THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY, -- - EtUtor. Fill DAY. MARCH 1, 18'.>5. Xlli' iiil.l.O i* tOI'SI'EU. The IH'mocrwtie Tlekct 1M tlie lloro. miin KlfCteil. One or Two . ot the <'Miidl«l»teN hud a Close Shave, Election day lias come ami gone, and the candidates lor tlie several olliees throughout the county breathe easier. Those who were successful are being congratulated, and those who were defeated are telling how it happened. The day was a beau tiful election day, and the vote in most every election precinct in the county was gotten out. In Laporte borough the vote was very large—a few more than at the fall election. Cutting was indulged in throughout, the county, except in a few of the precincts where a Union caucus was held without opposition. This cut ting of the ballots made it impossi ble to foretell the result. The tight here was centered on school direc tors and was of more than ordinary interest. There were two school directors to bo elected. The candi dates were: On the Democratic ticket—Thos. Bealien and J. W. Flynn. On the Union ticket—J. A, Jordan and W. 13. Ilill. '.Che vote for these candidates were : Bealien, 45; Flynn, 51; Jordan, 41; and Hill, 42. This was a very close margin compared with the remainder of the Democratic ticket. The most popu lar men on the Democratic ticket, were liobt. Stormont for J. P., and Walter Spencer for Treasurer. The voters of the 2d ward were conveyed to tlio polls in private conveyances. There are about 25 voters in the 2d ward. One of this number, Eras tus Yagle, was challenged on the ground that his wife and family re side in Williamsport. But notwith standing the challenge the vote was accepted by the election board. This was considered rank by the on look ers and it is barely possible that the election will be contested because of this move on the part of the elec tion officers. It is very important for the good of the public in general that unprejudiced men shall fill the olliee of Judge and Inspectors of election. Walter fcpencer was per haps one of the fairest judges that ever occupied this position on our election board and we have every reason to believe that c-ur judge elect, Clias. Landon will be equally as popular. TIIE RETURN 3. We give below a list of officers elected in the several precincts: LAPOHTK ISOROI'GII. Judge of election, Chas. Landon; inspectors, John Flies, A, J. Hack ley; school directors, Thos. Bealien, J. W. Flynn; assessor, J. 11. Spencer; high constable, Stewart Chase; over seer of poor, F. W, Gallagher, Win. Kennedy; treasurer, Walter Spencer; auditor, A. Logan Grim; councilinen, Michael Flynn, William Kennedy; justice of the peace, Robt. Stormont. LAPORTE T\\ R\ Judge of election, Bernard Slicc han; inspectors, Philip Eraig, 15. B. King; supervisors, Encs I'eters, William, school directors, John Watson, Willis Snyder; asses sor, Amos Little; constable, James Gansel; overseer of poor, James Peterinan; auditors, Herman King. Thos. Kiernan; town clerk, Lee K. Gavitt. davidsov twp. Judge of election, T. S. Laird; in spectors, 11. G. Phillips, Geo. A. Schoemaker; supervisors, John O. Wilson, D. S. Phillips: school direc tors, Oscar Lewis, Isaac Wilson; as sessor, D. C. Gritman; constable, James Sones; overseer ot poor, 1). W. Darling; auditor. Henry Swank; treasurer, A. W. Sones; town clerk, D. W. Darling. JAMISON CITY. Judge of election, Parvin Kile inspectors, W. li» Medland, F. J. Landon. MOUNT VERNON. Judge of election. Boyd P. Ben nett; inspectors, Herbert K. Bennett, Geo. Itine. SHREWSBURY TWP. Judge of election, J. W. Aumiller; inspectors, A. L. Mover, N. E. Brink; supervisors, L V. Burkholdcr, Geo, 11. Smith; school directors, Geo. Rine, W. I. Taylor; assessor, (J. I'ealejf; constable, J. F. Bennett; overseers of poor, L V. Burkholder, George R. Smith; auditor, Philip Worthington; treasurer, It. W. Ben nett. FORKSVILI.E HORO. Judge of election, 112). T. Huckell; inspectors, A. McCadden, J. L Snyder; school directors, M. K. Black, Win. C. Rogers; assessor, Isaac Rogers; high constable, F. C. Schanaliaehtr; overseer of poor, E W. Snell; auditor, G. A. Rogers; councilinen, B. E. Gamble—elected W. M. Molyneux and J. R. Fleming each had 21 votes for council; justice of the peace, John W. Rogers; con stable, F. C. Schauabacher. HILI.SU ROVE TWP. Judge of election, P. M. Whitacre; inspectors, Lewis Wager, Elwood Labor; road commissioner, J. H, Hollzhower; school directors, Ver non Hull, Lyman B. Speaker; asses sor, John A. Speaker; constable, Robert Brong; oveiacer of poor, Charles Darby; auditor, William Monethrop; treasurer, G, Edgar Dar by; town clerk, Francis Trilchler. COLJjEY TWP. Judge of election, Reuben Thrash er; inspectors, G. S. Lamlnich. Win. Allen; road commissioner, Winfield Potter; school directors, D.D. Dief fenbach, Luther Erl n , F. VV. Walt man; assessor, 11. D. Mosier; assis tant assessor, L. R. Carrington; con-> stable, A. L. Dyer; overseer of poor, Harvey Lanback; auditor, C. F. Huusinger; treasurer, D. D. Dieft'en bach; town clerk, 11. V\ r . Messcr smith; Justice of the peace, N. A. liinebold; tax collector, J. P. Allen. LOPEZ DISTRICT. Judge of election, () Belir; in spectors, F. G. liice, J. E. Collins. FORKS TWP. Judge of election, Walace Norton; inspector, William M. Kelley; road commissioner, E. S. Reinbold; school directors, I). 11. Epler, Charles Yon kin; assessor, J. K. Bird; constable, T. L Bedford; overseers of poor, E. R. Warburton, Wiiliam D. llav— erly; auditor, Ed Franck; treasurer, J. L. Molyneux; town clerk, William Bird. DUSHOHE noito. Judge of election, J. 11. Bohn; in spectors, A. 11. Geary, J. J. Messer-. smith; school directors, 11. II Brew er, F. 11. Farrell; assessor, A. E Sc ureal an; constable, Henry Midden dorf; high constable, ('. \V. Cham pion; overseer of poor, l<\ 15. l'onie« toy; councilmeii, Nathan Persun, J. W. Carroll; auditor, D. E Mingos. CHERRY TWP. Judg.i of election, Addison Yon kin; inspectors, Ransom Thrasher, llusli HuHmaster; road commission er, C. J. Harrington; school direc tors, Owen Donahoe; Lewis O. Kins ley; assessor, C. A. Diefl'enbacli, as sisstant assess >r, James McKcrnan; constable, Lawrence nowry; over seer of poor, 11. W. Henley; treasurer, Joseph Thrasher; auditors, Joseph Yonkin, William Murray; town uleik Julius C. Lnsch; justice of the peace, Peter Yonkin sr. IiERNICE DIST. Judge of election, Enos McGee; inspectors, A. Wiluiot; Patrick Con ley. FOX TWP. ,Tudg9 of election, J. P. Kilmer; ! inspectors, Elmer Miller, Frank Pit ] cher; road commissioner Asa Kilmer; J school directors, Royal Sargent, | Wise Heine; assessor, Allen Riirlit iniiv; constable, A. F. Letts; over seer of poor, Uriah Holland; audi tor. James Morgan; treasurer, Z T. Kilmer; town clerk, A. E. Camp bell. ELKLAND TWP, Judge of election, T. W. McCarty; inspectors, Ira J. Pardoe, Allen Brown; road commissioner, Nathan iel Tomkins; school directors, David Glockler, Geo. E. Brown; assessor, Frauk li. Barnes; constable, Chas. Kilmer; overseers of poor, John Whitely, 11. \V. Wright; auditors, T. S Kiini'M - , F. A. Boyle; treasurer, .J. J. Pardoe; town clerk. J. L. Hoagland; justice of the peace, G. W. Glide well. ItiiiK ua Die R.illo!. It is becoming moie and more evident that the Baker ballot system as at present in Use. is rot well adapted to municipal elections, by reason of the rule permitting the voting of a whole column by simply marking a cross in the ring at the top, presupposed that straight party tickets will be nominated aud voted. This, it is very apparent to all, is not the case and th<s result is that much conlusioit arises. Then the fact that party candidates are also permitted to file nomination papers and thus have their names plaeid in two columns on the ofiicial ballot, further confuses many people. For these reasons, and for tin additional reason that where a man's name is marked twice—once in the ring at the top and again in the square to the right of the name—the vote for that particular office is de cided to be illegal, the most careful voters pay no attention to the ring at the top of the column, but feel much safer in marking a cross oppo site every name. It would be an improvement, in the opinion of many, if the 'ring" were done away with.— JEX. Yes, if the ring was done away with the candidate nor politician could not determine by the time consumed in the booth by the voter whether or not he went her straight or made a cut or two. By all means the ring at the head of the column should be a thing of the past. Rev. I*. J. jllt'.UuuuM, SCKANTON, Pa., Feb. 2.1. —A full house greeted S. G. Kerr on the occasion of his lecture on "Ireland" at Asbury M. E. church Monday evening. For nearly two hours the speaker held the closest attention of the audience with his graphic de scriptions of scenes and inci lents of a visit to his native land after an absence of forty-one years. Though disclaiming gifts in the line of lec turing he succeeded in reaching rc~ suits possible only to the best speak crs. His discription of points of interest and pandc of Irish wit kept the audience in the best of humor throughout. Rev. P. J. McManus of St. Paul's Roman Catholic church, Green was an interested listener. At the close of the lecture Father McManus was envite 1 by the pastor, Rev. A. F. Chaffee, to come to the platform and address the aud ience on the same theme, which lie did in a most happy manner. The scene of a Catholic priest in a Meth odist pulpit was one not ofteu wit nessed, and it seemed entirely with out inappropriate ness and was well received by everybody. At the close of the service a vote, of thanks and a season of hand-shaking ensued which was good to behold. The Ithaca Fur Company has es tablished a skunk farm near Brook ton. The company now has over 100 of the animals but by another season it expects by purchasing and careful breeding, to increase the number to 5,000. The "skunkery" consists of five acres of ground fenc ed in by high boards over a stone filled trench. The animals' food consists mostly of milk, water and bits of meat, while their beds are made of chestnut leaves and dried grass in a large building. They are seldom seen during the day, but come out at nightfall and gambol about the yard. Beginning with the "kittens" they can be easily tamed, When killing time comes, they are placed in a tight box and chloro-" formed, thus tendering their fur free from odor. Besides the fur a fat animal will yield nearly a pint of oil that is said to be an unequaled remedy for stiff joints, etc. Meeting. The stockholders of the Estella Butter and Cheese Association will meet at the Grange Hall in Estella, on Monday, March 4th, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. in., to elect officers for ensuing year and transact othei business of importance. ULYSESS Butt), DAVID MOLYNEUX, Sec'y. Pres. Court I'roceetliitgfi, The regular February term of the sev eral courts of Sullivan county convened in llie new courthouse tit Laporte, on Mon day Feb, 2olli, promptly at 2 o'clock p. m. with the Hun. E At. Dunham president judge, and Hons. John Yonkin jr. and M. J. I'll ill ps associate judges, on the bench. The grand jury wore railed and sworn; M. It. Black appointed fori man. The constables for the various districts were culled and made their sworn returns in open court The cons:ables elected at llie lute elec tion for 'lie lerm of three years from Ist Monday of March j, were called, and (jualiliid. On motion of the Dist At'y. the court permit nol pros to lie entered ia the fal lowing casea on payment of e. st viz Com. rs Kite Kemermai—adultery. Comtli. vs Myers Obert, ei al, tearing oown dwell ing. Cointh. vs .Meyers OUeitet al, malic ious mischief. t.'omlh. vs Max llirseli, larceny: Deft, pleads guilty. 8. ntenec: to return the stolen properly, to a tino of $").00 and the cost of prosecution and one year and 3 mouths in the Eastern Penitentiary. Slieritf to convey him there w.thin 10 days aud ib allowed an assistant, Cointh. vs F. J. McDonald; embezele meut. i! indictmens. Grand jury find t, ue bill in each ease ami cases continued until next term. Licenses all granted as advertised except that of C. E. Jackson for areitau ant liceu se at Bern ice, which is held under advise ment. In re petition for road on North Moun tain; the court appoint W. C. Mason, J. ii. Spencer and Lee K. Gavitt, viewers as prayed tor. Eva Long vs Thos. J. Long, and Fuller vs Fuller; alias subpoenas awa-ded. Olds vs Olds; A. ii. Kilnur appointed commissioner. J. 11 Campbell & Son vs A. F. Letts; jury called and case tried. Verdict for plaintiffs. C'ouith. vs Geo. Rine; asaau't anil bat tery. Grand jury lind a true bill. Jury called aud case Iried; verdict, guilty ot assault; sentenced, to pay a line of $101) and pay the cost of prosecution, Com ill. vs.l. L. Cocomin; fa'se pretense. Grand ju y tiud a true bill. Hi of Deft, forfeited to be respited on his appearance at next term. CONTINUED JstXT WEF.K. Do you WANT |Sc MERCHANDISE ? XF so, you can find a will select ed stock, at very low prices, Consisting of DRT GOODS And A General Afcsortment of Notions. ALSO, a flue line of Gents'wool shirts, un der shirts and drawers, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' underwear, both wool and cotton. A complete line of boots an d shoes, including Gent*', Ladies 1 , Misses' and Childrens' latest styles and prices, way down. • • • My grocery department Iseomplete with frtsh goods arriving avery week. Also the host flour, UOc per sack; chop, meal, short*, corn nml oats at lowest market price*. APo, a full line of drugs, bard ware. tinware, lamps, and in fact every thing kept in a general (tore. You can uave money by comparing prices aud quality before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Csaterlib Si, LidPi L* B. & CO Dushore, Pa. Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in llie county and they make nspecilty of manufacturing fcood flour and feed. Give them your order. Prices way down to suit the times. 0ct1,94 t1895! Winter ! 1895! ):o:( ~\AT B ARK now prepared to show you the handsomest and moat complete assortment of Dry Goods and Notions in the county. Our stuck of piece £oods Is complete, with the latest pat terns —comprising both Domestic and Foreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to Price & Material A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cents per yard. WE HAVE added to our stock a com plete line of Boots and Shoes, including the latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line of Children's Misses and Ladies Fine Shoes. Having bought them for easli. we are en abled to sell them for the usual prices asked for old style and shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete Elegant patterns, patent spring roller—fine, 25 cents up. We have a full assortment of Floor and Table and Stair Oil Cloth. We hare Just received an addition to our Wall paper itock, ranging in price from 4 to 19 crntr per roll, both gray white and back. We are receiving dailv, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering you fresh good' at the lowest prices. Our staudard tor quality U of the highest. j"kT»Y» 80c. 81.00 unit £1 25 per Mark IF YOU want Chop, Com, Oats, Screenings, Bran or Kye. Wo can save you money. Seed Oats a specially. Call and Bie us. Cash paid for Farm produce WALTER SPKHCER & SON.|torte, I'M. WNTAT AIM! Samuel Cole, OP Dushorc is headquarter for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stovee and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, unc varniihes. Special induce ments to builders. MANTPACTKBS of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Hoof ing, spouting .liincii on. DISTII.I.S etc,, aspeeialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition. and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa, 1895 MARCH ! Clearing Sale! j, j L No time like the present to jj:! secure bargainge. pi. Couic-everybody, and for once ; |in j our life see what it means. : j ias we must clear out the bal ante ot our Winter Stock oi j. mens', boys' and childrens ® suits and overcoats. i Hats and caps, gents furnishing goods, truuks, satchels and umbrellas. IN Fact Everything IN OL'H STORK WILL BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE PSU ES To make room for our great stock of Spring Clothing. .' . . It will b« to your intornst to cal. and test our olalms For Patronage. Wc advise everyone to take advantage while the best and newest are obtainable at such Low Prices. Our goods are Open to inspetion Without the slightest obligation to purchase unless you so desire. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE ! K» L« MARKS The One Prioe Clothing Houae, Du shores Pa JERK. KELLY'S COLUMN..IE HE KELLY 8 COLUMN. The rush of the Holiday Sua ton for goods is faL ly over. And We Believe That All —. '■= =OuR PATIIONS Were highly pleased with our great assortment,, and the very low prices goods were sold at. A few special bargains ran short; among them was the fine Antique Oak Arm Rocker With plush spring seat. This chair we have on the road, and have enough to fill all back-orders. The price will still be $2 75. Better get one, soon. Our Carpet Sweepers Ran shor-, but more arc coming. One man bought four of them for presents. Cheap $2 25. HE NEW YEAR I Generally opens very dull, and in order to keep things ft moving, we will make bargain sales for your benefit. Read I them over carefully. CLOTIIES WHINGERS, Standard ~ mad.', wood frame, regular $2 25 ones, now at §1.90. Tiiese are well adopted togo with the Celebrated Western Washer, we are selling so many of. Everybody recommends them who have used them. We give any one a ebuuee to try these Machines. Lamp Season is still on, and wo feel Like giving all the Light we can, So, will reduce our slock by a reduction of price, 10 per cent, discount on every lamp, until this lot is gone. Ice has been very scarce; we have a large lot of Skates, and but few sold. All new These arc reduced now until further notice, 20 per cent, from the regular price. Sleigh bells sell only when we have sleighing. \\ e are selling them at nearly cost, adding a small profit to pay expenses. Pratts Poultry food is good to increase the Egg Crop. Eggs are very high, stimulate the hens with this food, 25c, 50c, 75c packets. Are you thinking of a new stove ? No better stove made riTmmnmra » * than the ° • • • J ]N. KlrS SUIuEJ For Con I or Wood. |.j.. "**■'. - Jr., , ."■:!■! 'n;>.„■ ""*0 r r -- JEREMIAH KELLY, Hugiiesvillle, Pa. FRANK MOODY", DUSHORE. PA. Plain and Ornamental Painter. Ov.-r Fii Y' 's ExpeiiciKe in C' : -\ nvd Country. Hon .e and Sign J'ainting. Paper Hanging, Graining. Uardicood Ehashing, Etc. Charges Reasonable. May 23rd, 1C94. Sfcasfterlaln'a Ere and S&in Oiatmoat Is a certain cure for Chronic Bore lives, Granulated Eyo Lids, Scro Nipples, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, 25 oentß per bos. For sale by druggists. TO HOStsiToWNSttS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, they tone up the system, aid digestion, cure LOGS of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving aew life to an old or over worked horee. 26 cents per package. For sale by druggists. For s&'.e by Or. Hill, Laporte, Pa. Fork? vil'o Phar. Feiksville aud V. Hull, II I's grove. TRY 1 ÜBACH F'OR 1 URNITURE. Dushore, Pa FALL AP WINTER 1884. Just rcee'ved a fine display of winter goods. VVe rn:ike suiis »anjr'tijr in p-ice from s'3. upwards. FantalooDS stl.fiO and up, made to order. We keep *l)e latest l>oe of Gents Ku 1 nUli'pg jrpodsin Ibe Valley Bbirii and Neekwe.o a specialty- Letest Styles & Fits Guaranteed W. . U'DDET.L. Pictuie Hocks. Pa. p. g.—Notify us by postal card when in desire of a suit ora pair of pantaloons. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER " —IX— TO? J ii mm, —ALSO— [Fann aM Heavy Msr Wapis. FACTORY WEST MAIN STREET LAPORTE, FA P. S. All kinds of repr.iving promptly and ueutly dcnu at reasonable prices. \ icious Hcrsea Shod in Martin's Ilorpe Shoeing Rack. J. w. BALLARD. May 18, '9?. J. V. Bettenbusy, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, ; DtJSBORE, Established April Ist, 1879. Fresh Stock atthe Tannery store Cnv'f , JUSt rCtUnio ' l f 'om the t-'ty, where we purchased the °f ° f Dl * Go^ B , season t ' BUltab,e for the t i,f. ' We are Prepared to aeli IJ,lu ,u the couutry Our stock of GROCERIES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold HI our store, and as innch of goods are p ur . foSlvV ,0M »™° !l "» ormoHy, we are disposed to give our customers benefit.. OUR BOOT AO SHOE Department cannot be surpassed 1 cither quality or variety— ffPrifeS nre ,ess t\ offered before in this nat .ef , jiring Dress goods 01 the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. James McFarlane. I.APOKTE, PA. Chas a Nr Purvis: OOLUGTIO;! OFFiCEc. 30 W- 4.h St. mid— 540 Packtr St W ILI.IAMHPOHT PA. Collections made in all part* of the world. LAW OFFICES OF LAPORTE BANK, LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to ami from all parts of Europe, ana for J,re Insurance Compacw. J- I"-" JORDAN,CAUIIKB. Sawed Shingles The best in the market and at low bottom prices lhree grades constantly on hand Will deliver if desired. A\ rite—S. MEAD, May23'{)o. LaPorte, Pa.. Y J- & I' 1 . 11. INGHAiI^ ATTORNF.TS-AT LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Bu> iness attended to iu this and' adjoining Counties. w J. mclest,- ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, DUSIIORE, - _ pa. ( Office with B. S. Collins, ATTOHKJCT-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA Office with Hon. E. W. Dunham, TKAIB£R & PURVIS^ mm BROEERS, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. t3T"AII kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. P. INGHAM & 11. K NEWITT ' ATTOIIXKTS-AT-lAW. 605 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. JJJENRY T. DOWNS, ATTO li N' IS T-A T-LAW Ex-Protli'y. Register A Kcco.der of Sullivan Co* Office with Sheriff Mahaffey, LaPorte Pa» IIAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TIIATS EVER YHUJD.Y'B MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that — MRS. L/lItER'S STORE is right "in iV for cheap goods. My groceries lire always fresh and of the best quality. Flour ami feed the-best the market affords. JUJiS. M. C. LA UER. M.*yl3, 'ft? CROWN ACME Tie Best Brain Cil Tial Can Be Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as u perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finest' crude in the most perfectly equipped) refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by Tiik ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, William sport P».
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers