Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager- THURSDAY FEB. 24, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. IiAPOHTE. PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte," as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION —SI.SO per annum. If paid in advance SIOO- Sample copies free. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., Bepublican Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Republi can Standing Committee for Sullivan Co., held at Laporte Pa. on Monday Feby. 2Stli at one p. the grand jury room for the purpose of arranging Cor the hold ing of the primaries and county conven tion and any other business that may properly come before said Committee. It is the desire of the Chairman that there be a full attendance at this meeting as it is of much importance to the organiza- > tion: following is a list of Committeemen and the precincts they represent; Bernice, Nelson Cox; Cherry, I£. R. llunsinger; Colley, A. W. Barnes; Davidson, D. W. Darling; Dushore, John Scher; Elkland, j U. Bird; Forksville, S. W. Rogers: Forks ■ Twp., J. L. Hattenstein; Fox, A. B. Kil mer; Ililisgrove, G. Edgar Darby; Jami son City, Norman Schuyler; Laporte, Boro, W. C. Mason; Laporte Twp. J. S. Newman; Lopez, C. 11. .Jennings; Mt. Vernon, M. Edkins; Shrewsbury, R. W. Bennett; Ricketts John Miller. A Little Problem From Life. He begged a kiss. She frowned med itatively. "A kiss," she said, "is an expression of sentiment. Placed upon the hand it signifies respect; upon the forehead, friendship; upon the Hps, both —and more, or neither. Since you have ask ed it, you may express yourself in one kiss. Proceed." He hesitated. Through respect and friendship love may be reached. If he were too bold she —. He hesitated. He gazed down into the grass and pondered swiftly. He tried to read her mood. He would place that one kiss upon her — He heard a trill as of many birds. He looked up. She was whistling softly. Her hat was pulled down to her eyes, covering her forehead, and her hands were thrust deep into the pockets oi her jacket. Father Inconsistent. Father —Come, young man, get your coat off and come with me. Tommy—You're not going to lick me. are you, dad? Father —Certainly. Didn't I tell you this morning that I would settle with you for your bad behavior? Tommy—Yes, but I thought it was only a joke, like when you told the grocer you was going to settle with him. Insulted Him. Ferry—What was the matter with Johnson last night, that he should get insulted when I asked him to drink? He is not a total abstainer, is he? Wallace —It was the way you put the question. He is subject to attacks ol kleptomania, and when you asked him if he "wasn't beginning to feel like taking something" he got hurt, very naturally. Why She Declined. "Won't you take this seat?" said the gentleman In the car, rising and lifting his hat. "No, thank you," said the girl with the skates over her arm. "I've been skating, and I'm tired of sitting down." Mamma'* Mistake. "Mr. Mlllsaps," said little Tommy Tucker to the guest, "I don't see why mamma said I musn't say anything about your neck. You hain't got any neck!" Kaiser Wllllnm'* Way. I will give you just two hours To get down upon your knees— To put up your hands contritely, And to meekly murmur "Please!" I have warships in the offing, So come down for all you're worth Or I'll set my war dogs on you. And I'll blow you off the earth. I haven't time to parley, And 1 don't intend to wait; I have sailors in your harbor, I have soldiers at your gate! My demands, perhaps, are heavy, But I've made them —that's enough- I am William, and I never Stake my money on a bluff! I am aching for a quarrel; I am spoiling for a fight, So you'd better kneel before me, ' j Or I'll blow you out of sight! I am William—Kaiser William- God was present : :r,y birth; He is still Bupreir..- :.•• heaven — But I'm ruL!:ii.". oa earth. I j How a Farmer I Contributed Shoes* for a Trump, As I sat on the veranda with the j farmer after supper, I asked him if he was not greatly bothered by tramps, : and his reply was: "Wall, a good many of 'em come along and want a bite to eat, and some of 'em are pretty sassy, but only one man of 'em ever served me a real mean j trick." | "Poison your dog?" I queried. "It was meaner than that. We was j eatin' dinner one day in the spring when a hive of bees started to swarm. I'd been expectin' It and watchin' 'em and had a new hive ready. When bees swarm they will light on most anything handy—a limb, a bush or even the pump. Jest as the bees began to pour out of the hive and circle around, along comes a tramp up the path to ask for sunthin' to eat. The queen bee settled down on his old hat, and the hull swarm follered her. In two minits that tramp's head and shoulders was covered by bees, and I yells to him for heaven's sake not to try to fight 'em off or he'd be stung to death." "He must have been terror-stricken," I said. "Not u bit of it, sir. He was as cool as a cowcuuiber, and when I told liim he'd have to stand in a smudge till the bees was killed off he Just laughed. When they'd all settled down on liim and I was goin' to start a stnudge, he sez: " 'Old man, what d'ye consider this swarm o' bees with in cold cash?' " 'About ss,' sez I. "'Ar' ye willin' to give three?' sez he. " 'What fur?' sez I. " 'Bekase you'll either pay me $3 or I'll walk off with the bizuess and sell 1 out to somebody else!'" "And you had to buy him oft?" I asked. "That's where the meanness came in," replied the farmer. "Them bees was my property, and I wasn't buyin' what was my own. He offered to take j ?2, but I couldn't see how he could git away with 'em and refused to come down. Then lie starts off. I reckoned the bees would get angry and sting him to death, but nuthin' happened. He jest walked out into the road and down the hill, and he carried them bees ;;e\ - en miles and sold 'em fur a new pair o' shoes." "And he wasn't stung?" "Not once. sir. The bees seemed to like the smell o' him, and he paddled along the road as grand as you please. As fur tramps, I've had 'eni lie and steal ar.d set fire to straw stacks, but I ain't feelin' hard towards anybody but the feller who walked away with the bees." LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel, First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. Fall ~ Winter Qoods You are invited to come here and inspect our new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which is by far the choicest collection consid ering style and quality for the price, ever this store asked peqple to look at. | Winter Weight Underwartt' for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. I am now putting up EAVE TROUGHS that will not rust. Send me your order or write for prices. CUNNINGHAM'S s ; HARDWARE STORE DUSHORE. ! £omething to know! i Our very large line of Latest patterns of Wall Paper | with ceilings and border to match. All full measure ments and all white backs. Elegant designs as low , as $c per roll. : Window Shades with roller fixtures, fringed and plain. Some as low as ioc; better, 25c, 50c, Elegant Carpets rainging in prices 20c., 25c., and 68c. Antique Bedroom Suits Full suits SIB.OO. Woven wiresprings, $1.75. Soft top mattresses, good ticks, s2.^o. Feather pillows, $1.75 per pair. GOOD CANE SEAT CHAIRS for parlor use 3.75 set. Rockers to match, 1.25. Large size No. 8 cook stove, $20.00; red cross ranges s2l. Tin wash boilers with covers, 49c. Tin pails— 14rjt, 14c; lOqt, 10c; Bqt, Sc; 2qt covered, sc. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. HAVING PURCHASED THE GRIST MILL Property Formerly Owned by O. W. Mathers at this place 1 am Now Prepared To Do All Kinds of Milling on Very Short Notice With W. E. Starr as Miller. Please Give a Trial. FEED OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. N. B. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by calling and paying the amount due, as I need money badly at once. Respectfully yours, W. E. MILL R. spot m Purchase 11 We have purchased the entire stock of Children's Clothing from L, L. Berman New York City, which enables us to offer children's suits at nearly 50c on the dollar. Now is your chance to buy suits for your children at lower prices than ever heard of before. Children's suits whice Berman made to wholesale at 61.50, we are able to sell at 85c. Suits, age from 4 to 15, which Berman made to whol e sale at 82.50, our price 82.25. Best all wool childrens suits regular price 84.50, our price 2.75, The linest Berman made to wholesale at 85 and 600 our price 3 00. We have bought 2000 Children's Suits and they will all go at a big sacrifice. You are all invited to come and see the wonderful bargains we are offering. It will pay you big to make your purchase now as you curely will not duplicate these bargains in the future. All the ladies' 'KrV;.', Coats and Capes at less than half price. Big bargains in shoes and rubbers. A big reduction in overcoats. Every article in the store we will sell this month at half price, as the season is advancing and we must have room for Spring and Summer goods. You can save from 40 to 50 per cent on every purchase. J fomK Da«* The Reliable Dealer in Clothing JaCOD rCI Boots and Shoes. HUGHESVILLE, PA. W.L.Hoffman's T1 „ HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores-- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. I February Clearance Selling. If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores where former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. » Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. Unprecedented values given at these stores this n onth. fIENN INGS BROS. j We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF | Gang Sawd and Trimmed Lumber. LOPEZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. | Wp have jnet unpacked » Muck o' coat? and enpes 10 which we are pleaded to chII vour special miration. We do nut preie- dto handle the cheapest cont" 111 t'.e niinket. hin «e di say we Imve the BEST ami neatest tilling garments nmde. Our coaisand capes are made lo order, and in the latest styles with prices to suit even hod*. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT TIIE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY". Ladies and Misses, Boys and Men, yi>u need not go halt frozen thif> winter for we have pieni v of underwear for you all, hotli in cotton or woo', led or gray and the pr ces are very low, go low ilihi when vou nee the will h* uston '"lied that we are ahle to give you witch bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Uur shoe department was never more complete and if you will favor u* with v»ur attention for a few minute* when in town we will convince y».u that we have ti.e tnosi rarelu l.v selected line ot fine and heavv bo- is and shoes ever brought before tin public. On crockery we have just received some very prettv designs in Decorated Dinner Sets which we invite your attention. The buy ing ot country produce has aIwHVK been a -penal texture of ou Busin?s», and we still continue in piying the highest each pi ices tor Butter *sgg«Hnd Wool. E. G. SYLVARA, DUSHORE, PA. ] Some Shoe Surprises. ■HEmaJ - . This is our surprise I! | km®. scason - At this time of the year ill fIHITT" we must begin to think about our | Spring stock, and make shelf-room That's why we cut shoe prices . beyond recognition—that's why ljW you are in luck if you need shoes " now * You can buy two shoes for ~ the price of r and we have every tMffne. • * Clothing nffyoucouidwisni n Gents Furnish^ I ?^^, HATS, CAPS, VJOOQS We pay cash for ginseng root and xM, and MACKINTOSHES. SHOES: We are selling thia shoes than were ever sold in profits. lUpth e county before at half the usaa HARRVU rDD mh P rice we 9" ote is the lowest. nfUIKY rltnn ||>Q MUNCY VALLEY, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers