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' r Ara ft NU w~■sin, , v . , 1 11 LITME Turea inlulvane ,IFILT sort :Nr kafti. trAue r*n. .118 OF PITO 61.71 p or annign . reran% not :me -; three times far.; .tity.seitbssiquenti be ben; P,P ttithir e te.addies l , tad *deb t hemsta ♦ will not bimetal nes; MR hrlarthan base. Fnutklin . • • .s I 11. • • J.W. 1101 nustediater Relie'' - , livais or 08'ditICHES or vending an , . use in flitihuvlki' • ed the Eancuon hysicians 1 1 mire of tills dise y been abandon with almost l'?"1 - gaiety. Upw ' in a abort tint! • 1110 . 1! LI to be per ; • now dispea t. A success 1 2eals-ofSurgery, r. of perfecting • l'offered to those • [complaint it with• c: this disease. midi corrupt surer. ' Thetrovives he to t he sympt..., ! • er effects radi tally worn by I .oyazine. After 1:01t. Pot ute 13 11 i . 110401'I rh has nee' • 1 1 Surgeon a radita had nen etunplis •• with per treeted tmanta l, ru are an oat in the the met arb nQ . W Lammas iHe p meat 4 via cur rerely be own 41.1 tinned rThis it any Ition-of lg e rit aitd kir W rusa.lorieb Ala git, and by binh pwn are refere ini'prnfossion, , rel , . in effector Gloom, Pro fl iliersity of Penot Sass., Ire my is the JeffceS i.. JACKSON, Pro ichor, irk the Uo as PerCuri.lo4_ lefreison Medi y BOND. Secre t liege of Physici A. Ansa, *us P. Arum, I ye . to the, above 10! Le Com sof:11 Tam *Om .. mantes of Itaila4 I. have i.bisii4 inter, Ihad a, , 'Medi:likable obj at Y9ur aPParnta has, I believe, iitni,tibe disease i but. in-the g . , the Processes of principle. otly t o .. of your. appatat qhe-tiapues. and' deal and prar " nu is nothing ern it instruments. %established pri lion 4 a apse' till and to mty. The i 1 managem isindlitidn4 'Other PeAlt if& utility,o, 'thetreatmeti . remarkati tment, an ene,under i lion of fee T have ire lased tat Ai* sale) .truliyucit 73a I. I= tdati. ogY ' theor I .0001 I 32144 i. i • • • /pia out • • firsvres Iby this Insti l t. n eonitn deacon ' anti theefficacy . the, is desirous o ink will do 'welt extreme weal 3 beinore ireadil3 ait,weather. 4 6 r) himboveinv Orin, ie subject or piircbi IR* hoe pi I I • CIIIi may 18 l i• 'ES ''AOr4 vela itteation prayale4, a t ehildrae, wl la Of the gr , wbi joying the ex:pm** of the otheeti- dis gust. .Dappuircutee„a;fritisposuie. By my With, thou'lt find this worthless `casket coutainoth rare jewel, Ina his I pray, thee; there's no , tithe for bandying words now-ft Egad! Need:May us inton *wee and more secure Pincd t Witil thist.Basil, ere we. die' awl tapping'isith'his goldheaded ls . ten at en inner dooi., 'Saint Biislifec grata the old sinner Witt his mat: of siesiair.' Agreeably to the impatient* of thegid: , lants,the door wag quickly opened, and the. ' O ld 'sinner,' in the form of a handeonie, middle aged• Jew, made his appearance; ' His olive' coinpletion was shadowed by large black- brevets & a well trimmed beard. A. black *ilk cap covered the erowif of his head, while - his jetty-heir . hang On either 1 side of his face in .long crotettetror, curls. 'Save ye gentles,' said he, saluting theni I respectfully, and having ushered them into a small, dark and ill-furnished room, deg mended their pleasure. 'ls not thy name Amaleekl' Asked the gallant who had acted the part of a guide to his friend, 'The ssar.' - . . 'Then our errand is quickly told. Thou mayest „middy premise that nothing short oldire 'necessity could have forced "us to c enter this infernal abode of darkness and -=... desolation, where thou art boroughed like . From Blackwood's Edinburg Magazine. " a blind mole. -Stoney, 'money, money, Am. THE JEW'S REVENGE. s : tnaleck, we seek, and thou Must provide forour wants too, if thou robb'et thy ,breth. "Yon that-did vent your Mourn iliton r ol nryl , beard, , regi, to make up the sum.' - •spun And foot me se you a steinirc Over,por threshold; stoney is your pull." I ;11W hat sum rnayest thou wand' inquired , ttlisceorr or Sasses ' the Jew, a slight. tinge suffusi ng his dark countenance at the rude manner in which ' During. the ` ; tyrannous and turbulent reign Of John s ,,the heartless brother of the hias uccor anordennidded. - , lion.hearted. and romantic Richard, the 'Neither more nor less than one hundred Isralites who then sojourned beneath his =Are' replied Basil. '1 think, Montague,' ungrateful sway found merry Enwand addressing his companion, 'that will meet my present ex i ge n c i es. ' but a melancholy refuge, for their chris-.. - than brethren sought every opportunity of 'A hund " red marks!' refolded Anialeck, , proving their superiority by insulting and theughtfullr tin a round sum, hot:sup. persecutingwhere or whensoever they en. p ose / sheuh l be able to procure it, what , securities Must thou offer for the - refer countered them. .., The heresy oftheir persuasion placed bursemiit and interest!' . • them without the pale of the law, and the . These questions were, .as a matter .of pare Catholic antipathy of their °ppm". •c e ti i. __ ,i's e ; e x Iteettdi i ,_ ...„.,_, *lna ftrntitPtVatuwA'reti somsfestroyed, and its flaming wrath, all P 7 Basel, _ w.neildler thetriug., _Pink" otaliw the feelings of humanity.' It iitrue, their Pre"nunan ea re a ontlled - 4 boact'll'unct.4. 4 in terms, and .Wirth - anirinleitifkoss -highly, usurons practices and unfair dealings, al man,' ilPutliknes,.iuudthrouittitlupon them. flettßOild4Ala lle‘trislitufi - . hogs. of Montagne, and both Patios .uoPa the. mmtennit mid .ampta d venu a l _ o ft the . y to iweeteellor bitter sneers - and revi fres.and 'generous heart. i But ow the es-1 diet hand, they hisifinueb to advance in rated with WWII natidantion. extenuation of their , extortions. They A few months . afterwards, Basil, with a were compelled by fear and neceisity to fr r and happy at.r encoun tered his friend exhibit a cautiousimd externaisppearance ql9 and lounging in St. Nag" - of poverty. .If by thesplendid promise of To his eager inquiries, he replied, that the profligate end necessitous, they were the • temporary embarrassments.- under induced to mile& the treasure, and , laid wh i c h he had labored had been itaPPil) re their gold, their peril was great, for - they moved by the seasonable loan from knew that justice waanot only blind, but leek; that he had moreover fallen in love with a wealth hem had won her, affec- Ike to their prayers, when they pursued tions, and the reactant Consent of her la thingPefractory debtor, and offered them IX/- thing but a halter. they, to whom' umor had busily whispered The borrower knew and not (infrequent divers tales of his gallantryand juvenile l parr; surely be:blamed for demanding ii-premi- ly took advantage of this partiality . Un- indiscretions . An egluent promise lof fir- In - der Inch circumstances they could -not tare amendment, besrever, on bi and the irresistible intercession of is bo urn -espial to the risk, as is the wont and loved andonly daughter, had induced the custom in the pr father to promise that he would consider es ent charitable , and Pa, of their wishes; which, to the ardent lev and'lightened age, even among many worthy era, - was tantamount. to an approval, sail money getting , e.hristiana. At this period they all vongregate in an °bemire they_enjoyed his tacit permission to meet one often as they pleased... But there Was district of the city, where they were IRO= one speck,one solitary cloud iii the horizon mitted to dwell, that they might be readi ly found when wanted-for even King,iohn of his hones; Ansi had a inval - )f not •. himself, in a time of pressing. necessity, the affections at his adored ,Beatrice, un doubtedly in favor of hisinnoss' sine. In aid not scruple to drag a Hebrew ofrepat ea eakb:froni among his biethren; to ea. the undeviating correctness of hiss reform ed a considerable sum , o t" mone y. Th e ed iife, however, he stillfirmly relied upo JOT in vain pleaded his inability to meet ultimately bearing-away the prise evilest liii monarc hs demand, and one tooth was. -all opposition. - 0 , . pempiam t e d,t a .fie amp i pt e d.daity, until he . To attain this desired. object, he Was aboald'eonsent to - rallies: the amount re- compelled to be painfully circumspect; at quire& -At' last;afier loosing several of the same time the reformed regularity of his teeth, '4h* siethorwisdbas,” eau lord his tile conduced g reatly to the -bettering ofthepreueueew i rt i ag i yo h aerpe de pfam p. of his fortune, and he fined lii - nis elf in it ted him to disgorge a portion of the filthy condition* discharge the Jew'sliond,rind lucre wherew i t h hi a usurous appetite had it was on this just errandthat he was bent, been' papippre d_wir- ' . It weasfarly in the forenoon , orit.sum , his quondam friend-'and' ill-adviser, Moa mar's-day, that two gallants, ,, watking arm. tague; who appeared to harbor tin invent, — rt .- 7 in lute, turned soddenly and'anitiously, rate' hatred . Wear& Amaleck and all' hie a 1 into the street well `known as tbe dwelling tribe.'' r •r •' • en .. 0 4. sae i Places:a the Jesuit' tradersandteoneylend, He laughed at- Basil's punctuality, and, Pii.uutfli ° Ol- t eau They appeatedto bevery apprehen. by force of casuistry and the Most poig iwedest2olle boar -,rive of beingobeerved in such scausfacieue - nant ridieule dissuaded him from' putting , t i, - ,Way'a ri d and unfashionable quarter - of the town, his hottest ittentions into priori& 1 wltt, • and nn ananall•Padithei lotutked :ints,the It were bootless te detail the base, - yet . 40 . .r.e7. ..hiCei; than they:hurried- haitilp foniard • buries! ergueientsitehereviith he toififie d . im i _ i ts T h e y _ were t ot t r :ypithfi l k. an d,patma t e; . the Winferhig 'reiolutioWor - Basil, or ,the _kirMs: ii„i 3 de at . id oak, a 4i r b.-: 71 0 i nl ay- a dishentirable means they employed to sk ill ;hi the rat, Is:tn9liti?ta:sha , ../itusted . • hip ppo rty priver . the Jew ef his Money and hie right Ifflunted 114114ettdi of,illep t Ittnked,. knowingly or chum '. Softee 4 t to linY,Aba l t they doh: iI d r ist o w i tf &fhb" neighbor, Who.as silently -ansirered OPiredAtrthers , Obtnined ; the luetteelled l ystlei : his s i gn , by j o cosely tenehierthe ' em pty bond; and left the duped Anialeck writhiut . I W r tr i t4 o f. rqql of hii.letUbkna •Witii:the'eepondfitt. roe's'- '' ,• -,- , .:- .. - ..1 ;t•-.. ' ' iiiir ger iii`jkiiil'i#o4-thiiii* indicating that ' Biusil - i iertainlY had some compunctious •`ii: thePlrollugtgallanta' t ° :V it l i t i mitleoante him iermit ol :4sthet Atiioeik - iintil Ali k 1.;,,",, _v f eirtersbp , /t'friretat ihreight , tbeM , and. a' beretici - and that; aigeo4 cottAido, - s 'woo habitatioet*Y4olo4"ad the`- 0 4 1reee 'PO: 061 : 1 .4 1-d .*Y bf lieilititit aimpaini this einintigistaeliteairereisene big Ihinilly I,J . iters ,- *Kaimk vigour. power. - *r*l.ll- lured,,thr ' i:*seelge trjelgent3 /! 1 73 ,:" .{: , 1 5 : feelin .slkuiti glii : t il t :d no:l7tdown 6a :::y 11745: i-,,,firtiiiivOtifder , degxt ointea'ffie , hilildoiiblikfitt*it'dO i- olilitirltanitOr rO.- ifaskeikalfredreethqr ills siit.reder nit ' i - Eriiiiistwini With Big! upcMibiketiely'lli :*ticka fidiiiekieleamg, 4l it weriiiii Iry invatittidi Ohio itandliccnidparhana Ra . : l I,edi .isig...et'Ais:seetiritro T - ,'•-,' - ' sil'imiOlfia* .I — idiiieetii hieat - bit not -, 4 hit is; '-afireampikik4 .- :e,..* ikititiii3Ot**lo baaaat-fitindU afttn= .1141171 , .„ , , _ ,• • . • • t i .l ' ICA pay abl Ell Ines entriso ones in on inisis be post ding t .ne of !tittles lIM dto tb iobme ded to. Edito t AWAY, •4 1 kWAY; WITH THE GREY OLD ANAL e Heave change. erchan Marc eißitt I~ /Airily. ear:ay with the, gray old yest! Hie eye growidim and his pulie it faliiOg: Sighs site-not for his ice bound bier— Keep for the bright and Youhg thy waking: Deemed one-of Time, what doth be here? Away, away with the grey old'yeir ! Br ttword of his dew.bright Bowers, Tel not of his rosy morning; Serpents lor 'd in his wily bowers.— Storms were up, and he gave no warning: Bled if ye-will his Bowers to your heart, But ah, can ye lay t h e thane apart ? Come to my heert;thim bright young year. With thy airy steps and joyous seeming! Thoti hest notyet imgh or a tear. And the sun-light along thy path is streatning: Come to My heart! 1-would` clasp thee now, With the smile on thy lip, and the light on thy brow ? 1~ tiSe Care ! WS . out N . hes ed the J. W. Truss pectable y which !lion that parch' ig 'P r ! Th • -t r aPPIYi COlunt the in • an 4:! as peke; olute certni do of bond in this city e nently cured' with be - this is on , 1 This' o .1 . adieu ore* iicuNi -id,. I as aF ty and ed cases d and die iof any zampled P , eat, and Hernia e is troll- Hog, young year ! Yet; I know tbriull be r, Even as those' that are past have been ; For. blighting and joyousness, gloom and glee. Thou will shake from thy hurrying plumes -a gain: Stranger, I greet thee in joy and in fear— But away, away, with ,the grey old year! . n i f i ld m e ee nre tin fitr g principles To reetnplo ortha di cure, and h patient, ofte *curie. by ti tur ag i t i ts a d car zes, without to -.1h0.. 'wow Jrudiea r esor or Ivani iipason, I e treat. e ery indi. its radi i ed 'mere ' se, they nee moat I. greatly e pfesent e dime- toe wore interr up- 271 ' nrge EIE! in the .r of An kite. ',Litotes of osylvani‘. `fgerY ' rotes; cal Co OW In Pea I of Si prtity iladelphia 211 ~: , usfbe =! ri, Prof.: Ustiversity EG glue) .icioe hire of ell unit d n , t EM- I cure by rad 11 ex .tbod la g ' 1 Ped reaC ens IT m i„ ee.tation lama con ed' treating U. dodder. cmly man. "-cure- f the op, physiol -1 trepan s ba a One f the sumer youl a cip e effect tit• 1 it put kosr iUb• MtOIOi aud acaoro • • ev . migbt = or subs@ ibex bptpl in. as Lb - in 19-Amato libe . 6 101 • ire infornag• light of. the, an lipid. t o' - I ER. M. ID. 26-tf r 22 YE& ' l7f ir tb 2 i ' Ir.whi A the I mildly I locKtiln icb silt test it MEI Ell 40C0. , . NNAILE-, ..‘ ' • kilf • YEAR.-wt w. r. 111111PLIT: • - Alt M 0 1 1 1640 SAWA .30;1536. therhis" of c 005..., tic 4letision. - • It was kin° !occasion' of thik.le!i .; Amaisch's entreaties were 'only' „• • by the bitterest scam and the most r sarcasm; that the'Mit stung by lta . 1 -4 ( 0 ,rm° 'conduct , solemnly . avowed` avenged; end abruptly quittedthe gellante with a• look that efrecnialt, theJr . torced me rriment: . tavern, however, was at hi thither they sought for refuge froi °lbws' uctive feeling Of care. • lathe height of their debauCh. B'Orlais, Basil's filial, Chanced to The most overstrained courtesy riably observed by , both, and the generous wine having now *shilli spirit of Basil, he was more that ' • At a - tate hour they quitted the tavern 'only to repair. to an, adjacent gemblifig house; foriGilbert, with'a.caveless, playful' laort ,of daring, had challenged Basil to the _ hasactlaus Contest. iitte4ppeared at first inellet4 - to wave the oWer,rbatlia evil ge rlitl4l . 011tagUC, ,owed his dear friend ttl.. rilt) 'put) with any Mart i and the trio pli int ,disposition of Basil . yielded,, As they Were nit :e point of eittermg the temple of chance,,asilewho ne t in the rear, felt some one plill him sightly by the cloak, and , turning round' tu4httld - Antallac - ' k.—il The Jew was about to addreis him, wil n th the:inebriated Basil set - up a loud ,tang ',' il and -Called to his comppions that y might participate with him in.the pleasure' of stinting with the' money lender. But the, mtended.butt of their rude jests-had' WOW.. '. - ' ; • ; glue. hour afterwards beltdd the- weak. eUrkirresolate Basil the pale-delft:lof de ••glair' fle was utterly rained:. liicrived;, bad' stripped him of every meat_ ise ppesessed. in•thatvorld; and histletirfriendilloit*guel - hadieft him to his gloomyxeJlettitim4. - • Tito next day Basil was the iernatitiof a cell in . I . ptigate, at that time 1 . 01.j0n .for deltors; • -Hem no atienied • firei e r - ban-, 004 from - his bt -At.; - • : • . f - "litit airseirJe - ip,' cried be, la'tlie de m#e that bath veiled tbilievil!chaege.—,- 1 irlOaro;t#4 . o l l l 4 -":(t . thmi,kt.' 1 TiO 6 I!rell; IhNit - griel - I".44..:Saiire_ -Ipteko - deprived eft 'ye - Miles. Ohl- hew will my rival triumph id the:ruin he. hath made. The Jew and ho' have con spired to overwhelm tie' ;and lam Inst.! And the thought that :Gilbert POrlai,4 would win his mistress, hy his owii indis cretion, almost drove bin to distraction. In two days there was to be a visid Este liven by Beatrice's father. Resifts absence, of coarse, ixtuld not ba creased, or parr unobserved, and he' had no doubt but that his rival -would take ad vantage of so favorable an Opportunitetoardsrep. reseal him and improve his own views. His creditors were deaf to his promises and , 'soliiita. 1 dons, and his 0-lend Montague was no wh"ff to, be found at this crisis, when advice and assist. saes would have been most Valuable. The morning of iliOntended feteerrieesk-Ba- , Pi, heartless and despondide, wen aiding brood-' 1 ing over-his luckless fide, when a slight noise all the iron gratings of his cell canoed hists to turn : l bis bead in that direction. . ~. The swarthy teatime 'of Amelcck' met his'l wil. end Basil imagined that he sad' a bitter ; .smile of pleasure illuminate the Hebrew*" town- tenams, - - , i "Come in," said be, in a hollow and despair. ing, rice, "come its—my suspicions Pie verified —come in, Jew, and feast upon the mild-fie, thou hist wrought. What-further vekgeince disk thou seek,thou heartless minster," A ioa l eo k o d o e t d before the dejected Basil, vs.., ed ateadfaatty upon him, with a 'calm dad natal Bed brow.,-'Christiait,iirried he:in **ern and edema video, -"thou 'haat widfiged Inie-withimit i proriettims--isey. I held ant myhand to-thce in tint% of need-1 raised thee up and thee'. didat , smite me. .iletornieg etritfigr good. can I 410. wonder theta thristiticwho thriseopedly 'diapers the dietatesathis oven religion,- will dot respect mini? What thopkh lain a ein, thickest 'died , that I have not' the Doling, of a man as well 'ls thee' and shall I not avenge an 'Welsh when chew* has placedew enemy wit' hin r ite grasp?" "Fiend of hell!" exchiltned the, mesideued -Oa. eil."and IX not thy veegence autficitintly, 'Outten ed, but then must some to taunt mais the dun geon thy 'Many bath ,provided? awa y of by bea. van I willlstrike thee to the earthr But Amileek was; neutered at hit *tiger,' end showed no signs of retreat: The ezespereted 'Bawl raised his head to execute his " thistit.-end the next moment the vigorous hand of the. Jew bad laid him It his Abel unarmi and withf as much'hieility as Vim had been • era child.' "Foolish and impetuous youth!" said Amaktii, when. wilt thou learn to be guided *reason end ' justice? 1 Bat I 'will teal* thee a , lemon -that, while thou haat life.ehail,rietree be foiraten. Wei•l shall meet again!" and in ea ymg he hastily quit ted the abused and discorefittail Bald. A ,&'w minutes had scarcely ellipsed:-.-whqn - I,the_lferper oft** wham entered and; politely formed 'Basil I thaLles was fteD, and at the wiamitime.plaitediLia iiiitiiied a weighty bag of markt' l -, • - '...lAttifil--who-,wheaceisiatesAir o .titailY-Shilv precious aid, demanded fivitlisfeihhist" 'Thy friend. sir, has diwiliiiigiid 1 . 14-debts,erid *it the Bits," replied' the kiieperil. 1 , ,..= ; - ..: IFriand--What Blend?* - - - ; - ' 4Bitf , h!t• jolt ruw,ttitied thetier ' . elnspiiisrUk-41 . 10- Jeutr"beuicung *Oiler 4kior I exelaliDellsiial, tear! thitealy: l teriahriltholl4-- Ali - hallairOkliql•N "..iii!l , Aul forth frote-thi'l: 4 ' 6l u ' - - --- C -: -.;: - - .--.1 .• ..,. e.t• .4`.: VI : , ••••2 . ,o - , ''..ii'- - : , ii,- - '4. , tageil*Ol*W7tharibiii4sdnaiobak ins/ iiiiiiii - ' at tittstels"B4l6ir , 110;4*i was. .. - .111- 0011 li; ,I!tudlObisifih. but* oS red 'still wh • - 'to' - heitiTethwut4thiCharK, ver, .- • ' - antes. . iholtolltes; .tiMissiriatasit:- hk - - atitinasstlb*ltst 'toads Ids ' '-' . , EMI 'lulus - KEEP OUT OFITHE KITCHEN. there igmirsnee is bliss. . -: s folly to be wise." • .. -• . ' In e oaf edeys, ;rime strollea s ita the kitchen ofgreethal be tig inatritallY carious' Ito learn hoocking w II on - a scale se* extensivelb *eel liliglti of Mir& - 200: students. was a. q Mei; of .an ,hour' before' ' breakfast. an .nor kettleAlledwith Mif., fee, alit aim denomina eil, hung glooustiy,lMne• the fire. Se ate come ladled and bubblA 'we observed ever and anon home derk,subandehi eFi dimlyil. dimly totiarge tot algrein a moe; using to the surfs and instintly, dacklnid down, i its deeds wh re ,evil. Vint. wet al Oft it very. seine . liq din fdleerutrisWe where te.,par, take • we where to purs ode our palate dealt wes , o a bra i n mac. d espite of all ineiriiiitionslibit. it wane' of popular -me aid damaged rye: What d this myst -. , • blacksobstaner inil I Was it a nrgeon, , er. emigre's beakOretieln pipelquestion U. moor great peream4l interim — t it3r.:Acie 'the -Warm—our eirlistar birt.proir •-• -4 plariged into the boiling ocean' beams as; and isQi u te l , the faie.light . ef the. laughing monioni - . Heavens ! Wind. a discovery ;even • 'now: we Ms ':- atthe Wind ieColieetion. , -•-- • --1 t ; - —._, --, In a few mineitne w whom in Alin. beeakilist, hall carrying the hit . the *en pint.' Mete'. where our clakernateri ~ - stiMiltigotrith ill thole might, the toughest b easkin - Uhristedoni, and' pouring •down their ' , . cited-throats. cap - after ebp,ofthat , infrankl. - *gel ~ Tim* lia4;.:. *We rimittorny Eriend:Fran Stanley. ' i ' - 'Frei*, What are. drinking r ' • ' . •' • • 'Will.coir” 1-. 4 4yor , a yestaki- ' • th;nirthatit; - I "What thei' - * , . *MeV - ' ' ` 1 1'...11idtebtelfi.' 4 60 killthefl-___ : - 4 - AiL li t .: -P er F able . : _y_ ~ - discovery, put do , t amp, Maley - (Here the w hole'' Is caught thir alarm, 'speak out, ipeak OW mounded on all sides.) •Fellow..ltmiors, ' , . *idlyimagine that you have been drinking •• , no such liiing t leu have been drinking . - T *glop. herein the hiWit.7 self (holding wr i the * .klees endhorrilile _Mirse„. which bad been Wit. . into a ' pol,ygder)itYa• minutes evil fished this out of the- edge' , ell'l tie !' • • 4 . • Tha ages jimiot eass win ininifite4 GAM many reckless daretilevill as where etermstre. gated underlette roof; theylenred paint Brithdo.. der Clapeorntagiitlithe protegee? being *miriade they bed once settit defutorm, Willi militia. of ,i —comity Olt this dial:atm . nekton muck 1 km theirs ; alers! one w %EA and thelisitlef the room metterhts ra ,s. That night the . ; ersik wsts tarred Mel' the and rode owe rail; -and tbb keeper of t he. all war burnt in effigy:l I never took; _ p cifiollete tiolfen., - The story hair it. _ moral.. admit,- which I kicked ' Eve out or . and sent Thieter Faustus , ; to old Nichelair,(fareili . lromßed . olliNkit.) is as - , fatal tb the physical as Wm tether intellectual an: petite.. The tree of ledgeas net-Hie trotit/I'l life--atd if we git o her efruit atlas finmir„ yrs loose our relish the 'elle litter. header, je you are inclined nig leinde...4 . you'llieist art eiter:dinnor drea d Of jephxy, in $ ., arethitrpt_i' will_ be- ke Winne via ,willsout .liiie -*awry 'WV PO iflou II to en39.Y. the-C9toVialis' 'oflilk, see ' nut Mho , hut **tali Allinge Iteep.out: the Kitchen. ~ _,.. . . --' Bo frith ,; the idager : , •TlietinM mui irlierenir Ming with bleatlilinaintereMen the atimie Mese. But one fe night; lwent behind - thwarienes. We took legless of w il e with • *prim amiiiies.. and made our bow to, VirOPlLi"t'after-"'dd manliad filed her la the market... Thli 4151114fi11' Waribinke rigebfewcheiri or kneginithdemie severed.,.. has Miter beim re4inited. , .. - . NM aZI a ,TO iguS tpciffpikitinc..l. . , .. . . ... n..... EariY. aCtlie iii'd ny , empleiniattt in tha. secret. to bring tip chi d .....117co menet, at. what occupation—Do :, heti !tampon% is loitrair the mind is cm*, :. attention is directed In proper Welds .. ' Ind slain** and bad o f. cornpany will 140 of ' leiVe - or six yeari er tt-, young man'sli ih cloiety Occunied t willial: fintrt him in balite indUstryi cud' hi own '.rn.: seems orrnipdtaud * tr.....hts owilitirietitind enterprise will "dm film boogied, andptiti-,1 pttrously in ,filik: A rich tither, Ikea( 'always hell, a and e.iliekt be . pravetiiiislibildiesi'to hint war, and:no sooner. Wit havelles:Uoitilitynne I il i a ith:d , families, not istoenitio ,distinctionw Yid it: , f wetly' do we ,ft an indulgent, iichlither: hofrerm sit humid ,lifn has Jaiseti himarg. in - , world, indalging hie son in ea trisagalicr e aid '1 ' • hibitro+gixing ra ' meney,ltiVipend'irtgak.l .e y and *him. at ' tine course; the holeii-or • , remit. nude .. the &Whin iliat , ha lila wantand that livilliiiheirit.ivi.ll4*.ini. tole'' . Whit.ls . .t*, - I': 'Rhine* bete* ikiei: 4" l6 Plti r cui iraD 6 w l 4* nt! lis6" 6t1110., failthie. is , -i-----itiVer lilimilt.' ;A: , .-rich. .lotw -. bolas& - Q' coationit at , iitiitimilkitilsist. Aleffilli.: 444ll dj a y, skillara yektsorbt " 4 1 add, athiewiiiit id..44olo4llfiiii; . 10• 7 M 1h1 .1... 1 * ..opelluti.l".• - i A . loo*.iiiki .Th khg Atiellieuilli= ‘ 7 7- telHaati — beitit‘tieWietetiatille e llibitao"*.; die riFirtkee Jatfee:eii =ties et aseseeely 114661': - , • -•-• Mpg o f the INO _ wheelsed • petteitemi l y est' to eeeteett, hie rife., Het pliable* takes A aelikeeiteth greet tr. Wt eoiewait. , e h tettietit,- *ate beti , eeb the Putieeleetelett " 4 rities.ite eeettlied br 6 1 . 1 0 11 40;g heed is elogeol ti iwy the:iebri s .ortha: lor irapted Wei the4ffliebthi - . 1 Oak' NO bet ilist itehttiiiiiikte emit: ii.b the hothead talieibee.- yeW ettfeed kola* it egebteoteetmerdetthi Men be 3 riureqq** 6 *l*** l 7.,**Amod• etroek ot L itutaaßee-ht, iteytmielleethleAlit ' eke Obteiwno WNW. witheet 111~irees4: , 41011,11.14 owle t pelmet mover. if hi 411,11abie 13010; Cannegritiartar lia , iWarlidOlA , _ 0) heel& action lee,iiiissegis -111411,011111101111111 L bOeileti. hi bet kat ber-reeht#: Mahal , mike" will end afleiviardtbis Wet w. Niniwatiooof the wUI. A.priiesiothywiptis eFeiteuttlelket , er mentelik iti4efr Omr" therfiiraweee of any actihating that needed btAbe Melts_ r r===22Soll „,-- ,c'• ' , . : 4111r1 kir .s . ' .1 - 14: , r l. , , !,Z - ..',. :r . :: "4 - .;; , Zo 111 ' 1441 4aiiiitiiikiii 4istiiiii l.: I,W, eriyeand- 04;•isiistievoi` Eli ger - - enesti'tif. up *et iii*:".iik. - - ~,. „. .{a ahalat • Eir!la4h7;Alts- ?e,•„. `•,,i*rzint Bi 41 iiiiiitekatiik; jiiik.44,4” every provaltatef the Weti' :otilesi - 0047:411.4k the 25th - dtf Mirekin thilyedrlo4,2****;, , lively cid , "An act ,alaunitualiSkill al propeityito be ; 'collectedirith * ***/-urn*l and - lerlei r the,dirrinf the uldwiOlitt an ter te. Oita* the ciditY,istnidint lidiutiOs , . * use aOa laaMialhakkr ,- 4l4 1 4 1 .:000 1 0 6 are . lierelimpealed,,inajd' a liti:Jap,all l l thi *lle •Aon of taXie,:sa;liaia 440 , s . s - day of Meath* lad '4.-44*iiiieheCridiami- 'Mond .hall not go yeaaii*kiiitilaN,Ato_L** . . racer 'Reidy diens ,Mier. **reit IidtICOMIIIIIIF. - , Vane " withal •- - -:- : - I''' 4 : - '';'' . "l7"':' '':t - ' . 7 .4 1: 5 ' • : u 2. Tha iteelthe*Pa'alidi tiled States, - eicenttat didlblikr-- afthertli, - ilialelltailiklint " c '' ".t. et persentas may beinftestseh fiifY iskteraCf to the bplawa rnadelirilid , , l oll**, - * - !ttaha' „s ceedisig hi thoxirlisiiikikkliiriiint i onpitlitipf e lainks their mUlalleaa 4 iiia •••• - re hereby *Wide sionntim brad nand told rejle - isfuthe torn and Company .:of dui ,liliik it the} _ IleatesP . and shall 'SOimintidieintil the thint/fek ef. rdarchos theyearlbfAinidlif ttleit• alkali ha Vadat 'beaky madikvinelda - *:llo4 . V__ : Isaiti,ntidissee arid, ledefinallseene, ! ' ausaaai ' 4 1 .0 11 ‘. e kete - ofttrliatenneer - hinit;'asiiii *id ' -- ,r: s . *Oas* to all; franc diddes, - ;4l4it*: , - of, to{ see and :beeped. Pirink,e , ;Teak • tad' the :Isinte` ti datedatta r ,a.Peto ‘ ; ial. *I IBI W such *laws eial.'ettruieliete t s hoe ahallAPtek 4 meander, ad beinecemerirY******, • itiftittoitof the United a * ' , •;.1 Lien ladle*, of asi *Minted -.. '' ' ,' '-: _ ,-• prescribe rules tbr-,esti „trundle -' ihd: -- At , • ;aid - eorptiratiati, trearally • ' : - dir . ridl#ll which to 4ca it . 4 ir , ' 1111 7 './44Widaill irAliq and- . eery the sdase - Prtfaia Alt' . 1,!.., rivaltr l6 * to' '!*llh, • ' lirthia _ . ~ ~ L ., ' aludebi suhlat' a* Ohl; al*** . 2 - , - 4- heater Vriderited; ' 1 - = ,'' ••:n :;-:.-` ~. :.:, .:._ , .., 4, iherstd 3: rii.thoitiiiiiiiiiiiit-iitis %.. of duriaid t!'ini l thari,SliaLlit#l - electiniiiiptheteinkinf bibs 'hi ' that - CRT, - i • adelphin; on the firet Itonel4 ritii,t*".:l year,l4l4s jai - natty of aidai, -, erldeli'aidu, 1ti, 1 , 4.,- a hS e ! o is V 2 41 5 - "lltie - ahisg• I U ,- - ue' fiY rage: iialatr . .4..., Alai be ca nal& of tii opii3OiirZi44 , - ' ,ti shall it - tufinicskiihkivatkiethiß Wu* . rd 4 ,proceed to elect side id' tbde ' to lid- ' :president add eorplaration, di* hold i *id Alin ,dorise tikdnial ' .=. .whioli'llierdrrectortire_aledinfilkairaki*P:PliiC:' • of &rectors or if the leterldeitilidele net he,"liirie, on that the said neejdnithieholl - set*iffinn ems be - &idea,' lilt iljahall Allatebk dirsit, other tithe to held seek Tedsetididlinstir itipr i g elect*** nelikrlieelirechirs•;•aid.." , Pithe,liese, beiniAllelksiontinie4l , - '-'ll4'" is lab of the deaAh or trarigtiatinii" of** • ;,.; dentothi direct*, eddll - siest timeline' . _ floni their win nadlent,iand lir Mae( '! - or resitlndies 'efidireciaMbe;vanaanYtli*r hits I,=Y the nmisitstaiC _***arnit, : i 41 , '-.' 4 'pat rin - Wmetdt AO hesostlhi7:, • den** artieln Ort/* :ea teursathis tal*Ati,;, , Z Arfiete I .:Na4; lug i •:isaahuldar - , 14 ,41 1 A.4g; tidiest bribe 'Pitted . tea, :_didn. biiii - ii:. n „ . !, of mite at in 4esd*_:firWailliai 4l4ll l - • son .ir biin*V .The imaluweituOte M._ I!6'' eichretoebbeldir 44116 - ,mile he- P:. director., Ain bi is: 4l4oiiii , :leciiiq: d 7 k g.— , Lut mciie tilt"' titiVitieles.iireiefiilii." 1-StiP s ' shiiiii ohm two ant lit inaniesbagla - •P 4 1 end for every four sharseabentrisi-lidolstA.. exceeding thirty, radsnete;feeidSejs(Aarge. Plait) thuir•nud•Pet 'esiandair .:ImbiOd4or ' ' lir etraryenghteliatidatedOintY ditit , Ling rkene - Pelei . bill, init no *spiv tadr***oo' l l or body poliur4 Anne - • *lirillat.l hilLthas Wit)" ,aitelWal!: AO* Olt - 4402. d. ' nib or shanirrhillobilhed u lliOlf ant . 1 - 44 i t u ia l lioni l t lia bethrettrifellsolit* ,.. ` ' '' ! " ,11 '.-: A., ‘ F l' • irifiN Ivivit - . s ; Ai/infers SONS ifiallbelidli*itkiliniiiii`iiiiipt. .1 Anita eleitioi:obillFlV44~lWllinViiiiiNeit- ''''', 1 lig year, and an dirieti*,;shilllindildrilillitilhat:;-1 Ai .. , is m o u rth r e e , yes*ontrartir*Pea, ,Olt . lOW 1 but thedfieritir'erbek•iditdit bir,thitiripslides4 Par- *We be eidleetedi , iit'reviiioliefliorariaib:4 l , Ae, of din:atom:oC board at - dienisinediiqdjo pent'Cße. ealihhuleakrisakilaillitt• se:4l , o , 4 *. il i m oLS'al‘g; .. , ~ ..0411 - 114:4. it . stiniNlther,llMlNF: _..._. 1 . . 4111014 tied an oath ell:_alletnetilidW" - **d' instien.otihe*****Wiisiin Wald* den:Psediat'-I_be;' lesoo,l ~ . ' l : 4 "i Pktrlkkk a!!**1010.100,110tAW-41004- MU MEE M 111 U IRV I «:~ - i I 1 1* ! ; i , , 1111M1 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers