- i i } .) ‘THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 We solicit your Banking busi- nens, and will pay you three per cent. interest per annum for money laft on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of savings Is a special feature of this Bank, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. B. B. SAWTELLE, Cashier, The Valley Record J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Editor. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1906, Free Free A C, Trainor, Colchester, Conn., her whea she was all loodine is a body baulider tonle A wondeefal merit, you have not tried it, you should 3y. The greatest systam Tonic in world. Bick Kidneys are panitively oured Bloodina, Sold by C, Special Rates For Old Home Week at Spencer. The Lehigh Valley Rallroad will sell tickets at low fares Sundays from June 30th, the Lehigh Val- will sell excursion tickets York state at low fares, provids over Banday outings cost ford Fillzoad. fares. t applies generally to gis Now York state east of Geneva, Lehigh ticket agenta for full paw. Home Week at Ithaca Valley Railroad will sell low fares August 22d to 29th, Fare from Sayre $1.50. Tick- and retaening on all Suite Black Diamond Ex- for return uatil A t Lehigh Valley Ticket Agenta farther particulars, 7 65c to VanEtten and Return The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make rates and sell tickets to Van Augast 25h, account Soldiers and Ballors picnic. Tickets good going Au- font 286; until August 26th ve, oa all Diamond Bepress. Sos Lehigh Valley bh alley Ticket Agents tor further particulars’? Atp— rn ———— $1.38 to North Fair Haven and Return he Iahigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets y, Jaly 1st and every Sun- day thereafter Sept. 9th. Picket a going and returning on all tring on of issue only, Bes [Lehigh Valley Picket Agents Tor furor cceibulim oy Williams’ Kidney Pills Have you neglected your Kideys? Have you overworked your nervous sys- and cansed trouble with your Kid- Bladder? Have you pains in back, groins and biad- ve you a flabby appearance of especially ander the eyes? Too desire to pass urine? If so i E £ f { SELLS ITS TROLLEYS New Haven Road Disposes of Its Electric Linea MANY MILLIONS ARE INVOLVED. Proposed Massachusetts Law Against Trafic Momopoly Apparcatly the Canse of the Sadden Transfer. BOSTON, Aug 17. -Detalls of the trausfer by the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad company of street car systems valued at many wiilions of dollars leaked out ju this city, aud, although official coufirma- tion in rullread circles is lacking, it was learned that the raliroad company bad taken steps to divest itself of prac tically all of Its street car property in southern New England. The transfer, which follows closely on the announc ed intention of the Massaclhiuselts au thorities to retain in this state control of Massachusetts street railway corpo rations, bas been made to an associa tion Kuown as the New England Se curity luvestment company. According to information obtained here, the transfer is said to involve the street car Hoes owned by the New Ha- in both Massachusetts and Connecticut, with connecting lines to Rhode Islund and New York, A report fron New Haven, however, indicated the probability that the Counecticut Lipes wight not ligure In the transfer, due, it was sald, to the fact that un der the charter of the Consolidated Railway company, holding cotupany of the New York New Haven and Hart ford Rallroad company, such a trans fer would be nnuecessary. There was no leading official of the railroad in this city who conld state the exact scope of the deal It was announced unofficially, however, the raliroad com pany bad disposed of its entire Zroup of trolley Hues, and later this pews was confirmed by an undoubted au thority, with the comment that its pub lication was premature For over three years the New York Haveu and Hartford Railroad company Las been acquiring street railways io the