THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHEIVCT, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1896 Republican 4'onvcut loll. The Republican convention pur suant to call, met in the court bouse at Laporte, on Saturday at 1 p. m. Prof. M. R. Black of Forksville was elected chairman, and B. S. Lancaster of Forksville and Ulysses Bird of Estella, secretaries. With the delegates of the several precincts enrolled, nominations for delegate to the National convention ■nbjeetto conference was declared in order. F. P. Vincent of Dushore, was nominated for this place and there being no opposition, was elect ed by acclamation, with power to ehoose his own conferees. Next in order was the electing of a delegate to the State convention. W. F. Randall of Forksville and Robt. Guy of Bernice were nomi nated. The name of Mr. Guy was withdrawn by Mr. Wilmont of Ber aice and Mr. Randall was also elect ed by acclamation. This finished the business of the convention and a motion to adjourn prevailed. Republican Ntate Convention, To the Republican Electors of l^ennsylvania. The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives will meet in State Convention, Thurs day, April 23. 1896,'. at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Opera House, 1 : city of Harrisburg, for the purpose of nom inating two candidates for Repre •entatives at Largo in Congress and thirty-two candidates for Presiden tial electors, selecting eight Dele gates at Large to the Republican Natioual Convention, and transact ing such other business as may be presented. By order of the State Com. M. S, Quay, Chairman. Monti*!? School Beports. In the following monthly school reports the percentage is obtained |;y averaging monthly nttcufldnce, elate record , and deportment. Only those who reach an-average of 75 per cent, are to be included iu the report. The «tar indicates that the pupil was present every tlay. The name in italics indicates that the pupil was not late once during the month. Teachers will please observe the above rules in sending in their report. —[En.] _ ; Report of South school, Fox school district, for mouth ending February «, 1896. Division A.—Emillie Whcelor,t9s; Lynn Bohn, #2; Klon Salisbury, 92; Jrene Lei*t, 90; Ihe Shoemaker, 80. Divieon B Waldo Kilmer,* 97; Walter Kilmer,'*9s; Mamie McKay* 86; Eleanor Salr.bury, 92; Ettie Bohn tl; Amy McKay, 90; Don Wan-en, S6; George Bagley, 19; Alvin liattin• •8; Stella Zett»,U-, Judson Wright* 94; Blanche McKay, 88; Asa Baker, Tl. Division C.— Ruby Warren * 9T; X oa Sargent; * 96; Wallace Shepherd* 99; Wilcher Wright,* 95; Jessie Letts It; Perry Fanning, 85; Eddie Fan ning, 80; Ray, Fortcr* 93; Holly LetU, 88; Jeaeie Salisbury, 75. Visitors,—John Salisbury, Mrs, X. T. Kilmer, Dora Salisbury, Mrs. A. T. Letts, Mrs. E. G. Salisbury, Mr. and Mra. T. G. McKay, Anna Porter and Alvah Fanning. Cora E. Battiw, Teacher. Report of Gahan school for month ending February 18. Division A.— Mary Gahan , 96; Mary Keating 97; Susie Sexton, 96; Lizzie Scanlin, 97, Emma Sexton, yts; Ifora Gahan, 98; Maggie O'Connell, tf. Division B.—Dannie Scanlin, 94; Charlie Gahan, 95; Joseph Keating, 95; Fiank Gahan, 94; Winnie Gahan 10; Alice Keating, 90. Division C.— Clara Sexton, 80; Sarah Scanlin , 86; William Scanlin, IG; Mattie Scanlin 88; Patrick Gahan 84; Eddie Dougherty, 80; Lena Kobbe, 76. Akna McGbk, Teachor. School Exercises. The monthly program of the Xagles Mere school was opened by ainging, "Swinging neatli the old apple tree," followed by recitations: Annie Boudaaan—The welcome speech: Lloyd May—Seven little children; Ethil Btackhouae—l remember when I was just so high; Ellery Kiesingor—The new mil tena; George May—The boy who wouldn't Bay pleaae; Mae Bennett—Thing of joy; Ida Little—Cherriea ripe; Mertin May— Mamma'a «tory;M 'jnard Stackhouse—the butterfly'* grave; Harry Little—The golden *ule; Clarence Bennett —Hear the whip •rack; Mollie May—My dollies; Mabel Jarrett—When it snowi; Jennie Roach— Pluck and Prayer; dialogue by Beriba and Nonie Kieaingar, City and eoun> Wy girls; closed by singing, Leta he Happy Viaitora present during month: Qpttie Lancaster, Minnie Gilbert, Mamie McGranighan, Mazie and garvey Danley, Ida Carter, Minnie and Anna Boudeman, Mattic and Olio Kissinger, Arthur Lisson, C. JTa»l* |r, JMKOI Roach, Teacher. , Proicrnmme. For benefit of tho church of Es telln, under thn auspices of the Es lella school, Nelson Tomkins inntruc tor. Admission ten ceuts. Singing. Address of welcome—Ulysses Bird Esq ; Recitation-Carrie Wilkinson; Staging by "Little- fi>l!t»," Dialogue— Seth Brown, John Rosbach, Cora Brown. Recitation-Fanny Vargarson; Comic song- C- J. Fuller; Mock Trial—Frank Maguirc Seth Brown, Notion Tomkins; Select read ing-Frcece Hess; Rccitation-Carle Bird; Newspnper-8. P. Shoemaker; Instrumen tal music-Nellie Bird, Richard Duff; Rec itation-Laßue Bird; dialogue-Mary Mtil nix, Anna Mnjulrc, Clyde Plotts; Essay- Mrs, More; Dialogue (song)- Cora Brown, tfelson Tomkins; Recitation-Orace Wheat- Icy; Essay-F. A. Boyle; Male quartet-S. P. Shoemaker, C. A. Boyle, Seth Brown, Nelson Tomkins; Reminiscences of my schooldays-Beth Brown, Recitation Essa Norton. Dialogue-Nellie BirdsalJ, Frankie Brown, Ellery Brown; Recitstion-Mollie Birdcall; Song-Nell Bird, S. P. Shoemaker Shadow Pantomine-Nellie Webster. Rolland Kave has moved in the Creamery house, recently purchased of U. Bird, KITTIE CLOVER. Election Itetnru*. Tho following officers ncro elected for tho various election districts In Sullivan county on Tuesday, February IS, 1898: Cherry twp,—Judge of eleotioa, Thomas Doyle; inspector Lawrence Dunn; road com missioner, William Kinsley; school directors, Anthony Denipsey ar i K. Wntson; town clerk, E. L. Sweeney; ovorseer of the poor, A. Rhoey; auditors, Chus. Dicflcnbach and W. C. Gruifly; treasurer, Joseph Thrasher; constnblo, Lawrence Lnweryj assistant a-sessor, James McKernan; justice, James White and Joha S. Lino. Colley twp.— Judge of election, P. L. Messcr smith; inspuclors, William Mobanry, J. P. Hoffman; assistant assessor, W. L. Johnson; road commissioner, Gabriel Bowman; school directors, Will. Mc Henry and Theodore Sluyter treasurer, E. P. Kester; oveiacerof poor, B. W, Jennings; town clerk 11. W. Messersmith; con stable Albert liyer: justice Royal Soouten; auditor Herman Behr. Davidsoa twp.—Juigo of election, W. n. Magarglo; inspeotors, W. L. Lovelace, Thos. llouseknecht; constable Jim Soncs, supervisors J. 0. Wilson and D. S. Phillips, overseer of poor J. 0. Stock, auditors Alonroo Paioton 3 years, Ilarry - Taylor 1 year, school directors M. J. Phillips and Panrin Kile, town clerk C. A. Starr. Dusbore borough— Judgo of election Frank liu?eh, inspectors J. J, Moss?rscmth and A. B. Garoy, school directors A. D. Mcnenry and B. S. Collins, constable 11, L. MMdundorft auditor John Scher, councilmcn (}. T. Beegan, Frank j Lusch, J. 11, Farrell for 3 years, J. 11. Yonkin, (3. L. Mcllcnry for two years, C. B Pcalcr and J. J. Mcsscisniilh for one year, t»* collector Frank Ruck, c nstalrle Alex Whitebread. Elkland twp.—Ju'go of election W. T. Moore inspectors George C. Birdsall, Henry Vouglit, road commissioner Theodore Iless, school di rectors 11. W. 0.-der, Francis Bahl 3 years, G. L. Hosbacli 2 years, audiior F. A. lioyle, town clerk J. L. overseer of poor T. W. MeCarty, constable Alvin Kightmiro, treasurer B. W, Wright. Fork? twp.—Judgo of eleotion Martin O'Bri en, inspectors Htnry Bahl, E. W. Vought, road commissioner Watson Fawcett, ovorseor of poor Watson Fawcett, justice G. W. Bender, consta ble C. P. Uunsiuger, town clerk Ira Roc, audi tor Oscar Molyneux, school directors W. M. Kelly, L. S. Bedford, tax collector Henry Kichlin, treasurer John Corcoran. Forksville borough —Judgo of eloction John Pardoe, inspectors J, B, Smith, B. S. Lancaster constable Perry Benfleld, ovorseor of poor Jno. Floming, school direotofi John Fleming, Isaac Rogers 3 years, 0. M. Mathers, A. A Collins 2 years, C. 11. Seeley, J, L. Snyder one year, high constablo Georgo Bowor, justico B. B. Lancaster. Fox iwp.-Judgo Martin Wilcox, insp. Lewis Dickerson Loon Albert, town clerk E. M. Letts, school directors Charles Fuller and A. E. Camp bell, overreer of poor Daniel Morgan, constable C. V. Parish, treasurer Z. T. Kilmer, road com missioner James Brcnahley, justice Beuben Butt in. Hillsgrovo twp.—Judgo of election P. M- Whitacre, inspectors Melvin Lewis, Honry Darby, constable Robert Brong, road commis sioner Chas. Bias, overseorj of poor Aaron Lewis, A. A. Ludjr, school directors Ward Bird sail, F. B. Darby, treasurer Mclvin Lewis, town clerk Francis Tritchlcr, auditor A, J. Brong. Jamison precinct—Judge of election Parvin Kile, inspectors Win, jMedlaod and Fred J. Landon, assistant assessor Chas. N. Ledyard. L ipez precinct—Judge of election J. D. Plnce inspectors A. B. Mossersmith and Jno. Cogsdill. Laportc twp.—Judge of olection i.evi Hess, inspectors Irvin Dewald Honry Karge; town clerk N. Peters, supervisors Minard Pcterman J. Ilosencrans,school direotors John Kernan acd C. E. Peter' 3 years, Geo. Hunter 1 jear, over seer Michael Jordan; auditor Joseph Trough, coostable J. n. Gansel. Laporte borough—Judge of eloction Charles Landon. inspectors Stewart Chase and Wm. Finkle; town council F- M. Crossley T. J. Keller Charles 'tinklopangh 3 year), W. B. Ritter E. Ilagel 2 years, Thos. Beahen J. W. Flynn 1 year, Justice 9. B. Karns, treasurer Walter Spcnoor, constable A. I. Tripp, sshool direotors Ernest Hagsl and R. A. Conklin, over seer t. W. Gallagher, auditor 0. L. Davis, high constablo Geo. Cooley. Mt. Vernon prcoinct— Jadge of electlofi p Secules, inspectors Geo. W. Golder B. K. Ben nett. Shrewsbury twp.—Judge of election C. F. Cheney, inspectors F. W. Peale P. J. Kiesen ger, supervisor Geo. B. Smith, constable P, J Kiesenger, school directors C. Peale jr. and C. A. Brink, overseer Daniel Little, auditor H. J. Smith town clerk E. S. Chaso. Exesater's lTotloa. Estate of Joseph MeCarty, deceased, late of the Township of Elkland, Sullivan county. Pa. Letters Testumeutnry having this day been granted to tke undersigned, in the above estate, all parties knowing themselves to be indebted thereto are re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned and those having claims against said estate ure requested to present them duly authenticated, for payment. JOSEPH J. PARDOE, Sole Executor, Campbellsville, Feb. 15, 1800. Estate of Js«es Feternaa Deed. Letters of administration on the above estate having geen granted the undersign ed, all persons indelitsd to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against said estate to pre sent the same without delay to I'UILIP PETERMAN. Nordmont, Pa., 8-10, Merenntile 4ppraisemcßt. Tho vender* of domestio and foreign merchandise, etc , in Sullivan County, l'ti., will take notice that they arc appraised and classed bv the undersigntd appraiser of mer cantile and otlur license tax for the year 1895, as 1< )Jcwb, towit: CLASS. AMOUNT. CBEHHT TWP. 10 might Williirn n * 20 7« 14 Hunsinger P. W 7 7 14 Ilopc C. P 7 7 14 Sick C. B 7 7 14 Vogel Julius 7 7 COLLET. 14 DieffenbachiD. 1) 7 75 8 Jcuuings Bros 80 75 14 Kipp G. W. A Co 7 75 14 Hester E. P 7 75 14 Kransnlcky & Co 7 75 14 Johnson G. W 7 70 14 Potter Wlnfield 7 75 14 Musselman Geo , agent for G. 11. Moor 7 75 nLBUOI'.E Bono. 14 Carroll D. E 7 75 14 Carroll, John W 7 75 13 Cole, Samuel 10 75 14 Connor, Patrick 7 75 14 Chesler. Sam 7 75 13 Cuuningham, J ones .... 10 75 13 Crimmins, J. H 10 75 14 Barth & Keiter 7 75 14 Peegan, George 7 75 14 Honneter, G. II 7 75 13 lloffa, J 8. &Co 10 75 14 Harrington, J. S 7 75 13 Levert.m. Morris & Co.. 10 75 13 Kline, Benlainiu 10 75 13 Marks, R. L 10 75 13 Miugos dfc Molyneux.... 10 75 14 MeDermutt, itenry 775 14 Poioeroy, F. B 7 75 14 P. tier. Charles E 7 75 14 Rittenbury, J. V 775 13 -Reeser, Juliu D 13 25 10 Sylvara. E. 0 20 75 14 rubaeh, Smil F 7 75 14 Vincent, F. P 775 l'J Welles & Co 13 25 14 Yonkin, J. H 7 75 DAVIDSON TWl\ 13 Anastroug. AT 112 10 75 14 Bodiuc & Warn 7 75 13 Botsford, Z. E& R. E.. 13 25 10 Huffman, W. L 20 75 13 Pentecost Lumber C 0... 10 75 ELKT.AHI) TWT. 14 ' j7Titiffl?s, Crlt. sgerrt:- 775 14 llartnng, August 7 13 McCsrty D. F 10 75 POX TWl*. 14 Casemati, C. J. agent.... 7 75 14 Compbell, J. II ®Bon.. 7 75 14 Fanning, W. II 775 FOHXSVIIXE BOKO. 14 Lancaster, B. S 7 75 11 Rogers M. A.<feSon.... 15 75 13 Snyder. G. W. & C 0.... 10 75 IIILLSOHOVK TWP. 13 Huffman, W. L $ 13 35 13 Hull, Vernon 13 35 I.ArOHTK TWP. 13 Botsford & Newman.. 13 25 LAPORTE iJOIIO -14 Keeler. T. ,T 7 7") 13 McFarlaue, James 13 25 1-1 Tripp A. E. assignee of W. Sp:-ticer A: 50n.... 7 75 fiUIiewaBDKY TWP. I t Lisson, Richard 7 75 14 Keherer. 1) 7 75 BILLIARD TABLKB. 2 tables, JleGec & Kim-bold Colley $10.75 do McGeo, Robert. Dusboro 40.75 1 table, Parr. Wiliiam Cherry twp. . 0.75 do Cheney, C. F., Shrewsbury 30.75 do Maben, N. (V. Laportc B. 80.75 wnoi.nsALK i.iqcon lichvee. Finan. L. i>.. Dushore Borough. O'Neill, William, do DISTIIiI.EBS LICENSE. Schaad, John, Cherry twp. And that an appeal will be held in the office of the County Commissioners' La- Porle, Pa., on tho 23 day of March, be ginning at, 1 p. m ; wiiwn and where you can attend if you see proper. ' PATRICK BOWLES, Uticautilu Appraiser. There's a difference BETWEEN This Store AND MOST OF THEM, We heard a gentleman remark the other day, while at other stores, "It's usually difficult to get the bargains advertised." At Marks One finds all the bargains they advertise, :uid a good many they don't. If you do not be lieve how low Our Prices are, compare them with the 3gurcs ruling in other stores. Put quality and prices together and see how we lead ill Clothing for men, boys and children, including hats, caps, gent's, furnishing goods, trunks, satchels etc. Come and see us, whether disposed to buy or not; no trouble to show goods at. MABlii One Price Clothing House, DUSHORE, PA. ILLIAMSPORT andnobtii branch 114ILH0AD TIME TABLE, soain. Noverubor, 5, 1804. 60UTH, P, M A. Ml |A. AI.IP. M. 4 3>l 10 :10 A..Will'msport..L 10 15 5 7 5 10 10 6V Hulls V 45; 4 40 f5 15 fiO 5111 I'. nnsd.ilo C 9 401 14 35 62« 11 13 ~..llaghe»»illo 9 2'J 423 535 11 3" ...Pietureßoeks... 9 21; 415 f5 38 fll 331....Ly0n's »H1.... 19 17i fl 11 f5 41(11 3<i| Ollutaoimi 19 1 5! 14 OS 518 11 35 .... Qlen Mawr ... 908 401 f5 55 fl 1 42! Milking f9 03 f3 55 f5 08 I'll 54 ....Stnuvbriilgo.... 19 0»i f3 55 ft) 111 ill 4!l| ...Bouoh (ilea.... f8 sfl f3 47 601 II f>'i ...Murov Valloy... 853 34 1 (1 10 tl 59 Soncntnwn 1 847 337 623 12 10! Nordmont S 3-j 3 0 647 12 34 bapcrle 8 15 3 03 f7 OH t'l2 A''l Binsdale f7 6S 12 44 T3O 1 Oil 4atU'rfteld I 7 i3D I 3 3D Monroeton fl 54 10 33 .1. 1 'A. MJA. M All trains daily oxespt Suud-iy 112 flag na tions. Connections with thn Phil.i. ond Beading at Halls, for all points notth nnd south nnd tho Fallbrook and B»t-ch Crook r iilroads- At Sat terfiold lor all pduts on the Lehigh Valla; railroad. At Sonsatowu with the t£agles More railroad. UKO. V. FOBMAN, Vioo President. 11. K, KAVENSON, Uoo. Manager, Continued from Page 11. and 0 R. Collin* appointed auditor. | The appointment of F. 11. Ingham ns auflitnr in the ,'4harp estate, continued 1 until next term. I)»vi< vs Vargersop s!ey continued un til trial of ttio fi iened issue. Com ill. vs Kimball; court direct the roc rds of .lie iice C'.ii. Jac I:s0n to be filed auil entered o i ac'v ion docket. In inaitcr of fale o[ real est-'te of P. K. Ifecler deed. Tiie comt on petition do order and decree a private sale of this property- In re: Petition of citizens of Laporte and D.ivM on townships for a new town ship to be ci'le.t Nordrnont, The court appola. the following as Commissioners to view and report upon the prayer of peii tioners: VV. C. Maaon, J. 11. Spencer and S. fl. Karn^. Wriitht vs Inpham & Breed; this case ordered certified to Judgo Peck. She.iff Swank acknovrk'd/j(«a deed poll in open court to John Harvey for 52 acres in Cherry twp., consideration SSO. To'far.da Foundry Co. ts McCartney, return «' Sherifl's SL-le of defendant's real estate read : n open court and confirmed absotute'r. Acet- of Q E. Wilcox Admr. of Gideon Wilcox, conPtmed nisi. Widow's share estate of Is. 11, Bryan, confirmed ni si. Report of auditor In estate of Charles Roof deed., confi'med adsolutely. Acet. of Rt'llo Wi'cox Admrx. of Lucy Wilcox deed., confirmed absolutely. Acet of Msigare' < ounor Admrx. of John Connor deed., passed as request of counsel until May term. Acct. of executors of C. W. Engleman deed , con. absolutely- In re: Roiid near Erifles Merc, report of viewers con. pbsolululy. Acet. of executors of estate of Thos. Mttjseifwtb deed., i-onffrinec l absolutely. Acct. of Admr. of Cha» ICoof deed con firmed absolute)*'. t lie eouit appoint Mrs. Jane Scanlin as guardian of the following minor child- T r\" 0 W Scantin deed. Margaret A., • nomas, E' m' eih. Daniel, Williiai, Sarah Matlicw and J seph. The eonrl sn:;.,i!it John O Connell ng guardia-. cl f ,Tohn and Maririrct O'Connfl l minor children of Timothy O'Connell deceased• Marv W. Pnell vs J. P. Ttoters. .Tud<rf. In open court for want of appearance of defense Bodine Warn ts C. J Seoul' s, judg ment in open court for Trint of apn^aranee. J. H- Rottroek t B. F Bradley judg merit In open-ciurt for waut of an appear ance. Ilnnnah WhPacre vs a. F. Bradley judirt. In open court for want of an ap pe«! snee. In re; report of riewers on county bridge over Mnuev C e?k at Soiieatoxvn, report . ordered to be laid before gland Jury at Muv ses c l >n llwncock vs Shaffer and Bird vs Slier man Judgement in r.ppn court in each case for want of fljipearance. In re' rstale of Anthonv Philbin deed A. .1. Bradley -ppointel auditor. T'- Her ▼« K'« l -r. rule on Sheriff Ma hadey to pay *:onev Into court. Co'mth. ex re!. F. C. Schatiabaeher "vs Perry Iter-.field on petl lon tnd motion In open court, rule granted on Perry Benfield to '•how cause why a Writ of Quo. War rft'-to should not he issued against him to show liv what authority he exercises the duties of office of constable of Forlrsvill By the Court: Rt-turiiable on April 3d at 10 a. m Argument List—E. C Ditvis vs M. Var eeroon, rale a"solute and issue framed Carnvdy vs Ohert, rule absolute a issue framed; Kvitts, continued; Whit sce vs Undley,"certified to Judge Peek Taylor vsßenisnyder, submitted on briefs. Cht r' y twp vs Brundage, continued. Court adjourned —Meat -—Market. Cor. Moylcrt aud Kins Streets, LaVoi-to, fa. - Ol R PRICES: - 7 cents and upwards, Sirloin 12 cents per pound. All orders delivered to any part of the First or Socord Ward, Stroup Bros., f^ viotova . I "*■ RANGES, 11 lIEATINO STOVES, VVlil WASHING MACHINES,- lease abd ™g E rs On reasonable terms, with a SMALL CASH PAYMENT DOWN. Headquarters to buy your hardware. M CDHMJ'J, Kr'" Dnshore. Stoves and Ranges! COAL and WOOD HEATING STOVES, BOX and EGG STOVES. CAST and STEEL RANGES^ e-%* GOOD SECONDHAND HEATERS, CHEAP. »-v» FULL LINE OF Stove Brick and Repairs For the leading makes of Stoves on Hand: HOT AIR. lio r WATER AND STEAM HEATING, Estimates. Given. [ Guns and Amnnition, all kinds. Tinning Spouting, Roofing, IN it rob ing, Heavy and Shelf Hardware. MM II Come and sec us; prices and terms the best in the county. Quality and Quantity arc unsurpassed. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Fa. a qa/ Monday, Tuesday, I(1 *I 112 ) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday /|\ Oar prices are down oa these dates. We extend thank- to our many patron* !'>r their kind favors duiing 1805 and hope to coutinuo their good will in 189(1. VaV* M keep a general asaortuiont of goods and our motto is Q,uick sales, small profit. Ourcloso neighbors are knowing of tlii3 fact, and you people in the vicinity of Laporte should investigatc and he convinced thai Norduionl is the place to buy merchandise. Express charges paid on purchases of $5 and over. BOf§FOBB & NBWMANi NJP. D M ON'T, PA. TH)! , namb op XHB next President of the United States WILT. HE ANNOUNCED IN The Weskly oriC TRIBUNE ' OF NOVEMBER 4TH 18%. Public Interest will steadily ircrense. an -i the disappointment of tlie men whose votes 1 lmcd. the ••«*'..< ;-t the !:u"t ; I S.-i, with the results under the administration they ilcct-.d, will m.»';e tlio cam<!ai :n tin intensely exciting iu the history ot the country, _ ~ The Now York Weekly Tribune. the 1' in U publican fai ily now sp: 1 .! <r <■■ the United Ststes, will publish all the political news of the day. interesting to every American citizen regardless of party afflliati > =. Al"! ttcuctal ;i-o form, foreign correspondence cover ing til- iu*>?•; < 112 thev.o: Id, ai .um H-iltural • p o-imeut si eond to none In the country market reports hich ate icco-nL- J authority, r. clnating short stones, complete io cverv > umher ti.e ere ni of the humorous paper.-., foreign and domestic, with tlieir best c !>iic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate descriptions of woman's attire, with -i vari '<) ami impart hil-ii* of i- ;hk.'Uol(l ii*?crest. I ho "New 1 ork Week ly Tribune*' ; i.:•••.*» f\i Miy l/ipcr. with a circulation larger th in that of any other wee My public ti o: •ii tr*.* ■ : \ are !•. ie-.r mat!'- i;t it ■ ■!< o«K t utvv ;• greater iife and variety, and espec ially moie interest to the women d young people of the household, A SPECIAL CONT". A.CT enables v.s to oiler this splendid [journal and"The Ilt-tfor For One Year for Only, $1.25 CASH IN ADVANCE. ' Subscriptions may 'begin : ' :-.ry time. Address nil orders to VIro&I.'LUVAN REPUBLICAN, Laporte, Pa. Write your name and address on a postal e.tiTi,. s(>nd it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2, '" , ,n* '•■i'.i ". :.nd a c-t'.mple copy of The New lork Wi'eiiv Tribune will be mailed to you. T^Fisiin V ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. ' •» i . .4 Your horse being always whnrp fthoil, \ T * :• A is ready for work. His feet are nlwajr» 112 ' . s 4 A ruius his leet, causing great expense and loss "v '*i i: K. ' ft h\ of time to you. Remember, once shod with /$ . V • '»■• * •-„* •* j'•NeverMiips" yoti can easily putin new Calka /»'* V ' ■' , j| when ueeued w iibont removing the shoes. : TUCC^HBHR- ' • V » SI rrs! 14 on hand; kan • ? '*l fti I•, H /77? • O OTHER. 9'n4 yi«tr udJre»»/•* d&- .rt rt I , /.' li -/ . cr.,:«w cirvUttt. ah full in/jrmaUon, XSILED FlUiB. C;».i.KS''c > J * J ROAT v v '1 _ ' -S''" - SUBSCRIBE NOW ViTo will send to any address Tiis New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date lvepubiiean National Newspader, conducted to instruct-, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLI\AN REPUBLICAN. Send your aud address to New York AN eckly Press, 38 Park Row, Iscw VorU Ci'y, and a sample copy will he mailed to you. ASKrornis and GIVES OCiST Ifl TliE W6RIB SATE iTlie old roof | hrs roiled cut. A t.ew one must be 3 provided, Wli\Tkind? Thai;? 3 the question! We think there is | liotUmu: so gooJ as our Steel Roofs Hccause they will last 1 oncer than any, ! other, are proof against lire ami j Lightning; reduce the cost of Insur-j i ancc ; can bo put on OVKK the old I shingles. thus saving let? of litter aud and expenee. Send ns the dimensions of your roof ami we will tell you just what the cost will he No extra charge. PITTSTON . IKON HOOFING CO., I'l ll't'Toy. l'A. No pricey iiko oars -o:i Groceries. Every price we quote is tile lowest. Wo intend to keep our prices always The Lowest. And the people have learned to Appreciate the fact that MRS. tAIICR'S STORE is right "in it"for £licap goous. My groceries are always fresh atui of the lie«t quality. Flour an I feed the be.-t the market affords. MJiS. M. C. LA UER. May 13, 'Stf J. V. Rettenbury, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, ' DUSHORE, PA Established Aoril Ist, 1879. At Tannery Store 1 continue to rarry the' Html us.soltuniit of both Dry Goods AND Groceries, which arc equal to the best in tho market. The present stock of BOOTS. SHOES nnil RUBBER GOODS, is larger than usual, an many new styles nave been introduced- Pull und winter styles of Hats and Caps, are in good supply, and gooff freely. FLOUR, CORN, OATS, CHOP and HAY, are a specialty, and a full stock is always on band, Coal, Lime, Brick and Sto l can be delivered to suit pur either in small or car load Hardwood 3(1 LUM of the usual trrades kept c hand, and orders tilled on Planed Stock—liernlor is always kept on hand well purchased, ena" customers with a 112 Jaines jja7vi. OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY, 10 tO ' SATURDAY, 10 to i VpIRST NATIONS President, OF B. M. BTLVABA. 7jjv Ctuhier, Ca~ttai M, D. SwARTS. iiui-pltis ... I Solicits accounts of individuals and . 33 ENRY T- downs > ATTORNEY—AT—LAW Ex-Proth'y. Register i, ltcuordor of Sullivan Co Otfieo in Publie Building, Court Iloufe Square LaPorto Pa. LLOYD, ~~ ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. HtINCY, Lycoming Co., Penna. K LPHOXSUS WALSH, ATTO RKEY-A T-i.AW. DUSHORE. - - PA. j Office in Bank Building, 2d floor. j /f® J. &F- H io o, ATTOBNIiYjI-i LAPORTE, Legal Bu; iness attended to in tins auu adjoining Counties. J. MULLEN, ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, Office in Court llousc building. LAPOHTE. PA. K J. BRADLEY, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - PA Office in County Building near courthouse I - TRAINER & PURVIS, hi LOANS NEGOTIATED &c. No. 29 W. 4th St., Willinmsport, P*. —:o: |3F~AII kinds of merchandise bought •* sold on commission. LAPORTE SANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a peneral Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Compaaiett J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHIER. Collections Correspondents Made in all Parts of In all Cities of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Paoker St., WILLIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE NO. 1298. No fics charged unless successful or satisfactory. No FEE LESS Charges on all business THAN 10 PKB according to difficulty, ex .CENT, AND penses, etc. Very doubt- ALL POSTAGK. ful accounts, and all ac counts Gywiisold and oveT fee 50 per cent, of tho amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. B Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal ani Lumber. This Firm has one of the fai*- est Grist Mills in the county and they aspeeilty of manufacturing good floor ana feed. Give them your order. Prices wwr down to suit the limes. Oetl.fl Administrator' ■ H#ti#a* Notice ii hereby given that letters of administration on the estate o 112 Barak Green deceased, late of Davidson twp., have been granted to the unthenticated. All pel* sons having claims against the {State will present them duly authorised, thou owing said estate will please make payment of the same to ELI AS GREEN; ISAAC GREEN, Admif North Mountain, March 0, 1§96.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers