The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 17, 1906, Image 2

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Capital - $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking busi-
nens, and will pay you three per
cent. interest per annum for money
laft on Certificate of Deposit or
Savings Account.
The department of savings Is a
special feature of this Bank, and
all deposits, whether large or
small, draw the same rate of
The Valley Record
J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1906,
Free Free
A C, Trainor, Colchester, Conn.,
her whea she was all
loodine is a body baulider
tonle A wondeefal merit,
you have not tried it, you should
3y. The greatest systam Tonic in
world. Bick Kidneys are panitively
oured Bloodina, Sold by C,
Special Rates For Old Home
Week at Spencer. The Lehigh Valley
Rallroad will sell tickets at low fares
Sundays from June
30th, the Lehigh Val-
will sell excursion tickets
York state at low fares,
provids over Banday outings
cost ford Fillzoad. fares.
t applies generally to
gis Now York state east of Geneva,
Lehigh ticket agenta for full paw.
Home Week at Ithaca
Valley Railroad will sell
low fares August 22d to 29th,
Fare from Sayre $1.50. Tick-
and retaening on all
Suite Black Diamond Ex-
for return uatil A t
Lehigh Valley Ticket Agenta
farther particulars, 7
65c to VanEtten and Return
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make
rates and sell tickets to Van
Augast 25h, account Soldiers and
Ballors picnic. Tickets good going Au-
font 286; until August 26th
ve, oa all
Bepress. Sos Lehigh Valley
bh alley
Ticket Agents tor further particulars’?
Atp— rn ————
$1.38 to North Fair Haven and
he Iahigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets y, Jaly 1st and every Sun-
day thereafter Sept. 9th. Picket
a going and returning on all tring on
of issue only,
Bes [Lehigh Valley
Picket Agents Tor furor cceibulim oy
Williams’ Kidney Pills
Have you neglected your Kideys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys-
and cansed trouble with your Kid-
Bladder? Have you pains in
back, groins and biad-
ve you a flabby appearance of
especially ander the eyes? Too
desire to pass urine? If so
New Haven Road Disposes of
Its Electric Linea
Proposed Massachusetts Law Against
Trafic Momopoly Apparcatly the
Canse of the Sadden
BOSTON, Aug 17. -Detalls of the
trausfer by the New York. New Haven
and Hartford Railroad company of
street car systems valued at many
wiilions of dollars leaked out ju this
city, aud, although official coufirma-
tion in rullread circles is lacking, it
was learned that the raliroad company
bad taken steps to divest itself of prac
tically all of Its street car property in
southern New England. The transfer,
which follows closely on the announc
ed intention of the Massaclhiuselts au
thorities to retain in this state control
of Massachusetts street railway corpo
rations, bas been made to an associa
tion Kuown as the New England Se
curity luvestment company.
According to information obtained
here, the transfer is said to involve the
street car Hoes owned by the New Ha-
in both Massachusetts and
Connecticut, with connecting lines to
Rhode Islund and New York, A report
fron New Haven, however, indicated
the probability that the Counecticut
Lipes wight not ligure In the transfer,
due, it was sald, to the fact that un
der the charter of the Consolidated
Railway company, holding cotupany of
the New York New Haven and Hart
ford Rallroad company, such a trans
fer would be nnuecessary. There was
no leading official of the railroad in
this city who conld state the exact
scope of the deal It was announced
unofficially, however, the raliroad com
pany bad disposed of its entire Zroup
of trolley Hues, and later this pews
was confirmed by an undoubted au
thority, with the comment that its pub
lication was premature
For over three years the New York
Haveu and Hartford Railroad
company Las been acquiring street
railways io the <tute of Massachusetts
and recently the holdings of the «
pany reached such proportions that
the matter was wade the subject of a
special message by Governor Guild to
the legislature on the eve of its ad
Journment last June Altorney Gen
eral Daun Maloue also interested hln
self in the mutter
cordance with the
eruor, he drafted nud subsnitted to the
legislature a Lill intended to prevent a
continuance lu this state of the control
of the trolley car companies by steam
railroad A brief considera
tion of the matter by the legislative
committee on street railways brought
about the suggestion that a test case
be made, and the attoruey general set
about preparing a case which would
eventually receive a rullug from the
Massachusetts supreme court. While
this case was belng [repared the at
toruey genernl, desiring certain infor
mation in connection with the car
lines owned by the rallroad, asked
President Mellen, through Chairman
Jackson of the state railroad commis-
sion, to furnish it to him
Lhe formation asked for by Mr
Malone was transwitted to him, and
alinost simultaneously the fact that
the railroad company had transferred
its boldiugs becaiue known
yeu road
amd, acting in ac
views of the gov
State Will Hiend Ite Own Whisky,
COLUMBIA, 8S Aug. 1% Ie
board of directors of the South Care
lina has adopted a
resolution the lustitution
will blend fits own whiskies ln the
future, This weans a curtailment in
the purchase of case goods frow the va-
rious whisky bouses. The Iigstitution
will buy its whiskies ino bulk from
bonded warehouses and blend and bot-
tle them In the state dispensary. It
was decided to make the resolution ef-
fective as s00n as the necessary notice
can be inserted In the advertisements
for bids
state dispensary
Ex-Member of Douma Arrested.
patches received here from Penza, the
capital of the province of Penza and
located at the junction of the Sura and
Volga rivers. report the arrest of an-
other member of the late parliament,
M. Vrugoff. under cirenmstances guite
4s compromising as those in the Onip-
ko case, Vragoff being charged with
complicity in the murder of Lieutenant
Petroff of the rural police and the
wounding of a sergeant of the same
Earthquake In St. Vincent.
KINGSTOWN, Island of St. Vincent,
Aug 17 —An earthquake was experl
engl here ou the night of Aug. 14, and
severa]l shocks and tremors were felt
on the island of St. Lucia. There were
four shocks here on the night of Aug
2, and on the island of St. Lucia within
the space of elght hours there were
fifty-one distinct shocks. The esutinu-
oustess of earth tremors alnce the se
vere sbock of last February, chlefly in
St. Lucia, is causing considerable anx.
No Mirrors in British Prisons.
Neither “male nor female convicts
In British prisons are permitied to
see a mirror durlag the period of thelr
News and advertising matter may be
left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly,
After 12 o'cloek noon call the malin
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X,
J. Betche of Corning is vito
Waverly friends. :
Miss Katherine Sheahan is visit-
ing in New York city.
F. W. Blair is home after an
outing near Miflinburg, Pa.
Miss Margaret Grace is visiting
her brother James at Brooklyn.
Ward L. Prince, Esq, of White
Plains was in Waverly this morn.
Miss Sadie McCarthy is spend-
ing a few days at New York and
Mrs. H. G Merrill and daughter
Ruby of Wilkesbarre is visiting at
the home of Anthony Hemstreet.
Misses Nellie McCarthy and
Nellie Cain returned home last
evening after two weeks at New
York city.
Robert Sutherland, who has
been with the Pierce Amusement
Co, is home, but will again join
that concern in about a week.
Miss Nellie O'Brien of Buffalo
has returned to her home after
spending a weck with her aunt,
Mrs. Hough, Chemung street.
The committees from the difier-
ent fire companies will meet to-
night to make arrangements for
the clam bake to be held on labor
A typical bum, whose appear-
ance cqualed anything cver con-
ceived by the artists of the comic
supplement, was run out of town
this morning.
The M. P. A. excursion goes to
the White City tomorrow and
leaves Waverly at 9g a.m. The
price is only 75 cents for adults and
40 cents for children.
Two young men who saw the
accident yesterdiy and differed as
to the cause becume involved in a
controversy which resulted in a
pugulistic encounter. One of the
belligerants was badly battered but
no arrests were made,
Colonel W. H. Loomis of New
York city left today for the Adiron-
dacks after spsnding nearly three
weeks in Waverly. He is interest.
ed in the opera house, which was
named for him, and is much pleased
wite the growth of Waverly and
spokgshighly of its progress. He
lived in this village about twenty
Down and Run Over by Lehigh
Switch Engine at Waverly
Waverly—Nick Elmo, a little
Italian boy, apparently about 7
years of age, who was staying with
his brother, Dominick Elmo, of
Keystone avenue, met with a fright-
ful accident at the Fulton street
crossing at about 6 o'clock yester |
day afternoon.
. Lehigh switch engine No. (87,
with several cars attached, had
backed up from Sayre and stopped
just east of the crossing, the last
car close to the sidewalk. Cone
ductor Wallace and Engineer Chas,
Rolfe and Brakeman Van Orman,
all of Sayre, were the crew. The
little fellow was just crossing when
the train was started suddenly and
he was knocked down and the
wheels crushed his left leg in a
ternible manner, and his left arm
was fractured. :
The boy was carried into the
Fulton House and Drs. Tucker
and Betowski attended him and
made him as comfortable as pos
sible. The ambulance from the
Robert Packer hospital at Sayre
was sent for and he was taken to
that institution. It was found nec-
essary to ampftate “the leg in the
upper third. Both bones of the
forearm were found to be broken.
It was at first thought that the
boy could not recover, but his con-
dition was very satisfactory this
Waverly—]John Qleason, the
young man who was arrested last
Wednesday night for throwing
things about and creating a dis
turbance in the opera house was
given a hearing this morning and
found guilty. He was fined §;
and in imposing the fine Judge
Hoagland stated that the rowdyism
that had prevailed at the opera
house should cease and that so far
as he was concerned he would do
his share toward stopping it, and
the next one found guilty would
probably suffer a much heavier
—— A eee
Waverly—Guy E. Miller,
member of the Western Federation
We have the
of sending the LARGEST
firm in the valley. A
isn't it?
A number of our all-well-
customers have ex-
plained it this way: “We
gave you a small job that
required immediate atten-
tion and you attended to
that so promptly, and did
your work so well that we
decided to havea lot of oth-
er work attended to at the
same time.”
We please others, and we
know that we can please
you if you'll give us a
chance. ;
Try us on anything in
Plumbing, Heating, Gas-
Fitting and Tinwork.
Both "Pheses. Elmer Ave.
A very desirable property
in Waverly, one block from
trolley Nine room house,
i acre lot, plenty of fruit.
Work shop, hen house and
park. This property will
be sold at a sacrifice if
bought before Sept. 1, 1906.
Reynold’s Real Estate Agency.
117 Packer Ave. Bayre, Pa,
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
210 Miller St. Sawwie, Pa
Read The Record,
Ordinance No. 6.
Authorizing the constraction Xt a
public sewer beginning at the west’ hank
of the Susquehanna river about eight
hundred feet south of Sayre Water Com-
pany’s pumping station, and extending
westerly over the lands of the Consoli-
lands of the Lehigh Valley Rallroad
Company to Lehigh avenue; thence
northerly on Lehigh avenae to Hayden
street; thence westerly on Hayden
street to Desmond street; thence north-
erly on Desmond street to Lehigh ave-
nue; thence northwesterly on Lehigh
avenue to Cayuga street; thence westor-
ly on Cayuga street to Wilbur avenue,
in the Borough of Sayre, Penna.
See. 1. Be it ordained by the Burgess
and Town Council of the Boro, of Sayre,
! and it is hereby ordained by the aathor-
[ity of the same: That believing it to be
for the general health and pablic welfare
of the citizens of said borough, that a
system of public sewers be adopted and
the same is hereby adopted for said bor-
ough. Beginning at a point at the west
| bapk of the Busquehanna river about
j eight hundred feet south of the Say
| Water Company's Pumping station and
| extending in a westerly direction over
{the lands of the Consolidated Real
to bewdcported from Colorado dur-
ing the labor trouble in that state,
will deliver. a speech tomorrow
night at the corner of Broad and
Clark streets.
five years ago.
Company to Lehigh ave-
{ nue; thence northerly on Lehigh avenne
| to Hayden street; thence westerly on
Hayden street to Desmond street;
{thence northerly on Desmond street
| to Lehigh avenue; theace northwesterly
|on Lehigh avenue to Cayuga street;
| thence westerly on Cayuga street to
| Wilbur avenue, all in the Borough of
| Bayre, State of Pennsylvania, in accord-
anoe with an Act of the General Assem-
Beers -
Approved August 9. 1008.
7 Burgess,
Ordinance No. 97.
An ordinance authorizing the increase
numbered from one to twenty-five, in-
clusive, and bond No. 1, of said iasue be
made Payable on the 1st day of October
1911, and the rest of said bonds be paya-
ble, one each year on October 1st, Be the
order of their number until all are paid.
And that the proceeds derived from the
sale of said bonds be used for the par-
pose of paying off or redeaming five
thousand dollars of the present indebt-
edness of said Borough, and so mach of
the balance as may be necessary, shall
be used for the purpose of constructing
the trunk line of a sewer for the sewer
system authorized to be constructed by
said Borough.
560.2 That a tax of one millon the
dollar of the Saucased , valuation of the
e prope of sa rough, be
and the same is Sony levied as and
every year, commencing in 1907, for the
payment of said indebtedness and inter-
est, until the same are paid,
Bec. 3. That the attorneys of maid
Borough shall prepare a suitable form
for the hereby (and in accordance
with the Acts of Assembly relatiog there-
to) authorized to be issuéd and submit
jhe same 38 the Fitance Committee of
e Borough Council, for approval, and
when the same shall be approved by
a Sammiisen, the SoS Soiitian shall
ve the same eagea and prepared
and an order shall be Fond n the
treasurer of said borough, to pay the
expenses thereof,
. 4. Thatthe Burgess of the said
Borough of Sayre, is hereby authorized
and empowered to sign the said bonds
coupons attached thereto, the same
to be countersi by the Secretary of
the said Borough Council, who shall al-
fix the corporate seal of sald Borough
Sec. 5, That the Finance Committee
of the sald Borough Council, is hereby
authorized and empowered to advertise
for bids for the sale of said bonds and
also to sell the same to the highest bid-
der or bidders, at a price not less than
the par value thereof,
Soc. 6. That all bonds issued by vir-
tue of this ordinance and the Acts of
Assembly authorizing the same shall be
and become a part of the funded debt of
the mid Borough of Sayre, and for the
Jaya of the principal of the said
nds, and the semi-annual interest ac-
cral thereon, the faith, honor and
credit of said Borough of Sayre, are
hereby pledged,
Bec. 7. hat ordinance No. 05, pass-
ed July 2, 1908, entitled “An Ordinance
authorizing the increase of tha indebt-
edness of the Borough of Sayre, Pa.” be
and the sAme is hereby repealed.
The foregoing ordinance was unani-
mously adop by the Sayre Borough
Council at a regular meeting held Mon-
day evening, August 8, 1900,
Attest President of Council.
Macaroal at §, 8 aod 106 per pow a
No 5 Elizabeth 5¢., Waves
Estey organ and piano case at 608
North Elmer avenue, pr 85-8
Au outside man.
Experienced dining room
capable of taking charge,
steady position. Apply
Enquire at
at the
A four ; aden
hue ur good min who under-
Two small offices, one room with ba
suitable for gentleman,” Inquire E.
Talmadge, 74
We've go