The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 30, 1907, Image 3

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BDAY, JANUARY 30. 1907
for The Record
dW. GUillah the humor
The weather bureau reports colder
ther for tomorrow.
Hon. L.-T Hoyt has disposed of his
team of bays to an Owego party
The icemen should get busy before
The Sayre bowlers were nicely
trimmed by the Athens bunch at Ath-
Don't forget the “Good Citizenship
Rally” at Pharmacy hall, West Sayre,
on Thursday evening.
~ M. H. Bawtelle, cashier of the Na-
tional Bank of Sayre, returnea this
ng from a business trip to Al
bany, N. Y.
_ The Sayre W. C. T. U will meet
tomorrow afternoon at the house of
Robinson, over Taylor's second-
There is something humorous in
this talk of the undertaker ralsing
prices on accoust of the Increased
“Attend the “Good Citizenship” ral-
“In Pharmacy hall, West Sayre, to
fine speaking.
Sleighing parties will now be In order
The fall of snow last night has
* sleighing excellent, and the
expect to do a big business.
John Sharp, a well known Lehigh
Valley engineer, died yesterday morn-
at his homie In Pittston, after an
“lines of six weeks, He had been
by the Lehigh Valley for
is the rise to the fall of the cur-
tain there isn't a dul’ moment In Sim-
Simon Simple which somes to the
ge opera house Thursday evening
an 81. The thre acts are crowd
‘ed full of clean fun, goodmusicand
pleasing specialties
¥. sccompanied by his sister Mrs.
Lippincott, were the guests of Mr.
Mrs. James Walsh for a short
time yesterday afternoon. They were
“on their way to Dushore to attend the
of thelr sister.
“The Stetson’s Uncle Tom's Cabin
company gave a matinee performance
0 a crowded house this afternoon
t the Loomis. The production Is
excellent In evry respect and there
be anbdther large audience In at-
this evening.
who give their children
Kenneirs Laxative Cough Syrup in-
! imdorse it. Contains Honey
Conforms to the National
Both Tracks Were Blocked and No 6
Was Compelled te Go Over the New
b -
A freight wreck on the Lehigh Val-
ley at Spencer last night blocked both
tracks and passenger train No § was
comipeliea to reach Sayre over the
new road. Three cars in the freight
train were derailed and thrown across
both tracks in such a mauner that
trafic was effectually blocked. The
wrecking crew from this place was
dispatched to the scene of the acel-
dent and succeeded In clearing the
tracks at an early hour this morning
No one was Injured. but the damage
to the company's property was con-
siderable. The cause of the accident
is pot known
The Sandbach hotel at Wellsboro |
was destroyed by fire on Monday even-
= ——
On account of scarlet fever the pub- |
He schools ab Weatherly have been
Mrs. Ira Hotaling, has gone to Wor-
ster, N. Y. for a two weeks visit with
her friends and relatives :
Hiram W. McGill of Towanda. died
at his home in that place Tuesday af-
ter a long illness. He was 85 vears
old. x -
During the year 1906 there were
108 applications for divorce made in
the Bradford county courts, and dur-
ing the same period 72 decrees were
granted. During 1505, 62 couples were
separated. |
Over 700 citizens of Columbia coun-
county have signed a petition which
has been presented to the county
court, praying an order Le Issued re
quiring all liquor bars in the county
to close at 10 o'clock every night
The meeting of the Ministerial As-
sociation came to a close in the Meth-
odist church last night with another
fine address by the Rev, F. W. Han-
nan of Brooklyn. There was a large
congregation present and thd address
was most thoroughly enjoyed. ~
Conriderable Intercst fs manifested
in the approaching concert to be giv-
en In the Baptist church on Tuesday
evening, February 5th, by the Ithaca
Conservatory Concert Company. A
large advance sale of tickets Is ex-
pected at once. Tickets are now on
sale at Jump's drug. store
Bill Nye sald: "A man may use
a wart on the back of his neck for
a collar button, ride on the back
coach of a raliroad train to save In-
terest on his money till the conductor
gets around: stop his watch at night
to save wear and tear; leave his
‘tI or t' without the dot or cross to
save ink; pasture his mother’s grave
to save corn; but a man of this sort
is a gentleman and a scholar compar-
€r to the fellow that will take a news-
paper two or three years and when
asked to pay for it puts it into the
office and has It marked “refused”
Bill is direct and sarcastic, and about
right in his conclusion.
It is undighsted food that causes
sourness and painful indigestion. Ko-
dol Is a~solution of vegetable acids
It digests what you eat, and corrects
the deficiencies of digestion. Kodo!
conforms to the National Pure Food
and Drug Law. Sold here by C. M.
“Good Citizenship Rally”
A “Good Citizenship Rally” will be
held In Pharmacy hall, West Sayre,
on Thursday evening next. The rally
will be addressed by Eugene W. Chaf-
in, L. L. B, of Chicago, who is regard-
ed as one of the best orators on the
platform today. He will be assisted
by Professor Thatcher of Boston, a
vocal soloist, who Is receiving flat-
tering notices from the press where-
ver he appears. Everybody welcome.
Joe Simon, Wanted In Sayre on Var.
Ileus Charges is Lasguishing In
Jail at Wilkes-Barre.
Joe Simon, an Austrian, formerly
employed here as a special officer for
the Lehigh Valley, is in Jail al Wilkes-
Barre on a charge of stealing brass
Jutk from the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Simon has practically ad-
mitted his guilt and a sojourn of two
Years In the penitentiary Is staring
him in the face. Iu the meantime
several of his Sayre creditors are
wondering how they are going to get
their money Simon came to Sayre
early last summer. He was accom-
panied by a fellow countryman and
the two were instructed to watch the
trains going in and out of the Sayre
yards and apprehend all unlawful
traln riders. Several arrests wered
mpde but as there was little money
{in the business Simon and his fellow
officer guve up the job and sought
another fleid of labor When thes
left town Simon owed John C. Os-
‘born, proprietor of the Oshorn house,
‘a board bill amounting to about $20
He told Osborn that he was working
ifor the Lehigh Valley at a salary of
{$756 per month. but when Osborn come
to look the matter up he discovered
that Simon's name was not on the ray
rolls and that the man had been ly-
ing Another citizen is out §12, whieh
he loaned Joe on the strength of his
having money coming from the Le
high Valley for services. Warrants
were issued for (he wily Austrian but
he was not located until recentlv JI,
was found Ilsnguishing In fall in
Wilkes-Barre, on the charge stated
above. He wili be brought before the
next grand jury in Luzerene county,
and as he practically pleaded guilty
to the charges, there i= no doubt as
to what the grand jury will do. Sim
on is considered to be a decidedly had
egg In and about Wilkes-Barre, and
his prospects for a long term in the
‘pen’ appears excellent at the pres-
ent writing in the meantime his
Sayre creditors will pocket their loss
and say nothing, until Simou has
served out biz sentence and then they
will press their char
They Will Be Continued For Four
Weeks and Are In Charge of Rey,
Henry F. Kelteh
The frst of series of revival meet-
ings was held in the Church of Christ
West Sayre, last night, a large con-
gregation being present The meet.
ings are in charge of Evangelist Hen-
ry F. Keltch of Ohlo, and his subject
last evening was “Come.” He Is a
speaker of force and ability and will
continue the meetings for a period
of four weeks. “Parable of the Leav-
en” Is the subject of his discourse
this evening.
Valley Passenger Engineer Dead.
Willlam Rhoades of Delano, for
many years a Lehigh Valley passen-
who had been employed of late as an
engineer on the Reading, died at the
Ashland hospital during Sunday night
from appendicitis. He was admitted
to the hospital on Thursday, but his
Icase was so far gone that his life
could not he saved, consequently no
operation was petformed. He is sur-
vived by his wife and two children
and one brother, who Is chief of po-
lee at Mt, Carmel,
All Should Hear Him.
Professor Thatcher, who will ap-
pear at Pharmacy hall on Thursiay
evening at the “Good Citizenship Ral-
ly," Is regarded by the public press
as one of the most powerful platform
singers of the day. His songs are .n
sermon, the sentiment of which Is not
easily forgotten. He will create a
sensation wherever he goes, and the
citizens of Sayre should not miss the
opportunity of hearing him.
When the cold winds dry and crack
the skin get DeWitt's Witch Haze!
jBalve. Bold by C. M. Driggs
Conductors and Tralumen WIN Unite
in a Grand Hop Which Is to Be Held
in Wheelock Hall
The second annual ball of the South-
ern Tiler Division, DO. R. C, No. 10.
and Sayre Lodge, No 337. B of R R
T.. will be given iu Wheelock hall on
Easter Monday evening. George C
Hrougham, W. S. Johnson, L. A. Evans
and William Brougham, are the com-
mittee representing the conductors,
while J. W. Brillhart, W. 8 Hooper
and F. LL. Waltman are In charge of
the Trainmen's end of the affair. A
yerr ago these two organizations
consolidated and gave a ball, which
was {uo every respect most successful
This year the commitiee from the
two orders will bend every energy
to repeat the success of last year
Big Struggle to Get on the Military
Staff of the New Governor.
Governor Stuart Is just now having
his oan sweet ime with the boys who
are ambitious to display themselves
and at the same time serve the state
arrayed in gold and lace and military
Already more than 1,600 young men
have applied to the governor for ap-
pointments on his military staff, yet
he has only twenty-three places to
give out
Of these, ten are department offi-
with the rank of colonel, and
thirteen are aldes-de-camp. with the
rank of lieutenant colonel. One of
the oldest members of the governor's
staff in polut of service is Colonel!
Sheldon Potter, of Philadelphia, who
has been Chief of Ordinance for
Iu the recent Guber-
natorial contest he was for Lewis Em-
ery, Jr, but since the guard is sup
posed to free from politics this
may not count against him
To appear properly equipped on the
{twelve years
Staff of the governor costs not less
than $1000 a The difference
in rank does not reduce the cost of
trappings, as there are pri
vates, and the officers wear about
al the lace and gaudy trimmings their
clothes will carry. Then, there are
swords and puttles and spurs to be
be provided, but the young men who
are anxious to display themselves In
ZOrgeous array, are not stopped bh
the price. Many of them wouid ve de-
lighted with an appointment if the
cost were ten times as much
the no
Am Old Man's Prayer.
(After Dr. Watts)
The Record usually consigns poetr)
to the waste basket, and If the author
shows up at the office with his pro-
duct, be Is lucky If he escapes with
his life, but the following from the
pen of Will Cardwell, Waverly's tal-
ented writer, Is cordially given space
in today’s paper. We have always
known that Mr Cardwell possessed
the true poetic sense, but confess that
we are just a little surprised that
he has taken a“prayerful turn of mind
After tuning up his lyre to interna-
tional pitch, and winking slyly at one
of the muses, he sings as follows:
The alloted spa, of years to man,
By me Is nearly run
My one regret, since we have met
Is. that ‘twere scarce begun
I htank Thee, Lord,
For thy mnercles lent.
And would implore that from thy store
Still others may be sent.
with one accord
Aud if the choice, that [ may voice,
vrcies yel to come
Should give offense.and call me hence,
Then Lord, Thy will be done
But of thy will, may grant me stil}
One other, ere | go,
Then let it be, that she and me,
May take in one more show
. A Supplicant
P. S~—~"Simple Simon Simple,”
Supt. Glldroy to be Promoted.
The report is again going the
rounds that Supt. Glidroy of this di-
vision is to be promoted to the su
perintendency of the Wilkes-Barre di-
vision. Mr. Glidroy's successor there
ix to be H. J. Shutzell of White Hav-
en. Supt Glldroy sald that he knew
nothing about the reports.
The finest phonograpt parlor in this
section. We are prepared to handle
your wants in the Edison phonograph
and record line. We carry In stock
every Edison record made. February
Hist now ready. Ike Samuels, Lock-
hart street jeweler. 223-3
William's Carbolic Salve With Arnlea
and Witeh Hazel.
The best Salve In the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet-
ter, Chapped Hands and MY
- Pond Lily Scene fn the Third Act.
There are many striking scenes to
Nixon & Zimmerman's new cartoon,
musical extravaganza, “Simple Sim-
on Simple,” which comes to the Loom-
Is opera house tomorrow evening The
most _attractive, however, is the Pond
Lily scene in the third act. The cur-
tain rises to weird music and a view
of a dismal swamp is disclosed Pools
of water shimmering in the moonlight
are to be seen In the foreground
Cat tails and rashes wave gently In the
wind. the fire flies gleam in the dusk:
the frogs croak and crickets chirp is
heard abroad In the land, while in
the distance the mist slowly rises
from the boggy ground. The &illage
choir stops at the old stone wall a
moment to render a superb number
The Echo in the Moon,” and
stroll away In the darkness little
Mose accompanied by bis old mamms
slide on much awed by the mysters
that seems to hover over the place
These two colored people have come
to hear legend of the
wild story of Simon's Simon now
hops Into view dressed as a gigantic
frog and after frightening the darkies
away, doffs his his mask and
a doleful ditty called “Froggie Frog.”
the refrain of which is taken up by
a bevy of girls who have beech hid-
den all the time beneath the large
Illy pads which seem to float upon
the surface of the water. At the con-
ciusion of the song the girls turn
aronnd disclosing to view their pret.
ty faces crowned by pond lily hats, the
inside of which are lined ,with yellow
china silk. The effect is at
beautiful and striking
as they
Frog Pond, a
- Successful Eye Operation.
On Monday afternoon D. H. Tuttle
assisted by Dr. Kline performed a very
successful operation senile cat-
aract on Mrs. Harriet Leonard of
Wellsburg, N. Y Mrs. Leonard
seventy-four years old. having been
totally blind in “both eyes for
and had to be led from
place wished
operation was performed
use” of a local anesthetic,
tient experienced wo
and baring
will have good vision
fast building up a
to go. The
under the
and the pa
Dr. Tuttle
iarge practice, a
as she
to his skill and fine work
Cold Will Continae,
With the continued cold,
enough snow on the ground, there is
plenty of sport for those who own
sled and skates
There will be a few days for en-
joyment of the snow, with hardly
perceptible drop In temperature or
a snow or rainfall. That the wealhes
conditions will remain neurly station
ary for a short time is the Weather
Bureau's view of (t After that |t
may even grow colder and freeze
and just
Sewing Machine Supplies.
Sewing machine supplies for all
kinds of machines can be found at
D. 8. Andrus & Cq's Plano and Music
store, 128 Desmond St, Sayre wed
L. V. Earnings.
The gross earings of
Valley Rallroad Co. for
December, 19506, were
decrease, compared with the
month in 1905, of $187.129 The net
earnings were $975 828, for December
1906, a decrease of $161515, compar
ed with December, 1505
the Lehigh
the month of
$2821529, a
Free! Pree!
Mrs. A. C. Trainor, Colchester,
Conn., writes that a free sample bot-
tle of Bloodine helped her when she
was all run down. Bloodine is a
body bullder and system tonic of won-
derful merit, and if you have not tried
it, you should today. The greatest
system Tonic In the world. Sick
Kidneys are positively cured by
Bloodine. Sold by C. M. Driggs
Vitality Wins.
Tn —— A Apne.
Vitality Is bulit up and maintained
ohly by «ating nourishing food.
The hustler is a hustler solely from
the abundance of stored vitality in
him, \ breakfast of
Cherry Ham,
Karner’s Coffee,
Toasted Corn Flake,
furnish the vital forces that enable a
man te succeed.
Sr — A ———
205 Desmond street
Ir vou wish a table
or a chair, ora
ture, or anything in
our line come here
and get it. Tt will
pay you to do so
You will secure
good, strong, ser-
viceable furniture
at a surpnsin
low price ae
ing the value. We
have asplendid line,
Valley Phone 191 a
Work in Abundance.
When von hear a man kicking dbout
to work
as a false alarm
these days put
he without em-
‘length of
nian who
wants to work need
ployment for any time
wages too, so there is
and fair
no plausible excuse for idlers
Empty Cars
number of
trains in the |
and sidings of the
rather gener
tegardless of the large
loaded coal standing
various yards Ta
high raliroad. a
of empt
supplied the different
throughout the region
Fireman Promoted.
Cars are
to cullerjes
Alex Carmel
on ote of the
position of engineer
Aft fireman
and is
smith of
vocal Lehigh pas
senger been tn
service at
and thoroughly
“Morning Post” Jamestown
SAV Ss large
concert given last evening in
First Baptist the
conceit company from the ithaca Con-
servatory of Music. The Concert com
fully sustain the reputatior
church by special
seemed tc
and no doubt would be greeted by an
should it ever
The program
as to selections
in a thoroughly
even larger audience
make a return visit
was of a high order
and it was rendered
artistic manner thre
was only
in 150%
Smallpox has been
out of business within
Pennsylvania There
death from the disease
recurrence of the scourge
its source outside of the
darfes Yet a bill has been introduc
ed lu the Franklin
county member for the repeal of the
mits of
must have
State bouun
Legislature by a
One Performance Only,
25th Semi-Annual Tour
Prescuts the
in His New
Moving Pictures.
Two Hours of World Travel
Reserved Seals on Sale
Prices 25, 35, 50,
J. G. Howe
Household and Ofice Furniture
Will Call at House and Give Fstimales
1mo* SAYRE, PA. 518
C. J. Kitchin,
Sayre’s Leadisg Draymas.
Especial care and prompt attention
Asbestos Sad Irons
Save work, worry and time.
The Asbestos Hood keeps the
iron hot and the handle cool.
That's why it does the work
better, and makes Ironing a
The Asbestos Sad Irons are
sale in Sayre by
We Buy Junk.
Do you know that Blosteln
pay the highest price for rags, |
bers, iron, metals, ste. Call on
before disposing of your te
buy wholesale and retail. Ball
80w. Prompt attention. exact we
Write for prices. Bolstein Bros, C
Johnson and Broad Sts, Waverly.
Repairing and Refinishing.
Waverly, NY.
Original Big Double Spectacalar
duction ::
The Barnum of Them All,
Under the Management ap
Gorgeous Scenery With Beautifal
Electrical Effects,’ *
Two Brass Bands. :
Two Funny Marks.
Two Mischievous Topsies.
Genuine Southern Cake Walk
Buck and Wing Dancers.
Male and Female Quarfetie.
30 Poules. Donkeys and Bloodhount
Beautiful Chariots and Tahlean
Wagons Dewwn by Handsome N
tirnnd Vision of Transformation §
Eva and Her Golden Charlot.
Watch for the Big Street Pars
It Beats a Clreus,
PRICES: Matines™10 and
Evening--16, 30, 20,
Subscribe for The Record.