THE REPUBLICAN. w. M. CHENEY. - - - Editor. PHIDAY, JUNK 7, 1895 Urmham's MacceMwr. It is reported from Washington President Cleveland is consider ing the name of Attorney-General Olney in connection with the selec tion of a successor to the late Secre tary Gresham. If this be true, it would be one moro proof of the President's inability to keep his administration in line with the in telligent sentiment of his country men. The vacancy in the State Depart ment gives Mr. Cleveland an oppor tunity to bring into his Cabinet a statesman whose name and record will be a guarantee of a broad and vigorous policy in the conduct of foreign affairs. No feature of his administration has been more un popular than the apparently system atic effort which has been going on for the past two years to reverse the foreign policy of his predecessor and to discourage anything like an em phatic assertion of American lights and interests in internal affairs. Now Is the time when Mr. Cleve land may go far to rectify the mis takes which have alienated the con fidence of the country from the State Department by calling to his side some member of his party who 1b known to stand for the mainten ance and enforcement of a distinct ively American policy. Mr. Onley is one of the members of the administration who is farthest removed from such an identity. His experience in public affairs was lim ited up to the time of his advent in to the Cleveland Cabinet. He had been a successful corporation lawyer hardly known beyond legal circles In Boston, and he was not and is not now associated in the public mind with any event or policy that could possibly suggest his fitness to be the Premier of an administration' Mr. Cleveland's task ought not to be a difficult one, that is. if he is prepared to recognize the wisdom of shaping hi* administration in accord with the national aspirations of the American people. There are Dem ocratic statesmen at his command who have not forgotten the lessons of American destiny and from among whom a Secretary of State may be chosen who would go into office with something like the good-will and patriotic support of all his country men in applying an American policy to our foreign relations. Mr. Onley is not such a man. The fact that he has been taken into consideration implies that the Pres ident does not measure or recognize the force of the national sentiment that lias set the seal of its disap proval and indignation on his weak and timid policy in the State Depart ment. Such an appointment would be received by the country with in difference or misgivings, if not with disgust. The Agricultural Department has decided that the peanut is not a nut, but a pea. Thus docs the present administration gradually solve prob lems of great pith and moment that were neglected by its Republican predecessors. Prosperity la Might. When Republican newspapers pro phesied revived national prosperity as the result of Republican victory last November they told the truth. The crushing defeat of the Demo cratic wreckers in every Northern State has unbarred the factory doors and relighted the furnace fires. The certainty that we shall have no more imbecile and ruinous Demooratic tariff legislation, the knowledge that the Fifty-fourth House is over whelmingly protectionist and Re publican, the dominant belief that the elections next year will firmly intrench Republicanism and Ameri canism in control of every branch of the Federal Government, has in» spired a renewal of industrial activ ity whose evidences are seene in in creased production and rising wages on every hand. The great iron and steel industries have promptly re sponded to the signal announcing that the track was clear and it was safe togo ahead. Agricultural staples have risen in price. The demands of the home market, in ■pite of the increased importations of foreign goods under the new tariff are rapidly expanding, owing to the increasing employment of labor and the growing ability of the people to purchase the comforts of life. American energy, enterprise and courage are asserting themselves with old time vigor now that the menace of Democratic destcuction has be«n removed. Republican principles aud policies are being vindicated with unexampled com pleteness by the progress of events. m-Adv«rtit«r. New Votlai Machine. The new voting machine win in Mount Vernonj N. Y., fur the first time, Tuesday, at the city election, nays an exchange. Delegations wore present from New York, Boston, Philadelphia ami elsewhere to ob serve the working of the balloting machines, one of which was provid ed for each election district- Each voter in turn is admitted into a stcvl cabinet 5 feet square nud 7 feet high containing the machine. The name? of the candidates are placed against the steel wall in columns, with the names of the party at the top. The voting is done by simply pushing a knob opposite the name of the can didate. There were three rows of knobs—yellow for the Democrats, red for the Republicans and blue for the Prohibitionist. "When a a voter pushes the knob opposite the name of his candidate for any office, it automatically locks the knobs opposite the names of the other can didates for the same office. After voting the elector passes through a steel inner door, closing it securely, when another heavy steel door opens by a spring and lets him out. The outer door cannot be opened unless the inner door is shut with a snap. The opening of the second door un locks all the knobs, and they are free for the next voter. They Will Fight Oowu la Texas. » E\v YORK, June 2. —The Herald says that there is now little doubt that the long delaj'ed battle between James J. Corbett-and Robert Fitz simmons will take place in Dallas, Texas, in the fall. "Dan" Stewart, the representative, of the syndicate of Texas who have put up the money to bring ofT the match, arrived in this city yesterdaj* and showed cer tified checks to llie amount of $41,- 900—the size of the purse for which Fitzsimmons and (Jorbctt are to fight. This money Mr. Stewart is pre pared to post with the stakeholder at a moment's notice, as a guarantee that the eveut will be decided in the Lone Star State, and that every con tract made by him will bo faithfully carried out. According to Mr. Stewart, there is no law in the state of Texas 'hat will in any way prevent the meeting. "The contest," said Mr. Stewart last evening, "will be scheduled fcr decis ion in the second or fourth week in October." Lincoln and Douglai. Editor Atkins", in the Freeport (111.) Journal: —We recently printed 'an article by Joseph Medill (liditor Chicago Tribune ) containing his recollections of the joint debate be tween Abraham Lincold and Stephen A. Douglass, in Freeport, August 2" 1858. We were present in a room in the Brewster House on that day when Eliliu Is. Wasliburnc and Nor man B, Jtidd endeavored to dissuade Mr. Lincoln from asking his second question, because, as Mr, Washburn and Mr. Judd urged, Mr. Douglas would reply that slavery could be excluded from a Territory under his doctrine of "popular sovereignty," and he would take the crowd with him, and would defeat Mr. Lincoln as a candidate for the United States Senalortship from Illinois, and, as nearly as we can now remember, Mr. Lincoln, after listning replied to all Messrs. Washburn and Judd had to say, as follows : "Well, I do not know what answer Mr. Douglas will make; but if he answers that slavery cannot be excluded from a Territory I will heat him in Illinois and be elected Senator; and if he answers as you say he will, and as I now think he will, that slavery can be ex cluded from a Territory, he will beat me for Senator, but he will never be elected President." Mr. Lincoln persisted in asking that question against the protest of his political friends, and Mr. Douglas did reply, as it was predicted that he would, that under his doctrine of "popular sovereignty" slavery could be ex cluded from a Territory, and he did defeat Mr. Lincolu for Senator; but that answer of Mr. Douglas to the question put to him at Freeport by Mr. Lincoln put Mr. Douglas directly in antagonism with the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case, and lost him forever the support of the democrats of the slaveholding States and Mr. Lincoln himself "won the plncc that Mr. Douglas was playing for,"and became President of the United States. If Mr. Lincoln had taken the urgent advice of Joseph Medill, N. B. Judd and E. B. Wash burne it is not likely that Mr, Lin coln would ever have been President. Mr. Lincoln was a statesman, and he had the courage of his convictions and he became President by follow ing his own judgment and rejecting the advice of his political friends. Subscribe for the Rspi'ducax. Coart IhpMNdiaca. [OOKTINIIHU VBOH I.AUT WICK*, ('ninth. vs Mrilw; true Mil. Stcafather v» Htillivnn county. On motlno the Court permit the record to tto amended that the plaintiff's name shall read Kylvoster H. Bteafather. Harney vs VanSlckle—Alias Sci Fa; directed to fostu*. Comtli. vh Edward Norconk; ease dis mlsted by the Court for want of Jurisdic tion. Vincent vs Hunsingcr—Alias Sci Fa to issue. Stormont vs Little; judgement in open Court for want of appearance and affidavit of defense. Ilays & Son. .T. E. Dayton & Co.. Geo. [hilib <£, Sou, "Weil Bachrach ifc Co. vs Walter Spencer «fe Son; judgement In each case for want, of nn affidavit, of defense. In re: estate of Charles Hoof deceased; F. T. Dempsey appointed auditor to dis tribute fund in hands of administrator. In re: estate of James Fit/Simmons deed A. J. Bradley appointed auditor to dis tribute fund in hands ot exieutors. Collins vs Collins. Administrator: judg ment for want of plea and affidavit of de fense. Davidson twp. vs Wm. Bay and M. J. Phillips; rule grante in each case, to show cause why appeal snail not tie stricken off. Speaker vs Woodley; judgment for want ' of appearance. The following matters were confirmed Ni Si. viz: Report of auditor distributing fund in hands of the administrator of J. N. McDonald dee'd. Report of auditor distributing fund in hands of assignee of W. J. llottenstein. Report of viewers on road on North Mountain. Report of sale of real estate of Benj. Bergau deed, and the following were con firmed absolutely, viz: Widow's shares, estates of J. 3. Daddow dee'd. and Cyrus Miller dee'd. Final account of the Exe cutor of Edward Sharp dee'd. Thomas Maliaffey, Iltgh Sheriff came into open court and acknowledges deeds, poll as follows: To L. R. Frost, for 2 pieces of land iu Collev. sold as property W. Z. McCarty; to E. S. Rinebold for 2 pieces of land in Cherry and Forks sold as property of Anna Dunn; to M. E. Her tn mn for 53 acres In Cherry twp. sold as property of Anna Dunn; to Anthony Walsh and Antlioay Dempsey, 50 acres in Cherry twp. sold as property of M. P. Gallagher; to Anna F. Meylert for 2 lots in Laporte boro. sold at property of Wm. Meylert; to T. J. lngliam and E. M. Dun ham for 3 lots in Laporte boro. sold as property of J. P. Little; to 1). T. Stevens and Son for 87 acres in Laporte and David son twps sold as proper! of,l. P. Little; to A. T. Armstrong for lot in Laporte B sold as property of J. P. Little; to W. J. Lawrence for lot of land in Laporte twp. sold as property of J. P. Little; to Marion K Woodward for 70 aires in Elkland twp sold as property of .J. K. McCiuty. And now to wit. May U'U IS9."i Hon. B. S. Collins, F. H. Ingham andE. J. Mullen are appointed a committee on the part of Sullivau county, to confer with a like committee of Wyoming county to amend and revise the rules of court. In re estate of C. L. Erie dee'd, a rule grunted to show cause why auditors report in this case should not set aside etc. W. «Sr X. Bit. K. ( o. ys Pauline .1 acoby and now May 29 18!i. r >, J. \V. Hogers, Amos Little. B. I* llunsioger, K I).'er, Joseph 11. Yon kin, David Molyueux au.l A. A. Collins an- appointed viewers to im el at 1 p. in.on July 5 180. 1 ). In tlk: mailer of making the biidge over Lick Creek near Fork* vide in Forks twp. —a county bridge. The grand jury report tli it iliey consider said bridge necessary. ami the building of the same would be too expensive for the township of Forks to build, and do approve of the report of viewers thereon.— May 20 1895, the finding of the grand jury is hereby approved: By the Court. Tin AI. LIST. Brown vsTrexler Teri ell & Co.-.continu ed by Agent. Campbell vsLe'ts; continued bv Agent, lingo vs Finkle and Rogers; judgment for plaintiff, Bruce Rea jr. vs Lyon Lumber company continued at cost of defendant. Carroll vs Minerand Ladden; arbitrated. Cumiuusky vs Connors; continued by Agnt, AUG I'M I!NT T.IST. IMotls vs Nye; continued. Kneiler vs Colley township; settled Comth. vs Kennedy; continued lo June special term. Kobe vs Eritts; continued. Hotlenstein vs llavnrly; continued. Ruglemnn vs I.orah; certified to Judw Peck. Iloffa vs Persun (J cases); rules strickeD oIT, Tomlinson vs Reynolds; certified to Judge Peck- Laporte School District vs AVrenn; con tinued. Keystone Co. vs Jackson; rule stricken oil. B'anchard vs Stevens & Son; certified to Judtre Peck. Jennings Bros vs McCartney; continued till June special term. Edkin vs Edkln & Myers; certified to Judge Peck. In re: road from Cherry Mills; certified lo Judge Peck. Comth. vs Norconck; dismissed for want of jurisdiction. And now. May 25, 1805, the several Courts of Sullivan counly adjourned. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TOP ft OPEN wm, —ALSO— Farm and HeavjLraWaps. FACTORY WEST MAIN TREET LAPORTE, PA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod; in Martin's llorse Shoeing Rack. J. w. BALLARD. May 18. '6?. Cheapest and Best We erect the cliuapest and best Wire Fence In the market. If in need of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call. James Meyers. & Co Strawbridge, Pa. § OUH BTBKL lioors qwAro practically cverlaatlng. They will S not ruit, rot or Irak when properly Beared for. They will HHKO LIOIITNINO Sclcciricliy will not penetrate a conduc jjWof the fluid—and they will not bnrn. rimy arc CIIICAPKR TIIAR Biimot.aa to Sbeirin with and are far auperlor in Scvery way. Let us send you particu- XI-ITH by mail. « l-rrfsTON IRON ROOPINO CO., !fi PltUton, Pa. SsaaaeswagWMMW—a T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Off ICE XO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in tbe citv, and his prices are reasonable. 4-i2:'95. TOPHI? ■MOT! Samuel Cole, OF Dushore is headquarter* for all kinds of hardware- Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and ▼arniehes. Special induce ments to builders. MANUFACTHKB of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Roof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond ail compe tition, and we invite your patronage, SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. JL Just Mf~Arrived! \3jr With a new stock of Latest Styles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS, Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. China and Quoenswnro, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kinds of Shoes. My grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices/ before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main SL, Laporte, Pa. T(&A C H J- V. fiETTENBUiIY, pQP Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, • U RN ITU RE. »-DUSHORE, PA. T Dushore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879. Chas. N. Purvis: COIUCTIO* OFFICES, 29 W" 4th St.— and—s4o Packer 8t WILLI AMSPOttT PA. Collections made In all parts of the world. LAW OFFICES OF Q. B. M. Metzger, j 29 W. lilt St.—Telephone, No. 1893 1 JKRE. KJELLY'S VOLUMtfyEKK KRLLTS COLUMN. HEELS OVBFI HEAD, | 1 Window fffTfi V- . and Door ! jjkslL /7 \ 1 1 Screens. lIH _ '* la^ 'llad better be in early. Very fine j/JT Jhk \ j window screens 25c. Not the old IT | " ~ yyjjf— 112 ) rickety one but the latest im- I =IR"AR < SS., ! - ' " ~ Our window shade plain shades and for prices. When you select your • • • • W • • • • You will see the display this bargain as long as it lasts. 30-inch, go id, strong I willow clothes baskets, 50 cents. We buy thesej baskets direct ft from the maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds ft of goods on the market less tuan cost. TIMK SAVED. ■ ALSO Mocey; the only sewing machine you necl buy for a life time is ■ the Detnorest It 19 the strongest, most complete, lightest, running machine ' made. No trouble to get repairs, fully wat ranted and made ut home. Ouly $19.50. Good as the $30.00 ones. A time saver and labor easy machine is MiUford carpet sweeper or a Grand Rapids © W J6 —w. • • $2.25 to $2.99. , A „Sr-W estern W ashersS I $3.50 each $3 50 each. • F you want to surprise yourself get one of our easy rockers for your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing liHiid« ■ some styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap 1 in nice parlor furniture. Tuink of a suit of Plush, 6 pieces for 1 $'25.00. A better one for $35.00. Kitchen chairs $3.00 *et. ' | Fine Oak Extension Tables, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges. A fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove? th°an e the r s * v °CINDBRLLIA For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. " SUBSCRIBE NOW. W« will iwd to any aidnu The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting', up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send your name and address to New York Weekly Press, 38 Park Row, New York City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. Don't Miss the Golden OPPORTUNITY OF our great popular sale for the next 30 days in clothing for men boys and children; including hatß, caps gents furnishing goods, trunks, Batchels ete. The entire stock was bought for your Judicious Approval. Everything new. No sheif worn goods can bo found In our present stock of seasonable selections. We are hot conducting: A bankrupt sale; not a manufacturing sale but a high grade goods at low grade prices. We never sacritice quality to lower the prices. We never try to sell an inferior article to wan, woman o* child. NOTICE:—If goods are not aa represented; money refunded, _ __. - Th« One Price Clothing House, Du R. L. MARKS Court ProelMiatloM. [ HPKCIAL JUNK TKHM 1895.] Whereas the Hon. E. M. Dunham, Pres. Judge of the Forty-fourth judicial district of Pennsylvania, consisting of the Coun ties of Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hons. John Yonkin andM. J. Phillips, his Associate Judges of Sullivan county, have issued their precept bearing date, March 9, 1895, to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Orphans' Court for said County of Sullivan, at the courthouse in Laporte. Pa-, on MONDAY. JUNE 10. 1895. Notice is therefore, berebr given to all persons interested, that they be then and there In their proper person, at Two o'clock in the afternoon of said day. with records, Inquisitions and other remem brances to do those things which to their i office appertains to be done. Jurors are i requested to be punctual in their attend ' ance, agreeably to their notice. < THOS MAUAFFEY Sheriff. I Sheriff's Offlce, Laporte Pa., April 97, '93.1 L* B.<ft CO ; Dushore, Pa " Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm lias one of the !arg -1 est Grist Mills in the county and they make aspecilty of manufacturing good flour and J feed. (Jive them your oriler. Prices way j down to suit the times. Oct 1,04 | i NOTICE:—I am still in the castrating business; those having any work in this line can notify me by mail or otherwise- I JKHOMK RKKD, Sonestown Pa. I > NOTICE:—I purchased on October Otb i 1894. at constable sale, one cow, one cook stove, 8 beds and bedding and also nil o( the household goods sole* as the property of Win. Walter, aod have left the same with him during my pleasure, and hereby caution all parties not to inierfer with the same. FBAKKLIN PHII.LIFS. Friblcy, Pa. Fresh Stock AT THE —'' Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the u*uttl supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the A lison, we are procured to Bell same at lib reasonable pricee UK can be had in the country Our stock of (MEMS * Are of the usual standard Lere tofore sold in our store, and, M much of these goods are pur cb-ised at a less price than formerly, wo are disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT AND SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do st general Bunking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship' Tickets- to uud from all parts of Europs,. and for Fire Insurance Companies* J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHICR. WILLIAM SPORT AND LKANCU lUILROAP TIMETABLE. SOUTH, Oetobor, 1> US94. KORTV. A. M.IP." M7| A. M K. 10 Oil 5 26:A..WiU'm»|)ort..l 10 10 4 IS U 501 518 ...Monlom jville.... 10 17 4Jt 042 440 Halts 10 30 iSt W 3#; 14 35, P.nnsdate 133 ft tt 1U 311 14 28;...0pn'» Crossing ft It 025 4 2:< j.... IJ UKhettville 10 43 iSt •J 15 4 14 ...Pictureßoeki... 10 it tSt 10 ID f4 111 ....Lyon's Mi 11.... fid 63 ft SS V 081 14 081 Cliuuiouni flO 55 ft Si V 00 4 02]. ...Glen 11 03 t4S IS 53 13 54' Edkins ft 4fc 18 50! 13 51 ....Strnwbi idge.... 11l It ft 61 • 18 45' f3 46: ...Beesh Uien..J ft it. 8 41. 3 43|...M»1t0} Valley... 11 18 i6l 83V 337 Foncatonn 11 24 t ti. f8 23: f;i 21] 8r0ck.... fit 34 It It 8 lOi 320 Nurdmont 11 38 t SI. 8 00! 3 02 Lnporle 11 54 t St' 17 45 t'2 421 Ringriale fl2 10 tit 735 23p u v..Salurfielil..Ar 12 25 7 It.l 2 l2 30 Ar..S>itteifU'ld..Lv 2 23 A. M. M. l P. M.| .M. 11. C. Mi'COltMli'K■ President. K. L EAVENBON, Oeu. Manager, TJ. & F. U. INGHAM, a ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA\. Legal Business attended to in this and: adjoining Counties. "Bp J. MULLEN, - e&a ATTORXET-AT-LAW, DUSnORE, - - PA.. Office with B. 8. Collins, J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , LAPORTE, - - PA* Olfice in County Building nearcouri-Jtoussf TRAINER & PURVIS, COMMISSION MEEt LOANS NESOTIATED&C.. NO. 29 \V. 4th St., Williamsport, F*i. —:0: EST All kinds of merchandise bought er sokl on commissiou. INGHAM & H. K. NEWITT.* ATTOIIN E YS- AT-I. AW. 505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Ps. |g|*ENRY T. DOWNS, ATTO RNEY-AT-EAW Ex-Protli'y. Register A, Recorder of Snlliran <?•'=• ' Office »ilh Sheriff Mahaffoy, LaPort* Pa.. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST THATB EVERYBODY'S- and the people appreciate ttta- fast that MRS. LAUEITS STORI is right "in it'' f.iri eh cap goods. My groceries are always fresh and el the best quality Flour and feed the best tba market affords*. M. G. LAiWER. May 13, 'ftf. CEOWT® ACHE TtoßffitKmc OilTbatCai Be. Mfida -• irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney r It will not char the wick. It has a high fira.teatu. It will not explode. It is without comparison ac a« perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the fioeat* crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN AGMI. Trade orders filled by THB ATLANTIC LIR FINING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamspoit Pi,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers