Republican News Item. THURSDAY, SKIT. 1, 1898. r not abound to any great extent J # in Sullivan County, 112 + So that there # j is But Little $ £ Scepticism £ about the Value of J j. ITtem £ As a Profitable # labvevtfsuiQ ' | flDebUun v J #Read it, Your neighbor does.£ Don't borrow. County Seat Indices. AND GLANCES AT THE TIMES. Oh for a breath from winter's frapped short'. —Prof. L. L. Ford and family have returned to Philadelphia. —V. J. Braeknian, of Piatt, was a business man in town on Monday. —Hon. E. P. Ingham and family left tor Philadelphia on Wednesday. —Holland is now like a good many men. She is bossed by a woman. It was a red, white and blue .Monday for Williamsport,labor day. —No doubt many house-wives always find a good deal of labor on wash day. Miss (iraee Lawrence visited with friends in Nordmont over Sun day. —Thos. E. Kennedy and family attended camp meeting near Benton last week. Miss Anna Bealien returned home Saturday, after a year pleas antly spent in Virginia. —Mrs. Phoeba Magargel ofSones town, attended the funeral of A. L. Grim at this place Tuesday. It is rumored that a marriageable young couple in town will soon be mustered into service. —Outsiders who don't understand, must think we are very fortunate in having only one labor day in a year. —Atty. and Mrs. F. 11. Ingham are enjoying a summer outing on the lakes and with friendsjn Buffalo. The morning train on the W.A X. B.,Monday, carried over :>no passen gers to Halls en route to William- j sport. —Mrs. Scott uml (laughter, .Mrs. Freeman, of New York, are sojourn ing in town for a few weeks as guests of Mrs. N. ('. Maben. In spite-of the fact that several of our citizens celebrated Labor Day in Williamsport, lots of us remained at home anil labored the same as ever. —Married, in the parlor of the Commercial Hotel, by Kev. J. A. I'atton, Mr. Emory M. Schock and Miss Gertrude Heahm, both of Rick etts, Pa. —Lawrence Bros, have commenc-J IHI work on the new addition being attached to Gallagher's hotel. The large proposed hotel on the corner will not be erected. —Friends and neighbors of I'roth. Win. J. Lawrence at this place, art more than glad to see him in the field for re-election; it will be a pleasure, irrespective of party, to cast a vote for him. A Bible conference will be held in the M. E. church at Laporte, com mencing on Thursday afternoon, September s, and continuing for one week, or longer if proper interest is manifested. These conferences will by' followed by special services each evening. Every body welcome. —Joe Cooper, a young man who has been identified with the clothing interests in town for the past few weeks, has decided to locate here permenantly and has rented the Kraus building, next door to Galla gher's Hotel. Joe is a young man of good habits and excellent business ability. We are pleased to learn of Ids activity and progress,and bespeak for him the encouragement he merits from all who wish to promote local enterprise. —"I have taken tin* XKWS ITI:M ever since it was iirst published," said a prominent resident of tin county the other day to tin: editor. That is a good mrouiiiicudation, ibi he is a man who wouldn't buy any thing: that isn't worth its price. —September is licit* and the Sulli van county fair is on the way, the dates being tin* I, •"> and (I of October. To make the exhibition a success everybody must do something, and the way to do it is to get at it. Don't put it off. Hegin now to send in entries. This will help the secretary and save you trouble. —Our graded school with three departments opened 011 Monday, under very promising' auspices. Prof. 31. I*. (iavitt, Misses Charlotte Miller and Mary I>onovan enter up on these duties, and with increased facilities great success can be expect ed this term. The enrollment shows, :i4, advanced; 2X, intermediate; :!<J, primary. —There is astir in county politics. The Prohibitionists are in the Held with their candidates, the Democrat ic ring have listed theirs, and this week the Republicans put their men in the field. The questions this fall in regard to candidates w ill not be concerning the party they belong to, but solely in reference to honesty, sobriety and integrity. There are rascals in every party ; there are honest men in all parties. The party that presents candidates who are true Americans, honorable, capable and sober men and who by their records have proven they are such will he the candidates the people will support. Look up (he untarnish ed records of the gentlemen on the Republican county ticket. They are all, the people of the people, and the peoples' choice without a shadow of a doubt. FokSai.h: A young Jersey cow. fni|iiire of Win. J. Lawrence, L:t |iorte, I'ii. JLef't-lfuntied Aiiimuln. It. is well known that let't-handedness lias often been observed In animals. According to Vierordt, parrots seize objects with the left claw by preference or exclusively. The lion strikes with the left paw, and Livingstone gave it as his opinion that all animals are left handed. Prof. Jordan has recently ver ified the statement with regard to par rots. He found that this bird makes a readier use of the left claw for climb ing than the right. Turkey's l'ostiil System. Although Turkey some years ago en gaged a German official to reorganize it." postal system, it has not yet been able to win the confidence of foreign residents, who continue to make use of the Austrian, German, English. French and Ru-iitn postofflces in pref erence to the Turkish. A i.l.y.;ici:in who has given much thought t<> thfl subject says that so lof; r •• • "• «•.>.,! lire ;he with ' s < p '»ily safe so . !.« I] ' ••o ■ • i. Snlt Iniltmtry ut Peru. The production of salt in Peru Is an industry now carried on in the form of a government monopoly, the proceeds being devoted to the fund for redeem ing the territory lost to Chile during the late war with that country. The exportation of this product for the year IS9G was very large. About 15,000 tons were sent to Colombia, 55,000 tons to Chile, and about 13,800 tons toEcuador, making a total of 83,000 tons exported during the year. The amount utilized for domestic consumption was 78,145 tons, and the industrial consumption was 7,000 tons, making the total pro duction for the year 1 08.945 toes Fuddy—Do you think it's possible for two persons to live on a dollar a day? Duddy—lf a dollar is as big as ft looks in the eyes of some men, I should say that two persons might live on'lt indefinitely and have plenty of room to walk around in.—(Boston Tran»cript. Notice. The members and adherents ol the Presbyterian church ol l.aporte, Pa., are hereby notified that it congregational meeting will beheld at Judge fluulinin's home on the llith day ol September at 10 o'clock a. ni., with a view to receive! bids for the church lot anil building and furniture, and take action to sell the same' it' the way is clear. Committee ol Preshytcrv ol Lackawan na. authorized to sell. Rev. P. 11. lil!<M>Ks. Administratrix Notice, Kstute of Walter Silencer, lute of Laimrtoßoro Sullivan county, deceased. Letters of administration U|«m thealmve named estate huviin; lieen in-anted to the undci-siunc.l all iH.-rsoiiK having claims against the -ame will present them fur payment, ilulv authenticated ami those indehteil thereto, will please make immediate payment to KM MA sI'ENVKIt, Admrx, A. J.IIRADI.KV, Atty. l,a|Hirte,l*M. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that an applieatlon will Ik- made to the Hoiiorahle Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan County on the '!oth duy of Septemlier, ls-is. for the charter of a cor poration u> he called "'riii' citizens' Military Hand <if Bern lee, l'a.,the charuetcrund object (if which arc the acquiring a knowledge of tin- art and science of music, to furnish music and enter tainment for the |nihlie of liernlcc. Pa., and to fiSV" »P? ri, iaiteut organization to be known as e t ill/ens' Military Band," of Herniec, pj . , „ A. J. BHAIiLKV, Solicitor. I.aporte, Pa., September 7, lsys. PETEK'S BRATEKY. PROVED IT BY FACING BOTH FIRE AND DYNAMITE. With Drath Threatening the Soldier With Two Comrades Cut the Ropes Attaching a Barge of Explof Ives to a Burning Pier at Sandy Hook. All our heroes are not on Cuban soil, or on the waters that wash the Cuban shores. Robert Peter, who Is a private ia Company A, Third regiment, New Jersey volunteers, Is the hero of deeds that prove the truth of that statement. Peter longs for an opportunity to have his bravery tested In the midst of actu al warfare. He has no fear of eharp nel or Spanish marksmanship. Private Peter has come face to face with a dangerous situation, and has demonstrated that he is made of the material that gives us our heroes. During a heavy thunder storm a pier at Sandy Hook was set on fire. At the pier was moored a float loaded with high explosives. Peter realized that a destructive explosion was imminent unless the float was removed to a place of safety. On the pier were two mines, each containing 102 pounds of dynamite, which further added to the danger of the situation. Peter discovered the fire when the tongues of flame were almost licking the barge. He ran to Lieutenant Mc- Gregor, of the Engineer Corps, and breathlessly exclaimed: "Lieutenant, the pier is on fire. The float, with ex plosives, Is fastened there." "Yes, I know it,"the lieutenant re plied, "but the fire has made such pro gress that nothing can be done " "Yes, something can be done," Pet ter replied, saluting. "We can cut the i hawsers and set the float adrift." "That's impossible," the lieutenant replied. "It would mean death to the man who attempted it." "Can't I have permission, sir?" the private pleaded, "to cut the ropes and save the float?" Lieutenant McGregor hesitated, and Peter continued: "Give the order, sir. I'll do the job." "No, 1 shall give no orders to that effect," the lieutenant replied. Peter only listened long enough to understand no order would be given and then determined to act. He got Arthur Crowell and Thomas Ortell to come to his assistance. Peter leading the way, the three men Iran onto the pier wth open knives in j their hands. They threw themselves ! on the string-pieces and began hack | ing at the hawsers that held the float. ! One after another the severed ropes ! dropped into the water, and the float, j released, moved silently out of danger. Then the three men ran off for their i lives. The float was at a safe distance i when suddenly there was a terrific ex j plosion. The dynamite bombs had ex | ploded, and the heavens were lighten | with a blinding flash. Peter and his two comrades were safe; so, too, was the float and its cargo. They still talk of Peter's bravery down at Sandy Hook, and Lieutenant McGregor is lav ish in his praises of the heroism of Peter, Crowell and Ortell. Peter was born in Dundee, Scotland, on November 30, 18G3. He would have joined the British army when he was seventeen years old, but his parents objected and pleaded with him not to. It was his mother's «ntreaties that led Peter to say: "All riglijt, mother, I won't join the army, but I would like to become a soldier." It was soon af ter this that Peter left home. He kept his promise to his mother, and now for the first time he is ready, as a soldier, to meet an enemy. Peter has faced death three times. His life was nearly crushed out a few years ago when he stopped a runaway, to save from harm, perhaps death, two women who were taking an afternoon drive. Peter has n scar on one of his cheeks. It was caused by a bullet. Peter is an expert horseman, and acted as orderly to Colonel Lee and Chaplain Glazebrook, who are no- at Pompton Plains. He would lik t o be with the Rough Ridera in Cv' .. He is a modest fellow anfl will i.ot believe that anything hie has done thus far has exacted any great amount of hero ism. Harbor Defames. * The American naval victories: early in the war removed all fear of Spanish invasion which had been felt in the Atlantic Coast cities; but then tfeere was never very great danger. This illustra tion is of the Zalinski lifteen inch pneu- THK ZALINSKI «UN. matic dynamite gun Sandy Hook, at the entrance of New York Harbor, and is a itample of our coast defences. On Sent/.'y- Duty. It is related of an Irish recruit ou sentry duty at Cbflckzimauga one night that he challenged a figure in the dark ness with the usnal "Who goes there?" The reply, "Thje officer of the day," was something he was not prepared for, so he resntondetl, "Then phat the divil are yez dtoin' out here at night?" An Irish sentinel -of the Fifth Mis souri at Chicikamauga was sharply re proved by time offlcerr of the flay for per mitting persons to. apprcfech without giving the countersign. Hhe Irishman listened patiently and wtas then about to walk away when the* officer called sharply: "Well, yoa have n\t asked me for that countersign yet.' 4 Quick as a flash thus soldier thrust Ihla bayonet point uncomfort ably closo to the of ficer's breast, wtllle he grimly ejaculat ed: "L'ave us (have that countersign, thin, and .be do. m uulclc abf tut it." Foil HaljK. —Stock of jjoimls in • country store, also fjooil will. Cause lof selling, (lentil. For particulars 1 inquire of A. 1':. Tripp, Laporto. i Want to loan sonic money on lirst niorl(»'a}i'e on real estatelf so, | address, I'. (). liox 10, Kstella, I'a. Lust. -On August 2(5, alony the road I>et ween Laporte and my place, a small purse containing a ten dollar bill. The tinder will lie rewarded hy returning the same to 10. C. I'ktkks, Nordniont. CIDER MILL IN OPERATION John M. Converse will be prepared on and after Wed nesday, Sept. 14, to fill or ders on Wednesday, Thurs day and Fridays of each week until Nov. 11, 1898, at his mill in Sonestown, Pa. Boarders. .101111. V. Finkle has opened his large ami comfortable house tor the accomoda tion of court hoarders, ami also lor regu lar hoarders by the day or week, at rea sonahle rates. Corner ol Maple and Muncv Sts.,Laporte. Register' n Notice. Notice is hereby tfivcu that the following ac counts have been filed in my ottlcc, viz: First and litial account of Alarv K.Kline admin istratrix of Patroculis Kline deed. First and final account of Kinily K. Anders administratrix of John 11. Anders deed. First and final account of Milton Jiuttin and L. 11. Hattin executors of Joseph P.attin deed. First and final account of A. J. Bradley Ksij.. administrator of Cyrus B. Miller deed. First and final account of A. L. Smith, guardian of Emma C. Ben field. Also the following widows' appraisements have U'cti filed: In the states of \Y. W. Boyle deed, and Solon Haverly. divd. And the same will In* presented to the < hphans' court of Sullivan county 011 Mondav. September •2f>, 1898, at 3 o'clock p. in.for confirmation and allowance. WM. J. LAWKKNcF, Register. Register's oflice, Laporte I'a., August 18W8. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of an order issued by the Court of Lycoming county. I'a., dated the 7th dav of March, A. 1)., 18U8, and supplemented by aii ; on ler of the Orphans' Court of Sullivan county,! there will be ex|*>sed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of J^jmrte, Sullivan countv I I'a., 011 KB IDA Y, SKPTKMBER 2d. IS'is at 1 o'clock p. 111. The following describe*l pr« in- ! Ises ol" the estate of Charles 1). Kldred, deceased : A strip of land, situated in Flkland township, I SulJivan county, known as the "Ridgway I^»t." being the west end of said lot. and all "of said "Kidgwav Lot," after reserving thirty five acres ontncciist side: Imundod by the James liryson tract 011 the north, H.Cooly 011 the west, Bowers. KneiiH'rund Tolan 011 the south,and the reserved nart of said lot 011 the east, and being part of the John Bryson survey. More |millculurly described as follows: Headlining at a birch northwest cor nerofsaid lot, thence south of west .VI perches, t-lietice south «V»' | east 241 jierehes, thence north :'•! east "1:1 perches, thence north .>>*£ west 211 in ches to place of beginning, containing M acres. •11 >e relies. Terms of sale as fixed by the order of court . Ten per cent in cash on the day of sale, which shall be considered and retained as stipulate*! damages 011 failure of the purchaser to pay tin balance of the purchase money, which balance i> to Ik* paid upon confirmation'of the sale by the court and tender of deed by the Administrator, ami |K>s-ession then given to the premises. DAVID W. BCFFINCTON. Adnir. of the Kstate of Charles P. Kldred. deceased. Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtiK 1 «»J a writ of Fieri F«cia> i>Mu «l out »»f tin* Court of Common Pk*as « >f Sullivan Coiiniy au<l to nu> (lircvUKl uml delivered there will be e\|*>»e<i l<» publie Mile at the Court lions# m L«- l'ortc. I'a., on SATCKDAV. Si;i>TKMHKU.:;i|, l,v»s, at 10o'rliM-k a. ni. the following<leseril>ed |>ro|»er ty, viz: All that |»i« or pared of land lying and lieiug in the Township of l»iivi«lson, « «»uiity of Sullivan, and State of Pennsylvania Umiided and dt seri!,. <1 as follows: HeKinninir in the center of the road murthel sehcxil hou>e. thence north JT 1 . d<irie«s «j.>t aloiiK r roail P.i 1 .. )»erehes to a stone on i : r *ht l.nuk of outlet of Lewis Lake, thence down ouilet -oni h :t7 dci/rees east J1 1 .. perches to a |*.«.| « n ,'cfi bank of outlet, thence south > \\« t in s-]n ( , < dies t4» a tlu nee north »7 <1»; :« »< u< i Kilcy Stenhack Ji»t anil ehnr« li lot i,..« | house lot '*2 p» relics lo tli< )>!a< < <! IcKinniic.'. Containing two acres and lour i measure In-the same more or l< Land all improved and under a ••<•..! .state ot I'Ultivation, with a two stor> frametl dwelling house, stable and other out buildinu.-, well wai ereil and with fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken into execution and to In- soli I a the property oi' Mary Jane l'aintou at the suit of Minul I>. Detwcler. etcl. KLLIS SWANK, Shi-rilT. 1 non AMs Attys. Sheriffs otliee, Lai»orte Pa., August 9. IH'.'S. Trial List, September Term, 1808. 1 Mitchell, Young iV Co. vs A. .1. llackley. No, 301 Sept. Term Scire Facias, I'lea, '•Payment, ]myment with cause &c, Hill, | lughains. i James Mi-Far lane, vs W. C. Ma>«>u. No. irj Feby. Term IVC. Defendants Appeal. Plea. "Noil Assuun»sit. imymeiit, payment with leave to set oIT. llill, | lnghams. A. ('. Haverly, vs lien jam in Kuykcndall, Jr. No. 71 MavTerm 1897, Trespass. Plea "not guil ty". Mullen, | Thomson. I Merritt Shaffer. vsSosephine Fit/Patrick, No. U8 May Term 181 W. Feigned Issue. Plea • Pay ment . lnghams, j Mullen. 5 A. L. Smith vs Robert McKwin, No. 139 May term 3X97. Deft. ap|»eal. Plea, Payment payment with loave and set off. Bradley I lughains.' <; JKirwaril Sailillemire, vs 11. .leiinings iV. B. W. Jennings, trading and doing business as the Lopez Manufacturing Company No. ,")1 Sept. Term 1897. Trespass. Plea, 'not guilty' . Hill, | lug hams. 7 Martin Markle, vs K. V. Ingham. No. 152 Sept. Term 1897. Defendants Apj»eal. Plea -Non Assumpsit Payment, payment with leave ,vC. Hill, | lnghams. s F. M. Lewis, vs J. W. Ballard. No. ."> Dec. Term 18«»7. Defendants Apinuil. Plea, "Non Payment, imymeiit with leave AC. Mullen, | Walsh. :l JumcK McKarlano vs Josiah Humliury ltft. anil Henry McKilibiiir- uml John li. Si-onten, uar uishceg. So. T, llee. T. I MIT. Sriri- Faeins, t'lra, Payment. Downs. | lb Viola JenniiiKS, vs George It. M«K)re. No.-12 Dec. Tenn XBB7. Interpleader, llill, | Mullen. II Russel Karns, vs Harry Paulliamus No. 59 Dee. Term I Ml". Defenilnnts Aiuk'hl. I'lea "Noil Assumpsit" with leave to give siiecial *inatter in evidence. Kiirns, | Bnwllcy. ]•_' I'. H. Tomlinson vs Jaeoli A. Meyers and William i. Taylor, No. 1 Feb. T. I,S'>. Kjectnient, t'leu, not guilty. Hill. [Mullen. 13 John W. Buck vs John Stack house and Win. .Stackhouse Jlfts. and Hush J. Thomson and lleo. e. Jackson, Garnishees, Attachment. I'lea, Nulla liouim, by R. J. Thomson. Walsh. | Thomson. WM. J. LAWKKNCK, l'roth. J'rotliy's. otlici', Laiorlo, I'a, Aug. <;, ls,|S. QOt'KT I'kbIXAMATION, Wherbas, Hon. K. M. IHniiam, President Judge, Honorubles John S. Line and Conrad Krails Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliverer, quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans Court and Com mon Pleas for the County of SulJlvun, have issued their preeejit, bearing date the is day of July mis, to me directed, for holding the several courts in the Borough of Laporte, on Monday the l!lh day of Sept. 18IIS, at 2o'clock p. ni. Therefore, notice is hereby given to the Coroner Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their prop er person at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day. with their roils, records, inquisitions examinations and other rememtieranoes to those things to which their ottlces appertain to be'done. And to those who are bound by their recognizat ion to prosecute against prisoners w\k> are or shall lie in the jail of the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to lie then and there to prosecute against them as will be Just. ELLIS SWANK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Laporte, Pa.,. Aug. 11, 1898. ; Williamyport &. North Branch Railroad TIME TABLE. IX KIT HOT Tt'KSDA V. JUNE 28, 18!»8. N < lirr 11 W.lli 1 1. iS ( )|JXH \VA I! 11. I'. ,\l. I'. M. I'. M. I'. M. A. M. A M STATION'S. j|, j| p. M p\| p M M 1 l'l I ■'.i, I 2(1 J i;. 1(1 2! SOT. Hall. - - fill \!x V. :su fl fj is no JS fs «. Pcnnsdal. fi'i i i'm 40 fi 66 fI V! f4 41 flu A k. 10. I :t!' J lo 10 sjo llugh«rtlfc ! 7:: »:" u £ lV, f 4 v 1«" *!£•« «:zz3fflß&r if f {| »* J5 oi &•] :!i f r; oi '5;»5 ?! f it i?, '* *% « Si 3 ! :!! 1,1 S% iI «H r. 10 112. 11l It 07 II JI Hr* Money Vulloy s " IS V 1 12?, m "... .1,. 11 iio ,0 ° 2 J- La Porte _»| 7, " Laj«ortc Taiuici v.... s pi, 7, I l ' Kingdale.....* is (>;, f.7 7J •!« |! Birch creek i 7 if? 1- •>» Satterfield 7 , A) iy- j P- y-' ' ; i A. M. 'P.M. EAGLES MERE RAIL ROAD. , *"■ "■ 111 p. oi- p. in. pi in. pi in. a. in. II iifljf = .01 .1 ,'J -j SlMMlwhuw SlO -I 10 20 iOS ' t.. |' IT. 1 , p. m, jp. in. p. m. a. m. p. in. „ , a. m. p. in. a. m. p. m. p. m.' C. R. 6umblc, Dealer in and Hanufacturer of Farm CARRIAGES WAGONS. AND Voul ' l^ti'onage Lumber u M»licilPil on the liamh Ol low I'l iccH. I lon'l U-i fiu.l «/-i„-nnw ! a !' e r "' ol our 1)1 r - e slr,cl < «•' '"""I iiiinle o ' " e n ' <l ° " eß ' "i iHCiorv made pletlrom wm><in». Blacksmithing and Repairing. West Main Street LAFOI\ TIE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, TO THE LADIES: S, "™ K ' «»«<*• Mv new Spring Block ol'Dry (iootls, Nniions ami Fnriiisliings are now <i|,eiH-,l lor your iiiH|K>ctioii. > all ami examine. The prioe-s are right. lion'l lail to look over my bargain counter, tor I always have some bargains for von. Hovw ami srirln black hose, ;"ic pr. I.ailois vests, Sc each. Gents, This is to Your Interest: I rcsh stock ol'seeds just arrived, al following prices until sold: Timothy, $1.75 bushel; mam clover, I>u.; orchard grass, $ - 2.0(i bu.; red top, $1.5(1 BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, !•■««, oaps and straw goods. An endless variety. New goods, latest styles and best prices. l'lease examine goiii" elsewhere. liroci*y department replenished weekly. Agent lor Wini.l plows and rakes. \\ heel harrows ami Bowker fertilizers. County produce taken in exchange for iroods. A share of your patron.age is solicited. ours verv respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL. New York Weekly Tribune. BOTH One Year for $1.25. Send all orders to the News Item, Laporte. Till" X. Y. TRI Hl' XK A I. MA N' AC. .'!■!() pagee. A National Hook ol' refer ence for (lovernuienlal and fiolitical iiifoiinatiou. Contains the Constitution of the United Slates', tlis I 'ingley Tarill Hill, with a comparison of old and new rules, President Mckinley's Cabinet and appointees, ambassacors, consuls, etc. The standard American almanac. Price. 2") cents. Address. The News Item. Do you Appreciate Values? Ifjsi), I{can readily ilojiuisiiiess with you. Call, and I can lilt your order to your entire satisfaction. My Spring and Summer Line is Complete. Casimere Suits, 84.50 to SB.OO. Worsted Suits, B>">,">o lo 20.00 Serge Suits, 5.00 to 10.00. Clay Suits, 4.00 to 18,00. Also an attractive line of Gents Furnishing Goods. Itats, caps, light wool and gauze under ware, umbrellas, trunks, traveling bags and valices. Call and see the largest line of clothing in thts part of the country. J" "VvT O-A-KiOI-iXj. Bi 0 o t o e k. Carroll Dushokk, P Try The News Item Job Office Once. | Kine Printing modf!rn pier LlTI ES. We Print To Please. Subscribe for the News Item.
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