Sas DOES THIS HIT YOU ? It yuu are cou: sitiring the pur chiuse of lurniture, vou wil ted toa delight 10 choose fm nevded picves Times While J. H.. Sayre, But Was Released on Charge | No, 7 and Barely Missed Having hen ia Ceuth gti sip the we suld appreci- By The Daily . that bas «ie > Lie of fitting you out With anything| Werrelle, Publisher of The Record | of lliegal Traln Riding. His Life Crushed Out. : cwestinning “oevinl i our line. Purchases Job Department of The | | hy dence 10s danbly } Star Kelley,” one of Just as : g » : : ey ust as Lehigh passenger train No scable wlan oie = = Dally Times, (known thief takers in the country {7 rolled iuto the local station jester. TE rgd | he ted h GG LES 8 MEE TT == land an efMcient member of the Pinker- | day afternoon James Bixby. a car! : Man ie Jey ing that EN Today's issue of The Valley Record ton Je tective agency, found himself | whee! ins spector tempted tO BO A¢ ross | paid br asked rel Pa : , « es 1s fe yg mond St. SAYRE, PA. nats he end ot its putiaton br [12 vk of onto yostertar air he eae direc she of the oor [JY Bad or asked for the faith itll tn other wns Ls the founder and owner, J H. Murrelle | saste, : 4d the fact that he escaped | ! | = value lor superior thangs, pa : : for a few hours he was a guest at the | with his life ia considered a miracle | but thes do not hike to feel that the He pase an i i Subscription List Has Been Bought Beat No. 7 from Wilkes-Barre to | Atirmpled to Cross Track In Front of Papers were signed today by which - i | borough bastiie . {by those who saw him Bixby was g additional sum far the privilege of excite thar LL. Francisco, proprietor of The Sayre | } : Dally Times purchases the subscrip- | Kelley arrived In Sayre yesterday [standing on the east side of the track | own good judgment § i ) i + ssénger { and ; . . uly i C tion lists and good will of The Record | afternoon ou Lehigh passenger train | and as the train approached he start-! 1 Id well's | No 7 instead of riding In one of the | od for the other side. His foot struck A - - - ‘ So g nd will merge the Jists of the two! Furniture tore s dailies, Mr. Murrelle retiring from the | coaches and paylog his fare he occu- | agninst the first rail and he fell ta the 205 Desmond street Valley ho we mublication. Another agreement was Pd 8 place on the platform between | ground face downward His body | concluded al the same time by which | be haggage conch and the engine. struck a plank. which lays between | Individual d_ peppers filled | yr yurreile purchases the good will | When the train pulled into the local {the two rails and he slid far enough with candy, ents each at W. S|}. po job and book printing depart- | tal on Kelley jumped off the train from the outside rall to avold being ™ Wright's, Shue grocery ments of the Dally Thnes, and hence- | 279 landed Into the armes of Special | crushed under the wheels The side te man who SEERS experience muy seek il 2n) where, Officer D. J. Kendig. The latter wok [of the pilot, howevr, struck him on The wan who NEEDS experience tukes a policy iu \ ow Read For — forth The Times discontiues job and . : i : ' y Our garden ripe or ready Kelley to the lockup on a charge of | the side of the book printing - Tuesday, Come and sam- After full consideration of the mat | /e€al train riding. Kelley protested | of considerable length in his cheek | The The National Protective | e Busine ple ent Store Co ter It was decided by both parties that that he was a detective and that he! ie went to the hospital for treatment | gion rr ——p— ; i had been at Pittston recently looking — 2 i thelr Interests would be best subsers | sud gels benelits of 17 years experience. E.R. Fitch of Binghamton, a rep- for a couple of deaperadoes Who were |: 1 : ; E Y ’ . ed by this arrangement and @W it : s Ba { LEHIGH EMPLOYE KILLED Get behind ils protection and share In fis | M DRIGGS resentative of the Underwood Type- would be to the advantage of thelr pa impiicated in the Shortsville bank | ! NOW. ¥ s benenis. The toe to acl In writer Company, was a Sayre visitor | robbery which occurred a few weeks | IN THE COXTON YARDS, o v ; = trons as well that such an arrange- ZAMCATTION DAUIONT. | sesarday afterioon. et hut ve Forme |e Be wate that Be bad che — E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager e 2 Valley Record Wit nother Xgowy arm prediet-( los und newspaper busineas are so (5% In Smiesinde WilkewBorrs ail} Lavi Courtright Bun Down By au Bu. Office 112 D St, S ed by the local weather prophet the | incompatible that it Is almost tmpos- Rake . - Lehigh tral: west In gine and Crushed In a Frightful ce esmond St., Sayre. man who has a garden to make is pot] sible to give salsfaction in ei ither | tes Bi : _ ; st of tunde | “ , RELL IVD VALLEY PHONY. particularly encouraged branch of the business where the) are | Ixes-"inrre Relley ran out of fun npyer. jand it was necessary for him to beat rr both handled by the same plant \ ? ; . his way through the country on Levi Courtright, an emplove of the sted the Cevion The Times, as It now stands. aug- : ! YCoxta a > . An entire pew stock has : : ' oT freight trains or else loose track of |' O}'on yard force, a resident of Pls The new store known as ] tea garden in the | mented ly the circulation of The Ree- } t i > 4 ton, was killed yesterday afternoon bec } io 3 secire the tea at]ord, has total of considerably over M® Wen He attempted to od d a wen purchases m New: : .. | While at work. According to the most . . WE . . . ' westbound passenger train at Wilkes. 0 ; Mer avenue gro-| 31000 sobacribers in the three valley Barre, but was caught in the act by | 3uthentic report oblaloable, the un-! e fl (if | Ine i y York, and the latest mudels too small to allow © : towns, thus making it the most wide daata : : oa . Mart Garrahan, the well known Le- | fortunate man, while removing a plece arner. em Iv read paper anywhere fn this section ; Y » : a’ \ \ ol Spring and SS i The sewer contract has been signed]. ., : : high Valley special officer Garrahan | 21 machinery from the rear end of one 109 Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. | iy ey ff the country : engine was struck by another that! y ing t rabbes velley just as the latter was @ to six feet wide | bY Clerk Mercereau. acting for the he Tima ; ent eanin. | ETabbed K just as the ia : Fhe Times with tg excellent equi; was backing down the same track * ent Store Co. borough council, and it Is expected about to jump on board the train. . ; ; ine Patte . shir t that the work of contsruction will be- | Kelley tore loose from the officer and’| 1% abdomen was fearfully crushed [cluding Pattern Hats © Shirt Waist alread, stamped on) nen 4 5 . and he died almost instants Court- : > Grumme and wife are at gin in afew days ade a second attempt! when tha hE at Dt . " ag % [and lawn, mm the new est designs for LEvelet, Fren. h, Coronation N Y. visiting friends and rel- Cp a — of the most satisfactory advertisin et drive his right which caught | "1¥ ane UN. Xp ec. Ou 1s yy! 1 ’ . i ac s d e : r a «My ¥ Ye ie ~ : . ¥ + a Attorney Kent Mite he of Troy, was medi that the | | {thi ¢ on the point of the jaw lo] force of the Lehigh for many years |cord, and Wallachian embroider. | neqgiuins in e WOpIe oO Ss Se 2 ¥ Ss . rsterd: z | Listan e this sto (elley pointed ] af 4s 7 F FT we “tela . . 8 visitor In Sayre yesterday Ir tion have ever had the opportunity bstantlate th of¥ Ke Shih Thaw Jury Falls to Agree. Stylish Ve tings, New Laces, Sofa | lows and Center Dieces men are arranging | Mitchel! is one of the three candidates to a bruise on his jaw which he claims Fhe Thaw jury failed to agree upon of according their patronage ! ——— | Same = ely celebrate the coming | for district attorney subject to the! or iwas the result of the blow delivered \ t the R RY All the subscribers of The Record 4 : ; ruies o * epublican party will have The Times served to them Larrahan Kelley JuWever, BiM + verdict and have been discharged } " 2 Horse Po W er c———— - | : ceded in getting out o ilke=-H Bf 14 i . those go-carts at are concerns that can bury regularly, and all those who have pald 1 A A tol W Harre i dd that the jury stood seve | ; : tn x4 ot rai i sesterda but when, : . . its i ; . AIR COOLED riment Store Co A hid our customers. bat i" advance wi be supplied until the i: — a found { Kuilty and five for acquitai Thaw i period for which they have paid has . 30 : : : : Was remanded to the Tombs at can bury our prices hithself i: whip : . : . ) spired nuns i im and District Attornes Terome wil : . 5 neck of woods : ; After Kelley had yi hi tory to : biyman Stevens, of this coun-| Store ( The job and book printing business place him on trial again Judging - i ¥ J hes introduced Into the state leg- : 2 of the two offices will be handled b Office Kendig the it hunted up from the record of the past it Is ex-| = . : x Iature a bill which provides for the Jack Cotter, the ball player, well Murrelle's printing office, the name | OPecial Officer Shaffer and that off ceedingly doubtful if the district at-| =. a i a b For Prices ani Inform ti Wh [&* o« he control of the Mont . ns, will leave BY Which ft has alwavs been desig-| Cal Visited Kelley at the locks P BY | torney can secure a conviction. Past] A. Teleph gre tite. “Saal tarium from the forrestry part of next week ited, and ce wi e prepared | He nd other credentials Kelley | ; brs 4 or le cphone jexperience with cases stmilar in their y sat! . Sh: r{ e was al ' : ion 0 the health commission- a contract for the o handle job and book work of any itisfied Mr. Shaffe hat b A har ire decldedlsy against the . R. EDS cht Le as allow e« il Hberty | ALL, : season with the team at that place kind In A manner guaranteed to give | Kh! and he was allowed his {district attorney and it looks Ike a| - aR satisfaction ! - - cless waste of the people's money 5 Gen Age, ’ ware | ting wear. A EE Tooker, the expert linotyye A large amount of high grade stock to place Thaw on trial a second time : y that really wears at] machinist, who has been In Sayre sev- has been ordered, and machinery and WHEEL FOUNDRY Might better release him and let him i Nichols, N. Y. Pi at Store Co eral days engaged in overhauling and material especially adapted to tur: nd Eslyn take that contemplated i This englng can be seen in opera- placing The Record’s linotvpe in run- fog out first class job work wii! be {trip to France, provided they will tou at E O Pealer's, Sayre. iL ear thieves still continue to ning condition, left for his home in nstalled woth fat Hever i It would ¥ i Lehigh Valley special off- Brooklyn this morning The prices for work of this descrip- | he a goad riddan fa decidedly un ' / nly a ear was broken open { ; Mercury's Mishap. ——————— tion will be Kept at the lowest point | x | ) x s tity or oranges was taken Services will be as follows at the that good work can be done. and the : a It wk Rus ing: 1 That bet . 3 . ; | - : wing has worked out o 1¢ Aprocke day employes of the|Church of the Redeemer tomorrow reputation of the office for prompt and Echoes . he muttered, and started (or 3 Ver cars which have| Early communion at 8 o'clock’ morn- . i — : EL | satisfactory work will be maintained ; ’ 3 e repair shop. —Philadelphia Ledger. ‘open and robbed ing prayer and sermon at 10:30: Sun The busitess' will be carried on in | John Watkins Met With a Paloful Acs From the Edison phonograph I I I ; day school at 2:30, and evening pra 5 . yas . | Y509—Angel's Serenad : , conn. record ¥ 3 eve E pra the same building on Lockhart Street | cident While at Work Yesterday Af ally eratiied th Live on Dates and Melons. er with sermon at 7:30 that has been the home of the plant | Clally gratifie Dat 1 sons are al h buy Whatever you a: r ral Tuonths pat | “ternoon, ty ro ro I on ho : hal ; : Or Severa 1€ { rie any ; ~ Department Store The Methodist Episcopal churc h ? i ! {rendition o ira ay aol — will hold the regular services as fol- oe John Watkins, an emplove of the | position Is taken by thew : face, cutting a gash Millinery will be shown, in ment is In a position to handie this urge dally edition in a very satisfa tory manner, and will prove to be on will be little or na building lows: Bieu's meeting at 9 2. m Pay bay Monday. | Cayuga Wheel Foundry, was seriously | Call at : i morning service at 19.30; Sunday h mrned sesterday afternoon about five | nd listen this spring. In an Interview | , junior league, 3: Ep The men employed by the Lehigh!" * te stot in H First Book on Angling £arpenter who has worked in worth, 6:30 and evening service at Valley raliroad company in this se bide “a : : Te a Sr a : Treatyse of Fysshynge with an : 2:30 ’ | tion will receive their monthly pay | was standing near one of the furnace s | Angle” was the first book on snghng | when the gas exploded with a lou . printed In Epglish. It appeared In - 2 report He appeared to realize that Preshyterian Church. 1440 } Is the best of everylhiug at alld Sm y checks on Monday next. in other «| words the “ghost will perambulate’ ! i An explosion was about to ocenr and | i Monday the men will be pald under | tL ta Hh bls bands) At the Presbyterian church the. sa re — [fies IU is our alm to please our pu- Er —~— vere in pr with | ands . p buildings erected here this sum- | richest . or the best flour | ®t different system from that which te : . : : He his { pH De | rament of the Lord's supper will Le Not Within Our Reach. | trons and to accomplish this we are | therelhy protec Ig Nis Ce Trom win pr . . . i At the present time there are|or the s ng In foot wear | has been In vogue for several years 1 ” i Ee 8 lore butn A | ministered at the morning service : The things nas ike ue worth \eiy careful in se lecting aod urepar- { Che 0 . hit . py | TaD mye been serious burns : | ” : yi Hving are gencrally the things other b and lor the bh, what's the Chedin will be S454 tivated as of old i waz hia clothing was ‘heariv. torn k Mr Grairo. a native of India, will People have ing all our food stuffs. We respect- pb not a r to numerous N a | but the recipient 0 the highly | ive a short talk at the Ende: Ppea A for Shy Lie | . h s | from his body and he was taken to his | *''" # hot R A he Endeavor — . fully solicit your patrounge Kasper : > WEAr or use { prized pleces of paper will be com ) i Mit Jeri: terribl { service on the customs of the people Hrotl , ¢ town suffer K * MN g evil it ar grocer doesn’t me ae - | pelled to go to the Jocal banks to get | om" In Milltown as i of that interesting country Oil from Locust Eggs. fotliers Dinlug aud Lunch Roows, { eylon Tea, you can] Another Qarrel those German | them cashed. The bauks will be kept | PeYONd their being exceedingly pain Evening service at 7:30. All are| The eggs of the Algerian locust [110 and 226 Desmoud street ‘ | : y | § des are ot sidered | ld 3 JULT 8 PDepartment Stored Mil pickles rrived at W 8. | open for this purpose until quite uate ful his injurte ‘ 0 considers ER dt Wl the services yield a rich oil, which Lurns wel! EAS 2s nae on Wright's, Ep avenue grocery w the evening aerions i — ee Charter Notlee, Notice, A Ee A ————— > [ILLEGAL TRAIN RIDERS All accounts for job and book print- - - a Notice Is hereby given that an ROUNDED UP TODAY. {ing due C LL. Francisco or The Dally | ; 5 * plication will be made to the nor i Fives must be paid at once to the an | % * of Penusylvania on April 10th, 1% p pur, i t { | designed, as he has sold the job and | by E B Carner, M. WwW. Nevins, J. 8s yong oin " | g | two tough specimens of the human | | race, who cialm New York city as] Notlee, in the { Brace of Toughs From New York Clty | book printing departments of The Dal- || hurston, Manson Elsbree and C. wt : Iv Times to Murrelle’s Printing office, | Myer under the Act of Assembly w- Frank O'Brien i Abr Frank : 3 . - | 3 r an Flog ‘sng Avram Fran Sayre. Pa, April 13. 1907 | : ST4. and the supplements thereto, for | In Golden Oak finish, Solid brass hard- ho chair of an ended carports I 1, yards sWare nickel plated, elf clo 16 drip cups, morning by Special Officer D. J. Ken- | ye paid at once to the undersigned, as hic tie rs: elliug, | dig. charged with beating thelr way |p. has sold the newspaper department i ' 4 ‘ - oi ok lu any. kisdugt | raised bevel ane , mineral WOR insulation, jon a Lehigh Valley Railroad train of his printing business to C. L. Fran-| ) 8 ¢f &oods wares and merehan: U The two men were taken before Jus- | . lise at retail, and for these purposes Y | ta the Joekug for a hearing to be held, gaype, po, April 13, 1807 . . hereto eeimbiy avd supplements | 1ater in the afternoon Both men | li L ip kt erelc fterns. our ear y ispection is soiicited. are believed to crooks and their | Notice, $s air A Q 1N % HINT & SCHRIER, Solicitors. - aT FL » rma By fy tain work A temporary charge of | it has been decided 10 open the banks time, 3 ———— dle the Dangler line which : ; COT RN {legal train riding has been placed [for the purpose of cashing checks | ii tio sabi et rie, J ; ja {opposite their names on the police from 5:30 pm. until 8 pom on pay money hi i ag nie . evening, and therefore request that 2 3 which cannot leak and : {the patrons of the banks, as far as HOT WATER granting of certain amendements to: Services of worship at 10:30 a. wm | possible, do their business during the the charter of the m. Young People's praver meeting! First National Rank as set forth in the petition therefor fat 6:30 bom The new hymn Lo ks | MH SAWTELLE. (Ashier — filed lu sald Court, agreeable to tha ih ft from the Narnea class, wil he The National Bank of Sayre. ne islons of the “Corporation Aet used and a new order of worship In- od — IS74" and its supplements, Remanded to the Lockup Until Thelr | wid desires to close up all outstanding | titted “An act to provide for the fn- on to be calied Karaer's Department telsco, and desires to close up all out lave. possess, and enjoy all the be March 21, 1907.--21-28-3 court records iday evenings. It Is not our desire to Commi Pleas of itadiarg Coubey, smoke or odor. We have fand 7:30 p.m. Sabhath school with Fiat Yiethedist Eplscspal “ : troduend. “A hearty welcome to alll Beechnnt™ tl STA ® Squas Deal e I erd or \ { Records Can Be Investigated. [ Job printing accounts J corporation und regulation of certalu i CL. FRANCISCO portions” approved April 29th, Lehigh Valley this | onintions to The Valley Record must ip store Company, the character and tice of the Peace W. T. Care And Standing advertising and s hseription | . ~ zinc and éna 1X lined, 10 diffe nt sizes ter being questioned were remanded |e counts I H MURRELLE | “his beneiits and privileges of sald | ‘ot i history will be closely Investig ved | On account of the Lehigh Valley . = : | They = say that they are on their way | Railroad Co. having made a chance in Ee a a d Gasoline Stoves. % “ i py {10 Chicago where they expect to obs the manner of paying their El Saves VIE NDMENT FUK CHARTAR, ; 5 7 the 15th day of April, 1907, at two Si————————— {do a general banking business in the a disappoints ne LV brid, ’ w Baptist Church. { anc never “lock. p.m, for the approval and {| regular banking hours, from 9 a m. | < by [Baraca and Philathen classes at 12 (to 2 p.m R. F. PAGE. Cashier. mmo 1Me. East Smithfield, Bradford Co, Pa, worship Shsawbere. |W. 8 ! sna.grocers.| WAVERLY, N.Y. March 23, 1907.—sat-3t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers