SAYRE, PA. It is being noised abroad that the “Mecca of is at this store. Nothing surprising about it: ings at saving prices? A Whack in Prices That Cuts On all fur lined and fur collared Priptzess garments variably the empire style. We wish to close out permanently this make. Black, brown or blue Irish frieze, Water mink co lar. A garment that will stand bard service. $8. bl Former price $1200. Closing price Dark green melton. otherwise made as above des “$8 bl eribed. Pormer price $12.00 Closing price . Brown broadcloth, quilted lining of Italian cloth, Coney collar of brown or black fur. Former price $1825 $13 25 Closing price . . Black and brown ‘broadcloth, with brown coney $13 89 far collar and lined. Former price $10.50. Closing . Brown Broadcloth, with brown coney collar, lined with gray squirrel skins. Former price om B50 Clos- $15. 25 =) ~ ing price A Brown and black broad- ND cloth, souc slicke fur lined, with mink collar. A value at $2450. Not matched by many garment dealers, but to close the whack $17 0 the price to . Ses Display In our Lock- hart Street Window. Ia addition to these we have all sorts of clothing at all sorts of prices. Our stocks are too large to comprehensively advertise. If you bave children for childrea $1.59 to $13 50; Ladies $4.57 to £27.50. or baby with all purchases of $1.00 or over. rapher. Third floor front. Furniture Departm Com look the changes over that have occurred in this department wi and the outgoing deliveries are keeping step. + DI WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR- — OR OVER. Christmas Shoppers” % > | to the Bone 8 and in- A 0.D. Kinney has returned from Camada. | Mrs. T. S. Newman returned | Mrs. M. N. Laporte went to Rummerficld today to visit friends. | Mrs. A.C. Wright visited at the Remember the Japanese social at the Presbyterian church tonight, | Atheas township “school board (will meet tomorrow afternoon at {city hall, Abe Groat is having his laundry | rooms repapered and greatly | improved. Joseph H. Snell and C. M. Myer > 3 % Se A \ | | aN { i | { | Prices DN | 2) to clothe bring them in. N | % | ent thin a week, New lots coming in priced to your advantage, A RUG SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY, DEC. 8 ONLY. Regular $1.89 with us. Special for the day, $1.47. F039 0a Das FPS £2 By Soin To entertain your Boys and Girls at home evenings. We have games of all kinds, Cro- kinole, Pit, Fliach, Checkers, Dom- inos, etc. A god line of building blocks for the babies. All kinds of god books nicely bound from 10c to $1.50 each Also cut flowers for all occasions in stock, and to order on short no- tice. a a Weber's News Parlors 126 Lockhart St, C. J. CARY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER . REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. HILL 4 B2IBACH care Best of Everythin g 2 Lockhart St. | SIMPLE SIMON SIMPLE,” Book and lyrics Wy Chas. H. Brown | and Otis Wood, Faultlessly Prescnted by er breakfast foods is at your service Pn week day in the rade grocery establishment, ir “seconds,” we qffer none but firsts in this line, as in all other lines in a gro- cery business as well conducted as this, | Prices? Items are so many that we must ask you to call and inquire. It will pay you. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, DEE. 12 | The Nixon & Zimmerman Operas | Co. Present the Cartoon Musi- cal Extravaganza Sayre, Pa | Sayre. | LERIGH AND SCRANTON COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be left at West Sayre Store, both phones; or at the Erie yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 27m. COLEMAN NASSLER, SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Eye, I BLACKSMITHING | rrp: weve re es. Hours—5-1%; 1 HORSESHOEING AND GENER-| | spoaintment. Ofon, Whee ERAL REPAIRING ~ Have had over th thirty years’ ex-| pe in k horseshoeing hoving i guarantee work 10 please. our | solicited. The East Wav Shop. W. E. MILLER. Company of Sixty. Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Prices to suit all purses: 25¢, 50c, | 75¢, $1. Three Rows $1.50. Contractor and Builder | Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincola St Sayre, Pa. DON'T BE FOOLED Mrs Sarah J. Reeves is very | feeble at the home of her daughter | Mrs. H. Kaufelt, Harris street. The poverty ‘social at Mrs. TW Kinch's, Herrick street, tonight | promises to be an intéresting event: The H. A. club meets at the, thes evening. The workmen had a job locating | |the leak in the water mains, but | finally succeeded and it will be | repaired Yoday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leavenworth went to Rome this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Henry Babcock. Charley Ostrander tells some | very fine stories about the number lof foxes and big game that he saw | while surveying yesterday, but he| had no gun and they escaped. O. C. Kendall went bail for a man who forgot to report at court | i | court, Mrs. S. Minier, of Albany, N.Y, {who is a guest at Cornelius Hun. | sicker’s, was one of the carly resi- | dents of Athens She is the| FOR THE OPEN DEAL. Choate Says New York Is Proud of Ita Fusiness Men. NEW YORK, Dec. Britain, sald at the bankers’ banquet “1 am very proud of my country and is more dear to me than her honor and nival of recrimination that is now dal- didn’t look like a city to be proud of. “1 hope these examinations will go into the clear light of day and bas been a shadow on the integrity and good which make this imperial city what it ia banks; see bow the anormous transac. tions of the Stock Exchauge are oon manifest as is the sun in the heavens that New York if Justly proud of itself and is as proud of its men of business as any city in the world.” College Girls Play Poker, Cleveland, O0.—Clad in little more than the gard provided by nature, and surrounding two large tables in a room iu the dormitory, 14 students of a woman's college near here were dis- covered ate one night recently play- ing the great American game of poker A lecture and a threat should the of- fense be repeated sent the girls to their rooms. Malches were used for chips, each representing an investment of five cents. ATHENS ers fight for more. price rather than the one that is forced to meet it Meat Dept. | Porter House steak . Sirloin steak . | just because they claim everything for it. We will sell yon | of the proprietors of the old Athens Mrs. Minier will 3 Ibs Hamburg steak . Pork steak . Roaster for $1.00 ——It is the (BEST ROASTER ON EARTH A { | V7 va . \ { 3 | | | | It Is Seamless, Sanitary, Easy | to Keep Sweet and Clean. It will make a tough fowl or piece of meat tender and crisp, baste it perfect. ly, browa it beautifully and bring it out of the oven full weight and with every particle of the natural flavor and nutri- ment preserved. With proper care it will last a lifetime and give you pleasure and satisfaction every time you use it, If it fails to come up to our claims in any particular bring it back and get | yoyr money. 'BOLICH BROS’. HARDWARE ‘Desmond St i Sayre | C. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING Especial care and prompt at- ‘tention given to moving of « | Pitman, Household Goods, Safes CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 535 Stevenson St, Sayre, Pa. LB. DENISON, a | Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phoce at office and —— ——— — ————— . Matter for Thanks, Optimist—God gives us our friends Pesimist—But, praise be, we can make our own enemies —N. Y. Times Well Dressed Soldiers. The annual clothiu® bill of the Brit- ish army is more than three times that of the navy. Houses of Brick. A well-built house of first-class brick | {18 sald to outlast one constructed of granite. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call strong at 150 per cent) prime mercantile paper, $d per cept) exchanges. $338 070,651, balances, $11,801,538 Closing prices Amal Copper 8 NY Czutral 28 Atchison %% Nort. &§ West B&O ,......lily Penn. R. R Brooklyn R. T.. #4 Reading C.C.C.&SLL. #4 Rook Isiand... Chi & Northw 2% Bt Psul D&H .....18 Southern Paes Erle .. #8 Bouthern Ry Gen. Electric 1864 Bouth. Ry. pf.. lil Central 17% Sugar Lackawanna . #0 Texas Pacific Louls & Nash.. 182 Union Pacific Manhattan 168% U. 8B Steel Metropolitan... 118% U. 8. Steel pf. Missouri Pac... 101§ West. Union Rew York Markets. FLOUR-8Steady, with light trade. Min. wesotla patents, MEGS. winter stral | Beads winter extras, RSglLE, w Hore patents, $5. WHEAT-~Under heavy realizing, YN of It sald to be for the bull leader at Thi. cago. wheat dropped face of steady $3 les and unfavorable Indian crop news, a - Ma TE trong; unchanged. CH i. rregular; te, full eream, smal and large, color and white, tember, fancy, Wc. tober, best. 133 af 13. late made, average best, small, ored and white, lie; large. ilo; fair, ulet; unchanged TALLO —Basy; city, &qc.. country, HY sins shipping, 50Q6ic ; good te ET RAW- ready; long rye, TEAR Savon marrow, 8 u 8,2 me. Eh 4 ; sate, ods. sass to shelge a Oh i PE ines, ane 4; "olds, POULTRY Steady, So. b Lod re tars. Safe good $d "turkeys: Er #4 Live Boek ne mph s CATTLE y Ught. cps EE he residence. i Liver sausage . Frankfurters . Finest kettle roasts . {Good kettle roasts . . . . 07 Beef for mince meat . California hams . . cis nn OR [Link sausage. , . . . ."\. 10 1.00 A few very fine yellow fowls and chickens, Grocery Dept Pure lard, . , .> .... 510 7 lb Compound lard . . . 50 : canscom. . . . . . . 25 3canspeas... . . . . .. .28 1 1b Huyler's chocolate . . .23 1 Ib Baker's chocolate , . . .25 10 bars Oak Leafsoap. . . . .29 2b glossstarch . .. . ...28 3 cans Monogram syrup . . .2% Cyclone bread flour . . . . L335 White Wings flour . . . 35 flour o.oo a3 Force: , . eave tH 3 cans red salmon . “iain ei en3S 3 cans pink salmon . . . . ..25 gboxeshoney . . . . . . 2% Headlightoil. . . ./ . . . 25 Ib. bag fine granulated sugar... .... 1.37 | 3 Ibs tea: dust... .25 1 gal. galvanized oil can filled 28 di3quarts H P. Beans . . . 25 | Genuine Irish sauerkraut. 22 Old-fashioned Dutch sauers kraut, quart . .. . .. 0 ara pi — E. B. (GARNER WILLIAMS & SUTTON SHOES Sayre, Pa, FURS | 15 YOUR CRTOS GIFT To be a set of Furs? If so it would be wise to make your selection now. & Fox Scarfs $4.65 to $35 00. ¢ Marten $8.50 to $25.00. 3 Raccoon $7.50 to $18.50. [iN A Squirre] $5.00 to $15.00, R ,{Oppossum $3.50 to $14.50 ol French Coney 75c to $4.50 i Children’s Sets 0 We are showing a line of children and misses’ sets {! ) i from $1.25 to $12.00. The styles are such that a 8 N »@ child will not outgrow. : - h " == Me DE —— 43 i Is what we are interested in. A Our prices are what J will interest you. We mean To Keep Up Interest. Everyb>dy works at our house to give you the ¥ best values at the lowest prices. A liberal sav- ing on every dollar's purchase of us. 508 Broad Yi WavVERLY in Y- YOUR FEET we Did you ever have any real ¥| comfort in trying to warm your feet at an iy radiator ? Equip your radiaters with our Foot Warmer i| which can also be used as a | warming shelf on a din room | radiator, and then you'll know w What the other fellow misses be- cause he didn't buys For decorating radiators we 4 sell the finest line of bronze on the market. All colors. > HR TALMADGE Plumbing, Heating, ; Tinning, ~ Both "Phones. Elmer Ave, DEALER I ~ ELMER A. WILBER, Forelgn and Domestic Fruits. Wholesaler of Olive Oil —Quart 85¢, Gallon $3.00. Ee "es LIQUORS N o. § Blizabeth St. Waverly | BEERS AND ALES | == em S— =] A F BAKER | 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. ® ® Carpenter and Builder. a JOHN C. PECKALLY, | : The Record. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y.| Tiy an ad iu The Reso As the Thanksgiving rush is now over, Murphy & Blish, the stylish tailors, are prepared to make you on the shortest notice one of those swell suits, such as have made this firm popular. Murphy & Blish, SAYRE, PA, Lockhart St., Next to Postoffice. i Sil At A, HNO cts st cst, Gomi. ag SRR a
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