THE REPUBLICAN. W7 M. C.IENEY, - - -Editor. FUIDAY, OG'TOiJEH 25. 1595 " REPUBLICAN TICKiT. STATE, For Treasurer, B. J. HAYWOOD. For Superior Court Judges, CHARLES E. RICE, JAMES A. BEAVER, JOHN J. WICKHAM, HOWARD J. REEDER, GEORG E B. ORLADY, EDWARD N. WILLARD. County TloUot. For Sheriff, HENRY E. FAWCETT, Elkland township. For Prothonotary Etc., W. J. LAWRENCE, Dushore. TUe WVail) I'lglit Is i»eclare«l Ott Hot Springs, Oct. 21.—The Cor bett-Fitzsimmons fight has been de clared off by the Florida Athletic (Mub. Corbett and Brady were willing to postpone the light to November 11, but Julian, as Fitz simmons' representative, was not, and the club then declared the match off. The negotiations were brief and not in the best temper. Each side charged the other with an at tempt to either to get the better of the bargain or to kill the fight alto gether. At the conclusion of tin talk Martin Julian, FitzMinmons" manager said: "I did all 1 could to make a satis factors- arrangement, but the Corbott people would not listen (o reason. I offered to let Fitzsimmons fl'-'h: Corbett in private for a side bet, bill they would not agree to it. Tlicy wanted a postponement to Novem ber 11, which was merely another way of saying that they did not want to fight at all. Of course I declined to listen to the proposition. Vendip and his crowd tride their best, to job us, but we would not hove it " Brady on the other hand, charged that Julian flunked, and that lie would not have agreed to anything, "except a title to the whole State ol Arkansas with Governor Clark's office to sleep in," as he expressed it Brady later announced that Cor bett was prepared to fight any man in the world on November 11, Robt Fitzsimmons preferred, the man to be named within twenty-lour hours. Vendig announced that he would match Peter against Corbett for $5,000. The out come of the Muddle can not be foretold, but it looks as though there will be a fight of some kind on November 11. mniiufaCiurerN I'riilent. Tbe Manufactu-ers' Club last even ing adopted resolutions protesting against the policy of the National Government, and ordered that copies be sent to President Cleveland, every Senator and Congressman. Robt. Dornan, the president of the club, vu in the chair, and the resolution was offered by Charles IT. Clarke the secretary. Mr. Clarke did not preface his resolution by the extend ed remarks. Tlieee resolutions were: "Whereas, The revenue receipts of the Government of the United States during the past year, have not been equal to its expenditure, and "Whereas, Upon the meeting of Congress in December, that body will be called upon to adopt legisla tion which shall repay the deficiency and intimations have been given that Congress will be urged to in crease the income by enlarging the existing internal taxe3, and by im posing such taxes upon objects now exempted from taxation, and "Whereas, This method of pro curing revenue in time of peace is defiant'of all the procedents in the history" of the Government, as well as of the interests of the people, be it, by the Manufacturers' Club of Philadelphia, Resolved, That we prote t against any more internal taxation; "We are opposed to the imposi tion of any new tariff-tax upon ma teriala which cannot be produced at home, excepting where such mater ials displace products of domestic industry; "We demand that the single ail valorem duties in the present tariff shall be changed to specific, duties: "We protest against any further resort to the practice of borrowing money which maybe had by increas ing duties upon imports, and we strongly eondemu the legislation which made such action necessary during the past year; "We demand HI behalf of American j export trade, full restoration of the ! reciprocity aystein, which was over- j thrown after having demonstrated | its groat value to this couiitn : "We call upon the representatives of the people in Congre**, * tend fast- ; ly to refuse tom iku any concessions ; to the demand for legislation con trary to the principles herecnuuoiat ed. The resolutions were adopted without debate. — E*. Subscribe for the REPUBLICAN". 1 The Ladies Aid Society of Laporte will meet at the residence of Mrs. Tinklepaugh Oet. 20th, 1805. MRS. J. H. SPENCER, Sec'y Democrats are boasting that there aro Republicans in the county who contemplate voting for Swank and Gavitt. Why should these people; complain so hard because a lew: Democrats are desirous of voting ' for Fawcett and Lawrence ? i E. J. Gaynor accompanied by bis ( Atty., Mr Guy E. Farquhar, of- I'ottsville, registered at the Laporte Hotel Tuesday, but on learning that, Mr. Gaynor's case had been continu ed, returned home on the Bp. ni. ( train. Streby bolted tho Dem. ticket last' year, but has put his foot down oir you this year, and because he says so you are supposed to vote her. straight. Streby is at liberty to do as he pleases on election day, but! you mlist obey orders. Losi:—Between Laporte and I?cr nice on Wednesday Oct. 10, a small] pocket-book containing S2O. and a! receipt for C W. Feidler, Secy. I. O I 0. F., NJ. 746.- The finder will please return liie same to— ll. A. KEMP, Benton, Fa. Bernice Coal at Rock-bottom prices. Fred Roehrle of Hughesville, has i-HctMilly been appointed general sales agent for the Bernice Coal company, ftlottg the W. &N. 15. R. 11. lli-j is offering coal at bot'oin prices' and our people will do well t«>] give him a calljbtfore purchas ing elsewhere. Address all orders to FRED JIIOEIIIvLE, Ilughesville, i'a. -J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER w h is mm, —ALSO— Fara aai Heavj LaSer lapis. FACTORY WEST MAIN EEf LAPOUTE, FA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly j and neatly done r.t reasonable prices. •'icious Horses Shod in Martin's llorsc Shoeing Rack. J. w. BALLARD. j The Cloathing we are Selling- speaks for itself. The speech is a good one juilging from results, =WE ME liE.vny With everything new, fresh and attractive in Suits & Otercoats For Men, Boys and Children HATS KM Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Gloves and Mittens. We extend a cordial invitation to you and your friends. You don't need a pocket full of money here. _ „ One Trice Clothing Ilonse, K# Fl. MARKS* DUSMOBE, PA. It pays to advertise —IN TIIE Sullivan Republican, Bocauso it Has \ AV> L VEIMSINO BATFP, the Best { ATTRACTIVE ADS. AND IT IS THE VERY BUST . .. FAMILY { * n NEWSPAPER County. How to got iho in >*t for the leant money- That's u problem ill Advertising that require# much study and much knowledge in order that it may be Holved. Let the Republican help you. TAKE m ' The Philadelphia Inquirer More than 500,000 other people arc reading it ever}' <lay. Tliey can't afford to miss it and neither can you. The Associated Press, the best ser vice of special dispatches in the State and complete correspondence from the Lehigh Valley, the Schuylkill Valley, the Chester Valley, Central [Pennsylvania and New Jersej-, gives nil the news in detail to Inquirer readers. Pages on sporting subjocts articles of special interest to women jreal estate, financial and marine in telligence are thoroughly covered each day in The Inquirer. Then there's Tho Sunday Inquirer . Tho ve y bcs paper published Auywlio e. I Contains contributions by all the leading authors, newsy letters from 'every where, carefully conducted de partments on athletics—both ama teur and professional, tho stage. " society, the clubs, secret societies, fraternal orders, music, literature, military matters, latest scientillic in ventions, etc. A most popular feature of tin i Sunday Inquirer is a beautiful color ed copy of some famous painting issued each week as au art supple , ment. Fur Nail By .ill \ew)i Oealert). 'I SUBSCRIPTION HATES: By mail postage pal 1 to any part of the United Staa-s or Canada, j Daily Edition - - One Cent a Copy j Sunday Edition - Five Cents a Copy, Daily Edition - - SB.OO per Year. Sunday Edition - #2.50 per Year. J. V. RETTENBUiIY, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, 4 DPSHORE, Established April Ist, 1879. H Just MjfArrived 1 \»r With a new stock of Latest Stvles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS* Of All kinds. Winter Hats and Caps, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. Our clothing department is complete Latest cuts on hand, at bottom Prices. China and Queenswnre, Lamps ant Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kindi of Shoe*. My grocery department is complete. Call and examine goodf anil prices, before buj'ing elsewhere T. J. KEELER, Center Main St., Lapirie, fa. Notice, I nm prepared to till orders for Lcliigl Valley "Stove" and "Nut'' coal at $4.5< for 'JOOO lbs. delivered, or $4 00 from ih yard. James McFart.ank, Laporte. Sthaykd: Ciime to the resilience of tli< undersigned in Laporte twp. on or sibou Sept. 12th, 1895. one hlnek heifer 2 year old. The owner is requested to come anc prove property, pay charges, take her awui or otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. J 11. GANBEL. \X) ILLIAuSPORT AND NORTH bIIANCI VV RAILKOAD TIMB TABLE. nortii. Oatob r, 1, 1 8'J4. loom, P, - M A. M 7XT\L l'. iVI 43" tit -ill A..Will'maporU.Li 10 16 5 2 5 111 10 5;. .Halls ! « 4ftj 4 4 f5 iMfil 00 PeonwUle f9 40' f4 3 5 2f.i II 12 ~..llnglit»:'ville » 2'J 4 2 5 351 11 2lt ...Pio tn re Hooks...' SI 21 4 1 f5 SS-' 11 23 ....Lyon's Mill i l» 17 ft I fj 411 II 2'ti Ohftiui'iini i 19 15 14 l» 5 18 II 35 ....Glen Mawr ... it 07 4 0 f5 5(1 If 11 4:t K.lkins ! 19 02 13 5 15 &»illl 41 ....Strawbi'iilgo ...! 18 5# f3 5 16 »3 ill S» ...Iti'osh (1ien....1 fS 54 f3 4 It Oil 11 5 i'..Mußtfv Valley... i 851 3 4 8 1.'); 12 011 Son 5t0wn.!....! 8 45! 3 8 830 12 It) Nordmont ! 8 28) 3 2 847 12 37 811 3 0 (7 05/112 5.' Hins'Ule f7 54 12 4 7 25' 1 11'I i>Hl'rrllold \ 7 40J 2 C 10 1 1 lushoro 7 3 i 11 5 I 240 N'-»vAlbany....l 7 I.W 2 V I 330 M»: r it-ton ' 8 , r .4 10 .'! P. M P. M. A. Ml A. M All trains daily except Sund.iy* 112 ila«* sta tions. Connections with ihe Plifl". nr.d Rending n Halls, fi»r all poit-ts* noiili nm! south and tli ami Itaeeli Creek railroads* At Sat lerlield lor all points on tl e Lchiph Vallej railroad. At Sonestown with tiic Eagles Men railroad. GEO. V. FORMAN, Vice President. H. E, EAVMNSON, Hon Manager. ELECTION PROCLAMATION W IIEHEAR, by the laws of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania : It shall be the duly of the Sheriff of every county, at least ten (lays before anv election to t.e held therein (cxccpi for township and borough offl'jers.) lo give notice or the same by proc ama ions pos toJ " p .f.eseliaSt si fir places in every election district and by advertisements in at least two newspapers, if there be so many published in " as practicable the political parties which at the pr« ceding election cast the largest and next largest number of votes ami O. n u tl c olhcers to he elected and give a li<t of nil the nomination , except for election officers and assessors to he voted for in such county, as lai as may bt form in whieh thev sliali appear upon the ball* is and to designate the places at which the «h>cti m is to be 10 I . „ n <difiod electors of Sullivan Therefore, I, Thomas Mahatfey, High Sheriff of Sullivan county, do hereby muke known and proclaim to the qualified electors ot Sullivan county that an election will be held in said county on „ _ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER sth, i895, at the several election districts in the county to wit: Hernice Precinct—at the lvuights ot i/.ibur 11 all in l.crniec. \[!w,". ir ,?ie Dushore Township House, near Onshore. Volley twp.-at the Colley House. Davidson tvvp.-a the public houseof.MsJ:. S l^ H on ouse! Horo.—at the Hotel Carroll in said borough. Elkland twp._at the Election louse at h (lredsv;lie lor«s form* Forksville Horo.—at the Porksville House in said borough. Fox twp -at the lownslnp House at Shunk. "'" t T,e houso of llenrv Kohen crly occupied by J. J.Sadler. Jamison City—at Kyle's Hotel. Laporte Isoro—at the Laporte Ilall. Lapoi „ £ a wl es Mere sparger. Lopez Precinct—at the School House iu Lopez. Mount Y ernon at the lownslnp House. >• - . o Hotel. At which t io»e and place the qualified electors will elect by ballot the following State and County officers : A Cross marked in the square at the right of the name of each candidate, inside the line enclosing the column indicates a vote for each candidate thus marked. If a < ross be marked within the circle it will bo equivalent ton mark opposite every name in the co u . Those who do not desire to vote a sti tight ticke 1 12, must not mark a cross within the circle at the head of the column. For* Straight Ticket For a Sti "Ticket" Fori Straight Ticket. ForaStraigUt Ticket iter a traiglxt oohVMHBMXWTOB 0 /^-X X-V. / —\ I / —\ NAMBOFANY PKRSON WHOSE #| (| 111 () NAMK IS KOT RUINTEO ON V J \ / 1 V— ' TIIK lIAI.LOT KOK WUOJI UK | DKBIKE3 TO VOTE. Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the Circl .blark Within the Circle Mark Within the Circle n ;.— imtn jg fw thellgo 7 f KEl'l'lllill'A.V, DEMOVB.ITIGi PIIOIIIBITIOSt, PEOI'LE'S. NOt'lALISl' LABOIt other ?han those whoss uuine appear printed ou this STATE TUKASCFEK S L'TTFTREASURER! STATE TREASURER. BTAIE TREASURER STATE TREASURER [Mark On«l ' .Mark One) Mark Ono. Mark One. Maik One Bcnj»uiin j. Haywood. • 3. F. ik-yers : William H, Baerry : Ueorge W. Dawson George Anton : JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOH JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR THE"SUI'ER (S) S «ark.Six. "SX: J .urns A. Denver : Oliver i\ B< oLtei • A die A. Stevens i -- - - . 5 : Juhn H. Stevons . | j, .L... '• Willi*in C. Rhecm : Goorgo B. Orlady : C!m lea JI. Noyes j Lewis D. Vail j J Charles E. Rico : petjr i*. Smith t William W. Lathrot>e j j : _ _• Edward N. Willard. • HamunYerkeg « David Sterrett I FOR SHEI.U'F " FOR SHERIFF FOR SHERIFF Ma. k O. o. Mark One. Mark Ono. 112 Henry E. F.twcott • Ellis Swank ; T. J.Ketlor | # j : : FOH PROTHONOTAIir ETC. FOR I'ROTHONOTARY ETC FOR PROTHONOTARV ETC. Murk One Mark One. 1 Maik One. I in J. Lawrence* " \ Morgan Gavitt j MO. Mi lyncux j . It is further tlirected tliat the election polls of the several districts sfcall he opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon and continue open without interruption or adjournment until Beven o'clock in the evening, when polls will be closed. nr | rll( ,i uiufer the Notice is hereby given that every p. rson excepting Justice of the l'eace who shall hold an otllce or■ »ppo pr °J t w1 , 9 U ' or „| lall United States or this State cr city or inc. porated whether a commissioned officer or< a hulwi .liimle t like r be employed u ider the Legislative executive or Judiciary department of this State or of the I nited ta • . 112 .' or c.-tinmitgioiiera of diatrict, and also that overy member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the solect and commo' iu,!,,',. ins/iooto; or clerk ofauv any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same tune the o'Hce ® r "PI 1 ?. ... . i, e tlun vol ml for. The Insnc eh ction of this CooimonweKth, and tliHt no inspector, judge or other officer of any such election shall be c '8 , • . resnectlvelv belonir tor* ami Jttdpos of the eleotions shall meet at tnc re#|»eclive places appointed for holding the election in < . ,i»«*>-■«» " belore seven o'clock iu the morning, aud each inspector shalj Sheriff . Office Up«>rte. Oct. 81, It9l, Cheapest and Best We erect the cheapest and best Wit# Fence 111 tl*« HPwifct t. If in need of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call. James Meyers, & Oc St raw bridge. Pa. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIASPOUT, TA. OEFICE NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET Mr. Carskadden is nnmberec among the Very best tailors in tin city, and his prices are reasonable. j4-12:'95. MIGHT! Samuel Cole. OK Dushore is headquarter for all kinds of hardware- Tools, pumps, stoves am ranges, house furnisliinj goods paints, oils, am varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANUFACTURES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting llincn OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we iuvite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. Collections Correspondents Made iu all i'arts of Iu idl Ci ies of tht the World. Werld. j Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Packer St., WILLI AM SPORT, TELErnosE NO. 1298. No fees charged unless successful or satisfactory 'No FEE LESS Charzes on all business THA I 10 PEB according to difficulty, ex I CEJ T, AND peases, eic. Very doubt- ALL POST AUK. ful accounts, ami all ac counts Uyeai sold aud ovi l fee 50 per cent, of tli< lam Mint collected and all postage. Every ihinj tried no matter how old or apparent lydcubtfuK_ HjilL TO THE CHEAPEST Til A TS KVEitY i:()DY'S M<>TT< and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAIIER'S STGRL is right "in it"for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh and of the best quality. Hour nnd feed the be.-t the market affords. MRS. M. C. LA XIEII. Miy 13, 'O3 .. CROWN ACME The Best BnrDinit Cil That Can BE Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will nut. smoke the chimne} It will uot char the wick. It bas a high fire test lit will not explode. It is without comparison as i perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the fines' crude in the most perfectly equippec refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, VVilliamsport I'a. TRAINER & PURVIS, IMMBI HUB LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pi —o— ! 135"A11 kinds of merchandise bought c isold on commission. jpIHST NATIONAL BANK I'lmidciit, OF DUBTIORE, PA G. 11. WELLES. V ,|. ✓||\. Cannier, Ca->i<ol $50,000 51, D. SWARTS. Surplus S 1,000 Solicits accounts of individuals and firm.' GIL W. \VADLJEI.L, Dushore, Pa. OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY, 10 to 3. FYR, EAR SATURDAY, 10 tO 8. AM) THROAT Ji3»ENR¥ T. DOWNS, ATTO UNE V—AT—LAW Ex-Proth'y. Kegitter «t Recorder of Sullivan C Office witli Sheriff Mahafley, LaPorte Pa. LLOYD, ATTORN E Y- AT- L A W. MUNCY, Lycoming Co., Pennn. tff* J. & I<\ 11. INGHAM, do 0 ATTORN EYS-AT LAW, LA PORTE, - - PA Legal Buriness attended to in this am iidjoining Counties. <yre J. MULLEN, AT'K) RKZY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA Ottlce with li. S. Collins, K J. BRADLEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, LA PORIE, - - PA :>iricu in County Building near court houst Fresh stock AT THE —^ Tannery Store Having juat returned from tbe City, whore we purchased the uwutil supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared lo sell the same at aa reasonable prices as can he had in the country Our stock of jROCERiIS Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of tiiese goods are pur chased at a less price than lorraerly, we aro disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT A*D SHOE Department cannot he surpassed in either quality or variety— anil the prices arc less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JarnesMcFarlane. LAPOHTE, PA. A shingle Eoof, whither of wood or slnte, lets the snow sift through. When it freezes urnler the latter the latus are pretty i apt to break. A STEEL. ROOF lias none of these drawbacks. It is alwavs tight anil is tire and lightning proof. Cost is no more. Let us stud you our pamphlet telling all alnut iron and steel roofs. I'ITTSTON IKON ROOFING CO., J I'n'TSToN, Pa. LAPQRTE BANK. LAPOHTE, PA. >o a peneral Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from ail parts of Europe, mil for Fire Insurance Companies J. ALFitED JORDAN, Cashikk. L. a co Dushore, Pa ■Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Urist Mills iti the county and they make ispeeilty of manutiicturing good flour and feed, (jive them your order. Prices way down to suit the times. 0ct1,94 — >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers