0 1, - ;DgTY--SI,XTIT .YEAR: - No:- 29. ;C GA:. , tort itictimonb . _ _ i Piet Nib. 4, Port ItlrionoreL • , ELp, $A CIL & CO., MinerstruktNlitppers of the Beet lauttlitteir . 1" leUsi MOUNTAIN AND BLACK HE H y ;•, • ! COA_LS' • H • 9 l'utMatiutaxturing end Domestic use, abd Eible tint trulrketig - , ! ,• ' ' EMS THE CELEBEATIED, PINE KNOT AltN, AND "JACKAON LotasEnay COALS. ':" {2 0 5 1 Walnut St.. PhlliideJpiday 1-10 New way. York - 11 Deane Street, Boston. (:. WELT. Itgaray W. Nikazz. ED. BlriaMir, Im.virr A. Ric; Ja; Jan. 1, IN/ , i her No. 8, Port 11!Amapa. ? 4 1 HAAS & • BRENIZiII , I • Miners and 'Shippers, of 1- - .• THE SUPERIOR --- _ , • U 14, KEY RUN: ARM :SOUS' AGRIATR TOR • • ice. Onurt•lli Co.'s Celebested PLANK 'R I D G . E COAa. 0 '1 218 Rt., Philadelphia; P " niers : 81 Trinity Raiding., New Tort, ) 11 Doane Bt., Boston. Feb 19,'70, . , CASTNER, ! STICKNEY It' WELLINGTON . Miners and Shippers of Coal; I:uitsslDF,' from their Burnside Col. at, Sham o kin LEWIs VBIN (Red Ash.)__ . . LOCUST •MOCNrAIN (white kith.) ! 39 -Trinity Building, New •Tork. inn es: 203 Weannt, Street, Philadelphia.- !- L2O Doane Street. Boston. ' '' . W HAIF•No. G , PORT RICHMOND; PEI/Lik it Jan. 1,';0. • Pier 7, Port Richmond. lIAIVINLETT,• NEILL & cp., Shippe r rs of Anthracite & Biduninous C 0 _A_ TA ~ o;ENTsifor.the ftale of the celebrated ult ilTy,Wl(:G.iNd...TßlEßEL'SLocuatidoutt tajo and Tiunislile Shamokin White Ash Coal. f 4 Pc) TIN and PEACH. MOUNTAIN . 110(1 Ash Coal. • • •' , • F.ltOg HOBOKEN, • - , ' ~.:I:d. w l,e.t varieties of Lehigh and BoyLan's CELE pi.ATED FAMILY COAL. • . • .._ • i'''''' - . . ; i • A Is°, Hole Aceuts inJthe Eastern market for the .i , la!' tie inia (;,..urge's Creek Co.'s celebrated filt CT AI INI it'S COAL. c • t'. '. ' ' • - • . . {Philadelphia, 247 Watimt.Street, ~,E,,..,4,_ J New Vork, Itoom4l, 'Trinity Building, .. Provideuee, 27 CuslottilHouse Street, lto4tutt, 25 Duaue Street. - -- ,Y 'February '_`.t,'o.4 1313' ... Pier No [ 9. Port itieli ) H mond. : ; ' JOHN R. W HITE & SON, . Shippers of. Coal, • ..- No. 316 WALNUT ST., PifILADELPHIA-. DypolN for Wrap. and Sale of Coal: N 5I I We•it Thirteenth : Street. New. Toilc;% ♦.,, sir: Third Ave New York. '7l No. 90. India Street , ProvidenUe.". v.,lb).•••i• %burr, Mt...11 - usliingtun Avenue, ;fiche I I'll,r)41 Street, Jan. I, '71.9 i:IiAIz.TKLIN•coAL„or LyKENS V4I,I;EY CA . I - TIONED that therei are nt tem xvltteh aline this 1•oa1, all of hiliknU , 'lnelit. of. the wider* tt.to , t. l'oi .N!,;ICKSCFN , ‘.‘ only :\tteuts for its :-ttle injtiew 1",r1c., „Ter , ey, and South offape 11,•ar,,,, and 11.11.1, rS.,* Co., of linlthttoretior all ~1 tier point, .01:r Agent. kill deal . itt , ito other coal, v.- hat -s mid s wiNiiitiv the phre genotriti arti - el.. Inuit prtwitn• it or thrtil. The object of thilnettOlon i • slowly e7.tahle tho.-e Interested to. hay tilider -I,litig,j- The Asenl, and ak , i , tants for the *hove are a, follogs: SINN(, K.SON.I: CO., GencTul tent stru-et, Philadelphia; theirLtiew •. - it ontee is at Trinity IS. G. )1 pi*, by ELis‘. msk: tr.o ,t; - o,t, Ito-ton. i Al,l. h:::+ 11 Ci1 . 111 . r:11 AgentS,..l,POSt .:11 O.:6.11:14% Al,l.:,represeithql at *liar -14:,., t,r J0 , 1.1'11 sTERItErr. tutated)ia i rties, I /1. Nlrtrutger "r : - .;ll,linit Itnalvh...ll. Short Mt) Coal . .1.. :I[o 111.• y:/,IL-y %,01 Jaw 1,-'7O-1. • _St. 111 I.,•rt liirhinnnd. / ICKSON KS & Cd - • 1r - So!, .\ gejits f.rr s-ale nod 'sliiiOnent of 11;e rranklin Coal of Lykens ,„ New' Yoil: :s.:ew Jersey and 5.4" loth . I 'ape lionry. • • -, • . . l 13'1 lValool Street. Plitladelphla. l s Yripity 'Building% Nrw York. • Soinmyr street, Bristol'. " MOODY. Agent. '7'l* • P. 0. 11"x.14...., New York. vVALTER, DONALDSON & CO., = v ANli C °ALE. F. A.:I:Nr. - -4 for ' T 0 %•• AS H IGI-1 " COAL..' . . Philaaelphia. - 19, Trinity Building, New York. t 1.9 Dmine noston.. Ii P‘irl I•irr. lit - 411 c. Port ttt tt 1.. JOHN C. -SCOTT & -SO S Mixers and-Shippers of Coal. =I )I ►Pt.(. I.O(•UST 310UNTAIN: `Milt+ I:4^4lrApth,, • .ta- v.•in's :oaf Oinilac In all re,liets 11. c. I.Y VALLEY Coal. I (A:IVES .;111.110K . 1N Its i 21oi1 p 1101 I; I.:I.PILIA—No. 226 ivalnuti I )%roN-- No. 19 thrum% St. I I • VIIIIth-1 I I I:r..a.lway. (.1112, Frt.:l4.n. .lgcnh. 1. 11, *math 60 R /3 A , .KILLER &.NUTTI Miners. and Shippers of Co; GiticENv,-001),. . • NE,RI.• LIIRRERIty :.s.)RTII FRANKLIN' RED .1 . :411, I:I,AcK if - pit; RNIA )11. - sT MT. ' GARRETsoN, iilthv St.. no.ton. 1 - ::41..11,151 Trinity iluildhirz. N. Y. 1 W4lnta t lEEE • Pier 17. 801:1)1. KELl.lajt 47 NUTTING. < ,(;ittli FRANK LIN wirrrE AS! D AY, HUDDELL & C Miners & Shippers of Coal. • tMO St.. ll'hilatlelphia. mi 1.... L . 111 I:roadway. . I 7 :)nine Strt•et, t sal. ••"f the I ,, lttmkett relet.rated • com., Dit.wEß ' ...VI. I 0.•••• Itirtintelntl. • Ellzahothp:t;:ti..J. .1- •IIII•V!, ..&.. t .. I , - 4 - Ell 11, No. 19 fart Hfrfnuand. 1 JOHN ROMMELI '1 -JR & BROTHER , • 77,3 t. 7. I . 4%grrit , rink L-lio ern lit Li. d. White Aids. Niri ill 11.! V. 11410 ['ref.-burning Pi 4 1.114. re.rbrafe4l IEI.. trI:IIsTEIL Urop Ite3Ash 'l' • WING ,LEHIGII at Elizabeth i port. az.1 . 4 %V.tlmant l'hiluda. kt Ituu .Strvet,, Ilgvatoti, .7 ,,, i1a 11 : 1 * Trinity Building, lets Turk.- !it=;r:s It 1.71i(3. as.sletl by smill E. 171'HAM. Mar,l) 1 7 -10 `U, MIME .:A EN'S ECE2IS - ,!l:it 4 USEN BROTHER & VANE lo rrs )p4ri or IIOALS . Leithrl4 Lorna Nauntaia: Locust pap, tnkmbarrn Lehigh, au,t other . AND RED ASkl COALS. (V't. if A In'111;::• Ellzabetkport, IJeraey City. . 11 Witlinn street, Phlhe elpltta. ' I Ilroallray, New York. r. 1 /ofittr St., &Won. Jan 1,1'4.-1- == WHITE =EMI ENE . [WIC RENA:11110C EY. & KFRNDRICK, • . _ I rs and tgilppers the•-telibnited I• 4 r • RaioSovi A 1- 1-I(eys_ne I• - t' •• DO Shaft "() T S No..a Port .111eitsamil.- , iiistflelplibt-22S Dock Street. oill ,,, ville—tleutre Streißt. • 1 • . ~ i,ll—No. 17 • Doane St„ Jam. X. Reed bent., - r* --. ....... 4 ,6l slngton, 1 ona7Joust, Angst. .., wg .94 , ! • !Febnaary - . ii • .-.-. ••.....,..- --•: • - -.. -- _•. ----. . •- _ - ;..... --, ...•. -- .•.••••;'! - ..• -• •'•:•S - --• - • ,-- ..- ... i••-•:2-,...• - •, : .•••••• - .. : - -- ..•-:•••......",• : .''',---. .... '."--'••••:, 4 ;:..':-..-.-'.'-•,‘-'''' ' --.•-•:: ' [ ... - -. - 1" . . 1 'f-. -- : • , - • - • - :-C- - . , - :f i I - • . . • ' - .. , ...- _ - . ANEW -, - .. r t. • ;iiiimi 1.,-". •- .-! -- I - .._ • ; , •-•-•..• . . . -__..- -1 , '' 2 . - :, ---• ,•-•, - ::--iii ,-*,-- •'. 7 . ----- .• -*-- ;H . ,...÷-,-, ,- -:-:-: 4 , ,. .--. - -:•-•••:-::- . .-•"•-•-•!•---,..---,..-- ~ ,- z.- " , - .... --, -."-c. , -;. - .• , ' , ,t; , -..t.:*,7.*.:. - ,,,.,,,i:,y:- 1 , , ~,..,‘ ~' : -.,...P. , .... - ,- -,.;,,, -- i :. :": ' .??,;.,:',..,,,.- - -.:73,7„t i , ,... 7 , i itirk4, , ..l- , .*_-. , ..,,v,.- -,-.--.‘ _,:=-- -... .„:„..,- - ;::::::,.., -, ...::,;:}7::::: , ,,.. - :',7-.. - :;": . izt . , - -: - ...:: --.- . 7 -.:- : .':i' •-•,:-.*-- , l' - 2 ...:' -z - .''' -I-' - _ , ‘...*:..•'-' . . - - - - - .."-7 - , - , ------ .';;"" - •'7.-: , ‘ , ?:-.'•,• - •'‘,••! , ::.-:•• • w-•.---..--,' , %, •- - ,--- --.. .:-••-. ••••••!:-•,,,---•.--; • ••. , 7-,- yt- •• - .. , , ,-,--•••••••.-.?•. : • : •••;_i• . - : !,,,,..•:-; : - .. ,• tf • r:tr • • • • .-- •Ii • • . •• . :•;•:, - -•-• .., - - • H:; : - '•i' - ••• . - • • .. • . 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' .41 . • ..__ I I, til - ''• • • ‘:: 11 11 1 "tv: 7 ` a.- 1 , ' ' .„ ..1/10. - fl• - • - •• . „. -- . _ _, _,,, , ~. . • ;:, .• i• . - .L . .. •-A• - - . „ • • ..._ : -_,--- ••.•.r ; .'.: : - ••• ••, - , . - .•' t^' -11- . • '. i , i , , • ..• 1,.• . .. . , . . . .. . . , . . : I . .. . .. • - -. • - • -,. - . . • .. • / ~:,,, • ~:,_,.....,,_,,....„ ..., _ .. . _ . • • .....,. ... ~...i .. - - _ . . .-,411.,.. . .. ... . - ._ . . . . . , ... . . , , .. .., . • --. . . .- ... . . ... _ ._. ..„. : ~., ........... w r„.„,t........, . . . .: . t - _ .. . . - - . . . - , .., . . , „Am.-. • ___....., .. . • „ , . , . ... "`",galaler ~ ........ ar•mveci!, • 3 • F „.. ; „._.;..- 1 , -// - 3 ) .... • • - ' ' • ... ' - - 7, - - -tt • - . -,•=•--••••• -- , • . . • .. . _. . , . . , . .. • . • • ..., . 1 ,.... .- ;... . .. . . i , . . - ,- .... ... . .„. . _ . . . •• , - -• • • , . _ _ _ —........J... ...,..- --10 01-4 ' L- 0 4010041119 °.;- " 3 _ .. • . . - --, , . . , -. -•,,,,-; • , • . - . . . -.,,. • . . 1 . ~..0e,),„-ie105!'....•. -7- , ~ ~. _... . .-. ': ... t,' . , = ... - -,......... -- __ •• - :,._ ==:"-- - - -.. • --, --,-;..- .N. 4, 1 4... 141 . -• ~, .." . .7 ...- , ~. . -•- .. . . ~ . ~ , . . . . .. - • . • . -.,•.. . . .. . . • • 1 ^ • -. ,•• • ' - . k• • - • . • • , , . -' .. l• Sangria altelleine 1041: 1 iltr , bi Ws natISIO. br Samoa illt itanow.p. • . Clark's - Office pf the District otart. ', "r '', AN. lir Oa Xiliaiiiitild of Peision;sada.- , ~ . . , :1• . 1 • ' .. . • , _ • __ _ . 1 ' ----7------, " ---- " --- • - . , , :" _ ES OM 1301 ECM BM! 17- 0 . , RocovSECTIO ,' AL WROUGHT PION p ,_._- • SAF (BOILERS. •:- ,-- Roors IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, ' StaliglluT in . onside sad math,. . . Double Piston Squ Hoisting Engines, Et/let ! ing Machinery m l f r Coal Shafts, Sloping,. i t , octet , stores, aro., ate. , One or these Holeterslesin be seen running dfally at IULL A HARRIS' 'Colliery, Mahan CitY; Pa. `PARTICULAR ' • NV :--- a. ATTENTION IS INVITE D TO the Holster. which! has no equal. No dead' points —havind two - pisionS In one cylinder either end of i' which is taking full etenna when t he tither Js passing centre: It reqoi res no Melton tamps, clinches or brakes of any kind.' Sinited, - reversed or slopped instantly, and at any point of revolution, by ;the el in pie movement of atingle lever. II avl nz no keys. gibe, eet'screws, or oth er adjustable parte, which In other holsters require the knowledge' and ea:instant ,tare of an experien engineer, can be pu(oln the hands of the most haexperieneed personsiAll Its working parts are enclosed In the ease dr oder, and are thus ' trona breakage. the sets or : dust, dirt, and rust weather. Ita extreme light protect nem, oottipsetnees rapid wed. highlysommenti , It Sir this nee. Oniers received for the mantifecturer by the undersigned, w o will also *targets derotiptive catalogues, price Ilets,drawings, eitlinates,and * other Infortuatlon. • . • MO. 111, A.. , NATIELkEII#AREET. Misharbly C4l: Pa. CHU Diurrllls, Pa. •4 a • i ! DE Port irlintoitit. Plop 30. lt, Port 14elhanovul. . AUDENRIED. NORTON.- sgr: CO ~ Miners.anil Shippers.oU FIRST CI4ASS COAL , - • - LOCI; MOUNTAIN.. Frotit our two large U d celebrates! Coßleries .91AZIEL ...... F. NORTON & 00. "CONTESETTAL,"...— DRIDOR & AUDRNRIED. LO Free Burning . Red Ask, and Splendid Preparation. COLKETT COLLIERT, .....owen, Long & MIDDLE CREEK COI LIERY, C. Colkett, Tree - ORM. ENTERPRISE CCILLI y, T. Insunigardn'er, Prest. Locust Mountain and Lorherry, also via lilebbyptill Canal, to all paints Ible by boats. .; 1325 Wallin Street. Phlladelihiss. Ottioes: 111 Broad ay. New York. • 27 Donna Boston. .1. T. AUDENRIED_, - C. P. NORTON„ . CRAB D. NORTON. :R. CORRELL, JUL. 1,70. - Pier No.ll, Pt. Richmond. ; • SNYDER. & SHQEMA-ICOR Shipper.s a'd Detilersin • ..0 Al,' • - 40 . 1.1r,AC1EN2111 FOE G. . SNYNE.E . S WELL KNOWN PINE- FOREST COAL I 63 TIUNITY nuiLDIN4i, NEAr C,II..SHOEMAKEtt. 41 WALNUT St., rffiLArN. Loris KNYDER. /an 1,70 1 Pirr No. 13i It li , GEORG eL. ErYLIEZ, X. RE PLIER • 9 Port Richmond. 1 • P. GORDO*. A.P. ligriLtErc. ECEMIES=I • . . • - - ••• Locust Mountain. Mammoth Vein, Red ' iltsh';' Lorb'orry, and . . TOWER CITY, LIjENS VALLEY COALS, (329 Walnut trawl;Tl;jtatletphlo. - ()dlers: 4 ,111 Broad y, (Room No. $4) !Se* :York: • (27 Doane 9 t,, (Rom N0..11, Boston: • inarclial. '7O . 'l3. .. ' THOMAS CAIN. MOILRIM HAMAR, JESSE (.7991:. CAIN, HACTRIR, & COOK„ 'PERS or. ,ST 2‘10171 4 :TA1.N.. , BLACK TH. LA FIASTAVALITITS OF ' tell Ash. Coals. and 'Wood , Salittylkllllver. ' HS it 6.ITRYKEIt,:. , ' SHIPPER AND Ai:FAT, Schuylkill I'a. mu LOCUST • GAP, LOCL DEALEUS IN 0 White and 214 Walnut Stree tarsi -IVlrstrve .70.-1 Pier 19, 1 =I LOVE, B N & CO; sm Anthracite rand Citumirious . Coals. GENTs Fon - -- N Ft., ituigton. liott.t..-% st. , Prort'dt!nett. - _ SOLE. A CLIMBERIAND VEI . (334 Wain • °likes, 13 I/natte I Cu•Coi Alra reh ' litro god. - itgissr.Nist - rrEt.. aottx n: WM. HEISSEIBUTTEL -& CO. • • Shippers and Ill'holeriale licwleri in Lehish and' Cumberland C • BITILLING) 111 BROADWAY, Room . I'. 0. Box .5019, NEW,.YO.IIK. Sole Agents for Nets York and ylelaltr.for the Sale of LEE, URANT ¢ co.'s PLANK 1111 d:.:, 'and HAAS 3 BRENIZER';4I_ 7 IIK.I:% RV. I.:OALs. march X 18::1y DAVIDSON O YOUNG & 2 CO. • WHOLFSA I II.F. pt.:ALF-IN IS ... . • liiPIiTST MOUNTAIN, = !fiIIAMORIN, LEIIIGIL CUMBERLAND. SCRANTON & WILKE-SBA RICE - ~ -• CPA.. LS. , • ROOM No. 16, TRINITY IitTILDING„NEW-YORK.. WM. M, DAVID:iON; Iformeriy Of Tyfer A: Co. • sA di• I. B. YDUNti. forincriy of Cal!! well, ( ior ! ion 6: C , o; ROBERT K. BUCKMAN: .., Jan 1.5.,.110 . : - ! ' ?,.i s .. - . • ~ pT. JOHNSON & HOB BEY`. . ' 1 ! . . C1(31"'" , . ..! ,t, . VAN:: WICIC , LE- & " 'STOUT; 1- ,- ..,„ A".111,411.11111PERS1 OF THE . " ' '''. • ~ Celebrated "Fulton" l 4 "S tout" (Lehigh (Lehigh)'Coals, i ' From the Ebervnie and the fttotit Coilleries.nenr Hazleton, :Pa. Dtdivre4l Aitract from . mint% on board Vet:seta at Pr. ,Ioll.titif..X, .110BOXEN, and NEw BituNswicit. N. J. 1 ,' - . -: , - 44 &46 Trinity Daildiric., • !..-, oM6esi - 111. Itrosultray.liew' York. May 18, 8. 4 1 • •• (Temporary at inißroadway4 . ~ ! VER-PLANCK & ATWOOD, WIIOLESA.L . C , DZALtItS IN • LEHtGII, SCHUYLKILL • wiLki.stunnE, . SCRANTON, 'rind - SHAMOKIN . C'4o' . 5 , „,„ ..,_,SNo. Trinity Building. 111 11roodiroy "'"7I New • I'. W. VERPLANK. JOIIN. W. ATWOOD ;Jan '7O ! ' . CALDWELL, CONA,NT & IYEST6N, .NO.lll BBOAEWiY. NEW 'EONE..! (Rooms .35 Ind' 36 Trinity Itulidinzo • • • • • /WROLZSALE DEALERS Ii • LEHIGH, WILKFIGIARItE. • . ' PITTriTON, REWASH, / • • •MA1.1.4.N0T, SCRANTON • ._• • • • LOCysr , .CUMRERLAND, BROAD TOP, ETC. ; • • e 0 A_ T. S • H COLE AGENTS for New YOrk and the North 01 Si : the oelebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREE BURN ING LEHIGH COAL. 'ILIE PRIMROSE,.• THE POWELTON Somi-bitural nous anti other- trrst-rate' • JAMES W. CALDWELL; C. TI.VON.VNT, ; WALTER WESTON. • • April 3, '69 : • • QMON OP TELE. NIA.OARAHELEVAT .ING CO,B COMMEAteI Ilt.bck; Ile "AL°, N.Y. COAL. COAL. COIL. , THE. NIAGARA rELEVATING c 17., Inttßig large surplus of Lot`and Dockage, Will be prepared at•the open kng of navigation tore eive from the Erie Rallway,'Canal, or Lake, any quantity of -COAL for storage or tram:him - net - a to any plaee East 10 Canal or crest by the Lakes, upon as favornble tents? as any parties in Buffalo: 'Mir lot is well located for a geni!ral city_ business, . CV It L CI. A I E, ce-Pres!den t. Mbrch '69 13—tf iittiug .1111-cliittrill, TO 'I E/ITORS 4 MINERS AN to F2itte'il.' • • - OItICE & LONG, Locomotive Ganders. 130,111:AC11 STREET, I'll ILAI1E1.1.111A; I'A, IVOIII.I your -attention to their +,llfrry and Fanfare Locomut,fres designed, for ilisiele or 'ffidAftle work, and for any requi red gunge of road and "sharp est eurvis, with capacity" to draw from .5 , .1 to 01 tons gross load. Having developed i both the Anthracite and El tultalifouri regions of / 7 ,ennsylvania, the fano irtierres- Ita runnel Locornofirei In the etlinitry, ' they offer with confidence their !various styles of I,oconiollVe Engines with every guarantee of their workman ship and performanceJand refer to the many, pow In operation in the several mining districts, furnaces and forges in the Stattj and country. " Jtheirionall, first cog, great - .,power deVeloped, to gether, with. - their durability. - great economy and light daily expenses oVer animal power - or ord Mary locomotive ruse.- (as proven by their experience of styveral years) make a brut saving ia expenses .suf jUlent to pay theirflral Cos in a very short limo.. Frbrttaty 12, 1870 : ~ - -7-GM ---r WIRE LOPE. ,!' • • • XANCTACTURIifI BY CO.,TUCK - RR CARTER. O New- Yolit. Alt sizes Hemp or Wire Centres, twialit or painted. The Rope manufteturetl by.this Ann Aire conaidensl by all parties uitiniethem,-the best mid, handoommt Rope made in the,world;Tnade Invariably from hire drawn from the best Norway lion. The larayer. chips In the U% li. Navy are rigged with Wire Ropes made by thlsnrm.Hamples f these Wipe can heron Wail, and orders taken , and all Information given, and ordericpromptly tilled ret reasonable rate* and.elren rani furnished byl • A. HENHERHON . , - opposite Mine National Bank, rottatille. Jan IS; "70 ERTI ORDON & -CO., E ,EMF,NT 114ilabtlp TitaMAg C. 'SHIPPER AID Lehigh, Schuylkill C 0, 4 Constrnmentx on Omni on favontble Terms. demm,-..sat wahine mar).* , LEWIS & 'xiNcitr.s AND ■UI CELEDUATED CAMBRIA C . , , .! DifILADA-. JUNE 7T$. 1870.—A. Co-Partner -a ship has ti en thht day thrmed between . the . tan _detalatted; for the purpose of MIXING aud btu man- PLYKENS -VALLEII COAL , . Ftotn th e "LADY FR NKLIN COLLIERY, i ", 2... t , oittiurriberland County, nder the firm nameof .; G. SMITH IRO. it 0.„ " 1 '; 'r• liii{WALNSt., Phtlada. ; and of SMITH HROS.4, REES A, CO:, Shamokln .t., R. surrit. ' ~ . ' Ttze . . C. Riess; i T. It .n .stltit s Vi ;Tit, it aNA 8 13.711• P o r titran , 1 • . „rows R. Docattaza. . June 11, le : .- 24—at- ;5 - , 1 , • • . (Mee los walnut :June 1,.70 • , • : - !-,' , • Rimberrty freek. . 1.. , . r EAST FRANKLIN LORRERRY VEIN C OA L. vug. EAST FRANKLIN LOItBERBY COAT: iv/ 14 now sold exclusively' by Mtwara. REFTLIEIt. GORDON dr CO.; who are rn sole Agents. Parties ordering from them may, ways depend upon get- , ; Dog a pure artierix - 4-, {No. 820 Walnn fit. I Philndelehla:- , OFFICER: No. 111 Broadway, Room 8,- New York. • No„1.4) Donne street, Room 8, Roston.: Jan 1, IS-1- 1 HENRY HEIL.; , ,• n, , Ott. - rt...1 9 /PTOE OF THE 240CANAQUE - Ve.Q4. \-., COMPATiIIic 'No. ZOO and 5u2 W. Front.St.,i. - ' ....t.:' . , ! WILMINGTON, OELAWARE. • ' I . ~ . We are now prepared to fttrtilak the Trade, Denl4 em and [Ain:miners with our - I - I ' I . Cele Prated Coal, rt.hi . " Mocanoque," 1 ,-,. . ' e nd those Intereitted Wilill il it to their advantage il emootny tom:lrma thi- OmpanY before making their yearly contracts Tor endiging dingoes. Shipping point for the estqm market, Erie. " ' " " n ti ern do Ifavrede Grace. . " - • " " : " Easte si • dtt Wilmington. N. fl.:-Also. the Glover H Raid! Road and My-. iiiiiiiinds Coal Co.'el Coais : or • the mandfacture .0f gas, (17 candles 475 e. f.'vtelif; coke 'firiit qualitv and pereentaqv clash small. ' ' , May 21, '7O 2 -ly , • *,T..A.. AT .E . 5 . .: J. -. C 0 7NT N RIZ ,i. . • ~ iihier ittml Shipper olf, the Celebrated I ; .."-. ° RR I L..OOuST M OUN TAIN. COAL. . , 1 IVsyv.Lts,, senT . :Yixit.r. CO., rl, I" , .. ... ~ 'wr, ARE NOW IN DALIT:F. RECEIPT ' =I jitilki Frev Burni DANIEL WE TIANDsz)NrE; Ri{jlir, SEE =Men .104 N 11011. MEI f 203 1 I)fficeli ) 21 ", '.53 Tel 1111 May ;,.70 ORIGINAL Hr.NitY I Ix to notify' pty Neu ally,.that I Wive appointeti JOHN ROME Aril • Tit E.som;: Axil Ex TUE SALE OP ELY 9.IIIONAL HEN' Y CLAY•COAL The ch4rneter arid reputes t I,Linotrn in the ma ho special It µ•Ill sIi;IPPED AS sulTrviskm SUAXPi IN. Nay • • ~. .O3l' Wain Yl Doan OFF/CF:Os 33, _Truitt, 3fay : : 4 100,0001 'WORT : OF MINING 4-i cm:NEI:AI of ail Dk>illtlPTlll. :4 ,k,• • .. ' 1 ninety horse engine, 39 M. bore, 6 ft. stroke, 19 ft. ftv w hec:l 1 hhaft, 14 in. diam. • pump shaft 15 In. , disin.xl4 ft. long:. pump eef 11 R . diem. 16 in. On I the fare. In. pitch, with bibs and connecting rods, I ilaS bl'elli 5 I() ran a 3) irk. pump. • , • 1 sixty horse engine, 14 in. bore, ti ft. stroke, 19 ft.; fly wheel, with pump whe4el. shafts and ell connec tions; 1 drum hi ft.M diam. a in w rought 11141 Shaft. 1 Sixty horse engine, 14 inch bore, 4 feet , stroke, with a lieavy fly wheel, also with pump , wheel. Aft. diem., 12 In. on he face, 4 in, pitch: drum , 10 ft. dlaro., wrought Ironstan; 4 boilers 34 In. diem.; x 33 ft. long. with all eonne n irons and withal! pump- , i ingeonectionk. " • I 1 tette double breaker wl. It 30 horse engine. 1 twenty hons4if engine wijth druid and all connee.l thins for a long dirt plane I set of heavy, cone gear-t ins, with pushing tracks a d, wire rope, , 1 .s,t l e ae y drift ears, 441 n. mtge. 5 tar:. coal cam) same gauge as the I'. & it. FL. Severn/ large dump k trucks. 81.01 feet wire rope, - dilferent Rises. A large lot of blacksmith tools, anvils, vises, bellows Ac. Ai large lot 'of 'wean(' hand he ft ing, .various sizes., 4 tons of second hand hook spikes. 330 terns of second hand T rail from 21 lb. to 42 lb. per yardi 7 second hand inlet-tors. 240 yds.l6 kn. column pipe; monis. , 20 in, colutnn pipe: 130 in, pole pump; 211 I n . pole tmps. 1 locomotive, 4 drivers, suitable for shilling' cars,-Or On an Iron ore bank. Also, the wood work el 2 breakers, surrounding ahi ds, blacksmith and ear pentffr shops. One blitwing tub suitable for large, furnace. ' 1 1 100-tiorseatist'ke engine. 1 fifty horse, englne. 2 thirty " ~ I twenty; ': 1 four ' " , - 1 tea , ' ' " portable en. 4 Etollers, .10 in. x I 4 ." 301n.x3Oft. 1 341 n. x 30 ft. , 1 , 30 in. x 32 ft. 4 2 " - 30 in. xl4 IV 2 " 2tin. xl2 rt. 2 " 1 21 In. x OIL 4 I " 1-horse, tubular. 1 upright flue boiler. I,l9y'ds3lln.oolumn pipe LAO " 16 itt. " • 1 " 320 yda. 14 in. era. plpfy with bolts and rings. 114 " 10 40 ydl..nin. column pi pe 50 " "1 " " " "1 tot of 4 In: pipes. I 211 n. pole pomp. 1 1 16 " " • 4 4i4' ea sa 112 ..: .. .. 1 g .. se is 1 1 141n.11ft pqmpilftstro's 10 smpumall Ain aid- tom _ , At 11144 Innentneryr . soy. Ul. 41-414( - Pu I TTOVILLI4: SATURN in, &c. PA:RRISH DEAIXI,II • 91 and - 11iinninonn 1.;• ton Solleitiid and talini MiENI 14K1N89 Ens Or Tux LOCUM` 310U1S4A IN L . t, rinadeipbts. .1 25-1 r goitutt). srPI:1110C d ie Reep Re.l h s STER COAL ItI•} r'lt tl.l."l'd' R I':I7; lEro=ll Jit., & t lit., Philadelphia. sf.. Itosion. 'Building, New Pork: A • . CLAY COAL; Is aft the public: goner, I, JR. & BRO., LUST E ci EN 7 = t 'of yso Let, nK tp need • .13 USUAL u n der my tys;* ()lIN B. 12OUTY.: t Ilos ulldla New York.' M tons of chain. variousi . sties. , • . 1 10 feet h oisting drum, f, ',bolls and lag- t aln oompiete. 1,11 feet Mating drum. f 1 , " ; [ / 3 1 stack 5 ftdiax.3l ft long ; 1 stack 31 tn.xal " . •• , : 1 •• 80 tn.g3o " " I .1 " 1 ft.x3o '" " ! 19 tons splice plates, 10 ft. .long, linx3l: e : 3 1 U* of pump stubs: - - 1 new 12 ft eabituall ng fan; Eft new & second-hand; wire rope. • an ft 2 in "gas plpe. 600 "1 •• • ; of 41n. bait boy pipe. blocks wheels and; Of various alses. , new boilers. IA In.diarn. -with lire fronts and all • connect/mai small foot lathe. • Alim,alerago on hand 1. 1 1 . 11 0130113.11011 foe Iron = ng at • Wow. an I bollimi, - - •Ms tenet. • ' I - JAJUM 1111PAIMIL ip 7L ROBINSON & CO, , -.? . - F cßnaoenor to 14'. O. Ri l titoer..) : mulla POOTXXS, MAlrtnrActviums4 71.71 M • • ti , r7. Mirth. Soeibliairkaa (food. • • Rootruni. maim. sm... No. .I.BNortts Third StOiet. Philidelphia. 1 Diteember 4. 1 / 1 /4 . , ',, ... TEM • •- -• • Five Dollar Family hewing aniline ch' pest First Class Machine in-the :Market: ed (savory infra. Liberal commission all Foriterrna and circular, address A. 8. 11Allt tie r Agent . .Mo: 700 Chestnut "A .ril 16;111 11.• 8 : :I.llfi ..: & *re ,„ . 1 . i . - Importers' Of. ''' - , , . liodery,'Notions, • . .. . - - Whitt -Goods,•Emintiderici, - .1 • Gists Furnishing Goods,-1 N. 504 MAIWET liflltEE'T. PLUITIELP d . Jac 15670. - . - - • ' • - 41' FVENITIMIL , . JOSEPTI NirAI.MON, & CO., t- _.._ :., . CABIN= Nisizsits, No. - 413 Walnut 1;11, Philsdel Oar establlshment:lsc a le of the oldest In Phi ,l phl4,, and from ions rkperience and superior,. ties we are prepared to furnish good work at able prices. We manufacture final furniture and alio m priced furniture of superior quality. A, large of furniture always on hand. Croods made to , . turni„ coontev Desk Work and O ff ice Furnitu _s,_ Offices and fttores,livadia 'to order. J — WWALTON; J. W. LIPPINCOTT, JOB. L. : - Feb 12. '7 O • . 7.• Mena, kaetortea atilt. Clot "for cleaning ores, noal., Itc. ileavr.E l Cloths and Coal Screens. Wlre.Webbing kir ..and poultry yards. Paper Makers' 'Wires ; 11 '. 4, Iron Wire Cloth sleves„ Painted- gereens , ei tal Wine(Work. Every Information fly ad 1r the trumuracturera, ..: - M. WALICEII.?& tap li. t No.II North 6th street, Phlladel hi Feh 12; in .7-IY _ - - 4 -- r RTMOVAL. - - ; 1 1- . •••• -..• * JOSHUA: COWPLAND*29) . . Ns. HAVE lILIagOVED Tim - •• : LOOKING-I , c AND - PICTURCFRAME STO ~ I ?s North Mali tit.., Phllada.- Where they otre at reduced prices a irencraliks 'n.:l went of Lookin-Glanece. Picture Frames, La e c . French Plate Mirrors, Plain and Ornament I Plcture Frames, Cornices, Mouldings, &c. ', • JOSIIKA COWPLANUS SO. ! , ,t, = Fch 19, '70..9m) • No. 19 North tlilztli St. Phi wl: larlipEB OR HEMORRHOIDAL TUMOR. terns! and External, Blinklileeding and Itei tni posittyely; perfeetlY and permanently cured; itl outptiln, danger, instruments or caustics, by A. MeCANDLE. , :t, Si. D.. No. 192 Spring Garde Phila...Pa.,who can refer ywu to over Eleven Jinn lived of the best citizens of Philadelphia. who; have n cured. - Apraetice of, eleVen years as a special! , in this disease without a failure, warrants a curt. t !all CAMS, Feb 19,'70 .. . . : i 'THEO. r/BEIER'B' F . ' • -'. OLD EST4III:ISIIED , ii3itelEtlN'l3 ..W.A.itIT.I4-01.751r. • 14r: w. corner Fourth and Vtrio streets, Phil 014. A targe assortment of Spring, ffair and I MIL tresses, Beds, 'Blankets and counterpanes, - st tty tin hand and Made to order. 2 _ ": , • Iyao. Ticking, 'Felittlers and 'Curled -Bair, Wi sal nod retAil. All articles% warranted :us repre ed;,and prices invariably - as low as tiny othri,ll trade. . Jan. 24:70 . i ' ..„1-610 GAB FIXTURIM • a • r.EßosEl4k; A GIIZAT YAM ET OF- NEW ISTT LES: MERIvLAx BVR;rER•.~ , • AND EIIY TUX .31ANILV. IT G 1 V E 1.5 LARGF4T MOLLY OF, ANY '111.7.84 1 / 6 :1:: NADEL • LTER, ;TONES lisnutlidurers Wholespato Dealers, 702 Arch St., Phila.. I ne 5, IMO. AN/E/ IL KARCUErr. FURNITURF.' WAREROOMS; • 230 and 233 South Second Street, PUILADEiPHIA Undersigned haviurgreittly increased foci( •lie fn. lie addition of Abe large four story buildl a , AM Mining Ilis former ploce.of business,, offers great 'l,il dugements te all purehosers of furniture to gI Ye Ill' a coil. He Is confident of being able to plea 'al wbb may.Llvor him with their custom, and his ez peence of twenty years In' buslneas is a gins . ti.., of sts ability to turnout.thci b•-•.t. of work. I 4. 4 ter, mo itity supervises his large workshops, uturn.o) 41' tide not. on hand will be made to order,ntrthe to ,i). •- - '.. 1.,,,n stock of all kinds Of FEIRN in RI D. St. KARCREI II 7-13 Heiacuit 1,ER13. • • , ; Nticiir! - ' • , ' '4.ItTICLE. FOR T 14.; LAD i.. 1. - 1 ',:' . . • ',' ' (Pale:ant July etb. li , e7 1 , ' i ofri:r tliein e•ir .. ._ . • This Curleris the most - i , r: . • ' l . lAvi " l i tc ! .3 .. '1 i 1 . ' . 6 .,. ,i il ~, e 4 file t i 1..: o E . i . v es L t OT g o ,o i 7,1 prices. (.1 invention ever orrery lino • republic. It is - easily, op si,a , . ---. • -•• 1 I it. neat ,In rippearance, Ind 'German and f 3acli IWpfsted Imbroideries , :. iii not injure the hair Ids ,ere Is no heat.•requireil, nyiy . ' . . • 1:1 • • - ly metalle substance 1.10 DM istur break the hair. ." . 16- Eool:meet rinly anitsfeirSril ' ~y , '• - - ' -y . 1 1 11 , hicMILLAN it;CO. ... . . y r I ' •,1' ; No SI North Front strc t • '- I, . 1 , mi:...rwl LI r.S;LI.: .V.VD EXA,IIINEJ l'ittf.snst.rnis. lA. • : - 4 . '„11! • , i • • • ' Sold at Dry ()pods, T ila , ,‘ ' Ingi4 and Notion Stores. 1 - - , 1 •. 1 I 1 N. ' 11-44tngie Box 25 i t " : sii e l lns'•intiv ris.,•l4 - itia I Itexes, - Assorted Pietis t CZ ts. . Ai -', ''- ' -It - ••.•,-. • i . , - ,• • failed tree to any part id tire , . , 1 1 ,4 , . . . I _Tutted States, upon reeel tkif , ' - • , --- • Jane 11.'i0-lii , ' - -'• • NI , W CENTTETENT WORSTED, SRL& _ _r • '' TTB lON . HAMS: . - L 4 .„' . . ' .„, i • .; Irti , le 4 l,&engingtoaremilar NlTorsteilStore ' -In offering the abeive brand' to; the ,attentio pf I """ an 'i. ' ' 1 , -,„ - . • . , , - . consumers the presentseraaon,web in leave ta*t • ie, • • 1 ; 4 . ' . ;'1 .- II : .. • _. • ':?i - th t' we have made ,very. Improvement In - 1 0 -. 4: ..t,' 'J. lANDER; JA th !retiring during the giasrVnter,, and liave no , ' ~ ' •". .. '4 ',. ! • '•,. ' 4 . . , . ,'' ' .. h itancy In saying, Meg are the.beit Hams (-it at_ - • " ' ''''' - 1 Int s rect Philadelphia, -- a d Th y are setected_frum strictly corn fed Hoks..tr tit- -.-! nied very nicely so as to make 'mind's waste in-' tit- • • . la Fulto 1A v nue', Brooklyn, New si"ork tlg as possible, ind,thedngredlents used In Cu yig . -11 , ' • 3 l. ~ . ' ' ' n 4 F ; all the very finest to be had.. The Hams are all i - -4- sorted before 'pickling and each size cured by, It ,If ...',.- 4,ll\kinds of NN,d i II,TED, SILK and BEA - • EM .so its to enable na to keep in pickle just,limg eno h . :. 11120113E1111 .I,M -tii . o 'der at shcirt notice;:j j -. to are and not bg too salt. ammo fault with .n . ow „.••••_. •;11 .1 '• -1 ' i . • -. " 1. ',Rams. We also cure in Ice Xibuses airgainmer rid ,• -- ' ',, :,, 1 -I.• - • - Idle furnish theilaroa at all times cut from ,II ,pp - -A: lot of I•lm . tillp ~ /En ES : at' half price; u sale that were alive within 6 weeks cit the t Imelhe II 11(15 ~. ~,. . 4 ! ' , 1 , 1 - ;,: may 7., 70 _ 19. •,, art delivered which Is a great, Advantage and ate ' ,"" a "' n ' e • - • patisessed by very few dealers. We . feel sati,:ne I, A , ,_.- ...I—____ .' 1 ' • , 1 , trial wili Insure satisfaction. None aenoine un eks GRAND , -I.NAIrCIU, , ..vrioN. 4 , , ,•. " ' •: . bninded. Sold rally by - A. F. MEIN,. ERROUGII - d CO:; '- i. 'i -•',. l '• '- ' I. - dor - '—-' - ,-. . • i . Porks Packers, No. 10N. Delia - are Avenue 1 1 ' . . . • 1 . 14 ; lipril 9,3370.15-4!lni PIIILADELPIIIAiP. •.,- .. - ' 1 PRICES.' ' I - I 77 . . ..... .. I .- ~ '111,./311 4 . 7 4 CII/LODAY. (t . -CO.; . • . - . .- • - Nos. .412. it: i 414 eff,[r3.47:4L-r Srekkr. . --......„ 4 7 7 - iq/kA - pELP.iiIIA - . -•".. il , t,o,'- '' ._.„ I ' l• Alt NOW .1)11 , 1: ..54.1rn.F WITOLE.OF THEIR -, . - • ,4 . . ' .11•kG IFIQE:STT STOCK '` - i • . _,. • Ifi -, I: , - • . _ .Or ' ,- , . ~ • - rinr.ss &; OD. „, BILKS, ETC.,. 1' .., • • ,=: . e -. ' :Ileple l te„ with all hi; Chci , h;est ' NOvelties of 'this . _ ' • Sesser{. • • .'; '', ! . .." i '.., •.. • ' :r 1 - ' . . '. • -: - ...r a E. - rira 'W/771 ~..: - ' ', • i ... ,... 1 I: i -....' - !LIVACIF.: INVOICE-1 N- DEFilltitELE GOODS, ( -4-tv i :. ~,. ..... :4 . ,I . t.. .. 4. ~ . 4 .., ..:, ~,, , r puiteu.k.sti. 11 TIT / ' i4AtiT.FOII cAsit: • • - - • - •1 .. Hl' . '-- A . ST?...N is It IlFtit Y: L ' OW ' RA:TES.. ~ - , • '1 ' +7; , , 'II. C. ,t 00: eyncla de tilau,'lt Is only -necessary to :quote a feu' of theleOtTortnip:as an:index of ttie pri ces at Wirieli-this SEITEIi li STOCK will be disposed , - of, tn.:lnsure an early cal.. ,- ~ . . llammD isoe_onhle- t I,lj. e Ghent MehairS„n734 conts. Itl 4 ;' i.i Dotil l .lo4 , l3dd Forilar.,ll.Maini, 45 Cents. - '' •. •,,_ ' I)orible-ik,lit •Norwipli ll!)ptlnsi in the, new light - Shades, ',l; L'ent:i,ll . • . • 11' ; ' : --• " . ~. loyie'syard-wide Engl . di , Prints, 2.1 Cents. II ~ . -' •ttrinted Satin Clothi,! neW article for 'the hernia or Walking Curiturp;e,3sVents. 1 . . • One Case of ti e Finist Or and m lestpohed, 40 Cents.. , . ... , • .areal Se'fktsit I. Gingh4nx, *all colors, r, gents. .1 - , . . .4 . • Two cases or, reneu, I- ilu l lard Mohair'', whtehi,sold . by the piece fa,. 1 ., 4 1. 7011 . 1 tre arc now O,red . at - . 513 Cents., 1 : f t - - I ' s. -• . : . .. :131a,k Liyon'S Gros 1 rains and Drap'de Lyon, of , the best makes, (roll 11.1 to ¢8 per yard. . • • ,: - Chene Silks of the au.,ildectzns of the Parts mar - . ken. and extra gpalit*,.. said last spring akvt.z.,- ; 82 . 1 °' ' e; :11 • • • 1 "-- - :.• - - .i , striped sukr. from-II:al tO SIM, .... • " ~ Back pnile'as Barj i es 1.-..if ! a,inperb tinAlty, 112 Cents l 4 3.; . , . , - p• , i ,_ 1 ,i - ' . ' Black Canvas l l3aye4es, i - Cents. :• '. .• •• Meek variv l is Thireles, a widths and qualities, Op 1:. 1 J .' ' ' "'- • Walk - fug S. ults, is..wra; Si awls, Lace Points, &c. , ALL AT kit- .NEii-.BATkS.: ,; ...: . I `April - 4 1 ' -4 .. .. I 16-3nisaliatoif • . I . ~ -.1. . PEN PER CENT . . FIRST- '4IORTGFIGE 110 ND TIIE DANVILLE, lIAiLETON, k *ILK BARRE RAILROAD C433IPANY,I & AND ACCRUtD INtERF.:S • .CLEAR OF ALL • .1 EREST PAYABLE APRIL - ADD : 007.68 • I" . , mons iirshhrgt9aske Investments are xatnitie the merits - of these BOND'S. ;, phlets aniyallpd and full Infi.i : mrit torcair . STERLING 'SD- WI LIM.A.Ni • . Financial Agents, 110 South Third titree .I'I.IILADELPII . Govern men t 'Bonds simlbther Securtt 10 ta xchange for the above arTsmit market Weil. I.trll 2% '7O , . - ; • l7—.lni • ? ILLIAM P. ;ItOtiERII, . • 11-g I A.G E II D K.ll GricAt. ANT) ONLY 'lll.ext:rActrt:rie CP:LEBRATED --z , ii : -.:lrdi i z-- -',4 MI 1 '. . , 1;e, N. .' - .. ~ t 2 , '• VA itkfr i r ' , I ' c-sniiiAt.o-E.sp; 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT ! STII47I'. PIIILADP,PItiA. 1 .4 • t „i! .IGHT "WAGONS :AND' PHzETON,' PON. TBZ I C/ AD_ AND PARK A §. pECIALTN i Neu% and Elegant Styles .. rriLigcs itra l et 1y produced. April ' St -1 000 017- •-•- . - . ' ) I . CM LEAD excels all other' Lead ! " 1 4, , ist: For ita UnheatedWhitenew,t. r ... pt. For Its Unequaled DurabliDy. 1 •I • , M. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Pi*pertiti: g l Litstly for its Economy.• ,• I. 3 1 li, costs less to paint with Stiehl Lead that} 411,1' ottier White Lead extant, The sarna at tght corers More Surface, Is more Durable, ands ea Whi* Wrrk. - ," ! ' I ~ ...1 DUCE LEAD to the L'hespestand i • . . 1 , .1 • „. $lO,OOO ODARANi'EE.I' . : j [ s DUCK ZINC Excels all other =tc nut. . .t i • , • t Ilst., For Ite Unequaled Durablllti. , :I I : • • :t I pd. For its. Unfl - waled Whiteneu. ,- 3d. .For Its Unsurpassed Cciv'erlbi Property. 1• tusse for Its Great ,Keesunn help y, lst !I I t; t he cheapest Handaan test, and in Durabl l Villte Palni la th, world. • • - BilrY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BI CI 1 1 , ZEN I C;• 1 1 ' •.-- 12. . Tit" IT AND BE corivii*:co)..'. ,Satisfaction Ob...ctitteed by the Akiritefti. ii . ' L. . .I l't . ~ BUCK COTTAGE COL 9 tiloty Privared akereadir tar Pt* 7 Co ' Chit-Bunleje et every &marl etkiillikiep k w ..five dlilteent askew 10 . felifts u n io n . % and Beentlfal ebedeso red, . z •,' 1 • Semple eerilsiseat by =WM t . A, Darien' Ordereirlll be pane i tad by 011711140141‘ municff. N.gatillit si aCk . ,..' 1 . , . N. W. Car. Teetbaled Nuke% genet% Ipi r • JO 111. 19 . ' i , , , 44.4ry , L 1 i, Y MORNt thetTl.t,e,P2rnaftelasp a r6 ol ., Polarise Plalndikinforied4ind Rufled, 8111t, 4 2 Gin bane and Alpaca Vtedirellaa; with elan ilue,of Real W hit yard Wrench JetJewelty.' Fine Gilt French 'Jewelry Farley Lowther Goods, Fine Fans ,- Vaseie_Tollet'Sets, Desks, preadult 'Cage*, Wick, Jewel tia t n Mankerchlef Roma. Brush + ck l es, Cornli and T le entitles inareat variety, with a Fuji line of Fine a yr, imped i n " n ifty add moderate In Ice. • t 11 .-DLXI3I;_, . No. 21 south k.:l lA t East lido between Mar ket and Chestnut, I lastippina, .- • May it, Itile.asn tr. The gents hweJ. N, liklTngP?FT? -- ft : A"R'N 'EXTCIII ror a r r - , 1 ' , oiY e-t. P R PT4fa the raurri, f r , i Ask your r;roeer or liru.gg liar WRibersicios jildraCtr.: .. u.knioirs:lNlMir ,DE Is , wlthout dotibt.the best article In the to rke It trlll color more Water thsm...tour tIWt th . M e weight of Mingo. The only genuine/8 Mart at ALFRED WILTBER GEIES Drurpr•got... , 'llt Tor's andllarlow's name I ..ins 'Labels : all:utile eon terfele. ' For sale by meat Gramm rind 'Drufz.gll4. •zurzutacisn'aiNDlSLlOLZ /Nle. will be found a miner! cart tele, Alwdyson hand at reasonable prievi.. pi t (hound npice N °mum. SledielliCli Chi-11110N 4kil Tapioca, Saint, andiliii ar tleli In the Drag line. at ALFRED WIL BERGEIVS torng store. ' .. .. , No. ..'cl :Corti Second St., Phyaielphla. 1 Jrine 4,."70-23-4M ... • hla et- H. .n- wiNDoyir H 'lll.-X ANm. I.L CE Q sArp:•p7,ol.vit*rsiut, & ‘4*ll. • ' Fii:ft I. • Ear :,the Lateairiii) • ..:" ALL TIIE J XEWEST itqc4f,or Railroad Supplies. .1• . , E. INV ALRAYENi Iia,rI.IESTNUT STREET, LI./141,Pil lA., 0 fops Ire Pen 'Pep . MASON ' , P 1 LADIE;"47 PU • C Itto l forl :1 rah Sa ; ckjii.t.tc"Psii LC/WES' , AGN . , MMOMMIE SZE= 10, 70 1874 SPItINO . : • „ 4 .. p 1 81:1BLI/LES .!. 1870 --. 13- Rt. : 1 :bp D'Si - -- . - _. r.:..._ . . I • . _____ . ill - riNy i - - so lil ,A. x? - 1, ac i c co.. .•- (1, . • -. :=F t!s•Sorrtf SE 'Op T:ittre; Pluisr!lci•Pn.zA• ' . Invite the att en t icsi klf p . reirasers on Visiting Phila.- ' ' delphia, to thtt ;la ..arokelegant stock of ' t 1) IR II . ,Q.a D 8 - . ' . . „, . , , , ,._ 1 Co.NAtertxci 1...N.-.1. 'AT i.) T ; -•. ~. - Mack .u i I Coh red, NES. •' , . • . • 1 Plaid and St rl Sfric . . . 1 , • Plain ,laid c-se-. slks. . • ' •-' Eitotres. S ripes' t'Ud Plaids do. - - . Pliii h SI'l ; t l'e l i ins,' select shades. -," i ' Corde,l t:11 'opUns. - - 1 I r 1-. .. • .41 ,• .1 #IIW IPoplina. - - ~ , . ~,,# ri..,;,,,‘ I no . '.. , '' t 11. 1. lakes or Alpacas and 3lohnlrs. .N ;;.ed.;HollalrSand Poplin A ; tpaess. ,',., f;re.padines and 4rgatUlles. !l i tmus, Percales and . Villnire.- f..'n jetwik Oral .-pw-Priced Dress .• AlOods. •I'Ve: (10.3414 or thr _latest. styla%- , , cu tintZ - receiving. , .lII.Ack DitEs.,lot r siS GREAT VARIETY. , , I:ro• , he suit rtilSl,x Rh wi lt, Thlbtt and Shit:diet 3i • hawls, Spring-rin ;Stria net Shawlft, Lace Pointes, I.Aco Raeques, Clo s :WI I . ..,assimeres;Table Linens ,- an , Nariltins.l-:,her. tig•s a oltilitrtine Manna, Coto. , 1 3 1 terpnnt,•s,lilatiket I..4pri. its; 4!le.' .PlanO and Ta le ;; . .cov. , r4. White 6 ids,.l . ' 'mss, EmbrOldecles, Gloves, ~ •1 Hosiery, &c. ' i . i,i : • •• : . •''t ' c - ' N. /I.—We dent I 's()odrs and endeavor to sell 'l' fit snob Prtires that ir 111 P 7 ve itatlsfliettom, 1 7••• I C4 - The Ctiestou ' Ind 11 srlFec, krett, cars will.con ,t' - Vey yuu to Vitliln few doors of the - store. - , , • .IL' - .11 WIN HALL ..,it CO., • , 2.4 ..sou Iti e nil *Arcot, Philadelphia'. April lii, 10 .' : li ~ ' .16-3 M. MEI .ou L . - . Vass 'gt,l_ gefins. . F° la9Ezipq?l, !easrp iaorsioNsTorstra., INMAN LINE Or 4,i,ix. STEMSEESterk' nailing, Irmo; New lork,i ,_. " - • , - " EVENT tATuuDAII. • - .. . . - - , lNti A/RN Tit TUESDAYS. • And twice each tr fin Liverpool . and queen*- town. _. Pitevrage pansage I.froigt Liver Poole QUeen l 4 4 *.n. Glatigair orDerrf, Eft, b • any Steamer or the Ude. • JOHN 0. D.ALk..f _ . 13. Broadway. New Torch, or to 'AUG. KNEC, eatfor P,ottaellle. Pa. - May 11, '7o—Z.Stm,,. , I. .1. - . : , . , • - ;- k /‘•NCHOR 1413 ~ P , 712ANIIIATL1111220 4 - 1 BTEA.MB . l' , ,_.- • . - . - JAI& Between New Tot P, , • ,Londanderrp, Liverpool, Queen } ". sad tisinburs. . : alidlM • itnnuctcn ltAzcsi Or Antlitalg.—For. .Pretroglo or drone by this commend" , • comtbritatileaget-piiyilionw line of etestrittaps II& —II Atm rutted maw iind , Europe. or for tufo ~ talon In reord-to ratan of =r , etc., apply". n , win or by , man to; , thalr • • - 1 :-.. C. ir _. GLOVER % , ~ I r • _ Ni XZ.4iia4tr e 4 i r e e I" Pocuprinik' . _ , April2lo-14-7 „ . praliBlayLVAAI.A. i' . ..'''t * . r.i. • , I Criss ProlitvlLLlK, Pa... ' .. ~.' phis *en Icnown'iind tair. note', 'Minot item A. entirely reticnnoed pen ' • itirnbtheiii - le; now pion for pet maneut aunt • • ; ~ • Vlntietine 'l Hrs. .7 , LE& SC . /N, ' alum 7 TO—or-411 . • , . - ; ~ ; • ~, '. .. I, '-. .1 -- '', ~I ; ; • -. Tatted ' ._ . .A • • ` _ •17" - V4 1 ' ' .. # _ U4* ..trt 4:3 ' UI pi - -,*. 4 - i 7 - „ •, ,, , -. A . :4- , ._,. - _ , ,1, !-4,F - 4, , ,-;.,f,„..,.,-. 1 . . 5 ." . e.:4 , :. fz ;4. . ?- 1 -,-- •• ' MEM GOODS, A, s • tuter 13ortilertta of alt K 1 ds, ' ;tlt T., 1)14) PRICES. .* intte (ou t I pea tal ... itotel), I t l s .11 . 1 S. ; • ; • 16401 GI i - , , AreILENS IN CAMP. ME . . 410 -1 413ik4aes On moon .iias Itf, =An, Opliftla ,• Wltiorets of snow: The The soari ng ruddy &l ourkie witheath hrd how*, piluttd a re. bs of On haggard hem sad Soria that drooped arid tainted • In Abe dens rata the wealth ; • • 'Till one Mom, And frorn bla . .imek's scant treasure A hoarded volume drew, -- Asd eoillo weed dropped,froin bends or listless W To.bear the Lehi anew ; And then. while found them shadows gather tutor, Hf And as the Bre-light fell. tuadaland the bneltishereln the )(atter Bad writ of "tattle - . Posharl. l :Wail boyish tang — tor thejeader an rett i =cd t gawi lem atae and eedar . A silence seemed ue tall •• , - The 11 4 . 2ri... shadows. 111 , 1dhs.Ibe whoti - c e Zn el 76, 4, t r l i tk".24ll" Cg in Englisa. wandarad and loss %bete ws7. • ' . - • And Min mOuntalnselltudes—ointaken Ashy someeell divine— ' -Danaher' Their earn drop from them like the needles porn out t gusty pine, . Lest Is that amp, and wasted alt. ft. tire:. _._ • And be who wrought that spell • towering pins Ind stately Kentish spire. - Ye have one tale to tell t Lost la that came but let its fragrant story Blend ai th the breath that thrills With help.Vlllloll . 111061111111 all the pensive glory • That Ails the Kentbsti And on that pais whore English oak, and holly, And laurel awreattui entwine, _ Deem it not alto too preatimytootis Thin spray of. Western pine! - • -=4il'sas the'9verkiad ..lioaihly for July. • • OXFORD 1,41041 TD. University Life i 9 Englansi_ and America., =I 10-Iy, '"riXFORD has licked Haor. erd." I N.-lhetard-these words spoken list August high pkainiing, the Swiss' mohntaihs by a young EnglLehmati to his comrade, with ev- Ident.ltiterest and aympathy from the ladies with - whom ; they were walking... The great rowing Mitch had just taken place,- and the .Engilsh. Who. were them at Ht. Moritz in Enuch,f. Mid a great deal to say about it, and w • full ofrglee at the result, ,while they well Of -the Harvard men 'and az , slowed thatitherdid 'nobly under the circuit; Stances. What amused the • there and els& where In Europe was the obvious fact that Harvard U'niversity was made known to most people abtped for the first. time by boat race upon the• Thames, and the legs and arms of that • stout young yaukee crew did Mori to spread the' fame of their Alma Mater than all the brain that has ever flished its radiance from the . namei in the 'Harvard tri ennial r, eatalouge. The phicklest part of Young England and Young America met -and tried each other's nerve and muscle in that race. Na wonder that the . whole world looked out on tO see how.lt would Came out. The connection will. nut end there, ;but the 'Tellowleeling that began, with' the 'Oar will go -into the library amid the pep, for they that have striveh. honorably 'for each .tither or agrainit each. other never forget it; and the mind and heart Wililollow up and , keep-the association. •.% =I - At this season - of college conatneniomentS, when so many people, young and told, are thinking pf such matters, your readers may be interested in a few stray thoughts ofttAne on English and American university life, as seen; of late at Oxford and Harvard. It is probably a' merey.to yoti that -Itive no books of reference at hand; but ,ant - writing under the Gress-with,no other help than last week's Conamencement at Cambridge and the re menibrabee of, last yeaes• Commencement • week at Oxford,• in June. •The first, sugges tion thatoccurs to me is, that our Cambridge is a' very young and growing place, while the English Oxford is: a very, old and some w4hat stationary-Institution. I think that I was at ;Cambridge for the first time in the year 18M; when there were few 'traces of the present i vigonous .university: , Gore 'Hail, Dane Hall, the Appleton Chapel, the Labor atory, the Scientific School, •Gray Hall, .Thayer Hall, and other important buildings were not erected, and when we entered the college in 1828, our class of 72 made.quite sensation by its almost unprecedented num bers, the wildestimagination neverdreatning that this year of 18:0 would bring class of over 200. If old Oxford has a wardrobe too large for its limbs, young Harvard is decided ly too big for its clothes, and Is outgrowing, ,hursting them, in strange ways. For exam ple, in the matter of recitation rooms, it is hard to find ; room "to hold 'the ; classes, s and One business meeting Of the Alumni was' held in the upper part of the old college chapel; which has bt‘en divided' horizontally to accommodate the. new cothers, and I.was amazed to find 'myself there up' ih the attic' among' the roof timbers, with my head upon a levelvith the stucco cornice which once topped, off the'old chapel and served to busp the eye in hours of over lengthy 'listening.— Old Massachusetts Hall Is, I untold, to be ,served in -the. same way,• and tribe divided horizontally into two spacious auditorium's. As I wrote you before, the foundation of the: new, !, Alumni itcalretnly, laid upon the Delta and the stately! edifiee is to take up the late portion 4if that large and' sightly ground. So new and growing is our Har vard, while at Oxford the finest cosspicuons old, and-the very stones that were set up to. immortalize' noted benefactors are turning to dust and showing that these men were mor tal like the rest of us. • ' _. • , :tTim next impression made upon me by - the wouniversities bears upon ,. the• material hi "be educated. The Oxford students seemed to me to be generally more mtiacular and full of atilinalJife, while the- Harvard students are lighter In _weight and apparently more dellesteia orghnization. In fact 'I was much more struck by the show of muscle at Oxford than of. brain. My companionontLondon was met at the station by two friends, who • were undergraduates, and I was more im pressed, by *e cut of their pantaloons, which ended at the ',knee, and by the size of the calves, which were so fully shown ofr by their snug stockings, than by anything remarks hle in their countenance or conversation. In the great'Sheldcnian theatre t where the lit • enarTexerciseti "were held, as I wrote iyou at the time, nothing was so conspicuous as the' utter contempt of the kostof student, for the apeaking,- and; their preference for hideous noises of all kinds. such adetnonstration Is Inconceivable In America as a thousand stu dents shouting all sorts of nonsense and im pertinence while men of culture, some young and of. themselves, and others of gray hairs and venerable names, were trying speak their carefully prepared thoughts. Even the presence of ladies, who were there in large numbers and in conspicuous grace and"beatt ty, did notstop the yelling of these privileged Callbana, wkoinukde theni the butt of their rough jesting,iwhich, however, kept within the limits"of a 'certain courtesy, and was con tent with chteting "for the ladies"—"for the Indies attach ,"."fin the ladies unattached," "for the: ladies• who wear their own hair," 'thrjhe ladies who do not,!' &c. On the whde it wasl a disgusting exhibition, and cannot be excused upon any . plea of prece dent: It hats neither wit nor merriment, but Is a piece otuntimely animation, and makes a beastly bear garden of an academic theatre, a,carnival of noise instead of *least of reason. There can by musde•and fain enough wfth- Viit suchexcesses, and our American' youth can learn the good of Oxford; legs and lungs without such rciwdyism; It-t - aeemed to me that, this year's graduating desk at Harvard were haMly up to the usual standard of-sus.. cle, and' certainly ; the eight favored Orators were mostly light weights and feeble voices. , It was :not at; Improvement that they read their parts,lnstead of speakifig theni as of old; and the clonal' American way is' much more wide-awake and telling than this quiet, dull importation of English ironing., Only two of these speak. • era had the proper degrewor, om anti animation [,:their de livery, and ost of them were unusually, heavy, while every part was well worth hear ing, and moettof them were interesting and Instructive, haing evidently been carefully studied firm the best sources. • ' _ . While imestking of the - manners of the OX .ibrd and Harvard students, I may M well say that the:palm of chivalry belongs dead eMy to, the Americans and in courtesy to their lady guests the harvard students are unequalled, as far as I can judge. The-Class Day at Cambridge is a credit alike to. the rnartliness, sobriety and refinement , of the young men and to the beauty, grace and del •cy of the yOung women. No prettier sight Is to be seen anywhere, in spite of the want of sultablejaccomModations, such as the re fectery of Ali Soul's at Oxford and the gar dens and grounds of Trinity and Worcester College, whim such charming hospitality Was ;dispensed last year, yet without much appear ance' of homage to their fair friends from the - atnamtS, many of whom MPuledTweet rowing and drinking on the Isis to Maio and Monmersition Among the flowers. • It. is evident that this :nineteenth 'century Ls ati wilt in Oxford and Harvard, and that tbelmeraphit ,in both ~universities has the old eon "withal to contend with— skt x ford it has tad a great struggle to bringthe new Mime_ into fellowship with the old el/m4lO, and within.' the last forty year's that nn firer -guy haa been anus rensuludde. for its High Chuireb,itaalots, than for any InveresSive re- ens Ill" SAMUEL ; OSGOOD, formic - lillt. : such ,wholesome liberals as Dr. Arnold `h*,..e :gone. front, ita. an ci ent halls, whlle.thegtost- iggressiee radicalism seems liihrtire'riaen up - It reaction -against its ex , treme : churchmen, • and - the oxford Itatt i were-followed - by the -- Baileys:and Reviews, and the genial. Pro,fissio,r-lowett has rivalled: ~.. the ase•Dr'Pusey i n" number of his adniliere: - .At Harvard the new Spirit seems to be at home tulta own 'favored sphere. and the. young President Elliott; . wheat so many "well-meaning ettlogitita are trying to spoil. by indiscriminate pratw,',ls a very fair represen-y. tative of the new age, with modesty, dignity and judgment ,' as: well- as enthusiasm,.•• to help him on.- Yet he. hut:much to do to last. : He probably knows; ,as his; father and his : father-ln-law knew before - .him, ' that: truth existed befoke the • nineteeth Century, and that the new illumination • has not cre ated, but ought to interpret and: follow, the solar force that ages , ago arose : in history never to-die.ohL. There are some strong in didations that Harvard is not willing to trust • herself wholly to the new radiesilism,...and the vote of her-alumni for overseers gave the name of ""Mather.it the head, and of Phillips. BrOOks at the illait - of the auceessful. - tickets-names that Oiford shonidi not be ashamed to mention with Arnold" of Rugby, and Robertson Of Brighton. Perhapa in the exercises of the Phi Beta-Kapp:ion Weclnes day; there was' a fair- manifestation .of .the two leading :elements . of Harvard culture . in the:brilliant, dashing . oration of. Dr. Holmes, i t , turitthe lovely rel igi ous poemkif Hunting ton; the young . .cle than-from Worcester. ' fi could not but thin of the intpreSsion that re. Holmes would have made at Oxford, if he scholars and ,devotees . -there - could have i istened - to his - ' sparkling Words—how Pro . - Jesse'''. Jewett would haveinvited blue that 'Charming dinner in Ballicil College; end" per haps how astonished Dr.;puiey would have been at this treatment of. the- old creeds, so 'much Indeed. it. may bees: to teriipt him to doubt the . Dieter's:-experience •oclthe grace' of God. • I. do net. think,- that a More witty oration was ever given on any college festi val, nor even one less Mithfaetery hi its.pbsi tive affirmations. The brilliant Doctor has run tiltleitig enough against the old Paeitan scholastics; audit will soon be,time for A -rim to report to us his; new - studies in Sweden- - berg and the old' Catholic sageswhose itifi dom he.in so ,many respects copick. \ - At Oxfcird and Harvard a. thoughtful man is much imprisOci by the connection , " be tween the - old learning and _tife'new poetry.- 'How 'many - of 'the poets. of England have been, educated •at -Oxford and (.7ambridge! - Anti:even . the:genius that- hes ;seemed to 1. spring up of itself and study ~tiatineitt fi rst hand hasheen no stranger: to these old halls. and their'sages and . saints.. Il was surprised to find how. near .Shakespeare's 'home is to , OxfOrd; Warwick and Kenilworth, and to be 1 assured anew.that he studied as much as he could the life of English history in its books and =institutions. ' I was pleesed to see a stately. new college thing at. Oxford, with. .the name - cif Reble; the poet of. the Christian Year, and not -less pleased: t 4 .- find so much - :of the spirit of -song. at our 'own Harvard • , .:last week, arid .0 take" - Holmes, and Lon g, fell O wl and Enterson hy the .hand, and. hear genial wordy front. their lips. . .. .... .. There le".- probably not•muelt at o ur Cant bridge of that spirit that has' erected and lately consecrated Keble. College:at Oxford, and a titan of church tastes - - and•eonvictlims . wouldlilie to see more religious expression at Harvard in .. huildintpi,. monuments and art. 'An Oxford: devotee might riot whelly admire the edifice ,where the • Commenecs moat exercises were held,. the wooden Goth ic church, with its fresco pretensien within . ; and might, - be surprised to: learn that the edifice was built by peoplewhii hail-mar ble Sod gold and silver enough in: their own houses, and that their religicat is;- the cheap est portion pf their plan -of life.alad fellow ship. : Near by,. however; he .wfuld find a gent 'of architecture quite •tc.fis: taste, and . one that Oxford - itself would. "rejoice in, the charming little St.' JOhti Church; designed by one Hart - ard graduate ."arid 'erected- in memory 'of another, Rev. Charles . Mason, of the fatuous Jeremiali "Mason.,, and one" of . the cla ss of 1832.. I went - from the dining hall with, a classmate of his • and- mint to see this building *toward evening, and its beauty-and epiritinility set our fancies at play among those old scenes and, times - , when Ma : . sop! so-ofteti• - walked with'. us over this - very road at Mount Atiburn, Now be is gone,- and 11 is brother Robert, - from his - abounding wealth and faith, has built: this foVely tem ple to God in his Memory. - Ho* Mach more. .startling life often is than fiction, and ni 'st em .or romance can :Mean .-toorC than that memorial spire to es• of, the classy of 1832.. TwO' fine looking young,',.inen stood by, and offered to Show us the' interior, if we could wait awhile 'for the key-: They_ showed wt morathan -they promised, for they broright . up the interior of that charmedeld life,' the - heart of our calf yOuth,hack.. bins.. With out meaning it; they helped out that poem; • the dark , One and the fair-faced one;,Caelt do ing hiS part:to - bring up'old friendSatid faces. They were-students of S''. John's Seminary, and their spirit-seemed broad and generoes,, I as well as 'earnest. - -- :. .;. • • • ' 7 ." • Mil • So - it is that:liaratcl• enriches its' associa tions and• nionumen find Gothic spires rise *thong these old Puritan halls. -The stately 'monument on the common; nearrthe.:Wash ington Elm, speaks well r<tir the.newrleyalty that.has so stoutly stood by 'Washington's great legacy to us ;sand lis..ll"looked again till'. on that memorial Church 4 Could hot but re call ounchussmate Wilson'4 remarkable Cortis tude, and be assured that- he wbuld, 6f the occasion.demanded, have beettas true; • even to death,- for his conVietions; if the 'time had called for sacrifices as it called those lAd mar: tyr confessors - •to whose lionpr...that - famous . Monuinent stands at Oxford. lie had ; gentle as he was, a remarkably, hardihood of herve. and temperament, and sometimes in sport he would shut' his eyes' asgesleep, apittlare us to wake him' with pinches-and the iwitini of • pins. Sp,he might haVe.been _More -than a Creamer in herolktn. - These may be rambling words Of one .who writes Of a summer's dtiy under the trees, yet they may stir memory at this languid season, and, with a change of inime.-tuay dons well - for lovers of other unitersities as for Oxford and liarvard.-=.2Vetc York Ei•enikgPoBt. COFFEE 'aft ITYDS OF CUBA. T)EING in the country, and moreover II tired, we retire for the night at a reason 'able hour. We have to make" the , best of our. *extemporized couchm,.for, our luggage and furniture are yet on their way, and probably will net p_ut in an appearance before:morn ing. Some the guests,. therefore, betake 'themselves to swinging . hammocks," while others decupy Don Jose's catreSi—a -Species. .ef folding bedstead not uulilfe an open apple stall with-a'cativas tray. , • - Not until we have fairly taken possession of our temporary roucheti,..do we fully ap preciate Dona Cachita's forethoUght,in pro viding many yards - -of.niosquito netting. I have always dreaded a country life,:no mat - ter in what Part of the world, on account of. strange vermin.- A shudder runs through me at the mention of earwigs , - and caterpil-: lars ; but give 'mea hatfur or those- interest; ing creatures for bedtelloWs in preference to a cot in Cuba with a mosquito nett . What is that sweetcreature crawling: ~eautiotiely towards,me along the' brick floor,'looking like star flail around body? "Oh, it is nothing, rna.s.sa,". says my black Valet. "I kill him in , a _minute,- Massa" • Which he does with his.niiked - heel.. 'Only an arana peluda; In-plain English, a spider, of gigantic proportions, whose lightest touch will draw you -like pOultice. "Let the cucu rachos pass, for,l recognize in them my old familiar friend the cockroach, whose worst crane is to leave an offensive smell on every object he tenches.- - . .lk. , Teltker. do I object to the grillo, a green thing which hops all over the room; 'for I know it Le' hebut a specimen of magnified , grasshopper, ;wile, will •surely • ciase its , evening gambols, as soon as the light is extinguished. - But oh, Santiago or any other saint yell please; I mid ha -- you crush, mangle, kill, and utt rly exter minate, that dark brown -lorg-ta led brute, from-whose body branch all kin of horri, •ble limbs; the most conspicuous : Of which are, a pair of claws which' resemble the , handles of• a' jeweler's nippers.. _Only an alaerati, is it? Son of the, tropics, it may. 'sound mildly -hi thee in the rontantiedialeet, .but in the language Of Miatim - Darwin, let' me tell you, It is nothing more tideless than a scurrilous scorpion, whme gentlest stink is worse than the stings of-Xwenty wasps. If the 'brother of that now squashed -brute 'should .droP upon me ' 'during my repose, from that roof ( which - I perceive is of guano leaf, and admirably adapted for- scorpion gyninastles,) my appears at-thehreakfast table to morrow, and 'for daysniter, will be hideous; to say nothing of, my personal dial-comfort and - -fever.. Now; a mosquito net. stretched overyon on Its frame, effectuallly insures you against such inidnlght..visitors; and, If well secured :on everyoside,•Will even' serve to Ward' off the' yard - Mad a half of eulebra or stiakeorkieh at - oertaitt masons is . wont to pervade your - bedroom floor at' night. ' — l aril awakened ar , an early . hour . by Did :Miguel's livaattick, Who hOld :their musical' 'matinee in the big. yard exactly under'my open Open Window. The. inid_prasumptu ous turkey-cock, gwsnaja,•ls leading tenor in the poultry phl i ramme. -First Addle •is the golloies or glish.nmster; - 't hen came the doable - taus gs, whet have free access toy die balcony. andparlor. ,Vehorus• of hens,' SINGLE-CQPIES SIX: 4NTs. INA chickens andgnineafowls mules the enter tainment; ladle the midestic *jun, or pea. - cock, perched on his regal tort, the glum: roof, applauds- the- perforinance• 'below in plaintive. and heart-rendingltonitc - .Before I run up and stirring, a dark domestic twinge me a tiny cup of boiling coffee rind a mar cigarette, and Waite for farther °i+ m /NM Miguel pripposee &stroll (he tells lineYttuzeigh his grounds. Our horses are soon ad out and we bestride them with an - empty sack Ibr a saddle and a bit 4:k rope for idle... Better ritientthan,the Cubans I never saw In au equegrian circus, and steadier and easier go ing animals than Cuban horseeltutve never ridden on a" 0 roundabout "• at a country kir.' We come upon a sorry sight at one of the seeaderos, or , coffeedrying -platfarma A young mulatto woman is undergoing "veinte eines - re on a short ladder : in other words. 1 1- being flogged. • .They have tied her, face downward, by her wrists and ankin4.to a slanting ladder, while an overseer and &mus cular assistant in turn administer two dozen lashes: with a knotted thong, She receives , her punishment with low groans ;• when ahe catches a glimpse of the spectators she craves - our intercession. . • . . . . . . . - , "Pertiona'rniamo Pl': ._ •- ' -,' , • _ I •:_, • , t••!The overseer laughs , and turning to his visitors, offers his weapon with a polite,invt- - baton that one of us wild try our altilL Wit ; all appeal to Don Miguel, and, atnur earnest . request ; that humane-gentleman orders - lib mayoral to let the culprit off. Smarting salt and aguardiente are. then.rubbed in for heal- : • ing _purposes, and the wretched girl is con-. • • ducted to a dark ehatolier„Where her baby, ' • five months old, is shortly,afterwardsbrotight - her for solace and aliment:. I venture to-in- ' .quire 'the nature or her &Inn, and am amused - that it Et ungoVernable temper 'and general insubordination 'of mate than a montb7a• . standing.- . , Our hOrges are halting on one. of the font .s.ectidenis, or barbacues--emooth4latforms . l' on which the ripe coffee-berry4slaid and . • raked out to be blackened and baked ti,V the '. sun. Near • the - sacadeions -Is. •*_..leirele. of • ground,. hedged in. like a ball4ing,stnd eon-' . taitiing a_horizontal fluted roller, turned by* ennk. . This rollerer-. - pulping-milL is mats • to gyrate by Mules, crushing tri Its perpetual '• - journey the„already- baked coffee-berry, until, ' the crisp-hasks peels off ;andexposes a geni- - - ph , of white-brown, - haril,-- - oval seedaolpott -- which are inscribedtwe straight furrows.— • Those are winnowing-mnebinek for aeparat- - 'lig" the ar e from the - already walled grain. In-that out-house rignaup- of p .darkdivinitks• are ieng See with - wha exceeding dexterity • aged in the - of sieving and sort a ing tomes _ Alicia, _Ernestina, and C nstanchk-the, lila& Workers have the wittiest of christian names • -,-handle their big sieves: Allell,•eigar in -.Mouth,. takes ap armful of the -winnowed . , seed from the sack at hgt side, and transfers - it to her-sieve, whiclintlin shakes - until this., , dust and remaining particles ;of husk fall , ' like fleeting feathers to the- •grOund. Then, by an expert turn of-the wrist ithe separates the smaller and better qnality 4 , Of seed from the larger Suit coarser ;,,lind ItY another re-' markable:sleightof handolltsthe farmer into • its' corresponding . heap - On the ground and • pours the latter -into a sack. Constanela is not as expert as Alicia though. Hersieve'sper , -,. forations are wide enough to admit the staall - • seed ,of the- caraeol, and - she -!separates the two qualities by the ordinary process of siev ing the snail and retaining . thnigreat.. ' _ Well seated on his • chestnut'. pharpr, Don", Miguel-coinducts us by a - circuitous ,path tip • 'an exceedingly .steep hill::: The, trees are , tall . , and latuderous; the leaves,-are,, for, the at „part" gigantic and easy to count;:thifrults - ; are the biggest;. the mountain tops are intin cesSible; and,: the rivers contain- fish for iri- 1 - tans. - (Surely giants -must have: peopled V1P.... . ba,'long before Columbus found - oat the colo. - ay ! Don Miguel takes little or no interim!, in the landscape r this attention being wholly .. 'absorbed. by the. small round berries, which ~_,- • may beilue long be converted • into grains ,of' . gold, if the coffee crop vields4a it promises. - .v . 'rhe;pickem are at. their. work. A score of them are, close at hand, with ;their. baskets already tilled.. • Observe how they choose the' dark . red, and eschew the unripe green, - •or ' the black - and overdone I berry. The - ' 'second overseer, whip in 'hand,' is ever be- -. hind, to, see that ,the pickers; dcritot flag. He' is it genuine .White; but the complexion is so. bronzed, that , you would] scarcely die- - tinguieli him • from 'a mulattoosave for his lank hair and thirt lips. He vOlunteers ex- • • planation. 'He points to the big fruit of the • mcoai fir cocoa plant, and shows which' are , the bread, the milk, -and the cottirii trees. • Learning that Lam a foreignerand an Eng= . lishman:he offers some useful; information • -respecting certain trees, and plants - Which: -yield invaluable products, such as might be' turned; togood account by an enterprising': - Eilropean,'. but which are unnoticed In' ne g lected -by the wealthy independent natlve.' -At out] request, ,Ite, nosheathes ,tits machete • and etas-mm. 4 few odd-shaped twigs from a ' -- • - coffee-Pu4ti, 'With which we •may manufbc- -•-• ture . Walking.sticks. He exhibits one rithlm , - :own 'handiwork. - It, is engraved -all over, ' tlislied and stained in -imitation of a snake; • ' and, as it rests In the greemagrass; . It •looks • the very counterpart of'such a reptile,. with .- heads, eyes and , 1 scaly ;back,. .On closer .ae-- -. quaintanec . ship; find the ,ietoil:4 overseer to be a great cane cemnisseur.• .- .. •,' • . It is our breakfasr-Itonr, and Dona Cachita • and the - other ladies Mill not like to be kept waiting.- So we rettuntOthebarbecne, where ; the powerful odor - of !outing coffee _is wafted . ' towards us. The black cook is roasting a quantity of- the.drab seed, in . a flat pipkin over • a slow fire. Sheis careful to keep the - kted In motion With a stick, lest it barn F. and • when it has attained the approval rich brown : - hue, she - sprinkiles a spoonful of sugaroVer it..• Ao bring out Its flavor, and then - leaves it to , cool on the grodad, Near her area.. Woode n -, • pestle and • mortar for reducing ,the crisp , - - toasted seed to powder; arid .a small Irsunei.-- woff; of weed. in Which rests a-flannel hag for -.- straining the rich broWnitecoetion after it hm ~. • , been mixed and bnUad. S,ubstantial breakfast over, some of tioarry: . our hamalocks and - betake ouraelve.s to the stream. Here;:beneath the shade of • lofty bambooS ;- 1 within hearing of_ the mind- - -cal mocking bird, the wild "pigeoli and tha. , n huming bird in the midst of sweet smel. ling odors; .we, us-eaters eneamp;jiftlzines - each aliaminock7between a couple or trunks - of trees. Here, we see nature lmder her . - bri.Thtest and sunniest - aspect, end divesting -out imagination of oil and tanvaalafidicape, arrive at the conclusion, that trees and• plants are very green indeed, and of. ap endless ve--• riety of shade ; that clones do not glitter; save where water damps them; and that a cubing sky is far bluer than the-most expensive ul- ' tramarine -on a painter's palette.—AU the Year Round. . EDITORS TABLE. .I)tx .‘Ion.WELT, the queen - or faidtions. cep:mete, us regniary, and, after glancing over the pages, we arc sure to karry it home, satisfied that "Die Modem welt" will certainly have a hearty Welcome. N}_ lady can do without this fashionable Journal, ' variety of 'matter and excellence of illustration. It , has no Superior.. ,Impoitea by El. F. Taylor, Stew. nal iitiet,Zfew York. . .TILEOVERLAND Moicrittr.- 24 iVehayerecelved the July number of this interesting ttridAiistractlve, magazine, which containe a. number ..of 'article, which will entertain the'general s rea4er:c There are two very pretty poems- " If Only" Juni "Mersin in Camp," the latter being :eartainliby the editor. to whom we would alto give the credit of the adnitra. • ble story, "Mr, Thciliipson'a Prodigal.". The whale nunibe - la excellent, aria by itaplelnesa and viva.; Ity will commend itsielf especially, to the tourtsta wild w an t magazine with short. Interesting arti • cleg: • 01)1.) ANto rile'.-With the number (0, Julrotre , on our table before us, this rapidly increaslngiver- Ite begins ItSiecood 'Volume, and will hereafter be , Published by , the • Messrs. Roherts Brothers, Bee-.• Lim.; The general favor with which "Old and New' s .. has been reeelyedifriirn all parts of the country, la- dttees.the prOprietors to -- •-annottnee such arrange_ mentsma will More than 'Meet the eipectattarte of their readers. publishers' hairi -several artlelas on every tople of Intercret, both front new—ind,well known.wrlteniof ability,—andWe has , enciquest ! lon but 'whit they. Will make 11 one if-thei leading mair-. =lnes published • -Snittgn;Jt. • Lira or CUARLVADICWEXA. 11 Micxxszin. With Personal Recolloclions&nd . ecdotes.—Letters, by "Boa," never before publiihet —aud Uncolrecied Papers lit Prose and Verse.lMU ' a &liiiirtralt. 4'. B. Peterson & „Prothers,:" Mok gog • d i et a i nti t Street, ihnielphia; haiie in pre., for med i tate publication. "The We of Marks Dickens," It'will sontain, besides full &envy of his Lib, i t u nco ll ec t e d pice'es,.in Prose 'and Verse; Personal " hecollections and Anecdotes, as welkin! Letters *Cud Mr. Dickens to various persons, - never tekrre pub lisped ; and will trice as entirecaresir of the great Novelist from the time of hie hit* lid lint eon necilen with journalism a teporten-„' tit; lie unex pected' and liknented ''terralnattan ,' Mb' ~ June, MO. Dr, It' Shelton - , Mie.kenste. It will • , also' contain anew engraved likeness of Charles Dickens, taken from &photograph for which : he a few days prior tnhls death. The whole will be Issued in a linge 4 duodecimo volume, bound GreenAted, or Dino Moroeoci, Cloth, gilt side , end'-., heels. Price Tied Dollars. , Agerig/I wantedinlTY• • where to engigeln its We: Advisee. copies:inn be sent to any One..Pestpald, on, receipt j&I price. ' • A wEsnaHN • piper describes a equar t - • notate Greeley'a as lijokifig "as if had smashed a bottle of ink on it 07, 1 4 1 to Wipe it off with a currycomb. . . . , EC WE • ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers