THE REPUBLICAN. FRLUBAY, MAY 10, 189-). * * « * * * * —* I Tfu Y. Weekly Tribune I, *i and | * Sullivan Republican * | for I* * $1.25 One Year $1.25. | * —* —* —* * * • • * * * Sunday was a perfect day. This is fine growing weather. Observe the beauties of nature. There are four prisoners in the fcoQnly jail. The Eagles Merc side walks are in bad repair. Black and Lawrence will make ft winning ticket. County Commissioner Swank of Columbia county, is on the sick list. The contest court will convene in Laporte on Tuesday the 21st day of May. Trof. F. W. Meylcrt and wife of "lLaporte, Sundayed with friends in lPicture Rocks. We have given our columns but Tittle attention this week, owing to tfarm work. As of the past, Sheriff Mali a (ley ••will give his garden special pains tthis summer. 'The throe leading streets of Johns- Iwnwfc are called Lincoln, Washing ton wind Napoleon. J. IT.. Healon of Celestia, is build ing an addition to his house. A. Iv "Tripp is doing the work. James Meyers Si Co., the wire fence builders, have a new card in the REPUBLICAN tniis iv«e"k. Three convicted murderers are now awaiting sentence of death in' the Lackawanna county jail. Daniel Reynolds of Laporte, hurt his foot quite seriously on Saturday last. lie was doing farm work. Church gossip in this vicinity, is ; still on the wave. Non-members are being entwined in the little epi v sodc. The Republican county conven ' iion will convene in Laporte on Saturday July 20. See call eise Morgan Gavitt of Laporte, was I looking siter his political fences in , fcfahe western end of the county, last , (.organization of Red Men of '• Beruii a P' e ~ u ' c al,t * dance on July • A --g° otl time 18 autic ' ipated. A law haa been P assecl " in 1 York state req wing a girl to be 18 < years of age befo Wthe cail .' o,a the ' bonds of matrimoi The numerous saw mill s ' n Wil liamsport began operat '°n, ti* 18 week This industry gives t< one thousand men. The best Democrat now; vlflys it> the one who looks with most futor upon the idea of voting the llepub lican ticket next fall. The little steamboat which is to plow the waters of the Susquehanna between Meshoppcn and Wyatusing has been launched at Laceyville. It would appear that the majority of the citizens of Sonestown are anxious for a borough line. If this is a fact the minority should sub mit. E. G, Sylvara, J. S. Harrington and J. W. Carroll, all Dnshore merchants, have new ads in the .REPUBLIC .VX this week. Look them orer. Wm. O. Gallagher of Palestine, Texas, is a subscriber to the REPUB LICAN and he writes his brother F. W. GaMagher of this place, that he «3® «3® without it. C, F. Cheney and R. W. Bennett, of Eagles Mere, caught a 150 pound bear in a steel trap one day last week. They captured it along Bear Creek in the vicinity of Hills grove. The treasury deflct at the end ol ■the fiscnl year will probably reach i. round $60,000,000. This is a pretty showing for the "richest nation on the face of the globe." These are Democratic times. Services in the Presbyterian •church by llev. L. C. Davis will 1* ■held Sunday evenings, at 8 o'clock, during the summer, instead or Sun day morning. Commencing Sunday evening May 12. Would it not be the proper thing to do for the citizens of town t( meet at the cemetery before Memo* rial Day comes to clean up and beautify the Silent City of the Dead! This should be done soon, not onl\ out of respect for the dead, but to the liying aa well. Subscribe for the REPUBLICAN. Judge Dunham is holding court in Towanda, this week. Frank iMaynard of Dushore, was doing business in Laporte, Monday. I)o you 1-now thai you would save many a dollar during the year by buying your clothing at right prices. Give us a call and wo will convince you that our prices are right. Jacob Fcr's, Hughcsvillc, Pa. Hon. llussel Kama and wife ol Laporte, are visiting friends in Ben ton, Columbia county. F. P. Vincent, jr., of Dushore, was in .attendance at the Republican • Standing Committee meeting, Sat urday. The Ladies Aid Society of Laporte will meet at the residence of Mrs. W. 13. Jliil, Saturday, May lltli. Mas. J. 11. SPENCER, Sec}*. Atty. JR. J. Thomson and wife, of Dushore, are spending a few days in town. Thsy are registered at the Laporte Hotel. George YV. Simmons of Soncstown represented Soncstown boro., at the Republican Standing Committee meeting, Saturday. George is a strong advocate of borough limits. Don't neglect seeJ \ the line line of men's, boy's and you )s clothing that nrv selling at astonishingly low prices. Jacob Per's Hughesvillc Pa. We are told that work has not been resumed on the new Loyal Sock road, this spring. To those who arc anxious about the completion of this road, this delay is anything but pleasing. In styles of hats wc lead, Jacob Per's. Hunt up the curious and relics and forward them to the Lycoming county centennial exhibition. Old relics preserved by Sullivan county pen[ilc are requested by said com mittee. The citizens of Laporte has em ployed Chas. Ballard to watch and keep the cattle off the railroad track between Lake Mokoma and the La porte tannery. In tearing down an old building for the Farquhar Company at York, workmen found a dueling pistol of eighteenth century make. It is fitt ed with a hair-sight, and the ham mer is on the under Ride. Large line of children's suits from $1 to $7 at Jacob Per's, Hughesville, Pa. During the year that ended April Ist, 11. S. Xiowery, aGwynedd black smith, assisted by Jacob White, nailed on 5509 horseshoes. As each shoe contains not fewer than eight and many have ten nails, the total number driven was nearly 50,000. Mr. Dunham the tlowerest, of Eagles Mere, has a fine large bed of flowers and garden plants. Those of our people who purchase plants of Mr. Dunham will bo in advance of the garden season time. ( The Republican Standing Cora "'We meeting which convened in -t ilioiuso at Xiaporte on Sat i Hie cou. 1 , , , well -represented by unlay lust, ' „„ J , ~ O.f itue fifteen good Republic;. „ . ' . ftloven were k 'recincts in the cou.. ro j resented. . *.&cot> Men s suits from jju t 0 sl9 a » Per'e, ft.ughesville, IV H. A. K nipo, conductor of tbo W. . & N. B. railroad, with his wile, are spending a couple of weeks in Phila- < delphia. During liis absence Ilarley Edkin Is pulling the bell cord and 1 looking after the wants of the travel- t iug public on said road. v The new wire fence recently plac- !. Ed around the Catholic church yard, , on Park street, is very pretty indeed and substantial. It was built by 112. Mr. Meyers of Strawbridgc, and will ' bear inspection. If you are in need 8 of a fence go take a look at it and you will order one just like it. ' Dr. Wuddell of Dusliore, is of the opinion that there should be a physi cian's card in llie county seat paper, hence will plant one therein, shortly. Dr. Waddell has a whole lot of friends over here and as a physician is quoted among the very best in the county. The more customers come iu the more suits go Jacob Pcr's IlugUesvllle Pa. A sanitarium in Laporto and well advertised would be a paying invest ment. Everybody knows that La porte is the healtiiies place in the world. Our pure air, water and a powder prepared by the physician in charge, would cure the most seri ous ease. We have physicians in the county, competent of taking I charge of a sanitarium and we in vite them to give the idea a thought. Boys' full suits from s:j lo $lO at Jacob Per s, Hughe-ville Pa, The fifteenth encampment of the division of Pennsylvania Sons of Veterans will be held in Allentown on June sth. The Allentown Camp has made great preparations to en tertain the boys. The llrst conven tion of the order was held in Allen town fourteen years ago. A few of the ring Democrats would like to name both tickets. They think th« two persons spoken of on our ticket a little too popular for cither of their candidates. This condition is characteristic of the Democratic party, not only in Sulli van county, but wherever you may go. It is the Democratic platform and hard times that is playing hob with the Democratic candidates. The borough of Bloomsburg will pay $7,300 to a man who fell through a defective sidewalk. Millville, a small town also in Columbia, pays *7OO to allow a man to get judge ment for SIOO on account of a little carelessness of a property holder in regard to his pavement. It should be the duty of every citizen knows iug of bad places in the sidewalks to report the fact to council; and it is the duty of the council to notify the property owner to make the needed repair. This will relieve the proper ty owners of damages sustained. The largest and finest line of neckwear ever exhibited in ilughesville. Jacob Per. Farmers are warned against wheat swindlers who are said to be work ing in the eastern part of the State, and arc liable to drop among you at any time. They are canvassing with a line grade of wheat, which they allege will yield and average of 50 bushels to the acre. The grains are larger and there are more of them on the stock. You will be required to sign a contract to let the agent have half your crop, and if he doesn't get your farm you will be in great. I nek. Beware of them and don't, sign the paper. Judge Dallas tiled an opinion in the United States Circuit Court, Tuesday last, in favor of the Get tysburg Electiic Railway Company, in the disputo over the taking of land by the United States to preserve the battlefield. Judge buttler filed a dissenting opinion. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court of the United Stales for final decision, and it is hoped "Uncle Sam" will win. More new goods at Jacob l'er's, Ilughes ville, Pa. The Blair county auditors com pleted their investigations of the affairs of the county commissioners. The charges of mismanagement and illegal actions with regard to the ex penditure of the county funds and the letting of illegal contracts arc sustained. The auditors report all the facts to the court which were de veloped during these investigations and surcharge Commissioners Funk and Uurd over $4,000. There was a time when Democracy held supreme iu Sullivan county. That time lias past, because the Democratic platform has brought on these hard times and the working men who give politics a thought have resolved that a change is neces sary. The farmer who in the past has been quoted as the independent men of our country, are to-day the poorest of us all, b.cause their pro ducts are worth nothing and their farms have depreciated in value iu consequence. The fannor can not afford to voto the Democratic ticket * Ujjo fall. toijUJis, finest quality, for salrf. In 800i>, "'Hy'sliardwure, Hugbesviile l J a. quire of kc ''ij receipt foi Chauncey x "*« j-S yery neat ant happiness in old as, ,iu toucl clever. This is it: jg,*ime with the young. Join in u "V th be a partner in the dance, rom. "V fastest and turn the quickest in i \ irginia reel or the country dance; go up to the old college and sit down light your pipe and sing college songs; take the children to the theatre and howl with them at the roaring farce, and laugh with them at the comedy and cry with tliem at the tragedy; be their confident in their love affairs, and i( they arc not equal to it, write their love letters, and never stop writing some your self. Memorial Day is approaching and with it let patriotic feeling grow and the appreciation of the event make its signal influence lelt. Observe the day as a memory and a sacred recolleetiou; observe the day also to instruct the later generations of its meaning and instill a loyal love for country. Let the citizens unite in unison with their impulses in accord, their feelings kindred, their interests mutual and their manifestation indi cative of their respect and passion, bubbling in thanks and gratification over the cause which triumphed. To the proud remnant of the "Grand Army of the Republic," be longs the highest admiration and hope. All citizens on Memorial Day should give them their tears and sympathy, and join with the surviv ors in the cause, when three thous and battles were fought with a uni fied and unrestrained sentiment of appreciation. 1 The Eagles Mere Land company have ordered fifty new rowboats lor use on the Eagles Mere Lake. They will be delivered on the open ing of the summer season. The average father of grown-up girlß ought to count the rise in kero sene as of some particular conse quence among the necessary expen ses of sitting up late nights.— Ex. The girls in Laporte blow out the lights after "papa" retires, conse quently the matter of expense has not been brought to his attention. There is nothing more disgusting and contemptible than the sly gos sip talk in little groups, and spread from mouth to etfV, in a small town. It is sneaking and pernicious, aimed to do some inocent person injury. Many have beeu misjudged and their reputations compromised through the slander of these "gos sipers." The legislature is likely to heed the pleadings of the Commissioners anl leading citizens of Schuylkill and Luzerne counties against dis memberment, and the Quay county scheme now promises to disappear as a new venture of the politicians in lucrative legislation. As a matter of justice, the Ilazle ton end of Luzerne county deserves and should have better advantages in reaching the county seat town, as it is the Hazletou end that supplies Hie majority of the cases on the Luzerne calendar at every term of Court, but it is Hazleton's misfor tune to find its interests 111 that di rcetion in the charge of politicians and heelers whose sole motive gain in any form that presents its head. The authorities of two counties have organized such clever and effective opposition to dismember-, incut that the legislature, having once hesitated by voting down the bill on third and final passage, is en tirely liable to kill it altogether w hen its friends call it up for considera tion. Hemic*- Itrum-li Tennis Beginning Monday, May 13th, when a new time table will go into effect, some radical changes will be made in tlio train service on the Bernice Branch of the Lehigh Val ley. The present passenger trains, running from Lopez to Towauda and return twice a day will be dis continued. The train which now leaves Du-hcre at f>:so running to Wilkes Barre, will leave Towauda at 6:40 a. m., returning at 7:45 in the evening. Kunuing opposite to this a train will reach Towand from Wilkes Barre at 10 a. m., and re turning will leave Towauda at 4:U5 p. m. This schedule will probably not meet with hearty approval by people who have business along the line, as it will necessitate an early start and there will be 110 means of returning until nearly eight o'clock in the evening. Passengers who wish to take W. «fc N. B. at Salter field, unless there is a change in the time table of that road, will have to leave Towauda at fi:4o in the morn ing and wait at Satterfield until after dinner.—Towauda Review. For clover and timothy seed onion sets and green fruits, goto 11. tfc \V. Sones town Pa. Try Bodine & "Warn for dry goods, groceries, ham shoulders, beans etc, Bodine & Warn sell 5 different condition powders and Dr. Hess stock food. Orphan*' Court Sale. Iu pursuance of an order of the Orphan? Court of Sullivan county the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Benjamin 11. Bryan, dec'd. late of Hillsgrove twp. will expose to public sale the followin« or parcel of land lying und being ii '>e Township of llillsitrovc, Count o '"v,V and State of Pennsylvania, de ,fl -""Wfi: iul '- • . 'i<r at mi old beec! cribcu . ♦. Mine, thence 8 First Uk. -}■■:, d ( 11 trat "„ 0U - Ihenc orucr. now „ u 'l degrees £, S& r °os »„'> «• V 1. 30 degrees E. t> 1 stone? tint! oad, thence on the road 8. 5 tWrei rods to the shoeshop, thence' on ti„. ine granted to J. 31. Shaver N. 78W dec W. 12 rods to a white maple thence v »Y legrces W. rods to a etoae piJ e ' 011 ract line two rods below corner of C At Joyle's laud thence on tract line N S3Lf legices E. 12 rods to the place of betriun ug. Containing live acres 100 perches jeing a part of the William Annan warrant Second lot. Beginning at the old birch .•orui-r mentioned in lot No. 1 on North ine of William Annon tract, thence 8 21 legrees E. 24 perches to a post and sione iorncr, theuce southerly along line of lot Mo. 1 about 28 perches, thence 8 s decrees a, to a small vvatur beech by the creek hence by land conveyed to E. 8. Little >y J. A. Snell N. Ksdecrees E 20 « perches o a post on the right bank of Elk crcck hence N. 15 degrees IV. 7 perches to a :oruer in said creek, thence bv lands nf B. W. >nell N. 30 degrees W. 32 perches o a coiner iu said creek, thence by the awe 14 degrees W. 4(1 perches to a corner n creek 3 rods from a beech, on the left jank of the creek, on the north line of aid Annon tract, thence by said tract line i. ol degrees W. 20 per dies to place of 3C s, nni , n f : containing 7 acres 108 perches lhird lot. Beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 2, thence N. 5 deirrces IV. about 18 rods along the line of lot No ! to a public road, thence at right »nd nearly south about 9 rods to a post heuee at right ang'e nearly east about 10 •ods to a corner, thence northeasterly to he place of beginning; containing 1 acre {laving thereon erected a one and one ia!f story house, a small barn and a two itory shoeshop. About two acres are inder cultivation with about twenty good inple trees. The sale will be at the* rus dence of Filcna A. Bryan, in Hillsirrove >wp., on SA 1 URPAY the 11 day of May it 1 o'clock p. m. Terms:—One fourtli :<• be paid down and the balance on final confirmation of the sale. EZIiA S. LITTLE, Administrator. CoMMiHfitoNKßs' Office, May 2, '95. A joint-session was held with the Town Council of the borough of Laporte, regarding the construction of the sewer leading from its pres ent opening opposite Judge Dun ham's, North, on Munch street, cross ing said street below the residence of Thos, J. Ingham, in all a distance of 400 feet. It is agreed between borough Council and County Com missioners that the total expenses of constructing this sewer shall be divided as follows:—County, two thirds, and borough, one-tlnrd; and that work proceed thereon without delay; T. J. Keelcr to have charge of th is construction. And, that a twelve inch vitrified pipe be laid; to be purchased from the Union S< wer Pipe company of Akron, 0. as per their price list, filed. Publlo Notice. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Sullivan county, on Mondny, May 27. 1895, at 3 o'clock p. the Borough of Laporte, County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, for the incor poration of the village of Sonestown into a borough INGHAM & BRADLEY Attys, for Pet itioners. Laporte, Pa,, April 16, 1805. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa. issued out of tiie Court of Common Pleas of Sulli van county, and to me directed and deliv ered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House. Laporte Pa., Saturday, May 11,1895 At one o'clock p. in., the following describ ed property viz: All ihat certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the Township of Shrews bury. County of Sullivan, Penn., bounded nut described as follows: Beginning at a no t in the road trom Eaglcs.Vlere to Mun ey, at d on line of the lands of the J. R. I ones estate, thence along said road south •T >' decrees west, 12 perches to hemlock e <*• -• -H >f said road; thence ff.'! -v roatl south 2914 degrees w i i-:) perches; thence south 7134 degrees west,,;»;} 3-10 perches; thence south 62'.$ degrees west. 10 perches; theuce south 28j 4 ' degrees west, ltt tf-10 perches; thence sr.ulb 24 degrees west, 20 'J-IO perches; thence south degrees west, 34 8-10 perches to a post in the road; theuce along ine of George Long warrant, south N5 degrees east, 120 perches to warrant corner between Henry ltamsey and Geo. Long; thence along the line of Henry Ramsey, north 5 degrees cast, 124 perches to the place of beginning. Con taining about Fifty acres, be the same more or less. Reserving therefrom Four acres of land; bcinir Three acres now deed ed to M. I'. Hamilton and one acre deeded to the School District of Shrewsbury twp. Also, excepting and reserving therefrom, Eleven and one-half acres deeded to Wm. H Fairchild by deed recorded in deed book No. 20. p-tge 250 ou Dec. 5, 1890; and about One and one-half acres deeded to Philo G. Kisinjter by deed recorded in deed book No. 20, at page 251, on Dec. 0!h 1800. Leaving to be sold, about 83 acres of land more or less; upon which is erected one framed dwelling house; a small portion of the land is cleared, the balance is in brush and snull timber; well watered by streams running through the properly. Seized, taken taiio execution and to be sold as the property of Svlvanus Council man at the suit of J. ii. W. Little. TIKIS. MAIIAFFEY, Sheriff. inghams Attorneys. Sheritl's Office, Laporte Pa., April 13,' 95. ShorliTa Sale. By virtue of u writ of Fi. Fa. issued out nf the Court of Common Pleas of Sull ivan county and to mc directed and de livered, thcie will lie exposed to public s.ile at the Hotel Carroll iu Onshore, Pa., Saturday, May 18, '95, At one o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, viz: Lot No. I.—All that certain piece of land lyiug and beintr in the township of Forks, county of Sulliyan, State of Penna. described as follows: Beginning at the west comer of a lot contracted to be sold toJ.H Hurlbert, thence along his line south 58 degrees east, 48 perches to a cor ner; thence along unsold land, south 81 degrees west, 1(!6 perches to warraut line; thence north 58 degrees west, 120 perches to a corner in line of Daniel Scanlin; thence south 58 degrees east, 09 perches; thence idong Hcanlin's line, north 32 1 4 degrees cast, 40 perches to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and six acres and eighty perches, be the same more or less; being mostly timbered laud, some slashing thereon, and being a part of the "Jesse llaines" warrant. Excepting and reserving from the above the following certain lot, piece or parcel of land. Beginning at a corner on Blact creek; thence south 56J£ degieei east, 62 perches, along lands tlii owner of which is unknown, to a stom corner; thence north 33}£ degrees east, 6' ' perches along lands of John Weisbrod ant 1 it is thought, along lands of one Whalen to a stone corner on a rock; thence nortl 50% degiees west, 74 perches along land of James Curry, to a corner at Black creel 1 aforesaid; thence down Blnck creek, th ■ several courses thereof, about 68 1-5 pet ' ches to the place of beginning. Contain ■ ing 29 acres and 30 perches of land, be th •, satuc more or less. fjoj No. 2.—The following certain lo oarcel of land in said Forks twj •'eßtrJbed as follows viz: B< • oh Black creek; them h„,f j°j- perches, alou bounded aim. -*noW 1 ginning at a cornei . - - rei south r>o 12 degrees east, „ lands the owner of which is u u stone corner; thence north 331.2,,.. east 07 perches along lands of John Weis Whalcn to If ! t h °" ffllt ' n,ou K lauds ot ™ co north'fifl" ?"* COrner ou " rock '. tllc " ft north 50' 4 degrees west. 74 nerchec along lands of James Curry, to a corner a B.aek creek aforesaid; theuce down Hlack fl« nnrt 1- Bt ' v< : ral c °urses thereof, aboul ? nnf l, 1 5 Pprclies to the place of beginn "My Containing 29 acres and 30 perches of land be the same more or less. Lot No 3,—A1l that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud lying and being situated in Chen v township, County and State afore aid, bounded and described as follows eguiLing at a point in the centre of the ro.'.d lea ling from Wentzell's saw mill to the ileverly Settlement road near Willi-im Gravi ley s and on the line of Stephen liar l'r t»n'i ,' ob tbenco along said , hue, north 82 degrees west, 50 perches to a corner, hemlock down; thence i.S"', 0 landN "° w J ' f'tzsimmous, Bouth 3i degrees west 10 perches to a hem lock. a corner of James Dunn and X Ain bs; thence along the line of land? of James Dunn, south 58 degrees east 03 ner clics to a post in the centre of the road aforesaid; thence a'ong Baid road, north 5 degrees cast, 42 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 9 acres and 70 per rhi-8 of laud be the same more or less, and being par ..t the \\ ilium Douthal war rant All improved land. Seized, taken into execution and to be soldas the property of Anna Dunn Ad ministratrix, widow and devisee of Tumps Dunn deed and Kzra Heh,»,okl T C ra ISS&AS BUltof J ' M Heacock? Sheriff s Offlce^La^onefl'J flpriKf *5 IQQS Spring 1895, don>t ;Artificial Yes it is a fact; our new stock represents a sur- Bait prising line of bargains. And now we arc aftor Got Up buyers. Our bait is bargains, genuine bargains; Just tO remember, real bargains. We liavo secured as good a i Ofttch line of goods as was ever offered in this vicinity. . It is this fact and our extra Low Prices that makes v/lIStOIH, uur present bargain offer the event of the season. Call and be Convinced of the Above facts. MOSIB 'mm&Wß SONS, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSPORT, PA Capital $50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 4,000 The First National Bank, OF HUGHESVILLE, PA. President, . DJEWITT BODINE- A Thl9 ank offcrs all t]ie usual facilities for ' A the transaction of a . . . , . Vice President, 1 C. W. WADDROP; • GENERAL Cashier J BACKING .BUSINESS, \V. C. FKONTZ. Accounts Respectlu ly Solicited. We have planted our TT T TTP T~> T7" Prices so low that V i_j JLV JL Is Astonished, We have i-J X opened up a fine line of |Dress Goods,? ®seßsß®ssss®esasssss®ss»sas«« Consisting of Ducks, Royal I'iques, Jaekonette Plis»e, Henriettas, Serges, Broadcloth*, and a hundred other different kinds, styles and varities of goods suitable foi. this mIH -.'T trail , . . , CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. We make a specialty of tho Grocery Trade and ot all times have the choicest and best goods the market afford. CASH PAID For swriii, lees & wool. Thanking me public for their very liberal patronage, we invite a continuance of the same. E. G. SVBA'JUUL Dushore Pa. J S. HARRINGTON, Manufactuter and dealer in Boots sund &lioes. I Defy Competition. ALL MY r Normous Spring Stock £ Of Fine Shoes marked down 25 PER CENT. The most complete stock of reliable Footwear in the county. Everything Stylish and fresh from the Manufacturers. «/. S. Harrington, MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA The largest and most complete Line of CLOTHING Ever shown in Dushorc. Call and see my line of mffirrmrcs £> fPATrmtra Threc button Saok and JlaL Cfc' jC IsF'iJ 'JL'JHLS 1 Frock suits, 4.75 to $lB. Children's Reefer, Sailor, Junior, Jersey, Middy, and Kilt Suits; SI.OO to 57.00. My lino of laundred White and Percale Shirts is the largest ever shown in this part of the country, price 20c to $1.20, I have all the new styles in stiff HATS FOR SPRING TRADE. J, W. Carroll Co. Dushore Pa. _ publics o-o-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O JL -notations with a first elasa MM o- O—O—O-V. I, am prepared IJ meet any prices or well selected stock JEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDRJ^. - TATS, CAPS, AND GENTS F URN I SUING GOOD 3 TRUNKS, BAGS AND UMBRELLAS. I also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab* ishments.for Custom Work. Perlectfits guaranteed. Call and cet uric#. Yours Respectfully etc., " F, P. VINCENT. NEW 13LOCK, - - DUSHORE, p A LOYAL SOCK COAL. "" ,ir "" k " of "" Suie lIM 4 SS.OOto?: rhe State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. i o, BLIGHT, Sup>
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