THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 $12,000.00 : Valley Record MURRELLE, Publisher. Ww. T. CAREY, Bditor. | Pu aibteucon, szcoph Sun. # Murvelle's Pristing BOO Dec coy o | $3.00 per year; 125 cents rates reasonable, and made | T— SRA I — this section. artistic pieces. Parlor, Dining Room, Sitting Room, Library, Hall SaOrud I “0 URNITUR RLY. HORRBIE HOLOCALST 1 FRANK E. WOOD, Representative left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 142A. {© ontinued from third page. ) WILLIAM WELLAR SERIOUSLY INJURED thigh, had been consumed She had been out of the penitentiary only a month, having been sent to drison on a charge of chicken — Look for the coupDa. Try Strong’ s cough syrup. Sunday. yesterday. mira yesterday Fancy stationery at Strong's a day in Owego. {in Barton yesterday. | day with friends in Owego. | Esther spent Saturday in Elmira. ere Y, NOVEMBER 17, 1 1906. 8 held yesterday afternoon from es N. Weaver, of South Elmer Rev. F. T. Cady, rector Church of the Redeemer, and . J. F. Warner, pagor of the ting clergymen. The pall bear were J. W. Bishop, E. M on, M. P. Seward, George wR. D.Cook and I. A ms. The remains were tak- to the Forest Home cemetery laverly for interment. J. W. 's undertaking establish- was in charge of the funeral : ts. rs. Maria C. Mitchell of To- was admitted to the hospital > Congress cards at Strong's. Miss Laura Drugan, spent Sunday at Mr. Ells Crandall. who | for some time is able to be out. day. Post cards at Song's Waverly. with her brother Mr. Ithaca. mung street has returned week. » On account of illness I will sel cost. Mrs. M. J. Baker, t AF & CO. stealing. The origin of the fire is unknown There were hints of toul play but Broken Back—Resting Com- | this theory is not supported by the authorities It is claimed that fortably Today Waverly—William Wellar, aged there was no fires in the stoves. It is thought that one of the drunken 65 years, and a life long resident occupants may have dropped a of Waverly, was seriously injured |. lighted match or upset a lamp, the | Saturday night. He resides with . : latter contention is probably the his son-in-law James Smith in the - more plausible. East ward. No one was present - The scene of the fire was visited when the accident happened. . by thousands yesterday. It is one Groans were heard, and upon in- : of the worst holocausts that has vestigating the cause, Mr. Wellar visited Towanda since the finding was found lying at the bottom of of the charred remains of Maggie the stairs down which he had ap- Johnson and Annie Benjamin in parently fallen. He was in a dazed : : ; the ruins of the former's home in condition bordering on uncon Asylum township on September 18 . - ns ( SCD ) sciousness. Dr. J. F. Tucker was Eo P I ’ called and found that the spinal 4 The authorities will conduct an column was broken just below the : : ; investigation, but it is likely that it last nb. It is also thought that will never be known in what man- one or two ribs are broken. The nes thie fire orizingted c 0 . portion of the body below the frac- Ie ong ture is paralyzed. The injured LOCAL MENTION man is resting comfortably today, Mrs Nancy Morrison of To- but is unable to give any account f how the accident hap ened. 9 w a — PI : wanda and Mrs. Edward Wheatlgy and Mrs. Nelson of Tioga county are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J LINCOLN STREET [sr vos ins” HOUSE BURGLARIZED| parmick” Steamy Thieves Rummage Entire House Waverly—Patrick Sheahan died last night at the age of 82 years But Secure Only $1.25 He was onc of the oldest residents of this valley and was widely known He is sureived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Patrick Shaugh nessy and Mrs. George Lusch, and one son The funeral service will be held at St. James Catholic church next Wednesday morning at g o'clock. ——— JUDGE DAWSON HONORED Waverly—Judge E. W. Dawson received a very fine Masonic charm as a birthday present. The donors are members of Hiram Lodge, No. FUNERAL HELD YESTERDAY | i, of New Haven, Conn. Judge Dawson is a past master of that lodge which is the oldest in Amer~ ica, having been organized about 200 years ago, and being the first on the continent to receive a charter EE — THE PRESIDENT and staff of physicians of Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth, and Electro Medical Institate are making a Mrs. Booth's mother, Mrs. Eunice, tour through this state and will visit | the important cities. They open offices | Pierce, have moved from Towanda',, ,;. Tioga House, Waverly, and will to Waverly, and reside on Broad remain until Wednesday, November 29, street. This being an advertising trip and to h {introduce their new system of electro Have you seen the machine that | medication, they will give consultation does your washing while you are and advice, magnetic and electrical getting breakfast? Call at 422 ‘treatment, fres. All that is asked in ; averly, and see Urn is that every person treated will Fulton street, Waverly, A state to their friends the result obtain- this machine in operation gents ed by their new system of treatment. wanted. 169 3* SPECIALTIES —All chronic diseases, W. H. Denslow w has ‘the contract for putting the heating plant in the Jeoubley, ives nod Xidavy . Com pia oH new school house at Wellsburg. Complaints, Rheumatism, Epilepsy, The new triple combination heating Secrofuls, Variocele, Nervous Debility, ventilating of the Fell Down Stairs and Sustains Waverly—The residence of Burt Smith on Lincoln strest was bur- glariged last Saturday night. En- trance was gained through a win- dow. The intruders rummaged nearly everything in the house, but found only $125 which they stole to- gether with a razor. All the members of the family were sleeping in the house at the time, but were not disturbed, and the crime was not discovered until Sunday morning. —————— 1 Waverly—The funeral of the, late Henry Bunnell was held Sun-! day afternoon from his old home at Talmadge Hill. Deceased was an old resident and the funeral was largely attended. The Rev. Peter R. Ross officiated and interment was made at Tioga Point cemetery — — the Uritary Sosuans; sad all peivate dis IT WILL SAVE YOU, [a it of Pain and Expense feeth Bbtendu | 0 ia time, “Decker Method” of [ol itely painte 8. to have sour You will ind extraction ab. Our Crown Remember our motto “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.” NOTE OUR PRICES Examinations and estimates free. Teeth extracted without pain $ 25 Vitalized air ‘ +58 Silver fillings 7 Gold fillings Fall set teeth Gold Crown, 22k . Crown aod Bridge Work, per tooth HQ $1.00 up . 0.00 5.00 5.00 Dr. Decker’s Dental Rooms 225 Broad St, Waverly, N. Y. Open Evenings. Sundays 10:00 to 1:00. Valley Phone 58 A. The Only Office In the Valley Using Vital. lzed Air. When You Are Thinking About Christmas Remember Us A fine lot of Glassware received the past week. An elegant four piece Tea Set Toe. Berry Sets, 75¢ each, imita- tion cut glass. Also some of those Imitation Cut Glass Berry Dishes for 10c. They went like hot cakes before. Handsome Vases for Se, 10¢ and 50c. We have a large fine line of Toys, Dolls, Children’s Books, Games of all kinds, and Ohristmas Novelties which we shall advertise more fully when we get them displayed. Remember the place. Gregg’s Racket Store Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave., Waverly, N. Y. LOOMISOPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished for Balls, Parties and all manoer of Soc- ial Functions, either public or private, Any number pieces desired will be fur- nisbed. Call Valley Record for terms, ete. SITIES Advertise in The Record. Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has In stock the following card signs: For Rent For Bale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Farnished Rooms JOHN ©. PEOKALLY, BDRALER IN forsgn ana Dussesi; Frum. No matter whether vour rooms-are large or small, they can be easily and quickly WARMED GAS as an auxiliary heater. If your service is not perfectly satisfactorily send word directly to the office of the Gas Company and they will give it attention. The Waverly Gas Light Company, 340 Broad Street. Waverly, N. Y. ' WARM YOUR FEET | Did you ever have any real { comfort in trying to warm your feet at an ordinary radiator ? Equip your radiaters with our Foot Warmer | which can also be used as a warming shelf on a dining room radiator, and then you'll oow what the other fellow misses be- | canss he didn't buy. For decorating radiators we sell the finest line of bronze on the market. All colors, H.R. TALMADGE Plumbing, Heating, Tinning, Both "Phones. Elmer “Hasthre WANT ADS Rates : —Wanted, Lost, Fonnd, For Sale, etc, § cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for Especial care and prompt at- lus han 36 conte Sieaations, To tention given to moving of Noti , otice. Pianos, Household Goods, Safes Want ads Inserted by not hav- ate” ing a ledger account with The Record » must be paid for when ordered printed. | We positively cannot Wat Wi ada charge A. H. MURRAY, M. i), imi ee roi Sank out of SPECIALTIES: |i tmnmetion ~ " | the transaction. Diseases of the he Bye, Ear, Nous aba) For Rent Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass-| The Beach House at the corner Packer es. Hours 8-12; 1 7-8; Sundays by | and Elmer avenues. All modern improve- appointment. Office, Wheelock Hoek. _ ments, Squire of Andrew Brats, phone 61 169 1w R. H. DRISLANE, Wanted. "Contractor and Builder $1 Abowse Call or Willow ack Athens. Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln St. GC. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. address 220 170-8t* Young girl wants sitoation to take I care of children or do light housework. Engire No. 304 §. Wilbur Ave. 172-1w To rent to man and wife, 201 Packer avenue; liberal terms to right party. 168-8 - —— -. ————————————— ———— Tinners and Plumbers. Wages $1.76 per day. Write John M. Morria, Biye mouth, Pa. Sayre, Pa. A.E. BAKER, Carpenter and Builder. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N.Y For Sale. Upright piano (mabogany) with stool nearly new, fine condition. Will sell for half price to quick buyer. rely a = | once, al afternoons, 4 420 4®e Roan horse 8 years old, OS eT 1.200 upds. Also a 3- year-old colt. Inquire 1 Packer avenue, IE I TE The D. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.
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