The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, August 09, 1906, Image 2

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The Valley Record
J. H, MURRELLE, Bditor aad Pablisher
Elta wxery sheers ocrs es.
838 Marsslie's Printing Office, Sayre,
— ' $3.00 per year; 15 cents
Entered as second-class
matter May
marl! ihe | ostolios at epee Buy
““All the news that's fit to print’
An Ethnological Mystery.
On St. Nicholas island. near the
south coast of California, explorers
have unearthed the remains of pre
historic glants—seven and a half foot
ers, many of them, and with massive
skuil bones. Their thick headedness
may have falled to save them from
the tomahawks of a Modoc surprise
party. One thing only Is certain:
They did not succumb to atmospheric
hardships. The climate is the most
pleasant of the North Pacific
Take Good Company Along.
Distraction of mind will prevent
walking making you tired If you
“Bave & companion, and your chat is
‘of real Interest, you will find ten
miles less tiring than five, each step
of which Is accompanied by the con-
selousness that you are making It
Bolitary walking is sometimes better
thas walking in company, the one
thing necessary being that the walker
is thinking bard or Is really interest-
od in what he sees,
Fatherly Advice
A representative In congress has a
son who was recently nominated for
8 state office, ou which occasion the
old man proceeded to give him some
advice. “Now, Dick.” he said, earnest.
1y, “Just lean a little toward every.
thing. Be round, commit yourself to
anything. Be round, Dick: be per
pectly round, like a junk bottle, and
just dark enough =o that nobody can
“see what's In you—and you'll get
Recitations by Phonograph.
. Bloce the beginning of the year a
phonograph has been used In the
theological facuity of the University
of Vienna. Prof. Swoboda, the head
of the faculty, had noticed that while
reciting the students always made the
Same mistakes. It then struck Mm
~ that by means of a phonograph thelr
mistakes might be demonstrated to
them in a striking manner. The re
sults exceeded al! expectations.
A Woman's Revenge
It Is perfectly incomprehensible
Bow man can go on wearing the
clothes he does. how he can balance
on Bis head a buge black jam pot
with a ledge to it, incase his limbs
In Jong. tight sacks of dingy hue and
. Wear round his manly throat something
resembling a shining metal band
Every new fashion for man that
Comes out appears tc me uglier than
the last.—Spinster
A Large Country.
Siberia contains one-ninth of all the
land on the globe. Creat Britain and
all Burops, except Russia, tog: ther
with the whole of the United States,
could be put into Siberia.
% Use Liquid Food
" In France It is 5 penal offense to
Zive any form of solid food to babies
under A year old, unless it be pre
scribed in writing by a properly guall-
fled medical man.
London's Night Workers.
Including policemen, press-men,
Bakers postal employes and market
at least 120000 people are
all night In London.
Dangerous to Self. :
eansot kill time without hart-
bs 3
FRANK E WOOD, Represeatative
. News and advertising matter may be
| loft at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly.
| After 12 o'clock noon call the main
| office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X.
N. P. IL excursion to Elmira
| Wednesday, Aug. 15, via Eric.
H. M. Weaver is moving to El
mira today.
Miss Bertha Morgan is spending
‘the day with Owego’friends.
Adolph Uager spent yesterday
at Fernll's cottage at Smithboro.
E. J.Campbell, E C VanAtta
and John M. Jolls went to Elmira
this morning.
Mrs. Briggs, wife of Rev. Go.
A. Bnggs, left this morning for
Hancock, N Y.
Mrs. Thomas Keeler of Hickory
street 1s visiting her father William
Eilison at North Barton.
Mrs Ami Kinney of New York
is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Topping of Waverly street.
N. P. L excursion to Eldridge
park Wednesday, August 15, via
Erie. Full particulars later. 2
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Fergus
son welcomed a baby girl into their
home in Caldwell avenue last
Mr. and Mrs Bert Tozer enter-
tained 25 of their Waverly friends
on the Herrick lawn, Athens, las*
Mrs. W. E Moore, Mrs. W. P.
Stone and Mrs, S. L Rnssell left
this morning for a several days’
‘tay at Lily Dle.
—— tt
Arthur Ellis trustee for the
Ellistown district school has en«
gaged Mrs. Wm Hunt as teacher
for the coming year
Two special trains morning an
afternoon, Wednesday, August 15
to Eldridge park, N. P. L excur-
sion, via Erie. 72
Miss Virgie Canoll will entertain
a company of her young lady
friends at her home on Chemung
street this afternoon and evening.
Watson Sliter a few days ago
by mistake rubbed carbolic acid on
his leg instead of liniment and as a
cons: quence he is confined to his
Prof, Howard C. Conant, former
ly a teacher in the Waverly high
school and for several years past
principal of the Elmira Free Acad
emy, is visiting friends here. Next
year he will teach at Holyoke,
Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Snook
of Pennsylvania avenue, this morn-
ing sent out the announcements of
the marjiage of their daughter,
Grace Louise, to Harold Lindsey
of Athens. The young people
were married July 14. -
Blanche Strauss and Grace Fren-
denheimer of Elmira and Miss
Ester Stone of Albany were the
guests of the Misses Unger at Fer-
rill's yesterday. This morning the
Misses Unger accompanied the
young ladies to Elmira where they
will spend a couple of days,
Waverly—W., C. Farley's gros
cery store was again entered by
thieves last night who climbed
over the front transom. About
in the past few weeks that this has
————— —
morning while employed at the en-
trance of the marrows by the new
trolley company. He was dumping
a load of dirt and stood in front of
his team when the horses became
frightened by the whistle of a loco -
motive and started to run Mr.
Hoxsie was knocked down and
two wheels of the heavy wagon
passed over him bruising his back
and the cartilage of his nbs, He
was carried to his home on Broad
street in an unconscious condition,
and Dr. Carpenter summoned The
doctor says that if internal injuries
do not develop he will be out in a
few days.
Waverly—The delivery horse for
Perry's Fair became frightened on
Broad street this morning and ran
up Broad street, creating considers
able excitement Several people
tricd to stop it but it remained for
Mrs, Wm. Stanley to succeed. The
horse had slackened its speed when
it reached her home near Pine
street and she ran out and grasped
the bndle.
—— tt.
Waverly—Rollin Perry and Miss
Grace Lawrence, two of Waverly's
best ‘known and popular young
people, were married Aug. 1st at
the Baptist parsonage by the Rev,
Geo. A. Briggs. They were at-
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ingham. Yesterday they took up
their residence on Howard street
And That's the Limit,
Some wise suv «ald there was noth
ing equal to the hb d of a scorned
woman. This fellow probably never
rubbed up arainst sons of the sore-
head politicians and heard them ex-
press their opinion of the men whom
they blamed for kicking them out of
the public trough —Fargo Forum.
Ginger Beer,
Pour a gallon of bolling water on
one pound of loaf sugar, half an ounce
of ginger, and one ounce of cream of
tartar When nearly cold add a table
spoonful of yeast. Strain. bottle, and
in six hours It will be ready for use
If root gimger is used, boil it In the
water for 20 minutes
Trouble for Nothing.
To smuggle a human skeleton Into
Canada from Detroit a medical stu
dent dressed it in female attire and,
seating It by his side In a buggy,
crossed over the boundary line. After
he got safely into his house he learned
that there is no custom duty ou skele
Plain Entertaining.
Folk In “society” are now entertaln-
Ing on a plalner scale. They ask
fewer friends at a time, but have
more parties." There Is not the osten
tatious competition that there has
been, and “crushes” are no lounger nec-
essary to the popularity of a hostess.
A Bodkin Substitute,
A small safety pin makes a very
good substitute for a bodkin when
that useful but elusive article makes
its absence felt, as it usually chooses
to do at the very moment you're set-
tiling to run ribbons and tapes io the
plies of laundered underclothes.
Queensland's Valuable Asset.
As a national asset Queensland's
40,000 600 acres of forests have been
set down by experts at £100,000,0600
Nevertheless, up till a few years since
nearly all the soft woods used In the
state were Imported—mostly from
German Humor,
An ash tray from Germany contains
this warning “Defllement of the
room by ash of cigars Is forbidden to
the severest Anyone who, notwith.
standing, makes gullty of such a one
will he punished irrevocably by house
arrest.” *
Week Ead Outings
On Saturday and Sundays from June
80th to September 30th, the Lehigh Val-
ley Railroad will sell exearsion tickets
locally in New York state at low fares,
which will provide over Banday outings
at a minimom cost for railroad fares,
This arrangement applies generally to
points in New Fork state St ot Jennys,
Ask Leh tic ots par-
igh age Ont
75¢ to Elmira and Return
Th» Lehigh Valley Raliroad will sell
tickets August 13th, Special tealn stop-
ping at Eldridge Park in both direc-
tions. Leaves Hayreat 8:05am; ve
tarning leaves Elmirs at 6:00 p.m. Tick-
ota good ieg and retarning only on
aed rl, ps date of issue. See Le-
high Valley Ticket agents for farther
particulars. 68
$4.50 to Toronto, Ont, and Re-
Sm, Adocut} Le! valley Ballrud
excursion, Aecoun
ict mp L. V.R. R. will sell
TARE me |
G. C. Hollon of Towanda was
in Sayre today.
* Hon. Robert Edmiston of Milan
was in town today,
Miss Helen Balliet went to
Mauch Chunk today.
Miss Edith Thompson went to
Towanda this morning,
Dr. E P. Lyons of Franklindale
was calling on Sayre friends yes-
Mrs. E A Everitt of Burlington,
Pa, is visiting her son, Dr. J. E.
| Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Havens,
| Keystone avenue, are in Elmira for
a few days.
A —— a c—
George Grace and wife of Jersey
City are visiting F. B. Edwards
Chestnut street.
Mrs J. E Everitt and two chil
dren have returned-home after two
weeks’ visit at Elmira.
rm mn —
Mrs. C. L. Stephens, who has
been seriously ill for some time
past, is somewhat better,
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Merrill of
Lopez are visiting friends and rela-
tives in Sayre and vicinity,
Miss Margaret Sheffer of the
Mercy hospital at Wilkes-Barre is
visiting at the home of Chief
Miss Amy LaMont, who has
been visiting relatives in Sayre for
several months, returned to her
home at West Stockbridge, Mass.,
Ralph Adamy of the West Sayre
drug store, went into camp this
morning on the Chemung river
ncar the point, and will remain for
a week.
Samuel Young came to Sayre
today from St. Louis, Ma. He
has been away from Sayre for the
past year, and will return to St.
Louis about Aug. 18,
W. H. Brooks, local agent for
the Uaited States Express Com-s
pany, went to West Brighton, N J.
today. During his absence his
place will be filled by Lewis E
Special Rates For Old Home
Week at Spencer. The Lehigh Valley
Railroad will sell tickets at low fares
Augast 12th to 18th inclusive. Fare
from Sayre 80¢, Tickets good going aod
retarniog on all trains eccept the Black
Diamond Express, limited for return un-
til Aogust 19.h, iaclasive. Definite in-
for nation can be obtained of Ticket
Agents 77
Personally Conducted G. A. R.
The Erie Railroad will have a person-
ally conducted train to Minoeapolis
August 11th, account of G. A. R. Na-
tional Encampment, made up of day
coaches, tourist and standard sleepers,
train running through without ehange.
For rates and other information, inquire
of any Erie Ticket Agent, or write J, H.
Webster, Division Agent, Elmira. 03-19
—————— i ———
$1.50 to Syracuse and Retutn
The Lehigh Valley Rallroad will sell
tickets Sunday, August 12th. Special
train in both directions, Leaves Sayre
at 7:00a. m.; returning leaves Syracuss
at 8:00 p.m. Tickets good going and
returning on special train on dats of
sale only, See Lehigh Valley Ticket
Agents for farther particulars. 66
$7.75 to New York and retarn Aug.
29th, good 5 dayn. 73
10 day excursion to Saratoga and
Lake George, $5.00 from Waverly via
Erie R.R. July 14th and Aug 18th. 48
75c to Binghamton and return,
Sunday, Aug. I2, and each alternate
Sunday thereafter. Tickets good leav-
ing Waverly at 7:62 and 10:38 a.m. 25
Holders of G. A. R. Excursion Ticketa
to Minneapolis will be ted a ten
day stop over at Chicago on return trip
if desired. 87
Jamestown or Chautauqua passengers
ease note that the Erie Railroad Co.
s now running a vestibule coach daily
on their train one through to Jamestown
without change of cars. 70
For farther gattioulant apply to Rrie
Ticket Agent, J. W. Clark.
Subscribe for The Record.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Borough Clerk until 6 o'clock p. m.,
August 15, 1008, for the construction of
approximately the following trunk line
sewer, including all labor and material.
4,708 feet 24-inch pipe.
1,128 feet 2%ineh pipe.
1.045 feet 18 inch Pires
The Town Council reserves the right
10 Fejest Ab and all bide. A certified
ec for A payable to the Borough
Treasurer, must proposal.
- il
E or Deabroaseg streets
Pp, m., Jersey City 10:00. No bag-
' will be checked on thes tickets
rand rtonity to visit New York
Seas at a minimem
cost. Amusements at Island this
Joa greater than ever; all
Bee Lehigh Valley Ticket ta
for further particulars, Ase
$3.00 to ‘Buffalo and Niagara
Falls and retarn, account Lehigh Valle
Railroad excursion, August oo. 1908.
Account above excarsionthe L. V. RL R.
will sell tickets good going August Oth
with final limit Angust 10th. Tickets
good on all trains exeept the Black
Diamond Express. For farther partiou-
lars see Lehigh Ticke: Agents. 7
National Encampment G. A. R.,
Oa acconat of the above event, the
Erie Railroad will ran a personally con-
dacjed train, composed of day coaches,
tourist and standard Pallman ing
Passcoger Agent, Eimira: Nv. fog pao
aasenger Yn
ticalars AT
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment
will care Blind, Bleeding, Uloerated and
Itching Pilea, It absorbs the tumors,
aliaye the itching at once, acts as a
poaltice, gives instant relief, De. Wil-
Liam's I Pile Ointment is prepared
for Piles and Itching of the private
parta. Every box is guaraateed. Sold
droggists, by mail, for 50c and $1.00,
illiams Mr'g. Co, Prop's, Cleveland,
O. Formale by C. M. Driggs, druggist.
Ordinance No. ¢6.
Authorizing the construction of a
public sewer beginning at the west bank
of the Susquehanna river about eight
hundred feet soath of Sayre Water Com-
banys pumping station, and extending
westerly over the lands of the Consoli-
dated Real Estate Company and the
lands of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company to Lehigh aveaue; thence
northerly on Lehigh avenae to Hayden
street; thence westerly on Hayden
street to Desmond street; thence north-
erly on Desmond street to Lehigh ave-
nue; thence northwesterly om Lehigh
avenue to Cayuga street; thence wester-
ly on Cayuga street to Wilbur avenue,
in the Borough of Sayre, Penn'a.
See. 1. Be it ordained by the Bargess
and Town Council of the Bora, of Sayre,
aod it is hereby ordained by the aathor-
ity of the same: That believing it to be
for the general health and pablic welfare
of the citizens of sald borough, that a
system of publie sewers be adopted and
the same is hereby adopted for said bor-
ough. Beginning at a point at the west
bank of the Susquehanna river about
eight hundred feet south of the Bayre
Water Company's pumping station and
extending in a westerly direction over
the lands of the Consolidated Real
Estate Company and lands of the Lehigh
Valley Rail Company to Lehigh ave-
nue; thenoe northerly on Lehigh avenue
to Hayden street; thence westerly on
Hayden street to Desmond street;
thence northerly on Desmond street
to Lehigh avenue; thence northwesterly
on Lehigh avenue to Cayuga street;
thence westerly on Cayuga street to
Wilbur avenue, all in the Borough of
Sayre, State of Peansylvaaia, in accord-
ance with an Act of the General Assem-
bly of Pennsylvania, approved May 15th,
1889, entitled “An Act to enable Bor-
oughs to construct sewage systems,
assess and collect the cost thereof:" and
the cost thereof be paid by general tax-
ation, by an assessment levied upon all
the property subject to taxation in said
borough. Said sewer to be constructed
in accordance with the plans and speoi-
fications made by Williams & Whitman,
Inc., dated Sep, 1, 1005, as to size of pipe,
depths of trenches and grade. Bat to
be so arranged as to take the surface
drainage until such time as a Disposal
Plant for the disposal of the sewerage
may be required.
Sec. 2. That all ordinances or parta
of ordinances inconsistent herewith be
and the same are hereby repealed,
The foregoing Ordinance was unani-
monsly adopted by the Sayre Borough
Council at a meeting held Wn even-
ing, August 6, 1908,
Attest President of Counell,
Approved Avgust 9, 1908.
79 Burgess.
sla |]
Ordinance No. 97
An ordinance authorizing the increase
of the indebtedness of the Borough of
Sayre, Pa, by the sum of tweaty thou-
sand dollars.
Bec. 1, Be it ordained by the Burgess
and Town Council of the Boro. of Sayre,
Pa. and it is hereby ordained by the
authority of the same: That twenty-
five bonds of the denomination of one
thousand dollars each, bearing interest
at the rate of four per cent per annum,
interest payable semi-annually, April
1st and October Ist, of cach and avery
Jeu, at the office of the treasurer of sald
rough, be issued. Said bonds to be
nembered from ons to twenty-five, in-
elasive, and bond No. 1, of od issue be
made pantie on the 1st day of October
111, the rest of said bonds be paya-
bl=, one each year on October 1st, ia the
order of their number until all are paid.
And that the proceeds derived from the
sale of sald bonds b+ used for the par
pose of paying off or rede ming five
thousand dollars of the pr/sent Indebt-
edness of said Borough, and so mach of
the balance as may be necessary, shall
ba used for the purpose of constructing
the trunk line of a newer for the sewer
system authorized to be constructed by
said Borough.
Sec. 1. That a tax of one mill on the
dollar of the assessed valuation of the
taxable property of said Borough, be
and the s \me is hereby levied each and
every year, commencing in 1907, for the
ot of anid indebtedness and inter-
line, the
7t NE ;
the Borough Council, for approval, and
when the same shall be approved by
sald committee, the said committee shall
have the same engraved and prepared,
and an order shall be drawn on the
treasurer of said borough, to pay the
expenses thereof,
Sec. 4. Thatthe Bargeas of the said
Borough of Sayre, is hereby authorized
and empowered t) sign the said boads
and coupons attached thereto, the same
to be countersigned by the Secretary of
the said Borough Coancil, who shall af-
fix the corpirate seal of said Borough
Sec. 5. That the Finance Committee
of the said Borough Council, is hereby
authorized and empowered to advertise
for bids for the sale of said binds and
also to sell the same to the highest bid-
der or bidders, at a price not less than
the par value the
Seo. 8, That all bonds issued by vir-
tae of this ordinacce and the Acts of
Assembly authorizing the same ghall be
and bacome a part of the funded debt of
the maid Borough of Sayre, and for the
payment of the principal of the said
bonds, and the semi-annual interest ac-
craing thereon, the faith, homor and
credit of maid Borough of Sayre, are
hereby pledged.
Sec. 7. That ordinances No. 95, pass-
ed July 4, 1908, entitled “An Ordinance
aathoriziog the increase of tha indebt-
edness of the Borough of Sayre, Pa." be
and the same is hereby repealed.
The foregoing ordinance was unani-
mously ado by the Sayre Borough
Council at a regular meeting held Mon-
day evening, August 8, 1900,
Attest President of Couneil.
Bec .
Approved August 2. 1008.
77 WM, CROSS, Burgess.
7 Nights, 3 Matinees
Matinees — Tuesday, Thursday and
Supported By
And an Excellent Company Pre-
Saturday Eve—' ‘The Christian"
Other Plays to Be Presented:
“Othello,” “A Gentleman of France,"
“Camille,” “The Eternal Oity,"”
“David Garrick,” “The
Cherry Pickers.”
Prices—Matinees, 10c, 20c.
Evenings, 10, 20 and 30c.
Ladies Tickets issued for Saturday
Evening at 15¢ Limited to 300.
Advance sale Thursday at West Un-
‘ion Telegraph Office.
CGonfectio ery Store
Nice clean ice cream parlor.
Best in town. Best cream, best
soda, all flavors, soft drinks,
fresh fruit, nice fresh candy,
fancy candy boxes, low prices.
Peanuts and popcorn fresh every
day. 120 Desmond St.
best that
a KA
2 2
h} 7
id Jl
Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Pure Olive Oil for medical
Macaroni at 6, 8 and 106 per
No gq Elizabeth St.,, Waver'v
AS pis
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Special attention to Pension
Valley Phone 11 X,
13 Damaond Hireet.
Painter, Decorator aad Paperhanger.
Residence: —130 Spruce St. Athens, Pa,
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A Block, Sayre, Pa. May-
Girl for general housework in a fami-
ly of three. $1.50 per week. References
required. 620 South Main street, Ath-
A competent cook at good
Inquire at Record office. 74 o
At once four good men who under
stand cement walk building. Bimoa
Davis, 408 Olive street. 75
Wanted —A lady to canvass and take
orders, Address G. T. L., care The Reo
ord, Bayre, stating experience. 73-8
For Bale.
Lot on North Hopkins ttreet, near
Lockhart. Cheap for cash. DD. N.
Bentley. 70.8¢
My bome 540 Clark street, Wa
N.Y. Ten room house and barn,
modern improvements,
Oct. 1st. Reason for sell
. Lester,
Full blooded Cocker
Address M. E. Baldwin,
R.F. D. No. 2 we, K8
Several houses and lota for sale in de
sult purchasers, in oe. Ww. &
Schrier, Maynard Mock, Athens. 80¢
For Rent
Half of double house to vent to man
and wife, Inquire of B,
W. Cooper St., Athens,
My house and barn, 540 Clark
Waverly. Tea rooms, all modern
A. J. Lester,
Two small offices, one room with ba
suitable for gentleman, ;
For offer ronma tn
pRGE rans, in the