THE REPUBLICAN. w7~M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1895 CLEC'TION HAM COME AND UONE. The Reault In not Plcaalnf 10 til nut Thai Wm Impokvlblt'. W. J. Uw rence lVlui by 174 Majority, twauk by 04 Majority. The weather on Tuesday was just right for hard work, neither too warm or cold and the workers on either Bide took advantage of the kind providence and putin their best licks. The result was a victory for both parties, so far as the county ticket was concerned. Lawrence the Republican candidate for Prothono tary was elected by 174 majority while Swank the Democratic nomi nee for Sheriff was elected by 64 majority. We give a table of the vote elsewhere which is positively correct. It will bo noticed that the county only gives a Democratic majority of DO votes. RESULT OF STATE EMOTIONS. The old Keystone state is in the advance as usual. She rolls up a majority of 175,000. Maryland is not far in the iear with a majority for the Republican ticket of 100,000. The Republican ticket in New York state is elected by about 80,000 while the city goes Democratic by about 30,000. Massachusetts is not behind the times and elected a Republican Governor —Greenhalge, for a third term by 65,000 plurality. Ohio, where our famaf 3 Governor McKinley resides, gave a Republican majority of about 100,000. Kentucky in the Republican col umn, It is predicted that the "moonshine" state where pure rye whisky is manufactured by twlight has come over to the good old party by a majority of 15,000. New Jersey goes Republican by 15,000. lowa gives the Republican ticket a majority of 50,000. Mississippi stands by her old doctrine and give the Democratic ticket a majority of 50,000. BEHNICE, PA., Oct. 17, 1895. To EDITOR: Dear Sir:—As quite a number of Sullivan connty people has been inquiring about the history of the I. O. of Red Men, a tribe started in Bernice with a member ship of 42, in March 17th 1893. the primary object of our order is to promote among men the exercise and practice of benevolence and charity, the care and protection of the widows and orphans of its mem« bers and the cultivation of friendly relations with those who enter its circle the democratic influences which attended its birth, the idea that all men arc eqnal, are the tenets of the order and what he possesses con stitutes his claim for recognition among the brotherhood, it is in the beautiful spirit of friendship that the red men enjoys the social and broth erly intercourse in our council chain her which broadens his characttT, enlarges bis heart, helpcs him to be a sober, upright, intelligent citizen a better huuband, father, son or broth er, friendship, fraternity and hospi tality are exemplified as cardinal virtues and no where are hearts brought closer together than around the council fires of the red men. In sickness or distress a brother visited, comforted and assisted and when the arrow of death has remov ed him from his trials on earth, he is buried by his brothers who con tinue a watchful, protective care for his widow and orphans. We pay for sickness every week and funeral benefits at death of a member or wife of a member. * To ilMrge lor Wheels. The great increase in the number of bicycles carried by passengers on the Pennsylvania railroad has led to the issuance of an order that after Friday the railroad will no longer carry bicycles free as passengers' baggage. They will l>e rated the same as excess baggage, except that the minimum charge will be but fifteen cents. The baggage men on the main lines say that of late eight or nine bicycles is nothing unusual ,on one trip, and that goes to show the increase in baggage heretofore seldom carried. Report of the Elk Lick school for the first month ending Nov. 1. No. of pupils enrolled; males, 10; females 12; total, 28. Percentage of atten dance; males, 90: females, 90. Those desirving special credit for missing no days are: Bertie Bostor, E'lijnr and Thomas King, Frank and Zera Cox, Alvin and Thomas Speary. Thomas Keller, Kay and John Cot trell, Mary Miller, Agnes and Anna Worthington, Dora Campbell, Alice King Irma Gansel and Bessie Cox. ANASTABIA Lusch, Teacher. Official vote of m SULLIVAN COUNTY, PA. - TUESDAY Novmißra 5, '95, | Btiti 7 FOR SUPERIOR COURT J UUOKh. T. Shkkikp i Photuono- TKKAB'R. TAKY F.TC. a .y SIS S ® c .2 u f s"i &~i C| 5 i £>~i c sT. o a ! J g .a -gjj .a S 1 £ a r | 1 '"3' 'f 'f .Si g -B | ,I| 112 ■= \l/ "S-e § JZ «.£ ss s gib tjS Si g a ai § ; — yl® S< ti'3 a < S| s 2 DISTRICTS. |l| Jlt|l-|||l|li||js||| M fllilllsaiilSl J 1 illUi l! -t, - r|° *- „■s*« r f i c i a * a r *° rrfr *r r M s » - -• 8 "H * s 53 •a a, | 2 a ■= g£?B | j; S S fc* ? U 3» z a *: B i: ja 2 X P b B «s .2 .2 E ■ a .3 *» . 2 —— sS a '>2 W ! «? iO 'S O tE *S '6 £ 5 3 = S s- & 5? o HERVICE - 71 79,1 1« 71 711 73 7a 72i ««: 60 ~ 70i ÜB| 00 72 7 78: «8 ; 21105 74 J COLLEY 87 20| 85 84 84| 85 85 84i 2»i 80 20 29 20 27, 87| 28 ill 45 21 1 CHERRY - - 95 208 95 96 001 95 05 05 20i! 202 200 200 202 l»7i 117| 104 81 172 148 DAVIDSON 85 171 | 87 88 78j 80 87 8« 137| 137 188 137 I!}s 134 77 104 7 82 DUSIIORB BOROUGH 141 981! 92 95 92; 95 04 9li 87! 85 1 87 101.85 81 100 95 2 144 59 1 ELKLAND - - 93 56! 144 144 148 145 141 143, 57 ! 59 58i 58 57 56 145: 501118 1 148 58 8 FOItKSVILLE BORO. 24 l* 26 26 26i 26 26 25 13! 18 18| 13 13 131 30! 9 7j 18 24 4 FORKS - 51 FOX - 78 25j 78 78 77| 77 77 78 27 27 27 26 26 26 : 73 81 15 80 81 2 IIILLSGROVE - 06 411 97 96 96, 96 06i 06 48 43 43! 43 43 43 ! 9(i 38 6 110 83 2 JAMISON CITY - 14 40 14 14 14| 15 14 14 10 19 40 14 14 20 15! 50 ! 12 50 LAPORTE TWP. - Hi 53 36 36 36 86 36! 85 52 52 52i 52 52 52 80 6 0 2 20 61 LAPORTE BORO. - 29 51 31 33 81 35 82 33 41 40 51 40 38 40 36 40 4 1 26 60 8 LOPEZ - 84 71 84 84 84 85 84 83 60 60 CO 1 70 60 68 80 78< 4 77 84 4 MTVERXON - 22 87 22 22 22 22 22 22! 87 36 87; 80! 86 36 22 36 l! 21 37 1 SHREWSBURY - 23 19 24 24 24 24 24 23j 10 18 10 10! 10 10 28 20; lj 22 22 Tola! - i"075 1065 ~~~ 1 i l~ < 10271001 I U76 1002i The Prohibition vole in Sullivan County for Htate Treasurer was 80. F. M. Cross ley is ill but not dan gerous. James Gansell is afflicted about the samo ami they say the Du shore Jlevieio man has the appear ance of a useless dog. The vote in Dushore, is a fair example of his in fluence. Jack Collins of Cherry, and broth er of lion. B. S. Collins of Dushore, met with a latal accident while em ployed iri the kindling wood factory at Lopez on Monday last. He was engaged at his work when a pulley wheel revolving at a fearful rate of speed broke; a piece of which struck Mr. Collins on the head causing in stant death. On account of a severe illness, Ij have been confined to the house for the past four weeks and consequent-! ly was unable to fill my appointments) at either phvee. On next Sunday, Nov. 10., I hope to be able to con-| duet service at Laporte in the M. E. church, at 11 a.m. and on Friday: evening Nov. 15, at 7:30 in the ; church at Nordmout. A good turn out is desired. Veiy truly, E. S. LATSHAW, Pastor, j No Chicago Next Year. The New York Sun of Monday prints a remarkable story giving Ihe reasons why the Republican National Convention was not taken to Chicago in 1892, and why it will not be taken there next year. It. says that at lUfc convention of 18S8 the city government of Chicago, in its desire to aid G repliant's caudidacy packed the auditorium with heelers, drove the regular doorkeepers away and put policemen iu their places, aud when the National Committee) tnet to protest the city authorities actually broke into the meeting and arrested the National coin nitteemen who were only spared the humilia tion of going to jail by tho interpo sition of prominent Chicago citizens. This is the reason that Chioago will never have the Republican National Convention again.— Ex. Neliool Report. Report of Bunker Hill school, for the first, month eDding Nov. ], 1895. Number of pupils enrolled; males. 10 females, 5; total, 15. Average of attendance, males, 6; females, 4. 1 Percentage of attendance; males, 82;. females, 87; total, 81. Visitors, 2. Those missing no days, are: Nettie; Worthington, Sadie Bennett, Daisy Mannell, Ralph Bennett, Emery! Worthington, Charles Worthington, George Mannell, aud Geo. Breitmeir The month was ended with the fol« lowing program: Singing—Let's be Happy. Reci tations; Welcome —by Ralph Ben nett. What's the Good—Daisy Mannell. Helping Hands —Emery Worthington. Fall Fashions —Net- tie Worthington. October—Geo. Mannell. The Last Summer—Sadie Bennett. One Thing at a Time— Geo. Breitmeir. The Flag—Bertha Worthington. The Little Forment —Claton Worthington Select Read ing, Golden Thought—Albert Ben nett. Closed by singing "There's a Good Time Coming. Maktha FfF.STF.R, Teacher. FOK SALE:— Four buggies, two buck boards. one one-horse lumber wagon, two one-horse lumber wagons. Hand made* and brand new. Guaranteed to be firstj class in every respect. For sale cheap ■ Call and examine them and if you are in! need of either, 1 am sure they will meetj your approval and satisfaction. J. W. BALLARD, Laporte, Pa. Report of Sugar Grove school for first month ending November 1 Whole number of pupils enrolled; males, 10; females, 12; total, 22. Those missing no days are: Howard Stackhouse, Charles Bradley. Anna Mabel, and Carrie Spearv, Blanche Stackhouse, Mary WIISOTI. Those missing no days since admitted are Maude Soncs and Bessie House knecht. Martha Teacher. TN THECOURT OF COMMON PLEAS Aof Sullivan County:—Notice is hereby given that an application will lie made to the said court on Wednesday, the 11 day of December. A. 1). 1895, at ten o'clock a. m , under the "Corporation Act of one thousand eight hundred and seventy four and the supplement thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be cahed "Eag'es Mere Chautattqux," the character and object of which is the establishing, mtiinianting and conducting a summer assembly for education >1 and religious pur pose at Eagles Mere, Sullivan couuty, Pa., and for purp 'ses to have, possess anil ; enjoy all the rights, benefr.s and privileges conferred by the said Act and its supple-, 1 ments. C. LARUE MCNSON, Solicitor, j Trial List, Deo. Term 1895. RETURN DAY, DfcC. 9, 1&95. 1. David Brown vs Trexler Terrell & Co. No. 50 Feb. term ISO:, assumpsit. 2 Sylvester S. Steafathcr vs Sullivan county No. 77 May term l«91; trespass, j 3. John W. Carroll vs Thomas Miner & James Laddcn No. 90 Sept. term 1894, jejectment. j 4. Keystone Plaster Co. vs Geo. C. Jackson. No. 1 Feb'y. term, 1595 Delts. appeal. | 5. The Allentown Mfg. Co. vs Geo. (.'. Jackson. No. 2 Feb'y. term 1895. Defi. appeal. I 0. Keystone Confection Co. vs Geo. C. Jackson, No. 14 Feb. term 1895; assump sit. A. J. Murphy vsP. F. Murphy, No. 157 May term, 1895. Keplevin. ! Margaret Lane vs James Sonea. No. 4B jSept. term, 1895. Trespass. ' ALPIIONSUS WALSH, Protlionotary. Pro'h's. Office l.apoite l'a., Oct. 20. '95. Bernice Coal ' at Rock-bottom j prices. , Fred Roehrlc of Hughesville, hat recently been appointed genera! ' sales agent for the Bernice Coal company, along the W. &N.B. R. 11. H.-j is offering coal at bottom prices and our people will do well to >| give Ititn a call before purchase J ing elsewhere. PRICE PEUGUOSS TON, (2240 lbs.). ! iGrate, - - (|2 85 .'Stove No. tS - -$2 90. ' Chestnut, - $2 9\ Pea. - - |1.90. Address all orders to FIfED ROE 11 RLE, Iltighesville, l'a. Notice. j The books and accounts of W. B. Ilill.' M. D., have been placed in my hands for 'settlement. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the aforesaid VV. B. kliil. will please arrange to adjust their indebtedness 1 either by calling at my office or by remitt . ing. A J.BAHDLEY. Atty. for W. B. Hill. Laporte Pa., «»ct. 11, 1895. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLI AS PORT, PA. OFFICE NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. 4-12:'95. a just MjtfT Arrived! With a new slock of H Latest Shies of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS* Of All kinds. Winter Hats and Caps, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of Our clothing department is complete. {Latest cuts on hand, at bottom Prices. China and Queensware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots', and all kinds of Shoes. My grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main ELL apt Fa. TAjCE - The Philadelphia Inquirer More than 500,000 other people fire reading it every day. They can't afford to miss it and neither ean you. The Associated Press, the best ser vice of special dispatches in the Htate and complete correspondence from the Lehigh Valley, the Schuylkill Valley, the Chester Valley, Central Pennsylvania and New Jersey, gives all the news in detail to Inquirer | readers. Pages on sporting subjects 'articles of special interest to women real estate, financial and marine in telligence are thoroughly covered each day in The Inquirer. Then there's The Sunday- Inquirer Tho vo T be • paper published Any who e. Contains contributions by all the leading authors, newsy letters from every where, carefully conducted de partments on athletics—both ama teur and professional, tho staye, society, the qU» !) s> secret societies, p raternal orders, music, literature, | military matters, latest scientific in U*eulions, etc. | A most popular feature of the Sunday Inquirer is a beautiful color 'd copy of some famous painting issued each week as an art supple-, ment. Fop Sail It) All Jirwit OciilcrH. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: . By mail posfape paid to any part ' of the United Stared or Canada. 'Daily Edition - - One Cent a Copy, Edition - Five Cents a Cop v. | Daily Edition - - *B.OO per Year.' Sunday Edition - $2.50 per Year. \IULLIAmSPORT AND NORTH bKANCIC »* RAILROAD TIMB TABLE. north, Octooer, 1, 189-1. k>uth, P, M | A. M j iA. AI. KM. 4 10 30 A..\Viirmsport..L 10 li 527 1 5 t« 55 .Halts j 944 4 4rt fA 15 fi 1 Oil Peong(l.ile jf9 40i 14 35 52 112 It I 'J .... tlughf.-villo V29 423 5 35 11 20 ...Pictureßockf...' 9 2ti 4 14 if 538 fit 23 ....Lyon's Milt.... 112» 17, (I 11 i fi 41 Silt 20' Chainmmi I IV Ij 14 08 5 48' 11 35 ....Qlen Mawr ...| t) 07' 4 01 f5 Sfijfll 43 Eilkins 11l 02 fS 5.'. f's iWjill 4^S —Strawbriuge ... 1 IS 51): f3 b'J t« 03 ill ill ...llecoh Oien.... « 54, f3 4 ; ft Oft 11 51 ...Muroy Valley...! 851 34. ft 13 12 01 Sooostnwn ' 84i 337 8 30 12 19 Nor.luiont 1 S 2H| 3 2" 6 47! 12 37 I.npurte 8 11! 3 0 f7 9iJft2 58 Ringitalo ! f7 sil 12 4' 725 I I'.' Sattrrfield ! 7 4■'l 2So P. M. P. M. 1 'A. MIA. M. All trains daily except Sunday* 112 flag sta tions. Connections with the Phil*, and Heading nt Halls, for all points north and south ivr.d the Falllirook and Beech Creek raih-oals * At Sr. - terfield for all point* on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonedtowc with the *)aglog A!ere railroad. GRO. V. FOR MAN, Vioo President. R. L, EAVKNSON, Gen. Manu^eu J. V. SETTENBUBY, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, *-DUSHOKE, ' t Established April Ist, 1879. The Clothing we are Selling: speaks for itself. The speech is a good one judging from results, =Wb ME Ready With everything new, fresh and attractive in SUITS <& QVERCOATS For Men, Boys and Children HATS ASTO OAFS Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Gloves and Mittens. We extend a cordial invitation to you and your friends. You don' need a pocket full of money here. It pays to advertise —IN THE— Sullivan Republican Because it Has i a'KS™'™ hates. the Best { ATTRACTIVE ADS. . . . AND IT IS THE VERY BEST . . . FAMILY # In the NEWSPAPER County. How to get the most for the least money. That's a problem ii \dve rtising that requires much study and much knowledge in order tha it| in: y be solved. Lei the Republican help you. SUBSCRIBE NOW Wo will send to any address The New York W'kly Press A clean, interesting, lip-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send yonr'name and address to Now York Weekly Press, 38 Park Itow, Ne\ Yo k City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. TYour horse being always »hnrp ■had, \ is ready for work. ilis feet are always SpffiE I iX In good condition, and he isnot constantly at JffS I IV-M. \\ the blacksmith's being sharpened, which BKIg JjOiWßll n ruins his feet, cansing great ex pense and loss OBMI MjgM nof time to yon. Remember, once shod with IW. l| •'Neverslins" you can easily putin new Calks HI El when needed without renoviiig the shoes. PHI mi Mn^M Circular wuJ*/uU in/vrmatwn, MAILED Fit HE APom IITCI A. J. RO AT, Kingston, Pa. W Cheapest and Best We erect the cheapest and best Wir« Fence In the *•♦!» t. If in need of a fence tbis season j or in tbe future, give us a call. | James Meyers. & Co- Strawbridge, Pa. ; Notice, I am prepared to nil orders for Lehigh!! Valley "Stove" and "Nut" eonl at $4.50 for 2000 lba. delivers! or $4 00 from the yard. JAMES MCFARLANE, Laporte. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER TO? & IN —ALSO— Fan and Heavy Inmlier Waps.j FACTORY WEST MAIN EET LAPOKTE. PA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and. aeatly done at reaeouablc prices. Vicious Hon eg Shod In M irtin's Horse Shoeing Rack. J. w. BALLARD May ia,»«. iSPECIAL ANNOUSCEMEHT! Samuel Cole, OF Dushorc is headquarters for all kinds of hardware — Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods painls, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MAWrPACTRES of copper, tin land sheet-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, a specialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, , . Dushore, I'a, Collections Correspondent* ' Made in all Parts of Iu all Cries of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Packer St., WILLI AMSPORT. TELKrUOKE NO. 1295. No fees charged unless successful or satisfactory. No FBR LESS Charges on all business THAN 10 PBR according to difficulty, ex | CENT, AND penses, etc. Very doubt- ALL POSTAOK. ful accounts, and all ac counts 6 yeais old and over fee 60 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. \HAIL~ TO THE CHEAPEST THATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people apjueciato the fact that MRS. LAKER'S STORL is right "in it'* for cheap goods. ;My groceries are always fresh and of the best quality. Flour and feed the best the market affords. JUJ2/S. M. C. LA UER. May 18. Fresh stock AT THE—' . Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &e., suitable for the season, we are prepared to sell tlie same at as reasonable prices as can be had in the country Our stock of jROCERiES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold fn our store, and, as much of these goods are pur chased at a less price than lormerly, we are disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT AKD SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods ot the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOWXE, PA. A shingleT Roof, whether of wood or slate, lets the snow sift through. When it freezes under the latter the lates arc pretty apt to break. A STEEL ROOF has none of these drawbacks. It is always tight and is tire and lightning proof. Cost is no more. Let us send you our pamphlet telling all abiutiron and steel roofs. PITT3TON IRON HOOFING CO., PrrTPTov. PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPOHTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Pteamshtp Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies. J. ALFRED JORDAN. CASHIKB. L, S. MKCIJ & CO Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and they m»ke aspeciltv of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give them vour order. Prices way down to suit the times. 0ct1,94 NATIONAL BANK Prcgitlent. OF DUSIIORE, PA. G. 11. 7jj\ Caihier, Capital 160,000. M. D. SWARTS. Surplus 1 1,000. Solicits accounts of individuals and Arms. |JR. \VTWAD DELL, Dushore, Pa. OFFICE IIOUR9: WKDNKSDAY, 10 to 3. HYK. EAR SATUKDAY, 10 tO 8. AND THROAT. HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW Kx-Proth'jf. Register* Recorder of Sullivan C Office with Sheriff Mahafiey, LaPorte Pa. LLOYD, ATTORNEY—AT-LAW. KUNCY, Lycoming Co., Peana. J. & F. 11. INGHAM, o ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAPORTE. - - PA. Legal Business attended to in this and adjoiuing Counties. <G J. MULLEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Office with B. S. Collins, A J. BRADLEY, ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE. - - PA Office in County Building near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, CM BROKERS, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, P*. |gr All kinds of merchandise bought Of sold on commission. CROWN ACME Tlie Best Brain Oil Tlat Can Be Made irom Petroleum. It aires a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as a perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. \ IT IS THE BEST. \ Ask vnur dealer for CROW* ACM*. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC RKFI** Williamsp' ,r * Wil»-'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers