Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume Business Cards. rsONESTOWN FLAGGING -v Company, Chan. F. Billamboz, A geiltS. D. H. Lorali, <"> SONESTOWN I>A FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - " $50,000. buhflus - - *IO.OOO. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M D - SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL ANI» RESTAURANT, LAPORTK, PA. F. W. GALLAQHKH, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters, and game in season. B„Ued withch^u r ,rs. - LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE TIIOB W.BEAHEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been recently ,> l'V 1 11 , 1 l I V a :- 1 '!•' tlit furnished throughout and will !«■ nil loi lit »iiecial accomodation of the traveluiK I'" ''" - The best stocked bar in thcc.ii.itj Kates arc low. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. El. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This largo and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL POKTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. "NV. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, I). KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIOKE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels iu this section utthe state. Table of the best. Kites 1.00 dollar per day. Large stables. Professional Cards. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Ottice in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of fstates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE IN COUNTY BUILDING NKAK COURT UOUSK. LAPORTE, I>A Monday ol each week at Korksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Wewitt. JNGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNEYS-AT**I.A W, OFFICES7I4-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. IX! So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistupt. United States Attornej, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the city and County of Philadelphia, JJENRY TV DOWNS, ATTORN KY-AT-L A W! OFPICR IN PUBLIC BUILDING COUItT IIUUSK HtJUAKK. LAPOKTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, ATTORN BY*-AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, orrica OH MAIN STRICT. DIJSIIOKK, >'A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport" Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. o. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Con*ll|>ut lon I' or^ver. Take C'ascarets Candy Cathartic. Me or "sc, If C. C. C. fall to cure, UruggiHts refund money Educate Your Dowels With Cascaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 26c. If C C C. fail, druggists refuud money. y (gleaning House <> £ Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and tind y we are overstocked with L > LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST I d EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ \\l K IIA\ T K filled one show case with them and will close them out J W at one-hall'or less than the regular prices for cash. It you are £ in need nl anything in the assortment it will pay you to look them o\er. We also have a lot of second hand watches that we will sell cheap J Respectfully, etc., j > RETTENBURY, R DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / * ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in ——————————— t^e County to Buy fiardware w w i 1 s2s s2s Wheels S4O Wheels High . Large tubing, [v Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, J Flush joints, If Fully Wood rims, I Reversible m Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, Guar= <2 piece crank hang- Detatchablesprocket 112 ~ anteed l|*t ers ' Hunt saddle ' Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Ilunillelmrs, Saddles, Lamps. Bells, Looks, Brakes, IVddles, ('ranks. Spokes. Kim*. Tires, both siiißle and double tulx\ a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting. Milk Pans, and Palls, Harden Tools, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kindsof Tin Work and Spouting done by cumiwtent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. tholes Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. H.A.Rogers & Son., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing lor the coining warm weather which will soon he here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING <3troc«rij sr*foclt More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." ' LAPOIUI PENNA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1898. Bernice Echoes. Born, to Mr. unci Mrs. Thomas Fitzgeralds, Monday, August l jt son. Miss Julia McGeever visited her sister Mrs. Thomas Kellher of Corn ing, last week. Mrs. James Ross, who lias been visiting friends at this place for some | time, returned to her home in lten oldsville, last week. Misses Katie and Thresa Lenard, of Waverly, visited their parents Mr. and Airs. Thos. Lenard, last week. Atty. E. J. Mullen and wife of Laporte, were in town Monday. Misses Lily Evans and Delia Wil liams, of Pittston, were the guests of Miss Katie Line, last week. Miss Nellie Welch of Waverly,was the guest of her mother Mrs. M. Welch, last week. Misses Nellie and Hlanch Sweeny and Prof. E. L. Sweeny of Hiugdale, spent Monday of last week with Miss Maggie Wright. Miss Lizzie Deinpsey of Cherry Mills, visited friends at this place Monday. Mrs. Chas. Morter and chihlren visited friends at Canton hist week. Judge Line was transacting busi ness at the county seat Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Canttlehl of Ohio, were visiting friends here last week. The following young ladies cooled their heated brows at Eagles Mere Wednesday, and enjoyed a day's outing: Misses Katie Line, May Watson, Florence Thurston, of this place, and Miss Nellie Welch of Tunkhannock, Misses Lily Evens and lJedella Williams of l'ittston. The ladies report a pleasant time. Mrs. Sterger of New Albany, was the guest of Mrs. 11. E. Watson last week. Mr. Bullock of Monroeton, is the guest of his daughter Mrs. I'. F. Merithew. Miss Anna Biddleof Dushore, was the guest of Miss Maggie Wright on Wednesday. Mr. H. Harding of Towantla, was transacting business in town one day last week. Robert Mathers and daughter Fanny, of Sayre, and Prof. Ruther ford of this place furnished music for the dance on the loth. At a democratic caucus held in the K. of L. Hall Saturday evening the following delegates were selected to attend the convention: I'. 11. Mc- Cee, Frank Moyer, and John White was elected standing committeeman. Mrs. James I toss, who has been visiting friends at this place tor some time, returned to her home in Ren oldsville Friday. Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Met See of Dushore, visited friends at this place Sunday. Thomas Wright sprained his ankle while at work on the shift engine Tuesday. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church held an ice cream festival on the church lawn Saturday evening. A large crowd was in attendance. The Citizens' Hand furnished very line music for the occasion. The boys are certainly artists with their instruments and are improvidg very fast. The Dushore Ball Club came up here Saturday and done the locals up to the tune of lti to 111 in live in nings. The picnic held by the St. Francis church in the Bernice grove, August loth, was a gnuul success. The dance was held in the church in the evening ami was largely attended. The Citizens' Band was in attendance during the day and discoursed some tine music. Thegross receipts were $.147.0i1, the net receipts #202.1(1. Mi-s. Thomas Donoganof Waverly is visiting friends at this place. Muncy Valley. —Unity ville camp meeting was well at tended liy the people ot this place last Sunday. Abeut one-half ol the people in town were there. Some of the young folks camped out for a few days; tliey re* port having a big time. Mrs. Frank Magarge! attended the Kagles Mere Chautauqua last Saturday. Quite a number from this place atten ded the democratic convention at I.asorte. Mrs. Taylor Stronp returned home on Wednesday, after spending a week with her sick mother at Pensdale. Mr. John (iirton's son aud sister of Bloomsburg visited him over Sunday. INCIDENTALLY A TICKET WAS NAMED. Cott, Tripp and Bender Met Defoat. A Western End Nominee lor Prothonotary Doubtful of the Future. The Democratic county conven tion, which met at the Court House Tuesday, carried out the prearranged harmony program to the letter, and | the Democrrtic county ticket is as follows: Congress—Alphonsus Walsh. State Senate—E. J. Mullen. A ssenilily—J act >b M eyers. Prothonotary—Edward Franck. Sheri H'—J all ics Walsh. Chairman Gallagher called the convention to order at .'1:30 and tin roll when called showed :>7 delegates present out of the 4(1 elected. The following officers were Pres ident, Hon. Kussel Karns; Vice-Pr's Hon. Conrad Kraus, John A. Speak er; Secretaries, (Seo. Streby Tlios. E. Kernan; Committee on Resolutions, P. 11. Met See, Thos. S. Tompkins, John F. Finau. The nominations were all made unanimous with the exception of Sheriff. The last ballot resulting in giving Walsh 22 and Cott 18. "Harmony" characterized the pro ceedings from first to last, the har monizers being in such a decided majority that they could compel the kickers fo be harmonious, although it required several hours of preliminary work before going into convention. A secret meeting that lasted nearly two hours after the time for calling the convention to order keeping the court room in strict seclusion. Delegates were grouped here and there aud seemed rather slow to respond to the call after the bell had been rung several times. The reasons for all this was most likely that the nominations had been agreed upon in advance by the lead ers, and democratic harmony for such an occasion is so plentiful as to be a drug on the market. Those who domineer the party now talk harmony. They inhale harmony as they breath and exhale it with their cigar smoke. They dream of har mony in their sleep, and eat, drink, talk, work and sleep iu an atmos phere of harmony so dense as to lie almost oppressive, and in their speeches before the convention used the word "harmony" almost inces santly. But why? At the close of the convention the nominee for State 'Senate,- E. J. Mullen anxiously responded to a call for an address, iu which lie distribut ed oratorical bouquets with strict impartiality to all the slated nomi nees just elected, and spoke of the confidence of success, seemingly (in their ability to nominate their own candidates and elect their ticket). His denunciation of the Republican party was too hot to be printed upon ordinary paper. As he spoke in this strain his hearers liked it and listened to it with absorbing atten tion. lie closed his remarks by stating he would give the floor to the gentleman who had been given the honor of running for Congress. All looked for the tall diplomatic figure to rise and sustain the distinc tion given him by Columbia county newspaper in his last campaign—one of his "eloquent speeches." But lo and behold the seat was already vacant, which signified that he did not propose to simplify the situation, and called to mind irresistibly the parrot's soliloquy: "The trouble with me 1 talk too much." Adjourn ed for refreshments. Found Dead in lied. Orrin Bennett was found dead in bed Thursday morning at his son's residence, <>. W. Bennett id" the 2d Ward. Mr. Bennett was past 74 years of age. He came from Walton, NN. V., to this place last April to re side with his son. lie had suffered but a few days with dropsy of the heart before his sudden demise. Mr. Bennett was at one time Associate Judge of Delaware county, N.Y.,and for many years a Justice of the Peace. Funeral services were conducted in the M. E. church by Rev. Patton, Sunday morning. Interment in Mt. Ash cemetery. 1.25 P er - Year. Number 111. Mangled by a Train. .Miles Hums, a tanner residing in I Cherry township, was killed and his ; body horribly mutilated hy a freight train, a few rods beyond the depot at Dushore, at I o'clock Sunday morn ing. .Miles had driven to town Sat urday afternoon to attend the Dem ocratic primaries, and as politics was warm and interesting he remained about town until a late hour. About 11 o'clock lie was seen driving toward the station which is not in thi' direction of his home, and it is supiwised was 011 his way to the brewery. Sunday morning at (5:30 his mangled body was found along the track where it had been dragged and scattered for some distance, showing that he bad been struck a short distance beyond the crossing, where the shaft of the wagon was also found crushed and the wagon thrown below the track. The theory most probable to suppose is that he bad goten off the road at the crossing, which runs nearly parallel with the track, and in trying to guide the animal back into the road, overturn ed the wagon, throwing him out and rendered unconscious laying on the track. The horse had broken loose from the wagon and went home. The remains were gathered up and taken to the undertaker. Coroner \\ ackcnhuth was summoned and re sponded to the call, but found it un necessary to bold an inquest as the cause of his death was understood. Estella. Very warm weather; the ther mometer registered !MI in the shade Monday. Miss Nellie Webster of Forest City is visiting at (i. I!. Norton. Miss Bernice Osier has returned home from a visit with friends at Andoverand Addison, N. Y. ('. A. Boyle and ('has. Maguire made a business trip to Dushore Sat urday. .1..1. Webster had a sheep killed by dogs last week. The l'omona Grange for the coun ties of Bradford and Sullivan held here in the P.O.S. of A. Hall Thurs day and Friday of last week was largely attended. (>uriiew school house is completed. Mrs. Meyers of Bear Mountain, had a valuable sheep killed by dogs a few days ago. W. T. More and wife of Jakers ville, were calling on friends in town Saturday. Uoneutown. Miss Eva WhitacreofPhiladelphia was in town last week to call on friends. Several of our |>eople took advan tage of the excursion to Eagles Mere Saturday night, and enjoyed the rare musical treat of hearing the Park Sisters. Walter spent Thursday night of last week at home. The Sunday School convention has been and gone. The sessions were very good, and the Supt. of our Sun day School, at least, has overflowed with "Hallelujahs" ever since. Mrs. Dora Cook, B.S. Starr, W. B. lla/.en took the teachers' examina tion in Davidson twp., on Thursday. Mrs. H. P. Hall and Mrs. Jack Boatman drove to lluntersville last Saturday returning on Sunday eve ning wita their husbands who wheel ed over on Sunday. Miss Grace Montague of Glen Mawr is spending a week in town. D. H. Lorah has placed new board steps to the front enterance of his hotel. Miss Pearl Mower of Willianisport has been visiting Miss Rita Arm strong. J. 11. Dayton of Willianisport, was one of the visitors brought here last week by the convention. Willie Dunn, who for the past two weeks has been staying with his uncle, Rev. E. B. Dunn, left on Monday morning for his home in West Virginia. Andrew Edgar was a business visitor to Willianisport Monday. A. T. Armstrong is building an addition to his grist mill.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers