W.M. CHENEY - - - Editoj. FRIDAY. Airuusr, 80th, 18S9. ENTERED AT POST-OFFICE. I.APOKTK IP V., AS SECOX D-CI.ASS MATTF.It. . J. V. RETTENBURY, "j WAtCHMXKEtI AND JEWELER, DUSHORE, PA. llcpiibliran Primary Hlrctl»H. The Republican Vigilance com mittee ate hereby directed to hold a primary election in each of the sever al boroughs and townships of the county on Friday Sopt., 13th, 1889 at the place of the general elections, between the hours of 5 and 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates from each district to a county con vention, which will convene the fol lowing Saturday Sept. 14th. at 2 p. in., ill the Court House, LaPorte Pa., at which said convention nomina ations will be made for the following offices: Prothonotary and Sheriff. [We arc obliged to call the con vention on the above mentioned date owing to the fact that court commences on the 16th. of Sept. and will continue in session for two weeks thus preventing us the use of the Court House during said time. We make this explanation for the benefit of those who are curious to know why we call the convention on Saturday. We trust that each precinct will be well represented.] The Vigilance committee are as 1 follows: liernice —Win. Phillips, Joel! Sack-son, Harry Hamson. Colloy —M. W. Reeser, Charles ! Scliock, John Housewert. Cherry —Nelson Cox, Henry j Stall 1, .los. Sick. Dushore —F. P.Vincent, Chariest Croll, Charles Hoffa. Davidson —Charles Cox, Peter' Whitacro, D. H. Lotah. Elkland —Jos. Orange, J. J. Tee van, R. W. Wright. Forks tirp. —Wni. Bird, E. R. I Warburfcon, David Molyueux. Forksmlle —E. J. Sturdevant, J. Fleming, D. T. Huckell. Fox —J. P. Kilmer, Thos. McKay, Wm. Kilmer. Hillsgrove —Homer Peck, Goo. Darby, Clias. Sadler. Lopez —W. B. Jennings, Jos. Walburn, C. W. Wilhelm. LaPorte twp. —Chas. Mead, Geo. Fiester, Z. E. Botsford. LaPorte boro. —J. H. Thomas Frank Meylert, A. J» Hack ley. Shrewsbury —John Auntniler, Geo. B. Danley, E. V. Ingham. Wm. CHENEY, Chairman Rep., Standing Com. LaPorte, Aug. 26th, I*sß9, Till: CilXllSßl HCi ENCinPItETf JlftilF ft ii ml red* of \ pelican U» for Free TraiiHportatloii. BARRISBCRQ, August 22.—The work incident to the furnishing of transportation to Gettysburg on Pennsylvania monument day to soldiers who participated in the three days' fight has thus far requir ed the services of Colonel D. 8. Keller, of Bellefonte, and three clerks for several weeks, and an ad ditional force was pressed into ser vice to-dny owing to the large num ber of applications received for free transportation under the act appro priating $50,000'. Every mail brings hundreds of applications and up to this time about 4,4)000 have been re corded. In a few days the business will be so shaped as to enable a proper ap>- plication to be disposed of twenty four hours after its receipt. Blank applications for transportation, pre pared by the Gettsburg Co [amission having charge of the deicatory cere monies, have been furnished to sec retaries of the several regiments that participated in the battle ami by them distributed among thfe' veteraus. Many blank applications have also been sent to individuals on request by the department here. Eleven hundred applications were received yesterday, besides a large number of miscellaneous letters. Ten thousand is a conservative esti mate of the numbe? of applications that will be received before Pennsyl vania Day. The Advcntists now announce that the world will come to an end on the 7th of October. The per formance may have to be postponed, however, ou aocount of the weather. WITIHU'T toon IOK «O I» \VS TheVndiniiapolie. F'atiter Pays VfrA Pen alty for His foolhardy Pe»i— ltobert Marvel died at Indianapo lis Tuesday morning. It.was sixty seven days ago ttmt he entered upon his fast, the longest and most won derful of which tlieVe is any record. He was 85 years old and exception ally vigorous and hoathful, and"it was pride in his strength that lif.d caused liiui for the last few years to assume tne care of cultivating a garden. He returned from his work on June 9 almost helpless from a strange attack and stood be fore the door of his home unable to enter when he Was found by mem bers of his family. The doctors, after examining hint, said that be was paralyzed, and for a period of five days "he xvas helpless. Then be gradually began to recover the use of his hands, and at the end of nine days he arose from his bed. During the tinus however, he had taken neither water uor food. When an effort was made to force him to take nurishment he resisted four men with such force that they were com pelled to abandon the attempt. On the ninth dav of his abstin ence he voluntarily drank a small quantity ol' water and a day or two afterwards he took a few spoonfuls of milk. He would permit no one to touch him if he could prevent it. The laying of a baud upon him, n<o matter how gently, seemed to cause ; him excruciating pain. He could; not talk and he seemed incapable of giving manifestations of any im-1 pression upon his mind. Not until three weeks ago did ho become too ' weak to walk about his home, but) until within the last three days he i would occasionally gather sufficient j strength to rise from his bed. He' gradually failed, until from sheer I exhaustion he expired. In the days of his fust his sleeping became long er and more freqitent. 'ln the sixty-seven days thrtt have elasped since the beginning of l hie strange attack," said IM Hasty, \ "Marvel has not taken ibto his body i as much as a gallon of milk. His j flesh has shriveled up. and there was really nothing of the man but skin and bones when he died. His i back bone could be felt from in front as well as from behind. Hiseoudition was due,l think from degeneration of the arteries and paralysis of the organs of the throat, but the case is, so far as I have been able to learn without a parallel." EXPI.OSIO\ IN A NM: Five Ifleu l>«rm»lj- Emiiimi Dt'al It Hear Mt-ranfon. SCRAN'TON, Aug. 22.—At an early hoilr this morning a cave-in occured in No. 1 mine of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company atOh pliant, a few miles from here. Mine Super intendent A. B. Nicol, of this city, entered the mine in company with Inside Foreman John Jones and Richard Mason, Driver Boss Samuel Williams and Fire Boss John Lavin to investigate the extent of the fall. Their lamps ignited the gas that accumlated as a result of the fall and the men were buried along the un derground galleries and frightfully burned. The explosion occured about a mile and a quarter from the foot of the shaft. The injured men walked the entire distance Without light, having to grope their Way to the foot, all the time suffering the most intense agony. When they arrived there they gave the eii* gineer the signal to hoist. This was the first information the out side world had of the accident in the mine. It was about 9:30 when the gas was set off and the men were hoisted to the surface soon after teh o'clock. Mason, Jones aud Williams were burned from the head down and Nicolf on tbe head, neck and hands. The latter prevented his face from being scorched by covering it with his hat. I/avin's burns are oil his hands and neck. P. W. Fadden. one of the driver bosses, afrd EnOteh Thomas,- one of the fife bosses, pro cured oil and alleviafed as much as possible the sufferings of the burned men, after which the latter were" taken home in ambulances. The only other employe who was working in the mine when the ex plosion occured was William Day, who is a water boiler. Efe was em ployed, however, a long distance from the sceire ol' the explosion and was not in danger. All the burned men with the exception of Nicoll are residence of Olyphant and all are married except Williams. Ma son was the only survivor out of tive men who were burned in No* 2 five years ago and Lavin was caught by an explosion in the same mine about seven years ago. There will be celebrated at* UTeshaminj', in Bucks county, on the sth, of next month, an efent which will serve to coinmonorate one of the most important occasions in the religious history of the United I States—the founding of the Log College—the first institution in this country wherein young men were given an opportunity to study for the Presbyterian ministry. It is to be one of the largest, most imposing and notable gathering that has ever occured in this State, and will be graced by the presence iof President and Mrs,- Harrison, Rev. Dr. Scott, the hitter's father, !\nri. in fhet, the whole Harrison I'amily, from the top down to Habv McKee. r J'he invitation wliich was sent to the PtesaVient was most graciously accepted, and he signified liis intention of being present unless sonrts unforeseen accident happens. He is booked for a speech, and so are Postmaster (Jelieral Wanamaker, Governor Beaver, Governor Green, of New Jersey; Rev. Or. Scott, father-in-law of the President; Rev. Or. Patton. President, and I). Mc- Cosh, ex-President of Princeton College. Salibalti .Softool Convention The third annual meeting of the Sullivan county Sabbath School As sociatiation will commence at Forks ville. Sept. l'Jth, 18sft. A'l Sabbath Schools in tho county are earnestly requested to send defegates with as full a report as possible of tho work aud methods of each school as pos sible. Number of pupils, teachers, and officers, nmoubt of money expended, what lesson helps, papers antl libraries. If blackboard is used or any other appliauces for illus tration, about what pitrportion of the children in each district are ia attendance ami any other Items .of information concerning each school and its success. It is hoped that all who are interested will attend thta afternoon session, that all workers may help and be helped in this im portant department of christian work. Come friends one and all and may God bless thift meeting to our mutual good and the furtliur ance of this noble cause. The Rev. .112. 31. Reimensnyder of Hilton Pa. ex-president of the State Association is expected to be present. PROGRAMME. Fitst session 2p. m. Opened by scripture reading, singing and pray er. heading minutes—Enrollment of delegates—Report of Secretary- Report oftreasuter—Presidents hn- Hual address—Report of district vice presidents—Report of delegates Election of officers—Mireellaneous business—Adjournment. Second session at T p. m.— votional exercises—Address of wel come, RoV. P. It. Pitman—Response Wm. .Johnson—Topics—Should Sab bath School work be aptional with a christian '{ Rev. J jounsbury—ln creasing necessity for temperance work in the Sabbath School. Mrsj M. E. Farrell—Laxity of protestant parents with referance to church at tendance. Di T. Htiekell, Esq.,—^- liow to train children to a joyous observance of the Sabbath. Mrs. E. W. Hull—The value of Sabbath School intluciice in suppression of vicei liev. 11. L. Cares. D. L. HLVKELI,, Pres. A. G. LITTLE, Sec y. SONESI'O Tl'A r ITEMS. The E. V. Sunday school picnic from here to Tivoli, was a grand the it being 139 tickets sold. All report a good time and plenty of tulip salve. Prof. Black is at hand to ii/struct our pretty fair maids, in the way all should go. Quite a good niimber are present for the first week. Thos. Mencer is erecting a fine and convenient shop for a shoe store, and will ftlso use it for the Mfg. of boots and shoes. If we only had more such go ahead men as Mr. Mencer, our town would be second to none in the county for industries. \Y e were sorry to hear that our former townsman Geo. Figgles bur ied theif only baby on Sunday. Death caused by whooping cough and cloera infantum. Wm. Miller of Pennsville' was home v siting his parents on Sun day. Frank Crossley and R. Karirs visi ted our place on Saturday evening, shaking hands with their many friends and talking a little about the election of sheriff. All candidates of course are sure of election. Wish they could all be elected. Our agent M. L. Keller has in his possession a set of false teeth found near the depot. Any person calling for them can get them by pacing 25c, adv. They are a lower set. How did they get there? Oh mv < am sick. Miss Bird of forksville is stop ping at J. Lorah's during Institute. Geo. Rea, the Sullivan county bridge contractor, is at work now on the Muocy Creek bridge near Boatmans, his boss. Architect Oscar Miller from South' Forte, Pa. arrived here sately and is now hard at work laying out marks, for his carpenters. Hope his brave attempt may not prove futile. New goods just arrived at Lorah's. 12c, per gallon—Crockery. The proprietor of the Souestown Iron Works bus placed two new men in bis shop. Business is boom ing and Geo. is the lad that knwws how to handle it too. Mr. llobei t Stoimont was seen upon our streets on Tuesday, shak ing hands with his mauy friends. They say Harry liives cake, and kip likes watermelon and what doos Gus like? Why he don't like to be seen coming Lome morn ings. PATERFAMILIAS, NIAGARA FALLS A UP. 25.—C. D.I Graham, of Suspension Bridge, went | through the whirlpool rapids in , Niagara river this afteftioon in aj barrel shaped boat, and up to a late | hour to-night he had 1161 been heard from. It is feared that lie lias perished. LATER—He was taken out of the water at Lewi st own, pretty well When asked what would be his next move he replied: 4i Ota,| I'll never let go till I go over the 1 falls. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thfit ati application will be to Hun. A. Sittser Preei ilent Judg« of the Court -»f C« mm on Plcaa of Sullivan bounty, on the 18th, day of Sept lßßy, ar 2 o'rfook p. in. t forth® (barter of a corporation to be called "The Mokoma Heights Improvement AMociation." The ! charter and object of which are the iiuprovo- j taent and beautifying of'•Mokoma Height*" it Lit Porte Boro, Sullivan county Peun*vlvania« fc. M. DUNHAM, Solicitor. 1 LaPorte Pa. August -S8». j h hIUPF'S SALE.--By virtue of a writ of, k Fi. Fa. ifc<ued out of the court of common 1 plea* of Sullivan county. Pa., and to me directed an'i delivered, there will be exp to public sAlc at the Court Houfte, in LaPorte, ob Tue«- ; d»y 112 September I7ih, 1889, at 1:3» p. m. All that certain lot piece or parcel of land situated in township of Pol ley, county of Sullivan ai<d state of Pennsylvania bounded and deneribed .18 follow*: Beginning at the east corner of Chas. Mornings tar's lot; tbence south 78 gre«*p, line to a corner, thence north 87 degrees west 90 pdr< hes to corner of lot sold Morningstar; thence by the slaind north 11 degrees east 230 perches to the plac.* of beginning, cont lining 97 acre* dnd 17 perches of land more <>r IOP®- Together with the right of way 30 feet wide from Hiiid lot to the public roaa as follows: Declining at a corner of the lot above des cribed on the Colley Mill lot and laud sold Messerstnith or Wen Ja.l ?; thence south 86 de crees east 16 1-10 perches t« public road down the creek, thert-je down the fublic road 30 fe« t, thei'Co in a line parallel with the first line north 87 degrees west about I*U perches to the lirtu of tho Colley Mill lot; thence north 4 desrrecs east, 30 foet to the place ot beginning. Having erected thereon one large two stoi y frame house, granery and other outbuildings, the land being abbut ore third improved and in a state of cultivation with a number of fruit trees thereon and tne land boing well watered. Seized and taken into execution nnd to be sdl a* ttoe property of W, E. at the suit of John Utz. HENRY TRTPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, LaPorte, Pa., Aiig. !1,'18^9. OHBRTFFS'SAL J— By vlrtuii of a writ of 1 Fi. Fa issued out the court of Common Pisa* of Sullivan county. Pa , and to mc direct ed and delivered there will be exposed to pub lie sate at the Couit in LaP<*i te, oil Tuesday the 17th day of Sbpleuibcr, A. 1889, at 1:30 p. in. -411 that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate 1 lying and being in th»» t<\vn.«hip of Forks. Coun*y of Sullivan an 1 State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as Aillows, viz.: Beginning at a post and (tone corner made by Oeo. Wilker for the north corner of the <ieo, Eddi , warrant thence al ng th«- line Chirl* s Pleasants, warrant, north 67 degrees west 125 perches to a nfeeeh comer; theneo along lands of Bowman ft nt, north .12 do- L'r« e« east, about 100 per h<\S to the Little Loyal Sock creek, thence bv the middle of said stream bV the several courses thorecf about 130 parches to the line of ihe land* of Christian Taylorj thence the said line south HIJ decreed west about 80 perches more or less to the plade of begiuniiu*, containing about 70 acres imre or less. Having erected thertsin a one story vlank house, dne «mall bam and other out buil<ltnir*. About 3."» acres being in a good 'fnte of cultivation, and having a small (ru»t orchard thereon. Set. d and taken into execution as the prop ertv ot Willlba K. Kintbold at tltc suit of Chas. Bird. HKAKY TRIPP. Sher fT. Sheriff's Office, LaPorte. Pa., Aug. 29th. lss'.J. Trlul Mut Kc|)tembi<r Turin, l.sSft (RETURN DAY SEPTEMBER, 10 1889.) FIRST WEEK. No. 1 J, "C. Dunning vs Mathias Bostian, No Sept. term iSsrt, assumpsit; Thomson for'Plff. Dunham 112« r Dft* 1 HP Nereis Geo C Jacksoif No 87 Ibc. rfibsr tei m 1887. assumpsit* I'unham for plaintiff, Thomson and K P Ingham tor deft. No. il. C. D. Eldred vs Milt- n Oilman and N* M. Giliuan. NA'. 74 Feby. term Ejectment. Dunham for pi IF. lug nam f-»r dl't. No. ». J. S. H6ffa vs 0. W. We*holtf, No. May term 1883, Assumpsit; Cronin for plff. Thomson tor dft. No. Richard Corcoran Margaret Cor coran Fxtx. No 17 September 18S8 t D"Wus and for Plff. Ingham for Dft. No. 0. Mai\v Ann Ba&r vs A. H. Zaner A'lmi'*. No. 55 Sept. term 1888. Framed issue, Collins for plff. Thomson for doff. No 7. Mary Ann Bahf vs A. IT. Zaner, Altai's. No. Sept. teim 1888 issue. Saiue Atty's, No. S Jno Reehart (use.) The Pa N. Y. Canal «t R. R. Co., No. 107 Sc|\reinbe'r term I*BBB, Deft, appeal; Scouten for Plff. Streeter, Daus and Hall tor Dft j No 9 William O'Neill vs McOuireand Rouse No 5 December term 1888, l)ftc. appeal* Cronin for Plff. Collins tor Dft* | No. 10 John Fox vs H. C. Fuller and Malford I Williams, Trustees ot the Evangelical church l ofS'-unk Pa/No, 39. Dec. term 1888, Dft? ap* p«*al, Scouteri ft»r Plff* Ingharn for Dft. No, 11 H. M Mullen vs Elise Btaub No. 1 Feby. term 1888. Assumpsit; Scouton lor pltf, InghamS for dit. SECOND WEEK. No. 12. Thomas King vs Forks txfp. No. 25 Dec, term 1872 Trespas' on the case, Sdouten for plff. Ingbain nnd Smith far dft. No. 13 James Dunn vs William Dunn. No 49 Dec. Term fBB6. Eject. Thomson and Dunham for P*fT. Cn uiu, Collins and Inghaiiis for Deft. No. 14 Gen'. »i . Craft vs Wm. Warn, et. al. No. 32 Sept. T. 1887—Trespass—E. P. Ing ham aud tirim for plff. Crawford aud Downs for dott's. No. 15 John Craft et. nl. vs Wm. Warn. et. al. NJ.32 Sept. T. 1887—Trespass—E. P. Ing ham and Griui for plff. Downs and Crawford for deft*^". No. 16. Sur'(|uehunua Mutual Tire Insurance Company of Harrisburg Pa. vs Thomas J. Keeler No. 67 Sej»t. Term 1887. plff s appeal T. J. liigham for plff, Dunham for deft. 1". Stme vs F. M. Cross ley, 68 ,Sept. term 1S87: plfl's appeal. Same Attorney's. No 18 J. M. Osier vs Ario Pardee No 51 Dec. term 1S87; lifts appe.il, Dunham for Plff. E. P. Ingham for Deft. No. li> W. C. Warey v* F. P. Vincent No 90 Dec. term 1887, Delta, apj eal; Duuhaui for Pill. Ingham for Dft. No. 20. Mary Whitcly, Executrix «fcb* v* 1 Jno. W, Whitley Adr. et al. No. 53 Feby. term ! 18S8. Sci Fa. Dnnham' T. J. nnd F. 11. Ing ham for tiff. E. P. Ingham aud Crawford for dft Ko. 21 W. C. <Jarey vs F. P, Vincent, No. 11l May term ISBB, Dfts appeal; Duuli >iu for Plff. Inghiuu for Dft. No. 22 Fioutz vs Henry Williams et al No. 91 Feb. term 18*8, assumpsit; E. P. Ingham i !cr Plff. Dunham for Deft. A. WALSH, Proth'y 1 Proth'y's. Office, LaPorto, Pa., Aug. 3d, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE by virtue of a writ of Fi. ] Fa. bsuetl out of the court of Comufor I pha* of Sullivan county Pennsylvania, and to I rue diiectert and delivered there will he ex- | posed to public snle ut the Court House in | Laporte, on Fridav the 20th dny of i A. D- 18l>0, at 1:30 pm. All 'that certain j lot, pieifo or paiccl of land nituatod lying and i heiiijf in the tvvp., of Fox, County of Sullivan and of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed :it> follows viz; Beginning ut a post in the road opposite the cemetery on the west side of the creek, tbenue by lands of Everet Shadduck, north SUJ perches to a r>take and itonc#, thence weat by Fahl Shaddock and If. D. l>ickers<>n, 7IH penhes to a p«>st in road, thence north 52J perches to a post or point, thence by land of Jno. B. Dicke'sou eaet 130 pcrc'fich to stone heap which stone heap is 10 perches east of [ creek and whi h 10 perches is bounded by land I jof Peter Ilozier thence by land of Peter llozier 1 jandWm. liozier south 24 1-4 de£r«?e« ea«t j | Bft perches to a pout and stones thence by land tof Jno. Campbell north 82 degrees west 14 j j perches to a post and stones it being 4 pcrche. west of the creek ihence by land of said Camp- | bell south 5 degrees west 42 peaches to a post i or point in road, tht-nce along said road by the I following several courses that is north t»9 de- j grots west 15 perches north $7 degrees west 5 \ perches north 88 degrees wett 22 perches nortfi 1 02 degrees west IS pen hes to the plat eof be ; ginulug containing 00 a< rei be the came more or ' ! le-s. Ibe land betbg uiostly improved, well I watered, fruit orchard iinu havir.g erected there- 1 on two large two i-t'ory hou'sos one large frame ! bank barn, alao one large lioise barn, one ! small one story dwelling house and other out buildings. ALSO one other tat piecfc or parcel of land situated in Fix township, County of Sullivan I and ft ate Oi Pennsylvania, aforesaid bounded • and described as follows, vi*.: I Declining at a post corner of iand conveyed to Mortimer Williams by Henry Williams on j l!ue of land of Richard Swingle, thence south J i about i7£ perches to corner of land formely 'of Win. llofcier, thence along said land west 09 perches to center of a creek, thcnco up said j creek its several course* and distances about o7s 1 perches to lahd sold Mortimer Williams by > Henry Williams thence along said land east i about 8U perches to the place ot beginning 1 containing 25 aoies more or lets, being nearly ; all timber bind with the hemlock timber re i moved about I aces improved | Seized and taken into execution and to be ! fold as the property oi Henry Williams, j AL>U one otner lot, piece or parcel of land j j situated in the twp., County ol Sullivrtn, and I State of Pennsylvania aioresaid bounded and j I described as follows viz: I Beginning at a post in the center of a creek | I known its the Brunch, thence east i iby lands of Potter (or Pfcttou) 09 perches to a post corner ot' lands of Gideon Wihox, thence I I s »uth by lands of Kieh<ird Swindle 116 peruht S ' jto a D st, (hence west by l*n Is of grantor about SO perches to th* center ot atoretaid I creek thence up said creek its several courses I Jl.» pcrobes to the pi ice of beginning, con-I tninimng 50 acres be the same more or lesa j being a purr of the (ienrgo I.atauier warrant | and t*onveyid to the grantor by deed of Peter Hosier and wife which deed is recorded in La- , porta in Deed Book No. 0 462. About la aero improved well waiered, fruit orchard and having erected thereon one good two story , Iracne d wfelli.i j hous • small barn and other! out buildings. I 1 ALSO another lot of land beginning at the ' noitli frest corner of lunch <<f Jobii P. Lilmor l thence south twenty four an l one forth de prii> s east eight-six pcrche* to a post at d j stones thet.ee north SO degrees by lands of Isaac Williams K. S. Fanning and Jessie McCorm ck l< urteen j'jrches to a post and ptoncs thence north by public highway to line of Win. Alberts thence east to place of begin ini; containing about twenty acres more or lea* and having thereon a steam saw mill. Seised and taken in «xeoutiou and to le •old as the property of Henry find Mot timer Williams at ,i*e suit of «'has. K. Bullock. HEN BY TKIPP. Sheriff Sheriff's Office. LaPortc, Pa.. August 27th, '*9. REGISTER'S NOTICE. X\ Notice is hereby given that the following accounts etc., of Admit stiators etc., have t'cen filed in ihe office of the Register ot Wills etc., in and ft#r tlio coun y of Sullivan, viz: Fit.al account of John Wright Adiu'r. of Martin Kalph dee'd. Final aceotiot of W. 11. D. Oreen, Ex'or of John S. (Jrcen de.-'d. . Kirs*. Mini 1 Inal ac'"iint of it. T. Hatiin and Attraiu i ardoe Admr's or tieo. Pardoe d c'd. ' Final account of Matthew J. Bums Ex'or of John I> ake, dcc'tl# And the following Widows Appraisements have been filfcd: In the Kst.ite of Daniel, Willifims dee'd. j In the Estate of C?eo. (rower, dee'd. ! In the Estate of August Oechslcy, dee'd. And that the same will be presented to trio Orphans' Court of saiif County on Wednesday i tffe 18th of September, ISS9, at 3 o'clock p. m.for confirmation and Allowance. A. WALSH, Register. , j Registers Office, LaPorte. Pa., Aug. 17th, 1S8&. NOl SEPTEMBER TERM, I*Bo In the OrpFan's Court of Sullivan county Penna J Estate ot tieorge Pardon dec d. To the heits of Geo. Pardoe dee'd, and all others interested. Mary E. Bly, wile of Win. Bly, Delilah S. Pardoe, 11 attic louden wife of i John Louden MaiYic M. Km tin, wife of Reuben 'T. Baffin, Alvin Pardoe, Emma Everett wi;e ofChaS. I>. Everest, and A brain L. Pardoe. j i You are hereby notified that the Orpans court j of said county awarded an ii. quest to make' p.-rtifion and valuation <?f certain real estate,, ; of the said Geo. Pardoe dcc.d, consisting ct a; ' messuage and tract of about one hundred and j | six acre* of land situated in Klkland iwp., in saia county and that said inqueit will be held ,on said premises on Monday ihe 2nd day of j September A. D. 1889. At 2 o'clock p. m. at which time and pl.ee are requested to at i teud if you think proper. HENRY TRIPP. Sheriff, j Sheriff's Office. Laporte Pa., Aug. sth, 1889* Campbell & Son. General merchants of Shuirk, wish to call the attention of the many citizens of the Western portiou of the county to the flue selection of 1 poods jutet received, consisting of: j Summer Prints'. Dress Suitings, j Ginghams and all kind of Dry Goods land Notions, Jerseys, Gloves and 'Mitts, Ladies ami Gents Furnishing I Goods, Men's Boy's and Children's j clothing llats and Caps, Boots and .Shoes, Straw Goods, Crockery and 'Glassware, Hardware and Having tools, and a Fresh line of Groceries; Tobacco and Cigars, and every thiug usually kept in a General Store, also Agents lor IDWIEKS miIMHI We have tbc finest ami largest .assortment of goodt* ever offered to the people of Sliunk and vicmitv, :ind sell cheap as any firm in the oountv. Give us a trial and be con vinced. Thanking our old custom ers for their patronage in past, ami trusting that they may continue, we remain vonrs etc. IF. H- CAMVBEI l & Sox. t juno, 1880. Shunk, Pa. M HA 0- 0 Main Street, Towanda, Pa., Has just received a handsome line of Spring Suitings- They are handsome, stylish anil the very latest. Ladies are requested to all and examine and price them whether they buy or not. In his regular stock he Ims many BJRG^IWSI which will just suit bargnin hunt ers. A full line of DRESH GOODS, DOMESTICS, , NOTIONS and in fact everything kupt in the DRY GOODS line, at low prices: My goods were all bought to sell: If you don't believe it?, price them and see. We urge the people of Sullivaii to pay us A call and price oiir goodd while in Towanda. W. H. 1). GREEN, TOWANDA PA. NEW HOTEL JUST OPINED, R. B. WAR BURTON, Prop'r. FORKSVILLE, PA. This is a large and house, with large airy rooms, and is furnished in first class style. The best of accommodations offered tran sient oi ; steady boardbrs. Forksville i is situated along the Loyal Sock and j is a very pretty town and a favorite I summer resort for city guests. U. B. W A KiiuiiTOX, I'rop'r. Forksvillo, Aug. Ist, 1&S8. LORAHS HOTEL. SO.XE.VI OWN. DANIEL H. LO®AH PROP' ft. Tiiis is a large aud commodious house, with large airy rooms, furn" shed in first class style. A desira ble place for those who desire to es jcape the heated term. Hunting and fishing in their season. The bar id supplied with choice liquors & cigars. Nov. 13 'BS. A NEW STOR.fe At *— FQRKSVILLE—-* The undersigned has opened an agricultural store at Forksvillo, and t'arHes in stock a full line of Seed—, ei's. (The celebrated '•'Warmer".) I'loirs, Ilarrmrs, Mowing Machines, Hinders, Reapers, Farm II r agonsj Spring Wagons, Haggles, Sleighs, Cutters, Ik, etc. In fact sill lines <>f (arm utensiltf ;and agricultural implements. Come' iand examine my stock and prices. F. 0. Sou Ay is ACKER. ; April Ilth..lSbS. | B. HILL, M D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Office on the corner of Main & Beech S I LAPORTE, PA. W 7 ENRYT. DOVwNS, ATTO RN K Y—AT—LA \V Xx*ProthonoUrj| Ragtitiv ft R< •** order of Sull.C Office at Residence'on M unoy street LAI'OKTE, PA. TTJ7~& F. fl. INGHAM, Attorneys at Law, Dil'»h»rc, IN'Ulitl. Legal Business attended to in this and adjoining Counties. Telephone communication direct With County Offices at Laporte. January, lSt'B. Oils] OM drown THFIN EST BURNING SLTMACE THE CROWNING GLORY of the tittles for illuminating pupostf s, or a fatniiy light—family safety oil Clio IVuY A ( ME, THE CUE AM OF PETROLEUM. IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE. You can pin your faith to it as a FAMILY SAFETY OIL. If you value light and safety in your homes, ask for Crown Acme. For sale toiho trade by Yours Truly, ELMIRA CIL CO., ELMIRA, N. Y. S A L E SMAN WANTED to canvass tor the sale of Nursery Stock! Steady employment guarn toid. Salary and expenses paid to' successful men. Apply at once stating age. Mention this paper. CnAsi, BROTHERS COMPANY, Rochester,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers