Béautiful $15.00, 315. rect things Poay, Poneta and 67, $1500, $20.00, designs recogni $150, but should bulten and lace, good footwear. fort, There are thousands It Is the They cost be $4.00. price according to size. This de- new styles, extremely the advance position we store. (Street Floor.) * later buying patrons. —4 stylish, and only maintain in our come brown, blue say $15.00 They and pearl, at $15.00; small dealers meantime the | Erows every day because of values and selections RUFFS ts laid aside. | 10 the Easter toilette. ¥ slik, $1.00 and up. T hey are of Chiffon (Street CORSETS. too numerous to A LAND CU, OF SAYRE announce that they have 2 s Dullding lots for ~ and easy terms, and have placed the agency for ia Wn the bands of ANDREW this place. All those provide themselves with to invest In lots for specu- : p will do well to com- ith Mr. Evarts before purchas- This plot of land Is pded by Industrial plants scenery and all the ad- of a modern town. Terms sha. Steps are alieady 4d There will be a man Tuesday, Thursday and | ¥ by calling Valley Phone! 344c. Andrew Evarts, 105 Hosp! | Pa i ‘uttle, M. D,, over Jke Samuels’ Lock- Blreet Jewelry Store. Values always list Plles! Plies! Plles! Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated afd" Itching Ptles. ii absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Dr .William's Indian Pile Ointment «3 prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Every box guiran- anteed. Sold by druggists, by mall, for 60c and $100. Willams Mfg Co., Cleveland, O. For sale by C. I. Driggs, druggist. QUANTITY, COAL & If you buy from COLEMAN HASSLER 116 Erie St, Sayre, Pa, You get the three. Ask your neigh- bors. QUALITY, Hard Coal and Lopes Anthracite. Both Phones. dhe Money &Worry~ saved and thein- ought lo be sufficient GAS LIGHT COMPANY, Waverly, N. Y. WANTED HORSES AND CATTLE DREAD OB ALIVE. Aun "TIF uI) PIX pum JlqQU} Uy JOjOD Mou £Li9a9 Jowiu Lng uwo NOAA ‘Xoom oq uj Ave ‘Lwp oY) up Lave PONY we) AVH A|4U QOD puw PIsjAPY Of ared Jed (9'gs ‘STA0TD d0 ATVS HqISvaA-duda.¥ 90§ wou) pun 0 J. W. BISHOP, The constant repetition of deliver. Ing good Coal has given us our repu- | Employment agency. 3 lation We handle Lehigh Valley and and Steam Coal. 103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Building, MADAME DEANS B 3% Es: Og Sirs, Comvare Huser for Soremmens Waseree sro, sey Refunted. Rent Gor $1.50 por ban rr huis ap trint da ba buid fut Barve hem send your srdery to the —- UNITED MEDICAL CO., ok V4, Lancasres, Pa. Pharmacel Co. s R. H. DRISLANE, { Plans and Estimates Furnished. $210 Miller St Sayre, Pa. J. UC. PECKALLY +» Laborers and short notice. No commission charged. i Bell phone 138, Sullivan Ceal, Hard and Soft Weed Both Phones. FRENCH FEMALE JUNE SAOWATO TAN, sot ur Agi Su whe relieved. Bumgies Five, Uf pour dragyiot Solid In Sayre by the West Sayre | Contractor and Ballder. } Valley Phone 118y, : Foremen furnished in any quantity on | Elizabeth Street. Waverly, N. ¥. Laws & ‘Winlack i Attorneys and Counselors at Law, A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS _ TRANSACTED. a Phone 180m. Sayre, Pa. "A. E. BAKER, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. —— 17 Pleasant SL Waverly, N. Y. J. MN. ASHTON, General Contractor and Builder. {| Plans and Estimates Furnished. {Valley Phone 126. Residence 208 Chestnut St, Sayre, Pa. C. J. Kitchin, Sayre’s Leading Draymas. Especial care and prompt atiention given to moving of Planos, Household Goods, Sales, ete. rd Mar Sci = yuslerday oa business ~ Paul Schocaover has takeo = posi- ton in Karpers Departmént siore Easter pust cards, wholesale and re- ML Athens Racket Swre. 3b de i ¥ = u Howard Mclivalie of Readin= is visitng her wother, Mrs. C. W 3liss Marion Gieener weal 10 Ell rs today Ww spend Ler Easter vacation al home. School closed today for the Easter vicilon. It will commence again April 24 . Mra. Ida Kellum went lo Towanda foday Ww visit her nephew, Stephen H. Smith. - Alisy Mabel Griggs will spend her Easter vacation with Mrs. Abbe at Clover Croft George S. Halght and C. C. Wheel- er of Lulhers Mills, were lu town yes- terday ou business Osborne's confectienery store is be- ing newly painted, and extensive re- btings will be made. - it 8 reported that Cassius Myer is seriously ill at Cazanovia Seminary, where he is a studenl M. Williams of Dushore, is moving his family to Athens, where he has a position with D, J. Macafee. G. W. Sanford of LeRoy, has been with his son, Arthur for a short time and returned howe this morning. Miss Izora Osborne, a student at Wyoming Seminary, arrived here yes- terday to spend the Easter vacation. W. H Crawford of South street, has moved his household goods to the James Maney house on Elmira stree: Our Athens artist, Louis Gore has painted another fine landscape scene that is setting off the beauty of Lam- kins show window. Frank VanLoan moved to Bingham- ton yesterday. Joe Baller will move into the house he vacated on North street In a few days. George W. Morse and wife will go to New York city tomorrow whers they will visit thelr son, Perley and family several weeks. William Smith, better known as “Cully Bill” was brought to Athens by his daughter yesterday and will reside here in the future. Among the latest victims of the epi- demic of mumps are Mrs. Mat Foley, Howard Brown, Lee Geroulds and Miss Mildred Heatherton. Miss Elenaor Weaver has been en- gaged on a as trained nurse at ig the past five weeks and returned home yesterday. James Carmon of Philadelphia, is on a few week's visit at the home of his mother in Athens. He fs recup- erating from an extended attack of typhoid fever. The Athens bowling team played the second of a series of games with the Elmira team at Elmira last night, and weré defeated by a small mafor- ity of fifty pins. Henry & Waters will take possesion of the agricultural store they recent- ly purchased of Fice & Son April 1st and it will continue under their mdn- azement in the Park building. Ex-Lieut. Governor W, T. Davies has purchased the house and lot at the southeast corner of Payne and Elmira streets. We do not think that he coutemplates removing from Tow- anda to Athens, Elsie Jordan was down with the munipé yesterday and this morning Miss Lecilé Prince was taken with the sama malady. There are many of the young people around town that fire in a tremble expecting they will be next An inventory of the stock of goods in Karner's Department store was tak- en Monday and the new arrangement took effect yesterday. The scope of the business will be greatly enlarged’ and their capacity for keeping every- thing that their customers desire is widened. EB. Carner Is at the helm and his experience enables him to know just what everybody wants and this {3 a guarantee that their old cus- tomérs and also the new ones will be served for their best interests. Exposure Brings on Ebewmatism. Painful In its mildest form, quickly becoming an agony or torture if neg- ected. When you feel the first paln in the muscles, the alight stiffgess hay and straw, giving the appearance of ber having laid In some barn. Mr Lee thinks that she went to a barn on his pli ce and waited for him lo get off her track and then she made her way to Athens. Mr. Lee with the as- sistance of another gol her into his buggy and started to drive homeward but when they reached the corner at the Stimson house she commenced to scream and grasped the reins, pulled the horse about and drove up to the city hall. She said that ghe wanted to see a policemanand when Chief Mulligan appeared =he expected that he would take her out of the wagon. Mr. Mulligan tried to get her to go home with her father but she kept saying: “I'm afraid of them.” She would not talk and to every effort to get her to retarn she struggled and refused to go. She had a stern wild countenance and her eyes looked flerce. When It was found that she would not return home she was plac- ed In one of the city hall cages and Will Schrier, the atorney In her case was sent for. Mr. Schrier sald that they could not delay proceedings any longer and that the commissioners must be sent for to take her to the insane asylum. LADIES’ LIBRARY CLUB ELECTED OFFICERS. Closing Session of the Year Was Well Atlended. Athens—A large number of mem- bers of the Ladies’ Library club at- tended Its closing session yesterday afterncon. This being the last of the year 1906-7, there were matters of business that needed their atlention. After listening to a number of letters from various organization and commit- tees, Mra. George Hill entertained the ladies with a beautiful vocal solo. Fol- lowing this came the officers’ annual reports which were very gratifying, showing a steady advance in work and general condillons during the year. The annual election then took place with the following results: President, Mrs. B, F. Carey; vice prealdent, Mra. H. Plollet; second vice president, Mrs. C. H Ott; vice president at large, Mra, J. W. Murrelle; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Frank Heavener; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ged D. Houfoey; (treasurer, Miss Ada Walk- er; critic, Mrs. Loulse Snow; recl- procity chalrmusn, Mrs. B- M. Dunham. After the newly elected officers had responded to calls for speeches Mrs. I. W. Murrelle who has so ably filled the office of president for the past three years gave a beautiful parting address to the old officers and the members of the club. A delightful social hour followed at which light refreshments were served. During the afternoon a large num- ber of tickets were sold for Miss Wii- llani’'s Shakespéarau Recital to be held atl the Library on Tuesday even- ing, April 2. This entertainment which promises a rare treat will take the place of the regular April meeting. The requisilion papers In the Silas Compton case arrived on Vo. 1's mall last evening and Prosecuting Attorney Peters and Sherif Trpux went to Waverly last night from which place they will go to Troy with Sheriff Grif- fin, where Judge Fanning will release the prisoner and they will hustle him off for Michigan. The authorities in Michigan are anxiously awaiting in- felligence from them and several tele- grams have ben recelved from them in- quiring when they will start. There seems (0 be great excitement at the scelie of the murder and Compton will be dealt harshly with if they get their hands on hin Choice of Wisdom, That Harvard athlete who married a girl who is both dressmaker and milliner has brain as well as brawa, Maybe she can cook, too! —————————— "Japanese Laborers for Brazil. It Is predicted that a good many the Brazilian coffee plantations next year, Lamb Skins In Demand. The favoring of kid gloves by fash oe = 3 - ‘7. Women, FORAKER FOR PRESIDENT. * Ohie Senator Dees Net Comeede Taft ua Choeles of State. WAEHINGTON, March 27.—Senator Foraker of Ohio in a statement isswad last night announces that he will short: ly ask the Oblo Republican state com- mittee to call a primary for the pur pose of ascertaining the preferences of the Republican party in the state as to the succession to the United States senatorship and the presidency, That Senator Foraker does not con cede that Secretary Taft will be Ohlo’s choice for the presidential nomination next year is made plain by = statement Issued by the senator, _ The announcement of State Superin- tendent of Insurance Arthor I. Vorys that he will support Secretary Taft for the presidential nomination led Bena- tor Foraker, It is believed, to Issue the staternent outlining his position. Mr. Foraker does not say that he will be sa candidate to succeed Roosevelt. but ft is generally understood among his friends In Washington that at a later date be will formally aonounce his candidacy and that if the primary alee: tion Is ealled In Ohio he will enter Into the fight to secure the Indorsement, of his own siate. Senator Foraker sald: “It seems to me prematuts to be now discussing what is so far ahead. How- ever, in view of the Interviews and announcements of one kind and an- other that are appearing In the pews papers, 1 feel that I may with pro- priety say that I do hot want any po- litical honors from the Republicans of Olle without theif hearty approval” DEWEY EXPLAINS. Why Admiral Leaves Home Preeented te Him by American PFeaple. WASHINGTON, March 27.—Admiral Dewey explained his reasons for plan- niug to move from the house In Rhode Island avenue presented to him by the people In appreciation of his victory at Manila bay, “Mrs. Dewey,” sald the admiral, “owns the house at Sixteenth and H streets which until recently has been occupled by Mr. Hitchcock, who has just retired as sécrelary of the luterier, The house wus preseated to ber by ber father, and for several years It bag been ber desire to occupy it. Now that Mrs. Dewey lias lost ber tenant we are plauniog to move Into the other house." It is understood the Rhode Island avenue Louse, while handsome and comfortable, Is not as commodious as it should be to permit elaborate enter. talning. Admiral Dewey and his wife have occupied (t since soon after be re turned from the Philippines, and It 1s filled with bendsome gifts showered upon Admiral Dewey after his victory. Secretary of the Interior Gartteld 1g oue of those who have looked at Ad wiral Dewey's Rhode Island avenue ‘house with a view to leasing It. Aborigines. Aborigines, n. Persons -of little worth found Imcumbering the soll of a pewly discovered country. They soon cease to cumber; they fertilize, ~~Ambrose Blerce’s “Cynic's Word: book.” Happiness Sheds Radiance. A happy man or woman Iz a better thing to find than a five pound note. He or she is a radiating focus of good will; and thelr entrunce Into a room is as though another candle had been lighted. —Woman's Life. Fine Distinction. A regular fee Is charged In Ger many for the use of canals and canal ized rivers, but none for rivers that hive been made navigable or Im- proved. / - Application for Charter. * In the Court of Common Pleas of Aradford County, aplication to amend, alter and improve charter. Notice Is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coun- ty on the 12th day of April, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the approval and granting of certain amendments, ald terations and improvements to (He charter of the “Bethel Methodist Epls- copal Church™ of Athens borough, Bradford County, Peansylvania, as follows, to change the corpbrate name of the church to “The First Methodist Episcopal Church” and to fix the man- ner of the election of the trustees of sald church, and otherwise define the corporate powers of the same, all as WIII Call at House and Give Estimales 501 North Wilbur Avenue, SAYRE, PA. will respond promptly and do your work quick- Iy. For a Plumber lo slight or loiter over his work we consider decided- ly poor policy. So all our work fis of the burry-up order, but with- J out slighting. In fact the ouly part we Are care- less about is the bill. We have got into the habit ol not charging enough, so other HAY plumbers say; y Specialties: Diseases of Women and of the Ree { tum. Hours 7to%a m.1to 3, Tto8 p.m. Office: —Samuels Block. Valley Phone 27x. 128 Lockhart St \ Place drawn and estimates given {ardwood afd Stair Work a specialty. All Work Promptly Attended to. $tollam2 rd ou Fi! ' tw 4:30, 7 08 pu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers