SERMONS OF THE DAY. RELIGIOUS TOPICS DISCUSSED BY PROMINENT AMERICAN MINISTERS. •'Stlrrln* Folks Up"—Fourteenth Sermon in the New York Her»l(l'a Competitive Series U bra Pennsylvania Minister— Br. Talmage On Ordinary l'eople. "Ahab, whom Jozebel his wife stirred up."—l. Kings, xxi., 25. A large part of the evil and a larger part of the good in the world would never be done but for the doers being stirred up to it. Life is much like the sea; there seems al ways some wind to smite the surface or some stealthy undercurrent to send its rcst lessnoss up from the depths. The lesson is many sided; if fully consid ered it covers the whole complex question of life's relationships. It is not one part of the world against the other; part of the ■world giving, the other ever receiving im pressions, for one who is stirred up by evil may be a constant impulse to another's good. No matter how weak one may be or how dependent on others, there is still some power going forth—consciously or uncon sciously—which makes more positive the good or evil of the world's conflicting forces. We And ourselves pressed by life's im pulses or irritations. Its attractions and repulsions find ready allies in our inclina tions, and often we fail because wo under estimate the opposing forces, or wejoyously realizo that we have been impelled to a usefulness wo had thought beyond our power. The example of Jezebel—the Lady Mac beth of Scripture, the "new woman" of nearly three thousaud years ago—is not chosen because women aro more prone to stirring up to evil thgn men, though blessed is the woman who "stirs up" her husband whenever ho needs it, and happy is the man who never stirs up his wife to any thing but good. Wo are ready to condemn 'Jezebel for having stirred up Ahab to evil, but we of ten lose sight of how Ahab influenced Jeze bel. His negative weakness provoked her positive badness, We sometimes comfort ourselves that we are not bad because no do not great sins, foigetful that our very weakness may provoke some one else into Binning. Ahab wanted a piece ». " THE CLEANER 'TIS, THE COSIER 'TIS." WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT SAPOLIO n»nt. Indeed lam in even belter health than when / gave you the first interview." "Do you still attribute your uure to tlia use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" asked tlio Monitor. "Unquestionably I do," was tho reply. "Doctors hail failed, as had also the uumer« ous remedies recommended by my friends. Nothing I took had the slightest effect upon me until I bojjau the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. To this wonderful medioine F owe my release from the living death. I linvo since recommended these pills to mauy ot my friends, and the verdict is always la tholr favor. I shall always bless tho day I was Induced to take them'" Such Is the history of one of tho most re markable cases ot modern times. Can any one say, In tho face of such testimony, thaf Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro not entitled to the careful consideration of any suffering man, woman or child? Is not the case iu. truth a miracle of modern medicine? To make the evidence complete wo pub lish above a fac simile cut of the check re ceived by Mr. Potch from the Canadian Mutual Life Association, beini? the amount due him for total disability. It is unneces sary to add that this life insurance asso ciation did not pay this large amount of money to Mr. Patch, except after the most careful examination of ills condition by their medical experts. They m usl have re garded him as forever incurable. Jlr. Patch's address is as follows, lieubsa Patch, Griersvillo, Oat., Canada. Alaska Advice Keep away from schemers and irresponsible people who know absolutely nothing about your wants ami for the sake of a few dollars they make out of you will steer you into certain houses with whoni tliey arc in I We carry the largest stock in Seattle and have sold thousands of Alaska Outfits, KNOW exactly [ what is wanted and everything is paoked by c*x» pcrlenrrd men. j We mail free of charge a good map showing the ! best route ami a supply list giving the cost ami weight of articles required for "one man for one year.*' Address COOPER & LEVY, lOi iV KM; First Avenue, South, Dept. X. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. I lief.: DEXTER IIORTON & Co., Hankers. Seattle, | Wash.; FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Chicago 111.: WKHT KIJN N AT!< •N M. BANK, New York Cltt >TSEEDS\ /?T Sil/fr's SffJs are Warranted to Prodicr. «A Af E. Walter. Lrßaraville. Pa.. astonitfced the world JHf by growiug'Jso bushels Salter a coru; J. Kreider, flflw Mialucott, Wis., 173 bush. tylcr, and P. Slunot, ■■ Kandalia, lowa, br growing lw bu*h. Salzer'a oata SH |>*r acre. If you doubt, write them. We wish to gain ■■ g§ 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10o.' E3 .U-rusalem Corn, etc.. \n receipt^' of bul 100. postage, positively JffjV ifflL worth 910. to get a ktart. 100,000 bbU. JL^W Garden ft Flower ■F^P 3 wilh " world-wide ULa Hbai lUf UP reputation. Catalog free to all. JAMES J. 11. (iKEfiOKT ASOX.MarbleheaJ.MaaK. S%| 11A J| and Liquor Habit cured in ■ ||J| R BAA 10 to 20 dare. No pay till 111 llllwlcured Dr. J. L.Stephens VI | Vlwl A, Lebanon, Ohio. MMfcbfrlW WANTED. TO TRAVEL for old established houso Permanent position. 840 per month and all expenses P.W.ZIEGLEIt & CO.. 240 Locust St.. Philadelphia. ■SBBSB3E!I3!H3SIEISi UUKtS WHIRE ALL USE FAILS. SB U Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Cse W Ct| in time. Sold by druggists. Fi