GENERAL AND LOCAL MATTERS U. S. GOVERNMENT. President, Abraham Lvov°ln, Illinois. Irioo-President, larannibal Ilamlin, \laine• Secretary of State, Win. 11. Seward, New York Attorney General, Edward Bates. Missouri. Secretary of Treasury, Salmon I'. Chase, Ohio. Secretary of War, Edwin .If. Stanton, Pennsylvania Seoretary of Navy, Gideon G. Welles Connecticut. Iteeretary of Interior, Chief', B.Smith, Int Harm. Post-inastor Goneral, Iforatgoeury P. Blair, Md. Chia Jll/1600 of ato S, Rosier B. Taney, Md. STATE GOVERNMFNT. tiovernor, Andrew 0.. Carlin, Centre. Secretary of State, Eli Slifer. Union. Attotnoy General, Win. M. Meredith. of Phila. Auditor General, Slenker. Purveyor General. James P. Barr. Superintendent of Common Schools, rhamas 11. Bur- rows, Lancaster. State Treasurer, Ifrnry D. Afoore, Philadelphia. Judges of the Supremo Court—Chief Justice— Wm B. Lowrie: John Read. J. AI Strong, James Thompson, 0: W. Woodward. COUNTY OFFICERS. President, udge, James NUL AssociatnAtidges, John Orr, J. O. Carson District Attoruey, William S Stenger Prothonotary, A. D. anirman. Itegister and Recorder. E. a Boy& Clerk of the Courts, W. G. Mitchell, Nigh Sheriff, SamAtel /Irandt. Deputy Sheriff, Jacob Sellars. County ommissioners, J. S. Good. Clerk for County Commissioners. George Faremilit. Directors of the Poor, J. E. - Latshato, Jacob Stridden David Spencer. Attorney and Clerk for the Directors, S. Strickler• Stewart of the Poor House, John Rowman. BOROUGH OFFICERS. •• !largess, Ceorge 11. Laui~laon. Town . Councilmen, A. K. Wier. TV, W. Fjeming, J Detrieh, C...trartman and'. Wilhelm, Jr. Wigh Constable, George Gaff Water Master John Abbott. Wood Measurer, .1: Viiison Barr Clerk of Corporation, William A Reid SCHOOL DIRECTORS David Detries, (President), M'Lenahen, (Sec retary). Daniel Kohler, (Treasurer), If S Gordon, W W Fleming, J If Riley. J A Haus. CHURCHES German Reformed Church, East Baltimore Street. Rev. T. G. Apple, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 10} o'clock. Prayer meeting every Tues day evening• Sabbath School in the morning. Lutheran Church, corner of North and East tits. Rev. Edward Bridenbaugh, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed , aesday evening. Sabbath Sohool at S o'clock, a. m. Presbyterian Church. West Baltimore at Rev. Wightmon, Pastor. Services the first three Sabbaths in every month, at 11 o'clock, a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sabbath Rahool at 9 o'clock. a. in. E. Church, South Carlisle street. Revs. Buck ley and Moore. Pastors. .Services in the even lag of the Ist and 3d Sabbaths of each month, and in the morning of the 2d and 4th Sabbaths. Sab bath school at 2 o'clock. Prayer meeting, every Thursday evening. U. B. Church, East street. Rev. Jacob Smith, Pastor in charge. Services in the morning of the let and 3d Sabbaths of each month, and in the even ing of the 1.1 and 4th. Sabbeths. Sabbath school at 2 o'clock. - Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing. Professional flares DWATSON ROWE, Attorney at • Law, Greencastle, Pa. 11 A. MRS X. IRWIN, Attorney at Law. 110 Greencastle, Po Collections promptly attend -4sl to. Office on East. Baltimore street, one door lkst of A. Irwin & Son's Hardware Store. April 21 a , 1863 •tf. QNIVELY STRICKLER ,Att'y at Law, 1.7 Chambersburg, Pa.. will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care. Office at his residence, on arket Street, one door East of the Diamond. Dar He will attend to legal busi ness in adjoining counties. may 14, '6l R. E. B. HAMlLL—Resident Dentist jUr —would rezipectru-ly announce to the citizens of Greencastle and vicinity, that he has located permanently, in their midst, for the practice of his profession. Having been very extensively and successfully engaged in th- practice for the last eight years, in Mercersburg. he flatters himself, from his long experience in the profession, that he will be able to please ail that wil favor him wi,h their patronage. Whole or parts of sets of Teeth. mounted on Gold,Silver or Plat ina plate, with Blocks er Single Gum Teeth, either on the atmospheric principle or othe• wise. Det....yed Teeth permanent ly save Iby filling with pure Gold. Strict attention paid to all disease 4 of the Teeth and Gums , to the correcting of irregularity of children's teeth ; teeth and roots extracted with all the ease and dis patch that modern science can afford. All opera tions wait ranted to please or no charge. Charges moderate and to snit the times ; advice gratis.— Call and have your Teeth examined. Persons will De waited on at their resident es. either in the town or country, when desired. Persons will also be waited on in Chambersburg as formerly. by addres sing a note to the subscriber, in Greonottso.e. Or Office and residence. on East Baltimore et.. in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Gardner dee'd. RP:HUNCH :—Rey. Thos. Creigh, D D., Drs B. Negly, W R. Smith, R. S Brownson, J. L King Mereersburg, and Dr. Joseph Heister, Mill mont. vii` Persons will please notice that I will be ab sent one week in each mouth, commencing with the let 14 , •nday of the month apr24,'6o-1 y. TiCEN'TISTRY.—Dr. H. R. FETTER JIJ HOFF, Surgeon Dentist. ger office in his Picture Gallery. on West Baltimore street knd nearly opposite Holiar's Hotel, (up stairs) Greencastle, Pa. Greencastle. Jan. 28. '63.-Iy. CLARK'S SCHOOL VISITOR, Not, vu.. A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. thee VISITOR will commence its seventh volume with the January No., 1863. This is the only Day School Periodical published at FIFTY CENTS A. TZAR! Magazine form. Beautifully illustrated. Readings. Music, Speeches, Dialogues. Stories, Puzzles, &c., &e.. from the very best writers. The VISITOR has the largest circulation of any Zducational Journal published. Now is the time to form clubs for Winter Schnols. Band' for a specimen, and see inducement to clubs. Address DAUGHADAY & HAMMOND, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. Asplendid article New Orleans molasses °rat 12, lents. RILEY A. On's. TORSONS wantinr 'tinware, mnde of extra hen Tie, w B save In..trey by °ailing at J. W. BARR'''. 01te wC .inavdric ' 4 . 10 t(tlA-°.(Ar TONIC, DIURETIC, 4 / 4 r/ DysvErc% FICDRATINCt CORDIAL To the citizens of N. Jersey & Pennsylvania Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and WoVe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure. Mederia., Sherry and Port Wine Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and ,St. Croix Rum. Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. IBEG leave to call the attention of the citizens of the States to the above Wines and Liquors, im ported by UDOLPHO WOLFE, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the puri ty of his celebrated SCHISDAN SCHNAPPS. Mr. Wolfe in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says: "I will stake my reputa tion as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in-the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as im ported, and of the best qullity, 4 can be relied up on by every purchaser." Every bottle has the pro prietor's name on the wax; and -a fat: simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respect fully invited io call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia GEORGE! H. ASHTON, No. 832 Market at., Sole Agent for Philadelphia. —J. D. Scott, Read the following from the New York Courier: Enormous Business for one New York Merchant We are happy to inform our fellow citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician,- atotha cary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quailty. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger or citizens to visit UDOLPFIO WOLFE'S extensive ware house, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver et., and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, 'Marketfield at. His stock of Schnapps on handready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thOus and cases—Vintages of 1880 to 1856 ; and ten thous and cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine. Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St.. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country: He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wino, ite., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bot-. tling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equal ly successful with the Brandies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines. and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted oases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should he sustained against his tens of thousands of opponents •in the United States. whe sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to .human health and happiness. Sept. 11, 1860;.6m. rhiladelphil, November, 1, 1862. • THE uhdersigned having - been appointed SUB SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury,. is now prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year 6 Per Cent. Bonds. of the United States. designated as "Five-Twenties," edeemaFle at the pleasure of the Governmerit, after five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, ap proved February 25, 1862. The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO. $lOOO. • The REGISTER BONDS in sunis of $50, - $lOO. $5OO, $lOOO, $5OOO. Interest at Six per cent per annum. will commence row date of purchace. and is Semi-Annually, which is equal. at. the present pre- Mium on gold, to about eight per cenL-per Annum. Farmers, Alerchants, Mechanics. Capitalists. 'and; all who have any money to invest, should know . and remember that these Bonds are, in effect., a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, . Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of all the Manufactures 4-c.. in the country : and that the full and ample provision made' for the payment of the interest and liquidation of prinCipal: by Cus toms Duties, Excise etamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most Popular Investmen . Subscription received at PAR in Legal. Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par in Phil adelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every fecilty and explanation will be afforded on' application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will he kept on bend fer immediate delivery. JAY COOKE. Nov. 18.3 m. Subscription Agent. , ESTABLISIII:D 1760. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 & 18 Chambers Street., (Formerly Chatham Street, New York.) WOULD end the attention of Dealers to the ar ticleS of his manufacture, viz: BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Tone %MA, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch. Irish High Toast., Fresh Scotch. or Lundyfoot. ar• Attention is called to the large reduction in prices of Fine-CutChewing and Smoking Tobacc.s, which will be found of a Superior Quality. • TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. Long, P. A. L.. or plain S. J ago, No. 1, Cavendish. or Sweet., Spanish, . No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco,, Canaster, Nos. 1 tk2 mixed. Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish Granulated. N. I3.—A circular of prices will he sent on appli cation. April 21. 1863-Iy. 'WE offer for sale Lae very best Cook Stove now V in market. The Noble Cook warranted to give perfect. satisfaction. Also, lrnn Kettles, Coal shovels and Sifters, Cook Kettles, Ten-plate and Parlor Stoves. of any shape and form. We take old stoves in exchange for new ones. . Greencastle. Nov. 27. POW. .T CV BARK )ARLOR and Cook gas Burning Coal Stoves, the latest: stylee, at J. W. BARR's. :THE PLLUT:--GREENC...-I:tiTLE, FRANKLIN CO., PA., JAN UALI,Y j. 15,64. A SUPERLATIVE Private Families. OFFI:161 OF JAY COOKE, 817BACRIPTON AGENT, At Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers, 114 South Third Street, PAYABLE IN GOLD in the Market 14 °trig. — THE UNION . " ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. PHILADELPHIA. —:0:- 172T0N B. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. I - This Hotel is central, convenient by Passen ger Cars to all parts of the city, and in every par ticular adapted to the comfort and wants of the business public. TERMS $1.50 PER DAY. October 22, 1861-Iy. FULTON HOUSE, [LATE LIRION HOTEL.) WConnllsburg, Fenn'a. JACOB 111 1 110 N 414 D, PROI'IIiIfETOR. Boarderseken by the day, week or month. fan. 8, 188T-tf formarbing fj 0115E90 SCHAFHIRT, WLJNDERLICH Re; CO., Forwarding & Commission Merchants, South Car ale Street; "Greencastle, Penn'a. MHZ subscribers ate'now prepared; at tueir new .and commodious Warehouse; to receive and forward to and from -Philadelphia and Baltimore, all kinds of produce and merchandise entrusted to their care at the lowest rates, and with du/patch, and respectfully liberal's/tare of patronage, N. B.—All goods left at the depot of 'Pestceck, -Zell & Hindman, N05...808 and 810, Market Street., Ph4delphia, VS, or withiklathews.Molliokoffer. No. 28, Nor th 4,llOiirfird*Slree'e,‘ BLitMama Md shall he forwarded with'dispatch All goodashoWd he marked.. care - of Schnthirt, Wunderlich & Co They will keep constantly on hand and for sale the celebrated • . , Lykvits valley, Brok,on Egg& Pat foal. (direct from the mines,) nilkesbarre: and Pint Grove Foundry Coal;, Salt, Plaster and Hancock Cement, all of which they will sell cheap for cash They will always pay the highest market price in Cash, for WHEAT, RYE, OATS. CORN AND FLOUR SCHAFHIRT. WUNiIERLICII & CO Feb7'6o-ly MANHOOD . t i How Lost! How Restored! Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price 'six in it.'. A Lecture on the - Nature, Treatment and Radical . Cure of Spermatorrhm - or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debility. and Impedimenta to Marriage generally, Nervous ness. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: Mental and Physical Incapacity. resulting front Self-Abuse. &c. —By ROUT. J Cutxxawst,L, M. D., Author of the Green Rook, &lc. The world-renowned author, _in_ this admirable Lecture. clearly proves .+from his Own experien'c.e that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effee wally removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bt.ugies, instruments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of Cure at once certain and effectual, by which evtry sufferer. no matter what his condition marbe, may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands• and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of the six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing' C9AS.J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box, 4586. ' September 22. 1868.-Iy. New Remedies for Spermatorrhea. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILA DELPHIA, a Benevolent Institution establish ed by special endoWment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted With virulent and Epidemic Disea.4s, and : especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surge on. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and orb er Diseases of the Sexual Organs:mid on the NEW REMEDIES employed. ln the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two pr s tliges snoops for postage, acceptable. Address. Dr. J. ,SKILLPT HOUOIITON, Acting Surgeon, Howard , I :sso,.;iatian, No. 2 South Ninth. Street, Philidelphii. - Pa.' By order of the Directors EZRA-D.- HEARTWELL, Prest. 9go. FAIRCHILD, Sec's, lilac 21, '6l. rt - - POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS 0 PAIN DEsTROYER Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come into general!use and-favor, withourptiffifig.— It is the product of a 'simple '-slirub`,' harmless in all cases, and as a• domestic remedy unequalled. • For Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Soreness, Lameness, Sprains, Rheumatism, Boils, Ulceri,• Old Sores and Wounds, it has not an equal.-' It. is.also used, With &Vat' stiecebs. for Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, Sore Throat; Colic. Diarrhaw. Hoarseness, and Other similar trouble • some and painful affections, while it prompty -ar rests' oil HeMorrhagee. Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their practice. and give it their unquali fied recommendation. Sold by our agents and deal ers, .and by . . ';i F. FIUMPHREYS.& C0.4'562 Broadtiai,, SOLN PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTUR/Cita May 8,-'6O, ly. 114 j OTICE.—A long time having now elapsed II since the dissolution of.the' film 'oft BONNER & M'CRORY, • and many claims for Su' seripti,m and Advertising still remaining unpaid. the'surviv ing partner. desirous to settle finally with the Ad ministrator of B. B. Bonner. dec'd, has deteimined to leave the books of the firm with Justice Rowe that the accounts due the firm may he placed in course of collection by law after the first day of January next. unless sooner JAMES W. M'CROEY, Surviving partner of the firm of honner & M'Crory April 9, 1861. TO THE LADIES. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. KATE WUNDERLICH , informs the Ladies of Greencastle and vicinity; that she has just received from the oity a full assortment of the Latest style Bonnets. Hats and Bonnet Trimmings, and all other articles usually kept by The' Ladies are requested to call and examine her tick. '[October TB," 18M GET YOUR Jo PRINTING DONE AT TVIM s et Tara. CREEIVOASME. PA. _ .WALL PAPER!—We have just rec , ived a large stock of Wall Paper. We have plain, fancy, white, dark, glazed and unglazed paper, of styles to suit everybody. Bordering of any kind and in any quantity. Sold at the lowest cash prices, by S. H. PRATHER & CO Greetteastla. May H. 1862 A LL kinds of Stoves can be the es, IA tablishment of T. W. BA4II. SALE BILLS PRINTED HERE, NEATLY AND CHEAP DR. LA CROIX'S Private Medical Treatise on the Physiological flew of Marriage. 250 PAGES and 190 ENGRAV INGS --Price only twenty-five cents Sent free tpostage to all par of the Union On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages,causing debility,nervousness depression of spirits. palpitation of the heart, sui cidal irnaginings.involuntary emitsions,blushings. defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with confessions of th*illlng interest of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Young .Named Lady. 4-c , It is a truthful adviser to the married and hose contemplating marriage,who entertain secret doubts of their physical eondilion.andwhe are eon sciots of h suing hazarded the health, happiness nil privil-res to which every human being is entitled. • YOUNG MEN who are, troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth the effeetii of wltioh are dirt ese, forgetfulness, some times a ringing in the ears, weak eyes. weakness of the hack and lower extremities, etinfusion of ideas. less of trieniory, with malancliolv, may be cured by the author's NEW PARIS AND LON DuN TREA MEN T ' . • . We have, recently devoted much of our time in VISITING TIIE EUROPEAN 110SIITA LS,avail tug Onis"elvei of the knowledge aid researches cf the moat skilled physi , inn and surgeone in Europe siUd iheemitinenf Mogi whopliae thetilielves un d,er,„our care will have the full.benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REkr.DIES which we are enabled to introduce int?tour practice, and the public may rest assured if the same zeal, assiduity Secrecy and atteanon, boing paid to they cases, which has so successfully flistinguished us hereto fore, as a P , ysician in our Peculiar. del. eminent of proteisrbnallPrintieet, jet tie past tfty-fia r ketus. FAA Fernirh , *ho wi sh fo fedi cines.,the affic i ficy,of yrhich AA( been,tratlirp„tripu sfilds—or cases and neverfaile to effect speed) cures without any bad remits, will use none but Dr. "etaney's Female Periodical Pills. The only pre caution fleets's:aryl° be obserieffia," ladieS iffauld not take themAf-,they:.•averelisou 4o,,b,elieyelhP y are in certain situatiani (the arti”lartt ,a hickwill n the wrapper " compaqing etiOhis; o 4 though al wa,) . aiafe and hear hy, halftone, yet moan dye are they. Price $1 per box. They can b e , 'tiny part of the United State's or Cenitda. 4 '' TO WE LArb . IESL * Whe need ce4dentiatinedical adviher ° With regard to any Ofthotte intereliting com plaints) a wh . ich their del ocate erg WI kzat ion renders (Recallable, are par icularly invited cf . :melt us. The 'tP.,.teeero-Ge . tleopip Pro setae "—Yor irrisd ladies whose' health will not adOtit,''fir %rite: bap, me dealre to increase their families. may be as above. It ra a perfee•ly safe pi'entiye to conception. sad has been extensively used during thelast 20 years. Price reduced t)isl„o , . TAAA' The Seprets of Youth ; Thaveiled.* r4-73-ihtiseton the cause of Premature Decay—A sol emn warning. Just jablisheff. boot showiay,the,insfei r ious and erects:e amongamong fOool*, [bot4mg4 and female] of this pointing out thelfottili- ty thae invariably attends' its victims, and dev,loping the whole progross,of the ‘ disease, ham illeCCTlMMlSllnflli to the end. //Mill bi sent by -Mill on rseairt - or two [;] cents Stamp.. , War A ttendance, daily. from Sin the morning till 9 at night, and on Sundays, from 3 till 8 fi r. -x . Medicines - with full directions sent , to any part of the United State ' s or Canudas, by patients communi : eating their simptants by letter. - , gisir L'a itffiee, is mill located as'! under the name of DR. LA dROIX, At No. 81 Mai den Lane, Albsity,, N. Y t •et 7,'6•2-;ly HOME JOURNAL FOR 1881. NNW 81&11!.-Nxvi FiATrmls.- 7 5*w TTis Morris and Hillis, Eq4ari new series of this widely circulated family !I. newspaper, will-he ,commenced on tits' fifth Clay of January next—printed on fine - paper sad new type. With the January number will -helm the publication of a series of beautiful original works of fact and flotion written expressly ter the Home Journal, by the hest authors of America:—. The first of• these is from the facile pen of a welle known and highly •gifted nuthor, end is a p.owerfult: ly written. startling. tnysterion.. and deeply interestins history of Churtskip and married life. This char,* stbry Will be succeeded' hy others of"a similar" de , scription several of which are already in prepar ation. All the former peculiar features of the'pa per, which have given it a wide-world reputation, will be continued, while the several new once will add infinite variety to its already diversified,piekes Among them are a number of fresh: spicy; *Mus ing, original sketches: which smack and relish of the wit, humor, raciness - brilliancy, and inarkle of the times. As heretofore. no labor or expense will he spared to maintain the high reptilition of the Home , Journal, which is everywhere, both at home and abroad, acknowledged, to be the most refined and elegant repertory of literature and the arts on this side of the sea, and the best and cheapest family newspaper in the - wbrld. ' As no more Mipies ,of . the'oew series will be printed than are ordered. those who desire to begin with the commencement of the volume will be able to do so by forwarding their subv—iption's without delay. Taists.—For one csepy,' $2 . for three copies, $ .5 -or one copy for three years, $5 ; for a club of of seven copies, $10; for,a. club of fifteen copies. $2O; and at that rate for a liirger club—always-in advatiee: ' ' 4 Address , MORRAS AND ,WILLIC Editors and Proprietors 107 Fulton St., N. T. TH *oar :ma .1"014T, The best Pamily Newapaper 1u S'ESTER:f PENN SYLVANIA, and the only Detrioaratia Uniou-Sbee in Pittsburgh. , *, ESTABLISHED llor 1804. It contains all the current: news of the day, relia ble Monetary, 'arket, and Commercial reports, and a choice . selection of Talea, Poetry. Literary and Soi entitle Aiticles, Valuable. Statistical information. Agricultural News. &c. Also—The Latest Telegraphic .11Tews. Embracing every important. item - of News, Foreign and Domestic. , Congressional Intelligenee, Legisla tive Proceedings, &o. TERMS $1 PER ANNUM for a single copy sr 11 copies for one year for STO. m a r Address JAMES P. BARR. Editor and Proprietor, Corner'Fifth and Wood Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. Kr Send your money by mail at my risk."l64 MM 14% D EMOREST'S QUARTERLY MIRROR of FASHIONS • `'Great Improvements. RE Summetinumber will contain four large and splendid Fashion-plates, three full-sized Pat terns, comprising . the New French Waist, an Elegant. Sleeve,' and a Misses Sack, together with 'nearlylß4l Engravings of all tbillkie.;;tazi ninth C10ak4,., Trim!tiers, 6=l-en's .Drices, Etc., an 4 i uable nformatim to Milliners„Dress Makers. Moth ers and Ladies generally, presenting the birgest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by mail lost free, on receipt of the amount, yearly $1 with the following valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber wilt be entitled to the se lection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the design in the book, or from the dhow room, or they may he ordered and sent by mail any=time' during the year, by paying the postage. Splendid tndnoe ments to Canvassers. Summer numbet ready on or about the First of May. April 29, 11392. READ ! READ I READ The Greet Family Newspaper: THE PILOT. Fox 1S 6 a TWENTY COLUMNS 01 READING MATTES FOR ONE DOLLAR Al 9 _FIFTY Elyts, . . Per Amen, la II 411111110 t. THE PILOT'. Is Neutral' in Polities and, krßain", and Independent on all othetsa)least it is THE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC! THE PAPER FOR THE PANNEIC THE PAPER FOR' THE 11 ; 4441114OE! THE PAPER FOR THE HOVSAIHOLD I It will contain the .most iniyilvtaat Foreign, War, Local sad Qeseral Neva of the Day. 0•R WI U i.54,;:•- . . 0, o, ... • , ,,a% ._, , , A-1141 , Goponsosty to noir* Mosey. ~.., ,order to l ifilloo - Agento and,Per sons, who feel an interekt the pub- Ifeation of this pre ,4 we,olrerthe VCitios ; WifiG Ati/dltrith:; We will pay *25 to the perm who furbishes the highest number of new, annual CASH Subscribers. The number. mtiat, t ;exCeedi WO. $ll to the - next higheSt which ;Dust exceed 50. $6 to the next highetit, Which number ; must exceed•'2s; and $3-to he next highest, which must exceed CLUB:T B,Mtto The price of The: published weekly, is *1.50 4 . 7an num,•in,advance ;libut fOrthe putpese (irfurthi.Pincieasiin"y, •cifctalaties, we offef i iii: ueeti to is to persona V? We wili , :send l'Wertty, `sc 100 'Of tike t one - mid • /I ' t'ir • ' getter up of /the club; for $26. Teo io the, same :man ner,„ tor,. . rime lli tlr:s:aknrinkotio; Thar in the same manaer,"for $5: * —‘• '• 10 6, rhis poperlltas Iticgreatest4mount-si .„, ti t 11, Apr/ • ' I 1 I ' tH! , '7l Veil/ that` ofo*youlict iiiiAtivunt 4 wee k- IT ReligiouscirNific,v 'Literary subjects and ' the- Curreil t topip!'ott he day are fully discussed in th- , Editor 7 iainepirf4ient: - `"A faithfulle i c' ord of 1 . 60 4, maftq:-442,:ii4,n exec ixeck• Thil,departMePtis conducted by one who spares' no' paiiis to ' Oiled news in regard ' tok.. the' evetitsi troTuipiring immediately Fpuil4 Is. ts U,pyfrds Of o coirtik f ,la jaraA beep ll.cteLeverx e . WEluive Ikea prßip l iselsoilteyuahle.amistarce by tgentlenk of taltnti Our lint Et con tribu tom i A rapidly increastot ` W. ' f • ha 7 1 e r fseqpent 4 cor, ps pond e n qe! tram m the" Fe ral '1 d'e'' array. Letters are pub. 1 ished 'almost Weekly filling 64kr parts • . .7 , ri, ::, --) of,, u '‘J• . r ;,,'‘ r,l I , T , ~ isf We haye always stood up-for , thi towivand fore did Antrim, and all we , 4 ask in return , is , a fair OncoUragement N?,effort I::le,spared tolmake out paper upefuA itistibctive and ,enter taining. kir Those of our friends who are oompit ingfer *premium inducements offered by us, would,do well to ,hand in their list of names as early s ks. , potu3ffkle. ;Men if Single; name , we wgfildf prefeithaviei iitlat once".`Some are of the opinion that it is necessary to withheld their' hat until the end , of tie term, This is not so. Every subscriber sent,to us is.placed to the account of the procurer thereof. - and the persou yrhohei , grocured for us th9,targestnve• bet. 'of aubticribers by the 4th'Ottitili, 18621, will lei awarifd. , the highest primiumfatc.--• .Addrqui rt 9 t • WOW CRORY, Pregncpstle, Franklin Co., .13a. AGENTS wanted to sell Cary's Patent Map cud Breast Lantern. To those furnish ing satisfactory references, a liberal salary spa expenses will be paid. The-article is needed by every farmer, and mechanic in the country, and will meet. with ready sale. For w.rticulars Address J C CART Patentee Tin In , '" $1 Wausau Streak
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers