DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 103. LOCALS. The Whist Club will meet this (Friday) evening, Dec. 9, at W. M. MALLORY'S. Monroeton is to have a lecture course this winter. Doctor STK\VART of this place will open it. W. 11. D. GREEN and wife, of Burlington, spent several days among relatives in this vi cinity last weet. — Dustore Jieview. At a meeting of Wutkins Post. No. 08, G. A. R., Dec. 3d, 1881, Col. 11. B. M'KBAN was elected delegate to represent the Post for the ensuing year. Dr, TAYLOR, of the church of the Messi ah, will discuss the Parables of the Judgment on Sunday morning, and in the evening will speak on '*a crisis in the Religious world." The next Social under the auspices of the ladies of the Episcopal Church will be held at the residence of W. M. MALORY, on Hous ton street, Monday evening. Everybody is invited. W. B. DODGE lost his pocket book Wed nesday evening. He usually carried quite a snm of money in it. but fortunately on this occasion, the contents consisted only of a gold ring and an unimportant memoran" dum. Mr. C. 11. SCOUTON and CIIAS ALEXANDER of Burlington, were hunting near Long Pond Sullivan county, on Wednesdav, when AL EXANDER accidentally shot SCOUTON, who had on a gray blauket, which was mistaken in the thicket for a deer. We did not learn the extent of the injury, but hear the shot took effect in the shoulder. SCOUTEN was assisted to the nearest house, some two miles distant, and a physician sent for, but lie had not arrived when Mr. ALEXANDER left him to return home aud apprise his friends of the acoident, COURT.—The grand jury were discharged yesterday, after reporting the following ea ses: TRUE BILLS. Com. vs. Richard Abrains; adultery and fornication and bastardy. Cora. vs. Henry Wheeler and Frank War ner; robbery. NOT A TRUE BILL. Com. vs. Jacob Shafer; assault and batte ry. Prosecutrix Anna M. Shafer for costs. District Attorney Funning procured a war rant for Tlios. Coggins, charging him with compounding felony in the case of the Com. vs. Wheeler and Warner, indicted for rob bery. The follow ing divorce cases were disposed of: Edwin S. Zacharias vs. Lucretiu Zaeharias, Lydia Muun vs. Theodore Munn, Deanna Vancouver vs. Lorenzo Vancouver, L. D- Granteer, vs. AuuGranteer, Francis vs. Gates vs. Leonard Gates, Addie Bailey vs. John S. Bailey. Sub pannes directed iu each case. William Sill vs Anna Sill. Sheriff directed to make proclamation. John N. Haves vs. Isabella T. Hayes, Mag gie Angle vs. Henry Angle, Jas. Blodgett, vs. Lydia Biodgett. Geo. W. Lenox vs. Eliza Lenox, A. Buchanan vs. Ella Buchanan— ClatHm vs. Clatflin—Huntley vs. Huntley. Each case referred io L. Ellsbrae, master to examine and report. In the matter of the application of Thomas Ryan, of Athens township, for viewers to assess damages to bis property by reason of the conssruetion of tue N. Y . L. fc \Y . RR., on motion of Evans & Mayuard, the Court appoint the following: Jos. Kingsbury, L. 11. Seott, S. W. Alvord, Jas. T. Ilale, W. A. Chamberlin and W. K. Hill, with directions to meet upon the premises January 12. John B. Ball, B. F. Ball aud Ben'j Bull. Assault and battery. Verdict guilty. John B. aud B. F. Ball. Felonious assault. Jury return a verdict of guilty of an assault. Ben'j Ball plead guilty to the charge of pointing a gun. TOWANDA, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1881. Com. vs. Sam'l, Alonzo and Walter Van derpool. Larceny. Verdiet guilty. Com. vs. James Fogartv. Larceny. Steal ing cigars from Adam Stemburg. Guilty. The funeral of the late Mrs. JAMES HAR RIS will take place Sunday. Friends will meet at the house at 1 :30 and services at Presbyterian church at 2 p. m. The tire alarm yesterday afternoon was caused by the discovery that a small building owned by Col. MKANS and occupied by JOHN CANT WKLL, was on tire. The lire was ex tinguished before much damage was done. Three or four weeks ago a long martingal belonging to a set of common harness, was lost, propablv in the vicinity of MRRCUR'S coal yard, if the finder will call at this office we will direct him or her to the owner. The News Condensed. Parnell was taken suddenly ill yester day with chills and shivering fits. Very damaging testimony to the assas sin was elicited by the gaverument yes terday. Gen. B. F. Tracy of Brooklyn, has been appointed Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals by Gov. Cornell. Mr. Frelinghuyseu's name will be sent to the Senate on Monday and Secretary Blaine will retire Wednesday. The straight Republican ticket was elected in Poughkcepsie yesterday, over the bolting Republican and Democratic ticket, by 800 majority. The investigation of the State Capitol death rattle insurance company of Harris burg, proved very damaging to the cor poration and it will probably be wound up. John W. Forney, who has been suffer ing from Bright's disease of the kidneys, was pronounced unconscious and in a dy iug condition last evening, at his home in Philadelphia. A fire in the Ring theatre, Vienna, last evening resulted in the death of three hun dred persons. Two thousand were in the building at the time. Almost simul taneously with the breaking out of the fire there was aa explosion of gas and in the dark many were trampled to death. {MARRIED. KIUdER—SHORES.—At the M. E. Parsonage, liornbrook, by ltev. b. F. Wright, Dec. 7, 1881, Francis E. Kiliner and Emma F. bhores, all of Union Corners, Pa. 11. A. SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has left an order book with O. I). Wickham at the Post Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. OBDINANCE. At a regular meeting of the Council of Monroe Borough held June 11th, 1880. the the following or dinance was unanimously passed: Be it and the same is hereby enacted. That the owners of Real Estate in said boro shall be required to build, repair and ntaintain all sidewalks in front of and along their respective properties, in accord ance with the act of Legislature, passed April 3d, 1851. Also that ten day's notice, to build or repair said walks shall be served upon said property own ers by the Chief of Police, Burgess, or other boro officer, by and under the direction of the Council, as provided in the said act. That all ordinances heretofore passed, which are inconsistant with the foregoing are hereby repealed. P. E. ALDEN", E. F. FOWLER Secretary. Burgess, Buy the Waverly cracker, Manufactured by Robt. N. Maimers & Co. Daniel Mcßride offers his house on Washington street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A small family desired. Wanted—A good violinist, with evenings not en gaged. Address, F. L. G., Box 50, Towanda, Pa. HO.LIDA ED. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased, his goods for Holiday Presents. lie has a fall assortmen of Ladies and American, GOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger's Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest Gold Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Engraving done by FJMTTOJS'S Corner BUSINESS LOCAL. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOIL SALE.—A complete set ot Applcton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, $96. Address or see O. A. GUILNSEY, Canton, Pa. UPHOLSTERING —In this line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and cau sell at prices thaj others have to pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as I have a number of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best ftlie money or tha have ever been put into this city. J. OTTARBON, Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st, Towanda. Blank Deeds, Blank Leases, Blank Notes, For Sale at the REVIEW Ofllce. FDR SALE CHEAP.—Good Farm, eoutaning One Hundred Acres, situate near Potterville; good portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH UR BURCUILL, at the Marble Works. Keep your family well supplied with "Sellers Cough Syrup." Use it in time; you will avert bron chial and pulmonary affections. 25 cents. " A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm by scrof ula. Could see the sinews working. • Lindley's Bfood Searcher' cured her."—J. liolsten, Elderton, Pa. George Carter having opened a Barbor Shop one door South of the Methodist Church, solicits a share of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel, Give him a call. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, bnt on the lunch counter may always be found everything tli# ap petite craves. Under Cliamberlin's jewelry store. Select Dancing Clan. By special request Mr. F. LAMEREAUX, of Bing ham ton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. m. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:30 to 9p. m., assemblies from 9t012 m, All the modern dances will be taught. Round dances a specialty. Gertrude Kellogg. MERCUR HALL, TJiKurscLcuy Eveixirtg, DECEMBER 15, 1881. Sale of Tickets begins at Kirby's Drug Store, Monday, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock n the morning. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLD and SILVER & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. vcr Plated Flat de Hollow Wave, crip Hons. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! BLOCK, Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. -Ha-ve Come to Stay! (X) STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, Jlgctin to the front and prepared to do better worh than ev er. 0 COME AND SEE HIM! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. B, F. St edge, PROP. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tiekets now oil sale at Kirby's Drug Store,Whitcomb's book store and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION . 50 cents. WF** Xo extra charge for Reserved Seats. ALVORD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE
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