Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 24, 1898, Image 3

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•'Stlrrln* Folks Up"—Fourteenth Sermon
in the New York Her»l(l'a Competitive
Series U bra Pennsylvania Minister—
Br. Talmage On Ordinary l'eople.
"Ahab, whom Jozebel his wife stirred
up."—l. Kings, xxi., 25.
A large part of the evil and a larger part
of the good in the world would never be
done but for the doers being stirred up
to it.
Life is much like the sea; there seems al
ways some wind to smite the surface or
some stealthy undercurrent to send its rcst
lessnoss up from the depths.
The lesson is many sided; if fully consid
ered it covers the whole complex question
of life's relationships. It is not one part of
the world against the other; part of the
■world giving, the other ever receiving im
pressions, for one who is stirred up by evil
may be a constant impulse to another's
No matter how weak one may be or how
dependent on others, there is still some
power going forth—consciously or uncon
sciously—which makes more positive the
good or evil of the world's conflicting
We And ourselves pressed by life's im
pulses or irritations. Its attractions and
repulsions find ready allies in our inclina
tions, and often we fail because wo under
estimate the opposing forces, or wejoyously
realizo that we have been impelled to a
usefulness wo had thought beyond our
The example of Jezebel—the Lady Mac
beth of Scripture, the "new woman" of
nearly three thousaud years ago—is not
chosen because women aro more prone to
stirring up to evil thgn men, though blessed
is the woman who "stirs up" her husband
whenever ho needs it, and happy is the
man who never stirs up his wife to any
thing but good.
Wo are ready to condemn 'Jezebel for
having stirred up Ahab to evil, but we of
ten lose sight of how Ahab influenced Jeze
bel. His negative weakness provoked her
positive badness, We sometimes comfort
ourselves that we are not bad because no
do not great sins, foigetful that our very
weakness may provoke some one else into
Ahab wanted a piece <if ground that was
near the royal palace. It was the property
of Naboth, who, with true ancestral rever
ence, refused to part with it. Piqued by
Naboth's refusal, Ahab went to bed, turned
his face to the wall and refused to eat.
Ahab, the king, peevish as a child because
he could not have his own wayt It was
then Jezebel's murderous plans were
formed. Ahab's peevish sulkiness stirred
up the wickedness of Jezebel. Had hobeeu
ooble she could not have been so evil.
"Whom Jezebel his wife stirred up"—
*tirred up to evil. Had that power been
turneil to good even weak Ahab might have
been one of the world's helpers.
The power for great evil reveals the pos
sibility of great good; the power in the
direction of wrong is the ineasureof benefit
If turned in the opposite direction.
Who can estimate what the world would
have lost had not Wendell Phillips heard
his true hearted wife say, "Wendell, don't
ehilly-shally!" That put an eud to possible
vacillation. Was Lady Palmerston's "stir
ring up" worth while? She spent her life
in "placing and keeping" her husband in
his proper position.
What a rare tribute was paid by General
Charles 11. Taylor to the memory of Ebcn
I). Jordan when in a Boston Globe editorial
he said, "No man of my acquaintance ever
possessed a rarer gift of developing the gifts
of other men, and no one ever helped others
with more patience and generosity." He
stirred up to their hest possibilities those
whom he met; he made them by his help
what, possibly, they never could have been
without him.
Are those who are near you weak and
sinful because you liavo not stirred them
up to be their best selves?
The world will ever be grateful to Dr. W.
Robertson Nieholl for his persistent stir
ring up of lan Maclaren. lie gave him no
rest until ho led tho world to the "Bonnie
Bi'icr BuMi," which, like tho bush Moses
saw, is aglow with God.
Despondent we sometimes are because
all tho world seems against us.
If we put ourselves in right relations
with God He will give us of His power and
we shall bo masters, not servants, of fate.
Host happily it has been said:
Likethe winds of tho sea are the waves o".
As we journey through life;
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal.
And not tho calm or the strife.
How aro you using tho forces which
come upon you? Have you so "set the
sails" that the very winds which aro in
tended to drive you far out on the torn pest
tossed sea shall help you into a harbor of
safety? Are the burdens so numerous and
lieav- that they press you to the earth?
Then learn of the fabled hero who by every
touch gained increase of strength.
Jesus "set His face steadfastly togo to
Jerusalem" because His soul was set on
doing God's will. Paul said, "All things
work together for good to them that love
God." To a soul set on doing right oven
the opposing forces will bring benefit.
From the uaggincsof a jealous wife John
Wesley learned lessons of patience, from
the stormy days of companionship with
scolding Xantippi Socrates drew lossous of
We influence by what wo are. Not our
seeming but our being sends forth its influ
ence to stir up to right or wrong. You have
watched tho groundswell as the waves
dashed, surging anil moaning, upon tho
rockv shore, and though there was no vis
ible cause, you knew of the tempest far out
on t'ao ocean. So we influence and are in
T'ou have taken in your hand an opal—
'h.i sympathetic stone. It was dull and
colorless until the warmth of your hand
• Tiused it to glow with radiance of color.
So there aro lives about us: dull and unin
teresting they seem, but the stimulus of
human sympathy will make them shine as
with God's own glory.
You are stirring folks up—to what?
Pastor Baptist Church, Clarion, Ponn.
Dr. Talmatre Discourses ITpon Ordinary
or Inconspicuous l'eople.
TEXT: "Salute Asyncritus. Phlegon. Her
nias. Patrobas. Hermes. Phllologus and Ju
lia." —Romans xvi., 14-15.
Matthew Henry, Albert Barnes, Adam
Clark, Thomas Scott, and all the commen
tators pass by these verses without any
especial remark. The other twenty people
mentioned in tho chapter were distin
guished for something and were therefore
discussed by the illustrious expositors; but
nothing is said about Asyncritus, Phlegon,
Hernias. Patrobas, Hermes, Phllologus and
Julia. Where were they born? No one
knows? When did they die? There is no
record of their decease. For what were
they distinguished? Absolutely nothing,
or the trait of character would have been
brought out by the Apostle. But they were
good people, because p au l sends to them
his high Christian regards. They were or
dinary people moving in ordinary sphere,
attending to ordinary duty, and meeting
ordinary responsibilities.
What the world wants is a religion for
ordinary people. Ifthere he in the United
KtaterVO.OOO.OOO people, there are certainly
not mrtre than 1.000.000 extraordlnnrv anil
'hen there are 09,000,000 ordinary and we
no well to turn our backs for a little while
upon the distinguished and conspicuous
[he seven ™«?ISS
tne seven ordinary. TVe spend too much
ot our time in twisting garlands forremark-
ables, and building thrones for magnates,
and sculpturing warriors, and apotheosiz
ing philanthropists. Tho rank and file of
the Lord's soldierv neod espocial help.
The vast majority of people will never
load an armv, will never write a State Con
stitution, will never electrify a Senate, will
never make an important invention, will
never decide the fate of a nation. You do
not expect to; you do not want to. You
will not bo a Moses to lead a nation out of
bondage. You will not be a Joshua to pro
long the daylight until yon can shut five
kings in a cavern. You will not bo a St.
John to unroll an Apocalypse. You will
not be a Paul to preside over an apostolic
college. You will not be a Mary to mother
a Christ. You will more probably be Asyn
critus, or Phlegon, or Hermas, of Patrobas,
or Hermes, or Phllologus, or Julia.
Many of you aro women nt tho head of
households. Every morning you plan for
the day. The culinary department of tho
household is your dominion. You decide
all questions of diot. All the sanitary
regulations of your house are under your
supervision. To regulate tho food, and
the apparel and the habits, and decide tho
thousaud questions of home life is a tax
upon b-ain and nerve and general health
absolutely appalling if ttiere be no divine
They who provide the food ot the world
decido the health of tho world. You have
only togo on some errand amid the tav
erns and hotels of the United States and
Great Britain to appreciate the [act that a
vast multitude of the human race aro
slaughtered by incompetent cookery.
Though a young woman may have taken
lessons in music and may have taken les
sons in painting, and lessons in astronomy,
she is not w«ii educated unless she has
taken lessons in dough! They who decido
tho apparel of the world, and the food of
the world, decide tho endurance of tho
Then there aro all tho ordinary business
men. They neod divine and Christian help.
When we begin to talk about business life
we shoot right off and talk about men who
did business on a large scale and who sold
millions of dollars ot goods a year: un.l the
vast majority of business men do not sell a
million dollars of goods, nor half a million,
nor a quarter of a million, nor tho eighth
part of a million. Put all the business men
of our cities, towns, villages and neighbor
hoods side by side, and you will find that
they sell less than a hundred thousand dol
lars'worth of goods. All these men in or
dinary business life want divine help. You
seo how the wrinkles aro printing on tho
countenance tho story of worriment and
care. Y'ou can not tell how old a business
mnn is by looking at him. Gray hairs at
Now, what is wanted is grace—divine
grace for ordinary business men, men who
are harnessed from mora till night and all
the days of their life—harnessed in busi
ness. Not grace to lose a hundred thou
sand, but grace to lose ten dollars. Not
grace to supervise two hundred and fifty
employes m a factory, but grace to super
vise tho bookkeeper and two salesmen and
tho small boy that swoops out tho store.
Grace to Invest not the eighty thousand
dollars of not profit, but the twenty-five
hundred of clear gain. Such a grace as
thousands of business men have to-day—
keeping them tranquil, whether goods sell
or do not sell, whether customers pay or
do not pay, whether tariff is up or tariff is
down, whether the crops are luxuriant or
a dead failure— calm in all circumstances,
and amid all vicissitudes. That is tho
kind of grace we want.
Then there are all the ordinary fanners.
We talk about agricultural life, and we im
mediately shoot oil to talk about Cincin
natus, the patrician, who went from tho
plow to a high position, and after lie got
through tho dictatorship, in twent.v-ono
days, went back again to tho plow. What
encouragement is that to ordinary farm
ers? Tho vast majority of them- none of
them will bo patricians. Perhaps none of
them will be Senators. If any of them have
dictatorships it will be over forty or fifty
or a hundred acres of tho old homestead.
What these men want is grace, to keep
their patience whilo plowiug with balky
oxen, and to keep cheerful amid the
drouth that destroys tho corn crop, and
that enables them to restore the garden
the day after tho neighbor's cattle have
broken in and trampled out tho strawberry
bed. and gone through the Lima-bean
patch, and eaten Op the sweet corn in such
large quantities that they must bo kept
from the water lest they swell up and die.
Grace in catching weather that enables
them, without imprecation, to spread out
the hay the third time, although again,
and again, and again, it has been almost
ready for the mow. A irrace to doctor tho
cow with hollow horn, and the sheep with
tlie foot rot, and the horse with the dis
temper, and to compel the unwilling acres
fo yield a livelihood for the family, ami
schooling for tho children and little extras
to help the older boy in business, and some
thing for tho daughter's wedding outfit,
and a little surplus for the time when the
ankles will get stiff with age, and the
breath will be a littio short, and the
swinging of the cradle through the hot har
vest Held will bring on the old man's ver
tigo. Bettor close up about Cincinuatus.
I know live hundred farmers just as noble
as ho was. What they want is to know
that they have the friendship of that Christ
who often drew His similes from the far
mer's life, as when Ho said: "A sower
went forth to sow," as when He built His
best parable out of the scene of a farmer
boy comiug back from his wanderings, and
the old farmhouse shook that night with
rural jubilee; and who compared himself
to a lamb in the pasture field, and who
said that tho eternal God Is a farmer, de
claring: "My Father is tho husbandman."
ttComo, now, let us have a religion for
ordinary peoplo in professions, in occupa
tions, in agriculture, in tho household, in
merchandise, in everything. I salute
across the centuries Asyncritus, Phlegon,
Hermas, I'atribas, Hermes, Phllologus and
First of all, if you fool that you aro or
dinary, thank God that you are not extra
ordinary. I am tired and sick, and bored
almost to death with extraordinary peo
ple. You kuow as well as I do, my brother
and sister, that the most of the useful
work of the world is done bv unpreten
tious people who toil right on—by peoplo
who do not get much approval, and no one
seems to say, "That is well done."
The weather of life is not so sevore on the
plain as it is on the high peaks. Tho world
never forgives a man who knows or gains
or does more than it can know or gain or
do. If, therefore, you feel that you are
ordinary, thank God for the defenses and
tranquility of your position.
Then remember, if you have only what
is called an ordinary home, that tho great
deliverers of the world have all come from
such a home. And thejo may be seated,
reading at your evening stand, a child who
shall lie potent for the ages. J«st unroll
tho scroll of men mighty in church and
St ite, and you will find they nearly all
came from log cabin or poor homes.
Genius almost always runs out in the third
or fourth generation. Y'ou can not find in
all history an iustauce where the fourth
generation of extraordinary people amount
to anything.
Lot us all be content with such things as
we have. God is just as good in what He
keeps away from us as in what He gives us.
Even a knot may bo useful if it is at the
end of a thread.
A Sensitive Pensioner.
Pension Commissioner Evans recently
received from a pensioner in Sau Antonio.
Texas, an express order for $879. It was
money which the sender believed he had
not properly received. Mr. Evans had an
investigation made of the case, and ascer
tained that the pensioner was honestly en
titled to tho money he was receiving,'viz.,
sl2 per month for deafness, and directed
the entire amouut be returned to him.
Pauper Descendants ot Columbus.
A Spanish newspaper announces that the
last two descendants of "Christopher Co
lumbus ure now occupants of u poor house
of Cadiz.
How the NatioiiK Drink— \ Heport Show-
In); the Amount of Alcoholic Urinlcs
Produced mid Consumed In Europe
ami the United States—Germany Ahead
A very interesting report, says tho At
lanta Journal, has been submitted by the
British Board of Trade to the House of
Commons showing the production and
consumption of wine, beer and spirits in
the various countries of Europe and in the
United States.
The statistics thus supplied cover tho pe
riod from IHBS to 1896, inclusive. The
most Interesting part of the report is that
which refers to the comparative consump
tion of aleoholia drinks in Great Britain,
Germnny, France and the United States.
In France, where tho production of wlno
Is larger than in any other country in the
world, the consumption increased from
21.3 gallons per head in 1885 to 29.5 gallons
in 1896, and has since probably undergone
no decline. In Germany the consumption
of wine Is 1.06 gallons per head; in the
United Kingdom, .4, and in tho United
| States, .22 por head—a slight decroase in
both countries since 1885. Tho whole of
the wine consumed In the United Kingdom
is imported, and of tho consumption in the
United States 78 per cent, is produced at
| But in beer, Germany, tho United King
| dom and tho United States make up for
! their small consumption of wine. Germnny,
j tho greatest boer producing country, con
: sumes 25.5 gallons per head of the popula
: tlon, against 19.8 gallons in 1885. Tho
United Kingdom, next in production, con-
I sumes 30.7 gallons per head—a small in
crease—and tho United Stntes, third in
production, consumo 12.7 gallons per head
of population, against 8.8 gallons in 1885—
an increase of nearly 50 per cent, per head.
With all the wine drinking of tho French,
they manage to consume 5 gallons of beer
j per head besides. But Belgium has a beer
| consumption of more than 43 gallons per
I head; and Bavaria makes up for some other
i portions of the German Empire with a per
head consumption of 50 gallons.
Germany leads all the great nations in
tho consumption of spirituous drinks, the
total quantity amounting to 100,760,000 gal
j lons, or 1.94 gallons per head of the popu
; latlou—a small decline since 1890. France
i has a consumption of 70,180,000, or 1.85 gul
i lons per head. Tho United Kingdom has a
I consumption of 40,076,000 gallons, or 1.01
I per bead, and the consumption in the Uni
[ ted Stntes is 59.186,000 gallons, or .83 of a
| gallon per heal. For tho United Stntes, as
well as for all other countries In this report,
tho measure is in imperial gallons, five of
which are equal to six of our gallons.
In Belgium, where the common drink is
. gin, the consumption of spirituous liquors
is greater than in any other country, and
Holland comes next. The statement of tho
revenues which the various countries re
ceive fromtho traffic In alcoholic beverages
is interesting. In Great Britain the net
revenue in 1896 was $449,820,000, and of this
4159,055,000. or 25 per cent., was in duties
and internal taxes on liquors. Of this taxa
tion 17 per cent, only was in duties on im
ports. The total net revenue of the United
States in 1896 was $323,808,139, and the in
ternal revenues and customs from liquors
amounted to $120,307,984. or upward of 37
per cent, of the whole. The Dinsrlev tariff
will malco little change in this fiscal rela
In France the revenues from liquors
amount to 5103,400,000, or 19 per cent, of
the entire government Income, but con
sumers in Paris and in other cities are sub
ject to an octroi tax by the municipalities.
In Germany the revenues from alcoholic
products is #57,969,040, or only 17Jj per
cent, of tho totnl Income.
It will be noticed that the United States
gets a larger part of its revenue from tho
liquor traffic than any other nation.
Drinkers Under the Kan.
A significant indication of the intoler
ance employers are now evidencing to
drunken employes is shown in tho head
lines of un advertisement for the care of
inebriates: "No drunkards need apply."
The advertisement thou goes onto stiito
that the institution will cure such as "find
tho door of employment closed against
them" as drunkards. Even army officers
now find themselves debarred from promo
tion by drunkenness. It was once an al
most accepted belief that every railroad
employe was a drinking man, but it Is not
now so. Ho can not hold his place on many
railroads and be seen in a saloon. May it
indeed become a bar to position, to decent
society, and to any place of responsibility
or confidence to be known as a drinking
man. The man who drinks is a menace to
society and to public safety as well as to
himself. It is no longer a question of per
sonal right. It is a question of public wel
fare. Mr. Depew, in an address at tho an
niversary of the New York llailroad Asso
ciation, said:
The railroads twenty-two years ago were
not well organized; then there were 15,000
men in our service, and now there 30,000. It
is a fact that twenty-two yenrs ago twenty
per cent, of the force was discharged with
in a given time for drunkenness. In those
days tho saloon was always very much in
evidence along our linos and at our termi
nals. Now not one por cent, of our men
disappear from drunkenness, nnd the force
Is twice as large as it was in tho old days.
We have a higher grado of men, men with
a greater force of character, and this has
been brought about in large measure by
organizations of this kind.—Men.
A Child's Hand.
One has said there is a child's hand on
tho door of tho millennium. It that bo so,
let us give tho child power to open the door
and enjoy the bliss of a regained paradise
by removing the saloon, which is to mill
ions tho gateway to the city of destruction.
And while we thus teach the youth the
principles of totnl abstinence from all that
can intoxicate, let us as true patriots re
member that as tho liquor traffic camo by
law it must go by law. We may sing "Res
cue the Perishing" ever so sweetly, and
"Work for the Night Is Coming" ever so
often, but the traffic will still flourish and
fatton upon our dear ones. Wo may pray
ever so fervently that God will remove the
stumbling block, but the walls of this
modern Jericho will remain us solid as
When Orsini was staying at Stella Hall,
England, with Mr. Joseph Cowen, he com
plained of headache. Going to his bed
room, they asked him what ho did about
tho gas before ho retired. Orsini said, "I
blew it out."
Dear readers, moral sunslon witliout
legal suusion is blowing out tho gus. If wo
want to savo the children wo must turn off
the tail.—National Temperance Advocate.
Tearing Down mid Itulldins Up.
Two men had a sharp discussion. One
was an abstainer; the other was not. Said
tho latter: "Depend upon it, there is noth
ing like beer. Why, when I get homo at
night, aud have drunk a quart or two, I
feel as if I could knock a house down." "Ah,"
replied the other quietly, "but since I have
been a teetotaler, I have put two houses
up, and that suits me better."
Most commendable is the decision of the
Century Wheelmen's Club, of Philadelphia,
by an almost unanimous vote, not to per
mit the sale of liquor at either its town or
Its country clubhouse. This club, said to
be the largest single social organization of
bicyclists In the country, sets an example
that invites imitation and at the some time
widely advertises the fact that bicycling is
a strong deterrent to drinking intoxicants.
This sound form of exercise contributes
when properly employed, to strength!
health and happiness, all of which are nat
ural promoters of morality and temper
A Total Disability Claim of $1,650 Paid to
a Man who was Afterward Cured.
The Monitor, a newspaper published at i
Mealord, Ont., Canada, llrst discovered
this oase two years ago, and published it at
length, which now seems, owing to the cure
of it, to be a miracle. The facts were so
remarkable that many people doubted the
truth of them. They said: "It is too re
markable; it cannot possibly bo true; the
paper is mistaken, and the man, although
lie may think himself cured, will soon re
lapse into his former condition," etc., etc.
The accuracy of its report called in ques
tion, the Monitor determined to find out
definitely whether the facts were as stated
and whether the man would really stay
cured. They accordingly kept a close watch
on the case for two years after tho first ar
ticle appeared, and have just now published
another article about it in which the original
i reports are completely verified, the cure isper
-1 nianent, and they publish a fav simile of the
j check given by the Canadian Mutual Life As
• sociation for $1650.00 amount of total disa
j bility claim paid by them to Mr. Petch.
Tlie first account stated that the patient
I (see address below) hud been a paralytic
| for five years, that there was such a total
, lack of feeling in his limbs and body, that
'■ a pin run full length could not bo felt; that
j he could not walk or help himself at all; for
, two years he was not dressed; furthermore
i that he was bloated, was for that reason
almost unrecognizable, and could not get
his clothes on. The paralysis was so com
plete as to affect the face and prevented
him from opening his mouth sufllciently
ImjirovH Service to Florida, lOaat Coast,
New York ami Florida and Palm
Heiu'li 1 limited.
The New York and Florida Limited is oper
! ated jointly by the Pennsylvania Railroad,
; the Southern Railway, tlie Florida Central
mill Peninsular Railroad, and the Florida
I East (.'oast Railway. It loaves New York
1 daily, except Sunday, at 11.50 A. m ., and
reaches St. Augustine at the next day.
I'alm Beach Limited leaves St. Augustine
; upon the arrival of the New York anil Florida
, Limited,daily, except Sunday, reaching I'alm
] Reach in I". M., composed exclusively or parlor
I cars. For further information call on or ad
! dress Alex. S. Thweatt, Kast. I'ass. Agt.. 'S. 1
| Broadway, New York.
Two other fast trains, the Washington and
j Southwestern Vestibule Limited, leaving New
I York at ' " . and the United States Fast
j Ma' 1 r are also operated by the
I . mich carries through Pullman
_..Hig-rooni sleeping cars between New
: York, Jacksonville and Tampa. Also afford
ing perfect sleeping car service between New
, York, Augusta. Aiken and Brunswick.
Japanese children are taught to write
with both hands.
No Klondike for Me!
Thus soys E. Walters, Le Raysville, Pa.,
who grew (sworn to) 252 bushels Salter's
corn per acre. That means 25,200 bushels
ion 100 acres at !lOc a bushel equals $7,5H0.
; That is better than a prospective gold
mine. Salzer pays S4OO in gold for best
name for his 17-Inch corn and oats prodigy.
You can win. Seed potatoes $1,50 n Bbi.
to John A. Salzer Seed Co.,La Crosse, Wis.,
and get free their seed catalogue, and 11
farm seed samples, including above corn
and oats, surely worth $lO, to get a start.
A. O. 1
Forty-four muscles are called into play in
the production of the human voice.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise free
DN. R. H. HI-INK, Ltd.. (Ml Arch St..Pldla.,Pa.
Prussian blue paint is made from the ashes
of the burnt hoofs of horses.
Mrs. Winslow's.Soothing Syrup forchildren
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. :Jsc.a bottle.
One ounce of permanganate of potash will
make a bucketful of disinfectant.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
wide to take solid food. The doctors called
the disease spinal sclerosis, and all said he
could not live.
For three years, he lingered in this con
dition.' Then by some friends ho was ad
vised to take Dr. Williams' Pink I'ills for
Palo People. He took them and there was
a slight change. Tho first thing noted was
a tendency to sweat freely. This showed
there was some life left in his helpless body.
Next came a little feeling in his limbs.
This extended, followed by prickling sensa
tions, until at last the blood began to course
freely, naturally and vigorously through
his body, and the helplessness gave way to
returning strength, the ability to walk re
turned, aud he was restored to his old time
The abovo is the substance of the first
article published by the Monitor. Now fol
low some clippings, taken from the sumo
paper two years afterward, nnd there is not
the slightest shadow of a doubt, in view of
this testimony, that Mr. Fetch's cure is per
manent. Hero follows the account:
On being agnin questioned, Mr. Petcli
said: "You see those hands—the skin is
now natural and elastic. Once they were
hard and without sensation. You could
pierce them with a pin and I would not feel
it, and what Is truo of my hands is true of
the rest of my body. Perhaps you have
observed that I have now even ceased to
use a eano, nnd can got about my business
perfectly well. You may say there is abso
lutely no douht as to my cure being perma-
The quiver of the aspen leaves is
due to the fact of the leaf stalk being
flat on the sides anil so thin about the
middle that the slightest breath of
wind set« all the leaves waggiug hori
It is a curious fact that the rifles
with which the Indian bowler tribes
carry on their periodical wars against
the British are manufactured in Eng
Deafness Cannot Rc Cured
by local applications asthey cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous liningof the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed
Deafness i* the result, and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out nnd this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will ho
destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which Is nothing butan in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh (.urc. Send
for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, G.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Charcoal applied to the sore will cure a
burn In one hour.
Conservative Investors
Can largely increase their income by placing
their accounts in my hands. Twenty years of
Wall Street experience, in addition to reliable
INSIDE INFORMATION, enables mo to advise
you most successfully. Write for particulars,
which are interesting to those having money
to invest. CHARLES HUGHES, Invest
ment Broker, 63 Wall Street, New York
There Is a clock in Brussels that is kopt
going by the wind.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Qui nine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 3to.
It is intimated that one English person in
every twenty-four has red hair.
——————————————————— BU3 01 E? A LO frotu
your grocer or paint dealer and do your own w ~ wi * w deco
rating. This material is a HARD FINISH to be applied with a brush
aud becomes as hard as Cement. Milled in twenty-four tints and works
equally as well with cold or hot water. JSssT'SEXO GO It SAJIPLE
CARDS and if you cannot purchase this material from your local deal
ers let us know and we will put you in the way of obtaining it.
la«rr«jla«rr«j R»r»M». Price, flS.tO. Wajonj. Stid for fre« «HStrtrr. Pri<r. -Ilk carUiai. l»«r«. •»•■
Ai [MI u Mill for |:i. «112 All o*r ItjUl. .k»4c. ju.l Itßdfr., A«cooJ»mll» for|N.
n»nt. Indeed lam in even belter health than
when / gave you the first interview."
"Do you still attribute your uure to tlia
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" asked tlio
"Unquestionably I do," was tho reply.
"Doctors hail failed, as had also the uumer«
ous remedies recommended by my friends.
Nothing I took had the slightest effect upon
me until I bojjau the use of Dr. Williams"
Pink Pills. To this wonderful medioine F
owe my release from the living death. I linvo
since recommended these pills to mauy ot
my friends, and the verdict is always la
tholr favor. I shall always bless tho day I
was Induced to take them'"
Such Is the history of one of tho most re
markable cases ot modern times. Can any
one say, In tho face of such testimony, thaf
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro not entitled to
the careful consideration of any suffering
man, woman or child? Is not the case iu.
truth a miracle of modern medicine?
To make the evidence complete wo pub
lish above a fac simile cut of the check re
ceived by Mr. Potch from the Canadian
Mutual Life Association, beini? the amount
due him for total disability. It is unneces
sary to add that this life insurance asso
ciation did not pay this large amount of
money to Mr. Patch, except after the most
careful examination of ills condition by
their medical experts. They m usl have re
garded him as forever incurable.
Jlr. Patch's address is as follows, lieubsa
Patch, Griersvillo, Oat., Canada.
Alaska Advice
Keep away from schemers and irresponsible
people who know absolutely nothing about your
wants ami for the sake of a few dollars they make
out of you will steer you into certain houses with
whoni tliey arc in
I We carry the largest stock in Seattle and have
sold thousands of Alaska Outfits, KNOW exactly
[ what is wanted and everything is paoked by c*x»
pcrlenrrd men.
j We mail free of charge a good map showing the
! best route ami a supply list giving the cost ami
weight of articles required for "one man for one
year.*' Address
lOi iV KM; First Avenue, South,
I lief.: DEXTER IIORTON & Co., Hankers. Seattle,
| Wash.; FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Chicago 111.: WKHT
KIJN N AT!< •N M. BANK, New York Cltt
/?T Sil/fr's SffJs are Warranted to Prodicr. «A
Af E. Walter. Lrßaraville. Pa.. astonitfced the world
JHf by growiug'Jso bushels Salter a coru; J. Kreider,
flflw Mialucott, Wis., 173 bush. tylcr, and P. Slunot, ■■
Kandalia, lowa, br growing lw bu*h. Salzer'a oata
SH |>*r acre. If you doubt, write them. We wish to gain ■■
g§ 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10o.' E3
.U-rusalem Corn, etc.. \n
receipt^' of bul 100. postage, positively JffjV
ifflL worth 910. to get a ktart. 100,000 bbU. JL^W
Garden ft Flower
■F^P 3 wilh " world-wide
ULa Hbai lUf UP reputation. Catalog
free to all.
JAMES J. 11. (iKEfiOKT ASOX.MarbleheaJ.MaaK.
S%| 11A J| and Liquor Habit cured in
■ ||J| R BAA 10 to 20 dare. No pay till
111 llllwlcured Dr. J. L.Stephens
VI | Vlwl A, Lebanon, Ohio.
TO TRAVEL for old established houso
Permanent position. 840 per month and all expenses
P.W.ZIEGLEIt & CO.. 240 Locust St.. Philadelphia.
U Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Cse W
Ct| in time. Sold by druggists. Fi