NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 i this section. Parlor, FRANK E. WOOD, Representative News and advertising matter may be left at Gregg’s Racket Store, Waverly. After 13 o'clock noon call the main ——— come eee ern Try Strong’ 5 cough syrup. C. N. Young is in Elmira today. Fancy stationery at Strong's. The Hon. J. B. Floyd went to i Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Editor. | every afternoon except Sus- | Printing Office, Bayre, $3.00 per year; 15 cents to Self inflicted Shot. AGO. Nov. 28. —Marsball Field, "at b o'clock last night at who was the only sou of ‘Field, the multimillionaire of , Wis accidentally shot on the sn of Wednesday, Nov. 22. He (min a new revolver which he bullet striking bim in the injuring the spinal cord burried to Mercy hospital, ‘operation was at once per and the bullet removed. The bls own. Yesterday a de id grew rapidly weaker un- Wyler to Awe Rioters. D, Nov. 28 — War Minister “has left AMndrid for Barcelona mte and repress the Satalo- disorders. These bave assumed Jedhortions between the mill elements. Congress cards at Strong's. Mr. Philetus Johnson is spend- | ing the day at Elmira. Mrs. Louise Snyder has returned home after a visit to Towanda Post cards at Strong's Waverly. F. E Vanloan of Athens was calling on Lou Miller this mom- | ing. Mrs. Mary H. Watrous of Park avenue went to Elmira this morn- ing. = . Mrs. E. H. Northrup was called to Ithaca by the illness of her son- in-law. Supt. W. E. Case is in Elmira today attending a meeting of the Railroad commission. Mrs. Thomas Kiog of Orchard street has gone to Shunk, Pa, to visit her parents for a week. Norman Coggms and James Burke, two prominent players on the Carbondale foot ball team are in town eet pee The condition of William Wellar last Saturday is somewhat worse this morning. . Bell Attorneys Sebring, and commission. Albert Jackson, L. H Stedge, were in town last evening to see the Wizard of Oz. On account of illness | will sell my entire stock of millinery at cost. Mrs. M. J. Baker, t 8 Broad street. F & CO. UNRULY PRISONER RESISTED OFFICERS Waverly Police Had a Trouble- some Time With a Belliger- ent Charge Yesterday After- noon Waverly— A member of the Waverly police force went to Ridgebury yesterday afternoon to bring a prisoner to Waverly. The officer expected he would have considerable trouble in landing his charge so he took a deputy along to assist him. They had no trou: ble in finding the party, and im- mediately captured and tied him, but he proved a continual source of trouble all the way to Waverly. The prisoner would lie down in the road, refuse to get up, and it was only after a great deal of urg- ing and pounding that he could be induced to move. Once persuad ed to get on his feet, however, he started off at a rate of speed that taxed the gait of the officers and assistant. When the prisoner was not engaged in balking or indulging in foot races with his captors he was trying his utmost to escape from the highway and escape to the tall timber. At last, almost exhaust- ed, the officers landed their charge They were so perturbed by their experience and rough usage that they decided to kill the wrong doer, and we are informed by good authority, the bloody deed was done today. K. OF C. RECEPTION Waverly — All arrangements have been completed for the recep- tion to be given by the Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving evening, Thursday, November 30. The reception will take place in the Knight's lodge room in the Mc Carthy block. A very fine literary program has been provided for the evening. Dancing will be indulged in and the opera house orchestra will furnish the music. A buffet lunch will be served, a competent caterer having been engaged for the occasion. WAVERLY NEWS Harry's Choice—unexcelled §c cigar, made at Sayre. The article on the snow storm appearing in the Sayre section of this paper applies to Waverly as well as to Sayre. Miss Mabel VanHorn has re- sumed her duties in Miss Alice Devlin's millinery store after an illness of a week. The Rev. G. A. Briggs, Johan H. Murray, Seward Baldwin and several other prominent townsmen, attended the given by the TROLLEY MATTER HEARING Waverly—The railroad commis- sion 1s in session at Elmira for the purpose of inquiring into the ley and the W. S. & A. lines The rival corporations have each shown great activity in their efforts to secure the coveted franchise and several Waverly lawyers are in at- tendance looking after the various interests of their respective clients. ———— Adams’ Defalcation $153,000 SEATTLE, Wash, Nov 28 - United States Attorney Frye has served pa pers on George Edward Adams in a» civil suit for the recovery of §50000, a portion of the amount alleged to have been embezzled from the assay office by the former cashier. The amount of the suit is based on the property and cash Adams is known to possess, [It was sald that the defalcation amounts to £153,000 Civie and Private Ownership. NEW YORK, Nov. 28 ~The commit: tee of twenty-one formed by the Na- tional Civic Federation to investigate the comparative results of private and municipal ownership and operation of gas, electric and water plants and street railways met here. August Bel mont, president of the National Civic Federation, presided Mark Twaln at White House. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 —Samuel L Clemens (Mark Twalo) and John Tem ple Groves of Georgia were guests of the president at luncheon here Weather Probabllities. Raln, east wiuds IT WILL SAVE YOU a lot of Pain and Expense to have your teeth attended to in time, You will find the “Decker Method™ of extraction ab- solutely painless. Bridge Work NO PETES Has Remember our motto: “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.” NOTE OUR PRICES Examinations and estimates free. Teeth extracted without pale “3. Vitalized air...... Silver fillings Gold fillings Full set teeil Gold Crown, 22k.. Crown and Bridge Wor ‘Work, per tooth Dr. Decker’s Dental Rooms 225 Broad St., Waverly, N. Y. Open Evenings. Sundays 10:00 to 1:00. Valley Phone 60 A. The Only Office ln the Valley Using Vital. ized Alr. LOOMIS OPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly Up-to-Date Music fornished for Balls, Parties and all manner of Soc. fal Functions, either public or private. number po desired will be far- Call Valley Record for terms, a Sen on $1.00 ap .. 5.00 5.00 5.00 sie! Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has in stock the following card signs: Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Boarding JOHN C. PECKALLY, @DEALER IN Be President Removes Assistant Federal Treasurer. VIOLATED CIVIL SERVICE LAW. After a Fersonanl Roosevelt Talk With Him Issned Order Against Philadelphia Official Who Had Disobeyed Orders. WASHINGTON, Nov ~The presi dent has removed from office William 8S. Leib, assistant treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia, on the ground of persistent violatious of the civil service law. A hearing on the Leib case was given before the presi dent, the case having been pending for several months. Mr. Leib appeared before the president ln person, Lut he was unable to make a satisfactory de fense, and the president decided on his dismissal In dismissing Mr. Leib the president addressed to him a long letter review Ing the charges and concluding as fol- lows “It was your duty so to conduct your office that no possible criticism could come upon you. lnstead of so conduct- ing it you have continued exactly the wethods that previously obtained, your sister, for Instance, having been again temporarily appointed last August as woney counter, and wotwithstandiug the fact that this Is a permanent pos! tion and that there were two eligibles ou the register when you were notitied that the appointment must wade from these oligibles yon In some man uer secured their declinations and thereupon on Sept again terupora rilv appoluted your sister, aud she is In office at this time, so (ar as the records of the civil service comission show “Under these circumstances of per sistence in wrongdoing on your part it seems to me that there is no alternative but to remove you from office. You are accordingly hereby removed from the position of assistant treasurer of the United States.” Mr. Leib was appointed assistant treasurer of the United States on March 2, 102. He makes his home In Pottsville. He Is sald to be the head of the Schuylkill county political machine 25 be A New Head For Morales’ Army. SANTO DOMINGO, Nov. 285 —At a cabluet meeting here the minister of war resigned to become commander of the army Governor Carlos Ginebra was appoluted minister of war. Prior to the meeting President Morales In formed his ministers that he desired thelr resignations and that be wanted a pew head for the army. The wmiuls- ters agreed to resign on condition that a new cabinet be formed with the ap proval not ouly of the president but of Vice President Caceres. This condition the president refused to grant, clalm- ing that he bad a constitutional right to appolnt his own cabinet. Held Daughter's Body For Years. LOS ANGELES, Cal, Nov. 28 —Fol- lowing the death of Mrs. Liore Thomp son, an aged and eccentric woman, a search of her cottage ou Boyle Heights disclosed In a storeroom covered with rubbish a hermetically sealed box con taining the corpse of ber daughter, who dled twenty-seven years ago. The body of the young woman had been dismem bered. When the box was opened a disinterment certificate, sigued F. R Boutelle, undertaker, Amherst, Mass, Nov. 7, 1881, wax found. Tle body bad been shipped from the east Island Is Sinking In the Sea. NEW YORK. Nov. phenomenon of an inhabited Island sinking Into the sea, with its bulldings toppling over into the water, was cou tinued at Barren Island, in Jamalca bay. The tide has cut another plece of land off the end of the island, and part of another building floated out toward the Atlantic ocean. On Saturday two buildings and the land they stood upon slid into this tide, and on Sunday about 2.000 more square feet of land crum bled away before the action of the wa ters Britain to Aseist In Exposition. LONDON, Nov. 28--"We are now fully assured that Great Britain will have representative military and naval contingents at Jamestown in 1007." sald Harry St. George Tucker, presi dent of the Jamestown (Va) Exhibition company. ‘The British goYerathent, Shrongh Fo Secretary directly to the office of the Gas Company 340 Broad Street. Waverly, N. Y. A WARM YOUR FEET Did you ever have any real i comfort in trying to warm yoar | feet at an ordinary radiator ? Equip your radiaters with our | Foot Warmer which can also be used as a warming shelf on a dining room radiator, and then you'll know what the other fellow misses be- cause he didn't buy. For decorating radiators we sell the finest line of bronze on the | market. All colors. H.R. TALMADGE Plumbing, Heating, Tinning, Both "Phones. Elmer Ave, A. H. MURRAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and | Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass- | veo, Bundays by appointment. Office. Whee! lock Block. R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa. A.E. BAKER, Carpenter and Builder. Waverly, N.Y. A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 17 Pleasant St. B25 Stevenson St, Sayre, Pa. ANDREW EVARTS WANT ADS Rates :—Wanted, Lost, Sale, ete, § cent a word Moby the for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Notice. Te Want ada inserted by persons uoLhay hav- ing a ledger account with The Record | deat be bald for when ordered primed. | We positively cannot charge want | aL —the ex of book. and collecting : entirely cut of on etion 10 the amount involved in on. keep Prone | thi For Rent | The Beach House at the corner Packer | and Elmer avenues. All modern improve- { ments. Enquire of Andrew | phone 61-m. 169 1w Wanted. A housekeeper. Call or address 220 Willow street, Athens. 170-8t* Young girl wants situation to take care of children or do li bt Doust wrk ! Engire No. 304 8. Wilbur 172-1w To rent to man and Si 0 Packer avaius; liberal terms to right party. 1 Tinners and Plumbers. Wages $276 | per day. Write John M. Morris, Ply- mouth, Pa. 160 For Sale. Upright (mahogany) piano, beautiful case, sweet tons, cost not three mouths old. Will sell for $165 if sold {this week. Parties leaving city. J avny I at residence, 420 Desmond St, I t "Roan horse 8 years old, weight 1,200 unds. Also a 3-year-old colt. | 02 Packer avenua, OY Orchestra.
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