THE REPUBLICAN. P'<l' >.\ Y, 3ULY 13. 18'J) '_* • . "• •• * *—.* ! y'/, b y. Y. Weekly Tribune I and | * Sullivan ltepublicitn * I " for V *j $>1.25 One Year $1.25. | *— * —* —* * • * ♦ * v * The Davidson twp. sUttt incut ap pears in this issue. The Lycoming county centennial was ji griuui •• uccess. VVc publish the call of the Ilepub licau con vi lit:• >n in this issue. Airs. John liLu'tis of Benton is visiting with friends in Laporte. The business places of town were very uiuelv decorated on July 4tli. \V. T. WatroUs and wife <>f John*. *onl>urg, Sundayed with friends in L'i porte. Percy A. Bivins of Philadelphia, w i> calling on old friends in Laporte last week. lon. llolbert of WUliumsport, was -itn"jig tlio numerous visitors in town over Sunday. __ The W. C. T. A. will me.ot at the home of Mrs. Win. A. Mason, Thurs day. July 11, at 3 p. m. Dr. Murrell and daughter, Miss Wills, of Athens, were visiting with frieuds in Laporte, over Sunday. There were about three hundred visitors in Laporte, 4'h of July. The day was very enjoyably spent by •those present. John P. Kennedy and wife and Tittle son, Master Howard, of Jami son City were among the 4th of July visitors in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mullen and two little children, of Milton and Miss Edith Bruner of Muncy, are visiting with friends in Laporte. Mr. and Mrs. M, Blodget of Sin namahoning, were visiting their d.ilighter and family. Mrs. Stewart base, of this place, last week. A J. Hack ley, Leo W redo and Lewis Mab.-iU'ey of Laporte, took in the Niagara excursion, on Saturday last. They report a good time. Our foreman, (Jims. L. Winy, was visiting Sheriff Tripp and family, in Cnnton, the early part of last week. Chat*, maile the trip on Lis wheel, Samuel Eggleston and wife ol Ttrnon, Wyoming county, spent several days with friends in Laporto and Eagles Mere, last week, A daughter was born to President Cleveland and wife on July 7th. This is the third daughter. It is presumed they are anxious for a boy. The contest court will convene in Laporte this Friday. July the 12, at 9a. in. The REPUBLICAN will give the evidence taken in our next issue. l'rof. Orr L Davis has been re~ tained for the winter term as prin cipal of our graded school, and Miss Agnes Wrede wiil have charge of the primary department. Mrs. M. Euright, mother of Rev. J \ Enripbt, ticcompanied by her d-aughter, Miss Julia, and two sons An hsrs. i'atiick and Michael Enright all of Alleghany, N. Y. 112 were in at tendance at the church dedication. 'J hey spent the greater portion of the week with L<aporte friends. The court bearing the contest case will sit in Laporte this Friday. Judge Rice having been appointed by Gov./Hastings as one of the Su perior Court Judges, his place in the contest court will be filled by Judge Woodward, also of Luzerne . county. Some say that this change 'Of judgeship will quash the proceed "rings, but all things are uncertain ithesc days. IStaMrrled Wednesday Jane 26, 95. Mr. Victor Hugo of Dushore and foreman of the Dushore Review was married on Wednesday, June 26tb, to Miss Bertha I. Crossley of La jiorte. The ceremony took place at Ip. ni, at the home of the bride on Cherry street, and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The Rev. Mr. Klinger of Dushore officiating. Mr. I*. F. Crossley of Dushore and broth er of the bride was best man, and Miss Lottie Miller of Laporte, bride's tnaid. Miss Mary Ikelerof Blooms- Imrg presided at the piano and play ed the wedding march. Both parties arc well known m Laporte and have the respect and esteem of all. Tlu REPUBLICAN extends congratulations V and wish Mr. and Mrs. Hugo health and happiness. The newly married couple spent their honeymoon at .Kiagar/t and will commence house keeping in Dushore in the near future Valuable and handsome presents were preseuted. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Hugo, Mr. and Mrs. llaDnon, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers of Elkland; Mr. and Mrs. Ilartman aud Mr. Samuel O'Brien, Wilkes Barre; Mrs. D. Crossley, Mi. and Mrs. Benj. Crossley and two daughters of Ben ton; Miss Mary Ikeler of Blooras busg; Miss Lottie Miller, Miss Mabel Spencer and Mr. W. M. Fleschhutt, Laporte; and Mr. B. F. Crossley of JJushore. , ! CHURCH 3? TEE SACRED MKT. a i;i; rorirrA or -v .A tiLt Sl.i Y IT £. &E»«»K i* K, T!i<* CclpbrntioH o£' Sntloa's Birili-iEay, Willi llu- Ui'iiicuiiuii oi tf«* Clmreli t>i ilif Nikm-U The Church of the Sacred Heart was dedicated t.o divine worship, at Laporte, on July Fourth with all the ceremonies ol the Catholic church incident to sueh occasions. This beautiful church has been completed for .some mouths, but the ceremony of its dedication and the hiving of its corner stone w. s happily deferred until the delightful summer days when all nature had put on its flue ;t garments ami wlten the beautiful and picturesque town of Laporte looked its best. Father Enright, the be loved pastor, wore that satisfied look on this occasion which told, more than words, that at last his fondest hopes had been realized, —that a Catholic church (which would do credit to a city) had been completed by his untiring zeal nnd energy and was about to be consecrated to God. The people of Laporte, regardless of rel'gious belief, too, appreciated the fact that the long dreamed fancy hail at length changed to reality. The church was beautifully decorated; the stars and stripes were every where visible floating in the breeze— it being the Birth-dav of the Nation —July Fourth. At nine o'clock the church was thronged until standing room was no longer available, and the greater portion of the church yard had, also, been filled. Imined* lately the solemD ceremony of laying the corner-stone was begun, Rt. Rev. William O'ilara D D. Bishop of Scranton officiating. He was assist ed by the following prominent clergy from abroad, who had come a long distance to assist the Bishop in the ceremonies and to pay their respects to Father Enright:— Rev. E A. Garvey, Williamsporl; Rev. J.J. Lallcy, St. Josephs, Pa.; Rev. M.J- Millane, St Peter's Cathe drel, Scrautou; Rev. P. J. Murphy, Olyphaut; Kev. James Sbanley, Scranton; Rev. D. H. Greer-, Scran ton: Rev. William A. Conucjy, Troy Pa.; Rev. Hugh Gherity, Ralston; Rev. J. J. Feeluy, Scranton; Kev. Father MeCann, Blooiusburg; Rev. J. Sheehtin, Philadelphia; ltev. Titos, J. Hanley, Overton; Rev. M. J. Shields, Towanda; Rev. J. J San da il, Athens. Rev. Father Garvey to>k with him an excellent/-hoir froin Williamsport who rendered the choicest music durirg tlie celebration of the sob in ■ high mass. The choir was 'II that could be desired and received uv ji\ compliments from lL:>.--e present. After tiie ceremony of l^y !, :g the Corner-stone, Bishop O Mr.ia who has grown old in ihe service of tiie church, addressed the congregation briefly Although s-.nnawliat- -if d the venerable Bishop bote up weil under t'ie long ceremonies. He re minded the people that the had assembled ii» tiie house of G. d. not to participa e in worldly matters, but that they were come into the presence ot God, first to listen to his holv words—that Christ wiien he appointed the Apostles told them •Go and tench ail nations to tli end if the world, baptizing them in tlt name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and behold I shall be wi'.h you to the end of time " That they had, also, come to assist a' the holy sacrifice of the muss, which was nothing more or le** than a leiiewal of the sacrifice of ( nlvary, That the same sacrifice would be renewed on this altar. Christ had said to his Apostles, ••This is My body and this is My blood; do this in commem oration of me " The bishop having concluded his remarks, the orchestra rendered some choice selections. The priests in the meantime were vesting for the solemn hii>h mass which was celebrated by Kev. D. H. Green of Scranton, assisted by Rev. W. A. Connolly of Troy, as Deacon, and Rev. Hugh Gherit.v of Ralston as Sub-deacon; Rev. J. J. Feoley of Scranton, master of ceremonies; Rev. J. Sheehan. Thurifer; Jfessrs. Finan and .Afaliar Acolytes. The musical rendition of La Hasche's mass was superb. The Sanctus and fienedictus were from jtfercadante. Immedia tely after the Gospel Rev. J£. A. Garvey of Williamsport delivered the sermon of the day, which was a master-piece of thought, diction and delivery, and took as his text: '■Solomon said: The Lord saitb that he would dwell in a cloud. Building, I have built a house for thy dwelling to be Thy most firm tlirone forever." Taken form Third Book of Kings, eight chapter and 12 and 13 verses. Father Garvey said : After many centuries of wailing and of hope deferred a magnificent tpmple was at last erected at Jerus alem for the worship ofthe true God. The false gods of the heathen had long been housed beneath stately architecture, but till then the Lord and Creator of all things' had his dwelling place in tents. Probably his servants in those early ages had such a lofty conception of the power and majesty of God, and such a sense of their own unworthiness, that they felt unequal to the task of erect ing a suitable temple for his worship "Is it to l»e thought of says Solo mon, "that God should dwell upon the earth; for if the heavens nnd the heavens of heavens cannot oontain Thee, how much less this temple which I have built. "Heaven is my throne and the earth my foot-stool, which bouse shall you build for Me, saith the Lord," or what is the place of my rest." Nevertheless if the Lord hath said that He would dwell in a cloud CONTINUED^ON PAGE 2. I TIIK JUDICIAL CONTENT. Evidence ol Ike Judicial Contest Continued Irani our Lmi laaue. Thos. W. Galtan, Cherry; Did you give n pair of boots to Mr. Hev truly ? 112 told Harrington to let liim have a pair of boots, and if he did not pay for them, I would. 1 went in the booth with him. Heaverly was working f.r me at the time- Have you charged hitn with the boots? 1 don't think I have. I told him that A. Fftrroll ought to pay for the boots. .James Harrington, Dushore; Are you a merchant m Dn*hore? Yes sir Did you sell Titos. Gali.iu a pair of boots for Heaverly on election day? Yes Mr. Gidian is to pay for them. A. L. Smith, Forksvilli-; I had money in my hands for election purposes. 3 or 4 hundred dollars. I met Judge Sittserin Dushore Think I got money before I met Sittser. To whom did you pay the money ? SSO in Colley; to Heuben Thrasher $lO, to Lamberson $lO, and several other parties. What did you say to those parties you gave money? 1 asked them to get out the vote. Forks, Silo or 820. To whom? M. Bruseiiart $5, Yanney $5, W. Rine bold $5, W. Wanck $3, W. Gotten steiii $3; to get out the vote. In Elkland—John Mullen $5; his son $2, on the day of election; Joshua Cott 810, Ira Colt S4O, Ed Rogers $'J, dinners at Dr. McCarty's per haps cost 8 or $10; Clias. Ycrgarson $2; gave Shaffer $2 togo after Grange; that Grange would vote the Democratic ticket if he was got to the polls. Fox—gave J. Caseman $3, Austin Brown $5, Reuben JBrown $4, to Dickenson sii for horse hire, Hillsgrove—George Walker S6O, to get out the vote; D. Dunlap $lO, Huffman $5, C. Darby to, C Haas $lO, James Keef 8 or $10; he is the landlord at Hillsgrove. Shrewsbury, about SSO-rgure to Jerry Stack house, Dan Wellever. Geo, Craft, W, Fullmer, I spent about sls at my house. I spont money traveling around At the time you met Mv. Sittser was the money subject talked over? No sir. He told me that he was not going to putin a great amount of money as his practice was worth more than the judgeship. I gave Sam Parrish 7 or $lO. George Hughes, Elkland; I have not paid a tax since '92 1 Mr. A. L. Smith paid '94 tax for me. i auth orized him to pay it tor me. I told the election hoard that I had not paid a tax. I never saw the receipt until election day. I paid Smith : after election. Chas Vargarson, Elkland; Mr. Vargarson goon and state the con versation you had with Goo. Hughes. He stud Smith paid his taxes about ;1 weeks befoie election. Job. McCarty, Elkland; I know George Hughes. lie said at the p ills tiiut he had paid his tax jester day. I was judge of election. Will. Chri m ut, Elkland; Did Ira ('•ii,v, pi - you money: No -ir; J Colt gave me sl. It, win a present. E. J. Mullen, Dushore; I am chairman of the Deiuocratio Com. About $1,200 was putin my hands »»V Sittser, Cochran, and Buckalew. How much from Sittser? $900; Cochran, $250; ami SSO of Buckalew. Sittser paid ine the money »t Du sI I,l re. Mr. Tarrey pan! me the mum y; Sittser »'»" present, gave A. L. Smith S4OO, J. W. Flynn >200; it was to Iw us»*d for legitimate ex penses. Frank Richlin §BS, Thos. Lenord 830 David Peacock $lO, L. Lowrj $lO, F. At. Crossley $lO, Ellis Swank $lO, Anthony Collins $4; livery bills—ll. Middendorf s4l, C. Cane *3l; Lambert $5, Whalen $4, Ja->. Thrall $5, A. Mcllenry $lO, St re by =? 10 ?o, St re by—editorial work *SO, O'Neal 812, (I Litz«-lman $lO, Hartzig *5, D Keef $35, I'. Murphy S3O, John Kline S2O, J. Ladden $23, John Yonkin *2, John McGee $2. Mr. Karrell lojkcd alter Lopez. Friday morning session, June 25. Adam Kain, Forks; F. C. Richlin gave me a drink of whisky. Francis Hank, Elkland; A. Far rell gave me $5 togo out and show him the roads. He stayed all night with me. Had one horse. Spent nearly all day with him. Henry Jordan, Forks; Michael Filben paid my tax. I authorized him to pay it. John Taylor, Forks; My father paid my tax; I did not authorize him to pay them for uie. Tax re ceipt produced for '94. \V. C. Prichard, Colley; witness produce receipt for *94. Warren May. Elkland; Know W. Chrisman. Heard him say that he had received $1 of Joshua Cott, on election day. Allen Hardy; John P. Rogers offered me money before election. Offered it to me for mv day If I would vote for Farrell. I did not accept the money. H. W. Osier, Elkland; I saw W. Christman get a tax receipt on elec tion morning. E. G. Rogers. Elkland; I used whiskj' on election day, pint. It was given to me. Can't say who gave it to me. A. L. Smith gave me ♦2 on election day, for work done before election day, electioneering etc. Jacob Epler, Forks; My mother paid my tax; receipt not dated. F. C. Richlin, Forks; I had money on election, *BS. Mr, Mullen gave it to me. Asked me to work for the party. Was out 3or 4 weeks before election. Gave J. Saam $2 to get him out to the polls; E. Say man $2 to vote the ticket; E. Ui nebold $2, Tote the ticket; C. Munsey *3 to drive horse on elec tion day. Don't know whether be had voted or not when I gave him the money. He told me he would support the Democratic ticket. Money fixes most everybody. Henry Saam $2, togo out and support the ticket, gave the money sometime be fore election. John Saam 92, togo out inri support ibe ticket; Jonathan Shaffer $3 for his day. Ira Shaffer got part of the money; at least I suppose he did. Lived in Dushore and voted in Forks; John Balir laid the money down, suppose he g<it it; C. F Kain #2 told him to briny: out the old man. Do not dis~ pute but that I asked them to vote for Sittser and Farrell; G. Hunsinger $2, to support the ticket; R. llohe sl, a present; Thos. Coggens, for day; Henr.v Hunsinger $2, to take Tom Coggins home. Had whisky in bottles, 2 gallons. Mullen told me if I needed whisky or cigars, go to D Kecf and get it. Gave Henry Hunsinger a boitloof whisky. Josiah Ilembury, Cherry; My Mil John lleuibnry has not made liis home with me for several years lie triages his home at Ricketts, Wyoming count}'. John Saam, Forks; Frank Rich lin gave me $2 for my day. A. Hunsinger, Forks; Frank Ricblin gave me $2 for my day. Jos. Bedford, Elkland; Ira Cott gave me $1 50 the night before elec-< tion, to take voters to the election. The voter I took was walking toward the polls. I picked him up on the road. P. M. Wliitacre. Hillsgrove; I am jud<re of election at Hillsgrove. Geo Walker was registered on the day of election. Did not make affidavit. L. Rohey, Forks, I know Frank Ricblin. He gave me $1 on election day, as a present. He said he would pay me for my day, previous to elec tion day. George Bahl. Forks; Frank Ricb lin gave me a pint of whisky, was given to me before 1 voted. I gave C, W, Bird whisky, said it was dem ocratic whisky but would give him a drink anyway. Ed Maxson, Fox; Lived in Ly<» coming and voted in Fox. Made my home with Mr. Fuller in Shunk, I am unmarried. Thursday afternoon session. M. D. Horn, Davidson; Had §lO got it from A. Walsh, used part of it for R, R. tickets and cigars, bought tickets for E. Diets, Ellis Fritz, Fred Keeler, A B Alberson, Elwell Fritz and others. Probably spent 3or §4. marked one ticket. Know Rush Botsford. Don't think 1 told him that it would be money in bis pocket to vote for Sittser. Gabriel Litzelman, Cherry; Had money for election purposes. Mullen gave me $7. Worked one day, spent the balance of it to bring out! the voters. Set them up to the boys ! —whisky and cigars. Got them out that way. Marked Richley's ticket. not pay any man for day, nor did I make any offer to Julusand Jacot> Balir. Did not olfer Jacob Bahr any indueomenls relative to horse power. Gave Joe Riehlcy $1 50 for da . gave him money to go home. I told him he could go home and vote and that if he wouid go home I would give him 81 50. Geo Hirtziii, Chery; E J Mullen gave me $2, did not say what tor; 1 fiave Levi Fulmer $1 to vote. Re turned the balance to Mullen. Gave whisky, all (he boys wanted to drink Marked Fu'mer's ticket. Mike JV'nahan, Jamison City; Paid tax in early fall of '92. The only tax receipt I have Win II Mid. nd. Jamison City; 1 will not swear that I have paid tax within I wo years. P B Hopper, Davidson; I received election money; got fi dollars of Tom Farrell, also 5 dollars of A Walsh. Farrell told me to do as 1 pleased with it. Treated the boys, the balance I stuck in tr» - pocket. Walsh did not tell me what to do with his 5 dollars; told me to ask no questions. E Bartow, Elkland; Josh C'ott offered me 2 dollars for my day to go and vote for Sittser and Farrell. Citoss Ex. Did not get my price, Jno P Rogers offered me 2 dollars. Neither one requested me to take team. Jennings did not offer me anything. B Rush Plotts, Elkland; A L Smith gave me 2 dollars; bought cigars with it. He gave it to me in his harness shop. He owed me nothing. M Schoonover, Elkland; Sam Parrish gave me 2 dollars to vote for Sittser and Farrell. S Rogers marked my ticKet. I voted for Sitt ser and Farrell. Joshua Cott. Elkland; A L Smith gave me 10 dollars for election pur poses. to get out the voters. Treat ed to cigars, beer and whisky, had whisky at Eldredville,had it in bottles in barn of Doc McCarty. Did not say anything to voters that I took to barn. Spent money at Walker's bar, also at Seeley's. 1 gave Wm Cristman 1 dollar because lie is a very poor man. Did not give Geo Vagarson anything. Ira Cott, Elkland; I received money for campaign purposes Gave S Brown 10 dollars and treated the boys. Gave Joe Bedford 150 for day, Cyrus Rosbach 1 50 to get out and vote, Geo Caseman 2 dollars to bring returns. Smith gave me 35 or 40 dollars. Brown was to see the Democrats; gave Rosbach money to take team and get out vote. Eli Uinebold, Forks; Frank Rich lin offered me 2 dollars some time before election for my day at elec tion; he told me if I would go up and support Sittser and Farrell he would give me 2 dollars for my day. Sam Parrish, Elkland; Received money for election purposes from A L Smith he gave me 7 or 8 dollars, lie told me to give Fred Wicks and Geo Semon some of the money; did not say what for; I also gave 2 dol lars to Schoonovrr, for day. O B Sayuian, Forks; Frank Rich lin offered me 1 50 or 2 dollars for my day. Henry liunsinger gave me whisky. Got money near the church after 1 had voted. (-'has. Parrisli, Fox; Had $3 gave O. Porter It. Stewart Brown sl, for Ills day; also gave $1 to A. Browu for day. Browt 263104 said previous to election that they would not come to the polls. 1 told them to come and 1 would see that they got pay for their time A. A. Ludy, Hillsgrove; Geo. Walker ▼oled in Hillsgrove, was not registered. Jos. Anibs. Hillsgrove; Geo. Walker eave me 1 quart of whisky day before election. Wilson Crawford, Hillsgrove; Geo. Walker gave me $2 for my day Friday afternoon session. 8. J. Buckingham, Hillsgrove; I offer ed John Lucas money to vote. Did not tell him who for. He did not accent of it Jacob Bahr, Cherry; County Com., G. Lltzclmnu offered to pay me for my day. He wanted me to vote for Sittser. I guess 1 told him I would. He did not pay me however. Jno Lucas. Hillsgrove; 8. Buckingham offered me money lor my vote; 1 refused it. Daddy Buckingham said he would give me money for my vole if I would vote the democratic ticket. C. E Hoffman. Hillsgrove; I received money from J. H. Hoffman on election night. J. 11. Hoffman trot it from A. L Smith, it was to induce me to stay at the polls. Geo. Dutilap, Hillsgrove; My father gave me $1 after I voted, was paid"for day. I worked at the polls got $1 extra. Thos. Fuller, Fox; A. L. Smith gave me $3 to take people to the polls. Did not ask anybody togo to polls. Josh Cott suid he would pav me my expenses to eo to the polls. ' 6 Stewart Brown, Fox; Chas Parrish gave me sl. He went in booth with me. Money was paid me before I voted, lleu bcn Brown also gave me $1 for my day. Dickersou, Dickersou, Fox; A. L. Smith gave me $2 before election to take voters to the polls. Did not take any one to the polls. He did not tell me any particular ones to take. Weisheit. Bernice; Have paid no tax in the past two years. Benj. Jackson, Fox; A. L. Smith gave mc $3 for team. Team was away hauling bark. Jno. Saam, Forks; Frank Richlin gave me $2 for my day. Told me to vote a certain way. Wm. Kennedy, Laporte; I know M. Larkin ne quit work at the Laporte tannery In March. Larkins said he had been in N. Y. state and had worked in tanneries in Mich, between the time he quit work here and his return. When he quit work the first time I think he quit for good and had no intentions of return ing again. Saturday morning session. F. L. Bartow, Eikland; Know Roland Bartow. He told me after election that he received sl, a sack of flour, cigars and all the whisky he wanted to drink. CROSS KX. —Did not tell me who he got it from. My son said he sold his vole. That A. L Smith sent him a sack of flour. I did not get a sack of flour; I sent money for flour. Thos. Shoehan. Laporte; Don't think I paid a tax two years previous to the '94 election. John W. Flynn, Laporte; Had $229 or $2.>9 in my hands, Mr. Mullen gave me S2OO of this amount. The balance I re ceived from Senator Ilcrring to pay con feree expenses to Willlamsport. Counted money in l'rothonotary's office and laid it on desk. Mr. Walsh gave me back s">o of the S2OO. Part of it was to be sent to Jamison City to pay expenses of delegate election, sent it to E. J, Flynn. \' r Walsh SIOO, Mr. Gavitt s3.>, Mr. Strebv s•>, \V. B. Snvder #ls, F, M Crossley $lO Hi ley Steinbach sto and Thos. Beahen $lO. I was not a member of the county committee. The purpose of the money was to get out the voters, 11 Mittendorf, Cherry; Receipt dated Dec. 24, '92 Is this receipt in the same condition as when you got It ? Don't think the word was on it when I showed it to Mr. Mynard 1 probably changed it to make It p ainer (Dec.) Frank Myftard, Dushore; Know Henry Mittendorf Was shown receipt in ques tion; the words Oct. and Dec. was on re ceipt when I saw it; I did not tell him it was necessary to change date of receipt. James Connor, LapoUe twp.; Have been living in Jamison City; came to La porte on Oct. 14, '9'<. Had previously vote t i- Columbia cuntv Satur ay afternoon session. A. Walsh Laporte; I had SIOO. J. W. Flynn nave it to me It was to pay ex pen-es Gave James Mortin $lO, Ellis Swank *-> M. I). Horn 10, Wm. Bobbins sls, A. \V. Sones $lO. J. C. Steck $5 I'. B. Hopper and 1 returned sls of it to Mr. Flynn. When .Mr. Flvnn gave me the money he did uot state how I should use it. No money was used to buy votes. I despise that practice. A largo portion of our space is given to news pertaining to the contest and the dedication of our church, this week. We are quite sure our readers are interested in t'aese doings and will enjoy the contents of the REPUBLICAN this week. Auditor's Notiee. The undersigned Auditor appointed by Common Pleas Court of Sullivan county, to distribute fund arising from Sheriff's sale of real es'ate of J. P. Little, will at tend to his duties in said matter, at the office of H. T. Downs, In I.aporte, on Tuesday, Aug. 2d, at 9 o'clock a. m., where all persons interested may present their claims, or be barred from participat ing in said fund. JOHN 11. CRONIN, Auditor. Onshore Pa., Juuc 20th 1895. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common I'leas of Sullivan county, and to me directed and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Laporte, Pa., on MONDAY, JULY 15th, 1895, At one o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, viz: LOT NO. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situated In the village of Sonestown, Dav idson township, Sullivan county Pa., de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone. S. W. corner of lot No. 1, thence N. 25 degrees E. 8&5-10 perches to a stone adjoin ing lands of C. B. Miller; thence by lands of Ira Steinhach. S. 64 degrees E. 11 per ches to centre of Main street; thence along said street 8. 31 degrees W. 5&3-10 perches to a stone; thence N. 59 degrees W. by lands of Dayid Lorab, 11 perches to the place of beginning: Containing 43&7-10 1 perches of land, and having thereon erect ed a large and commodious two storied framed hotel building, a framed barn with shed attached, ice house, and othar out buildings; two welis of water and some fruit trees thereon. LOTNO.S. Also another lot or piece of ground in same village, county and state described as follows: Beginning at a stone in centre of street, thence 8. 59 degrees E. 8 perches to a buttonwood on the bank of the Mill Pond; thence along the Mill Pond, 8 perches to a post; thence N. 65 degrees W. 8 perches to a stone in the centre of the street; thence 8. 81 de grees W. 8 perches to the place of begin ning. Containing 68 perches of land, more or less; all cleared and cultivated as a garden. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of D. H. Lorah at the suit of Rosentield Bros. & Co. (use). THOS. MAHAFFEY, Sheriff. MCCORMICKS Attorneys. Sheriff's ofticc, Laporte Pa., June 17, '95. Spring 1895, dont Yea it is a fact; our new stock represents a sin prising line of bargains. And now wo are after iGrOt Up buyers. Our bait is bargains, genuine bargains; JUSt to remember, real bargains. We Lave secured as good a j Catoh lino of goods as was ever offered in this vicinity. / tis this fact and our extra Low Prices tbat makes / CU.StOm. *ur present bargain offer the event of the season. Call and be Convinced of the Above fa ct. MOSSS W&MAWB mm, THE ONE PRICE CLOT [TIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. Opposite the Court llouso, WILLIALI3PG ;IT, PA Capital $50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $!4,ooo The First National Bank, OF HUGHESVILLE, PA. I*VCB'iilCTl t DENVITT BODINE- This bank offers nil the usual facilities for ' A the transaction of a .... . Vice President, 1 _ C. W. WADDROP; • GENERAL Cashier J BANKING o BUSINESS. VV. C FRONTZ. Accounts Solicited* mmmmmmmmtmm——— pii n i ■——— M We have planted our TP T TTP TD ~X7~ Prices so low that J_J V JUJJLV X. Is Astonished, We have i-JWU X opened up a fine line of iDress Goods, | Sssessassssaasssssssssssssss® Consisting of Ducks, Royal Piques, Jaconctte I'lisse, Henriettas, Serges, Broadcloths, and a hundred other different kinds, styles and varities of goods suitable for this season's trade. . , . . CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. We make a specialty of tho Grocery Trade and ot all times have the choicest and best goods the market afford. CASH PAID For WQTim, MSGS & 'WCI OL. Thanking the public for their very liberal patronage, we invite a continuance of the same. E. G. iSF/JVJfi l. Dushore Pa. J S. HARRINGTON, Manufactuter and dealer in Boots and Shoes. I Defy Competition. ALL MY r Normous Spring Stock Of Fine Shoes marked down C-. 25 PER CENT. The most complete stock ot reliable Footwear in tlio county. Everything Stylish and fresh from the Manufacturers. \ J. S. MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA The largest and most complete Line of CLOTHING Ever shown in Dushore. Call and see my line of MENS & YOUTHS! w Children's Reefer, Sailor, Junior, Jersey, Middy, and Kilt Suits; SI.OO to $7.00. My line of laundred White and Percale Shirts is the largest ever shown in this part of the country, price 20c to $1.20. I have all the new styles in stiff HATS FOR SPRING TRADE. J, W Carroll Co. Dushore Pa. TO fHIPUBMcT o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class and well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, AND GEJStTS FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, BAGS AND UMBRELLAS. 1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab« liehments,for Custom Work. Perfectfits guaranteed. Call and get prices. Yours Respectfully etc., F. P. VINCENT. CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK. LOYAL SOCK COAL Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State Line & Sullit*B Railroad Co. at Bernice $3.00^5: The 91 Ate Line St Sullivan It. R. Co. 1 O. BLIGHT, Sup'k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers