would mean for you and me should come ne more! of its gold along the sea, is rose above the shore! TAL rose of awful mystery, “Our souls bow down before oe it even as God Ersived It when the world was new! When Light rose earthquake shod, Bd slow its gradual splenlor grew : deepn the whirlwind trod A AFBal shoutings then and cymbalings Arase from depth and height! f worship -solemn trumpetings “And thunders. burning white “winds and waves, and anthemings Barth received the Light! "Risk what it means to see the dawn’ © The dawn, that comes each Jay’ Shid Dever mov 4 Hhe of rose rn Bye the ocean's spray’ =Mgdiscn Caweia in Alnslee's Magasi Be Seoronswcseetsssren : A Real Bad Man Becececececece DeQeCe0 CET HE yellow sands of the Painted desert flew past the car windows 18 the train plunged Into an Arizona twilight The glamour of a. desert sunset where the great red ball fire sinks slowly be hind the San Francisco peaks, fell upon the par ty of railroad of ficials were traveling the private car * It was the natural STUW ETA) iv be drawn na Oe0e000e0e of who in most thing In the world that under the Inflo of the exhilarating and peculiar = of the desert. which is all its ‘ the eastern men should start a reminiscent discussion of life in the i and woolly west Orders had joi Jssued not to light the lamps the ears until the twilight had WAY to the darkness of the The fact undoubtedly added 10 the zest as the discussion of the ‘man of the west and his terrible de grew more interesting *I'l tell you what it fellows,” K——. “I don't believe there exists today a good example of the is | RETANDING N THE DOORWAY WITII BOTH CANNONS POISED FOR ACTION : old style ‘real bad man’ of the west You read about ‘em in stories written Sum park and who are made up of imagination and one | “If what | bear is pe of ths party, “thers are ~ funlirary, a few of the real art! "grand these very same bad SMe smooting through at this - ment” - "Dh, paw” retorted K Jui Hke the =tories of the hick we read every mon pure articie In the doen't exist any fan. Trave! the won't see ome of what I'm taliinz about saten with him, bunked with him and Belped Alm sober up many a time ig Lhe early days. when | was a freight ia Colorado? They are not to ( found. 1 tell you, and iu this re leet they are just lke the typical man of the west Oh, of course ded, “there are a lot of coun Miking around. simulating the real article, and making the tender Peet toteve in ‘em That's easy enough when a fellow is a tenderfoot ‘if I Ahould see one of those howiing counterfeiting co Banging around I'd kpow him for what he reaily was” #1 dare say you are right.” replied “ade of the party Of course, you are His with the west, while the rest true’ protested on the le left lands It's The real cowboy day line fic over and you and 1 Hain't I more except in west him, should say | was familiar with 3 Kee, “There isn't any western character that | am sted with, and | ksow how them, too, the bad man in versation. Suddenly the alr was rent by a series of yells which would have put to an Apache on the warpath. The terrible’ sounds, which were (frequently ae companied by the crack of a revolver, evidently came from just outside the door of ti* private car I'm bound for La Junta to drink dry and bust the bleomin’ *declared the voice, which had larger and more fanciful roger than a steam call I ain't goin’ to spend a cent for car fare I own the train: in fact | the road, put the blamed ojd thing ain't worth Whoopee I'm It with a Why In don't one to top t the Ari Love the glow ng noon of day~ ne Undimmed unmeasured foods of light This chal concluded with Zenith of God. unknown of nigh that night atmosphere Absolute y. thoy rh stay’ for fully th of a mile and | ~™ Mes A noluded a revolver fasil lade that did the western terror great credit I guess he’s one of ‘em. all right” said Mr M as another shriek set the telegraph wires to jingling a men | ry lu K~— pened the car and towering the town Hope's window lo There sits she, keth ‘o the East; while the Rushes spread; She secs the pale fires overhead To burning «crimson flames increased, Hope ow n Faith eyes serene Fearless the Knows Gul Though the settling sun igh daylight disappear; ' s true, and #till is bere darkness fall and day is doae' but big 1 some try me eng split the ev Qu was abt a yell wr Liates Chrastian af % was ot with LITTLE THINGS. The Serviceableness of Just Every- Day Livieg and the Common Duty of Every Hour. ne {oor of the private to his full six feet and throwing out his Sandowic chest, femanded My good fellow, what is all this row about? Well, I'll blankety. blankety blanked if there ain't a real ‘risto- rat declared the bad man “Suny. par! take off that whitewash collar and jine me We're the boys who can do {it The bad laid a large, grimy “paw’’ upon the raliroad man's shoul der and tried to kiss him Upon the railroad man's resenting this fa m the fun began Out came two fours simultaneously with which made a rec Faithful io the The most serviceable and about which should comcern ourseives Lhe is just every-day living, the common duty of every hour. The round of service in this lowly, un- eventiul of ours for every day is going to make the warp and woof of eternity Sometimes we clamor like the child who was repeating the Lord's Praver. clause by clause after her mother. and when the nother sald Give this day our daily bread” the child cried No. no, me want cake.” So we are pot always willing to take the manna our Heavenly Fa- ther provides, but long for the flesh- pots of Egypt We should remember that the way up usually to go down In gentlenes and wamility. There are submerged ives with strong undercurrents of being hidden beneath the surface. and all, says Rev. A. C. Welch in "Character Photog- | raphy it his qulet is moving the world of thought that sorgecus and grand : nly epherieral least Is God's order. thing, after all, we mos. be man us rity forty another war-whoop ord is You shouted the bad man of hiamed car and take it and make you come along And take possession you can bet vou li off that whitewash col lar.” Into the emptying a « revolvers by had the effect pants M search of that sneakin’ coyote,” I like the looks go I'll just “ry this after when | 1AKS is Much inged the bad man, and of chambers in hi: way of emphasis This of scattering the occu made a wild dash conductor, convincel last hour had come up his mind to ths effect unless he could reach his revolver in the sleeping room of car Making a run for it. he tried to heat the bad man to It. but it was l.ike an avenging Nemesis terror of the plain: came charging the center of the car letting tion a pleturesque flccd of billings deavor directed at K and the |. € ewash collar A: he reached pa the trunk in his room and sought 10! rev. grasp his revolver K- glance | over his shoulder and the terrible westerner standing the doorway with both cannous ised for action Car is anpie i the real abides. Truth mikes si- gress, ilke the wa'er that les behind the rocks apd loosens them, 0 that some day there Is a mountain slide. and a single hour lays rk of years How much of lite under disadtan en who Sometimes but lent p1 in : jog the K—'8 K made we own | § work has Leen done tages by men and wom- were hampered in the etruggle! the highest inspi-ation is the must power very desperateness uf our condi- is the spur heroic en- Th ssutre « f clreum pergetic and critical that sur mus! be made Divine lation great stress on little hinges Mo e value 88 gi. ey lu Qual ity than to quantity Th: question 18 pot “How much®’ but ” We often shrink from the ordinary duties Therefore he de to stop at! of life and we Give me some- the trunk, but to go right on out of thing great rebels and we the window, which 11d. Landing |{say: Wh me sweep and dust?” upon his head and shoulders, the rall- | Yet out of the se come the larger du- road man picked himself up and | ties and from these spring th» Guished started for the rear of the train just’ results The beautiful butterfly is de as the had man began to show his ap from the chrysalis of the preciation of the em car by giving | that crawls A rud® cradle irdling war a noble and lordly life. It the diamond to be polished and marvelous We arene at Nazarcth the of Ly HAITOW, tin pathway vrs broucht their ins Their their their Christ He wd drank There wandered His humble rank or wad a artl th arpa niter’'s son Hi faily bread at a and ths rd toll, ever Lleased He was lowly jie fr !is great that He migt't be an to others his no the down nse that of nec [he sity, best fo loose gate whit pre ing «flort Ayr SAW in po fded not NUWw KAY Pride he veloped worm often roel s needs. like smoothed and glow with a think of the lo of the life of ret Nazareth Judea glee ity vent to a of blood « ries On his countered breathlessly Serie oaly the rear K en- to whom he of the bad! Without a! on to way to to gleam conduc told the tof beausy of 1 nt the Slory wily Life car wouliar man s word, 1! tDyas=ic nis smile ay kills hasened owing at a iA mo conductor just as telling? When conductor he ivers and started for But the conductor him and grasping by the coat collar! It wa and over which the ne harvest strect for , private c3 to che! Hata Qi re o “} from the we Lele nares and dirty rud ubtf Prang the bad 3 1ded the wo that ha cned it ee pif Were ty de and toiled d its m its springs ‘ al na Ye for ) ulain path and fountain He plaved and was a peasant parents plain ordinary Jawish folks wit dither wealth Jose pl G gan and th He labored work -berch and made it trained In the responsibilities exami le Wha mors lived climbs at as a about he bad man = he years dropprd bot! the forward boy He Wire was too oun I've been looking rain I told er bothered me very in your wilean . was again bone fo: roward!y Dragging car tered a justy Kick ihe impid terror to the! ynductor adminis which sent him d into the sands of A: the bad man picked dar? pia plunging the desert s the meaning of my dally life Tits drudgery O deldiy rtainty of «¢ O hours with laggy and its endless petty strife? mmon things’ limped dejectedly on K——'s face himself up away the expr was A study In the excitement of dida't recozn vour friend Ed?" asked M aughing the reg! thing Just couldnt Supro aid au or Help me ta that Well ip to Ed, anyway,” h me ieclared a He wasp t running In aarth y tasks In Ne iv 1 with the blamed rain And yet ar Lord. with Thee a H ven Well anyhow. bLoys retorted the Tae us neral freight agent, he's jeaven a bal ma ’ dnt hit the ——— —-— ird {hicago Record RAMS HORN BLASTS Bslon heavy Ds Thou Teach me Thee , Bend vistuns t {dst share [ The lot rkinz O Carpenter of Galilee Th t me learn the moment | did ‘In ‘ ire le ot you ’ you be those Aays wher Thou ar to hurt him, nw his trials Lear Tr Aost work Thee; Iwas immon jot hath blessed { erestfalien g he wo — 1 LOO Her Lose We Ce mere) It is no use talbing about growing grace while you ae standing fn Lever KROWw thil we trace Re sweeiness of it up to is source Thukh nthe ¢ “rs ther Any per- wnme refused in sia Liars are always losers, po coufldence and they acter The devil flees Liom the man who Is not afraid to look his own faults in the face ! nce It is better to learn bow Self Made loss than how to | Joseph Chamberlain selfishly { Englishman not a graduate of any The will of. God soon forgotten university arge publi hoo! He When you gel anxious about keeping | was a full Sedeed business man at the the good will of men age of 16 and 1% his fortone Rad ARs roportions that he was able to retire from commercial life and des hims#if to the study and | practi] e of polities RI they gain luee all char- They ach atens!i had They have When a box of candy once dis {tow Aetna all thines lu commot was giv 2 Itle girl she at | tributed contents 10 accept make great gains the celebrated is nor when umed such eel In the dust, bul he is born with & heart that Jonge for (he Divine-- Hsm's Horn fe Two Statements. Knox—8Some people are saying that you made most of your movey In ut others rine 1 are country distriets of Raat, hophaady made most of eaten, whes in ’ br Hopvine Heads : Keptish (English) farmers say that the heads of young hop vines are a fapesios substitute for asparagus In A big fire, a suicide and a number of sccidents in the city and a heavy wind and rainstorm here and numerous crimes and docldents In mapy parts of the republic were the ratdral conse | quences, it is to be suppcsedof the an- vual one day's leave of absene® taken by bis diabolical majesty the devil yesterday —a leave of absence which his majesty spends in this earthly planet doing a number of devilish tricks, says the Mexican Herald It Is a common belief amoug almost all Mexicans that on the day of San Bartolo the devil Is loose aud many un pleasant thfugs happen The devil 1s supposed to be very Lusy all the eal around roasting bad people jo the in ferno, but on the day of San Bartolo be takes a little rest and comes tothg earth to se¢ how things are goingon Mat is he comes op a trip of inspection to see the prospects for the coming year Many people are so superstitious about this that they stay at home all day and refuse to receive calls because ac- cording to tradition, it occurred one time thal the devil disguised himself and called upon people whom he wanted 10 carry away The object of the visit was briefly explained and the Intarested parties were so scared that most of them dropped dead, whereupon the devil car- ried away their souls. The superstition Is much more widely spread in the states of Yhe intertor. In Guadalajara, for instance they claim that San Bartolo’s Is the day when the city shall be destroyed by a flood and a hurricane. according to the prediction of a priest who died many years ago, | although nobody knows the name of that prophet nor the year when he made his prophecy AND JONES oT HIS RAISE Smart Trick of His Friend Willie Unexpectedly Helped Him | to Get It. "The question 1s” sa | the young man. according to the New York Sun, “whether the joke is on me or Joaey, “You see Jones cam to “‘l ought to have my pay raised five a week,” says he, ‘Lut |] hate W tackle the boss How ould scu go atout it” ‘Why don't you write to him. say- Ing that Mr Jones Is a dd serving yous man, who has done good work for the firm. and ought to have his pay raised five dollars a week? say’ I. 'Tuen sign It “Lewis Jarvis,” and send I in’ ‘By Jove that's a great 1d a” sya he. | thought he'd take it as a joke, of course. But that night Jones came up to me, grinning all ove ‘Well, | sent that Lewis Jarvis let- cays he. ‘Sens It through the ow,’ ue er,’ mail “Say 1 felt rotten Here 1d a young and inexperienced man Jones to get gay with the boss an! maybe ruined all bis prospects. | la awake half that night and the mor 1 thought, the more it seemed to mm? that iL was going to be up to Willis to ‘fess up and the Jou [for Jones “1 didn’t next day hand out ‘Say!’ says he he sreatest ever! the Lig boss now ting their sides ratse §7 50° Ie like Ave see Jones until no! came to me with hie ‘the boss thinks it's He's showing it 10 and they're split- And he made th: MANY AMERICANS ABROAD. Stated That More Than 100,000 Are at All Times Residing in Euro- pean Cities, Year by year the number of Amer fcans residing in the chief European cities has been increasing. Two years azo an estimate of the number of Amer- jrans living In London was made and the numb r was shown to be 15000, w 12.000 in Parls There are accoiding to the last esti mates 25000 Americans residing in London permanently, 30.000 ln Parls, 5.000 each In Rome and Berlin, 2,500 in Munich, 1.500 In Florence and 1,000 in Venice. There are at all times between 100 000 and 150 000 Americans resident In European cities, apart from the num- ber of Americvans who make a sum- mer trip to Europe and come under the designation of cither trana'enty or travelers. Most European countries do not include in the census of Inhabi tan!s taken wunnaturalized foreigners and for that reason the figures of the number of Americans are not always casy to get. Ten per cent of the pop- ulation of Paris, exclusive of tran sients. 1: made up of foreignoga—200 000 foreigner: constantly in Paris, ¢f whoin 20.0049 are Americans Enormous Reservoir. { One of the larz works hands 1s the artifical lake volr, in India, ot kajpurang This reservolr, 2ald to be the largest in the world, known as the Great Tank of Dhebar. and used for irrigating pur poses, covers an arca of 1 square miles of man's or reser Proof at nna. “There, ol man exclaimed the proud young father, “is a baby that It a baby. Don’t you think he resembles whet ’ Just then a pin got busy with the baby's anatomy and he let out a stren. uous squall | “Yes” replied the bachelor friend, critically, “there is certainly a resem- blancs.” —Chieago Dally News Bath of Panama. A traveler In the Panma country has this to say of one of his boatmen: “The negro limped from a sore in his fool | He explained that his toe had been at tacked the Tg night by a vam pire bat, which November 14 to 18 The prices that you generally get after Christmas on left overs and job lots we offer now in time for THE REASON : On account of ill health we have been unable to properly attgnd to business, so that our store, basement and two storerooms are full WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM FOR WE MUST HAVE MONEY FOR OUR HOLIDAY BILLS, so we offer the following uncommon inducements : you to take advantage of them for your Xmas outlay. to overflowing and our bank account correspondingly low. OUR HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Dinner Sets Who wouldn't enjoy their Thanksgiving or Toilet Sets Knock Down Prices, 10-picce sets. Your choice for A few O-picce sets. Your choice for... . Worth three times the money. Lamps Not a cheap lot bought to sell in a bunch, but our standard line in the latest designs. We have them in plain colors green, red, ete., also a few beauties in the frosted glass with chrysanthemums, autumn leaves, ete,, for dec oration. Some with bird or animal figure decoration, Reduced for Wednesday and Saturday only. $8.50 ones for $4.00 ones for $4.00 ones for Xmas dinner one hundred fold if served in beautiful turkey too with what you save at this sale. new china. You can buy your Reg. Pr. Sale Four [00-piece dinner sets, the very best English Royal Semi- Porcelain Johnson Bros. make 817 Pr. 00 B12 UN Two 100-piece dinner sets, Amer ican China, one white with gilt trimmings, one white with flower decorations. Very pret- ty Two 100-piece dinner sets, Amer fcan China, blue and white MEN'S DRESS AND DRIVING GLOVES. A brand new lot 23 and 43 cents. Wrappers at Ofc, flannellette wrappers 69c¢. - Granite Ware Our beautiful line of blue and white enam- cled ware. A little too expensive for us to carry, at cost, Writing paper Baby bonnets Pictures, pletiive , Jardeniers, at cost. Your choice of our 530 and 75 cent perfumes amd tollet preparations for 38 cents, Fish globes at cost. Special one 100-piece dinner set, American make, green and white, To close out stock pat- tern Two 100-plece dinner sets, Amer» fcan make, blue and white, green and white One 112- white, plece dinner set, American make plain One stock pattern, not a full set, white, with pink flower decor ation. Very pretty. Odd pleces closed ont at most any price. One 38-plece tea set, pink and white decoration . When you come to take advantage of this sale keeplan eye open for our Xmas novelties and toys which are daly arriving B-ing the children. This store is their special delight. Letters to Santa Claus deliver. d free of charge. GREGG'S RACKET STORE Corner Broad Street and Park Avenue, Waverly, N. Y. WITHOUT QUESTION IS ADVERTISING IN THIS REGION Leading business men of this valley get “the real thing” in circulation and correct typesetting when they their announcements in its columns. LOOMISOPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly Up to-Date Music furnished] for Balls, Parties and all manner of Soc- ial Functions, either public or private. | Any number piéces desired will be fur-| nished. ete, JOHN C. PECKALLY, EDEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. LENIGN AND SCRANTON H_H. Merce: COAL | ‘mwaie | At the Lowest Possible Prices. | Special sttention to Pension Valley Phone 11 X, Orders can be lft t Weat Sayre 113 Desmond Birest Call Valley Record for terms, | yards at Sage, V. i ot 2 the Rite. COLEMAN RASSLE i. L. TOWNER, W.D. RH. ialties. : :
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