rr ERE SUT New ydeas in Heavy Kuyt Saealers, Turtle Neck, and Vest Sweat- ers. Colors > — White, Black and Oxford AT BOLTON'S. Shoes. Packer Ave, Sayre. OF SAYRE GENERAL BANKING Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS. BP. Wilbur, J N Weaver W. A. Wilber, J. WW. Bishop, J. BR. Wheelock. 0. L. Haverly, Seward Baldwin, : RF. Page, Cashier Renting, Estates Managed ~ E. E. Reynolds, Property Bought, Sold and —Exchanged — Investments IIT Packer Ave. Valley Phone 230x, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. § Collected, Taxes Paid. ROOK 7, LOCKHART ST., SAYRE. Bath bar, 65 cents. 201 Lockbart St., Sayre. The one surpassing quality of is its ABSOLUTE PURITY ! One bottle of it will do more to convert those that don’t know than any argument of * talk or print. Try it today; light or dark; Same price; prompt «delivery. BRAVEPLAGUEALONE President Decides to Visit New Orleans. WILL RETURN BY SEA ON CRUISER Ne Cabinet Member Will Make Trip. Party te Soenth Will Disband at Little Hoek — Talk on Rate Legislation, WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 dent bas determined to fever amd go to New Orleans It is otficially announces] that he will leave here Oct IS go en points tropwol I'he pres! brave yellow tao various south ind reach the Lowisiana we Hith He day there amd will then take a or of the Colorado type Washington, arriving He will thus ay old the Guarantine States No cabinet member will make the trip, nor will Mrs. Roosevelt accompa ny her husband. The official party will disband at Little Rock, and only Ne retary Loeb will go with the president to the gulf Mr. Hoosevelt has started work and passed a busy time seeing many callers s on the will sped a river and return to bere on tk 30 any infringement of laws of the southern and considering multitedinous details Ie presiaent and Senator Foraker talked on rate brietly, and there natured but rather spicy the subject of tne senator's Ohio speech Ihe chief exe utive made It clear that Le from Mr. Foraker's utterances and did not see the diticulties in tion which Mr. Foraker had sized Scores of congratulations on the suc cess of the peace conference were re ceived, and the president talked over the conference with his call ers. An Olle delegation, beaded by Senators Dick and Foraker, wanted the president to attend the dedication of an equestrian statue of Geoeral Sheridan at Somerset, Sheridan's old home, but Mr. Roosevelt had to de cline Secretary Taft and Genera! Chaffee will le invited Amotg other callers were Secretary Hitcheock and Sevators Heminway Burkett and Fulton Burkett of Ne braska also talked riliroad rate matters with the president at jength He sald the president held the same opinion as of old en that subject Mayor Behrman of New Orleans says that the arrangements for the recep tion of the president will be pushed with enthusiasm and thal be felt con fident that the president would flud himself as safe In New Orleans on Oct. 20 as If he were then In his own bome If he desires to do so during his brief stay the president will be permitted to visit the Emergency hospital, which Dr. White and his associates of marine hospital service regard as per haps the place in the city uost cer tainly proof agninst the danger of In fection. It is expected that when he comes the president will desire to visit Dr White and learn from Lim personally something about the struggle that has been so successfully carried on, and Dr. White will take that opportunity te extend au invitation to the president to visit the hospital legislation Was Round collision on dissented rate egisia cwpha soe of uver the Five New Cases at Pensacola. PENSACOLA, Fla, Oct. 3 — Five pew cuses of fever are reported here and one death. The death was that of & nloedays-old Infant, whose mother was taken with the fever two days be fore the child was born. It was an nounced last night that the detention camp at McDavid will be ready to re celve occupants today, room for eighty people belong provided. Quarantine Against Misslssippl. ATLANTA, Ga, Oct. 3.—-An order has been Issued by the stage board of health quarautining Georgia against the whole state of Mississipp! Bergh Did Not Know, WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 -Hobert 8 Bergh, American consul at Gothenberg Sweden, who was recently called upon by the state department to explalc published charges that he had beer guilty of disrespect to the king of Bwe den In falling to holst the flag over the consulate at the recent visit of King Osear to Gothenberg, has satisfactorily explained the episode. Mr Bergh sald that he was quite unaware of the pres ence of King Oscar In Gothenberg un til be bad left the city Owner Wanted For $30,000, CINCINNATI, OO, Oct. 3 — Certifi- cates of deposit, notes and securities apparently belonging to some person in Brandon or Evansville, Miun., and valued at considerably over $50.000 were pleked up on the street here by Raymond Schlie, aged fifteen years The securities were turned over to the Western German bank, and the offi clals are trying to find the owner Goats From Malta, WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 ~The depart ment of agriculture has Imported from the island of Malta a herd of sixty- eight milking goats. These animals have arrived at New York and are now In quarantine awaiting Inspection. They will be taken to the Connectiout experiment station, where they will be fed, milked and propagated under scientific conditions Former Mexican Governor Dead, EL PARO, Tex. Oct. 3 Dr. Marianc Bamaniego of Chihuahua 1s dead here He was twice governor of the state of im, Mexico, and wax a gen From Judge Carlton, the Bigamist NEW YORK. Oct. 3 dramatic scene in court, Brooklyn, when Frederic BE! Carlton was sentenced to nineteer! Years in Sing Sing prison | Carlton appeared uumoved. His aw | yer made a strong plea for clemency | declaring that the prisoner was suf | There was 38 Judge Aspinall’s| fering from diabetes and that bis four | trials were rushed through in one day | 8 thing beretofore unknown A long! said, “will wean a life! sentence” } District Attoruey Clarke t history of Carlton's marriages aud! sid Lie had tried to murder Schwab sentence,” he then gave! Judge Aspinall in passing sentence! wentionad the disappearance of two of the prisoner's wives, on whose lives he! had collected £5,000 in jusurane i “These the ‘were either done with or to the cold wercies of the world were able | Judge | left} If i would send this man to the women,” sail away electric hair. I believe he gave strych Schwab, the victim whom be robbed, and conyinesd than the Iatter's constitution him." Turning to Carlton, the judge sald “You are a villain, and it would be a good thing for you te gn to prison and die there I don’t care whether you have diabetes or what you have. The community should be protected against you “On the first Indictment of bigamy for marrying Marie Gorman 1 suspend sentence In onder to give vou the full limit on the other three Indictments “On the second, for marryviag Mary T. Swith, five years in Siug Sing “On the third. for grand larceny, ten years in Sing Sing “On the fourth, for marrying Lulu Kittering. four years In Sing Siug My only regret is that 1 cauuot make it twenty-five years’ Speaking to an officer, the judge theb said “Take him away” Vietory For Higgins In Connecticut. NEW HAVEN Oct. 3 The little town Conbecticut were greatly complicated by the entire state voting ou the question of adop tion of two constitutional amendments and of the the Third con gressional district choosing a successor to Frauk B, Braudegee, who wm May last was elected United States senator by the general assembly Iu the latter instance Edwin W. Higgins, a lawyer of Norwich, Republica, elected Charles FF. Thayer mayor of the same city, who had the Democratic nomination, thé majority with a few towns missing, being about 1,800 tine to am only strong saved Conn elections in electors in Wis 10 COLZTEsSS over Negroes Start Anto Car Line, NASHVILLE, Union Tenn (Oct. 3 The Iransportation company has been organized by the negroes of Nash ville and will put in timlay five automobiles for the purpose of transporting negro passengers to vard ous parts of this city. Some of the leading negroes of Nashville are Inter ested in the venture and clam to have ample capital Ever since the “Jim Crow” street ear law went into effect the colored population has been greatly dissatisfied and negro travel io cars has greatly decreased ——————————— “The Crossing” at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, 0, Oct. 3.- Winston Churchill's “The Crossing” made into a play by Winston Churchill and Louls Evan Shipmau, was produced for the first time upon any stage at the Euclid Avenue Opera House here last pight The most fashionable audience that bas filled the theater In many years was ou band to give the play a good sendofl, and the plece scored an hm wense success. Mr. Blair, Miss Bert, Miss Houk, Mr Lawrence aud others f the company made Individual hits operation Three Handred Were Diemissed. DAYTON, 0, Oct. 3 Three hundred employees of the National Cash Regis ter company were dismissed bere Fol lowing the decision to refuse the de mands of the Typographical union tor an eight bour day in the printing de partinent, the company ordered all em ploy ees to report lu the assembly hall a few Lours before closing time to listen to addresses by the company officials on the labor situation. ‘The men charged are those who failed to attend the uieeting dis Cable Company Closes Offices. CARACAS, Venezuela, Oct. 3 Venezuelan authorities have information from toe French Cable company the arrival bere of its the company I'he received officials of the that, pending Colmiissioners, consented to the closing of its Caracas and coast offices and to the other arrangements made by the Forwer Judge W_ J. Cal houn of Chicago, special commissioner of the United States to Venezueln, Las salled from La Guayra for home government Ten Million Gift From Rockefeller. NEW YORK. Oct. 3 Ihe Rockefel ler gift to the elucational board of $10,000 was delivered to the execu tive committee of the board while in session bere by VF. T A repre sentative of 1. DD. Rockefeller and also a member of the committee. The pay ment was made In a series of checks made payable to George Poster Pea body, treasurer of the board. Nig of the checks were for $1.00 (00) and (wo for $2000 (88) each (sates, New Oficial at Capital, WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 Truman H. Newberry of Detroit, who be to succeed Charles H. Darling of Vermont as as sistant secretary of the navy, was at the navy department and had an inter on fr Cape h dnd afficial Leonard, Who Stole $369,080, Makes Unique Confession. Obtained Securities With Forged Cheek and Malled Them to Owner How Easy Wall Street tonld Be Fooled. NEW YORK te Show Oct. 3 Henry Leon for Halle & Stelg esse uger who robbed bank of £0980 ju ing to Pearl & Co the Natfbual securities belong bankers City bro aud Leonard lives at 888 East One Hun dred and Thirty sixth street He looks younger than he really Is and is the last person one would suspect of engi neering the scheme to which he cou fessed He was held by Magistrate Pool in $30.00 bail for examination and taken back to headquarters. On golug out he sald to a questioner, “I did It on a bet : One of the strangest parts of the youug man's story toid was his assertion that he had commit ted the theft just to show how easy it was to foul the National Clty clerks Roth Captain McCauley and Steigilitz that he gut curities with no other end fu view A statement made to the police that he malled the bulk of the papers to Mr. Pearl was substantiated by the lat ter's son. The culprit lustead of wail ing them to the office of the fru sent thew to Mr. Dyer Pearl's home. He i= in Earope, aud there the envelope la) from late Wednesday afternoon until Sunday, when Mr. Pearl's son opened the package He at ouce telephoned Edward Slay back. another member of the firm. Ex amination of the securities revealed the fact that they were the stolen ones The United States Steel and Metropo! tau Street ralirvad stocks and Wa bast and Tobacco Louds, representing about $60), were missing Leonard was arrested by Captain McCauley of the detective bureau, Su perintendent Dougherty of the Pinker ton ageucy and "Detective Sergeant Woolridge of the central office while he was standing at the corner of One Hundred and Thirty eighth street aud Third areunue WE=. caught he denied all knowledge of the theft, but later, when taken to police headquarters aud confronted with the evidence, made a full confes sion, describing his work in every de tail apd making Lis remarkable laration that he stole the securities for the one and only purpose of showing how easy it was to accomplish such things in Wall street Park Commissioner Henry OC Schra der of the Bronx last evening came to the defense of Henry Leouard, the young Wall street clerk who hgs coun fessed to the theft of $306.00 of se curities from the National City bank Leonard has Leen paying attention to Mr. Schrader’s daughter, Lulu Commissioner Schrader when asked about the case sald: “There is no cugagement between Leouard and my daughter Lulu as far a8 I know, but he called here frequent ly 1 believe he Is thoroughly and will ald him In any way { can. | do not belleve that he did this thing with the least thought of dishonesty Miss Schrader was very positive of Leonard's Innocence of any criminal futent in obtaining the securities to the police bauk Abert believe the se dex hotest Father Sent Folsouned Candy, DAVENI'ORT, la, Oct. 3.-- Foulk, aged five, and Mamie, aged cight, were polsoned at Davenport's Soldwrs home by caudy which, It is was sent to them by thelr father, Joua than Foulk of Marlon, In The candy was received with other presents from the father, and when the children ate it they became very ill fhe Loy almost died before medical ald could be giveu im. Half a dozen other children who ate of the caudy because 1, George claimed two ‘Young Mre. Loeb Seriously 111, WASHINGTON, Oct, 3 Metcalf of the department of cots weree and labor, who hing been 11 with an affection of the somewhat huproved. Senator Heyburn of Idaho, who ill for days, continues to lmprove The con dition of Mrs. Loeb, the wife of the secretary to the president, refining uu chinngwd Secretary stomach, is reported has Leen She [2 still seriously (1 Mad (Counterfeit Money, HUNTINGTON, W. Va. Oct. 8 George Olenstead has urrested here and a considerable terfeit found on his Olenstead made a confession lu which he disclosed the location of the terfeiters’ headquarters under the Ohio river bank below Central City A quantity of metal for making the bo gus coins and several found ews sun of coun money persan vain miokls were Printers Strike at Minneapolis. MINNEATOLIS, Minn, Ot 3. Fol lowing the strike at St. I'aul, a print ers’ strike Is on here. An open shop no tice posts] in all the Job printing of ces precipitated the branch of the strike The Minneapolis Typothetae has huported strike break ers and have opened some of the shops Turn Verein Preuldent Foand Dead. MOUSTON, Tex, Oct. 1 -Dr. Max Urwits, president of the Houston turn vereln, president of the board of school FI a publican candidate for wig -* BURGOMASTFR AT BELMONT, Whitney Colt, 1 to 29 Favorite, Cap- tured Half of Matron Stakes. NEW YORK, Oct 3-H. P. Whit wey 's RBurgomaster, favorite at the pro hibitive price of 1 te half of the Matron stakes at Bel wont park. Pearhyn was second and fattieax nuister = vasily wor the Colts stable « Burge 1:12 1D e<jals the Hupantion of was Honrd i Lie for =ix fur % ri track recond Ihe ney overwhelmingly ‘ the two cutry =o yearohkds again conclu stahh fore erie that the Lhasier Carrying took the making all the pace ao vy In uw half tart 0 and Ieugths Mr Whitey = cond vid tory in the 1 Matra stakes for fillies whe ryvet thie i to 0 favorite von track record for =ix fi rlongs by ping the distance in 1.1145 Earls itd Often wade the pace for bent Ave furlongs, when Lyne to the front and wou In a making 1 new step sent Perv erse Irive Ly length from Early and Often iu turn was six lengths hefors Bedouin n the ole who Irienna with Von Jerome hand cap nt ous the 5] lit f tyorits atl workl’'s re sixteenths, created a ond for i he came home a winner In and ods faster than the best previ five the distance which is two two fifths se He ree it Mor iy three stiles iti hofses =tartest in Hedouin ysl Von 11 to 10 wile St. Bellaue from 153 to 1 ta 7 to tid Vou Tromp ran bead and hea 1'tor of a ahen W I sent St Bellaue up ou the rail and front ind pKice price ord. made by Ostrich ast ris park Baslouin SOR unser n carrisd pron down mie «lier Was soul in Shaw ou back allows] St to the ride he sent Hedouln into the war tslouin pulled Bellane to make the where ander a hand lead Rellaue of Ven sfretoh and easily by two lengths St froat was eight leugths in Irowp. Summaries First Rave The Huguenot. first King Pepper. second: Wyeth third Burg master. first Hattleax, third Second Race Pearyhn, sevond hind Races P ind Often, second Fourth Hane, secs Fifth Rac lirta, second CrVerse Early Duenna, thind Race Bedouin, frst; St I: Vou Tromp, thin Pricobeddiont. first: hinievdale, third Sixth Race - Lond of the Vale Broomstick Preteusion Ark first, third secold BASEBALL SCORES. Games Played Yesterday by the Nao tional and American League (lubes NATIONAL LEAGUE At Chicago Phitadelphia Chicago Hits I'h rors Phil tes— Ni ho New York 's € - Fy? 1eiphl st 1 . Boston Brookiyn AME HRI At New York retrofit New York Hits Duy Detroit, 3. Nev evan and W RKieinow Second Game Detroit New York Hits etrod Lank nQr At Pi tn id Battert Uriger OF PERCENTAGES Fara A 3 er and Dr. lego Finlahed Third LOUISVILLE, Ky, tet 8 Dr. Lex £0, the California Derby winger Lis frst appear ! Inst winter in a purse rice at a wile. Dr verskiu hive fC Liner i swnv fries Legeo finished thind to Si) and ound race fn the left Bonnie Sue, but ran n I | il the jst titer being priv tically Foothall at CLINTON, N. ¥ defeated St] by a scure of 12 tau (linton (hd Hamilton Wiehoe at fonthal I Boller Exploded; Thiee Dend HUDSON. NN. X (ht Fhe baller used In washing out the sam in oh an : the city ing reservoirs night, Killing Benjamin Hermanz the te] Patrick Ma James Rifenbargh amd had ly injuring Italian Son eral other men were less serionsly hurt cuRineer man amd Ialwirers in unknown There were eighteen or twenty men sit ting about the | work when the explosd Mm ocvirrest Gaynor and Greene MONTREAL, ot deau of the district of t tha extradition of Gaynor fHiawna to Came Back Sheriff This Mottreal has it for th ind Greene was aml hvlorsement of the Heutenaut governor, Sir Heary Jett It will therefore in all probability be returned to Montreal today, when It will be execnted at once, wary Wis sent ft Weather Probabiiitien, southwest winds. TAFTS RECORD TRIP Secretary of War and Tourist Party at Capital. FILIPINOS MARE ABLE LEGISLATORS - American (onsular Service In Orlent Neede Fay and Proper Vast Improvement —letter Equipment Adroerated WASHINGTON. Oct. 3 db=euce of tore than of War Taft Washington, esta After an thires ietithis Recretary has returnst to + Ohh the * fie Yokoliau t days i ar ward trip a Washington of 1 riving two days ahead of s Line Of the original mel of th gression 1 party only oue, Sena ter of 1a ted 10 Wa to with the se retary Tlie other 1 LifTerent Lers tis fue r= W ent bis stopped on to! neat, and oul) nbers of his in Party arrivesd At the ation to uiset Necrviary aft were Getieral Bates, the with him acting chief of IWLOE secretary of New York the chief fiscal agent of the Isthmian aud other officials Neoretary [arnt tailed to Qe of war: Mr. Cromwell ii Leary tad vigorous and cond ¥ ree these who inet his He siade k oveesied 1 [here Lie ex ni that the lo it Lad Lew ac iishap to trip to his howe aud then § department pressed gratiticat nes complished was over and that iy of without the party In discussing Lriedy his trip the se retary sald that the natives of the Phil wher eaisiation with ind that it will be ippines have reached the point they can particijusite in profit to themselhy them. There arn he added, o 1H cient qualified to compose one branch of the legislative andy a god edition fot nutiiler wel Speakiug of the China, be ruent colisuiar service {o sail be Lad wade uo state sitive reaching this country which In reflection cousular ser i mivant ofisiried as a upon personnel of the that ir tesd The fiesd ars are] stich «i ind been that It cusuls, hie any Ure Le desirad corrected American poorly paid, lulldequately quipped with clerical help and occupy bulldiugs not in keeping with the dignity of the country they ne expia prresent Unie state) thelr Shaughal as the added ure such Eur wiih had ten many Constiar semnvioe io country, he tines a= men in \Lericals It i= 3a wouder. li that this « able thitry is abie to se and capable men as it has in th consular service js the orient. men wh ire working bard and conscwnt od =u that a sly when they are pa bh low sa He pointed out Lut $17.40 liarie« ambassadom reveivesd where it casts hime $25,155 to live A i ft suid pro etter pay uhd lw } vision shi wade for f officers in the cousular service [aft dined resident Roosevelt at the White House night [is spent the eveulug ther id detailed to the presi dent the results of the + tour of Secretary with ind Mrs ast secre! ry party the Phillippines and the orient Secretary Root also dined at the White House jast 3 several of the cluding Cowin Garfield Must Catch Him First, HOUSTON, Tex 3. =1'lans hav been coupletesd to buru Monk Gibson who murdered Mrs Conditt, on the public synare of Edun The negro ba been surrounded eight milles from th town in Devil's pocket. H H. Beasley hirother of Mrs. Couditt, the wolnan, stated thar it of Lis futbier aud mother be pleaded with not to until they arrived, the citizens of Edua ty to be accorded the ing it ct umunders was the that Fenjliesd the nel burn the uogr tid they wanted al tad Jack<on coun privilege of see Secretary Shaw at Hichmond, Va, RICHMOND, of the Treasury Republican mass meeting in the Acad emy of Music tu this city last uight tariff issues, declarnsd that party us for anv t n is that lts § < perfect, tha ct ' Sevier Shaw fn a speech at a discussed all tnt the law that the priuciple w ever In ol under a LL for governor Rep ll Lewis, the Republican it the Domine presided meeting Gilt From the WASHINGTON Hebbinghnus Rid eli it the White Hl the president a cngravings Frederick the German German Emperor, thot 3 { ttache of the Gog Assy I hiv privrint vd presented ble collect 1 Hiustrative of the life of the gift of the tpt He returned from Ge Geteat Clperot { Lhing haus, who has just many, was also bearer of a person i x soy ervigu ta the Flret Victim of Foothall EXETER, N H Crocker of Warenan tet, 3 -Gesrge | Mass tL theinbher at Phillips Exeter it Lhe pit te the result of inter foot class of 1's:7 xd to be dying Cottage hos nal practicy Crow Ket wh dante for the while the hove Injuries re ved during Wis n Cig vdemy eleven, was hurt were practicing on Nal urday Sisteen New tases at Vicksharg VICKRSHU IG, Miss Oct Sistewn new yellow fever and Lere The occurmwd at the Emergency the first in the Institution. Total cases, 115; deaths, 14; under treatment, 61, cases of ole PRICE ONE CENT Telegraphed : \t the summer days are nearly He says he has always given good run for our money” here expects to visit us soon. Therefore nderwear you must have an please any one on the Our values Businesshke and do not wait for » weather before procuring your comfortable Ww mfortables e of- values, having pur- n fact as soon as the by the manufactur- advanced several fer Xceptiona Lased egriy Ready We are ready to show you a full ng flannels, waistings, lower prices than you been in the habit of paying. new line of heavy white Waistings for winter, also some very pretty embroidered mohairs, entine= | v new Wednesday Special Our Me effect range of colors in the storm mannish Panamas, fall three lines for Wednesday special serges, sumitings and one day only ql Flannels Shaker nting wnnels from de up. wnnels from Ge up. Baby wool flannels from 20 up. Embroidery for the new baby 50¢ up Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave. VALLEY 'PHONE tl th If yon want a first-class RANGE We have them to sell. We have the following ranges in stock : Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, BOLICH BROS’. HARDWARE D. CLAREY COAL CO Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD Desmond St. Best Quality & Prompt Guaranteed Bradford Street Yard Phone, Ea Offer at Raymond & Haupt's Store, Both Phooes 5 Charles C. Annal ATTORNEY AND AT LA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers