THE REPUBLICAN. FHIDAY, FEBRUARY 2.'. ISOV * * * * * * + * * *—* I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune l # *i and | * Sullivan Republican * | for 1^ * $1.25 One Tear $1.25. | * —* —* —* * * » * * * * Court will convene on Monday. Pennsylvania has 640 Grand Army Posts. To-day, Friday, is Washington's birthday. ,T. W. Ballard of Laporte, spent Saturday with his daughter, in Lo- Pcz. Judge Peek of Towanda, will pre side over the Sullivan county court, next week. Owing to the depth of snow in the woods, lumbermen are forced to quit their work. This is the last issue of the HE— PUBLIC AX in which the County State ment will appear. A communication addressed at Bern ice, was received too late for publication, last week. Judge Phillips of Muncy Valley, came up to attend the funeral of Mrs, Dunham, Friday. Miss Ettie Chase of Laporte, spent Saturday with Miss Bessie Cheney and little associates at the 'Mere. Let a fellow fail in business for himself and he will invariably turn ! up wanting to manslge for some one else. Mrs. A. 11. Ayers of Middlelown, N. Y., was visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Meylert and friends in La porte, the past week. Can the oldest inhabitant fiivo us any idea of a winter when the sleigh ing was better, and lasted longer than it has this winter. J. W. Rogers and wife, and F. i Schanabacher of Forksville, were in j attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Dunham, Friday. Lycoming county will be one hun dred years old on the 13th of April. Sullivan county was taken from Lycoming in 1847. Miss Edith Bniner of Muncy was among the distant friends in attendance at tho funeral of Mrs. Dunham, on Friday. Desha Breckinridge, son of the Kentucky Congressman Willie Breckenridge, has been appointed income tax collector in his district. Prothonotary Walsh, has taken possession of his new office in the courthouse building. He has a very pleasant appartment and enjoys the change. Mrs. Ann Meylert and Mrs. Anna Finch of Cheektawaga, N. Y.» are visiting with friends in Laporte. ' They came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dunham. Senator Gorman's idea that the Treasury books should be balanced by an expert will render it necessary to put a few more heaters in John G. Carlisle's private office. The funeral of Mrs. E. M. Dun ham, on Friday last, was very large ly attended. Nearly everj r precinct in the countj', was represented by friends of the deceased. Rev. Hallock Armstrong of Tioga county, Tormerly of Laporte, held services in the M. E. Church on Sunday. The Reverened has hosts of friends and old acquaintances in Sullivan county. Hon. Russel Karns and wife, and F. M. Crossley and wife of Laporte, Sundayed with friends in Benton, Columbia county. They went down in first class style. They drove J. W. Flynn's fancy turn out. A little item in a newspiper or n little political act of the editor, will some limes make an enemy to a paper for life, but it won't stop him from reading it. It merely changes him from a subscriber to a borrower. Messrs. C. 11. Jennings and Frank Kellogg of Lopez, Atty. J. 11. Cro nin, L. B. Wells and James Arcy of Dushore, Mrs. P. E. Magar gle ot Sonestown, M. L. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bobbins Mr. and Mrs. Speary of Nordmont, were pres-! ent at tho funeral of Mrs. Dunham. Friday. The printer is subject to more ups and downs than any other trade in the world, at least this has been our experience. Last week before goin_' to press wc attempted to warm one of our large rollers, and carelessly left it by tho stove while we went to look after something else, when wc returned, we found the roller rosted and spoiled. It was this fact that caused a few of our papers to bo very poorly printed, last week. IN nr.MttititM. iVIi'M. ildunrtl M. Ouuhaiu. Last week it was our sad duty to clironiclo the death of Mrs. E. M. ; Dunham, wife ol" Judge Dunham, of Lsporte. Mrs. Dunham lias been a great sufferer for years anil it was in hopes of apeeily and permanent relief that she left for Philadelphia about two weeks ago to submit to a surgical operation. She was ac companied by her husband who re mained at her bedside till the end. The operation was performed on Monday the 11th isiHt., and notwith standing the efforts of the most skill ful medical aid, death followed in a few hours. Mrs. Dunham's maiden name was Hannah M. Crocker. She was born in Montrose, Susquehanna county, Sept. 25th, 1847, and was a daughtei of Daniel and Zerphia Finch Crock er. Her early years were spent in Montrose, Lanesboro, and Deposit, N. Y. J n 1671 sin; came to Laporte where she engaged in teaching. On June 19th 1572 she was united in marriage with .Edwin M. Dunham. I'o them four children have been born only one of whom, Ellen L., is now living. The telegram received at Laporte announcing her death produced a profound sensation and a sense of sorrow filled every heart. For sev eral years bor impaired health and the care of an invalid daughter have kept her closely con lined to her home. Her devotion to her family I was supreme. As wife, mother, and sister her constant thought was the comfort and happiness of those about her. In her home she will be sadly missed. Her greatest thought in seeking relief and restoration to health was that her life might lie spared to her family. She was over ready to render aid and assistance to those in need. Her help was never withheld from any good cause. Sho was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and as long as health permitted was active in all religious work. Besides a husband and daughter, Mrs. Dunham leaves two sisters, a brother and other relatives to mourn her lof s. In their afflction they have the heartfelt sympathy of a largo circle of friends. The funeral was held on Friday, February lath, and was very largely attended, Rev. Hallock Armstrong a former pastor at Laporte, preached a very impressive sermon. A large concourse of sorrowing friends fol lowed the remains to their last rest ing place in Mountain Ash cemetery. Mr. Henry Kohersparger, propri-l etor of tho Eagle Hotel, about one mile from town, on the Sonestown road, will entertain court guests \ next week for the small sum of 50c ! a day. The table at the ,Eagle is always spread with the best. The deduction in price is given owing to the distance from town. The person who made out the Union caucus papers for Cherry twp. failed to insert the name of Roland Mi irtin on the same for Road Com- | missioner. This is an important office in Cherry twp., and Mr. Mar tin's friends were very much put out about it. As we observed Auditor Grim go ing down the street Wednesday morning, it occurred to us that In? was in the same position that our I old friend Mr. Gouge was some time ago, when he wired his friends in Muncy Valley that, "I am elected auditor and ebery ding is lobly." Max Hirz, who was arrested by Constable Dyer, of Lopez, in Will iamsport last week, for larceny, re poses in the Sullivan count}' jail, lie is the first prisoner confined in the new cells. It is more than like ly that he will be sentenced to Cherry Hill by our court next week; Walter Spencer Si Son, merchants of Laporte, made an assignment on Monday, and appointed E. A. Tripp of Laporte, receiver. Mr Spencer is of the opinion, however, that he has sufficient resources to meet his lia bilities and that, each creditor will reeoivo one hundred ceuts on the dollar. The Densiow heaters are to be manufacture! hereafter by tne Tliroop Novelty Manufacturing Co. a corporation organized at Secant on. Geo. C. Jackson, formerly of Du shore, is interested in the new coia l«*ny. There were !)('> votes polled in the borough of Laporte, Tuesday. This is one of ilio largest votes ever poll ed in the borou»li. The borough Democratic ticket, was elected by majorities ranging from J vole upwards, on Tue-day. W. 11. Alien of Leraysyille, was visitiug with friends in Laporte over I Sunday. Election passed off very quietly at Laporte. Ail was harmony. And the next day the sun shown ' bright. There wasn't much politics in it. The ticket* were cut and slashed in every direction. Report of Nordmont school, for the fourth month ending February 12, 1895. Number of pupils enrolled —eleven; average attendance —nine; percentage of attendance —ninety- two. Those missing no days during month, were, Eva Keelcr, Maud Laird, Harry Botsford, James Laird, John Mutchler. BLANCHE UKF.DE, Teacher. I'oiiml I'arty at iJi® •", K« l'«r- Monage. There will bo a pound party at the M. E. parsonage, Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to be present and bring at least one pound of anything they may select. Let all take part in this act of benev olence, and make the pastor and family happy by giving them a gen erous pound. » * StiiteN ol ttie Cuiiiiiirrvial Hotel. My rates are SI.OO a day. Every body served alike at my house, no extras. I have recently remodled the Commercial and made it conven ient. My bar is the finest in the town an we sell the very best cigars manufactured. In fact the Commer cial is the only hotel on earth. 11. W. McKiubins, Prop'r. Charles F, Warwick Win* Simula liowu. PHILADELPHIA, Feb.- 19.—Phila delphia to-day maintained its repu tation for stalwart Republicanism and elected the candidates of the Republican party by a majority of from 4.">,0t>0 to 5a,000. The election to-day was for Mayor, Receiver of Taxes, Councilmen, Police Magis trates and School Directors. The Republicans made a clean sweep and elected their candidates for Mayor and Receiver of Taxes by a greater majority than ever given to similar officers upon local issues. The can didates of the Republican party for Mayor and Receiver of Taxes, were City Colioitor Charles F- Warwick and William J. Honey, respectively. Ex-Governor Robert E. Pattison and Colonel Sylvester Bonnaffon, jr., were the candidates of the Demo cratic party lor the same otliees. Farmers' iasiilulc, Reported fur the Uiifuhlican. The fourth annual Farmers' Insti tute convened in the M. E. church at Forksville on Tuesday, February 12th at 2 o'clock. D. T. lluekell, resident member of state board pre siding. XJlysess Bird elected secre tary. The attendance was large and interest great throughout each ses-i sion. The instructors present wore ' A liner Fugue, Picture Hocks, Ly-1 coming county; J. A. Herr, Cedari Springs, Clinton county; M. S, Bond, Chulasky, Noithumberland county and Dr. (J. (i. (iroff, of LewUburg I'a. J. A. Herr read a paper entitled •' the Success of Farmers' Institutes" | followed by remarks on this subject.! The balance of the afternoon was | spent by answering and discussing I the many questions from the query box. i Tuesday evening session was open ed by music. An article on tuber* culosis was read by the chairman. Ills say:—Farm Intercourse by J. A. Ilerr, Essay:—Rural Life, making Home Attractive," by AJiss Sadie A. Huckell. These were all excellent papers and received the best of atten tion. Tiie subject) of teaching agri culture in the public schools was dis cussed by Prof. F. 11. McGuire, J. \. Herr, M. R. Black, A. Fague and Rev. 11. E. Ilycle. Wednesday morning session was devoted to questions many of them very inter esting. This was followed by an address by J. A. Herr, subject— The agricultural course «t the state college. Followed by remarks on the education of farmers by chair man lluclcoll, M. R. Black and Rev, H. E. Hyde, Afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock. The question box being again restored to with good result. Ibo institute was then favored with an essay: Violation of Natures Laws by Aimer Fague. Potato culture was fully explained by M. S. Bond, he having an experience of over seventeen year* as an expert. Essay —Winter Feeding of Dairy Cows, by A. 11 err. Tbe evening session was almost entirely devoted to the excellent ad dress of Dr. (i. 0. Groff, on"The Germ Theory of Disease.'" This lecture was of great interest and profit to all who heard it. Adjourn ed. The same instructors wore taken to 'Onshore where the sessions were • held in Geary's Hall, the first Wed nesday afternoon. The evening session was taken up with Mr. Faguc's essay and Dr. Groll's illus trated lecture on Diseased Germs. A session was also held Friday fore- I noon. The attendance at both insti ■ tutes wau large and interest the best. I U, li. Judge Dunham is holding to'gu incut court in Tuukhtinnock, to-day, Thursday, The county commissioners have awarded the contract of placing the bars in tho Prothonotary's, Treass urer's and Commissioners' offices in the new courthouse, to the Lawren ce Bros., who expoct to complete said cotract this week. Each bar will extend across either ollice and will have a cashier's desk. This piece of furniture will be very con~ venient to the olllccrs and will be appreciated by the general public. James F. llaggcrty of Schuylkill county, who was indicted and a true bill found before the grand jury at December term of court, for—'-se duction under promise of marriage," was captured at Mauch Chunk on Monday, and now reposes in the Sullivan county jail. Guy Holland, the world renown detective of To wanda, arrested llaggcrty nnd brought liirn to Laporte. Miss An na Kennedy who brings the suit, has hosts of friends in the county who wish her justice in the matter. Moeonntilo Appraiser's List. CHERRY- ;CLASS. TA,T. Blight. W-H. - - I 10 2o U Sick, C. S. - - If ' 7<> Hunsinger, P. W. 14 < .5 Hope, C. P- 14 775 Vogel.Julim - 14 7<o COLLEY. Dieffcnbaeh, 1). D. -11l 7 75 Jennings Bros. - - I 8 30 75 Johnson, G. W. - - ; H '75 Kester, E. P. - 1 14 775 KippG. W.&Co. - I 14 775 Musselumn, George C. 14 7 75 Potter, WiuflulJ 14 7 75 Krasuicky, Harry - - I 14 775 DAVIDSON, Armstrong. A. T. - I 18 10 75 Bodine & Warn - - j 14 775 Maeargle Bros. - | 14 775 Penlicoat Lumber Co. 1 13 10 75 Webb, E. C. - - 14 775 Hoffman. WL. • - ; 11 15 75 Dl' ; IIORE. Carroll, D. E. - -| 14 775 Carroll, J. W. & Co. - j I t 775 Carl, R. A. - - 14 | 775 I Cole. Samuel - - 1« |lO 7.i Cunningham, James - [ 11 ; 775 Deegan. George - i 14 775 I McDermott, 11. - - ; 11 i 775 j Honnetter, O. H. - 117 75 Harrington, J. S. - 1 I 775 i offa J.'S. & Co. - 18 10 75 • lonnor P. - | 14 775 Wells & Co. - - | 14 775 Kline, B. - 14 ! 7 73 Molyneux. C. E. - - 14 775 Pealer, C. E. - - 14 ; 775 Pomeroy, F. B - 775 11 eser, John 1). - 13 l :t Sylvara, F,. G. - - 13 l8 35 Hcttenbury, J. V. - H 775 | Tubach, Emil F. - j . 775 Vincent F. P, - _ '* 775 Vonkln, J. 11. u 7 75 Marks, HI,. - - 14 ; 775 ELKfj VXD. ITartung, August - 14 7 75! Jennings, C. 8., Agent, 14 7 75 AlcC'arlv. D F. - - 14 7 75 FORKSVILLE. ! Lancaster, 15. S. - 14 j 7 75 Snyder. (1, W. Co, j 18 10 75 j Rogers, M. A Son, 11 !15 75 FOX. Campbell, J. H. 1% Company 13 : 10 751 Cascnmn, O ,T. A iron t 14 7 75 I HILLSGROVE. ITofTman, W. L- - 18 10 75 i Hull. Vernon - - 18 110 751 LAPORTE BORO. Keeler, T. J. - - 14 7 75 1 Spencer, Walter - - j 14 775 j McFarlane, lames - 13 10 75 LAroRTE TWP. Stephens & Ilallstead ; 13 I 10 75 SHREWSBURY. Kheres, Danlal - - i 14 ' 775 BI LLIA RD ~LICE NBEB. Dunham. J, X. Colley, Stables, J:4O 75 MeGec, Robert Du-horo, do 40.75 Cheney, C. F. Shrewsbury do 40 75 WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE. Oneil, Patrick & William Dushore. Finan & (Carroll, do DILTILLERS' LICENSE. Sclmad. John Cherry. And that an appeal will be hell in the County Commissioners' office in Laporte, on the 15th day of March, 1 *95, commenc ing at 1 o'clock p. 111. to continue until 12 111. the lflth of March. When and where you Pan attend if you see proper, 1). L. Mitxen Mercantile Appraiser. WANTED:—Every smoker to send seven two-ceut stamps to help pay postage, pack ing etc and we will mail, box of Non- Nicotine-Midget-Cigars only one hoi to one address. Address. Landis & Co , Shippensburg, Pa. License Notion. Notice is hereby given that the following applications for license have been duly filed and the same will be presented to the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Sullivan county on Monday the 25th day of February A. D. 1895 at 2 o'clock p. m. HOTELS. Frank L. Ricketts, COLLEY TOW«SIIIP. Dcrgau & Farrell, »' J. T. Jackson. " C. F. Hunsinger, " William Collins, CIIKRRY TOWNSHIP. Ernestine Seeman, John P. McGee, " John C. Schaad, John Daly, " James Connor, C. S Sick, " C E. Lawrence DusnoßE Bono. Milford J. Bailey Dennis Iveefc " Henry Obert " Patrick F. Murphy " 1 John Pvne " Parvin Kile DAVIDSON TowNainr. Mrs. P. E. M.tgargle " Daniel 11. Lorah " Warren N &C. B. Pennington " Chas. 11. Seeley FonKsvti.i.E I'oito. James 11. Keefe HILLSOUOVE Towxpiur. >mitl:gall & Sick " A. A Overboltzer LAPORTE Bono. Henry W. McKibbins '• H. 11. Ring LAPORTE TWP. .1 11. Slnckhoiise SHREWSULKV TWP. Ernest V. Ingham " C. Peale 1r & W. 11. Vaußuskirk. " EATING HOUSES. Martin Brow i "01.1.EV Towxainp. ( lias. E. Jackson CUKRIIY TOWNSHIP, R bert McGee ltosaoHß Bono. Maresret Connor " Patrick Daly John 11. Yonkin •' F. W. Gallaglu r LAPORTE Bono. MERCH ANT DEALERS. Finnan & Carroll DUSUORK Bono. James J, Laildin " DISTILLERS John S Hchaad CIIKRRV TOWNHIIP j ALPHONHOB WALSH, O.k Q S I Clerks yilice, Laporte, Pa. Fcby. S, lSy^. I'ultltc Notice, The County Commissioners of Sullivan county will hold a General Triennial Appeal in the courthouse at Laporte, 011 March 11th, 12th and 13th, for the purpose -of hearing those who feel aggrieved by their revised valuations. And also for those who desire to appeal from revised valuations of unseated lands. This appeal does not conflict with the local appeals in the respective townships and boroughs, which the Commissioner* are now holding for convenience of parties interested in such localities. JNO. 11. FAIUIELL, ) JNO. J. WEBSTER, > Com. GABRIEL LTTZKLMAX. ) Attest: JNO»E. GAI.LAGUER,CIerk. SALESMAN WANTED:—To sell Non Nic otine Midget Cigars. Samples free; salary or commission; good side line. Address— Landis & Co., Shippensburg Pa. Nlicriir* Naif. By virtue of a writ of Fi, Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan county, and to me directed and delivered, (here will bp esposed to public sale at (he Court House in Laporte, Pa., 011 Saturday, March 2, '95, At one o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, viji: AH tliftt piece or parcel of land situated in the Borough of Laporte, County of Sullivan nnd Stateof Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at tho North side of Main street at its intersection with the west side of Spring Alley, thence along Spring Alley, north 260 feet to Strawberry Alley; thence along Strawberry Alley, west 110 feet to the line of lot No. 158; thence along lot No. 158. south 200 feet to Main street; and thence along Main street, east 110 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about 101 perches, strict measure, and being luts Nos. J56 and 157 of tho allotments of the Borough of Laporte. Having thereon erected a laige framed dwelling house a framed barn anil sheds and other out Uuiltiingi; a good well of water and a fine lot of frui' trees and garden thereon. Also another piece, parcel or lot of land -ituated in same Borough, County and State bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the south-west corner of '.itt'n and Beech streets thence along south side of Main street, west 136 feet to"corner of lot No. 74; thence along line of said lot south 208 feet to the north line of E. P. Ingham's lot; thence east along said lot 120 f>et to fleech street and thence north Beech st: cet 20> feet to the place of beg in ning; and b< in -I.'is Nos. 71, 7'J and fa ot the allotments of the Borough of Laporte. All improved with some young fruit and oilier it cs growing thereon; well watered by sprinea. Also, All that lot, piece or parcel of land sitviit "1 In the township of Laporte, Coun ty and State aforesaid, bounded and de •cribed as follows: B> ginning at a stone heap corner on li eof land now owned by Ai l's Little, thence along line of Amos Little's l.iml, north sG'£ degrees west. 160 oerclies to a sugar tree; thence by land <>f C. W. Little, south degrees west, 106 perches to a post; thence by land of Edward Lyons' estate, south 56i£ degrees east 160 perches t > u post: thence by land 112 tlic crantee, north '^U l j degrees east, :of> perches to the place of beginning; containing one hundred acres and allow ance, be the Mime more or less; (excepiii.g from above about 0 72 100 acres deeded to the W. & X. 15. It. K. Co. for right of way as described in deed recorded in Deed Book No. 31, page 284), and being port >if the Samuel Scott warrant; and having thereon erected a frame dwelling house, a framed barn, sheds and other outbuildings well watered with an orchard of fruit trees thereon; nearly nil improved aud under a good state of cult ivat ion. Also, all that certain lot piece or parcel of land -ituated in the townships of David son and Laporte C >unty and Stale afore -aid, b mndeil and described as follows: Beginning at corner in line of land in the warrantee name of Mary Wilson, thence north 50 degrees east 70 perches to a cor ner on line of land of the grantee; thence north degrees eiist, SO porches to a stone heap corner on the bank of the public road; thence south 56 degrees east, along war runt line. 12!) perches to » corner; thcacc south 10 degrees west, 120 perches to a corner in line of laud of 1). C. Urittuau; tlience north 65 degrees west 45 perches' to a corner in line of land of Dorson Sjeary ; thonoo north 10 degrees west It per eM t'» a corner; tliencn nnrtli 80 degr«es west 1(1 porches ti> a corner; tlienoo south 74 decrees west 72 porol'os to the jiluoo of beginning; containing S7 ncres more of less, and being purl of ti e Thomas Struwbridgo warrant. Heing all clear d of he.ivy timber; and having (hereon ere 'ted n steam saw mill two framed iiw lling bouses and a small framed barn. K\- Cepting I'r n« lh; a'iove pieao of land the right of way through odd land deeded to tho W. A X. li. 11. K. Co. by deed recorded in dfol book No. 21, at piigQ 2*4. Also excepting from the abovo last described lot the right of way of the "Y" at Long Brook as described in said deed; making all together about 5 acres (estiui.itod) excepted and reserved to sail railroad. Seized taken into exeoution and to bo sold as tho property of J. Pennington Little at the suit of Milton Unmet, use. T 110,3. MAIIAFFEY, Sheriff. SCOITTEN, Atty. Shorill's Office Laporte, Pa., Fe'i. 4,1595. Regiaters Notice. Notice is hereby given that the following accounts and of Adm'rs. have been fllul in the office of the Register of Wills iu and for Sullivan county, to wit; First and final account of Win. Slmrp Executor of the last will of Edward Sharp deceased. First and fi'ial account of John W. Mc- Mahoti nnd Edward Bergan Executors of Jus. Fitzsimmous. And the following widows appraismeuts are tiled : In the estate of Cyrus B. Miller deed In the estate of John J. Daddow deed. And that the s ime will IK' presented to the Orphans Court of said County of Sail ivan ou Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. in.for continuation aud allow ance. ALPHONSES W.visit, Clerk O. C. [ W. &B. Soneetown, Pa., have a few overcoats on hand at a very low figure to | close I hem out. For gooi warm shirts goto Bodine & Warns Sonestown, Pa. For a tine table syrup or baking molas ses goto Bodine & Warns, Sonestowu. A new lot of the latest styles of Dress goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEIt'S. LIME for fertilizing anil building, ad dress John B. Fox it Co . llughcsville, Pa. Ladies and cents skates from 25c up. Hand sleds at prices from 50c up. a great variety at Coles Hardware. Dushore Pa. Will pay the highest cimh jwice for all kiuda of raw furs at Col«« Hardware. A tine line of fancy nnd plain heating stove*, cook stovan, oil stovec etc. at Coles Hardware, Dttshore. Estimate* given "n Hot Air Steam nnd Hot WaU-r heating, Coles llaidware Du- I ihoru Pa- .1805 WINTER .1895. Yes it is a fact; our Dew stock represents a surprising lino of b ains. And now we are after buyers. Our bait is bargains, genuine bargains; remember, real bargains. We don't use artificial bait got »p just to catch custom. We bave secured as good a line of goods as was ever offered in this vicinity. It is this Tact and our extra Low Prices that makes our present bargain off jf the event of the season. Call and be Convinced of the Above facts. \\ ;r 3 r r1 "iW MCliitto I & t^UL THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. Opposite the Court House, V/ILLIA~.£SPORT» First National Bank, HUGHESViLL J. PA. Jaa—, Capital $50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $14,009 This bank offers all the usual facilities for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSLNESS Accounts Respectfully Solicited. DeWitt Bodine, President, W. C- Front*, CasWai C, W. Waddrop, Vice President. J S. HARRINGTON, Manufactuter and dealer in ISoots smml Shoes* We kee at, nil times a Complete Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Siylus. I secure all discounts al- PAP9 BjjyW? And can sell at Zi9VT lowed by wholesale dealers to UltitU tiuliiUj P: ices, with satisfaction —OUR— Custom {} Ibpaitment is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Comprtifcien in quality and prices. Our French Kip IJools are an espeelal bar gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. oR Harrington, MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA to HcT 0- o-o—o -o-o—o-o-o-o-o -0-0-0 I am prepared tj meet any prices or quotations with a first class and well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTH'S, ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING RATS, CAPS, AND GENTS FURNISHING UOODA TRUNKS, HA GSAND UM HUE J.IAS. 1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fit > guaranteed. Call and get prices. Yours Respectfully etc., F, P. VINCENT. CUONIN'S NEW BLOCK. • FOR A big Bargain, Come and see us, jTwTcareoll & OoT Dusliore, Penn. We have on hand an excellent line of Genls furnishing goods of all kinds, inelnd ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps. Uuderwaro. Uools and s.hoes, Rubber goods, Felts and etc., at prices that defy competition. Custom Woke FBOMPfLY AND Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL C\\ RK< >l.l, BLOCK at IHiebore, Pa. We respectfully invite \ OL „toeall und tee us and examine goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. J, W. Carroll Co. EG SYLVARA. DTTSHOJtE - 2 s A, RsiFWe aro headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French gfods Moire' Silks Moire' Cotton Goods. .Taponetles, Fine French Gingh m« Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects &c. Everybody will want— ■ Laces This Year! For trimming. Wo have the largest stock of them ever shown in the County. naving imported several crates of Crockery direct— -BSS«SS2SS3SSS3!3SSS«SSSSSSSS^9 sFrom EngandJ '<MSSaM»®W®SSSS*SSSSaSS3«SS^ We are prepared to give you prices that will astonish you. A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window shadei Lace curtains <kc. A new stock of Frosh Groceries Arriving Daily. Give us a call. CASH FOR WOOL BUTTER & EfifiS. E. G. Sr LOYAL SOCK COAL. Loyal Sock Coil, for sale at the Breaker of the State Line A SolUtm Railroad Co. at Bernice $3.00?J& Tht Slate Line & Sullivan R. R. Co, i 0 BnenT, Svp\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers