THE REPUBLICAN. w. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY. NOVEMHER 1, IM)S REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE, For Treasurer, B. J. IIAYW'OOD. For Superior Court Judges, CHARLES E. RICE, JAMES A. BE AVER, JOHN J. WICKH AM, HOWARD J. REEDER, GEORGE B. ORLADY, EDWARD N. WILLARD. County Ticket. For Sheriff, HENRY E. FAWCETT, Elkland township. For Prollionotary Etc., W. J. LAWRENCE, Dusliore. Tin- County l'ick«t. Sullivan county is all right for Henry E. Fawcett and Will J. Law rence. There is no reason to doubt but that these gentlemen comprising the people's ticket will be elected. The people have tired of the ring method in the Democratic part.V, and why shouldn't they? A few of this party have dictated their party nom inees for years past and the lank and file see no end to this proceedings unless brought to a halt at the polls. They apprehend that a couple defeats of the ring ticket will have a whole some etfect upon the bosses and they are going to give them a dose ot it this fall. You can readily see the advantage this will bring to you. Observe Frank Lusck, E. E. Mecum and Ed Franke's position iu your convention last August. While Ed Franke had a majority iu the con vention lie was helpless to act, be cause he was not in the l'ipg* Were you to l>e placed 'in a simular position, you voifld be treated like wise. J'l ifliortyou must be a mem ber of the ring or else suffer defeat in the convention. The ling rule; do awr.y with it, and you promote yourself on an equal with the other members of your party. Our people have placed a number one ticket in the field. One free from bossism. Tliey were tbe choice of the people, because they are competent to fill the offices to which they have been nominated. Henry E. Fawcett, the candidate for Sheriff, is one of JSikland's most successful farmers. He is genial and pleasant to every body, and when in control of tbe Sheriff's office be will do his duties with as little offense as is possible, for his good nature would not allow hitn to do otherwise. At the same time he will do bis duty firmly and promptly, as all good officers must to carry out the man* dates of the law. Henrv is in a position to help a poor man and will assist his friends as ex-Sheriff Utz did during his term. Give him your support and you will have no cause to regret it. Will J. Lawrence, the candidate for Prothonotary is a man of more than ordinary education. He is an old school teacher and as such was successful, notwithstanding the re marks of the Ringsters, who bead the Democratic ticket, to the con trary. Mr. Lawrence if elected will do the duties of this office more sat isfactory to the people than our friend Mr. Gavitt. Lawrence is a genial good fellow who has a pleas ant "word and smile" f or every body, while Gavitt is a pood fellow, but cross aU( ' irritable, just like all school teachers who have just left the school room. It per* haps is not his nature, but was brought on by the wicked children. We presume Lawrence was that way when lie quit the school room, but he has gotten over it and is now sociable everywhere. He enjoys the esteem and confidence of all who know him throughout the coun ty and as our Protlmnotary he will give the best of satisfaction. He is a man of most pleasing address and makes friends with all whom he meets. The business of the office like the past, will be in trusty hands, when he assumes control. No ltoubt Where They Slnnil. The Workingmen's Protective Tariff League of Philadelphia held its first Fall meeting on Thursday evening and unanimously adopted the following:— "Whereas. The Workingmen's Protective Tariff Lengue views with satisfaction the improved condition of our country since the election of a Republican Congress, and believes as the time for the poverty making, debt increasing, bond issuing, free trade administration draws to a close so will the condition of the country improve in proportion as the time draws nigh. "Therefore, in view of the above belief it is our dutv to give no en couragement to Democracy by electing their candidates to office in city. State or nation. "Therefore, lie it resolved, that we indorse the whole Republican ticket and pledge ourselves to do nil in our power to elect it by 250,000 majority and thus secure vantage ground for 1896." IIILLSGROVE ITEMS. Our roads are very dusty and we are in much need of rain. J. Lyman Jackson is on the sick list; Dr. Christian is attending him. Geo. Darby and wife of Iloytville are visiting friends and relatives here. Win. Monlthrop has returned from Sidney N. Y., where he has been visiting his family. The Hillsgrovc Juniors crossed bats with the Proctor Juniors last xcek, the score was 19 to 13 in favor of the Hillsgrove nine. Wm. Craven of "Brooklyn" has lost his star boarder; no reward, hei has just gone to work. F~R SALE:— One fine colt, daysj old, inquire ot F. S. Darby. Miss Ida Wilson of Walase Run,' is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Gumble. Al Heverly is confined to his bed' with blood-poisoning. Drs. Gamble and Christian report but little hope.-, for his recovery. The following candidates visited our town last week: Fawcett,; Swank, Gavitt and Lawrence. J IDA. For Wale. One swell-bodied cutter, good as new; I set of hand made single harness, 1 set sleigh bulls, 1 pair cai riage lamps (burn kerosene) with attachments. 1 cutting box. 1 patent wagon jack, 1 mexican riding saddle, lot new grain length of rub ber hose wiih coupler and brass nozzel- All the above are new, or good as uew an 1, will be sold reasonably to tirst applicaut. 1 have no further u>e lor ttiem. 11. T. DOWNS, Laportc, Pa. T. J. Keeler can fit your boy with a suit of clothes from $1.35, up. t.'ourl Proceedings. The special Octiber term of Court con venfd on Monday Oct 34. lit 2 pin. Present, llou. B. M Peck of the 18tl. district of Peuna. presiding and Hons, John Xoakin and M. J. Phillips associate Judges on the bench. Orizo IJonci was duly admitcd as a clti j zen of the U. S. and sworn In open court.) In re: Partition of real estate of Patri< Cangley on petition and motion of Ativ.l Thom-on for J J. Connor the court order the said J. J. Connor to pay into court the sum of $335.82. and that he he discharged! from all liability and his recognizance can celed. The licence of the Lapor'e Hotel was tra'isfurcd fiom George L. li ester to Hus sel Karus. HOIK] approved. In re. Lunacy of Harvey McKav. The report of the inquest declariug the said Ilarvey McKay a lunatic was present and read in open court, and on motion rf Atty : Downs, the fee of the commission is fixed at S2O, E. W. Hill of Slnink is appointed committee of said Harvey McKay; bond required in tho sum of S2OOO with su ities to be approved by the court or » jtidire at chambers and it is ordered that the co.-.ts of executing this commission be paid out of the lunatic's estate. By tlie court Oct. 21. 1805• Bond filed and approved in open court. Comth vs Julius Bahr and Joseph Llt zelman, forcible entry detainer. This case took until Tuesdav forenoon to try there being a large number of wtne o ßes,| when Jury returned vrdict as follows:' "We find the defendant? not guilty and divide the costs equally between the prose cutor Charles Bahr and th*. defendant Ju lius Bahr. Hist A'ty: Mullen. J. II.! Crr.nin for Coin'h. J. O. Seouten and! B. 8. Collins for the defendants. liruee Rea jr. vs Lvon Lumber company Tried before a struck jury. Case called on Tuesday forenoon: action for damages; caused by negleetingly floating logs down Muncy creek. .1. O. Seouten for pla : ntilT McConnlck and H. T. Downs for defend ants Case closed and given to jury oiij The Cloathing' we are Selling speaks for itself. The speech is a good one judging from results, =WE ME READY With everything new, fresh and attractive in SUITS & OVERCOATS « For Men, Boys and Children HATS AND OAFS Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, nioves and Mittens. We extend a cordial invitation to you and your friends. You don't need ft pocket full of money here. One Price Clothing House, K# TU» MARKS* I>USHORE, It pays to advertise —IN TllE — Sullivan Republican, Becauso it Has S AuvEknsiN'u rates, the Best ( AT r VT; ADS. ... and IT IS THE VERY BIiST . . . FAMILY In XEWSi'Ai'KR County. How to got ilia most for the least money. That's a problem in Advertising that requires much study and much knowledge in order that it] may be solved. Let the Republican help you. j Wednesday morning. Jury went out un ! til Thursday morning at 0 a. m. when they returned a verdict for plaintiff for sl6 00 Lewis Ilunsinger vs Trexler Terrell & Co. Court grant a rule to show cause why the name of the defendant should not be changed so as to rend "Trexler & Terrell Lumber Co." John Utzex-Bheriff vs John W. Carroll. This was an aciion brought to recover damages for the removal of 15 sheep of the valuation of $75 by John W. Carroll, while they were under levy by process In Sheriff's hinds. Jury find for the plaintiff the sum of $93. M. W. Botsford vs E. J. Gaynor Son & Co. This was an action on deft, to recov er for merchandise sold deft, while they were constructing the W. &N. 13. K. K. Jury find for plaintiff the sum of $333.57. Eva Long vs Thos. J. Long. Divorce decreed iu this case on payment of costs David Brown (use) vs Trexler Terrell & :Co. Hule granted to amend record. Rule afterwards withdrawn by leave of court, j Charles Bartles, Trustee vs W. &N. B. R. R. Oct. 23, case continued on ac 'count of illness of T. J. Ingham. | The whole of the argument list was con tinued for causes shown. I Oct. 24 1893 at 9SO a. m.the court ad journ. j If successful, Henry E, Fawcett jwill make one of the very best (Sheriffs ever elected in Sullivan Co. He is competent to fill the office with credit to the county and him self. Give him your support. Bernice Coal at Rock-bottom prices. Fred lloehrle of Hughesville, has recently been appointed general sales agent for the Bernico Coal company, along the W. &N.B. R. R. He is offering coal at hot'.oin prices ami our people will do well to give him a call before purchas ing elsewhere. ' PRICE PER GROSS TON, (3240 lbs.). Grate, - - 65 Eirg, - - $3.75 .'Stove No. 4, - - 93. Chestnut, - - $3.90. | Pea, - - $1.90. Address all orders to FIiED ROEIIRLH, I Hughesville, I'a,. J. Y. Bettenbusy, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler DUSHORE, PA. 112 Established April Ist, 1879. Jl Just Arrived! \fir With a new slock of Latest St/> les of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, Of All kinds. Winter Hats and Caps, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. Our clothing department is complete.' Latest cuts on hand, at bottom Prices. China and Queens ware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kindt of Shoes. My grocery department is complete. (Jail and examine goods and prices, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Ci* Mali St, Lapjfle, Pa. Notice, I am prepared to till orders for Lehigh Valley "Stove" and "Nut" coal at s4.ou for 2000 lbs. delivered or $4 00 from the yard. JAME* MCKAKI.ANK, Laporte. j STKAYKD: Ciiine 1o the resideuce of the undesigned iu Laporte twp. on or about' Sept. 12th, 1895. oue bUok heifer 2 yearf. old. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges, take her away or otherwise she will be disposed of nc cording to law. J H. GANSEL. \l> ILLI A.viSl'llUT AND NOR TII I>RANCH \V KAILItOAI) TIMK TABLE. NORTH. Oot'b.r, 1, 189-1. T«v?rw, l», M [A. Ml |A. MJW Td. 4 311; 10 8tl! A..WiU'maport..L! 10 15 527 610 10 55 llalN ! 945 4 4', 15 15 til Oil Hiiinsil,.le [ 19 40' f4 .\5 5 2ti 11 12!,...11UK'>>-'''>llb j 29; 4 2:1 5 3.i II 20 ...Pict 4 roß«cfcs... 1121 4 15 f5 38 'll 23!....Ly0n's Mi 11....; 19 17 fl II f.i 4I|MI 2H< Cliiitauuni ! f9 15 14 *'S 5 18 II 35|....U1«n Mawr ...I 9 07: 4 <i| f5 61 ill I 41'.. K.lkins IfU 02 13 55 f5 59 It* I 1 4 5;.... Straw bridge ....! 18 59 f3 62 IB 03|l II si< ...lldeoh flien....! f8 54 f3 48 f> 0(1! II 5 1 '...Murey Valley.. J 851 H45 ti 13j 12 01 Son »town 1 8 451 3 37 6 3<» 12 1H Nwnimont 8 28| 3 2? 6 471 12 37 TiXporte 811 3 O'j f7 95/fl2 5> Hinsdale f7 5t 12 45 7 25! 1 12j SnHerfiold j 74 »! 2 :< 0 I 2 401 N-.-w Albany....! 713 212 | 3 30i Mo? roe ton • 54j 10 33 1. 1 l A. A. M. All trains daily except Sunday 112 fl tg sta tions. Connection? with the Phil"* nnd Pending at lln!!s, for all points iiotth :.nd south nnd the Fallbrnok and Beech Ctiu-k railroads* At Sat rerlield lor all poiiti on the Leht<;h Valley rnilroid. At with the iCagles Mere railroiid (i KO. V. FOItAIAN, Vice President. K. K, EAVBNSON, Oen. Manager. ELECTION PROCLAMATION "-?rSSSc be elected and K ive a list of all the no, except for election officers and assessors to bo voted for in .uoh countj, as tar as ma} oe form in which thev shall appear upon the ballots and to designate the places at the election .9 to be heh mia ,: fied elector 30l Sullivan. Therefore, !, Tboma* Mahaffey, High Sheriff of Sullivan county, do hereby make known and proclaim to the qua.ifaeU electors county that an election will be lield in 3uid county on oo e TCJESDAY, NOVEMBER sth, 1895, t « the several olocllo,, di.tviot, i. tb* county 10 wit, lieroioe Frcdnct-.. .be of L»bo, H.ll In Berj.ce. g ®J«J «£ —'Cbo™ Township House, near Onshore. ( olley iwp.—at the Collej House. a\i a | p. ißville Forks twp at the Election House^ ssassc xr; *£*■», - **•— Hotel. At which tiaie aud place the qualified electors will elect by ballot the following btate and County officers . A cross WSJ, marked in the sqnero at tb. right. ol the n,»e ol c.did.lo, in.ld. the elm each candidate thus marked. If a . rosß be niarked within the ci-cle it will be equivalentj l mark oppos > Those who do not desire to vole a sti .iglit ticket must not mark a cross within the circle at the head ot tlie colum . TV»i. n Straight. Twiltut For a Sualtht Ticket j For a Straight. Ticket. for a Straight iicket lor a straight xiu et I ooLUMK 11KLOW THB 0_ /"N S~\ [NAME or ANY I'KHSON WHOSB (\ 112 \ [ I {) NAME IS NOT VHINTEn OK' \J TUK 11A.1.1.0T KOK WHOM U»- UKSlliErf TO VOTE. Mark Within tke Circle. Mori: Within tha Circle. Mark Within the Clrol - Mark Within the Circle Mark Within the Circle for the UM of BEI'IIILICA\. DEHOCKATLt'. 1»R0HIHITI05J. I'EOPI.E'S. SOCIALIST LABOR [dulatea other than tho«e whoia uame tt p| )Cftr priuted on thii BTATE SVATB - [Mark ou«] I I Mark One) I Mark One. I Mark One. I I J. | !»• F. Atoyers : William H. Buerry : (Jeorgo W. Duweoa : George Anton : JUDGES OP THE SUPERIOR JUDGES OK THE SUPERIOR JUDGES OF SUPERIOR JUDasg op THR surEK (M«IL K BU) Mark'six _ Mark Six- Jmiks A. Beaver : Oliver t\ boclitel • Adie A. fctevens : - - ---------- : : : Jolm if. Stevens : *** i Howard J. lUeJcr : Chri«l phi r Madia j Edward Campbell i 5 • 0. O. Couchlin i John J. Wickliain j Juine S. Moorl.eal j F. Harry Holler j William C. Kbeem : George B. Orlady : <'ha lea 11. Noyea j Lewis D. Vail : m \ m B Charles B, Rice : Pet r I'. Smith : William W. Lathrope j | : • Edward N. Willard. : llnnu in Yerke* | Dauid Storrett FOR BHEMIF FOR SHERII-F FOR SHERIFF Ma k Ol J. Mark One. Mark One Henry B. F.twecu • Ellis Swank j T. J. KeeUr j FOX PHOTHONOI AKY ETC. FOR I'ROTHONOTAI T B CC. FOR I'ROTHONOTARY ETC. Murk One Mark One. Mark One. William J, Lawreucs Morgan Gavitt 0. N. Molyneux T . . , lt . .iiatrinta a l, n ll ho ~™»npd,.™»npd at seven o'clock in the forenoon and continne open without It is farther directed that the cleotioi polls of ibe several districts shall be opened at seven o interruption or adjournment until seven o'< iock In the evening, when polls will be closed. appointment of profit or trust under the Notice is hereby «iven that every p< rson excepting Justice of the Peace who shall hold subordinate officer or agent who is or shall United States or this State or city or inreryoriited district whether a cominissionei I officer 01 otn or ofanv citv or of any incorporated be employed under the Legh-lative executive or Judiciary department of this State or of the Uni ® ( council ofanv citv. or commissioners of district, and also that every member ol Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select and ment of juduf inspector or clerk of any incorpor.,.,l dhutt, i. l>y h.lncpobl. ol holdio* or o.oroj.log « timo ffffiSTto to'IS ST The lo.pc election of this Common weatli, and that no inspector, judge or other otHoer of any such e.ecttco sua Idistrict to which tliev respectively belong tors and Judges of the elections shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the electron in the <li.tnot to wlncU Ihey rtspe y « before seveu o'clock iu the looming, and each inspector shall appolnt^one^cle"*<r Sheriff* Office Laporte, Oct. 81.1895. Cheapest and Best We erect the cheapest and best *] Wir« Fence In the whrt, I If in need of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call. ' James Meyers. & Co i Strawbridge, Pa. T. F. Carskadden, I MKRCHANT TAILOR, 1 WILLIASPOUT, PA. OEFICE NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. t-12: r 95. JIL SUIT! Samuel Cole, OF Dushore is headquarters! for all kiuds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing poods paints, oils, und varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANCFACTHES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, lloof - ing, spouting Bmcn on. DISTILLS etc., aspeeialty. Our ! prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your .patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. Collections Correspondents 'Mad-; in all I'urts of In all Cries of tlic the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, ,540 Packer St., WILLIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE NO. 1293. . No fees charged unless H successful or satisfactory. •'No FBK LF.SS L-harsres on all busiuess 5 THAN 10 I'EK according to difficulty, ex :l CENT, AND penses, etc. Very doubt- ALL i'osTAoE. ful accounts, and all ac -1 counts 6yemsold and over i" 1 fee 50 per cent, of the 5 amount collected and all postage. Every -2 ihii\!> tried no matter how older appareut s ly do tbtful. r HAIL h TO THE ;; CHEAPEST ■>i . s Til \TB KVEHYBODY'S MOTTO o —— l.and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STQRL "j is right "in it"for cheap goods. _My groceries ure always fresh and of ,• the best (piality. Flour and feed o the best the market affords. 31 ftß. M. C. LA TJEII. | May 13, '93 npnww APW. The Best Barniot CilMCai Be Made Irom PEtrnlEum. [t gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as u perfection Family Safety Oil. it is manufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. William9port Station, VVilliamsport Pa. TRAINER & PURVIS, Choi mm, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., "Williamsport, Pi —:o: tWAU kinds of merchandise bought c sold on commission. pIItST NATIONAL BANK Hrrnidett, OP DUSIIORE, PA. O. 11. Welles.^, M, D. SWARTS. Surplus ! 5 9;888 Solicits accounts of individuals and firnu JJLL. VV. WADDELL, Dashoro, Pa. OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY, 10 to 3. EYR, I!AR SATURDAY, 10 to 8. AKI> THROAT ggENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. Register <1 Recorder of Sullivan C Office with Sheriff llahafTey, LaPorte Pa. LLOYD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MDNCY, Lycoming Co., Fenna. J. & F. fl. INGIIAM, a ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, LAPORTE, PA Legal Business attended to in this anc adjoining Counties. <jg J. MULLEN, ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, DUSIIORE, - - PA. Office with B. S. Collins, K J. BRADLEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA Dllice iu County Building near court lioust Fresh stock AT THE —' Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared to sell the same at as reasonable prices as can be had in the couutry Our stock of SROCEEiES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, aB much of these goods are pur chased at a less price than lormerly, wn are disposed t» give our customers the benefit. OUR MOT AND SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods oi the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOHTE, PA- A. shingle Roof, wlirther of -wood or slate, lets the suow sift through. When it freezes | under the latter the lates arc pretty apt to break. A. STEEL ROOF has none of ihese drawbacks- It is always tight and is tire and lightning proof. Cost is no more. Let us « n.i vf.ii our pamphlet telling all aboutlro t and steel roofs. PITTBTON IKON HOOFING CO., LAPORTE, PA. )o a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Eire Insurance Companies. J. ALFRED JORDAN, Casiiikr. L. -S/BUP.CFj & CO Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and they m»ke ispecilty of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give them your order. Prices way town to suit the times. ucu.ui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers