THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENKY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1895. JIKKTINU OF THE IIEIMHLI CAN lOHJfTY COMMITTEE HKAIKJUARTKIIH OF THft REPUBLICAN STANDING COMMITTEE FOR TUB COUNTY OF SULLIVAN. DITSHOKB, PA., April 15, 1895. The members of the Republican Standing Committee will meet in tbe Court House, In Laporte, on Satur day May 4th 1895, at one o'clock p. in. The purpose of this meeting is to fix the time o! holding cur Conven tion and to transact other important business. Following is a list of the Standing Committee. Bern ice.—Chas. Watson. Cherry.—Henry lluffmaster. Colley. —Lewis Ross. Davidson.—T. S. Simmons. Dushore.—F. P. Vincent. KU'land.—M. O. Burns. Forks.—A. M. Warburton. Fox.—W. Alberts. Forksville borough.—J. R. Fleming. Hillsgrove.—J, L. Christian. Jamison City.—Frank Meyers. Laporte Boro.—F. 11. Ingham. Laporte twp —J. C. Pennington. Lopez.—C. 11. Jennings. Shrewsbury.—C. F. Cheney. F. P. VINCENT, Chairman. A full attendance is requested. Tbe Anniversary ol the Death ol Liucolu. Thirty years ago Monday In the early morning of Apiil 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln died. Tbe North had been preparing to unite in a general illumination in celebration of the successful termination of the war for the Union. The negotiations for the surrender of Johnston's Army to Sherman did not begiu until April 18, and the army of Gen. Dick Taylor did not surrender to General ('anby until May, but both the North and the South knew with the surrender cf Lee's army, always the mainstay of the Confederacy, and by far its best array in disciplin and officers, that tbe war was over. The manifestations of joy were cut short by the shooting of the Presi dent, and thirty years ago to-day the news spread slowly through the land that Lincoln was dead. The news spread slowly because death had occurred at 7 o'clock in the morning, hours after the regular edition of the morning newspapers had gone to press, and because news was far less widely disseminated by telegraph than it is to-day. In many places it was known that the wound was mortal, but in many places, too, it was blindly hoped that there might be a miraculous re covery, so that when the railroad trains from the great cities made their way to the interior towns with the engines draped in black, bring ing tbe first news that the assassin's bullet had too well done its fatal work, it was like a repetition of tbe first grief. The morning suu seemed to have passed under an eclipse. The flags were taken down. The lights that were to have symbolized the glory of the Union preserved were put away. The death had en tered every loyal house. Tbe heart of every home was like a closed chamber wherein lies a shrouded body.— Ex. Nayst Booth is Alive. NEWARK, 0., April 14. —Christo- pher C. Bitter, tin intelligent Ger mail-American citizen who arrived in Newark nine months ago and has since been doing landscape garden ing, tells the following story to.daj concerning the assassination of Lin coln: "To-day I am at liberty to disclose tacts hitherto hinted at by newspaper writers, but strenuously denied by historians. "History says that Boston Cor bett shot J. Wilkes Bootli for Lin coln's assassination, but I say that Booth is to-day alive in Brazil and that it was Edward Fuchs who was shot by Corbett. Fuchs was an actor who bore a striking resemblance to Booth, and in fact, I know of frequent instances where he was mistaken for him. On May 6 Booth and I sailed for Brazil on a private schooner and arrived in Para on May 22. I soon returned to Ger many. Letters were exchanged by us. In 1884 Booth and I met at Hamburg for the first lime since '65. lie then looked well and had appar ently been prospering. The last time I heard from Booth was in December, and I am confident lie is yet alive. I know to a certainty that Booth frequently corresponded with Allan Pinkerton." Rittcr says that he has almost completed a book on the subject ol Lincoln's assassination. He says he promised Allan Pinkerton not to reveal this alleged fact for thirty years and the time expired to-day. 80000 bricks, finest qualltv. for »«!•». In quire of Kelly'# Hardware. Hiighesvide l'a. JIINI Arrived, New Spring »t-. le* of clothing, hats and caps. Prices away down. Call and be convinced before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEfcILER. 8-29:4 w Want no Change. Tho rural members of tbo home nre organizing to resist the proposed cut of $2,000,000 in the school up* proprtation for the uext two years. Their leaders will have a conference this week to outline a plan of cam paign. The farmers hold the balnnce of power in the house and if they unite on this question they can prevent any scaling down of the school funds. Many of them say there Is no need of the cut. They cannot see why a balance of from $3 000,000 to $5,- 000,000 should be deposited to the credit of tbe commonwealth in diff erent banks throughout the State when the treasuries of tbe school districts are obliged to wait weeks and months before receiving their share of the school appropriation. Dr. SchaefTer, superintendent of public instruction, thinks it would be unwise to reduce the school ap propriation. He has been asked by Governor Hastings for his opiuion on this question. If the reduction becomes neces sary it will be the first time in fifty years, with a single exception, that the legislature has been compelled to diminish the amount of appropri ation to the public schools by for mer legislatures. That exception occurred during the civil war when the appropriation was reduced to $303,G25 in 1862 from $308,000 over the previous year. The school ap propriation has been steadily increas ed from $200,000 in 1834 to $5,500,- 000. If the compulsory education law goes into effect tbe number of children to be educated in some of the cities may be legally increased thereby entailing increased expen ses in the running of the schools. Acquitted ol Murder. TUNKIIANNOCK, April 16, (Special) The jury this morning, at the con vening of court, brought in a verdict of l, not guilty" in the case of Fred B. Wall, on trial for the killing of Washington Waterman. The evidence against Pratt, indi cted on the samo charge, not being sufficient to warrant a trial a jury was empanelled and instructed to bring in a verdict of "not guilty." Birth nuil Death Kccord. The birth and death record as ro turned by tlie assessors of the several boroughs and townships of Sullivau county for the December assessment 1894, are as follows : Tbe entire list is probably incom plete, as in most places the assessor does not go from house to house for his facts but makes his assessment from his old record and for this reason he does not get all the births and deaths. DISTRICTS- Births. Deaths. ___ MJ F. M. | F. Cherry. 13; 10 4 3 Colley. l«j 21 4 9 Davidson. 13, 11 i 12 9 Dushore. 5 1 1 lj 8 Elkland 3 9 ! 6 Forksville. It 11 1 Forks. 0 8 18 Fox. 8 5 11 Hillsgrove. 1 8> 2 Laportetwp. 16 2 Laporte b'iro. 4 3 11 Shrewsbury. 8 8 2 Warm Maple Sugar will be served at the home of Mrs. C. E. Grimm, Friday evening April 19th, tor the benefit of the W. C. T. U. of porte. Sugar sold for 5 and 10 cts. a dish. A social will be held throughout the evening. All are cordially invited to attend. It is a doleful prospect indeed held out to the Democrats by Col onel McClure of the Philadelphia Time*. In a recent editorial it is stated:" •'To-day the Democratic party has not a single hopeful State north of Mason and Dixon's line; it has not a single hopeful State in the West, and the Soutiiern States are all trembling in the throes of threat** ened revolution. If the democrats were compelled to face a national contest at this time they would en ter it without reasonable expectation of carrying any State outside of the South, with the loss of fully half the Southern States more than probable." Wilson Turifl Results. PITTSRURO, April 14.—As a direct result of the lowering of lumber duty by the Wilson tariff, one of the larg est Montreal lumber firms will estab lish a branch here within a week, under the management of a Brock wavville lumberman. Canadians have been trying to break into the Western Pennsylva nia lumber market for gome time, but were prevented by high freight rates. They have now secured lower rates, it is stated, and already a considerable amount of Canadian lumber is being shipped here regu larly by way of the great lakes and from Cleveland to Pittsburg by rail. Western Pennsylvania luml»er con sumers have been flooded in the past few wwks with price lists from Cauadlan fchippera. ESTELL A ITEMS. S. P. Shoemaker is suffering with a touch of the grip. Win. Bhoemaker who has been ill with grip, Is recovering. Everybody is sick of colds and mud. Air. Editor as soou as there is anything else to write about you may expect to hear from us. Tbe Estclla school closed last Friday with nn exhibition in the evening which was a success in every particular, with the usual accotnpany ment of rain and mud. The Wouians Sufleragist is con templating to petition the legislature for a little spell of weather; all they ask is a week or ten days to get a little spring cleaning done. Paul Freeman and wife of Alba has moved in Hie new house erected by Squire liird. Mr. Freeman is the creamery operator. We trust their sojourn among us may be pleasant. KITTTE CLOVER. Fell Down! VATE have just received a new stock of Spring styles of SHOES. All kinds on hand from a boy's shoe to a driving shoe, all of which wc offer at bottom prices. Also a fine display of latest styles of Wall Paper B If in need of paper please call and see, and be convinced. We receive dry goods, notions and groceries daily. T. J. KEELER, Center Main Si, Lapie,Fa. C. F. Carskaaden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIAM SPORT, PA. OEFICE, NO. 40, WKST FOURTH STREET. Mr. Carskndrton is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. 4-i2:"95. Trial List, May Term ,*»5. RETURN DAY, MAY 27, lfe9s. 1. Davitl Brown vs Trexler, Terrell & Co., No. 50 Feb term 1895. 2. J. 11. Campbell & Son vs Alfred F, Letts, No. 12 Dec. term 189 J. 3. Chas. Hugo (use) vs Frank Finkle and John P. Rogers, No. 34 Sept. term 1895. Sci. Fa. 4. Bruce Rea, jr vs The Lyon Lumber Co., No. 8!) Sept. term 1 >S94. Trespass. 5. John W. Carroll vs Thomas Miner ami James Lad-Jen, No. DO Sept. term '94. Ejectment. li. .Mnry Cuiniskey, widow of Patrick Cumiskey vs James Connors, No 113 Sept. term 1891. Trespass. ALPUONSUS WALSH, Prothonotary. Proih's. Otfire 1 apoite Pa., April 13, '9O. QOPRT PROCLAMATION. WnKHKAs, HON, E. M. DUNHAM, Presi dent Judge. Honorable.'John Yonkin and M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jad Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans Court and Common Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued their precept, bearing date Ihe 2d day of Mar. 1895, to me directed, for hold ing the several courts in (he borough of Laporte, on Monday the 27th day of may. 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. Therefore, notice is hereby to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables within the couuty, that they IK then and there in their proper person at2o'cloek p. m.of said day, with thefr rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and other remem berances to those things to which their offices appertain to be done. And to those who are bound by their recognition to Erosecute ngainM prisoners who are or shall e in the jail of the said couuty of Stillivuu are hereby not tied to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. THOMAS MAIIAFFKY Sneiifl. Sheriff's office, Lal'orte, April 15 1805. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Sulli van county to distribute the funds in tin hands of Irvin D. Heyerly assignee of B W. Hottenstine, as appears by hs account filed, to and among the parties entitled ther to, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the law office of lion. Bryan 8. Ollins. in the Boro. of Dushore on FRIDAY, the 20tli day of April, at 1 o'clock p. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to present their claims before the undersigned, or be forever after debarred from coming in up on said fund. FRANK 11. IXGIIAM, Auditor. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TOP & DFEI mm, —ALSO— Farm ail HenjLuieiWapi. FACTORY WEST MAIN TREET LAFORTE, l'A P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod] in Martin's Horse Shoeing Rack. J. W. BALLARD. May I**9o. t1895! Winter ! 1895! ):o:( w E ARR now prepared to show you the handsomest and most complete assortment of Dry Qoods and Notions in the county. Our stock of piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat terns—comprising both Domestic and Poreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to Price & Material A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cents per yard. WE HAVE added to our slock a com plete line of Boots and Shoes, including the latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line of Children's Misses aud Ladies Fine Shoes. Having bought them for cash, wo are en abled to sell them for the usual prices asked for old style and shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete. Elegant patterns, patent spring roller—fine, 25 cents up. Wc have a full assortment of Floor and Table and Stair Oil Cloth. We have just received an addition to our Wall paper stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents per roll, both gray white and back. VVe are receiving daily, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering you fresh goods nt the lowest prices. Ourstandard for quality is of the highest J "" $1 35 per Hack IF YOU want Chop, Corn, Oats Screenings, Bran or Kye. We cun sav< you money. Seed Oals a specially. Call :ind see us. Cash paid for Farm produce WALTER SPENCER & SGN. Laporte, I'a. MIL A11EIIT! Samuel Cole, OK Dusliore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves anil ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition. and wu invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dusliore, Pa. TUBACH J. V. RETTENBUILY, Watch ; Maker : and : Jeweler, URN ITURE. DUSHORE, -i ; Dusliore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879. Chas. IM. Purvis; COLLICTIO 1 OFFICES, 29 W" 4th St.—Slid—MO Packer St WILLIAMSPORT PA. Collections mnde in oil parts of the world. LAW OFFICES OF G. B. M. Metzger, 29 W. 4th St—Telephone, No. 1293 JERE. KELLY'S VOLUMNyERE. KELLYB COLUMN. || HEELS OYER HEAD, —... ~ n..! The manufacturer fj>Lp of wall paper may be ¥j ■ j Not Elfk To uI!ow dca,crs *7TT US*. j LO sel ' "nil paper^ l • |jjat 2c. per roll.' IL MJL/"Tr ; ! | The season is here, The rush is on. Going at 2 cts. a roll. r . | Our window shade plain shades and for prices. When you select your • • » 0 • • « .You will see the display. AKE this bargain as long as it lists. 30-inch, good, strong I wUlovv clothes baskets, 50 cents. We buy these) baskets direct I 110111 t!iu maker, i Lie prolonged, severe winter forces ninny kinds 1 oi goods on the market less tnan cost. TIM 10 SA VED. ■ .1 ~ LSO s [otey ; the only sewinir machine you need buy for a life time is p the Ik'inorest li is the strongot, most complete, lightest running machine *io 10 , 'I 'i'mnn 10 S<!t re P alrs > fuli y wairantea and made at home. Ou!y $10.50. Good as the 00 ones. J A i^?^ saver and labor eas y machine is Millford carpet sweeper or a Grand Rapids BWBEPERj $2.25 to $2.09. * estern W ashersS i"«r $3.50 each §3.50 each. • t j'oti want to stirpiise yourself get one of our easy rockers for your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing hand- H sonic styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap ■ in nice parlor furniture. Tnink of a suit of Plush, 6 pieces for 1 $25.00. A better one for $35.00. Kitchen chairs $3.00 set. tine Oak Extension Tables, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges. A DucJßnisaels Carpet for 75c; former price, §I.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove? No better stove made rtTw-nranv *r -mna a than the • • • • CINBIB I/JuE: A For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW. We will send to a ay address The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date liepnblican National conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25. Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Send your name and address to New York Weekly Pre6s, 38 Park Row. New lork City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. Read this carefully Better goods and lower prices than ever before, all through our enor mous stock in mens, boys arid chil drens clothing, suits, hats, caps, gents furnishing goods, trunks, satchels, valises and umbrellas, knocked down prices, upsets competition, and de lights customers as never before as nowhere else, the big values push tlio people our way; and the close buyers see the advantage of coming here to buy Now is your time to buy, while the stock Is complete; come and see our grand display of Prices from #4 50 up to $15.00 or boys suits, from $3.50 up to $lO. CIIIf.DHENS SUITS SI.OO to $5.00; mens and l>oys. wool pants, boyg and children® knee pants, mens cotton pants, shirts white and fancy silk n -ckwarc spring and summer underware, rubber coats all th: ough our entire stock will be sold from 25 to 85 per cent lower than ever before. Come oue come all everybody is invited, no trouble to show goods whether you buy or not n grand opportunity for testing the great Purchasing Power of the Ijited States Dollar. I! espectfully Yours. K. la, MARKS" °" shore, Pa I Fresh Stock *r THE Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we |>urehnsed tlie u'-nul Kiipply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for the scawti, we nre prepared to Bell tlit same at as reasonable prices as can be bad in the country Our stock of GEOCERiES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of these goods are pur chased at a less price than lorraerly, we arc disposed to givo our customers tbe benefit. OUR BOOT AM) SHOE Department cannot lie surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods ot the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. X-APOKTE, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Bunking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies, J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHIKR \II ILLIAMSPORT AND NORTH Is RANCH VV RAILROAD TIMETABLE, totrrn, October, 1, 1594. HORTH. A. M-.IP. m7> A. M- ,P, M. 10 ofi| 5 25 1 A..WiH'rasport..l 10 10 430 950 5 lti ...Montour»ville... 10 17 439 942 440 Hulls 10 30 605 fy 36 14 35 Prnntdule 1 33 f5 88 , fy 30 ft 28...0pp's Crossing fo 15 9 2.i 4 23!,...llughcHrille 10 43 520 •J I.J 4 14 ...Picluri'Ri'cks... 10 s'. 528 iy lii! ft 10 ....Lyon's Mi 11.... fiO 631 f5 32 y 08 14 OS t'hnniouni 110 56 f5 35 •J 00 402 ....Glen Mawr.... 11 03! 542 (S 53 f3 54: Edkins 15 48 18 50 f.'i 51 ....Strowbriage ... 11l 11: f5 51 18 45j t'3 4ti ....Beech f5 5S 841 343 ...Murcy Valley... II 18 558 ' 835 337 Sonest<>wn 11 24 605 rs 23 f3 21 „..L.n.' Bro. k.... 11l 34, 16 18 819 320 Nordmoni 11 -381 621 8 ooj 3 02: Lnporlc II 54 63* f7 45j f2 421 Ringdale 112 101 6 55 7 3j 2 3p:Lv..Satlerßeld..Ar 12 2.i: 7 !t 11. C. McCORMICK, PresiJent. R. h, EAVEXSON, Gen. Manager. (r\p> J. &F. 11. IN Gil Ail, ds o, ATTORKEYS-AT LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Bu? iness attended to in this and adjoining Counties. <TC» J. MULLEN, « Ls a ATTOUXEY-AT-LAW, DUSnORE, - - PA. Office with B. S. Collins, X J.BKADLKY, ATTOIIXEY-AT-I.AW, LAPORTE, - PA J Office in County Building near court houso TRAINER & PURVIST COMMISSION LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. NO. 29 W. 4tli St., Williamsport, Pa. £2F~AII kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. P. INGII AM & 11. K. NEWITT ATTOIIXEYS-AT-LA W. 505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. jggENRT T. DOWNS, ATTOHXEY—AT— LAW Ex-Prosli'y. Register A liecoidor ofSulliva» Co Office with Shi-riff Mahaffey, LaPorte Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST THATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate tho fact that— MRS. LAUER'S STORE is right "in it"for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh and •( the best quality. Flour and feed the hot the market affords. MliS. M. C. LA UER. Miy 13, '9? . CROWN ACME The Best Bnminff Oil That Can Bt Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison *■ * perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finMt crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN AC Ml. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamnport P»»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers