Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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afc * * fr- * # * _♦—*—*—-*
I The If. Y. Weekly Press l #
*. and |
#' Sullivan Republican *
I fur - *
* $1.25 One Year $1.25. |
* —* —* —* * • * * * * *
January 3d, 1390-
Good resolutions are now in order.
Our sportsmen enjoyed a fox hunt
Mrs. O'liasT Thorp of Laporte twp.,
is seriously ill.
The boys and girls are again wish
ing for a freeze up.
Our county institute is being held
at Dushorc, this week.
The school teachers have taken
possession of Dushorc.
The lumbermen aro anxiously
awaiting a fall of snow.
The new Catholic church at Ber
nico, is nearing completion.
But very icw dear have been kill
ed in Sullivan county this season.
13. F. Crosslcy of Dushorc, injoy
ed Christmas with friends inLaporto.
Dist. Atty. B. J. Mullen, of
shore, will locate at the county scat,
next week.
Our new offloers elect, will lake
the oath of oilicc next Monday, J:ui"
uary Cth.
James Landon of Luzerne county,
is visiting his cousin Harry Landon,
of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Higley of
Laportc, arc visiting friends in Brad
ford county.
Fr. Enright was liberally rcmotn
bered by his Laportc friends, on
Christinas day.
Its a mean man, who will call his
big and heavy weight brother into
whip the editor.
The Laporle M. E. parsonage will
be sold at Sheriff sale, to-day, Fri
day, January 3d.
C. 11. Jennings of Lopez, was do
ing business in Williamsport, Friday
and Saturday of last, week,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Kopp,' of
Williamsport, were visiting with
friends in Laportc, last week.
Handsome "Flora" that cream
colored horse owned by Hon. Russel
Earns, died one day last week.
mines aro running
full time and arc enjoying
good times. Good for>fclie boys.
Atty. J. 0. Scoutcn of DusUorß", ,
was transacting business in tho
Prothonotary's ofllce, Tuesday.
Ellis Swank, Sheriff elect, will .
lake possession of the now court
house dwelling on Tuesday next.
It is the new feathers in the milli
nery line of the spring trade that
often make women such "high flyers."
Mrs. Philip Kargo of La porte twp.
was quite seriously ill, Sunday. At
this writing she is reported improv
Mother earth was covered with a
light skim of snow Tuesday morning
mnd our hunters wore smiles all
Some men are so lazy that if tlioy
died they would object to climbing
tho golden stairs and kick for an
James Cunningham, general hard
ware merchant, of Dusliore, was
transacting business at tho county
seat, Friday.
After the first of the year there
will not bo any days of grace allow
ed on notes payablo at banks, lie
member this.
A number of our people attended
the Magargel party at Sonestown
Tuesday night. They report u
good time.
Sheriff Mahaffey has leased the
W. T. Watrous dwelling on Muuc.v
street and will take possession of the
same next Monday
Congressman Kulp or this dis.
trlct, has been placed on two com
mittees In Congress, viz: manufac
tures and lands.
The wind In this vicinity blow n
pretty lively gale, Tuesday morning.
The rocking of building* was per
ceptible to tliu occupant*.
A union caucus to nominate can
didates to bo elected ut tin- February
election, would meet tin approval of
Dearly every voter in thi< district,
Atty. 11. T. Downs has moved
us law otlloo iuto lha county btilld
ig and now occupies the olllue
formerly known as the County Com
uiissloiicn' oiltoo. Mr. Downs is
Itloely located in hi* new olllee home
and invite* hi* utniiy friend* to pay
|iiui a call,
Write it, 1896.
There is a suspicious light in the
barber shop.
Gladstone says common sense will
prevent war. The Grand Old Man
is right.
A tarriff that will provide sufficient
revenue i3 what Congress proposes
to enact.
Percy A. Bivins of Philadelphia,
is spending the holidays with friends
in Laporte.
Many a woman who screams at
sight of a mouse, can look at a
surgeon's knife and set her teeth.
Everybody now sees a war cloud.
Hut there is uo danger of a storm
until it thunders and lightnings.
Now that the holidays are over a
slight falling off of attendance in the
Sunday school classes will be notice
Miss Ilelon Chase, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Chase, of Eagles Mere, is dangerous
ly ill. *
A glauoti ut the names of the chair
men of the r' mcipal committees
shows that Congress will be run by
Maine strength.
It is our wish that every reader of
the lIEi'UHLIOAN enjoyed a Merry
Christmas and will enjoy a happy
and prosperous New Year.
James 112 I Deininger, one of the
trustworthy clerks in the State Dept.
at Ilarrisburg, paid a visit to Sulli
van county friends, last week.
Mr. Cleveland will, in after years,
be able to point with pride to his
war as a conflict that left no stain of
blood upon the pages of history.
Ckas. Lawrence of Dushorc, en
joyed a couple of day's hunt in the
vicinity of Glen Mawr, last week.
We haven't heard concerning his suc
The young people of town enjoyed
a party at the home of Mrs. M. C.
Lauer, Friday evening. A very
pleasant evening was enjoyed by all
present. ' c
Fr. Enright held services iu the
Catholic church at Laportc, Christ
mas daj r . These were the onlj r ser
vices held at the county seat, on
said date.
We are having plenty of rain of
late. The creeks aro high and the
wells are full, and at this writing
tho highways are chuok full of mud
ankle deep.
There are a good many dilapidated
old sidewalks in town that should
be repaired promptly or they may
cost their owners dear before the
winterls oyer.
College education enable a
girl to spoilt from a platforJl, but
as bearing on the marriage question
there is no maiden speech that
beats "Yes."
Settle those old debts. How do
you expect your neighbor to live
with his money in your pocket ?
Come, start that old moss covered
coin in circulation.
The school children aro enjoying
a two week's vacation, and you can
wager your boots they are having a
good time. There aro no flics on
the Laportc youngsters.
Mr, and Mrs. James Brown and
little son, of Montgomery, are spend
ing the holiday vacation with Mrs.
Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Hitter of Laportc,
Prol. Davis principal of our
graded school and Miss Agnes
Wrede who looks after tho primary
department, aro iu attendance at the
County Institute, this week.
The Sunday school children of
Eagles Mere enjoyed a Christmas
tree in the Baptist church Christ
ina* eve. Tho tree was very niooly
decorated with presents and tho
children were happy.
The now iron bridge to be erected
across Loyal Sock, at Ringdalo, has
arrived and will be placed at onee.
The structure was purchased by our
County Commissioners of the llorse
heads Bridge company.
Mrs. Cora Htormont and Miss
Mabel Spencer, of Laporte, who
have been engaged Iu millinery
-tores in Williamsport, for the |ta«t
several month*, aro homo ou a
couple of months vaoatlou.
The spriug election take* place
ou Tuesday, February lKtli. Nom
ination papers must Ih> filed 18 days
before the election, hence, our dis
trict caucus' must be held not later
than the last week In January.
Atty. Alphonsu* Walsh has leased
olllue apartment* over the First
i; National Bank, Dusliore, and will
furnish them Iu llr*t clss* order.
. It U characteristic of Mr. Walsh to
i do hi* undertakings In a planing
manner, and this one will be no «s
--cepttou to hit well established rule.
A rock slide along the W. & N. B.
and near K&rge'sPoiut, detained the
passenger train going south for a
short time, Tuesday morning.
The death rate in London is 21
per thousand of population; in Paris
23 and in Now York 21. Th« num«
bcr of deaths in New York City last
year were 41,000, in Paris G7,500,
and in London 89,000.
A condensed report of the finan
cial condition of the First National
Bank of Duskore appears in this
fssuo of the REPUBLICAN. The
statement shows the business of the
bank in excellent condition.
Thus far this winter, we lmvo
scarcely had sufficient snow to fol
low the trail of a rabbit in the forest.
Usually at this season of the year,
Sullivan county is covered with from
one to four feet of the beautiful.
The court hearing the contest case
have dceided that the taxpayers of
the 44th judicial district shall pay
the costs of the proceedings. This
finding on the part of tho court will
relieve a whole lot of petitioners.
Now and then we hear parties
wishing for war. They arc of the
younger class, however, and wo
doubt if their mamas would allow
them togo, should battle bo declar
ed, relative to tho Venezuelan ques
Christmas day was very quiet and
appropriately observed in Laporte,
Reunions and family dinners wore
numerous, and those being thus
blessed spent much time in making
the day one of pleasure for their
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Flynn of Laporte, on Wednesday,
Dec. 31st, all pound son, John is
smiles all over and says its a One
New Year's gift; oigars arc free.
Tho mother and son aro as well as
could be expected.
A deer was killed this fall by
Robert Mar.n, on Panther ltun, Elk
county, which is said to have been
tho largest one shot in Central Penn
sylvania for many years. The deer
had twenty prongs and weighed 240
Church Supper.
The ladies of the M. E, church
will serve supper at the home of Mrs.
Chas. Tinklepaugh, Jan. 3, 1596.
from 5:30 p. m. Price reasonable.
Particulars will be postod. All are
FARMER: —"Jenkins, did you SUY
only 30 cents for two years
J EN KINS:-" Yes, and a line likeness
of Goorgo Washington free."
FARMER: —"Well,you cin book me
on j our 'Farm Journal' club along
with the rest." %
Mark O'Rourkc and family who
have resided in Laporte (or several
years past, moved to Brooklyn, N.
Y„ last week. Mr. and Mrs.
O'llourke have many friends here
who wish them a happy and prosper
ous new year.
They say that the concert to be
given in Dushore this Thursday
evening, will bo something grand.
Tho entertainment is to be given
under the auspices of those in charge
of tho Teachers' Institute, hence a
wor cause. Are you going ?
It was rumored sometime ago that
work at the Laporte tannery would
l»o resumed the first of January *9<k
Timo has proven this report untrue
and wo are told that just when the
wheels of this plant will be putin
operation is still indefinite.
Ooorge I*. Kaige, ol Laporte Iwp.
announces himself a candidate (or
the office of supervisor of said pre
cinct, in this issue of tho UKIUUIUOAN.
Mr, Kargo is a thorough going
young man and would mako a good
pathmaster. (lire hiiu a trial.
Tho democratic members of Con
gress are advocating au Increase on
our internal revenue tax. This
would mean an iueieaM of perhaps
I cent on a glass of beer and possi
bly 2 cents on a pound of tobacco,
Tho republicans favor a repetition
of the MoKiuloy bill.
Mrs. O. C. Lewis, of Mahanoy
City, died on Wednesday Pee. isth.
Uuceased was well and favorably
known In Laporte, having spent
many summers with friends In this
vicinity years ago, Mrs, Lewis was
a daughter of the late H. F Colt of
Wysox. A husband and two child*
row, a sou and daughter survive her.
Those three large stumps, recently
conspicuous,opposite Jennings Unit.
| store in Lopea, were removed Satur
day. The non-appliance of these
monsters have added very much to
the good looks of (he surroundings,
In the vicinity of the store building.
Worth with his little a\e and severtl
helpers did It The Honorable
always was active, energetic and
The proceedings of tho teachers'
institute, published in this issue, are
interesting. D. C. Hoe is scoretary
and ho is a good one, too.
Master Herbert Heeler was six
years old Wednesday, Deo 31st and
in honor of the event his little asso
ciates were invited to join him at tea
and spend tho evening, Herbert
was the reoctpicut of numerous pre
sents. Tho little folks report a good
time. Among those present, were:
George Upntan. Howard Bnllnrd, James
and Raymond Minicr; Joseph Wrede,
llnrry Lniutou, Fay Cooley, Herman \ ea
ger, Eddie Weisniau, Floyd Fhikle, Her
bert, Oscar and Walter ltlng, lllalr Lal
skaw, Guy and Kllery t'rossley.
The Christmas tree on Christmas
eve, and given uudor tho auspices of
tho Lnporto Baptist congregation,
was a complete success. Tho tree
was well ladenod with toys of every
description, in rememberanco of tho
little ones. Those Little tokeus of
friendship glistened In the twilight
of tho many lighted caudles that
hung on the tree aud mado tho sight
a beautiful ono. Tho children woro
all excitement and uaturally onjoyed
the evening's program.
It is estimated that the city of
Philadelphia lost a million of dollars
by tho recent trolley striKe. It is
said that a good p..,t of this amount
would have been loft in the city by
country people in exchange for holi
day goods, but because of the strike
and bad order prevailing the country
lad wou 00l venture into the city
limits. While tho result was not
satisfactory to tho business men of
the city, it caused a smilo to creep
all over tho country merchant.
The Now Year was appropriately
rung in at Laporte. The young peo
ple resolved to disturb tho slumber
of our townspeople on tho incoming
of tho now year and carried out their
resolution to a letter, Tho Catholic
church tho M. E. church tho Baptist
ohuroh tho School house and the
Courthouse bolls were all rung
and tolled as they never did before.
The cliimc of these bells would have
been sweet in day time, but they were
out of season at 12 o'clock at night.
Added to this camo reports of can
nonading and the hope for sleep by
those who had retired early, was in
ilci<l uu AiilwitNj',
Dr, W. £. Glower yesterday held
a post mortem examination over
(ho remains of Frederick Jaooby, of j
Laporte, who died at tlio hospital;
Thursday. Dentil was found to
have boon caused by "progressive
pernicious anaemia,—
Deceased was a resident of La
porte twp., aud had many friends in
this vicinity. He was a hardwork
ing young man previous to his long
standing sickness. Fred was con
sidered an expert on a log drive. It
was this kind of work that brought
on a complication of diseases and j
ended in his death. Ho was an
horcst upright young man and his;
word in tlii* locality was considered
us good as his note. Fence to his
There is a society in the Western
part of theoouuty known by the title
ot "The Uaiue and Fish Protective
Association of Western Sullivan."
They met at Forkaville recently and
organised and appointed their war- j
dens. Now let all offenders of the
Gamo or Fish law beware or they
will bo taken by surprise, as the,
Association propose to prosecute all
that are caught, aud especially those
who run deer with dogs through the |
deep snow and orust aud thus kill
aud disable what lew we have left.
The nest meeting will bo held at
Forkaville ou the third Tuesday in
June ISM, Otmsuvtui,
A family rouutou was held at the
home of Mrs. M. 0, l.auer, of La
povte, on Christmas day. Of the
ten aurviviug sous and daughters of
Mrs. Latter, all were present except
Victor ami wife aud family of Scran
ton. Among 'he list were grand
sons and daughters and a pleasant
iluy was enjoyed by all. Mr. Morris
l.auer, ol near Chicago, was married
on Dou-' Iter Huh, and arrived in
Laporte tni 'Pueaday, IVc. 'Jlth,
hence the gathering ol' the family w«« j
doubly Interesting, The 11 1.. *i 111.1 -
CAN wishes Mis. !,attor and ftuiilj
many returns of the day. Of those
presentt we ret Mr. aud Mrs. Fied
(1. l.auer aud sou Hoy, of Rochester
N, V. Uoy is a natural musician
i nnd liberally entertained the gather'
illg Itv choice selections on the
pi ti o; Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Murrelle
I .Hid daughter Miss Wilhi, of Alliens,
I Mr. and Mrs. John h Smyth and
I sou Master Victor, of llulYaloj Mi,
and Mrs, F. It Inulwui and MOU
Fred aud daughter Kind*, of l.a»
üßili, Mr, and Mrs Morils l.auer i,f
near Chicago, Mrs. Kiu ma Harrow*
and daughter MlasOiive, of l.uportc,
I Mr. t'hi«. Latter, Mhatu'iklu, Miss
Alma l.auer aud Krtic*| l.auer, ol
| l.npot le,
Thos: King an okl resident of Elk
laud twp., who has been ill for some
timo past, died Monday. Obituary
next week.
t'MlllONl Court,
In ro: Contested election of E. M.
Dunham, No. S3 .Deo. term 189-1.
And now Deo. 2", lS9s,at 9 o'clook
a. in., court oonvonod samo day,
opinion of ttio court read, providing
tbat the contest was not without
probable cause and directing tbat
the costs be paid by the District, to
be apportioned when fully adjusted
between the counties of Wyoming
and Sullivan according to the assess
ed valuation of property in said
counties. Exceptions noted lor the
county commissioners of Wyoming
county and tho lax payors of Sulli
van county.
Now, Doe. 27. 1895, it is ordered
that exceptions to tho bills of costs
of record be filed within twenty days
from this date, or otherwise that tho
same bo taxed as they now stand
subject to any corrections and re
v* on for clerical errors and the
duplication of witnesses.
I$Y Til E CoUllT.
Judges Arohbald and Seavlo the
honorable tribunal hearing the
J udiolal eontost caso in tho 44th
judicial distriot read their opinion
in open court on Friday Inst con
cerning who shall pay the costs of
the proceedings. It was a lengthy
opinion. Judgo Archbald said it
wasn't quite in proper slmpo and
that he would take it homo with him
and have llio stenographer copy it
and forward the same to Mr. Walsh,
our prothouotary, Monday, At this
writing (Wednesday) tho paper is
not tiled of record, henoo we nro un
able to give tho contents of the samo
to our readers. Tho opinion scores
the instigators of tho proceedings
and the petitioners, but because
there were 525 illegal votes cast at
the '94 election, tho oauso being
bribary and otherwise tho opinion
read tbat tho court could not con
sistently ptaco the costs on the
petitioners. As will be noticed by
the above order of the court, tho
costs will be paid by tho district aud
will bo apportioned according to the
assesbed valuation of property in
each county. J. E. Gallagher, Com.
clerk infornls us that the assessed
valuation of Sullivan county is about
#1,900,000 and Wyoming $3,000,000.
Tho costs of the contest is now esti
mated at $ 12,000, proportioned ac
cording to valuation would fix our
share tit about $4,500 and Wyoming
at £7,;">00. Wo will publish the
opinion of tho court iu our next
Tho time fixed for the next meet*
in« of the court, fs' January 28th, at
0 a. iu., when the exact amount of
tlio cost will be known ami adjusted.
This is thought, will bo the final
meeting of the court hearing the
We addressed 93 bills to delin
quent subscribers owing us two years
or more, lust week, and what do you
think tho total footing of those 98
statements was? Just $951.67.
This total is only about one-third of
the amount of subscription duo us.
A lew of those thus addressed have
responded to our call, while a large
number of thorn have remained as
silent as the gruve. We think wo
have treated our subscribers kindly
iu this matter, as will be noticed by
a glance thai the average amount
due from each of the US delinquents
is jc.t and over, or 1 years subscrip
tion. We dislike to place these
accounts in other hands for collec
tion. but what can wo dot We
must have our money tho same as
any other man iu business. We
would advise you to remit and save
Lime! PsT&Vfti" 1 to
Can be supplied either by tho
bushel or car load,
By applying at my ollloe,
l.tmchointe ui tuuucry switch, opposite the
saw mill
La porte, I'ctum.
Sheiir* Mai*.
By virtue of a writ of Kl. Pa. tsmeil
out of ihe Court of Common Plea* of Nulll
vui' Co. unit to me illi < cteil tout lie llvtirctl,
iU> i. will be c\|i '»i'tl to public mile ut the
k'onil House iu Liipurle, l'i., ou
I'HIUAY, jaNUAMY .'lit, 1880,
\t i.».• o'clock |>. in, the following ilo
si illicit propcily. vl/i
1 A |i|icc. parcel oi lot of laiitl ly liitf mill
lieititf In llie Hoiough of Laporte, county
of Miulivioi suit stale of I\ntisy Ivuniu
I Imuttilint uitil ilusetlU'il ma follow s
Kciilihiluk i»t a corner ou the south skle
!of Mi vlciistreet which U i .lO feut cuti of
I lUh'cli Hired it lit I ItIO fed weal of Kliitf «t.,
thence south I IV fiet to Church Alley,
I thenee along Church Alley west 50 led to
Kiiiiii of lot uwucil 11) Alphotisiis WitUh,
till in e lint 111 IIV fuel iilolljf lllie llf lot of
! \\ Mi to Mi y tart street, llmnee along
| Nley li It stroll e.i.l AO tut to till 11 luce of
I 111 Coiitsliihlit VitAO feet, strict
iilcu,lire on which is ilccteil * large liewr
I tiwollUiK house wiih littler improvement*,
I .ui'.i noun fmit irei » theiiHin.
I KuiivU, ink. a into ctueuiloii am) to l<u
| »oltl iis the property of th# M K. church
1 t'nulii sof l aporle at the suit of J, W,
Itiillunl el el
I I <>uh ull* Attorney*
iMieiiU si'ttUe, Liipoiw IV, Dec, 7, 05.
Now is the time to get great
At the closing out sale ol'
Spring and summer clothing
(~\ Q At your own price to
/ v_/ J—J O Make room for the largest
Fall and Winter line of
PrtlVllTlO l Ever shown in this vicinity. Lots of Staple
vU 1/11111 £5 Goods in this Large Assortment.
Goods must and will be sold within the next
Thirty Days.
J, W Carroll & Co.
Dushore Pa.
jfIQS Spring 1895, Bg ***
Yos it is a fact; our new stock roprosents a sur
prising lino of bargains. Anil now wc arc after Up
buyers. Our bait is bargains, genuine bargains; , Just
remember, real bargains. We have secured as good a /Qatch
lino of goods as was ever offered in this vicinity. nnctnm
It is this fact and our extra Low Prices that makes y
ur present bargain offer the event of the season.
Call and be Convinced of the Above fact.
mmmmw&m so
Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSPORT, PA
Capital $50,000. xiu
Surplus and Undivided Profits $14,000
The First National Bank,
' DkNVitt Bouine- A This bank oflers all the usual facilities for
'' A the transaction of a , .
Vice President, 1
C. W. Woddbop; ® GENERAL
Cashier y «112 w
\V. C. FItOXTZ. Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
We have planted our T7T TTT'ID "\7"
Prices so low that i_j V JLi JL~\ x
Is Astonished, We have
-L-'v—/ J—/ JL opened up a line line of
§Dress Goods,s
Consisting of Ducks, Royal Piques, Jaconetto J'lissc, Henriettas,
Herges, Broadcloths, and a hundred other different kinds, styles
and varities of goods suitable for this season's trade. ....
We mako a specialty of tho Grocery Trade Jat all times have
the choicest and best goods tho market afford. CASH PAID For
mnMi, 'mm • r woou
Thankiug the public for their very liberal patronage, wo invite a continuauco of
the same.
Dushore Pa
Mauufactuter and dealer in
Boots .and Shoes.
1 Defy Competition.
r ** Normous Spring Stock It
J Of Fine Shoes marked down
The most complete stock of reliably Footwear in tho county.
Everything Stylish and fresh lrom tho Manufacturers.
•/. S. Harrington,
o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0
lam prepared tj meet any prices or quotations with a first class an 4
well selected stock ot
If,i.TS, CAJ'S, AND UK NTS /'< !>\\'/S//lN<t GOODS
1 also have full lines ol Samplob fiOiu two M< reliant Tailoring lCstab*
lUhmuuta.for Custom Woik. I'wiUetlU: Call and get pries.
Yours Respectfully ele.,
Loyal Hook Coal, for .ale at the Breaker of the State Line A Bolllvta
Railroad Co. at Hemic*
TbeSlateLiuwA Sullivan 11 H Co. 1 0. Ili.ii.ut, Bwp\