MI ~~ LUME 9. [MS OF .1:416‘ pet annum, T It. Two Dot odwanc] 4 DYERS' iiserted ts' for , . ptltrtion 4.11 Ig s. c ... '," t pawl. ALENTs net excee -three tigies for jol try sullsequetxt to louerL c_`ad imected With dal they will not be VOR THE 31i onatitan-Cutree, • Publii ANT to en ortfee iuy;kdl tounty,, iruary niaxt,at -etiliWeayer, innl „lure, 3ineph tet s 'a' bliarino Sj dine, clecoaser nine, all Owe 6304 i singes, olantafn one ortnern coin 'situate in We l ,Schny It ill exiiir seventy eigt funded by lands tr., Yost Fe 111 en es, consisting of spring-house end pLtntatibn aridity isseif tosenehip,i 63 percbes,:s , y of Fe ouseoLi the. .Rh or abbe ernilea, ad Snyl ni rtecan barn, t Br; ng 214 t .y lands rt. Ada • . ko, arl Frederick Bee: Keittli:, Cantu .1- the oppurten, llog barn, oproi t i adsa aro well to -Lwiethe eftflote . sole triode keow JOSEPH fi al ifle Cifort, ,AML , • hone both t t hesnut, ern 2 01 sate, ' By, WAtiri or four journal good asprkaten, gualaire at the LIIHRI AL ice/ Pklr. 112:1 IRON FOl Y6l\S & BD PeOPI*IS and kl-ont =MI =S The are and rpcv. ,he public. that 10 bataincia fmn establithment. w " °Men punctual Gearlig. Slain Maim end Teri to a eute'an Rot Pools of IN *are to the yen, at; at the • p Baiter Pans, • r 'doscriy T , . ~alit • • - 01 it i &ran la ca , 7 ..• will be • • i 'S l Staii - Biltgir: MANUVA • . rune preen '- Engioeik Boi.. On Prawn metal. • flea-to- An ordC.o.ers latediai -.54 M Y.I RI bet for 1 i lb cocrus` R Emir* , a, do -rara;so soy—. cx 1 . • .. , 4'. :- ..1 1 .:. . ' •: , '‘. I: 1 ,', - I`.. • • • ; . ,- , ' . . . . i ;. 1 . . .. - .". : •. ' t . --; . . • ..' ! - : . "... M 2 WEEKLY, BY BENJAMIN Ram : OP • 1, E THE EnSCOPALeCRUXWIL; ni TES sosouGu o*' LL. ' ' 1 YO PI T I • • .1 4 , V CAtION. yablo nevi Lang Account of the Directors_blethe Poor and Bow of Employ ment of Nlchuylkill County. ing !welt. c dollar—va • rtioni [larger !atyfire Imes m ELIJAH HAMMER, Treasurer of Schuylkill County in acecatnt current with the Direitors of the Poor and House 4 Enploycloat . , from Jan. 20, 183500 Jan. 20, ' 1 1836, both days included. wi t to !the El ' tdishtnent i tended to. itor on ttst be ER'S „Jou relents Coff I Ritter.. P.,. iNAL - House 1835.\ Jan 20. To Balance re- maining in the hands of the Treasurer as per settlement 8193 67 To cash received from the Di rectors during the year. .of Adam Loy on account of ft note of Geo. Kauffman, 9 mo. • rent for poor house ta- 771 e. ' I 4 4 •fthe rpha ;i i Sit Ay l . .CI - NI. et per, ~ payd, ad i • yd, late of • ill expose lag desert.. i I r'Court • 13th . at the rough tstrator he bar sale by d into luf land, tracts, unship, g thrce I ty.thren , Con- and tracts isting, of vir itronsksig t. y, oantaini. acr Eli Joh Kan otherls., wi daccUtlng ho n orclltartl' t • of Innd,s said cont,3' icl Incasurc, the ap. ,se, swit. d ako nate io 'contain. Hooded 'rd Wan, flaitzur ng of ti orchard k-and 'crthsed. od place. atter. nret, Leon. Schnup an ces, non bist "intisr a nd a !:iereti with liie *raid a the • I true PAY D, =1 GER Cler o.r 717 `ED:, • en Boot At 111 firol vivre or ZEN &,1••• HER ER• 113 CTURY.i NDRY a, ItAstt . , 011‘81 =SI Kerssiawtes, ly infirm,i has 1 CMG d Amyl, 'ho is a • Such ap Enginas, -outs. Sara sit Mills an . Also, .134 i. confideri Ica aOcil. .wirk by Me' pcostatl. i his Iron I _ as a borc) I to exe- 1 Ca.anags att Road .1 t Mills and i • .. stings .. . • Ca . ... : HENRY STAGER , Steward, in account i i. i f rty, be - ' of &up) uitctens to I Seltigles ~ DR. . . AtlB. iTo cash recd of Elijah Hammer, Treas'r, i.dtting the year .1...40 00 for it inher and cOrd wood 122 78 of Overseers (lithe Poor for Mauch Chunk township of Berks county Alm; hon-re fur maiutaMing paupers and Boil RY. th or low cry in ga y aPPliea- 1-INT.. be had la' and Mach. able term*, ,! JAM ES at the W • north Thir y attended 1 unie of, St. Phila. . 3-I.y• ► "gc.' iodiaa iegt. and '..lllosiaz , pa 11 of 'trceice.. .I:cations: *LA TING: ,terytiton [. minwccd •T cußc weewv new 01. ICE LIT- i n Secnptioti r OF C aceekiy. k. pubiLsbeid monthly-: t CRG., . • 7AR. I - PATIPEELS. 4 F or ' " From Jannary.22, 1533 tojait. 20, 1636„ there nett admitted into the Alms MOW, 93. male gx ' persons and 24 tee m& peroons 96 remaining front Lsra ye-11.--mm' number 243, of whom 3 ask& A m . : utak, reissues and 2 &dab kande panne, &est. Total deaths 6—discharged 170, remaining to the po t b r rtiouw v a.tott mates," 1 hots under the age of 12:years, 10 adult females, and 14 girls ander the - r each i age of 9 years. TotaFnunther martin' ma in the Image, 68- 1 per an- 1 - end I Hi fa.COlt. it-aught, Brand, Bolded ; do do• l; 3 t e l draort.L. do Pure G Jourc lhotkd s e: do hai d a rf bt.- do do do bolded do on droughts or• - do 1 1 1- 1. do tie do do;do /a do Sweet M - 4,r4Maderita .i i,4 2 a s'at -3d sfr) ' rtmiwil i t, f : MR Mrl9,, 10 =N *a Ell! DR. vern 75 00 of Win. Sehlesman for 1 yeas interest due E!iz--. Abeth 141110, a pauper 24 00 ill foo one Cow , MC Calf 50 Fowls Elides and calf skins Lard Balance due Thefollo wing Children were bound out during the year. Edw a rd tbeia, to Warsaw Mibries. Norwegian township. Schuylkill county. • Mary Smith * to IL T. Taylor. tailor, Pottsville, do. , det: Sissairoa Hart, to Norvregrao do. do. Mary Weaver, to Frail% Mieberzto a., do. do. Mary Skean. to Patrick fklabletun, Pottseiflq do. ' do. Joshua Grceorrall, to Joel tome, Norwegi l lit do. dim. Mr. ud Dar to Bintet E. Mason; porna do. do. . Maryann resusan., to Adana Mir, do. do. • do. t bad Souther, to Anthony Teich, fairs:err, Warns 4. do. John &rinuerroan. to E.Y. Familiar, do. alWaretiot d 3. do. deo Junes Ookly, to Jaw Trency, Nancegian der. do. Produce raised on the Arm duringthe year. 317 shaeha wheat no hasbeb--eie *beam rye 334 butbeit-950 do. fotatati" 4, oo harts cab i=baeheis red be eta--3Ddo. truia'for--as hate bay and !.. 1 1 teas second era r-00 I. hardiaap s. at& aaap-1000.11. pork--330 li. s, other sego:tables static' at far the boom.' _ .. _, Wide. ammo; of tie Poor- Base Zepe4se fry! Amt. 20,1935, to Jan. 20,1830, ' as Noir as can be awestaiord, anon is to • . - gums 00.. WE, the sotserillors, basing examined. sod settled to the tee of our ikiltand abd ities„ the Public Accoeute of the Treasurer, Direetors t and Steirod of the Poor and Rouse of Employment orate comity 01 sF luyu . eiNVo REPORT, that the 54104 Statement is aliostia trite itiedt i of 9or " Iglineesour Headithisolltlt 4 . ey *of Januaq y, 18 3 4kr : A ft 4 . _ • ; 141 NEIRWENDER, ' ...w„ • . •' tr ill'llll67ll*“ "' Sir gimai 'VaSae; Ciedh3l-_,.....t i w "-". - hii i laill*:s*9 lll -,.......... 14 ‘11 • ---- o l itura ..„... ____4l••••-r,r! -- ..,..„ virT .l-,..-_- . - 6 : : , .A : aeoss, : v i d,. 7:lNt im ". lyz e- .....,. _ dteek .,,istkmaiimi, L: ais.. 11 77 3hhvi.amir.h. HLT- 1 4...... - off ira ckiebt as.. lumi li...z F--:-..9. - .--, - "jai emeiv mail, i-iiiiiiipahmariiir., °i t *" -' - 3' - ' ' ' ,--- - - Ccaiiiiiit ' cht 3l2l 4 16 : t i • ~ - -_,.,.- ~1 „ „„,i saws • .th i g i . • vicar - a r; , i , : ..4 - •. , ,-; -• er: 1 ri4 24. , ~ , , ...,-, 1 :4, , =- '..=. , -',.---:,:ir--A _.,... :;--„,,, r - 1 - 1 ~-• , f. ; '''''..l.' 7 r ; - 4 -• _ I 1. By cash paid tia laborers and hired men Os the farm , 11159 24k For Bluestone . 54 1.44 Clorbseed. Suave. Bay, linseed .. . trutal.dge. ,„ 183 39 Cattle Ir 505buThels.: 145 TA 361 15 .• 111 33 ,143 do corn 81 794 27 do wheat - 36 . 37 i . 3" Sinitli d: work a and ts iron - 'i t ' 106 161 621 15 B. Pint for 43 acres land' Harness . ite... • t f and pork A S" . 1000 , 44 53 ' Beef and 514.1 23 1 - , 275 39 t'', Sa t, l i t i . aer mac r.z ke co. r: ro L eela ri imm ee. tea. apices, &c. 262 05 : 7 4 1 Mahn:. calicoes, satiates, Brim* . hos , ery.-se.. 768 36 Making clothes& shoes for pitepeis 104 Leather 101 314 Tobacco--chtewirig.smolang& miff 40164 11ardwane, naLts,locks. hones. 4Q-, . 130 31) • Roves, pipe and tin ware la) 39 Stone coal 261 324 Bedsteads, • 36 • Boards and tingles - 9 3 -67 Ca r tens ar.cl , wbeelwrights . 58 U 3 P . :inters . 71 374 Brick • . ¶1 32 '` Interest - ES 42 _Pawls sad medicines 93 514 CouatilAra., Sc conveying poor to the house - IIS 91 ' Justices issuing orders for relief of - paupera ~ SI 20 Coffins for paupers . 41 • Hired women 70 70 • Ccninag. pro risioa„ medicine-6x. • fur out door pairers ' 567 '67 I.P=books and stationary 17 61 taeocis 33 b 3 .Ilia Shoemaker, 1 year's dowry 51 91 Part of materials hal in 183: and 1833 for the almahosise 627' 81 11. Becker, anet aded arbor' steward - 154 63 Healy Stager. Eng- present do WI. SALARIES By cash paid Dr.G. Halberstadt for 1 years artendrame to out door paupers s.ta.methr 1 am- attendance to house B. Becker-late steward (6 mii.l m fan IL Stager, present do. 6 months A.. &Amer.for two years aturodatice as director and etas sermons • John Plitt. direetier.l years salary 'f - Hammer, Zr. mid clerk. Ido do John Patterson, ntoeridare 40 paupers . 1 year . Bahnte in bands of Ti 8693 691 2.5 00 89011 Mt with the Directors of iho Poor and }Lose ' loyteeot. By clish paid for stow I.aborara and hired men Carprifiers for beilddig hospital Coaiser.ig paupers to the alma 61 15 ;:ing expenseo 45 S 9 19 00 3 00 9 00 17 97 . 6 79 3 60 Stave cern"- Hired wcateii learrrer Smith work and tin rarer Ceitege plants & garden seed• Leather Ri and Cradle &Ada, repairiar ekick, coal gratnr. manor work arid ca ring a horse _e-559 13 IM6. 14n. 20. By SalaWee dise.Hesay . So ger, Steward, $3 60 . i " SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUAR SO . 6 20 60 69011 3 Oats 3 bbl li Flour Beef: , I --- 1 7 ---, -„ \ 1r 1 . r - . i fn 'A ' ~ Jr ..... : i . ' o ', P 4 : - —•-. 1-.....: '. - . , y r , . ' ' ' ;•—•;:- -''' ' c - -, ... -4 " -- 7 ):' - - *',+ . Lk,..; • , 7 -.- , ..,' --- ---'-. _ - -c!titrivi4w.t. 40 , , , Ilteceipts lOSEP}* OTTING tbe Commissioners I . both days included.' =Mill DR- 1835. Jan. 20. To balance mistiming in hands of treasure* •as per settlement To Cash received from the cfollowing Collectors, vir. • /4,rwegion Totskip. Benjamin Rich 1833 13 00 Jacob Faust 1834 00 Joint F. Long 1835 117 00 Maws Abraham Bcrtolet 1833 ,131 58 Phil" Boyer ' 1834 L% Andrew Willour • 1835 797 rZCZ=I Abut. Albright 183.2. 1 180 &nand rost 151 William Koch 1e34 '697 63 Eats Brantezzek. • Fred'h Sz.samais -1835 . 590 . 00 Wedßrisiiu-ark. Solomon Bensinger 7333 110 00 Piaegrate, Jacob ureter 1e33 34 00 'John George Stein 1834 13n5 • Michael nuber 1e35 1318 Wayne. Main Brown 1834 313 00 Anatol,: Achy MS 2lO I .---- 523 Lower Mobardoneo; George Harmer . 1633 '•111 _OO Pete': St..tatz,n , n It-34 t15:1 13 Jacvb kieikrting 1635 1170 • 536, 13 Upper ...11:eilq.ntengs. : Peter Schlegel 1'414 ',009 06 ,r.Georgc Snzoiet • 1535 603 Weld Pm. • , Jonathan 1834 240 00. David Zcbuer 1h35 4'43 ed ;5r4a3 1 4,2i/L Jacob . Heisler 14332 _74 31 Levy Reber 1633 15 75 4 50 . 537 50 lAmmtard Muyer 1834 1,11 l Lewis Dreher ISM tt7 76 _ 73 25 201 ea Susi. .lohn &Mier IMII 315 Willasto Faust 1134 135 00 hag)&xi:murmur'. 142 90 el IGeorze c126.,:,:n 1833 :1 150 99 Marks 1104 TS Sohn 12.1twabui 1e135 1\125: 1217).. Israel Recd• 1831 iPeter Sotzitorer 49 3 :1 George Ke.pier 42 18_00 Ja cob - cob ...I.etia 21 31} 119 99 40 50 Pa&VIM. Jacob Ever 235 Irll Da owl Cl•6tian IE<I4 1130 00 Do. Do. 1155 481 75 21 331 28 GI 33 75 S 46 Rl3 91 27 7F61 e 23 85 6 Oil Ortrigamrg. Dame' D-Trehn 141 49 46 Abraham Acgratadt i 834 IF-.4 .62 Edwaid Connor 105 455 To cash reed for taxes and wits on naseated taste of Jacob V.egenfiiss, on account of .1 odic:wilt Joseph MOrgan, rent of a room in public Isabltrint sesetil perms fiit coats borroireJ from ditSoent prreoes Garin tSc year so a V.S9 13 Bpi ef rwurafr. Jacob Eyer lsn Inc Beck Daniel Christi-an 1834 Do. 1535 Berogi Ia Edu4d Conno . r 1835 Benjamin Rich 1833- Jacob Faust - 1834 Natbaziel ./. Mills 1835 , 1833 Doc Einmaiet Frederick Bassantan, jr.18.351 • Wee Brazarria. Solomon Bensinger 1835 Mashetsa. Philip Boyer 1834 Andrew Wilbur ° 4015 , Jacon'Ereter 1833 John George Stein 1834 Michael /lobe: 1835 - WartPra;s. Jonathan Mader . 1834 David Zehaer 1835 , 1835 Adam Blera-n Audrey Achy Thm- Jaiob Ttaamermam ISO Maiksititler 1 1. 1 . 834 John - Rmalmel 1830 WE.** A mes.the „ 4 7i= chaff -. . I= =I ma irc!'ocia raa MCI ritzpVirrol--wnEßEsliALut*Evil • ' • imr nAnr zuturw.annittu , 'Y'v . i , TreTtares of Schuylkill it;otto -1. ty, in acc't c orient in%iih .. ' I "V t Ihe . f " 4 " be lk - ...1 z -, ' I ~, of by the Inning - beard.: tepid county, fr om'January !‘O, 1835, to Jan. 20, 1836, -• Not , then* :_.... , wino fix .. . ' And thered.wkie it pon ied: , 1, Tint where the darteereniiikg IN F shalt not find nnitierei; is peplum Tto robe • Friends 'orb° are dear: l. - - ' . BO where the fireiethoina, : ,thine as a quiet health, 7 . Where DO rade yokel Owe_ , Theretheir Intitostiorsof-ntiO 'There through the 7 or D..: g in **Ad pro. - ByejYag. PirlaPs. 2'1%10., . I !Shall Ibe finui4, - '4, , . , Erpenditaies county: ] sat 40 1037 00 1490 1513 1228 77 657 ,). 467 07 in Is 441 91 1 Irma .33 00 42 SO 157 00 1833 1834 1635 244 40 1846 73 694 29 140 $8 - 635 TO 21 .53 74.30 00 S2lW4' 71 The foUeiriar, is 261 00 997 91 419 31 1930 00 I 833 133 61 97 00 1668 20 4000 00 97 u 0 797 19 1176 & 104 e 2 1181 00 480 00 276 77 006 00 175 71 025 09 MNI ,lialmgrivAmA;AT T"*.b . • tar ALL4sA milt cuttamitauridlinw-.-' asailjeuisom _ . _ , CR. . By scalps Fox ',1421 . 33 cash-iiii . d ‘ fElv cost in behalf of Common. '. wealth Road du Interest . Holding Inquiiition Printing Bedding, clothing, &c. for - prisoners -Divi • ' • Rush township C. Chri t on ac't of bond 'Smith ovii. 4] s Fuel . 1 Grpond rent DirectO of the Poor and - R of EmPlo) moot • 8693' 691 Retuniudge.s -- • :44 SO Assess , ls • 314 2 - 6 Trace , .furor l6OO, Slf Giau tt rocs .403.75, Adjo4ae&eourt Jusers7 . 43' R. R 4. h e sheri IT, for, board- .', • ' ' Mg removing con‘icts '571 33, Road, rots -; .T 93 00 Bit - Viewers 10 00 4 ous4les, makingireturns 84 222 Clothi4g & maintaining can- "- --- --:-. viiitsf . • iI2Q 571/1 J. D.Tetoo,g,, for damages sus tained' UV reason ;of a pub tt lig ad passing through laii l d •25 •00 Jaci+hind Win. Foust, bud- I dip bridg over Catawiisa c in Union township 850 00 An tors ' 37 50 Re irs at Tail . 35 76 B. artnan for blank books ~ , 19 40 Dr. "" rber,fordbeeting be- . ''' . , esofSniith,Mambodec., 25 00'; Jo Dreher and others far ," - ; I , ting state road throe 1. Wayne &Pinegrovetownips 107. 461 Ge', • ral Attorney, fees 155 00, . M. Llaneous expense: ' 20 '2of SALARIES, - , ,• ' • ; . ; . ; tri'rs attorney 2 years ; 22' 001 - T - - rer 1 year i.Oil* -.en clerk 1 year and - - I • • stip' services ;2 12 i- 56' Fi Her, court dryer, Iyr • 52' 00 J Bauman attending court otm 1 year and extra ser. " 64 92 , 1 I . Allanfiach tending dock 20 00. Commissioners wages: m. Mortimer, late, in fun 1 '6O 00 r n Rraus, present, • - al 50 hn Phoener, jr. do. , - 160 00 ' ilit Osman, do ' • -.24 40 Incltic in hands of Joseph ti*.r,Treasurer, Upon t .... ..„ i 1 i l . ..• ' A ~QQ `~ ~g it, ,:lli , Collectors: ' : ' - . fi).. mout brecue4 tip' 1116912 44 r Zil • . 1 Reed :1832 .• , 15 861 Pet.: Se4es 1633• .• ' • . 1 ' aOO - 1 . 1834 •1 4 1 210 81 ra.Z s kein ''. .j • N: 1835 -.. . 303 78 6 ' -I /*A •,' ' - Reber , 1 1833 '' B3 t7Ol Ale - er , 183.1' - ' 136 06 1835, .. .738 00 - 77.1 i I ' 41*.1. • -.. ‘•'', ' c- Fads • 1834 •. • .-. 62 00 - ,•', -.. Lindner .1 " 18Z W. ' '044 00 ... i r le, r ' legel . 1831 6' . ''.':, /7 76 rm. , mid...2.Pri ~.• .= - - ,- Gz igi Snider - 1535 ..,,., 266 pa, i . /......4thecimpt, --.i . P . *Autumn 1834, t 156 , 78 Jap *wring 1635 ' '627 06 • i- v. • • T etn't &ie. INT '..olteetels, 7 , 4287*,,„ - 7 7 6 en tote doe by iamb ' - . Stdzinger Fig. . ' T ilacolrZegaifuse _IPeo.. Baia for Ter. d'' 'l43ditoei ' • _. _.,,,`• 'Z.. 0111 6ei. 1- .41 the b a d: . 79 42 . s , ~ ~,,,,j , l •- , J -..- • , -- - :1,:. ivi ,--- t : : 3 .: 1 ".. - -4* '''':' , :fNe• - --. 1 4,_! 0 :-T‘t:lF' - ' - ' . i. ' !' . :7:4 '' • - •'‘e - 4, - i -TN k -f - 1. ' 1 , ;, , ‘ - •' - - .- e,-- v• , -,- ' ~ - .5....,--ii wt.v-It" ..,.,-:-.. El 44'3 102 .513.1971 '2359 724 339.20 242 374 70 10 39' 00 2 0 0- 0 0 8 21 40 '2 00 L• WIDI. YOU GO4 Ss RIG :. , :fir ' 4 , r - 1 . 7 flow may times within the la '• "r - ~glat e' !hut th at idkpiting question teen trace - ; t ,7,,-...„ ,nyheart;ve beat in unman with the ' ' lithe merry ' eigh bells '—how - meny iiinthitt •,, and mac • have been calledinto how uranyikilances have.come offal ; • ; • " ' il and Long lishmtt—tioh man y 'eidetic o(in wine hart been drained-- T bow many ' erechea. I m ade, awl Ess# many colds cried - •tallith' MIK : - - last mon th . Who says that the Winter 1241, antLgur; that it brings ,on a fit' ofthe blue 's ;': and a regiment of blue nosey:their it kids viii s' beauty hire an icicle. and, Inewat Jere into the - consistency of icily,. Why a more 10ali m ll* ; , , making, spirited daahing.month; has . &eve belly I equalled in any country, if We accept the , • sal at Roine, and like the Chanisal, 11,.kato fworiao amn-vement out of :dome. 'L When - iblk , linitane; freed froni the labors of day. urea Ineurilotfiti.e. , ; etquirm for his ince, theenswerlia shire: f gone a sleighing; when Pe,eatre thr....4 Ana-4- and Mira, the chambermaidsqiudlif ---• head „ of the stairs, 'therm gone a eleigh4 ; , Deck, has been dashing up and down. Dimidemy walk_ the Peng. and men tittle Bob :aid Dam how • I* ~4 raked mother akw onnultustiikatelto gallivant: 3 . , from Clinton Place to Will street., The finzimma.,, . have been , bought sot; the aline worn eel , rued„ - the liquor, Wisest. . rtin out.., I.,TonS Wee,.- fwer skins and Infra)* robes 11111412 had their dm matil 7 ,. yet the genie still gamer.; Mabel/sea jinclii-' - and the crack of the whlp_is 'Mal baud Inentitquf , the night'a dull ear.' Come .girlit.liebout., , s.,4 ' get mead!; out with cloak', boods. red tippets: said DickiTritle. who with hieffi'aidirenrctay love. dreaded in their white ungerhinjamhurAM I akin capeind whip in,handidedialinki &hear's. ing noonr; 'the moon is up. bright4nd, apielgied es the dewy lawn; the'bonee erith:Dis icicles on their noire, and pairing the emme, get ready, and hay, tor a at le* iluridiam‘li.., Any la girl*: said a tlahralt. ' a maiden lady or some Flithq . ::and' fir die eitk• mention:elks !ge of fiftrisa t troweieeekv . t r":l 6 4, , gelMg sidgthag- alone with the guitheerw i eggr• 4 .. at alibi near •Why not air 41 3 ist ,D-ainaq...: ~'. id din lively CeeihaL. • `ethiritV.thuLkeSippey: i ~ , Wherelal the hamar . 14 1 11 ./..1 1 4- l aadalart Zia' - Yawn Oita huddled titatiteeredaxlitidrefraphrt. 'll with turnyortag felloinititting thelefeeimegenia each other to keep out the cad.. .;A bow 414- ' like old and whet theca' ' *Deng Diniet add ', die old fa th er w en rich an d -aotka A aa ' 44l g i ! l * t ailli" ::- - , it just airmittifietable toga out on* jesearb, selk"*. i , in the Dimon reeler for awiFlort, . alai a- ' bear skin, drink - a '6B'ooll efla 3.. as arippitt *pas far awßstritase a: 4 traeltr„ . 4 .. g i. seesi a ds . li the" . 2 ' ..ei uld ow od 4 , 1. 11 ..:... the ttimrseing Pon , • lawnWalontgrae sala ali ' of-' ' = In they all Le sounds the bens. as - . tor.„.4= J -... With a bright Mai 2214 the : - 211-2* ; the See, eZeekleelgifeda - the erelt., lii;et CMlren, and °Val% and afre4l'llia end bowies peso in rapid: wren-... "iii,itollierjr 7 earls ib e breed open spars ti th e earredrP=. ,_ edin its pure white mantle. Themiketleud . '- the jocund merry witir*, Wh,thttlaW'mgraliesig, Intrentb,kis theme' lain 'pesperMtiteither,:`ol ' they gu, crash. dark Deft tistris and filitielt., 'and bey for as vett in aaelt inieerlank: ailfill' "kiany torn in a 1 intheartit is dm authitrifit _ise. Ivy of vehicles ,aada crowd. et friMida and Is . smaintanees. 'kW Illit haw Imre lemla, , gma!presenationr qttite 'diem isp 7 ses aria in bot Aid. 43 , nzat iffL-fomusw-Iwit '- give *tumid knock ender:" •Paha. 4 lef,V, ~..-k ..k elanee— th eres the twedrimt • , I Dill and hie two aisiter4 r Sand Her -Iry and tembeikte — Watividi • Place- right up- the hell mei 4, with his fitilerstbekkirger sear : eup, ' mulled wine:, and itimd,l et.itheen* "brace partridges bet, aftwtlaiewed ek, , ,5 , , ten, a *id of theism selleiV goad . lkey P . ' - and eat= i t essi aoo ad l l - *ail - - - &maker.? nue. : ,!'aist iseirgeW and the evils home, the potty delimit dad thaw I maim in bed until thallinifilable beer artier ir ilbe inartin the- Lli_r boars bells. and ak girls by ; the i perregiefaien mil rwraotra - gamma iatarrieel sleep ht feet.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers