NINGHAM, City Rditor. afternoon exeept Sun- Printing Office, Sayre, “ second-class matter May Jontofier at Sayre, Pa, i Congress of March 3, fy news that's fit to print” DAY, SKPTEMUER 1, 1005. EE INDIAN PARTY COW. } Maiden Seils Her Dest for a uae Thousand Dellar Bill . T.—An Indian girl, daugh- Crane, once the Loal jyenne Indians, recently sold gown" to a syndicate of curio gatherers for §i.000 was Old and worn, woth ragged, yet the yrics was . pald—and Incidentally, the Was a good Invesiment. The decorated with 7X elk teeth, usable for lodge jewelry and from the original pur: An eastern Jewelry manufac 3 in advance of the se- teeth at a price that was I housands girl— | go by, the numle growing. smaller, whi of jodge meu wanuog toe er, abd the revit Is t supply and demend bous Almost apy genuive elk | for two dollars, while varieties sell for as bf _ The top price 1a uaally ; footh that is tur ig green 6. An elk of the € sex pro- ply two good Lfeth, and (be or representbd 264 elk. is a rich girl sorts of flue ’ ling | afinzd all # dhe rather lked the one adverse circumsiances her father, and rather of his ponies to meet ob- | to feed himself and fam- ‘carried his daughter's “party for more properly expressing It, ig robe, to the curio cole OM Crow, chief of the Chey- fd of the sale, he was broken os are land rich, yet from sxirsme bunger. : intended for publication in we Wav 4 should be aldsessed to the r at Hotel r, Waverly. N. Y.. where sub- pt will alse be receipted for Our sutweribers will contér a favor by notitying us if they do not receive the Record regularly. Attorney J. F. Shoemaker is out Merchants are getting in their fall stock of goods. Miss Agnes Kinney is in Buffalo on a visit to friends. Several fall overcoats evidence last evening. - - Robert Singer of Altoona, Pa is a visitor in this city. were in Supervisor and Mrs. F. LL. How- ard are at Owego today. Assemblyman E. S. Hanford is at Owego this afternoon. ——— Mrs. Gamble is slowly recover- ing from her severe illness —— { A large crowd went from this | aty to Oak Grove last night. A new weighing machine adorns the platform at the Eric station Di. R. S. Harnden has returned from his trip to Washington, D.C Buy your boy a school suit of Unger & Ellis. Open > : A number of the village people are changing their places of resi dence —— A —— Master Eddie Barton is enjoy- ing a week's visit with his brother at Ithaca Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Briggs will this vacation, return afternoon from their ——— Byram L. Winters of Smithboro was registered at the Norwood yesterday. James of Boston 1s visiting at the home of his father, John Mahoney. Mahoney —— Miss Martha Hulse has returned with home after a few days wvisit Spencer friends, n—————— H. J. Percy of Binghamton, who has many friends in this city, was in town yesterday, Mrs. Geo. Lyon and daughter Jeannette are visiting Mrs. Louden Budd at Troy, Pa. Regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held tomorrow evening. Call on Unger & Ellis for your oys school suits. A n with cach suit. a ll —— veral from this place attended the Broome county fair at Whit- ney's Point yesterday. ——————————————— fine gun 99 2 Benjamin Kilpatrick, tonsorial artist of Wilawanna, is calling on friends in town today. School children are buying sup- plies for the fall term of school which opens Tuesday, s————n rit Miss Lena Kinner returned home yesterday after a few days wisit with Lakewood friends. a Unger & Ellis remembers the boys and are giving a fine gun with cach school suit. 99-2 Mrs. Tom Frost and son Ray- mond left today for a few days’ visit with Rochester friends. ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Harris left today for a two weeks visit with Apalachin, N. Y. Francis H. Perry Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perry. a ——————— Mrs. O. H. Barden is reported | as somewhat improved today. ankle. | Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins, who has been a guest of Waverly friends, returned to her home in Elmira yesterday. Mrs. Carr of corner of Chemung and Pine streets, is entertaining her grandchildren at a picnic at the glen today. — Miss Margaret Powers, after a week spent at Wilawanna has re- sumed her duties at Miss Devlin’s millinery parlors. Miss Virginia Carroll very pleas- of fricnds at her home on Chemung antly entertained a company street last evening. —— There are twenty-five cases upon the civil calendar for the next term of court which opens Tuesday of next week at Owego Mead Brothers their plumbing establishment from have removed 170 Broad street to the Exchange block, 306 Broad street. Sim Mitchell on election day caught nine black bass from the The combined bunch weighed 28 pounds. Chemung river, - Miss Florence Birton has re- turned to her store duties at Roch ester, afier a most enjoyable visit to her parents in this city. nr: John Macdonald, popular W. S. & A company from Binghamton motorman, 1s cntertaining John is a great lad for the ladies Over 500 pairs of boys’ knee pants to select from for school wear at the lowest prices at B. Freed man's, Waverly, N. Y 99-f Misses Bessie and Anna Merri- am, of Schenectady, N. Y., are guests of their brother, Frank W Merriam on Chemung street. ————— John J. Babcock of Philadelphia, brother in-law of A. R. Bunn, after a visit of a couple of days in this city, returned home yesterday. - A ncw baby girl was found on the door step at Perry's fair store this morning. You can learn all about the comer by asking Mr Perry. Mrs. Crans of who has been seriously ill for some days is in a critical condition. A council of physicians was called yesterday. > Chemung street, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Ingham are entertaining four young ladies from the flower city. They are Mrs. H. M. Gillette, Miss Bloxam, Miss Green and Miss Rogers. > Ask for thegB. & L.. shoe, war- ranted hand sewed, guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refund- ed. You will find them at B Freedman's, Waverly, N. Y. go-f With an occasional exception our Waverly carrier boys are de- livering this paper to the satisfac- tion of our patrons, and all who desire the paper will be assured prompt delivery each evening. Asm Mrs. Dr. Gwynn, of Auburn, N Y., who has been visiting relatives and friends in this city for several days, and attended the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Merriam, returned to her home yesterday. Mrs. Winnie Thompson of Painesville, O., and Mrs. Hannah Chapman of Huntington, Va, are the guests of A. E. Baker on Pleas- ant street and will visit Mrs. Chap- man’s brother, John Minnick, South Waverly, later. St. John Clark has recently been ofa Long Island rail- £3 Dr. J. F. O'Neil of Phi ; ng formerly of the Packer Faverly—A statement publish ed in the Elmira Advertiser this morning under the head of “Wa » i = s * s : Harry Thompson who was in [Yety, Seems 19° be misleading, | ey inasmuch as it states that compli- | jured a few days ago, while in the , cations have arisen through th discharge of his duties as brakeman : Te election of Wednesday on account of the Waverly company's interest extending to South Waverly. South Waverly isin the state of Pennsylvania, and the South Wa- verly Water company have several thousand dollars invested, but the vote on Wednesday had nothing whatever to do with South Waver- ly or any other Pennsylvania bor ough. Of course, if arrangements can be made by the village to sup ply the company on the south side, it is altogether probable that water will be furnished them as heretofore, tiicrcby increasing the hospital, other friends about town yesterday. on Elm street. Seeley Kinner Dead Waverly—Seeley Kinner, aged 76 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lewis Turner, on the south side, at 2 o'clock this morning. He had a stroke of paralysis Saturday and since that time has been in a critical coadi- tion. Deceased is survived by two sons, John D. Kinner of Williams- ville, N. Y., and Alanson Kinner of this city, one daughter, Mrs. Mary Turner of South Waverly: His wife died about 18 years ago. The deceased was an old resi- dent of this place and was highly respected by income from the water system. Saturday Specials AT THE GARNER DEP. STORE Boys’ Footwear Messengers, Kant Rip, Adams Strong Point, Rock Castle, Houts- dale, Strong Sturdy shoes, for ro- circle of He was a devoted mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. Funeral service will be conduct- ed from the house Sunday after- noon at 3 o'clock, Rev Ira Bing- ham, pastor of the Baptist church at Sayre, officiating. Burl will be made at Tioga Point cemetery. E. S. Hanford has charge of the funeral arrangements. Was This a Joke? Waverly— At about g o'clock last evening a telephone message was sent to the W.S & A. Power house stating that car No. 13 was derailed at Hayden's corners. In post haste the materials for hoist ing the car and getting it back on the track, were dispatched to the scene of the supposed trouble. When the crew had reached Hayden's corners every- thing was in order and the crew thought that someone for a joke a large friends Tomorrow's 20 per cent discount. The Remnant Bas- kets Contain some good shoe values bust boys. special for the whole family reduced ! y 4 to 4, and some ! from for mer prices. wicking Polliwog Is the well known school shoe for girls. This shoe is a one-piece, solid bottom, sole sole, leather had sprung it on the Traction com- pany. It might be made serious should the parties become known to the company. leather inner sole amd counter with a fine soft kid upper of very tough fibre of a wonderful wear, resisting pies nature, finished up with fine patent tips, completing onc of the best Satur- Painfully Injured Waverly —Michael Flannigan of Orange street, was painfully injured by a portion of a car on which he was working in the Lehigh yards at Sayre yesterday, falling on him. A nail in a portion of the falling roof came with girl's shoes we know of. day special: The $1.00 ones for . The £1 25 ones for The $1.50 ones for Hosiery > The 10, 15, 20 and 8 force as to penetrate entirely through the man’s nosc. such Two groups, § pair for 25¢, 2 Dr. Betowski is caring for pair for 25¢ the injured man. 25c kinds. Fire Council Meeting Waverly — The Fire Council met last evening, and after trans- acting business of minor import- Corsets One-half price. Groceries Spray flour for one week. Some of the members were unable to be present and on this account matters of importance were laid over until the next meeting . I Plumbing and Heating Contract |, Waverly —The new school build- ing at Wellsburg, whep finished, will be onc of the finest school buildings in this section. Mead Brothers, plumbers, of this city, have the contract for plumbing and W. H. Denslow the heating con- tract. ance, adjourned . $1.65 12 Ibs. clear pork 1 00 3 packages tea dust . 5 1'jb.soc. tea. . . . .. 140 " 40c. .30 Golden powder . 10 lbs gloss starch 17 bars Oak Leaf soap . 1" 17 Swift's Pride soap . 35 of either kind . 4 Ibs. Gold Star Wash. Pwdr. 3 cans 15¢. salmon . 3” 3 boxes American sardines Force . Egg O See . Vigor . | Mother's oats . Quaker Outs . At OE Shredded Wheat Senior Class Entertain Best granulated sugar . Waverly—The class of '05 of the 1 1b. W H. Baker's chocolate Waverly High School, are enter-! ¥; 1b can W. H. Baker's cocoa taining the class of ‘06 at their 3 lb. shred cocoanut . camp at Olmsted's Eddy on the 42 fancy table pickles. . Chemung river today. 7 loaves Sayre’s best bread . Doty vs. Doty HILL & BEIBACH CAFE Waverly—The case for non-sup- port brought by his wife against Best of Everything Lockhart St. " Shicld baking a5 50 .5C .50 00 Acme soap “ #" 33 > - 10 dl 08 08 o8 08 10 053% 25 19 12¢. salmon . Busy at New Mill Waverly—Probably one of the busiest places in town just now 1s at the new mill which is being built east of Cayuta avenue. It is hoped to push the work to a finish as rapidly as possible. Jesse L. Doty was called before Justice Hoagland this morning, but was adjourned until October §. Purchased Property Waverly —Edwin VanNorstram who has purchased of Samuel Myers property on Athens street, is making some big improvements to the same. Sayre. A. H. MURRAY, M.D, > IN THE LONG RUN It is better to purchase superior LIQUORS The other kinds may seem more at- tractive because of a slightly lower price, but they have neither flavor nor quality to recommend them, All our goods are of high grade. They are fully matured, having age as well as other good features, Prices are satis. factory, too. a poses ELMER A. WILBER, 109 Packer Ave, Sayre. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR TEETH Extracted positively without PAIN at our offices? Full set of Teeth Gold Crowns £5.00 £5.00 You are sure to get results. Best ma- terials, Lowest prices, VITALIZED AIR ADMINISTERED DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS $:30 to 12; 11to 5:30; 7 to 8. Opposite Big Store, corner Elmer and Lockhart St, Sayre, "a, F. E. SMITH, Plumbing, Heating and 6as Fitting. CARY BUILDING, 101 PACKER AVENUE. Sayre, Pa. Valley Phone 238x. Dr. Chas. E. Annable Specialist. 328 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. Hours ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Diseases of women specially treated by the most approved methods, With many years practice asa surgeon | feel justified in stating my competency to do as I promise. Several years ago | plac- ed my name with others, calling mysell a conservative gynecologist, which means to be careful, and 1 join with many others in saying too much cutting has been done. L. B. DENISON, M. D. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and residence. H. H. liercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X, 112 Desmond Street, Bayre, Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the part. nership lately subsisting between James P. Daly and Thomas Maroney of Sayre, Pa. under the firm name of Daly & Ma- roney was dissolved on the 22d day of August, 1903, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by said Thomas Ma- roney, and all demands on the said part- nership are to be presented to him for payment. The business will be contin- ued by said Thomas Maroney. James P. Davy. THOMAS MARONEY, H. S. WINLACK, Atty, Aung. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, Hours—7tof%am,1to3,7to8 p.m. OFFICE-SAMUELS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart St. 22.20 Sep.5,12,19 Cards For Sale. The Valley Rocord has in stock the following card signs: For Rent For Bale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance f Regular Meeting Tonight erl SPECIAL A Bargain of Your Lifel 2375 Broad Street, Way rly Will sa ou with fresh {and a very low | Exclusive Sale Sunshine Coffee 2 i us | Stock always complete and jlivered to our ps | charge, g i Fall line of baked staff a hand. When in need of anyth line give us a call. JUDDL.HUNTE Rates :— Wanted, Lost, Pound, Sale, ete. § cent a word each insey for first three times, } cont a word insertion thereafter, None lean than 25 cents. Bitnations free. Record want ads do the For Sale, Ten room house on Stedman of with all modern improvements, Call the house, No, 105 Stedman street, home after 5 p.m. F.M. VANE IR -2w Forsale at a bargain— Farm, 83 one and one-hall wiles from 4 postoflice. Flat land, good build quire of Frank A. Bell, Waverly. Horse for sale, Five years old. 1350 Ibs. Color, bay. J. C. Wie Maple street, Wanted. | Wanted —An orderly at the Rol | Packer Hospital. For Rent. New 8 roomed houss, all mod provements, 107 Woodworth sire Hopkins street, West Sayre, Ing ire above or A. L. Laws, attorney-at-ls 101 Lockhart street, Sayre, Pa, 3 A seven room house, with | water. Apply to B. F. Embleton, Lockhart street, For Rent An eight-room house modern improvements. Address, full particulars, P, O. Box, 223, Bayy 07-2¢ Seven room house, 610 8. Wilbur ge, All modern improvements, Ren including water, $16, or will sell on terms. G. W. Morse, 120 N street, Athena Notice, The Record has the best Lease ever printed in Bradford countyp also Vest Pocket and Deak Hae Books; and a variety of Lagal Bi Justices and Constables, Help Wanted. Wanted — Husky boy of 15 or 16, » the rudiments of education and an abu ant supply of hustle, to learn the p trade. Apply in the morning to Valley Record. Good Girl Wanted at 204 St., Sayre. Situation Wanted A young lady desires a position stenographer and typewriter, & had several years experience and ¢ give best of references. : Address Box 184, Athens, For County Commissione I hereby announce myself as a ef date for the oflice of County Cou er, appealing to the voters, wi gard to party, for their aid and at the polls in November, Henny H. Bewm Towanda, Pa., Aug. 16,05. Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, compd of experienced musicians, and play all the latest mosie, is prepared to nish any number of instruments balls, parties or entertainments, night; rates reasonable. I 3 Barden, Valley Phone 2-x, Sayre, oF leas orders at Maney & Page's, B Dissolution of Partne: Notice is hereby given that the firm Shaw & Gay has been dissolved snd th the affairs of the firm will be conducts in the future by W.W. Shaw, Whe authorized to pay all accounts sn volte all bills, [HAY .W. § Orchestra. # The D. 8. Andrus Orchestra tees satisfaction at all concerts parties, eto. Prices reason: order at D.S. Andrus Musio Desmond street, or see J. J. Ha Mgr. 117 N. East street. Sayre. | J hb A COMPLETE : OF
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