Vincent vs ('. S. Mosier. Judgment in open court in favor of plaintiff, and against defendant for want of an appearance; amount to he ascertained by the Prothonotary. John W. riynn vs C. E. Yorks. Judgment for plaintiff in open court for want of an appearance. Dora I*. Beitler vs Tlios. Beitler, Sadie Swisher vs Frank Swisher, 11. IJ. Lonshay vs Addlent Lonshay, decrees of divorce granted in each case. Mary E. Wheeler vs Grant Wheeler in divorce. The Sheriff is directed to make publication in this case. Mary I>. Walburn vs Frank W. Walburn. ('has. Schock, .J. P., ap pointed Com. to take testimony. I eta E. Berthalf vs Win. J. Bert half. An alias subpoena in divorce i> directed to issue. T. F. Rolason and 11. E. Metcalf vs Anna <i. Hill and B. F. Hill, her husband. Judgment is directed to he entered in favor of plaintiffs, for want of an appearance; amount to be ascertained by the Prothonotary. •J. 1). Rhodes vs 1T. .1. Mercur. Judgment in open court ill favor of plaintiff for want of an appearance. <>n petition of citizens the court appoint Julius Lusch, Herman Belli and E. S. Chase, viewers to view and lay out a public road from Big Bot tom in Forks twp. to Cherry Mills in ('herry twp. The report of viewers vacating a road in Shrewsbury twp. near M. Taylor's. Confirmed. The W. A- N. B. R. R. Co. v# W. E. King; report of viewers assessing damages- Continued. The following matters were con firmed A" Si viz: Acct.of Emily E. Andrews, Admrx. of John 11. An drews deed.: Mary E. Kline,Adnirx. of I'atroclus Kline deed.; A.J. Brad ley, Admr. of C. B. Miller deed.; A. IJ. Smith Garnishee of Emma C. Bentield; M.and L. 11. Baffin Exor. of Joseph Baffin deed. Also the following widows appraisnients: In the estates of Solon Haveiiy and Win. W. Boyle. The above will be confirmed absolutely by the clerk of the (h'phans' ('ourt unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten days. And th<> following were confirmed absolutely: Sale of real estate of Win. F. Smith deed, and Elizabeth Ship man deed. hi re: Mortgage of real estate of Alfred Taylor deed, ordered con tinued until next term. Jeremiah Deegan vs Hannah Far roll. All proceedings and matters returnrble at this term, continued and made returnable Nov. 10, lsits. Sherwood B. Davidge vs J. T. Forbes Deft, and the Farmers' and Mutual Home Fire Ins. Co. Garni shees. Judgment in open court against Garnishees for the sum of $(>80.92 amount admitted to be in their hands; an Atty. fee of $lO allowed counsel for Garnishees. L. S. Burcli A- Co. vs Josiali Ilein bury Deft, and J. C. Bobbins and J. G. Scouten: Judgment is directed to be entered against Josiali Hem bury and J. <i. Scouten for want of an affidavit of defence, unless a good and sufficient affidavit be tiled within ."> days. Davidson Twp. Overseers vs Muney Creek Twp. Overseers. Ad ditional bill of costs in this case i* allowed to be filed. Kate (Juigley vs Ellis Swank. The Stenographer is directed to trans cribe the notes of testimony and charge of the Court in this case and file same of record. And now to wit: Sept. l!H, 1 Hits, at I o'clock p. in.the several courts of Sullivan county stand adjourned until Thursday, Nov. 10, 1 Si»S, at noon. Rodney A. Murcer, Esq. of To wanda, W. E. Crawford, Esq. of Hughesville, ami Walter E. Ritter, Esq. of Willianisport, were the non resident attorneys who had business before the Court at this term.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers