nt - WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY REESER, KESSLER | WIELAND CO. IN oi. CHASES OF $s.00 "THE BIG STORE WITHEGS LITTLE PRICES On OVER SAYRE, PA. Departments over to you the Kitchen and Cooking Utensil up to $5.25. ‘Napkins, §1 03, $2.10, and $2.48. Unbleached patteros at 25¢, 20e, 30¢, 2c, 48¢c and Toc per y an Bleached patterns at 43¢, 49¢, Ble, b7e, 89¢c, 750, 79e, 8c, Bic, 08¢, 81.29 £1.48, and 81.50 Napkins, a number of designs, many to mateh, at Oc, The, Ste, 21.00, $1.10, $1.25, 21.30, 31.48, 72x80 cloth at $108, £2.80, 8279 and up to $5.25. Trav cloths at 25¢ and 50e. $2.00 to £5.97. In game design and various colorings. .pegular 10¢ value. : “im wide. A strong Sc value Millinery Department SECOND FLOOR If you don't find in our showing just the particular whimsy ia a hat that you want talk it over with our designer. She delights to work out novel ideas and has the “kpow how.” Ladies can buy a trimmed hat at $1.50 up, bat we keep all within the bonds of good valae, Children's hats from G0c up. Sc *Sc {0 pieces, no two alike, beautiful stripes and checks, heaviest teasled, good value at 10¢ : cen 7 1-2c well as his conrteous treatment, by electrio light. | m moi home evenings fe have games of all kinds, Cro- ple, 1'it, Fli ch, Checkers, Dom- pete. A god line of building for the babies | kinds of gwd books nicely d { from 10c to $i 50 each Savre, Pa i Lockhart St, J. CARY, CONTRACTOR “AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE BLOCK, SAYRE. CAFE est of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. AND SCRANTON phones; or at tho Erie : Valley Phone 27m. NassLEe, SHITHING REPAIRING Present to R. K. W. Co. Nov. 28. THIS COUPON Entities One Person to One 10 Cent Photo Button FREE OF CHARGE No Group Pictures made for this coupon. Extra Buttons may be purchased at prices ranging from five ceots up, WILL NEVER Issued Through The Valley Record Big Clothing Values Our Sample Overcoat Sale being so successful we & note the public is always looking for suit any taste, likewise your pocketbook. Raa to any $6.00 suit. ‘B: FREEDNM/ o08 Sn. Stroct WAVERLY N. Y. J. W. BISHOP There is as much difference in| the quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar. We sell nothing but the celebrated | Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cdte. We also sell Bituminous and | Loyalsock coal! and all kinds of Our specialty is prompt service | and the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, RANGE Both Phones. in stock Thought and Garland ELMER A. WILBER, Steel Ranges, ‘Wholesaler of BEERS AND ALES MSE 1 NESTIN | After New Highway Is Built to Morley's Crossing There Will Still Be Plenty of Money Left Athens—The Athens township commissioners are puzzling their improvements from the west end of the Chemung bridge down the niver. The state commissioner came to inspect the route and did not inform the commissioners when he was coming. He made his report to the department at Harrisburg recommending the road but stated that after the road was completed to Morley's crossing that there would be twenty-six thousand dollars of the appropri- ation left, which could be made available if the commissioners would extend the road through to Milan. This would require the consent ot the township commis- sioner and would involve an ad- about twelve miles on the assessed value of the township levy. The (commissioners are mostly in favor {of this outlay but one or two are standing out on it. ATHENS. Mrs. Seigel Kiff is visiting her parents in Alba. Charles Kellogg returned from New York Saturday, Mrs. C. W. Vansy ckle is is visiting her parents at Laurel hill msm Four Peddlers Held Up Near Safe Harbor, Fa~Twe Saplousit > ht. LANCASTER, Pa. Nov, — Four | peddiers—Isaac J. Francis o conten i ville and Joseph Maurice, Ablis Shi bent and Moses Albert of [Philadel phis—making their rounds of the | camps of laborers on the new railroad in the southern part of Lancaster coun- | ty, disposing of a great quantity of | merchandise, were on thelr way from | 3% Creswell to Safe Harbor when eight | = Italians held them up and with drawn | revolvers demanded their money, The | # peddiers resisted i In the fight that followal Francis and Maurice were shot apd robbed of | Sul. Shibent and Albert escaped and | gnve the alarm. The wounded men, | each with a Luliet In his head, were [i taken to the haspital at Columbia : ‘ Their condition is serious. A posse is | searching the vicinity of the crime for | the Lighwaymen. | § No Flowers, Says Speaker Cannon. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 There § will be no flowers in either house on the opening day of congress. Two &{ years ago, soon after Speaker Cannon was sworn in aud an attempt was made to bring in large floral pleces and place them upon the desks of mem- bers, the speaker lssued positive orders 10 stop the proceeding, and the banks of flowers remained in the lobbles un- til they were sent to the homes of the members, A standing resolution of the senate wns adopted during the last session of congress barring fNowers from the senate chamber. Mr. Cannon Las already giveu uotice that he will not allow the flowers to be brought in as heretofore < Our leading shoes § Nettleton and Walk Over— i Burt, Patrician, La France Only a few days left. ‘ember 30th. overcoat. |1s in town on business today, Edward Montgomery and his| ' mother drove to Troy Saturday. Miss Mary Young spent Sunday with her parents at East Smithfield. Mrs William Pritchard has gone to Cully, Pa, to visit her parents. A. R Owen went to Williams. Charles Hunsinger of Sayre has taken a position in Karner’ s store. Mrs. Adaline Morley of Ulster was transacting business in town today. > Ethan Jakeway came from Am br.dge Saturday to spend Thanks: giving with his family. Mrs. Harsy Clark, who has been | visiting her brother here, returned to her home in Rummerficld this a Miss Mary Jakeway “will go to Philadelphia tomorrow to remain ler George. Mrs. N.C. McMaher of Meshop- | pen, who has been the guest of her |sister, Mrs. I. E. Clark, returned home today. Robert Wright and wife of Long | Island is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wright in town. O, H. Tanner | is holding an old fashioned singing school in the | FAMILY R REUNION Athens—A reunion of the Drake | i Fred Drake in Litchfield last Sat- | |urday. The company numbered | thirty-four and included Frank | | Drake and wife and G. M. Johnson | | Drake and wife of Waverly. The | occasion was very enjoyable. | ramer, Adele—When that old man proposes marriage did he say he would be will ing to die for you? {| Chicago Tribune Profitiess Salling. In search of a cargo, the French bard | Marechal de Gontaut hag already sallec ly was at Adelaide, Australis. “waiting orders.” i | Further Delay Means Men’s Suits Every suit we show is well worth consideration. Every new and snappy st le, single and double breasted coats with new collar, wi , broad athletic shoulders and sha » retaining a atifally tailored and finished ith careful attention to detail, made of Scotohy cheviots, | twoeds and worsteds, in the nobbiest patterns and color- ings the markets produce. Bingle and double breasted sack suits for men, in black and blue cheviots, thibets and undressed worsted, former Pion | 18.00, sale ° $12. 682 priea....... Men's sack suits, inile and double Gesanted | styles, made of excellent fabrics in handsome = $10, Te) patterns that were 15.00, now. $10.00 and 12.00 suits, sale price. . Black and blue cheviots containing all the | fashion kinks and Etyls Shasges that expen- | sive clothing boasts . $3.90 Suits ‘Tor Young Men | Young men's single and double breasted | suite brimfull of all the character that the most particular young man could wish for, 4 15 | 1200 15.00 and 18.50, sale price . | $8.00 and 10.00 suits, sale price {$6.00 and 7.00 suits, sale price Overcoats for 0ld and Young Overcoats, medium length for men, very popular and {dressy styles which have many admirers, cat single breasted with fall skirt, fine velvet collar, broad shoulders, | beautifully lined threughaat made of meltons, 13 25 friezes and kerseys, $18.00 and 20.00, now . Double breasted overcoats for men aol - $9.50 | Joung men, the season's dressiest style, cut ong, oose and roomy, with or without belt, $6. 15 $8 and $10, sale price... .... $5.00 Long overcoats for men and young men, ' handsomely tailored and lined, $12 and §i5.. Men's soar? overcoats that were formerly $7, now Coats Single coats for men in all sizes, in black | and gray, worth $4.00, sale price . i 2.25 3.716 6.90 91c 10 dozen boys’ vests, former pri ce 0c, now 21c Men's all wool reefers, were $5.70, now ask L Irish frieze, made with extra high sol: lar, double breasted, wool lined, $8.00, now. Heavy esnvas coats in black and brown, { wool lined, were $1.50, now... ........... | Young Men’s Pants Young men's pants $3.50 and 4.00, now 2.15 : $2.50 and $3.00 pants, now : $1.00 pants, now Haberdashery Department Heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers, for- mer price ble, now. 10c mixed gray hose.............. 750cand $1.00 dress shirts. ................. Red and blue 100 handkerchiefs, now 85¢ suspenders, now _. Boys' knee pants, 60c and 75¢, now, $1.50 black derby hats, fall and winter styles Men's black sateen and black and white Heavy wool hose, 25¢, now. . Men's 50 and 75c heavy jersey shirts. . Men's $1.00 fleece lined heavy jersey shirts. Boy's knee pants Boys' single vests Boys' caps... ... Children's fleecs lined uadervear; | Works »e and 350 a garment. . Young men's long belted overcoats, - black and fagcies, Former price $9.00, now $4. Those that were formerly $15 now Boys’ Clothing Boys' suits sizes § to 17 years made of warm serviceable fabrics, stardily tailored and ve smart styles, regular value 5.00, 6.00 and $3.00 and 3.50 saits cat in wiasioh lines in single and double breasted styles $2.00 and 2.25 suits, containing every kink and wrinkle that the most fastidious young boy can wish for, from §140to.......... aw )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers