THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1895 The following bill passed the Senate aud Legislature and is now a law. This was accomplished through the efforts ot Hon. B. W. Jennings and was the only bill that Worth made any promises to suppoit, pre vious to his election. The people of Davidson township were very much interested in the bill and are more than pleased with the result: Aa Act. To amend the first and tourtli sections of an act entitled "An act to erect an lode pendent school district from portions of the townships of Davidson, Sullivan Co., and Penn and Franklin townships Ly coming county" approved the twenty seventh day of April, Anno Domini owe thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. SKCTIOX 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the first section of an act entitled '"An act to erect an independent school district from portions of the township of David son Sullivan county, and Penn and Franklin townships Lycoming Co., : ' approved the 27th day of April Anno Domini 1864 which reads as follows: "SECTION 1. That the real estate now owned or occupied by John Strawbridge, 11. G. Phillips, Rebecca Phillips, Clark T. Phillips, James Biggers, Jacob Buck, George W. Phillips, Robert M. Biggers and Solomon Swank of the township of Davidson in the County of Sullivan and Joseph Converse and James M'Clemons of the township of Franklin Lycoming county and Jas- Heller, William George. A. C. Walter, Anna Sanders, John 11. Welsh and Robert G. Richart of Penn township Lycoming county be and hereby is erected into a separate and indepen dent school district to be called the North Mountain school district with all the rights and privileges that other school districts now or may hereafter be entitled to, under the school laws of this Commonwealth and that the qualified voters embrac ed within the boundaries of said dis trict shall on the first Saturday of May Anno Domini 1864 at the school house in said district elect three school directors one to serve one year, one to Berve two years and one to serve three years and annually thereafter on the first Sat urday of May, an election shall be held to elect one school director for said district to serve for three years and that G. W. Phillips be and is hereby authorized to act as judge and James Heller and Joseph Con verse inspectors to hold and conduct the election on the first Saturday of May Anno Domini 1864, which election shall be held and conducted as other election for townships ollK cers are conducted and at said elec tion the said qualified voters shall also elect one judge and two inspec tors for the next ensuing election, And each and every year thereafter said qualified voters shall elect a judge and two inspectors of said election for said school district" to be amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 1. That the real estate now owned or occupied by Joseph Converse and James M'Clemons of the township of Franklin, Lycoming county and James Heller, William George, H. C. Walter, Anna Sanders, John U. Welsh,and Robert G. Rich art of Penn township Lycoming Co, be and hereby is erected into a separate and independent school district to be called the North Moun tain school district with all the rights and privileges that other school dis tricts now or may hereafter be en titled to under the school laws of this Commonwealth and that the qualified voters embraced within the boundaries of said district shall on the first Saturday of May Anno Domini 1864, at the school house in said district elect three school direc tors one to serve for one year, one to serve two years and one to serve three years and annually thereafter on the first Saturday of May an election shall be held to elect one school director for said district to serve three years and that G. W. Phillips be and is hereby authorized to act as judge and James Heller •nd James Couverse inspectors to hold und conduct the election on the first Saturday of May Anno Domini 1864 which election shall be held and conducted as other elections for township officers are conducted and •t said election the said qualified voters shall also elect one judge nnd two inspectors for the next ensuing •lection and each and every year thereafter said qualified voters shall elect a judge and two inspectors of ■aid election for said school district SECTION 2, That section four of said act which reads as follows. ♦'SscnoN 4, It shall be the duty of the school directors of the town ships of t'enn, Franklin and David son aforesaid respectively to pay or cause to be paid to the directors of the said North Mountain School District its due proportion of the State appropriation if the same shall have been at any time paid to said township directors or any of them and also its due proportion of the unseated land taxes to be adjusted every two years according to the taxable* within said district taken from said townships when compared with the taxables of each of said townships and in case of a refusal to pay the same or in case of a disa greement between the directors of any of said township and the said North Mountain School District as to the amount of said proportional tihare of State appropriation or un seated land taxes to bo so paid over by sa!d township directors, the said North Mountain School District is berebi' authorized to recover the amount properly due to it against either of said township directors by action of assumpsit or bill in equity in the courts of common pleas of the proper county which is hereby auth orized and required to adjudicate the same and enforce its judgments or decrees in the same manner as provided for in other cases" be amended so as to read as follows. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the school directors of the town ships of Penn and Franklin afore said respectively to pay or cause to be paid to the directors of the North Mountain school district its due proportion of the State appropria tion if the same shall have been at any time paid to said township directors or any of them and also its cine proportion of the unseated land taxes to be adjusted every two years according to the taxables within said district taken from said town ships when compared with the tax ables of each of said 'townships and in case of a refusal to pay the same or in case of a disagreement between the directors of any of tbe said townships and the said North Moun tain School district as to the amount of the said proportionate share of State appropriation or unseated land taxes to be so paid over by said township directors, the said North Mountain school district is hereby authorized to recover the amount properly due to it against either of said township directors by action of assumpsit or bill in equity in the court of common pleas of the proper (omty which is her - by authorized and requiied to adjudicate the same and enforce its judgments or decrees in the same manner as provided for in other cases SECTION 4. That the real estate designated and described in the first section of the act approved the twenty-seventh day of April Anno Domini 1804, as being in the town ship of Davidson and which is omitt ed from the first section of said act as amended shall be detached from the Not lb Mountain school district and be and remain a part of the school district of Davidson town ship in the County of Sullivan. Bradford ami Mulllvau COB. I'oni oua Grange No, 23. The next regular meeting of Brad ford and Sullivan counties P. of 11. will be held with Columbia Grange No. 83, at Altus, Pa., June 14 and 15, at 10 o'clock a. m. Address of welcome by D. B. Sherman, responded to by S. A. Rockwell, W. M.of Pomona. The Fifth degree will be conferred in full form at 7:30 Friday evening. Columbia Grange will furnish music and literary entertainment. Come with your questions written out, as it is intended that the question box will be an important factor during these sessions. S. A. ROCKWELL, W. M. A. W. PAKSONS, See 'y. Frank May of Eagles Mere re poses in our county jail. lie was placed there last Friday. Sometime ago May purchased a team of horses on contract of Shaylor of Towanda; recently his goods were advertised at Sheriff's sale, A. L. Smith of Forksville, being the plaintiff. Among the personal property sold was the team of horses belonging to Shaylor as the contract had never been canceled. The horses brought 140 more than the debt. This May placed in his own pocket, hence the suit. It is a serious charge and it is believed that Mr. May will receive a pretty severe sentence. His wife and family have the sympathy of their neighbors. Richard Lisson of the 'Mere purchased one of the horses at the sale and Stewart Chase of Laporte, the otber, and naturally will not give up the same and all their claims unless forced to by law, hence the end of this litigation is out of sight. Subscribe for the REPUBLICAN. I'sr Male. A full blooded Jersey tttktl. known M the Inghim-Oota bull. Will be sold cheap. Inquire or write to T. L. WATTr*, Muncy Valley. Pa. WANTED an active, intelligent, pusli ing man to take charge of our office and push our buniuess. Must be able to handle sub-agents and must give security. Address promptly. O. It. MOORE. JR.. 100S. 10thSouth ht. PHILADELPHIA, PA. HEMLOCK OHO VE ITEMS. McClellan P. is talking "bike " Monroe Watts of Strawbridge, is farming the Peter Schug farm. It is pretty dry for the hay crop, but the corn crop is coming on all right. Warn Penuington and family spent Sunday with Judge Phillips and family. W.J. Y§um and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Yocum's father, Griffith Phillips, The many friends of Thos, Phil lips will be glad to learn that he is slowlj' recovering. "Whealer Christman and family of "Millville, were visiting Mrs. Christ man's father, Esq. Swank, last week. OBSERVER. While excavating for the sewerage pipe on North M uncy street ar.d op posite Judge Ingham's residence, Wednesday a. m.. a blast was set off doing some damage to the Judge's residence. A part of the railing en closing the second story veranda was broken into kindling pieces by the falling of poles which had been plac ed and chained over the rock in which the blast was placed. The force of the charge broke the chain, hence the accident. it was very fortunate however, that no person was injured as the poles, 15 or 20 in number and large rocks were thrown in the air fifty feet or more. LAPORTE BORO. SCHOOL. DIS TBICT. Auditors' Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 3, 1895. Charles Tinklepnugb, Treasurer for the year 1804. School Funds: I r. Cr. To nint. reel, from R. Karns Ex'Ttea urer 124 57 To amt. received from T. J. Keelcr Collector tor 1803 38 13 <lo do 18H4, 211 86 do d> do 131 04 do do do 34 86 Tonuit. received frnm A L. Smith County Trea«. 22 60 To ttmt. received truin E. M. Dunham Attorney on ncet. ot'N. C. Mnben Uoll 18(11 19 25 To nmt. received from Stato appropriation lor 1881, 401 07 To ami. received from A J. Bradley attorney being tho ami. collected by him irom X. C. Mabcn Col. 1891 for the balanoe in full due tho School iJis'rict by hiu as Col. for year IS9I 102 87 By school orders redeemed 893 37 By aiut. paid T J Ingham Tresurer for year 1892 53 30 By o m ni'sion at 2 percent. 19 03 Hy balance 115 55 $1086.25 $1086.25 Sal. due from Treas. $115.55. Bt'lLni.NG FUND, To nmt. rrc ived from T J. Ingham l'reas. for 1892 51 34 T • aiut. received from J. Keelcr Collector for 1843 35 19 1 o amt. received from R. Karns Ex-Treasurer 61 54 To amt. received from A. L. Smi h county treasurer 20 00 To unit, received from T. J. Keeler collector for 1894 202 68 do do do 98 73 do do do 23 79 fo nmt. received from County Com, rent of school house 100 00 For rent of upper loom 3 58 B> building o d rs ro lecmcd ISO 27 By c upons paid 102 50 By commission at 2 per cent 5 (16 By balance 308 42 $596.85 $393 85 Juno 5, 1595, balance duo from Treas. S3OB 42. NIKICAI. FUND. To amt. received fr<nn R. K.irns Ex-Treasurer 10S 83 Balance due fn in Treasurer 108 83 $lO3 83 SIOB 83 T. J. Keeler Colleotor for the year IS9I. SCHJOL KURD. Dr. Cr. To amt of duplicate 481 10 By Treas. receipt 211.86 By rebate 11.19 By commission 6.55 229 90 By Tieai. receipt 131.01 By corn.s perct. t> 89— 137 93 By Treas. receipt 34 8e By Land Returns 18 95 By Exoneration* allowed 45 9C. Bill, due from Collector 13 56 $4Bl 10 $4Bl 10 BITILDING TAX. To amt. of duplicate 397 83 By Treas. receipt 202 68 By rebate 11 00 By commission 6 27 219 95 By Treas. receipt 98 73 By oom. 5 per ct. 5 20— 103 93 By Troasurer's receipt 23 79 By Land Re,urn« 17 45 By Exonerations allowed 8 32 Bab duo from Collector 24 39 $397 83 $."97 S3 Statement of Liabilities and rerources of tho Laporte Borough Sol.ool District for the year ending Juiid 3, 1895. Sohool Fund: Lmb. Resors. Re«on'cei in I xcess $165 14 Due from Co Corn, for 'BB 'B9 9 48 Lands returned lor tax of '93 7 60 do do '9l 18 95 Due frnrn T. J. Keeler Col. for the year 1894 13 56 Due fron C. Tinklepaugh Treasurer 1894 115 55 $165 14 $165 14 BUILntRO FU.ID. 23 bond* outstanding 2300 00 Due from Co. Com. tor 'BB 'B9 g 24 Lands returned for tax of '93 6 55 do do '9l 17 45 I Due from Win. Mcylert i former Treasurer 20 00 Due f> ora T. J. Keeler Co). for yoar 1894 24 39 Due from C. Tinklepaugh Tteas for 1894 ,V>B 42 Liabilities and Excess 1915 15 12300 00 $2300 00 MmtCAi. rutin. June 5 1895, amount in bands of C. Tinklepaugh SIOB 83 Laporte Pa. June sth, 1895. We the undersigned auditors of Laporte borough, do h rebv certify that we hare u amined and audited the several accounts of the Treasurer and the Elector for the llscal year 1894. and do them correct R4 fully set forth in (be foregoing statement of this our report. Wi'.ueaa our handi this sth day of June 1895, II T. DOWNS. I MORGAN QAVIXr. J. Auditor* A. L. GRIMM, | ELKLAND ITEMS. The people or Estella are unking Motive preparations to celebrate the "Ever Glorious Fourth." The G. A. R., P. 0. S. of A., I. O. 0. F., ect. ect., and nil the adjacent Sunday schools are invited to come and take part in the parade and ex~ ercises. A band will be procured if possible tin*) eminent speakers, among them, Rev. P. W. I'ittinan, hns replied to the invitation, snjing, that his health is very much impared and (providence permitting), will be there to deliver the National address. The Ladies Aid Society, ever zealous of good works will have charge of the icecream department, and all the luxuries the market affords will be on hand including the "old time bars beeue roast." F. Chairman of Com. «sas««a $ OUIt BTKEL ROOFS £ WAre praclicatly everlasting. They will? not rust, rot or leak when properly 8 Scared for. They will SHED LIGHTNINGS weieciricity will not peoetraie a conduc-5 *Stcrofthe'tluid—and tlicywillnot bnru jjjThey are CHEAPER THAN SHINGLES toS ajbesin with and are far superior inS we very way. Let us send you particu-8 IRON ROOFING CO. E Piliston, Pa. j§ Sseßß«3asa»*Bs»*«s«*s*«»e» MMTAT ANNOUICEMEIT! Samuel Cole, OF Dushore Is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANCFACTRES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Hoof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage, SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. Mm"Arrived I \Br With a new stock of H Latest Styles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS* Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Ohildrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. China and Queensware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kinds of Shoes. My grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main St., Laparte.Pa. TGG ACH J. Y. BETTENBUBY, t wiOR Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler URNITURE. PA .^ Dushore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879 J ERE. KELLY'S COL UMfr. JEIiE KELLY'S COLUMN. | HEELS OVER HEAD,- iN:" 1, Window (| ffffVj yk \ and Door j /y \ | Screens. - ?'* | Had better be in early. Verj' fine v\ Jm \ window screens 25c. Not the old .. LJI )Lm— 112 I rickety one but the latest im .gjfesggsagggsgy /ism proved. yM—iaagass| | Our window shade 22 ~ plain shades and for prices. When you select your • • • • WacXeXe: • • • • You will see the display ' this bargain as long as it btsts. 30-inch, go;>d, strong ' 1 willow clothes baskets, 50 cents. We buy these} baskets direct 1 from the maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds I of goods on the market less tnan cost TIMto SAVED. ■ ALSO Money: the only sewing machine you need buy for a life time is B the Deinorcst It is the stronge-t, most complete, lightest running machine r m made. No trouble to get repairs, fuliy wai ranted and made at home. Only $19.50. * Good as the SIO.OO ones. ' A time saver and labor easy machine is Millford carpet sweeper IV'Wupw-ry or a Grand Rapids off .EilJtlr *2. *5 to $2.99. estern W ashersS ♦3.50 each $3.50 each • F .you want to surprise yourself get one of our easy rockers for your sitting room, in bedroom furniture we are showing hand» ■ some styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap a in nice parlor furniture. Think of a suit of Plush, G pieces for 1 $25.00. A better one for £35.00. Kitchen chairs $3.00 set. ' Fine Oak Extension Tables, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges. A fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove ? th°an Je the st ° v » ™ a ' * e ©IIWBMEJLEA For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW. We will mend to any addrotm The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send your name and address to New York Weekly Press, 38 PaTk Row, New York City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. Don't Miss the Golden OPPORTUNITY OF our great popular sale for the next 30days in clothing for men boys and children; including hats, caps gents furnishing goods, trunks, satchels «tc. The entire stock was bought for your Approval. Everything new. No shelf worn goods can be found in our present stock of seasonable selections. We are not conducting A bankrupt sale; not a manufacturing sale but a high grade goods at low grade prices. We never sacrifice quality to lower the prices. We never try to sell an inferior article toman, woman or child. NOTICE:—If goods are not as represented; money refunded, Kr JLie MAKES Cheapest and Best We erect the cheapest and best Wire Fence In the market. If in need of a fence this season or in tbe future, give us a call. James Meyers. & Co Strawbridge, Pa. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIAMSPOUT, PA. OEFICB NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, aud his prices are reasonable. 4-i2:'95. I>* B. & CO Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumoer. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and they make aspecilty of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give them your order. Prices way down to suit the times. Octl,#4 NOTICE:—I am still in the castrating business; those having any work in this line can notify me by mail or otherwise- J RHOMB KKED, Sonestown Pa. NOTICE:—I purchased on October 6th 1894, at constable sale, one cow, one cook stove, 3 beds and bedding, and also nil of the household goods sold as the property of Wm, Walter, and hnve left the same with him during my pleasure, and hereby caution all parties not to interfer with the same. FUANKLIN PHILLIPS. J FriWey, Pa. Fresh Stock AT THE—^ Tannery Store Having just returned from tbe City, where we purchased tbe usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared to sell the same at as reasonable prices as can be had in the country Our stock of SROCERiES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and as much of these goods are pur chased at a less p r j ce than lormerly, we are disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT Aim SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. J amesMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPOItTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to aud froiu all parts of Europe,, und for Fire Insurance Companies J- JORDAN, CASHIER \I) ILLIA.MSPOKT AND NORTH bRANCII »V RAILROAD TIME TABLE. SOUTH, Ootober, 1, 1894. NORTH. A. St.|P. M.T XTM-IP, M. 10 US 525 A..\ViH'mg[iOrt..L 10 10' 43t a 5'.)! 516 ...Montoursville.... 10 IT 43# 9 42; 4 401 .Hall* 10 30 5«5 f9 3tii 14 35i Ptnn>dule 1 33 fi It 19 30; 14 2Hj...Op|.'e Crossing fi It 9 25' 423 ....lluglie<!»ille | 10 43 62t 9 15 4 14 ...Pitturußocki... 10 51 521 19 10 ft In ....Lyon's Mi 11.... till 53 f5 32 9 08] 14 08 Chnuiciuni flO 55 f5 35 9 Oil 402 .. .Glen Mawr ... 11 V3 &4i f8 53, 13 51 Edkim 15 48* 18 50 13 51 ....Struwbricige ... Hill f5 U 18 45| f3 46i ....beech Gitn 15 66 8 41! 3 43j...Murcy Valley... 11 18 551 8 3il 337 SoneßK wn 11 24 «15 f8 23; fS 24 ....Lon< 8n«k.... 11l 34 <• 1< 8 19] 3 20! Nordmont 11 38■ 621 8 00l 302 Lnporle 11 54 63( 17 45! 12 42 Ringdale...... 112 10| S 55 735 2 3(> 12 251 7lt .1. 1 P. M.j .II 11. C. McCORMICK. President. R. E, EAVENSON, den. Manager. TJ. & F. 11. IN Gil A « ATTOUN E YB-AT- LA W, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Business attended to in this and adjoining Counties. Jg J. MULLEN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Offlce with B. 8. Collins, fi jT BKADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - PA Office in County Building near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, COMMISSION BROKERS, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. —;o: tyAll kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. IS* P. INGIIAM & 11. K. NEWITT ATTOHNEYB-AT-LAW. 505 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. Register A Recorder of Sullivan Ci> Office with Sheriff Mahufiey, LaPort* Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST THATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STORI is right "in it"for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh atid »112 the best quality. Flour and feed the best tbe market affords. MRS. M. C. LA ÜBR. May 13, '»?. CROWN ACME ThE Best BnraiDe Oil That Can Be Made Irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison a> a perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the fln*et crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamsport Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers