THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENKV, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, BBPTBMBBR 27. 1896 REPUBLICAN TICK7T. STATE, For Treasurer, B. J. HAYWOOD. For Superior Court Judges, CHARLES E. RICE, JAMES A. BEAVER, JOHN J. WICKHAM, HOWARD J. IiEEDER, GEORGE B. ORLADY, EDWARD N. WILLARD. County Ticket. For Sheriff, HENRY E. FAWCETT Elkland township. For Prothonotary Etc., W. J. LAWRENCE, Dushore. Attention Filly-Eighth- The Bth annual reunion of the Memorial Aassociation of the 58th Regt. Pa. Vet. Vols., will be held on the 30th of September 1895, at La porte, Sullivan county. All veterans of the late war aud their friends are cordially invited. Exchanges please copy. GEO. W. GLIDEWKLL. The People's Ticket. Fawcett and Lawrence who con stitute the people's ticket this fall are in a position to wager an aggres sive campaign and that, too, with every prospect of success. In the first place this ticket is good and in the second place they are in excell ent condition for the contest. Under the circumstances there should be no weakness in the party to discour age and hamper the work of others. What the party wants is a united front, with ever}' man a worker, and the majority that will follow will be surprising even to the most sanguine. Fawcett and Lawrence are well qualified to fill the possition to which they aspire. The tax payers of our county should give this a long thought. Every true American has more or less pride for his home and are doubly pleased to be represented by competent officers, for this reason the people of our couuty will join hands and elect the people's ticket Nothing ill can be said of this ticket They are clean men with a reputa tion as clean as the cleanist. The Democrats cried contest in 1594 be cause of fraud, can they consistently support a neighbor in 1895 who has been found giiilty of this charge ? No, as Streby says, the better class of our people will abstain from vot ing with the boodle class. Henry E. Fawcett the people's candidate for Sheriff is a straight forward younu man. Nothing of a mean order can be laid at his door. He is a farmer and solicits the sup port of his neighbor furmer at the polls. W. J. Lawrence the nominee foi Prothonotary is a whole souled fel low, well competent to perform the duties of this office. He is obliging and a friend to everybody. Mr. Lawrence is a contractor by occupa tion and gives employment to a large number of our people. These em ployees speak of Will as being a pleasant young man, not at all irri table, hence would make a good county officer. It is a well known fact that an officer of quick temper is often humiliating to the party do ing business at his stand. Should Mr. Lawrence be success ful in his election, he will reside in Laporte and the door of the Prothon otary's office will at all times be found open. Fnnerais at Night. The custom ot holding funerals services at night is, according to an undertaker, growing steadily in New York city. Its growth dates from about 3ve years ago. There were night funerals in New York before that, but they were comparatively fow. The growth of the custom is due to several causes: The night funeral is less expensive, and it meets the convenience of a much greater number of friends of the dead; with the increase of societies and their growth in membership, the loss of a day or half day in at tendance at the funeral of a member lias come to be a serious lax, and in this respect the night funeral makes a saving of time. Statistics show more well filled barns to be destroyed by lightning than empty ones, that is, the risk after harvest is greater than before. The department at Washington in vestigated and gives reasons as fol lows: Before harvest the stalks of growing grnins and grassos, with their many points and heads, net as conductors of electricity and serve as discharging points, to some de gree neutralizing the electric stress in the air. After harvest the fields are more or less bare, anil the elee tric tension must be relieved through buildings and prominent features iO tbc landscape, Court Proceedings. The regular term and sessions of the several courts of Sullivan county convened at Laporte on Monday, September 16, 1895, at 2 p. m. Present, Hon. E. M, Dunham, Pres ident Judge of the 44th judicial dis trict, and Hons. John Yonkln and M. A. Phillips, Associate Judges of Sullivan county, ou the bench. Grand Jury called aud sworn, lion.Russel Karns appointed Fore man. The several constables for the various districts made their Bworn returns in open court. List of Traverse Jurors called. Comth. vs J. L. Cocoman, Sept. 10—Recognizance of defendant for feited and bench warrant ordered to issue—Sept 18, case continued until next term and defendant ordered to enter bail in the sum of S2OO for his appearance at that time. Comth. vs Robert McMahon, court permit a Nolle Pros, to be entered on payment of costs. James Ramsey, John Lewis, Ando Kocinsky and Fred Rodtka were duly admitted as citizens of the U. S. and sworn in open court. Comth. vs Bartley Starr; indict ment quashed and the court permit the district attorney to lay another indictment before the present Grand Jury. John Harvey vs S. P. Van Sickle, et ftl. The Court permit John G. Holmes to be admitted to defend. Comth. vs Julius Bahr and Joseph Litzelman, forcible entry and detain er—Grand Jury find a true bill Case ordered certified to Judge Peck Comth. vs Joseph Litzelman; assault and battery—Grand Jury find a true bill. Case tried, verdict guilty, sentence suspended and Deft to enter recognizance to appear at next term. Comth. vs Julius Bahr; assault and battery—Grand Jury find a true bill Case tried; verdict, guilt}'. Sentence suspended and defendant to enter recognizance to appear at next term Craft vs Craft, Gansel vs Ganscl. divorce decreed on payment of cost in each case. The court on petition order that the polling place for Laporte twp be changed from the house of Henry Kobensparger in which it has been heretofore held, to the house recently erected by said Kohensparger. And now, Sept. 17, 1895, Hon. B. S. Collins, J 11. Cronin and A. J Bradley appointed a committee to examine F. W. Deemison an appli cant for admission to the bar ot Sullivan county—and now, Sept. 18, 1895, on report of committee, duly admitted and sworn in open court. Comth vs Susan Ilause—Grand Jury find a true bill. Case tried; verdict, not guilty, and prosecutoi to pay 1-3 and defendant to pay 2-3 of the costs. Bench warrant ordered to issue. Cointh. vs Thomas Wilson; assault with intent to murder—Grand Jur\ find a true bill. Case tried; verdict, guilty ns indicted. Sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs, of pros ecution, and to undergo imprison ment in the Easter Penitentiary foi the poriod of one year and six months. The Sheriff is directed to remove the convict thereto within 10 days and is allowed one assistant. By the Court. In re: Petition for road from Eagles Mere Ave. to Allegheny Ave. The court appoint W. C. Mason, Amos Little and Joseph Shaffer as viewers. Ballard vs Ballard—Alias subpoe na awarded. Comth. vs Sarah Benson; assault and battery— Grand Jury find a true bill. Case tried; verdict, not guilty but cost equally divided between prosecutor and defendant; sentenced to pay costs within ten days. Comth. vs Jacob Warner; assault —true bill; defendant pleads guilty. Sentence suspended until next term; Deft, in meantime to pay costs and enter bail to appear at next term. Funston vs Scbadd—judgement in open court for the amount admit ed to be due by defendant in writing filed. Comth. vs Bartley Starr; second indictment—Grand Jury find not a true bill and county for cost, Comth. vs Francis McDonald; 3d case, embezzlement—case continued until next term. J. A. Hornet (use) vs J. P. Little. The appointment of J. 11. Cronin as auditor, continued until Dec. term. n. J. Shaylor vs R. Lisson and H. J. Shaylor vs Stewart Chase— Rule on plaintift in each case, to file his declaration on or before Oct. 51, 1895, or judgemcut of "Non Pros." And now to wit, Sept. 18, J895, report of viewers on a county bridge at Sonestown, disapproved by the Grand Jury And now to wit Sept 18, 1895. Thomas Mahaffuy, Iligh Hherifl,! romps into open court and acknow ledges Deed Poll as follows: To A. Walsh lor til acres iu Dar- ' ill son. To D. S. Phillips and A. W. Sones, 93 acre* in Laporte twp. To W. J. Lawrence, two lots of land in Sonestown. J. 0. Scouten 126 acres, of land in Elkland twp. Sullivan county and Cherry twp. vs M. P. Gallagher, etel—judgement, in open court for want of a pit a and affidavit of defense, amount to be ascertained by Prothonotary. The following matters were con firmed Ni Si: Account of the Admr. of William White dee'd. Account of the Admr. of Fred Knapp dee'd. Account of the Admr. of R. M. Stor mont dee'd. Account of the Exors. of J. 11. Osier dee'd. Report on Davidson line between Forks, Shrewsbury and Hillsgrove twps. Report of sale of real estate of Sam uel lless dee'd. Widow's share es tate of Benj. Ryan dee'd. Widow's share estate of Benj. lleiber dee'd. Auditors report distributing fund in court arising from Sheriff's sale of personal property of Willis B. Snider Report of sale of real estate of B. Bryan dee'd., conformed absolutely. Comth. vs Richard Dugan; surety of peace. Case heard; sentence, defendant to pay ls2 costs and pros ecutor Henry Stepp to pay the other half or give bail to Sheriff to pay same within ten days and committed until sentence is complied with. Whitacre vs Bradley; rule granted to show cause why Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate should not be set aside. Returnable next term. Vancuren vs Vancuren, Palmer vs Palmer and Fuller vs Fuller— Divorce decreed in each case on paj'uiont of costs. Comtli. vs Wm. Bronbeck anil Comth. vs Joseph Dibble—Defend ants 1 recognizance forfeited in each case. Comtli. vs Thomas Wilson; surety of the peace. Case heard; sentence, to pay costs and enter bail in the sum of SSOO to be of good behavior for one year. In re: Lunacy of Harvey McKa\ on motion the court continue the appointment of W. M. Lindsey Esq of Warren, as commissioner, and direct an alias commission to issue in said case, returnable Oct. 21, J895 Vinton vs Murphy; Alias summons awarded. Plotts vs Messick; judgement for want of apperance. McDermott vs MaliafTev, Sheriff; rule on plaintiff to file special narr. Rule granted on Frank Mitten dorf to filo his bond as Collector of Cherry twp. for 1895. And now to wit Sept 19th 1805. it is directed that the jury commis sioners place 100 names in the jury wheel for the balance of the year 1895. By the Court. Till A L LTST. John TTtz, ex-Sheriff vs J. W- Carroll; certified to Judge Peck. David Brown vs Trexler Terrell <fe Co.; jury called Sept. 18. Sept. 19 amendment allowed: defendants pleads surprise, and case continued at cost of plaintiff. Campbell & Sou vs A F. Letts; settled. I S. S. Steafather vs Sullivan county continued by agreement. Lewis Hunsinger vs Trexler Ter rell & Co.; continued at costs of plaintiff. Bruce ltea, Jr., vs Lyon Lumber Co,; certified to Judge Peck, and the jury heretofore struck in this case are directed to report at court on Oct. 21, 1805, at 2 o'clock p. m., and the Prothonotary is directed to place this ease at the head of the list for the special term. By the Court. John W. Carroll vs Thomas Miner and James Ladden; continued at costs of Defendants, costs of this continuance and former continuance at defendants costs, to be paid 30 days before next court. By the Court. Mary Cumisky vs James Connor; settled. Keystone Confection Co, vs Geo. C. Jackson; continued by agreement. ARGUMENT LIST. Plotts vs Nye; rule discharged. Itohe vs Evitts; continued. Hollen stein vs Haverly; continued. Tom linson vs Reynolds; certified to Judge Peck, and continued until Oct. 21, 1895. Laporte twp. school dis trict vs Mrs. Weiner; to be argued at chambers Blancbard vs D. T. Stevens & Son; certified to Judge Peck. Davidson twp. vs Bay; set tled. Davidson twp. vs Phillips; settled. Jennings Bros., vs McCart ney; exceptions withdrawn. Edkin vs Edkin and Vrycrs; cerl'fiod to Judge Peck and continued till Oct. 21, '95. Comth. VB Porter; argued and sen* teucc modified. Cherry Twp. vs Brundage; continued. In re: Eearle estate; argued—rule absolute. Em ory Lumber Co., vs Sullivan county; certified to Judge Peclt and continu ed till Oct. 21, '95. Taylor vs Heiru-nyder, continued by agree ment. Wood v» 8. L. &S.R. R. Co. argued and C, A. V. C9IUI adjourned. T«rrlbl« Accident. Glenn Smith of Kant Burlington, met a horrible death Tuesday after noon, being literally cut lo pieces by the knives of a reaping machine, lie hud been operating the inuchine and about Ave o'clock got down in front of the knife bar to tlx a pari of the machinery when tho horses became frightened and run away. Both aruies were severed below the elbows, one leg cut off entirely aud the other nearly severed from his body, the trunk being thrown back upon the tnble of the machine. The young man was tho son of Seymour Smith of East Burlington, and was about twenty-seven years old.—Towanda lie mew. It is announced that at Butler, Pa., Judge Green sentenced Daniel P. Wuller to pay all costs, a line of $2,- 500, uudergo imprisonment in the county jail for eight months tor selling liquor without a license to men of intemperance habits and on Sunday. Because of Wuller's proms inence in the town much interest has been manifested in his case. For many years he has owned one of the largest drug stores in the town and is wealthy. Free ! To Niagara Falls and Rstnrn. Take the letters contained in W-O-M A-N-K-I-N-D and arranged so as to make as many small words as possible using the same letter in the construction of any word no more times than it is contain ed Womankind. The publishers of Ladies' Every Bnti-.r day will give a free trip to Niagara Falls and return (from the home of the sender) including one week's board at a first class hotel, or its equivalent in cash to the firs; person forwarding a list of not less than thirty words as directed above. A First-class Bicycle (pneumatic tire' 1 for eilher boy or girl to the first person sending list of twenty five words as above. A Beautiful Music Box playing ter. tunes to the first person sending list of twenty words as above, and one hundred other urticles of value as Favors or Re wards in order of merit as received. Three two-cent stamps must be sent for copy of thirty-two page illustrated News paper for Women, containing full pr.rticu lars of the Leisure Hour Circle Word Building Excretes for bright people. The address of The Ladies' Every Satur day is 36 South Seventh S'reet, *>hila. Pa. Collections Correspondents Made in all Parts of In all Cities of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, . COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Packer St., WILLIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE NO. 1293. No fees charged unless successful or satisfactory. No FKE LESS Charges on all business THAN 10 PEU according to difficulty, ex- CENT, AND penses, eic. Very doubt- AI.L POSTAGE, ful accounts, and" all ac counts Oycaisold aud over fee 50 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doulnful. § Just SjT' Arrived! With a new stock of Tj Latest Stiles of .. . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, MOTIONS 112 Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. China and Queensware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kindt of Shoes. y grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices, before buying elsowhcrc, T. J. KEELER, Center Main St., Lapsrte, Pa. WILLI A.\iSI'OHT ANDNORI H b RANCH RAILROAD TIME TABLU. north. Ootubjr, 1, 1594. ►outii, P, M A. M ' A. M. l\ M. 43" 10 30 A..Will'n)sport..L 10 15 627 5 10 10 55 Holla 1)45 440 f5 15 fi 1 00 Pi nned ile R) 40 f4 35 5 28 II J2 ....Hogheprille 8 20; 423 536 U2O ...Pidureßockl... 921 415 f5 38 I'll 23'....Lyon's Mi 11.... ffi 17 f4 11 f5 41|J11 2<»J Chiunouni fV 15 f4 0£ 5 48j 11 35!....G1en Mavrr.... ft 07 401 f'o 51) fll 4* Edkins ft) 02} f3 55 f's 69|f1l 46 Strawbriage.,.. (8 59 fS 52 ffl (13 til 59 ...Ueeoh Oien..J f8 :.i £3 48 fi of>, II 54 ...Murcv Valley...] 851 345 fi '2 01, Son -Btown 84) 337 fi 30 >2 19 Nordmon* 8 18 322 6 47j 12 371 f.nportc 8 11; 3 03 f7 95if12 s>; Ringdalo f7 34! f2 45 7 26! Ilk Satu-rfield | 7 40j 23 0 I 4 00,Lv...Towanda...Ar fi 40 9 00 P. M. P. M. A. M.IA. M. All trains daily cxv-ej t Sunday* 112 flag sta tions. Connection.* with the Pbili. and Reading at (falls, for all point? oi rth -nd south and the Fallhronk and Beech < rcik nilroa Is* At Sai terlield lor all poii.ts on t e Lehigh Valley railroid. At Sone-*! .vita two Katies Mere railroad OK). V. FOR MAN, Vice President. It. K. EAVKN3ON, (Jen M tnagcr. Intellectual rud practical training lor teacher*. Three courses of study betides Drepar: tory. Sictial attention fiven to preparation for coll.go. Students adn.ntcd to best colleges on certincate. Thirty gradu ate* pursuing ftirth.# studies laM year. Great advan tages lor tue< a| tiudiea in ait and mini,. Mi del school of thre j h indred pupils. C rpe rf si > teen teaihcts. Ileiutit i| rround*. Magnl* cent buildings, lfrgn grounds for athlet.< a. Elevator and infirmary with aitendai.« no «e. Ime gymnasium. Ilvervthing tinnifchi"«! at an i veragj cost to normal ttudents cl 112 «4J » V*ar. Fa. term, / »,g. 7s. Winter term. Pec. •. Sptmg term. Mar. *1 t*. Students admitted t#» cla«%e« at an/lure. Ic catalogue, containing full lnto.uu.or |o j H ALBRO> PHndp(^ jiliitliK, ps, Bargain Headquarters- Our store ! We are now ready with our complete line of FALL GOODS. Of mens, boys and children Suits and Overcoats. \ou will find a general welcome and a brilliant array of goods if you don't want to buy, all right, you have just the same learned where to purchase honost goods at honest prices. If you do want lo buy, come on we're ready for you, got just what you need; got the best, got the moot of it. GOT VALUES That surprise you, and got your good will for life, by making a satisfactory saie. -mm "MM" A One Price Clothing House, =El>® JU» DUSHORE, PA . SUBSCRIBE NOW We will send to any address The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send yourjname and address lo Now York Weekly Press, 88 Park Row, New Yoik City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. It pays to advertise —IN THE— Sullivan Republican, if TToc (CIRCULATION, DetUUSB It JO-ao 3 ADVERTISING HATES, the Best (ati-rac live ads. . . . AND it is the very best . . , vamily * In the NEWSPAPER ' County. How to get the most for the least money. That's a problem in Advertising that requires much study and much knowledge in order that it may be solved. Let the Republican help you. Cheapest and Best Wo erect the cheapent and best Wi** Fence In the fmrhi t, If in need of a fence this season or in tbe future, give us a call. James Meyers. & Co Strawbridge, Pa. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR. WILLI AS P 0 RT, PA. OBFICE NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET r. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the citv, and bis prices are reasonable. 4»i2:'95. J. V. RETTENBCRV, ! Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, PA , Established April Ist, 1879. Trial List. SPECIAL COLFHT OCT, 2t 189V John Uti VH John W Carroll N<» 3 Sej (ember term 1892 M W Botsforil vs K J Oavnor Son «!. v Co No 6 December term IcWS l)efeu 1 tint Is appeal. Charles Bartlea, Tru«'ee vs The WU ( laiaaport& North Branch Railroad Co ho 181 February term I (KM; mMimpxit Bruce Ilea Jr v» Tbe Ly on Lumlier, Company No 98 Sept term 18tt4; trespass ALPIIONSI'S WALSH, ProUi. I l*rothy'« O.Hce Laporte Pa. Bept 0 18U.1 ; — —_____ subecribc itt the Utri uLK xx. it. b. SU.FCIS a co Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and 'Lumber. This Firm has one of the !arg jest Grist Mills in the county and they make jaspeciltv of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give them your order. Prices way /down to suit the times. Octl.Oi 'I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Samuel Cole, OP Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANTFACTKES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Roof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, a specialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER I TOP & ii mm, —ALSO— Farm aM HeavyLnmfierW apDs. FACTORY WEST MAIN EET LA PORTE, FA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Yiclou* Hone* Shod In Martin'* llorw , Shoeing Rack. J. w. BALLARD. Fresh stock AT THE —' Tannery Store Having just returned from tbe City, where we purchased th o uhuuS supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable f(»r tbo season, we are prepared to sell the same at ns reasonable prices as can be had in the country Our stock of GROCERIES Arc of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of these goods ore pur chased at a loss price than formerly, we are disposed to give our customers tbe benefit. OUR BOOT AND SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market,. Spring Dress goods 01 tbe different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. ;S truck by Lightning. How often one sees this startling head liue in the newspapers. A man fre quently loses his all by one of these strokes. A STEEL ROOF is tbe only sure preventive. It will conduct the flui'l safely away. Our Hoofs cost less than the best shingles- Let us give you an estimate. riTTSTON IRON ROOFING CO., PITTBTON, PA. LAPORfEBANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intru6ted to us will be cnrefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies J. ALFRED JORDAN. CASHIKR. NATIONAL BANK President, OF DUSIIORE, PA. G. 11. WELLES.jg.^ /'is Cathier, Capital <50,000. M. D. SwARTS. Surplus St 7,000. Solicits acciunts of individuals and firms. LLOYD, ATTOBN E V-AT- LA AV. MUNCY, Lycoming Co., Penna. J. & F. 11. IN Gil A SI, a ATTORN EYB-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Business attended to in this and adjoining Counties. J. MUL.LEN, ATTORXETF-AT-LAW, DU6HORE, - - PA, Office with B. S. Collins, K J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE. - PA Office in County Building near court bouse TRAINER & PURVIS, MM mmi LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. —:o: WTAII kinds of merchandise bought «r sold on commission. HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOKNET-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. Kegis-ter A Recorder of Sullivan Co Office with Sheriff Mahaffey, LuPorte Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TIIATS EVER V BODY'S MOTTg and the people appreciate the fact that- - MRS. LAUER'S STORt is right "in it*'for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh and *( the best quality. Flour and feed the beet the market affords. MRS. M. C. LA UER, May 18, '9B. CROWN ACME Tie Best Bimiiif Oil Thai Can fie Made irora Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as a perfection Family Safety Oil. It i»« manufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the wot Id. IT IS TIIK BEST. Ask your dealer for CHOWN ACME. Trade orders filled by Tun ATLANTIC RKPINIITO CO. Williauiaport Station, Williaiusport l'a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers